new Using Multimodal Foundation Models and Clustering for Improved Style Ambiguity Loss

Authors: James Baker

Abstract: Teaching text-to-image models to be creative involves using style ambiguity loss, which requires a pretrained classifier. In this work, we explore a new form of the style ambiguity training objective, used to approximate creativity, that does not require training a classifier or even a labeled dataset. We then train a diffusion model to maximize style ambiguity to imbue the diffusion model with creativity and find our new methods improve upon the traditional method, based on automated metrics for human judgment, while still maintaining creativity and novelty.

new Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of YOLOv10, YOLOv9 and YOLOv8 on Detecting and Counting Fruitlet in Complex Orchard Environments

Authors: Ranjan Sapkota, Zhichao Meng, Dawood Ahmed, Martin Churuvija, Xiaoqiang Du, Zenghong Ma, Manoj Karkee

Abstract: This study performed an extensive evaluation of the performances of all configurations of YOLOv8, YOLOv9, and YOLOv10 object detection algorithms for fruitlet (of green fruit) detection in commercial orchards. Additionally, this research performed and validated in-field counting of fruitlets using an iPhone and machine vision sensors in 5 different apple varieties (Scifresh, Scilate, Honeycrisp, Cosmic crisp & Golden delicious). This comprehensive investigation of total 17 different configurations (5 for YOLOv8, 6 for YOLOv9 and 6 for YOLOv10) revealed that YOLOv9 outperforms YOLOv10 and YOLOv8 in terms of mAP@50, while YOLOv10x outperformed all 17 configurations tested in terms of precision and recall. Specifically, YOLOv9 Gelan-e achieved the highest mAP@50 of 0.935, outperforming YOLOv10n's 0.921 and YOLOv8s's 0.924. In terms of precision, YOLOv10x achieved the highest precision of 0.908, indicating superior object identification accuracy compared to other configurations tested (e.g. YOLOv9 Gelan-c with a precision of 0.903 and YOLOv8m with 0.897. In terms of recall, YOLOv10s achieved the highest in its series (0.872), while YOLOv9 Gelan m performed the best among YOLOv9 configurations (0.899), and YOLOv8n performed the best among the YOLOv8 configurations (0.883). Meanwhile, three configurations of YOLOv10: YOLOv10b, YOLOv10l, and YOLOv10x achieved superior post-processing speeds of 1.5 milliseconds, outperforming all other configurations within the YOLOv9 and YOLOv8 families. Specifically, YOLOv9 Gelan-e recorded a post-processing speed of 1.9 milliseconds, and YOLOv8m achieved 2.1 milliseconds. Furthermore, YOLOv8n exhibited the highest inference speed among all configurations tested, achieving a processing time of 4.1 milliseconds while YOLOv9 Gelan-t and YOLOv10n also demonstrated comparatively slower inference speeds of 9.3 ms and 5.5 ms, respectively.

new Integrating Query-aware Segmentation and Cross-Attention for Robust VQA

Authors: Wonjun Choi, Sangbeom Lee, Seungyeon Lee, Heechul Jung, Dong-Gyu Lee

Abstract: This paper introduces a method for VizWiz-VQA using LVLM with trainable cross-attention and LoRA finetuning. We train the model with the following conditions: 1) Training with original images. 2) Training with enhanced images using CLIPSeg to highlight or contrast the original image. 3) Training with integrating the output features of Vision Transformer (ViT) and CLIPSeg features of the original images. Then, we ensemble the results based on Levenshtein distance to enhance the prediction of the final answer. In the experiments, we demonstrate and analyze the proposed method's effectiveness.

new Temporally Grounding Instructional Diagrams in Unconstrained Videos

Authors: Jiahao Zhang, Frederic Z. Zhang, Cristian Rodriguez, Yizhak Ben-Shabat, Anoop Cherian, Stephen Gould

Abstract: We study the challenging problem of simultaneously localizing a sequence of queries in the form of instructional diagrams in a video. This requires understanding not only the individual queries but also their interrelationships. However, most existing methods focus on grounding one query at a time, ignoring the inherent structures among queries such as the general mutual exclusiveness and the temporal order. Consequently, the predicted timespans of different step diagrams may overlap considerably or violate the temporal order, thus harming the accuracy. In this paper, we tackle this issue by simultaneously grounding a sequence of step diagrams. Specifically, we propose composite queries, constructed by exhaustively pairing up the visual content features of the step diagrams and a fixed number of learnable positional embeddings. Our insight is that self-attention among composite queries carrying different content features suppress each other to reduce timespan overlaps in predictions, while the cross-attention corrects the temporal misalignment via content and position joint guidance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the IAW dataset for grounding step diagrams and the YouCook2 benchmark for grounding natural language queries, significantly outperforming existing methods while simultaneously grounding multiple queries.

new MaskVD: Region Masking for Efficient Video Object Detection

Authors: Sreetama Sarkar, Gourav Datta, Souvik Kundu, Kai Zheng, Chirayata Bhattacharyya, Peter A. Beerel

Abstract: Video tasks are compute-heavy and thus pose a challenge when deploying in real-time applications, particularly for tasks that require state-of-the-art Vision Transformers (ViTs). Several research efforts have tried to address this challenge by leveraging the fact that large portions of the video undergo very little change across frames, leading to redundant computations in frame-based video processing. In particular, some works leverage pixel or semantic differences across frames, however, this yields limited latency benefits with significantly increased memory overhead. This paper, in contrast, presents a strategy for masking regions in video frames that leverages the semantic information in images and the temporal correlation between frames to significantly reduce FLOPs and latency with little to no penalty in performance over baseline models. In particular, we demonstrate that by leveraging extracted features from previous frames, ViT backbones directly benefit from region masking, skipping up to 80% of input regions, improving FLOPs and latency by 3.14x and 1.5x. We improve memory and latency over the state-of-the-art (SOTA) by 2.3x and 1.14x, while maintaining similar detection performance. Additionally, our approach demonstrates promising results on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and provides latency improvements over the SOTA up to 1.3x using specialized computational kernels.

new One-Shot Unlearning of Personal Identities

Authors: Thomas De Min, Subhankar Roy, Massimiliano Mancini, St\'ephane Lathuili\`ere, Elisa Ricci

Abstract: Machine unlearning (MU) aims to erase data from a model as if it never saw them during training. To this extent, existing MU approaches assume complete or partial access to the training data, which can be limited over time due to privacy regulations. However, no setting or benchmark exists to probe the effectiveness of MU methods in such scenarios, i.e. when training data is missing. To fill this gap, we propose a novel task we call One-Shot Unlearning of Personal Identities (O-UPI) that evaluates unlearning models when the training data is not accessible. Specifically, we focus on the identity unlearning case, which is relevant due to current regulations requiring data deletion after training. To cope with data absence, we expect users to provide a portraiting picture to perform unlearning. To evaluate methods in O-UPI, we benchmark the forgetting on CelebA and CelebA-HQ datasets with different unlearning set sizes. We test applicable methods on this challenging benchmark, proposing also an effective method that meta-learns to forget identities from a single image. Our findings indicate that existing approaches struggle when data availability is limited, with greater difficulty when there is dissimilarity between provided samples and data used at training time. We will release the code and benchmark upon acceptance.

new Relational Representation Distillation

Authors: Nikolaos Giakoumoglou, Tania Stathaki

Abstract: Knowledge distillation (KD) is an effective method for transferring knowledge from a large, well-trained teacher model to a smaller, more efficient student model. Despite its success, one of the main challenges in KD is ensuring the efficient transfer of complex knowledge while maintaining the student's computational efficiency. Unlike previous works that applied contrastive objectives promoting explicit negative instances, we introduce Relational Representation Distillation (RRD). Our approach leverages pairwise similarities to explore and reinforce the relationships between the teacher and student models. Inspired by self-supervised learning principles, it uses a relaxed contrastive loss that focuses on similarity rather than exact replication. This method aligns the output distributions of teacher samples in a large memory buffer, improving the robustness and performance of the student model without the need for strict negative instance differentiation. Our approach demonstrates superior performance on CIFAR-100, outperforming traditional KD techniques and surpassing 13 state-of-the-art methods. It also transfers successfully to other datasets like Tiny ImageNet and STL-10. The code will be made public soon.

new FoodMem: Near Real-time and Precise Food Video Segmentation

Authors: Ahmad AlMughrabi, Adri\'an Gal\'an, Ricardo Marques, Petia Radeva

Abstract: Food segmentation, including in videos, is vital for addressing real-world health, agriculture, and food biotechnology issues. Current limitations lead to inaccurate nutritional analysis, inefficient crop management, and suboptimal food processing, impacting food security and public health. Improving segmentation techniques can enhance dietary assessments, agricultural productivity, and the food production process. This study introduces the development of a robust framework for high-quality, near-real-time segmentation and tracking of food items in videos, using minimal hardware resources. We present FoodMem, a novel framework designed to segment food items from video sequences of 360-degree unbounded scenes. FoodMem can consistently generate masks of food portions in a video sequence, overcoming the limitations of existing semantic segmentation models, such as flickering and prohibitive inference speeds in video processing contexts. To address these issues, FoodMem leverages a two-phase solution: a transformer segmentation phase to create initial segmentation masks and a memory-based tracking phase to monitor food masks in complex scenes. Our framework outperforms current state-of-the-art food segmentation models, yielding superior performance across various conditions, such as camera angles, lighting, reflections, scene complexity, and food diversity. This results in reduced segmentation noise, elimination of artifacts, and completion of missing segments. Here, we also introduce a new annotated food dataset encompassing challenging scenarios absent in previous benchmarks. Extensive experiments conducted on Nutrition5k and Vegetables & Fruits datasets demonstrate that FoodMem enhances the state-of-the-art by 2.5% mean average precision in food video segmentation and is 58 x faster on average.

new Monocular pose estimation of articulated surgical instruments in open surgery

Authors: Robert Spektor, Tom Friedman, Itay Or, Gil Bolotin, Shlomi Laufer

Abstract: This work presents a novel approach to monocular 6D pose estimation of surgical instruments in open surgery, addressing challenges such as object articulations, symmetries, occlusions, and lack of annotated real-world data. The method leverages synthetic data generation and domain adaptation techniques to overcome these obstacles. The proposed approach consists of three main components: (1) synthetic data generation using 3D modeling of surgical tools with articulation rigging and physically-based rendering; (2) a tailored pose estimation framework combining object detection with pose estimation and a hybrid geometric fusion strategy; and (3) a training strategy that utilizes both synthetic and real unannotated data, employing domain adaptation on real video data using automatically generated pseudo-labels. Evaluations conducted on videos of open surgery demonstrate the good performance and real-world applicability of the proposed method, highlighting its potential for integration into medical augmented reality and robotic systems. The approach eliminates the need for extensive manual annotation of real surgical data.

new Subject-driven Text-to-Image Generation via Preference-based Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yanting Miao, William Loh, Suraj Kothawade, Pascal Poupart, Abdullah Rashwan, Yeqing Li

Abstract: Text-to-image generative models have recently attracted considerable interest, enabling the synthesis of high-quality images from textual prompts. However, these models often lack the capability to generate specific subjects from given reference images or to synthesize novel renditions under varying conditions. Methods like DreamBooth and Subject-driven Text-to-Image (SuTI) have made significant progress in this area. Yet, both approaches primarily focus on enhancing similarity to reference images and require expensive setups, often overlooking the need for efficient training and avoiding overfitting to the reference images. In this work, we present the $\lambda$-Harmonic reward function, which provides a reliable reward signal and enables early stopping for faster training and effective regularization. By combining the Bradley-Terry preference model, the $\lambda$-Harmonic reward function also provides preference labels for subject-driven generation tasks. We propose Reward Preference Optimization (RPO), which offers a simpler setup (requiring only $3\%$ of the negative samples used by DreamBooth) and fewer gradient steps for fine-tuning. Unlike most existing methods, our approach does not require training a text encoder or optimizing text embeddings and achieves text-image alignment by fine-tuning only the U-Net component. Empirically, $\lambda$-Harmonic proves to be a reliable approach for model selection in subject-driven generation tasks. Based on preference labels and early stopping validation from the $\lambda$-Harmonic reward function, our algorithm achieves a state-of-the-art CLIP-I score of 0.833 and a CLIP-T score of 0.314 on DreamBench.

new Beta Sampling is All You Need: Efficient Image Generation Strategy for Diffusion Models using Stepwise Spectral Analysis

Authors: Haeil Lee, Hansang Lee, Seoyeon Gye, Junmo Kim

Abstract: Generative diffusion models have emerged as a powerful tool for high-quality image synthesis, yet their iterative nature demands significant computational resources. This paper proposes an efficient time step sampling method based on an image spectral analysis of the diffusion process, aimed at optimizing the denoising process. Instead of the traditional uniform distribution-based time step sampling, we introduce a Beta distribution-like sampling technique that prioritizes critical steps in the early and late stages of the process. Our hypothesis is that certain steps exhibit significant changes in image content, while others contribute minimally. We validated our approach using Fourier transforms to measure frequency response changes at each step, revealing substantial low-frequency changes early on and high-frequency adjustments later. Experiments with ADM and Stable Diffusion demonstrated that our Beta Sampling method consistently outperforms uniform sampling, achieving better FID and IS scores, and offers competitive efficiency relative to state-of-the-art methods like AutoDiffusion. This work provides a practical framework for enhancing diffusion model efficiency by focusing computational resources on the most impactful steps, with potential for further optimization and broader application.

new CroMo-Mixup: Augmenting Cross-Model Representations for Continual Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Erum Mushtaq, Duygu Nur Yaldiz, Yavuz Faruk Bakman, Jie Ding, Chenyang Tao, Dimitrios Dimitriadis, Salman Avestimehr

Abstract: Continual self-supervised learning (CSSL) learns a series of tasks sequentially on the unlabeled data. Two main challenges of continual learning are catastrophic forgetting and task confusion. While CSSL problem has been studied to address the catastrophic forgetting challenge, little work has been done to address the task confusion aspect. In this work, we show through extensive experiments that self-supervised learning (SSL) can make CSSL more susceptible to the task confusion problem, particularly in less diverse settings of class incremental learning because different classes belonging to different tasks are not trained concurrently. Motivated by this challenge, we present a novel cross-model feature Mixup (CroMo-Mixup) framework that addresses this issue through two key components: 1) Cross-Task data Mixup, which mixes samples across tasks to enhance negative sample diversity; and 2) Cross-Model feature Mixup, which learns similarities between embeddings obtained from current and old models of the mixed sample and the original images, facilitating cross-task class contrast learning and old knowledge retrieval. We evaluate the effectiveness of CroMo-Mixup to improve both Task-ID prediction and average linear accuracy across all tasks on three datasets, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and tinyImageNet under different class-incremental learning settings. We validate the compatibility of CroMo-Mixup on four state-of-the-art SSL objectives. Code is available at \url{}.


new NeuSurfEmb: A Complete Pipeline for Dense Correspondence-based 6D Object Pose Estimation without CAD Models

Authors: Francesco Milano, Jen Jen Chung, Hermann Blum, Roland Siegwart, Lionel Ott

Abstract: State-of-the-art approaches for 6D object pose estimation assume the availability of CAD models and require the user to manually set up physically-based rendering (PBR) pipelines for synthetic training data generation. Both factors limit the application of these methods in real-world scenarios. In this work, we present a pipeline that does not require CAD models and allows training a state-of-the-art pose estimator requiring only a small set of real images as input. Our method is based on a NeuS2 object representation, that we learn through a semi-automated procedure based on Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and object-agnostic segmentation. We exploit the novel-view synthesis ability of NeuS2 and simple cut-and-paste augmentation to automatically generate photorealistic object renderings, which we use to train the correspondence-based SurfEmb pose estimator. We evaluate our method on the LINEMOD-Occlusion dataset, extensively studying the impact of its individual components and showing competitive performance with respect to approaches based on CAD models and PBR data. We additionally demonstrate the ease of use and effectiveness of our pipeline on self-collected real-world objects, showing that our method outperforms state-of-the-art CAD-model-free approaches, with better accuracy and robustness to mild occlusions. To allow the robotics community to benefit from this system, we will publicly release it at


new A Closer Look at Benchmarking Self-Supervised Pre-training with Image Classification

Authors: Markus Marks, Manuel Knott, Neehar Kondapaneni, Elijah Cole, Thijs Defraeye, Fernando Perez-Cruz, Pietro Perona

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) is a machine learning approach where the data itself provides supervision, eliminating the need for external labels. The model is forced to learn about the data structure or context by solving a pretext task. With SSL, models can learn from abundant and cheap unlabeled data, significantly reducing the cost of training models where labels are expensive or inaccessible.In Computer Vision, SSL is widely used as pre-training followed by a downstream task, such as supervised transfer, few-shot learning on smaller labeled data sets, and/or unsupervised clustering. Unfortunately, it is infeasible to evaluate SSL methods on all possible downstream tasks and objectively measure the quality of the learned representation. Instead, SSL methods are evaluated using in-domain evaluation protocols, such as fine-tuning, linear probing, and k-nearest neighbors (kNN). However, it is not well understood how well these evaluation protocols estimate the representation quality of a pre-trained model for different downstream tasks under different conditions, such as dataset, metric, and model architecture. We study how classification-based evaluation protocols for SSL correlate and how well they predict downstream performance on different dataset types. Our study includes eleven common image datasets and 26 models that were pre-trained with different SSL methods or have different model backbones. We find that in-domain linear/kNN probing protocols are, on average, the best general predictors for out-of-domain performance. We further investigate the importance of batch normalization and evaluate how robust correlations are for different kinds of dataset domain shifts. We challenge assumptions about the relationship between discriminative and generative self-supervised methods, finding that most of their performance differences can be explained by changes to model backbones.

new VideoClusterNet: Self-Supervised and Adaptive Clustering For Videos

Authors: Devesh Walawalkar, Pablo Garrido

Abstract: With the rise of digital media content production, the need for analyzing movies and TV series episodes to locate the main cast of characters precisely is gaining importance.Specifically, Video Face Clustering aims to group together detected video face tracks with common facial identities. This problem is very challenging due to the large range of pose, expression, appearance, and lighting variations of a given face across video frames. Generic pre-trained Face Identification (ID) models fail to adapt well to the video production domain, given its high dynamic range content and also unique cinematic style. Furthermore, traditional clustering algorithms depend on hyperparameters requiring individual tuning across datasets. In this paper, we present a novel video face clustering approach that learns to adapt a generic face ID model to new video face tracks in a fully self-supervised fashion. We also propose a parameter-free clustering algorithm that is capable of automatically adapting to the finetuned model's embedding space for any input video. Due to the lack of comprehensive movie face clustering benchmarks, we also present a first-of-kind movie dataset: MovieFaceCluster. Our dataset is handpicked by film industry professionals and contains extremely challenging face ID scenarios. Experiments show our method's effectiveness in handling difficult mainstream movie scenes on our benchmark dataset and state-of-the-art performance on traditional TV series datasets.

new AFIDAF: Alternating Fourier and Image Domain Adaptive Filters as an Efficient Alternative to Attention in ViTs

Authors: Yunling Zheng, Zeyi Xu, Fanghui Xue, Biao Yang, Jiancheng Lyu, Shuai Zhang, Yingyong Qi, Jack Xin

Abstract: We propose and demonstrate an alternating Fourier and image domain filtering approach for feature extraction as an efficient alternative to build a vision backbone without using the computationally intensive attention. The performance among the lightweight models reaches the state-of-the-art level on ImageNet-1K classification, and improves downstream tasks on object detection and segmentation consistently as well. Our approach also serves as a new tool to compress vision transformers (ViTs).

new Motion and Structure from Event-based Normal Flow

Authors: Zhongyang Ren, Bangyan Liao, Delei Kong, Jinghang Li, Peidong Liu, Laurent Kneip, Guillermo Gallego, Yi Zhou

Abstract: Recovering the camera motion and scene geometry from visual data is a fundamental problem in the field of computer vision. Its success in standard vision is attributed to the maturity of feature extraction, data association and multi-view geometry. The recent emergence of neuromorphic event-based cameras places great demands on approaches that use raw event data as input to solve this fundamental problem.Existing state-of-the-art solutions typically infer implicitly data association by iteratively reversing the event data generation process. However, the nonlinear nature of these methods limits their applicability in real-time tasks, and the constant-motion assumption leads to unstable results under agile motion.To this end, we rethink the problem formulation in a way that aligns better with the differential working principle of event cameras.We show that the event-based normal flow can be used, via the proposed geometric error term, as an alternative to the full flow in solving a family of geometric problems that involve instantaneous first-order kinematics and scene geometry. Furthermore, we develop a fast linear solver and a continuous-time nonlinear solver on top of the proposed geometric error term.Experiments on both synthetic and real data show the superiority of our linear solver in terms of accuracy and efficiency, and indicate its complementary feature as an initialization method for existing nonlinear solvers. Besides, our continuous-time non-linear solver exhibits exceptional capability in accommodating sudden variations in motion since it does not rely on the constant-motion assumption.

new Dual-Hybrid Attention Network for Specular Highlight Removal

Authors: Xiaojiao Guo, Xuhang Chen, Shenghong Luo, Shuqiang Wang, Chi-Man Pun

Abstract: Specular highlight removal plays a pivotal role in multimedia applications, as it enhances the quality and interpretability of images and videos, ultimately improving the performance of downstream tasks such as content-based retrieval, object recognition, and scene understanding. Despite significant advances in deep learning-based methods, current state-of-the-art approaches often rely on additional priors or supervision, limiting their practicality and generalization capability. In this paper, we propose the Dual-Hybrid Attention Network for Specular Highlight Removal (DHAN-SHR), an end-to-end network that introduces novel hybrid attention mechanisms to effectively capture and process information across different scales and domains without relying on additional priors or supervision. DHAN-SHR consists of two key components: the Adaptive Local Hybrid-Domain Dual Attention Transformer (L-HD-DAT) and the Adaptive Global Dual Attention Transformer (G-DAT). The L-HD-DAT captures local inter-channel and inter-pixel dependencies while incorporating spectral domain features, enabling the network to effectively model the complex interactions between specular highlights and the underlying surface properties. The G-DAT models global inter-channel relationships and long-distance pixel dependencies, allowing the network to propagate contextual information across the entire image and generate more coherent and consistent highlight-free results. To evaluate the performance of DHAN-SHR and facilitate future research in this area, we compile a large-scale benchmark dataset comprising a diverse range of images with varying levels of specular highlights. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that DHAN-SHR outperforms 18 state-of-the-art methods both quantitatively and qualitatively, setting a new standard for specular highlight removal in multimedia applications.

new Enhancing Polygonal Building Segmentation via Oriented Corners

Authors: Mohammad Moein Sheikholeslami, Muhammad Kamran, Andreas Wichmann, Gunho Sohn

Abstract: The growing demand for high-resolution maps across various applications has underscored the necessity of accurately segmenting building vectors from overhead imagery. However, current deep neural networks often produce raster data outputs, leading to the need for extensive post-processing that compromises the fidelity, regularity, and simplicity of building representations. In response, this paper introduces a novel deep convolutional neural network named OriCornerNet, which directly extracts delineated building polygons from input images. Specifically, our approach involves a deep model that predicts building footprint masks, corners, and orientation vectors that indicate directions toward adjacent corners. These predictions are then used to reconstruct an initial polygon, followed by iterative refinement using a graph convolutional network that leverages semantic and geometric features. Our method inherently generates simplified polygons by initializing the refinement process with predicted corners. Also, including geometric information from oriented corners contributes to producing more regular and accurate results. Performance evaluations conducted on SpaceNet Vegas and CrowdAI-small datasets demonstrate the competitive efficacy of our approach compared to the state-of-the-art in building segmentation from overhead imagery.

new Compound Expression Recognition via Multi Model Ensemble for the ABAW7 Challenge

Authors: Xuxiong Liu, Kang Shen, Jun Yao, Boyan Wang, Minrui Liu, Liuwei An, Zishun Cui, Weijie Feng, Xiao Sun

Abstract: Compound Expression Recognition (CER) is vital for effective interpersonal interactions. Human emotional expressions are inherently complex due to the presence of compound expressions, requiring the consideration of both local and global facial cues for accurate judgment. In this paper, we propose an ensemble learning-based solution to address this complexity. Our approach involves training three distinct expression classification models using convolutional networks, Vision Transformers, and multiscale local attention networks. By employing late fusion for model ensemble, we combine the outputs of these models to predict the final results. Our method demonstrates high accuracy on the RAF-DB datasets and is capable of recognizing expressions in certain portions of the C-EXPR-DB through zero-shot learning.

new Facial Affect Recognition based on Multi Architecture Encoder and Feature Fusion for the ABAW7 Challenge

Authors: Kang Shen, Xuxiong Liu, Boyan Wang, Jun Yao, Xin Liu, Yujie Guan, Yu Wang, Gengchen Li, Xiao Sun

Abstract: In this paper, we present our approach to addressing the challenges of the 7th ABAW competition. The competition comprises three sub-challenges: Valence Arousal (VA) estimation, Expression (Expr) classification, and Action Unit (AU) detection. To tackle these challenges, we employ state-of-the-art models to extract powerful visual features. Subsequently, a Transformer Encoder is utilized to integrate these features for the VA, Expr, and AU sub-challenges. To mitigate the impact of varying feature dimensions, we introduce an affine module to align the features to a common dimension. Overall, our results significantly outperform the baselines.

new Generating 3D House Wireframes with Semantics

Authors: Xueqi Ma, Yilin Liu, Wenjun Zhou, Ruowei Wang, Hui Huang

Abstract: We present a new approach for generating 3D house wireframes with semantic enrichment using an autoregressive model. Unlike conventional generative models that independently process vertices, edges, and faces, our approach employs a unified wire-based representation for improved coherence in learning 3D wireframe structures. By re-ordering wire sequences based on semantic meanings, we facilitate seamless semantic integration during sequence generation. Our two-phase technique merges a graph-based autoencoder with a transformer-based decoder to learn latent geometric tokens and generate semantic-aware wireframes. Through iterative prediction and decoding during inference, our model produces detailed wireframes that can be easily segmented into distinct components, such as walls, roofs, and rooms, reflecting the semantic essence of the shape. Empirical results on a comprehensive house dataset validate the superior accuracy, novelty, and semantic fidelity of our model compared to existing generative models. More results and details can be found on


new RBAD: A Dataset and Benchmark for Retinal Vessels Branching Angle Detection

Authors: Hao Wang, Wenhui Zhu, Jiayou Qin, Xin Li, Oana Dumitrascu, Xiwen Chen, Peijie Qiu, Abolfazl Razi

Abstract: Detecting retinal image analysis, particularly the geometrical features of branching points, plays an essential role in diagnosing eye diseases. However, existing methods used for this purpose often are coarse-level and lack fine-grained analysis for efficient annotation. To mitigate these issues, this paper proposes a novel method for detecting retinal branching angles using a self-configured image processing technique. Additionally, we offer an open-source annotation tool and a benchmark dataset comprising 40 images annotated with retinal branching angles. Our methodology for retinal branching angle detection and calculation is detailed, followed by a benchmark analysis comparing our method with previous approaches. The results indicate that our method is robust under various conditions with high accuracy and efficiency, which offers a valuable instrument for ophthalmic research and clinical applications.

new GRIDS: Grouped Multiple-Degradation Restoration with Image Degradation Similarity

Authors: Shuo Cao, Yihao Liu, Wenlong Zhang, Yu Qiao, Chao Dong

Abstract: Traditional single-task image restoration methods excel in handling specific degradation types but struggle with multiple degradations. To address this limitation, we propose Grouped Restoration with Image Degradation Similarity (GRIDS), a novel approach that harmonizes the competing objectives inherent in multiple-degradation restoration. We first introduce a quantitative method for assessing relationships between image degradations using statistical modeling of deep degradation representations. This analysis facilitates the strategic grouping of similar tasks, enhancing both the efficiency and effectiveness of the restoration process. Based on the degradation similarity, GRIDS divides restoration tasks into one of the optimal groups, where tasks within the same group are highly correlated. For instance, GRIDS effectively groups 11 degradation types into 4 cohesive groups. Trained models within each group show significant improvements, with an average improvement of 0.09dB over single-task upper bound models and 2.24dB over the mix-training baseline model. GRIDS incorporates an adaptive model selection mechanism for inference, automatically selecting the appropriate grouped-training model based on the input degradation. This mechanism is particularly useful for real-world scenarios with unknown degradations as it does not rely on explicit degradation classification modules. Furthermore, our method can predict model generalization ability without the need for network inference, providing valuable insights for practitioners.

new MDPE: A Multimodal Deception Dataset with Personality and Emotional Characteristics

Authors: Cong Cai, Shan Liang, Xuefei Liu, Kang Zhu, Zhengqi Wen, Jianhua Tao, Heng Xie, Jizhou Cui, Yiming Ma, Zhenhua Cheng, Hanzhe Xu, Ruibo Fu, Bin Liu, Yongwei Li

Abstract: Deception detection has garnered increasing attention in recent years due to the significant growth of digital media and heightened ethical and security concerns. It has been extensively studied using multimodal methods, including video, audio, and text. In addition, individual differences in deception production and detection are believed to play a crucial role.Although some studies have utilized individual information such as personality traits to enhance the performance of deception detection, current systems remain limited, partly due to a lack of sufficient datasets for evaluating performance. To address this issue, we introduce a multimodal deception dataset MDPE. Besides deception features, this dataset also includes individual differences information in personality and emotional expression characteristics. It can explore the impact of individual differences on deception behavior. It comprises over 104 hours of deception and emotional videos from 193 subjects. Furthermore, we conducted numerous experiments to provide valuable insights for future deception detection research. MDPE not only supports deception detection, but also provides conditions for tasks such as personality recognition and emotion recognition, and can even study the relationships between them. We believe that MDPE will become a valuable resource for promoting research in the field of affective computing.

new VCP-CLIP: A visual context prompting model for zero-shot anomaly segmentation

Authors: Zhen Qu, Xian Tao, Mukesh Prasad, Fei Shen, Zhengtao Zhang, Xinyi Gong, Guiguang Ding

Abstract: Recently, large-scale vision-language models such as CLIP have demonstrated immense potential in zero-shot anomaly segmentation (ZSAS) task, utilizing a unified model to directly detect anomalies on any unseen product with painstakingly crafted text prompts. However, existing methods often assume that the product category to be inspected is known, thus setting product-specific text prompts, which is difficult to achieve in the data privacy scenarios. Moreover, even the same type of product exhibits significant differences due to specific components and variations in the production process, posing significant challenges to the design of text prompts. In this end, we propose a visual context prompting model (VCP-CLIP) for ZSAS task based on CLIP. The insight behind VCP-CLIP is to employ visual context prompting to activate CLIP's anomalous semantic perception ability. In specific, we first design a Pre-VCP module to embed global visual information into the text prompt, thus eliminating the necessity for product-specific prompts. Then, we propose a novel Post-VCP module, that adjusts the text embeddings utilizing the fine-grained features of the images. In extensive experiments conducted on 10 real-world industrial anomaly segmentation datasets, VCP-CLIP achieved state-of-the-art performance in ZSAS task. The code is available at


new JointDreamer: Ensuring Geometry Consistency and Text Congruence in Text-to-3D Generation via Joint Score Distillation

Authors: Chenhan Jiang, Yihan Zeng, Tianyang Hu, Songcun Xu, Wei Zhang, Hang Xu, Dit-Yan Yeung

Abstract: Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) by well-trained 2D diffusion models has shown great promise in text-to-3D generation. However, this paradigm distills view-agnostic 2D image distributions into the rendering distribution of 3D representation for each view independently, overlooking the coherence across views and yielding 3D inconsistency in generations. In this work, we propose \textbf{J}oint \textbf{S}core \textbf{D}istillation (JSD), a new paradigm that ensures coherent 3D generations. Specifically, we model the joint image distribution, which introduces an energy function to capture the coherence among denoised images from the diffusion model. We then derive the joint score distillation on multiple rendered views of the 3D representation, as opposed to a single view in SDS. In addition, we instantiate three universal view-aware models as energy functions, demonstrating compatibility with JSD. Empirically, JSD significantly mitigates the 3D inconsistency problem in SDS, while maintaining text congruence. Moreover, we introduce the Geometry Fading scheme and Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) Switching strategy to enhance generative details. Our framework, JointDreamer, establishes a new benchmark in text-to-3D generation, achieving outstanding results with an 88.5\% CLIP R-Precision and 27.7\% CLIP Score. These metrics demonstrate exceptional text congruence, as well as remarkable geometric consistency and texture fidelity.

new Any Target Can be Offense: Adversarial Example Generation via Generalized Latent Infection

Authors: Youheng Sun, Shengming Yuan, Xuanhan Wang, Lianli Gao, Jingkuan Song

Abstract: Targeted adversarial attack, which aims to mislead a model to recognize any image as a target object by imperceptible perturbations, has become a mainstream tool for vulnerability assessment of deep neural networks (DNNs). Since existing targeted attackers only learn to attack known target classes, they cannot generalize well to unknown classes. To tackle this issue, we propose $\bf{G}$eneralized $\bf{A}$dversarial attac$\bf{KER}$ ($\bf{GAKer}$), which is able to construct adversarial examples to any target class. The core idea behind GAKer is to craft a latently infected representation during adversarial example generation. To this end, the extracted latent representations of the target object are first injected into intermediate features of an input image in an adversarial generator. Then, the generator is optimized to ensure visual consistency with the input image while being close to the target object in the feature space. Since the GAKer is class-agnostic yet model-agnostic, it can be regarded as a general tool that not only reveals the vulnerability of more DNNs but also identifies deficiencies of DNNs in a wider range of classes. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed method in generating adversarial examples for both known and unknown classes. Notably, compared with other generative methods, our method achieves an approximately $14.13\%$ higher attack success rate for unknown classes and an approximately $4.23\%$ higher success rate for known classes. Our code is available in


new VEON: Vocabulary-Enhanced Occupancy Prediction

Authors: Jilai Zheng, Pin Tang, Zhongdao Wang, Guoqing Wang, Xiangxuan Ren, Bailan Feng, Chao Ma

Abstract: Perceiving the world as 3D occupancy supports embodied agents to avoid collision with any types of obstacle. While open-vocabulary image understanding has prospered recently, how to bind the predicted 3D occupancy grids with open-world semantics still remains under-explored due to limited open-world annotations. Hence, instead of building our model from scratch, we try to blend 2D foundation models, specifically a depth model MiDaS and a semantic model CLIP, to lift the semantics to 3D space, thus fulfilling 3D occupancy. However, building upon these foundation models is not trivial. First, the MiDaS faces the depth ambiguity problem, i.e., it only produces relative depth but fails to estimate bin depth for feature lifting. Second, the CLIP image features lack high-resolution pixel-level information, which limits the 3D occupancy accuracy. Third, open vocabulary is often trapped by the long-tail problem. To address these issues, we propose VEON for Vocabulary-Enhanced Occupancy predictioN by not only assembling but also adapting these foundation models. We first equip MiDaS with a Zoedepth head and low-rank adaptation (LoRA) for relative-metric-bin depth transformation while reserving beneficial depth prior. Then, a lightweight side adaptor network is attached to the CLIP vision encoder to generate high-resolution features for fine-grained 3D occupancy prediction. Moreover, we design a class reweighting strategy to give priority to the tail classes. With only 46M trainable parameters and zero manual semantic labels, VEON achieves 15.14 mIoU on Occ3D-nuScenes, and shows the capability of recognizing objects with open-vocabulary categories, meaning that our VEON is label-efficient, parameter-efficient, and precise enough.

new Exploiting Inter-Image Similarity Prior for Low-Bitrate Remote Sensing Image Compression

Authors: Junhui Li, Xingsong Hou

Abstract: Deep learning-based methods have garnered significant attention in remote sensing (RS) image compression due to their superior performance. Most of these methods focus on enhancing the coding capability of the compression network and improving entropy model prediction accuracy. However, they typically compress and decompress each image independently, ignoring the significant inter-image similarity prior. In this paper, we propose a codebook-based RS image compression (Code-RSIC) method with a generated discrete codebook, which is deployed at the decoding end of a compression algorithm to provide inter-image similarity prior. Specifically, we first pretrain a high-quality discrete codebook using the competitive generation model VQGAN. We then introduce a Transformer-based prediction model to align the latent features of the decoded images from an existing compression algorithm with the frozen high-quality codebook. Finally, we develop a hierarchical prior integration network (HPIN), which mainly consists of Transformer blocks and multi-head cross-attention modules (MCMs) that can query hierarchical prior from the codebook, thus enhancing the ability of the proposed method to decode texture-rich RS images. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed Code-RSIC significantly outperforms state-of-the-art traditional and learning-based image compression algorithms in terms of perception quality. The code will be available at \url{


new Splatfacto-W: A Nerfstudio Implementation of Gaussian Splatting for Unconstrained Photo Collections

Authors: Congrong Xu, Justin Kerr, Angjoo Kanazawa

Abstract: Novel view synthesis from unconstrained in-the-wild image collections remains a significant yet challenging task due to photometric variations and transient occluders that complicate accurate scene reconstruction. Previous methods have approached these issues by integrating per-image appearance features embeddings in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs). Although 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) offers faster training and real-time rendering, adapting it for unconstrained image collections is non-trivial due to the substantially different architecture. In this paper, we introduce Splatfacto-W, an approach that integrates per-Gaussian neural color features and per-image appearance embeddings into the rasterization process, along with a spherical harmonics-based background model to represent varying photometric appearances and better depict backgrounds. Our key contributions include latent appearance modeling, efficient transient object handling, and precise background modeling. Splatfacto-W delivers high-quality, real-time novel view synthesis with improved scene consistency in in-the-wild scenarios. Our method improves the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) by an average of 5.3 dB compared to 3DGS, enhances training speed by 150 times compared to NeRF-based methods, and achieves a similar rendering speed to 3DGS. Additional video results and code integrated into Nerfstudio are available at


new Weakly-Supervised 3D Hand Reconstruction with Knowledge Prior and Uncertainty Guidance

Authors: Yufei Zhang, Jeffrey O. Kephart, Qiang Ji

Abstract: Fully-supervised monocular 3D hand reconstruction is often difficult because capturing the requisite 3D data entails deploying specialized equipment in a controlled environment. We introduce a weakly-supervised method that avoids such requirements by leveraging fundamental principles well-established in the understanding of the human hand's unique structure and functionality. Specifically, we systematically study hand knowledge from different sources, including biomechanics, functional anatomy, and physics. We effectively incorporate these valuable foundational insights into 3D hand reconstruction models through an appropriate set of differentiable training losses. This enables training solely with readily-obtainable 2D hand landmark annotations and eliminates the need for expensive 3D supervision. Moreover, we explicitly model the uncertainty that is inherent in image observations. We enhance the training process by exploiting a simple yet effective Negative Log Likelihood (NLL) loss that incorporates uncertainty into the loss function. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art weakly-supervised methods. For example, our method achieves nearly a 21\% performance improvement on the widely adopted FreiHAND dataset.

new Shap-Mix: Shapley Value Guided Mixing for Long-Tailed Skeleton Based Action Recognition

Authors: Jiahang Zhang, Lilang Lin, Jiaying Liu

Abstract: In real-world scenarios, human actions often fall into a long-tailed distribution. It makes the existing skeleton-based action recognition works, which are mostly designed based on balanced datasets, suffer from a sharp performance degradation. Recently, many efforts have been madeto image/video long-tailed learning. However, directly applying them to skeleton data can be sub-optimal due to the lack of consideration of the crucial spatial-temporal motion patterns, especially for some modality-specific methodologies such as data augmentation. To this end, considering the crucial role of the body parts in the spatially concentrated human actions, we attend to the mixing augmentations and propose a novel method, Shap-Mix, which improves long-tailed learning by mining representative motion patterns for tail categories. Specifically, we first develop an effective spatial-temporal mixing strategy for the skeleton to boost representation quality. Then, the employed saliency guidance method is presented, consisting of the saliency estimation based on Shapley value and a tail-aware mixing policy. It preserves the salient motion parts of minority classes in mixed data, explicitly establishing the relationships between crucial body structure cues and high-level semantics. Extensive experiments on three large-scale skeleton datasets show our remarkable performance improvement under both long-tailed and balanced settings. Our project is publicly available at:


new ModalChorus: Visual Probing and Alignment of Multi-modal Embeddings via Modal Fusion Map

Authors: Yilin Ye, Shishi Xiao, Xingchen Zeng, Wei Zeng

Abstract: Multi-modal embeddings form the foundation for vision-language models, such as CLIP embeddings, the most widely used text-image embeddings. However, these embeddings are vulnerable to subtle misalignment of cross-modal features, resulting in decreased model performance and diminished generalization. To address this problem, we design ModalChorus, an interactive system for visual probing and alignment of multi-modal embeddings. ModalChorus primarily offers a two-stage process: 1) embedding probing with Modal Fusion Map (MFM), a novel parametric dimensionality reduction method that integrates both metric and nonmetric objectives to enhance modality fusion; and 2) embedding alignment that allows users to interactively articulate intentions for both point-set and set-set alignments. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons for CLIP embeddings with existing dimensionality reduction (e.g., t-SNE and MDS) and data fusion (e.g., data context map) methods demonstrate the advantages of MFM in showcasing cross-modal features over common vision-language datasets. Case studies reveal that ModalChorus can facilitate intuitive discovery of misalignment and efficient re-alignment in scenarios ranging from zero-shot classification to cross-modal retrieval and generation.

new Out of Length Text Recognition with Sub-String Matching

Authors: Yongkun Du, Zhineng Chen, Caiyan Jia, Xieping Gao, Yu-Gang Jiang

Abstract: Scene Text Recognition (STR) methods have demonstrated robust performance in word-level text recognition. However, in applications the text image is sometimes long due to detected with multiple horizontal words. It triggers the requirement to build long text recognition models from readily available short word-level text datasets, which has been less studied previously. In this paper, we term this the Out of Length (OOL) text recognition. We establish a new Long Text Benchmark (LTB) to facilitate the assessment of different methods in long text recognition. Meanwhile, we propose a novel method called OOL Text Recognition with sub-String Matching (SMTR). SMTR comprises two cross-attention-based modules: one encodes a sub-string containing multiple characters into next and previous queries, and the other employs the queries to attend to the image features, matching the sub-string and simultaneously recognizing its next and previous character. SMTR can recognize text of arbitrary length by iterating the process above. To avoid being trapped in recognizing highly similar sub-strings, we introduce a regularization training to compel SMTR to effectively discover subtle differences between similar sub-strings for precise matching. In addition, we propose an inference augmentation to alleviate confusion caused by identical sub-strings and improve the overall recognition efficiency. Extensive experimental results reveal that SMTR, even when trained exclusively on short text, outperforms existing methods in public short text benchmarks and exhibits a clear advantage on LTB. Code: \url{}.


new Serialized Point Mamba: A Serialized Point Cloud Mamba Segmentation Model

Authors: Tao Wang, Wei Wen, Jingzhi Zhai, Kang Xu, Haoming Luo

Abstract: Point cloud segmentation is crucial for robotic visual perception and environmental understanding, enabling applications such as robotic navigation and 3D reconstruction. However, handling the sparse and unordered nature of point cloud data presents challenges for efficient and accurate segmentation. Inspired by the Mamba model's success in natural language processing, we propose the Serialized Point Cloud Mamba Segmentation Model (Serialized Point Mamba), which leverages a state-space model to dynamically compress sequences, reduce memory usage, and enhance computational efficiency. Serialized Point Mamba integrates local-global modeling capabilities with linear complexity, achieving state-of-the-art performance on both indoor and outdoor datasets. This approach includes novel techniques such as staged point cloud sequence learning, grid pooling, and Conditional Positional Encoding, facilitating effective segmentation across diverse point cloud tasks. Our method achieved 76.8 mIoU on Scannet and 70.3 mIoU on S3DIS. In Scannetv2 instance segmentation, it recorded 40.0 mAP. It also had the lowest latency and reasonable memory use, making it the SOTA among point semantic segmentation models based on mamba.

new Frequency Guidance Matters: Skeletal Action Recognition by Frequency-Aware Mixed Transformer

Authors: Wenhan Wu, Ce Zheng, Zihao Yang, Chen Chen, Srijan Das, Aidong Lu

Abstract: Recently, transformers have demonstrated great potential for modeling long-term dependencies from skeleton sequences and thereby gained ever-increasing attention in skeleton action recognition. However, the existing transformer-based approaches heavily rely on the naive attention mechanism for capturing the spatiotemporal features, which falls short in learning discriminative representations that exhibit similar motion patterns. To address this challenge, we introduce the Frequency-aware Mixed Transformer (FreqMixFormer), specifically designed for recognizing similar skeletal actions with subtle discriminative motions. First, we introduce a frequency-aware attention module to unweave skeleton frequency representations by embedding joint features into frequency attention maps, aiming to distinguish the discriminative movements based on their frequency coefficients. Subsequently, we develop a mixed transformer architecture to incorporate spatial features with frequency features to model the comprehensive frequency-spatial patterns. Additionally, a temporal transformer is proposed to extract the global correlations across frames. Extensive experiments show that FreqMiXFormer outperforms SOTA on 3 popular skeleton action recognition datasets, including NTU RGB+D, NTU RGB+D 120, and NW-UCLA datasets.

new Label-Efficient 3D Brain Segmentation via Complementary 2D Diffusion Models with Orthogonal Views

Authors: Jihoon Cho, Suhyun Ahn, Beomju Kim, Hyungjoon Bae, Xiaofeng Liu, Fangxu Xing, Kyungeun Lee, Georges Elfakhri, Van Wedeen, Jonghye Woo, Jinah Park

Abstract: Deep learning-based segmentation techniques have shown remarkable performance in brain segmentation, yet their success hinges on the availability of extensive labeled training data. Acquiring such vast datasets, however, poses a significant challenge in many clinical applications. To address this issue, in this work, we propose a novel 3D brain segmentation approach using complementary 2D diffusion models. The core idea behind our approach is to first mine 2D features with semantic information extracted from the 2D diffusion models by taking orthogonal views as input, followed by fusing them into a 3D contextual feature representation. Then, we use these aggregated features to train multi-layer perceptrons to classify the segmentation labels. Our goal is to achieve reliable segmentation quality without requiring complete labels for each individual subject. Our experiments on training in brain subcortical structure segmentation with a dataset from only one subject demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art self-supervised learning methods. Further experiments on the minimum requirement of annotation by sparse labeling yield promising results even with only nine slices and a labeled background region.

new I2AM: Interpreting Image-to-Image Latent Diffusion Models via Attribution Maps

Authors: Junseo Park, Hyeryung Jang

Abstract: Large-scale diffusion models have made significant advancements in the field of image generation, especially through the use of cross-attention mechanisms that guide image formation based on textual descriptions. While the analysis of text-guided cross-attention in diffusion models has been extensively studied in recent years, its application in image-to-image diffusion models remains underexplored. This paper introduces the Image-to-Image Attribution Maps I2AM method, which aggregates patch-level cross-attention scores to enhance the interpretability of latent diffusion models across time steps, heads, and attention layers. I2AM facilitates detailed image-to-image attribution analysis, enabling observation of how diffusion models prioritize key features over time and head during the image generation process from reference images. Through extensive experiments, we first visualize the attribution maps of both generated and reference images, verifying that critical information from the reference image is effectively incorporated into the generated image, and vice versa. To further assess our understanding, we introduce a new evaluation metric tailored for reference-based image inpainting tasks. This metric, measuring the consistency between the attribution maps of generated and reference images, shows a strong correlation with established performance metrics for inpainting tasks, validating the potential use of I2AM in future research endeavors.

new Exploring Deeper! Segment Anything Model with Depth Perception for Camouflaged Object Detection

Authors: Zhenni Yu, Xiaoqin Zhang, Li Zhao, Yi Bin, Guobao Xiao

Abstract: This paper introduces a new Segment Anything Model with Depth Perception (DSAM) for Camouflaged Object Detection (COD). DSAM exploits the zero-shot capability of SAM to realize precise segmentation in the RGB-D domain. It consists of the Prompt-Deeper Module and the Finer Module. The Prompt-Deeper Module utilizes knowledge distillation and the Bias Correction Module to achieve the interaction between RGB features and depth features, especially using depth features to correct erroneous parts in RGB features. Then, the interacted features are combined with the box prompt in SAM to create a prompt with depth perception. The Finer Module explores the possibility of accurately segmenting highly camouflaged targets from a depth perspective. It uncovers depth cues in areas missed by SAM through mask reversion, self-filtering, and self-attention operations, compensating for its defects in the COD domain. DSAM represents the first step towards the SAM-based RGB-D COD model. It maximizes the utilization of depth features while synergizing with RGB features to achieve multimodal complementarity, thereby overcoming the segmentation limitations of SAM and improving its accuracy in COD. Experimental results on COD benchmarks demonstrate that DSAM achieves excellent segmentation performance and reaches the state-of-the-art (SOTA) on COD benchmarks with less consumption of training resources. The code will be available at


new VisionTrap: Vision-Augmented Trajectory Prediction Guided by Textual Descriptions

Authors: Seokha Moon, Hyun Woo, Hongbeen Park, Haeji Jung, Reza Mahjourian, Hyung-gun Chi, Hyerin Lim, Sangpil Kim, Jinkyu Kim

Abstract: Predicting future trajectories for other road agents is an essential task for autonomous vehicles. Established trajectory prediction methods primarily use agent tracks generated by a detection and tracking system and HD map as inputs. In this work, we propose a novel method that also incorporates visual input from surround-view cameras, allowing the model to utilize visual cues such as human gazes and gestures, road conditions, vehicle turn signals, etc, which are typically hidden from the model in prior methods. Furthermore, we use textual descriptions generated by a Vision-Language Model (VLM) and refined by a Large Language Model (LLM) as supervision during training to guide the model on what to learn from the input data. Despite using these extra inputs, our method achieves a latency of 53 ms, making it feasible for real-time processing, which is significantly faster than that of previous single-agent prediction methods with similar performance. Our experiments show that both the visual inputs and the textual descriptions contribute to improvements in trajectory prediction performance, and our qualitative analysis highlights how the model is able to exploit these additional inputs. Lastly, in this work we create and release the nuScenes-Text dataset, which augments the established nuScenes dataset with rich textual annotations for every scene, demonstrating the positive impact of utilizing VLM on trajectory prediction. Our project page is at


new Object-Aware Query Perturbation for Cross-Modal Image-Text Retrieval

Authors: Naoya Sogi, Takashi Shibata, Makoto Terao

Abstract: The pre-trained vision and language (V\&L) models have substantially improved the performance of cross-modal image-text retrieval. In general, however, V\&L models have limited retrieval performance for small objects because of the rough alignment between words and the small objects in the image. In contrast, it is known that human cognition is object-centric, and we pay more attention to important objects, even if they are small. To bridge this gap between the human cognition and the V\&L model's capability, we propose a cross-modal image-text retrieval framework based on ``object-aware query perturbation.'' The proposed method generates a key feature subspace of the detected objects and perturbs the corresponding queries using this subspace to improve the object awareness in the image. In our proposed method, object-aware cross-modal image-text retrieval is possible while keeping the rich expressive power and retrieval performance of existing V\&L models without additional fine-tuning. Comprehensive experiments on four public datasets show that our method outperforms conventional algorithms.

new Invertible Neural Warp for NeRF

Authors: Shin-Fang Chng, Ravi Garg, Hemanth Saratchandran, Simon Lucey

Abstract: This paper tackles the simultaneous optimization of pose and Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). Departing from the conventional practice of using explicit global representations for camera pose, we propose a novel overparameterized representation that models camera poses as learnable rigid warp functions. We establish that modeling the rigid warps must be tightly coupled with constraints and regularization imposed. Specifically, we highlight the critical importance of enforcing invertibility when learning rigid warp functions via neural network and propose the use of an Invertible Neural Network (INN) coupled with a geometry-informed constraint for this purpose. We present results on synthetic and real-world datasets, and demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing baselines in terms of pose estimation and high-fidelity reconstruction due to enhanced optimization convergence.

new LTSim: Layout Transportation-based Similarity Measure for Evaluating Layout Generation

Authors: Mayu Otani, Naoto Inoue, Kotaro Kikuchi, Riku Togashi

Abstract: We introduce a layout similarity measure designed to evaluate the results of layout generation. While several similarity measures have been proposed in prior research, there has been a lack of comprehensive discussion about their behaviors. Our research uncovers that the majority of these measures are unable to handle various layout differences, primarily due to their dependencies on strict element matching, that is one-by-one matching of elements within the same category. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new similarity measure based on optimal transport, which facilitates a more flexible matching of elements. This approach allows us to quantify the similarity between any two layouts even those sharing no element categories, making our measure highly applicable to a wide range of layout generation tasks. For tasks such as unconditional layout generation, where FID is commonly used, we also extend our measure to deal with collection-level similarities between groups of layouts. The empirical result suggests that our collection-level measure offers more reliable comparisons than existing ones like FID and Max.IoU.

new ProcTag: Process Tagging for Assessing the Efficacy of Document Instruction Data

Authors: Yufan Shen, Chuwei Luo, Zhaoqing Zhu, Yang Chen, Qi Zheng, Zhi Yu, Jiajun Bu, Cong Yao

Abstract: Recently, large language models (LLMs) and multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have demonstrated promising results on document visual question answering (VQA) task, particularly after training on document instruction datasets. An effective evaluation method for document instruction data is crucial in constructing instruction data with high efficacy, which, in turn, facilitates the training of LLMs and MLLMs for document VQA. However, most existing evaluation methods for instruction data are limited to the textual content of the instructions themselves, thereby hindering the effective assessment of document instruction datasets and constraining their construction. In this paper, we propose ProcTag, a data-oriented method that assesses the efficacy of document instruction data. ProcTag innovatively performs tagging on the execution process of instructions rather than the instruction text itself. By leveraging the diversity and complexity of these tags to assess the efficacy of the given dataset, ProcTag enables selective sampling or filtering of document instructions. Furthermore, DocLayPrompt, a novel semi-structured layout-aware document prompting strategy, is proposed for effectively representing documents. Experiments demonstrate that sampling existing open-sourced and generated document VQA/instruction datasets with ProcTag significantly outperforms current methods for evaluating instruction data. Impressively, with ProcTag-based sampling in the generated document datasets, only 30.5\% of the document instructions are required to achieve 100\% efficacy compared to the complete dataset. The code is publicly available at


new NavGPT-2: Unleashing Navigational Reasoning Capability for Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Gengze Zhou, Yicong Hong, Zun Wang, Xin Eric Wang, Qi Wu

Abstract: Capitalizing on the remarkable advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs), there is a burgeoning initiative to harness LLMs for instruction following robotic navigation. Such a trend underscores the potential of LLMs to generalize navigational reasoning and diverse language understanding. However, a significant discrepancy in agent performance is observed when integrating LLMs in the Vision-and-Language navigation (VLN) tasks compared to previous downstream specialist models. Furthermore, the inherent capacity of language to interpret and facilitate communication in agent interactions is often underutilized in these integrations. In this work, we strive to bridge the divide between VLN-specialized models and LLM-based navigation paradigms, while maintaining the interpretative prowess of LLMs in generating linguistic navigational reasoning. By aligning visual content in a frozen LLM, we encompass visual observation comprehension for LLMs and exploit a way to incorporate LLMs and navigation policy networks for effective action predictions and navigational reasoning. We demonstrate the data efficiency of the proposed methods and eliminate the gap between LM-based agents and state-of-the-art VLN specialists.

new HIMO: A New Benchmark for Full-Body Human Interacting with Multiple Objects

Authors: Xintao Lv, Liang Xu, Yichao Yan, Xin Jin, Congsheng Xu, Shuwen Wu, Yifan Liu, Lincheng Li, Mengxiao Bi, Wenjun Zeng, Xiaokang Yang

Abstract: Generating human-object interactions (HOIs) is critical with the tremendous advances of digital avatars. Existing datasets are typically limited to humans interacting with a single object while neglecting the ubiquitous manipulation of multiple objects. Thus, we propose HIMO, a large-scale MoCap dataset of full-body human interacting with multiple objects, containing 3.3K 4D HOI sequences and 4.08M 3D HOI frames. We also annotate HIMO with detailed textual descriptions and temporal segments, benchmarking two novel tasks of HOI synthesis conditioned on either the whole text prompt or the segmented text prompts as fine-grained timeline control. To address these novel tasks, we propose a dual-branch conditional diffusion model with a mutual interaction module for HOI synthesis. Besides, an auto-regressive generation pipeline is also designed to obtain smooth transitions between HOI segments. Experimental results demonstrate the generalization ability to unseen object geometries and temporal compositions.

new FETCH: A Memory-Efficient Replay Approach for Continual Learning in Image Classification

Authors: Markus Wei{\ss}flog, Peter Protzel, Peer Neubert

Abstract: Class-incremental continual learning is an important area of research, as static deep learning methods fail to adapt to changing tasks and data distributions. In previous works, promising results were achieved using replay and compressed replay techniques. In the field of regular replay, GDumb achieved outstanding results but requires a large amount of memory. This problem can be addressed by compressed replay techniques. The goal of this work is to evaluate compressed replay in the pipeline of GDumb. We propose FETCH, a two-stage compression approach. First, the samples from the continual datastream are encoded by the early layers of a pre-trained neural network. Second, the samples are compressed before being stored in the episodic memory. Following GDumb, the remaining classification head is trained from scratch using only the decompressed samples from the reply memory. We evaluate FETCH in different scenarios and show that this approach can increase accuracy on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100. In our experiments, simple compression methods (e.g., quantization of tensors) outperform deep autoencoders. In the future, FETCH could serve as a baseline for benchmarking compressed replay learning in constrained memory scenarios.

new Reliable and Efficient Concept Erasure of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors: Chao Gong, Kai Chen, Zhipeng Wei, Jingjing Chen, Yu-Gang Jiang

Abstract: Text-to-image models encounter safety issues, including concerns related to copyright and Not-Safe-For-Work (NSFW) content. Despite several methods have been proposed for erasing inappropriate concepts from diffusion models, they often exhibit incomplete erasure, consume a lot of computing resources, and inadvertently damage generation ability. In this work, we introduce Reliable and Efficient Concept Erasure (RECE), a novel approach that modifies the model in 3 seconds without necessitating additional fine-tuning. Specifically, RECE efficiently leverages a closed-form solution to derive new target embeddings, which are capable of regenerating erased concepts within the unlearned model. To mitigate inappropriate content potentially represented by derived embeddings, RECE further aligns them with harmless concepts in cross-attention layers. The derivation and erasure of new representation embeddings are conducted iteratively to achieve a thorough erasure of inappropriate concepts. Besides, to preserve the model's generation ability, RECE introduces an additional regularization term during the derivation process, resulting in minimizing the impact on unrelated concepts during the erasure process. All the processes above are in closed-form, guaranteeing extremely efficient erasure in only 3 seconds. Benchmarking against previous approaches, our method achieves more efficient and thorough erasure with minor damage to original generation ability and demonstrates enhanced robustness against red-teaming tools. Code is available at \url{}.


new HGL: Hierarchical Geometry Learning for Test-time Adaptation in 3D Point Cloud Segmentation

Authors: Tianpei Zou, Sanqing Qu, Zhijun Li, Alois Knoll, Lianghua He, Guang Chen, Changjun Jiang

Abstract: 3D point cloud segmentation has received significant interest for its growing applications. However, the generalization ability of models suffers in dynamic scenarios due to the distribution shift between test and training data. To promote robustness and adaptability across diverse scenarios, test-time adaptation (TTA) has recently been introduced. Nevertheless, most existing TTA methods are developed for images, and limited approaches applicable to point clouds ignore the inherent hierarchical geometric structures in point cloud streams, i.e., local (point-level), global (object-level), and temporal (frame-level) structures. In this paper, we delve into TTA in 3D point cloud segmentation and propose a novel Hierarchical Geometry Learning (HGL) framework. HGL comprises three complementary modules from local, global to temporal learning in a bottom-up manner.Technically, we first construct a local geometry learning module for pseudo-label generation. Next, we build prototypes from the global geometry perspective for pseudo-label fine-tuning. Furthermore, we introduce a temporal consistency regularization module to mitigate negative transfer. Extensive experiments on four datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our HGL. Remarkably, on the SynLiDAR to SemanticKITTI task, HGL achieves an overall mIoU of 46.91\%, improving GIPSO by 3.0\% and significantly reducing the required adaptation time by 80\%. The code is available at


new Enhancing Facial Expression Recognition through Dual-Direction Attention Mixed Feature Networks: Application to 7th ABAW Challenge

Authors: Josep Cabacas-Maso, Elena Ortega-Beltr\'an, Ismael Benito-Altamirano, Carles Ventura

Abstract: We present our contribution to the 7th ABAW challenge at ECCV 2024, by utilizing a Dual-Direction Attention Mixed Feature Network for multitask facial expression recognition we achieve results far beyond the proposed baseline for the Multi-Task ABAW challenge. Our proposal uses the well-known DDAMFN architecture as base to effectively predict valence-arousal, emotion recognition, and action units. We demonstrate the architecture ability to handle these tasks simultaneously, providing insights into its architecture and the rationale behind its design. Additionally, we compare our results for a multitask solution with independent single-task performance.

new Efficient Depth-Guided Urban View Synthesis

Authors: Sheng Miao, Jiaxin Huang, Dongfeng Bai, Weichao Qiu, Bingbing Liu, Andreas Geiger, Yiyi Liao

Abstract: Recent advances in implicit scene representation enable high-fidelity street view novel view synthesis. However, existing methods optimize a neural radiance field for each scene, relying heavily on dense training images and extensive computation resources. To mitigate this shortcoming, we introduce a new method called Efficient Depth-Guided Urban View Synthesis (EDUS) for fast feed-forward inference and efficient per-scene fine-tuning. Different from prior generalizable methods that infer geometry based on feature matching, EDUS leverages noisy predicted geometric priors as guidance to enable generalizable urban view synthesis from sparse input images. The geometric priors allow us to apply our generalizable model directly in the 3D space, gaining robustness across various sparsity levels. Through comprehensive experiments on the KITTI-360 and Waymo datasets, we demonstrate promising generalization abilities on novel street scenes. Moreover, our results indicate that EDUS achieves state-of-the-art performance in sparse view settings when combined with fast test-time optimization.

new GeneralAD: Anomaly Detection Across Domains by Attending to Distorted Features

Authors: Luc P. J. Str\"ater, Mohammadreza Salehi, Efstratios Gavves, Cees G. M. Snoek, Yuki M. Asano

Abstract: In the domain of anomaly detection, methods often excel in either high-level semantic or low-level industrial benchmarks, rarely achieving cross-domain proficiency. Semantic anomalies are novelties that differ in meaning from the training set, like unseen objects in self-driving cars. In contrast, industrial anomalies are subtle defects that preserve semantic meaning, such as cracks in airplane components. In this paper, we present GeneralAD, an anomaly detection framework designed to operate in semantic, near-distribution, and industrial settings with minimal per-task adjustments. In our approach, we capitalize on the inherent design of Vision Transformers, which are trained on image patches, thereby ensuring that the last hidden states retain a patch-based structure. We propose a novel self-supervised anomaly generation module that employs straightforward operations like noise addition and shuffling to patch features to construct pseudo-abnormal samples. These features are fed to an attention-based discriminator, which is trained to score every patch in the image. With this, our method can both accurately identify anomalies at the image level and also generate interpretable anomaly maps. We extensively evaluated our approach on ten datasets, achieving state-of-the-art results in six and on-par performance in the remaining for both localization and detection tasks.

new GLARE: Low Light Image Enhancement via Generative Latent Feature based Codebook Retrieval

Authors: Han Zhou, Wei Dong, Xiaohong Liu, Shuaicheng Liu, Xiongkuo Min, Guangtao Zhai, Jun Chen

Abstract: Most existing Low-light Image Enhancement (LLIE) methods either directly map Low-Light (LL) to Normal-Light (NL) images or use semantic or illumination maps as guides. However, the ill-posed nature of LLIE and the difficulty of semantic retrieval from impaired inputs limit these methods, especially in extremely low-light conditions. To address this issue, we present a new LLIE network via Generative LAtent feature based codebook REtrieval (GLARE), in which the codebook prior is derived from undegraded NL images using a Vector Quantization (VQ) strategy. More importantly, we develop a generative Invertible Latent Normalizing Flow (I-LNF) module to align the LL feature distribution to NL latent representations, guaranteeing the correct code retrieval in the codebook. In addition, a novel Adaptive Feature Transformation (AFT) module, featuring an adjustable function for users and comprising an Adaptive Mix-up Block (AMB) along with a dual-decoder architecture, is devised to further enhance fidelity while preserving the realistic details provided by codebook prior. Extensive experiments confirm the superior performance of GLARE on various benchmark datasets and real-world data. Its effectiveness as a preprocessing tool in low-light object detection tasks further validates GLARE for high-level vision applications. Code is released at


new F-HOI: Toward Fine-grained Semantic-Aligned 3D Human-Object Interactions

Authors: Jie Yang, Xuesong Niu, Nan Jiang, Ruimao Zhang, Siyuan Huang

Abstract: Existing 3D human object interaction (HOI) datasets and models simply align global descriptions with the long HOI sequence, while lacking a detailed understanding of intermediate states and the transitions between states. In this paper, we argue that fine-grained semantic alignment, which utilizes state-level descriptions, offers a promising paradigm for learning semantically rich HOI representations. To achieve this, we introduce Semantic-HOI, a new dataset comprising over 20K paired HOI states with fine-grained descriptions for each HOI state and the body movements that happen between two consecutive states. Leveraging the proposed dataset, we design three state-level HOI tasks to accomplish fine-grained semantic alignment within the HOI sequence. Additionally, we propose a unified model called F-HOI, designed to leverage multimodal instructions and empower the Multi-modal Large Language Model to efficiently handle diverse HOI tasks. F-HOI offers multiple advantages: (1) It employs a unified task formulation that supports the use of versatile multimodal inputs. (2) It maintains consistency in HOI across 2D, 3D, and linguistic spaces. (3) It utilizes fine-grained textual supervision for direct optimization, avoiding intricate modeling of HOI states. Extensive experiments reveal that F-HOI effectively aligns HOI states with fine-grained semantic descriptions, adeptly tackling understanding, reasoning, generation, and reconstruction tasks.

new ClearCLIP: Decomposing CLIP Representations for Dense Vision-Language Inference

Authors: Mengcheng Lan, Chaofeng Chen, Yiping Ke, Xinjiang Wang, Litong Feng, Wayne Zhang

Abstract: Despite the success of large-scale pretrained Vision-Language Models (VLMs) especially CLIP in various open-vocabulary tasks, their application to semantic segmentation remains challenging, producing noisy segmentation maps with mis-segmented regions. In this paper, we carefully re-investigate the architecture of CLIP, and identify residual connections as the primary source of noise that degrades segmentation quality. With a comparative analysis of statistical properties in the residual connection and the attention output across different pretrained models, we discover that CLIP's image-text contrastive training paradigm emphasizes global features at the expense of local discriminability, leading to noisy segmentation results. In response, we propose ClearCLIP, a novel approach that decomposes CLIP's representations to enhance open-vocabulary semantic segmentation. We introduce three simple modifications to the final layer: removing the residual connection, implementing the self-self attention, and discarding the feed-forward network. ClearCLIP consistently generates clearer and more accurate segmentation maps and outperforms existing approaches across multiple benchmarks, affirming the significance of our discoveries.

new Non-parametric regularization for class imbalance federated medical image classification

Authors: Jeffry Wicaksana, Zengqiang Yan, Kwang-Ting Cheng

Abstract: Limited training data and severe class imbalance pose significant challenges to developing clinically robust deep learning models. Federated learning (FL) addresses the former by enabling different medical clients to collaboratively train a deep model without sharing privacy-sensitive data. However, class imbalance worsens due to variation in inter-client class distribution. We propose federated learning with non-parametric regularization (FedNPR and FedNPR-Per, a personalized version of FedNPR) to regularize the feature extractor and enhance useful and discriminative signal in the feature space. Our extensive experiments show that FedNPR outperform the existing state-of-the art FL approaches in class imbalance skin lesion classification and intracranial hemorrhage identification. Additionally, the non-parametric regularization module consistently improves the performance of existing state-of-the-art FL approaches. We believe that NPR is a valuable tool in FL under clinical settings.

new Close the Sim2real Gap via Physically-based Structured Light Synthetic Data Simulation

Authors: Kaixin Bai, Lei Zhang, Zhaopeng Chen, Fang Wan, Jianwei Zhang

Abstract: Despite the substantial progress in deep learning, its adoption in industrial robotics projects remains limited, primarily due to challenges in data acquisition and labeling. Previous sim2real approaches using domain randomization require extensive scene and model optimization. To address these issues, we introduce an innovative physically-based structured light simulation system, generating both RGB and physically realistic depth images, surpassing previous dataset generation tools. We create an RGBD dataset tailored for robotic industrial grasping scenarios and evaluate it across various tasks, including object detection, instance segmentation, and embedding sim2real visual perception in industrial robotic grasping. By reducing the sim2real gap and enhancing deep learning training, we facilitate the application of deep learning models in industrial settings. Project details are available at light 3D synthesizer/.


new Progressive Proxy Anchor Propagation for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Hyun Seok Seong, WonJun Moon, SuBeen Lee, Jae-Pil Heo

Abstract: The labor-intensive labeling for semantic segmentation has spurred the emergence of Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation. Recent studies utilize patch-wise contrastive learning based on features from image-level self-supervised pretrained models. However, relying solely on similarity-based supervision from image-level pretrained models often leads to unreliable guidance due to insufficient patch-level semantic representations. To address this, we propose a Progressive Proxy Anchor Propagation (PPAP) strategy. This method gradually identifies more trustworthy positives for each anchor by relocating its proxy to regions densely populated with semantically similar samples. Specifically, we initially establish a tight boundary to gather a few reliable positive samples around each anchor. Then, considering the distribution of positive samples, we relocate the proxy anchor towards areas with a higher concentration of positives and adjust the positiveness boundary based on the propagation degree of the proxy anchor. Moreover, to account for ambiguous regions where positive and negative samples may coexist near the positiveness boundary, we introduce an instance-wise ambiguous zone. Samples within these zones are excluded from the negative set, further enhancing the reliability of the negative set. Our state-of-the-art performances on various datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation.

new Towards AI-Powered Video Assistant Referee System for Association Football

Authors: Jan Held, Anthony Cioppa, Silvio Giancola, Abdullah Hamdi, Christel Devue, Bernard Ghanem, Marc Van Droogenbroeck

Abstract: Over the past decade, the technology used by referees in football has improved substantially, enhancing the fairness and accuracy of decisions. This progress has culminated in the implementation of the Video Assistant Referee (VAR), an innovation that enables backstage referees to review incidents on the pitch from multiple points of view. However, the VAR is currently limited to professional leagues due to its expensive infrastructure and the lack of referees worldwide. In this paper, we present the semi-automated Video Assistant Referee System (VARS) that leverages the latest findings in multi-view video analysis. VARS sets a new state-of-the-art on the SoccerNet-MVFoul dataset, a multi-view video dataset of football fouls. Our VARS achieves a new state-of-the-art on the SoccerNet-MVFoul dataset by recognizing the type of foul in 50% of instances and the appropriate sanction in 46% of cases. Finally, we conducted a comparative study to investigate human performance in classifying fouls and their corresponding severity and compared these findings to our VARS. The results of our study highlight the potential of our VARS to reach human performance and support football refereeing across all levels of professional and amateur federations.

new Dual-level Adaptive Self-Labeling for Novel Class Discovery in Point Cloud Segmentation

Authors: Ruijie Xu, Chuyu Zhang, Hui Ren, Xuming He

Abstract: We tackle the novel class discovery in point cloud segmentation, which discovers novel classes based on the semantic knowledge of seen classes. Existing work proposes an online point-wise clustering method with a simplified equal class-size constraint on the novel classes to avoid degenerate solutions. However, the inherent imbalanced distribution of novel classes in point clouds typically violates the equal class-size constraint. Moreover, point-wise clustering ignores the rich spatial context information of objects, which results in less expressive representation for semantic segmentation. To address the above challenges, we propose a novel self-labeling strategy that adaptively generates high-quality pseudo-labels for imbalanced classes during model training. In addition, we develop a dual-level representation that incorporates regional consistency into the point-level classifier learning, reducing noise in generated segmentation. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on two widely used datasets, SemanticKITTI and SemanticPOSS, and the results show our method outperforms the state of the art by a large margin.

new Hierarchical and Decoupled BEV Perception Learning Framework for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Yuqi Dai, Jian Sun, Shengbo Eben Li, Qing Xu, Jianqiang Wang, Lei He, Keqiang Li

Abstract: Perception is essential for autonomous driving system. Recent approaches based on Bird's-eye-view (BEV) and deep learning have made significant progress. However, there exists challenging issues including lengthy development cycles, poor reusability, and complex sensor setups in perception algorithm development process. To tackle the above challenges, this paper proposes a novel hierarchical Bird's-eye-view (BEV) perception paradigm, aiming to provide a library of fundamental perception modules and user-friendly graphical interface, enabling swift construction of customized models. We conduct the Pretrain-Finetune strategy to effectively utilize large scale public datasets and streamline development processes. Specifically, we present a Multi-Module Learning (MML) approach, enhancing performance through synergistic and iterative training of multiple models. Extensive experimental results on the Nuscenes dataset demonstrate that our approach renders significant improvement over the traditional training method.

new EmoFace: Audio-driven Emotional 3D Face Animation

Authors: Chang Liu, Qunfen Lin, Zijiao Zeng, Ye Pan

Abstract: Audio-driven emotional 3D face animation aims to generate emotionally expressive talking heads with synchronized lip movements. However, previous research has often overlooked the influence of diverse emotions on facial expressions or proved unsuitable for driving MetaHuman models. In response to this deficiency, we introduce EmoFace, a novel audio-driven methodology for creating facial animations with vivid emotional dynamics. Our approach can generate facial expressions with multiple emotions, and has the ability to generate random yet natural blinks and eye movements, while maintaining accurate lip synchronization. We propose independent speech encoders and emotion encoders to learn the relationship between audio, emotion and corresponding facial controller rigs, and finally map into the sequence of controller values. Additionally, we introduce two post-processing techniques dedicated to enhancing the authenticity of the animation, particularly in blinks and eye movements. Furthermore, recognizing the scarcity of emotional audio-visual data suitable for MetaHuman model manipulation, we contribute an emotional audio-visual dataset and derive control parameters for each frames. Our proposed methodology can be applied in producing dialogues animations of non-playable characters (NPCs) in video games, and driving avatars in virtual reality environments. Our further quantitative and qualitative experiments, as well as an user study comparing with existing researches show that our approach demonstrates superior results in driving 3D facial models. The code and sample data are available at


new Fast Context-Based Low-Light Image Enhancement via Neural Implicit Representations

Authors: Tom\'a\v{s} Chobola, Yu Liu, Hanyi Zhang, Julia A. Schnabel, Tingying Peng

Abstract: Current deep learning-based low-light image enhancement methods often struggle with high-resolution images, and fail to meet the practical demands of visual perception across diverse and unseen scenarios. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach termed CoLIE, which redefines the enhancement process through mapping the 2D coordinates of an underexposed image to its illumination component, conditioned on local context. We propose a reconstruction of enhanced-light images within the HSV space utilizing an implicit neural function combined with an embedded guided filter, thereby significantly reducing computational overhead. Moreover, we introduce a single image-based training loss function to enhance the model's adaptability to various scenes, further enhancing its practical applicability. Through rigorous evaluations, we analyze the properties of our proposed framework, demonstrating its superiority in both image quality and scene adaptability. Furthermore, our evaluation extends to applications in downstream tasks within low-light scenarios, underscoring the practical utility of CoLIE. The source code is available at


new Causality-inspired Discriminative Feature Learning in Triple Domains for Gait Recognition

Authors: Haijun Xiong, Bin Feng, Xinggang Wang, Wenyu Liu

Abstract: Gait recognition is a biometric technology that distinguishes individuals by their walking patterns. However, previous methods face challenges when accurately extracting identity features because they often become entangled with non-identity clues. To address this challenge, we propose CLTD, a causality-inspired discriminative feature learning module designed to effectively eliminate the influence of confounders in triple domains, \ie, spatial, temporal, and spectral. Specifically, we utilize the Cross Pixel-wise Attention Generator (CPAG) to generate attention distributions for factual and counterfactual features in spatial and temporal domains. Then, we introduce the Fourier Projection Head (FPH) to project spatial features into the spectral space, which preserves essential information while reducing computational costs. Additionally, we employ an optimization method with contrastive learning to enforce semantic consistency constraints across sequences from the same subject. Our approach has demonstrated significant performance improvements on challenging datasets, proving its effectiveness. Moreover, it can be seamlessly integrated into existing gait recognition methods.

new LTRL: Boosting Long-tail Recognition via Reflective Learning

Authors: Qihao Zhao, Yalun Dai, Shen Lin, Wei Hu, Fan Zhang, Jun Liu

Abstract: In real-world scenarios, where knowledge distributions exhibit long-tail. Humans manage to master knowledge uniformly across imbalanced distributions, a feat attributed to their diligent practices of reviewing, summarizing, and correcting errors. Motivated by this learning process, we propose a novel learning paradigm, called reflecting learning, in handling long-tail recognition. Our method integrates three processes for reviewing past predictions during training, summarizing and leveraging the feature relation across classes, and correcting gradient conflict for loss functions. These designs are lightweight enough to plug and play with existing long-tail learning methods, achieving state-of-the-art performance in popular long-tail visual benchmarks. The experimental results highlight the great potential of reflecting learning in dealing with long-tail recognition.

new The Fabrication of Reality and Fantasy: Scene Generation with LLM-Assisted Prompt Interpretation

Authors: Yi Yao, Chan-Feng Hsu, Jhe-Hao Lin, Hongxia Xie, Terence Lin, Yi-Ning Huang, Hong-Han Shuai, Wen-Huang Cheng

Abstract: In spite of recent advancements in text-to-image generation, limitations persist in handling complex and imaginative prompts due to the restricted diversity and complexity of training data. This work explores how diffusion models can generate images from prompts requiring artistic creativity or specialized knowledge. We introduce the Realistic-Fantasy Benchmark (RFBench), a novel evaluation framework blending realistic and fantastical scenarios. To address these challenges, we propose the Realistic-Fantasy Network (RFNet), a training-free approach integrating diffusion models with LLMs. Extensive human evaluations and GPT-based compositional assessments demonstrate our approach's superiority over state-of-the-art methods. Our code and dataset is available at


new Embracing Events and Frames with Hierarchical Feature Refinement Network for Object Detection

Authors: Hu Cao, Zehua Zhang, Yan Xia, Xinyi Li, Jiahao Xia, Guang Chen, Alois Knoll

Abstract: In frame-based vision, object detection faces substantial performance degradation under challenging conditions due to the limited sensing capability of conventional cameras. Event cameras output sparse and asynchronous events, providing a potential solution to solve these problems. However, effectively fusing two heterogeneous modalities remains an open issue. In this work, we propose a novel hierarchical feature refinement network for event-frame fusion. The core concept is the design of the coarse-to-fine fusion module, denoted as the cross-modality adaptive feature refinement (CAFR) module. In the initial phase, the bidirectional cross-modality interaction (BCI) part facilitates information bridging from two distinct sources. Subsequently, the features are further refined by aligning the channel-level mean and variance in the two-fold adaptive feature refinement (TAFR) part. We conducted extensive experiments on two benchmarks: the low-resolution PKU-DDD17-Car dataset and the high-resolution DSEC dataset. Experimental results show that our method surpasses the state-of-the-art by an impressive margin of $\textbf{8.0}\%$ on the DSEC dataset. Besides, our method exhibits significantly better robustness (\textbf{69.5}\% versus \textbf{38.7}\%) when introducing 15 different corruption types to the frame images. The code can be found at the link (


new Benchmarking Robust Self-Supervised Learning Across Diverse Downstream Tasks

Authors: Antoni Kowalczuk, Jan Dubi\'nski, Atiyeh Ashari Ghomi, Yi Sui, George Stein, Jiapeng Wu, Jesse C. Cresswell, Franziska Boenisch, Adam Dziedzic

Abstract: Large-scale vision models have become integral in many applications due to their unprecedented performance and versatility across downstream tasks. However, the robustness of these foundation models has primarily been explored for a single task, namely image classification. The vulnerability of other common vision tasks, such as semantic segmentation and depth estimation, remains largely unknown. We present a comprehensive empirical evaluation of the adversarial robustness of self-supervised vision encoders across multiple downstream tasks. Our attacks operate in the encoder embedding space and at the downstream task output level. In both cases, current state-of-the-art adversarial fine-tuning techniques tested only for classification significantly degrade clean and robust performance on other tasks. Since the purpose of a foundation model is to cater to multiple applications at once, our findings reveal the need to enhance encoder robustness more broadly. %We discuss potential strategies for more robust foundation vision models across diverse downstream tasks. Our code is available at $\href{}{}$.


new Privacy-Preserving Adaptive Re-Identification without Image Transfer

Authors: Hamza Rami, Jhony H. Giraldo, Nicolas Winckler, St\'ephane Lathuili\`ere

Abstract: Re-Identification systems (Re-ID) are crucial for public safety but face the challenge of having to adapt to environments that differ from their training distribution. Furthermore, rigorous privacy protocols in public places are being enforced as apprehensions regarding individual freedom rise, adding layers of complexity to the deployment of accurate Re-ID systems in new environments. For example, in the European Union, the principles of ``Data Minimization'' and ``Purpose Limitation'' restrict the retention and processing of images to what is strictly necessary. These regulations pose a challenge to the conventional Re-ID training schemes that rely on centralizing data on servers. In this work, we present a novel setting for privacy-preserving Distributed Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for person Re-ID (DUDA-Rid) to address the problem of domain shift without requiring any image transfer outside the camera devices. To address this setting, we introduce Fed-Protoid, a novel solution that adapts person Re-ID models directly within the edge devices. Our proposed solution employs prototypes derived from the source domain to align feature statistics within edge devices. Those source prototypes are distributed across the edge devices to minimize a distributed Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) loss tailored for the DUDA-Rid setting. Our experiments provide compelling evidence that Fed-Protoid outperforms all evaluated methods in terms of both accuracy and communication efficiency, all while maintaining data privacy.

new VegeDiff: Latent Diffusion Model for Geospatial Vegetation Forecasting

Authors: Sijie Zhao, Hao Chen, Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao, Lei Bai, Wanli Ouyang

Abstract: In the context of global climate change and frequent extreme weather events, forecasting future geospatial vegetation states under these conditions is of significant importance. The vegetation change process is influenced by the complex interplay between dynamic meteorological variables and static environmental variables, leading to high levels of uncertainty. Existing deterministic methods are inadequate in addressing this uncertainty and fail to accurately model the impact of these variables on vegetation, resulting in blurry and inaccurate forecasting results. To address these issues, we propose VegeDiff for the geospatial vegetation forecasting task. To our best knowledge, VegeDiff is the first to employ a diffusion model to probabilistically capture the uncertainties in vegetation change processes, enabling the generation of clear and accurate future vegetation states. VegeDiff also separately models the global impact of dynamic meteorological variables and the local effects of static environmental variables, thus accurately modeling the impact of these variables. Extensive experiments on geospatial vegetation forecasting tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of VegeDiff. By capturing the uncertainties in vegetation changes and modeling the complex influence of relevant variables, VegeDiff outperforms existing deterministic methods, providing clear and accurate forecasting results of future vegetation states. Interestingly, we demonstrate the potential of VegeDiff in applications of forecasting future vegetation states from multiple aspects and exploring the impact of meteorological variables on vegetation dynamics. The code of this work will be available at Official_VegeDiff.


new EvSign: Sign Language Recognition and Translation with Streaming Events

Authors: Pengyu Zhang, Hao Yin, Zeren Wang, Wenyue Chen, Shengming Li, Dong Wang, Huchuan Lu, and Xu Jia

Abstract: Sign language is one of the most effective communication tools for people with hearing difficulties. Most existing works focus on improving the performance of sign language tasks on RGB videos, which may suffer from degraded recording conditions, such as fast movement of hands with motion blur and textured signer's appearance. The bio-inspired event camera, which asynchronously captures brightness change with high speed, could naturally perceive dynamic hand movements, providing rich manual clues for sign language tasks. In this work, we aim at exploring the potential of event camera in continuous sign language recognition (CSLR) and sign language translation (SLT). To promote the research, we first collect an event-based benchmark EvSign for those tasks with both gloss and spoken language annotations. EvSign dataset offers a substantial amount of high-quality event streams and an extensive vocabulary of glosses and words, thereby facilitating the development of sign language tasks. In addition, we propose an efficient transformer-based framework for event-based SLR and SLT tasks, which fully leverages the advantages of streaming events. The sparse backbone is employed to extract visual features from sparse events. Then, the temporal coherence is effectively utilized through the proposed local token fusion and gloss-aware temporal aggregation modules. Extensive experimental results are reported on both simulated (PHOENIX14T) and EvSign datasets. Our method performs favorably against existing state-of-the-art approaches with only 0.34% computational cost (0.84G FLOPS per video) and 44.2% network parameters. The project is available at


new VisFocus: Prompt-Guided Vision Encoders for OCR-Free Dense Document Understanding

Authors: Ofir Abramovich, Niv Nayman, Sharon Fogel, Inbal Lavi, Ron Litman, Shahar Tsiper, Royee Tichauer, Srikar Appalaraju, Shai Mazor, R. Manmatha

Abstract: In recent years, notable advancements have been made in the domain of visual document understanding, with the prevailing architecture comprising a cascade of vision and language models. The text component can either be extracted explicitly with the use of external OCR models in OCR-based approaches, or alternatively, the vision model can be endowed with reading capabilities in OCR-free approaches. Typically, the queries to the model are input exclusively to the language component, necessitating the visual features to encompass the entire document. In this paper, we present VisFocus, an OCR-free method designed to better exploit the vision encoder's capacity by coupling it directly with the language prompt. To do so, we replace the down-sampling layers with layers that receive the input prompt and allow highlighting relevant parts of the document, while disregarding others. We pair the architecture enhancements with a novel pre-training task, using language masking on a snippet of the document text fed to the visual encoder in place of the prompt, to empower the model with focusing capabilities. Consequently, VisFocus learns to allocate its attention to text patches pertinent to the provided prompt. Our experiments demonstrate that this prompt-guided visual encoding approach significantly improves performance, achieving state-of-the-art results on various benchmarks.

new Enhancing Wrist Abnormality Detection with YOLO: Analysis of State-of-the-art Single-stage Detection Models

Authors: Ammar Ahmed, Ali Shariq Imran, Abdul Manaf, Zenun Kastrati, Sher Muhammad Daudpota

Abstract: Diagnosing and treating abnormalities in the wrist, specifically distal radius, and ulna fractures, is a crucial concern among children, adolescents, and young adults, with a higher incidence rate during puberty. However, the scarcity of radiologists and the lack of specialized training among medical professionals pose a significant risk to patient care. This problem is further exacerbated by the rising number of imaging studies and limited access to specialist reporting in certain regions. This highlights the need for innovative solutions to improve the diagnosis and treatment of wrist abnormalities. Automated wrist fracture detection using object detection has shown potential, but current studies mainly use two-stage detection methods with limited evidence for single-stage effectiveness. This study employs state-of-the-art single-stage deep neural network-based detection models YOLOv5, YOLOv6, YOLOv7, and YOLOv8 to detect wrist abnormalities. Through extensive experimentation, we found that these YOLO models outperform the commonly used two-stage detection algorithm, Faster R-CNN, in bone fracture detection. Additionally, compound-scaled variants of each YOLO model were compared, with YOLOv8x demonstrating a fracture detection mean average precision (mAP) of 0.95 and an overall mAP of 0.77 on the GRAZPEDWRI-DX pediatric wrist dataset, highlighting the potential of single-stage models for enhancing pediatric wrist imaging.

new Instance-wise Uncertainty for Class Imbalance in Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Lu\'is Almeida, In\^es Dutra, Francesco Renna

Abstract: Semantic segmentation is a fundamental computer vision task with a vast number of applications. State of the art methods increasingly rely on deep learning models, known to incorrectly estimate uncertainty and being overconfident in predictions, especially in data not seen during training. This is particularly problematic in semantic segmentation due to inherent class imbalance. Popular uncertainty quantification approaches are task-agnostic and fail to leverage spatial pixel correlations in uncertainty estimates, crucial in this task. In this work, a novel training methodology specifically designed for semantic segmentation is presented. Training samples are weighted by instance-wise uncertainty masks computed by an ensemble. This is shown to increase performance on minority classes, boost model generalization and robustness to domain-shift when compared to using the inverse of class proportions or no class weights at all. This method addresses the challenges of class imbalance and uncertainty estimation in semantic segmentation, potentially enhancing model performance and reliability across various applications.

new Deep Mutual Learning among Partially Labeled Datasets for Multi-Organ Segmentation

Authors: Xiaoyu Liu, Linhao Qu, Ziyue Xie, Yonghong Shi, Zhijian Song

Abstract: The task of labeling multiple organs for segmentation is a complex and time-consuming process, resulting in a scarcity of comprehensively labeled multi-organ datasets while the emergence of numerous partially labeled datasets. Current methods are inadequate in effectively utilizing the supervised information available from these datasets, thereby impeding the progress in improving the segmentation accuracy. This paper proposes a two-stage multi-organ segmentation method based on mutual learning, aiming to improve multi-organ segmentation performance by complementing information among partially labeled datasets. In the first stage, each partial-organ segmentation model utilizes the non-overlapping organ labels from different datasets and the distinct organ features extracted by different models, introducing additional mutual difference learning to generate higher quality pseudo labels for unlabeled organs. In the second stage, each full-organ segmentation model is supervised by fully labeled datasets with pseudo labels and leverages true labels from other datasets, while dynamically sharing accurate features across different models, introducing additional mutual similarity learning to enhance multi-organ segmentation performance. Extensive experiments were conducted on nine datasets that included the head and neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. The results indicate that our method has achieved SOTA performance in segmentation tasks that rely on partial labels, and the ablation studies have thoroughly confirmed the efficacy of the mutual learning mechanism.

new Strawberry detection and counting based on YOLOv7 pruning and information based tracking algorithm

Authors: Shiyu Liu, Congliang Zhou, Won Suk Lee

Abstract: The strawberry industry yields significant economic benefits for Florida, yet the process of monitoring strawberry growth and yield is labor-intensive and costly. The development of machine learning-based detection and tracking methodologies has been used for helping automated monitoring and prediction of strawberry yield, still, enhancement has been limited as previous studies only applied the deep learning method for flower and fruit detection, which did not consider the unique characteristics of image datasets collected by the machine vision system. This study proposed an optimal pruning of detection heads of the deep learning model (YOLOv7 and its variants) that could achieve fast and precise strawberry flower, immature fruit, and mature fruit detection. Thereafter, an enhanced object tracking algorithm, which is called the Information Based Tracking Algorithm (IBTA) utilized the best detection result, removed the Kalman Filter, and integrated moving direction, velocity, and spatial information to improve the precision in strawberry flower and fruit tracking. The proposed pruning of detection heads across YOLOv7 variants, notably Pruning-YOLOv7-tiny with detection head 3 and Pruning-YOLOv7-tiny with heads 2 and 3 achieved the best inference speed (163.9 frames per second) and detection accuracy (89.1%), respectively. On the other hand, the effect of IBTA was proved by comparing it with the centroid tracking algorithm (CTA), the Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy (MOTA) and Multiple Object Tracking Precision (MOTP) of IBTA were 12.3% and 6.0% higher than that of CTA, accordingly. In addition, other object-tracking evaluation metrics, including IDF1, IDR, IDP, MT, and IDs, show that IBTA performed better than CTA in strawberry flower and fruit tracking.

new Missing Modality Prediction for Unpaired Multimodal Learning via Joint Embedding of Unimodal Models

Authors: Donggeun Kim, Taesup Kim

Abstract: Multimodal learning typically relies on the assumption that all modalities are fully available during both the training and inference phases. However, in real-world scenarios, consistently acquiring complete multimodal data presents significant challenges due to various factors. This often leads to the issue of missing modalities, where data for certain modalities are absent, posing considerable obstacles not only for the availability of multimodal pretrained models but also for their fine-tuning and the preservation of robustness in downstream tasks. To address these challenges, we propose a novel framework integrating parameter-efficient fine-tuning of unimodal pretrained models with a self-supervised joint-embedding learning method. This framework enables the model to predict the embedding of a missing modality in the representation space during inference. Our method effectively predicts the missing embedding through prompt tuning, leveraging information from available modalities. We evaluate our approach on several multimodal benchmark datasets and demonstrate its effectiveness and robustness across various scenarios of missing modalities.

new Rethinking the Architecture Design for Efficient Generic Event Boundary Detection

Authors: Ziwei Zheng, Zechuan Zhang, Yulin Wang, Shiji Song, Gao Huang, Le Yang

Abstract: Generic event boundary detection (GEBD), inspired by human visual cognitive behaviors of consistently segmenting videos into meaningful temporal chunks, finds utility in various applications such as video editing and. In this paper, we demonstrate that SOTA GEBD models often prioritize final performance over model complexity, resulting in low inference speed and hindering efficient deployment in real-world scenarios. We contribute to addressing this challenge by experimentally reexamining the architecture of GEBD models and uncovering several surprising findings. Firstly, we reveal that a concise GEBD baseline model already achieves promising performance without any sophisticated design. Secondly, we find that the widely applied image-domain backbones in GEBD models can contain plenty of architecture redundancy, motivating us to gradually ``modernize'' each component to enhance efficiency. Thirdly, we show that the GEBD models using image-domain backbones conducting the spatiotemporal learning in a spatial-then-temporal greedy manner can suffer from a distraction issue, which might be the inefficient villain for GEBD. Using a video-domain backbone to jointly conduct spatiotemporal modeling is an effective solution for this issue. The outcome of our exploration is a family of GEBD models, named EfficientGEBD, significantly outperforms the previous SOTA methods by up to 1.7\% performance gain and 280\% speedup under the same backbone. Our research prompts the community to design modern GEBD methods with the consideration of model complexity, particularly in resource-aware applications. The code is available at \url{}.


new Weighting Pseudo-Labels via High-Activation Feature Index Similarity and Object Detection for Semi-Supervised Segmentation

Authors: Prantik Howlader, Hieu Le, Dimitris Samaras

Abstract: Semi-supervised semantic segmentation methods leverage unlabeled data by pseudo-labeling them. Thus the success of these methods hinges on the reliablility of the pseudo-labels. Existing methods mostly choose high-confidence pixels in an effort to avoid erroneous pseudo-labels. However, high confidence does not guarantee correct pseudo-labels especially in the initial training iterations. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to reliably learn from pseudo-labels. First, we unify the predictions from a trained object detector and a semantic segmentation model to identify reliable pseudo-label pixels. Second, we assign different learning weights to pseudo-labeled pixels to avoid noisy training signals. To determine these weights, we first use the reliable pseudo-label pixels identified from the first step and labeled pixels to construct a prototype for each class. Then, the per-pixel weight is the structural similarity between the pixel and the prototype measured via rank-statistics similarity. This metric is robust to noise, making it better suited for comparing features from unlabeled images, particularly in the initial training phases where wrong pseudo labels are prone to occur. We show that our method can be easily integrated into four semi-supervised semantic segmentation frameworks, and improves them in both Cityscapes and Pascal VOC datasets.

new CerberusDet: Unified Multi-Task Object Detection

Authors: Irina Tolstykh, Mikhail Chernyshov, Maksim Kuprashevich

Abstract: Object detection is a core task in computer vision. Over the years, the development of numerous models has significantly enhanced performance. However, these conventional models are usually limited by the data on which they were trained and by the category logic they define. With the recent rise of Language-Visual Models, new methods have emerged that are not restricted to these fixed categories. Despite their flexibility, such Open Vocabulary detection models still fall short in accuracy compared to traditional models with fixed classes. At the same time, more accurate data-specific models face challenges when there is a need to extend classes or merge different datasets for training. The latter often cannot be combined due to different logics or conflicting class definitions, making it difficult to improve a model without compromising its performance. In this paper, we introduce CerberusDet, a framework with a multi-headed model designed for handling multiple object detection tasks. Proposed model is built on the YOLO architecture and efficiently shares visual features from both backbone and neck components, while maintaining separate task heads. This approach allows CerberusDet to perform very efficiently while still delivering optimal results. We evaluated the model on the PASCAL VOC dataset and additional categories from the Objects365 dataset to demonstrate its abilities. CerberusDet achieved results comparable to state-of-the-art data-specific models with 36% less inference time. The more tasks are trained together, the more efficient the proposed model becomes compared to running individual models sequentially. The training and inference code, as well as the model, are available as open-source (


new Toward INT4 Fixed-Point Training via Exploring Quantization Error for Gradients

Authors: Dohyung Kim, Junghyup Lee, Jeimin Jeon, Jaehyeon Moon, Bumsub Ham

Abstract: Network quantization generally converts full-precision weights and/or activations into low-bit fixed-point values in order to accelerate an inference process. Recent approaches to network quantization further discretize the gradients into low-bit fixed-point values, enabling an efficient training. They typically set a quantization interval using a min-max range of the gradients or adjust the interval such that the quantization error for entire gradients is minimized. In this paper, we analyze the quantization error of gradients for the low-bit fixed-point training, and show that lowering the error for large-magnitude gradients boosts the quantization performance significantly. Based on this, we derive an upper bound of quantization error for the large gradients in terms of the quantization interval, and obtain an optimal condition for the interval minimizing the quantization error for large gradients. We also introduce an interval update algorithm that adjusts the quantization interval adaptively to maintain a small quantization error for large gradients. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our quantization method for various combinations of network architectures and bit-widths on various tasks, including image classification, object detection, and super-resolution.

new Zero-shot Text-guided Infinite Image Synthesis with LLM guidance

Authors: Soyeong Kwon, Taegyeong Lee, Taehwan Kim

Abstract: Text-guided image editing and generation methods have diverse real-world applications. However, text-guided infinite image synthesis faces several challenges. First, there is a lack of text-image paired datasets with high-resolution and contextual diversity. Second, expanding images based on text requires global coherence and rich local context understanding. Previous studies have mainly focused on limited categories, such as natural landscapes, and also required to train on high-resolution images with paired text. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) for both global coherence and local context understanding, without any high-resolution text-image paired training dataset. We train the diffusion model to expand an image conditioned on global and local captions generated from the LLM and visual feature. At the inference stage, given an image and a global caption, we use the LLM to generate a next local caption to expand the input image. Then, we expand the image using the global caption, generated local caption and the visual feature to consider global consistency and spatial local context. In experiments, our model outperforms the baselines both quantitatively and qualitatively. Furthermore, our model demonstrates the capability of text-guided arbitrary-sized image generation in zero-shot manner with LLM guidance.

new Fusion Flow-enhanced Graph Pooling Residual Networks for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Surveillance in Day and Night Dual Visions

Authors: Alam Noor, Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar, Pei Zhang, Bo Wei

Abstract: Recognizing unauthorized Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) within designated no-fly zones throughout the day and night is of paramount importance, where the unauthorized UAVs pose a substantial threat to both civil and military aviation safety. However, recognizing UAVs day and night with dual-vision cameras is nontrivial, since red-green-blue (RGB) images suffer from a low detection rate under an insufficient light condition, such as on cloudy or stormy days, while black-and-white infrared (IR) images struggle to capture UAVs that overlap with the background at night. In this paper, we propose a new optical flow-assisted graph-pooling residual network (OF-GPRN), which significantly enhances the UAV detection rate in day and night dual visions. The proposed OF-GPRN develops a new optical fusion to remove superfluous backgrounds, which improves RGB/IR imaging clarity. Furthermore, OF-GPRN extends optical fusion by incorporating a graph residual split attention network and a feature pyramid, which refines the perception of UAVs, leading to a higher success rate in UAV detection. A comprehensive performance evaluation is conducted using a benchmark UAV catch dataset. The results indicate that the proposed OF-GPRN elevates the UAV mean average precision (mAP) detection rate to 87.8%, marking a 17.9% advancement compared to the residual graph neural network (ResGCN)-based approach.

new InfoNorm: Mutual Information Shaping of Normals for Sparse-View Reconstruction

Authors: Xulong Wang, Siyan Dong, Youyi Zheng, Yanchao Yang

Abstract: 3D surface reconstruction from multi-view images is essential for scene understanding and interaction. However, complex indoor scenes pose challenges such as ambiguity due to limited observations. Recent implicit surface representations, such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) and signed distance functions (SDFs), employ various geometric priors to resolve the lack of observed information. Nevertheless, their performance heavily depends on the quality of the pre-trained geometry estimation models. To ease such dependence, we propose regularizing the geometric modeling by explicitly encouraging the mutual information among surface normals of highly correlated scene points. In this way, the geometry learning process is modulated by the second-order correlations from noisy (first-order) geometric priors, thus eliminating the bias due to poor generalization. Additionally, we introduce a simple yet effective scheme that utilizes semantic and geometric features to identify correlated points, enhancing their mutual information accordingly. The proposed technique can serve as a plugin for SDF-based neural surface representations. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed in improving the surface reconstruction quality of major states of the arts. Our code is available at: \url{}.


new SG-NeRF: Neural Surface Reconstruction with Scene Graph Optimization

Authors: Yiyang Chen, Siyan Dong, Xulong Wang, Lulu Cai, Youyi Zheng, Yanchao Yang

Abstract: 3D surface reconstruction from images is essential for numerous applications. Recently, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have emerged as a promising framework for 3D modeling. However, NeRFs require accurate camera poses as input, and existing methods struggle to handle significantly noisy pose estimates (i.e., outliers), which are commonly encountered in real-world scenarios. To tackle this challenge, we present a novel approach that optimizes radiance fields with scene graphs to mitigate the influence of outlier poses. Our method incorporates an adaptive inlier-outlier confidence estimation scheme based on scene graphs, emphasizing images of high compatibility with the neighborhood and consistency in the rendering quality. We also introduce an effective intersection-over-union (IoU) loss to optimize the camera pose and surface geometry, together with a coarse-to-fine strategy to facilitate the training. Furthermore, we propose a new dataset containing typical outlier poses for a detailed evaluation. Experimental results on various datasets consistently demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our method over existing approaches, showcasing its robustness in handling outliers and producing high-quality 3D reconstructions. Our code and data are available at: \url{}.


new Enhancing the Utility of Privacy-Preserving Cancer Classification using Synthetic Data

Authors: Richard Osuala, Daniel M. Lang, Anneliese Riess, Georgios Kaissis, Zuzanna Szafranowska, Grzegorz Skorupko, Oliver Diaz, Julia A. Schnabel, Karim Lekadir

Abstract: Deep learning holds immense promise for aiding radiologists in breast cancer detection. However, achieving optimal model performance is hampered by limitations in availability and sharing of data commonly associated to patient privacy concerns. Such concerns are further exacerbated, as traditional deep learning models can inadvertently leak sensitive training information. This work addresses these challenges exploring and quantifying the utility of privacy-preserving deep learning techniques, concretely, (i) differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD) and (ii) fully synthetic training data generated by our proposed malignancy-conditioned generative adversarial network. We assess these methods via downstream malignancy classification of mammography masses using a transformer model. Our experimental results depict that synthetic data augmentation can improve privacy-utility tradeoffs in differentially private model training. Further, model pretraining on synthetic data achieves remarkable performance, which can be further increased with DP-SGD fine-tuning across all privacy guarantees. With this first in-depth exploration of privacy-preserving deep learning in breast imaging, we address current and emerging clinical privacy requirements and pave the way towards the adoption of private high-utility deep diagnostic models. Our reproducible codebase is publicly available at


new CoSIGN: Few-Step Guidance of ConSIstency Model to Solve General INverse Problems

Authors: Jiankun Zhao, Bowen Song, Liyue Shen

Abstract: Diffusion models have been demonstrated as strong priors for solving general inverse problems. Most existing Diffusion model-based Inverse Problem Solvers (DIS) employ a plug-and-play approach to guide the sampling trajectory with either projections or gradients. Though effective, these methods generally necessitate hundreds of sampling steps, posing a dilemma between inference time and reconstruction quality. In this work, we try to push the boundary of inference steps to 1-2 NFEs while still maintaining high reconstruction quality. To achieve this, we propose to leverage a pretrained distillation of diffusion model, namely consistency model, as the data prior. The key to achieving few-step guidance is to enforce two types of constraints during the sampling process of the consistency model: soft measurement constraint with ControlNet and hard measurement constraint via optimization. Supporting both single-step reconstruction and multistep refinement, the proposed framework further provides a way to trade image quality with additional computational cost. Within comparable NFEs, our method achieves new state-of-the-art in diffusion-based inverse problem solving, showcasing the significant potential of employing prior-based inverse problem solvers for real-world applications. Code is available at:


new Goldfish: Vision-Language Understanding of Arbitrarily Long Videos

Authors: Kirolos Ataallah, Xiaoqian Shen, Eslam Abdelrahman, Essam Sleiman, Mingchen Zhuge, Jian Ding, Deyao Zhu, J\"urgen Schmidhuber, Mohamed Elhoseiny

Abstract: Most current LLM-based models for video understanding can process videos within minutes. However, they struggle with lengthy videos due to challenges such as "noise and redundancy", as well as "memory and computation" constraints. In this paper, we present Goldfish, a methodology tailored for comprehending videos of arbitrary lengths. We also introduce the TVQA-long benchmark, specifically designed to evaluate models' capabilities in understanding long videos with questions in both vision and text content. Goldfish approaches these challenges with an efficient retrieval mechanism that initially gathers the top-k video clips relevant to the instruction before proceeding to provide the desired response. This design of the retrieval mechanism enables the Goldfish to efficiently process arbitrarily long video sequences, facilitating its application in contexts such as movies or television series. To facilitate the retrieval process, we developed MiniGPT4-Video that generates detailed descriptions for the video clips. In addressing the scarcity of benchmarks for long video evaluation, we adapted the TVQA short video benchmark for extended content analysis by aggregating questions from entire episodes, thereby shifting the evaluation from partial to full episode comprehension. We attained a 41.78% accuracy rate on the TVQA-long benchmark, surpassing previous methods by 14.94%. Our MiniGPT4-Video also shows exceptional performance in short video comprehension, exceeding existing state-of-the-art methods by 3.23%, 2.03%, 16.5% and 23.59% on the MSVD, MSRVTT, TGIF, and TVQA short video benchmarks, respectively. These results indicate that our models have significant improvements in both long and short-video understanding. Our models and code have been made publicly available at


new In-Situ Infrared Camera Monitoring for Defect and Anomaly Detection in Laser Powder Bed Fusion: Calibration, Data Mapping, and Feature Extraction

Authors: Shawn Hinnebusch, David Anderson, Berkay Bostan, Albert C. To

Abstract: Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) process can incur defects due to melt pool instabilities, spattering, temperature increase, and powder spread anomalies. Identifying defects through in-situ monitoring typically requires collecting, storing, and analyzing large amounts of data generated. The first goal of this work is to propose a new approach to accurately map in-situ data to a three-dimensional (3D) geometry, aiming to reduce the amount of storage. The second goal of this work is to introduce several new IR features for defect detection or process model calibration, which include laser scan order, local preheat temperature, maximum pre-laser scanning temperature, and number of spatters generated locally and their landing locations. For completeness, processing of other common IR features, such as interpass temperature, heat intensity, cooling rates, and melt pool area, are also presented with the underlying algorithm and Python implementation. A number of different parts are printed, monitored, and characterized to provide evidence of process defects and anomalies that different IR features are capable of detecting.

new 4Dynamic: Text-to-4D Generation with Hybrid Priors

Authors: Yu-Jie Yuan, Leif Kobbelt, Jiwen Liu, Yuan Zhang, Pengfei Wan, Yu-Kun Lai, Lin Gao

Abstract: Due to the fascinating generative performance of text-to-image diffusion models, growing text-to-3D generation works explore distilling the 2D generative priors into 3D, using the score distillation sampling (SDS) loss, to bypass the data scarcity problem. The existing text-to-3D methods have achieved promising results in realism and 3D consistency, but text-to-4D generation still faces challenges, including lack of realism and insufficient dynamic motions. In this paper, we propose a novel method for text-to-4D generation, which ensures the dynamic amplitude and authenticity through direct supervision provided by a video prior. Specifically, we adopt a text-to-video diffusion model to generate a reference video and divide 4D generation into two stages: static generation and dynamic generation. The static 3D generation is achieved under the guidance of the input text and the first frame of the reference video, while in the dynamic generation stage, we introduce a customized SDS loss to ensure multi-view consistency, a video-based SDS loss to improve temporal consistency, and most importantly, direct priors from the reference video to ensure the quality of geometry and texture. Moreover, we design a prior-switching training strategy to avoid conflicts between different priors and fully leverage the benefits of each prior. In addition, to enrich the generated motion, we further introduce a dynamic modeling representation composed of a deformation network and a topology network, which ensures dynamic continuity while modeling topological changes. Our method not only supports text-to-4D generation but also enables 4D generation from monocular videos. The comparison experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method compared to existing methods.

new Calibrated Diverse Ensemble Entropy Minimization for Robust Test-Time Adaptation in Prostate Cancer Detection

Authors: Mahdi Gilany, Mohamed Harmanani, Paul Wilson, Minh Nguyen Nhat To, Amoon Jamzad, Fahimeh Fooladgar, Brian Wodlinger, Purang Abolmaesumi, Parvin Mousavi

Abstract: High resolution micro-ultrasound has demonstrated promise in real-time prostate cancer detection, with deep learning becoming a prominent tool for learning complex tissue properties reflected on ultrasound. However, a significant roadblock to real-world deployment remains, which prior works often overlook: model performance suffers when applied to data from different clinical centers due to variations in data distribution. This distribution shift significantly impacts the model's robustness, posing major challenge to clinical deployment. Domain adaptation and specifically its test-time adaption (TTA) variant offer a promising solution to address this challenge. In a setting designed to reflect real-world conditions, we compare existing methods to state-of-the-art TTA approaches adopted for cancer detection, demonstrating the lack of robustness to distribution shifts in the former. We then propose Diverse Ensemble Entropy Minimization (DEnEM), questioning the effectiveness of current TTA methods on ultrasound data. We show that these methods, although outperforming baselines, are suboptimal due to relying on neural networks output probabilities, which could be uncalibrated, or relying on data augmentation, which is not straightforward to define on ultrasound data. Our results show a significant improvement of $5\%$ to $7\%$ in AUROC over the existing methods and $3\%$ to $5\%$ over TTA methods, demonstrating the advantage of DEnEM in addressing distribution shift. \keywords{Ultrasound Imaging \and Prostate Cancer \and Computer-aided Diagnosis \and Distribution Shift Robustness \and Test-time Adaptation.}

new TransCAD: A Hierarchical Transformer for CAD Sequence Inference from Point Clouds

Authors: Elona Dupont, Kseniya Cherenkova, Dimitrios Mallis, Gleb Gusev, Anis Kacem, Djamila Aouada

Abstract: 3D reverse engineering, in which a CAD model is inferred given a 3D scan of a physical object, is a research direction that offers many promising practical applications. This paper proposes TransCAD, an end-to-end transformer-based architecture that predicts the CAD sequence from a point cloud. TransCAD leverages the structure of CAD sequences by using a hierarchical learning strategy. A loop refiner is also introduced to regress sketch primitive parameters. Rigorous experimentation on the DeepCAD and Fusion360 datasets show that TransCAD achieves state-of-the-art results. The result analysis is supported with a proposed metric for CAD sequence, the mean Average Precision of CAD Sequence, that addresses the limitations of existing metrics.

new IMAGDressing-v1: Customizable Virtual Dressing

Authors: Fei Shen, Xin Jiang, Xin He, Hu Ye, Cong Wang, Xiaoyu Du, Zechao Li, Jinghui Tang

Abstract: Latest advances have achieved realistic virtual try-on (VTON) through localized garment inpainting using latent diffusion models, significantly enhancing consumers' online shopping experience. However, existing VTON technologies neglect the need for merchants to showcase garments comprehensively, including flexible control over garments, optional faces, poses, and scenes. To address this issue, we define a virtual dressing (VD) task focused on generating freely editable human images with fixed garments and optional conditions. Meanwhile, we design a comprehensive affinity metric index (CAMI) to evaluate the consistency between generated images and reference garments. Then, we propose IMAGDressing-v1, which incorporates a garment UNet that captures semantic features from CLIP and texture features from VAE. We present a hybrid attention module, including a frozen self-attention and a trainable cross-attention, to integrate garment features from the garment UNet into a frozen denoising UNet, ensuring users can control different scenes through text. IMAGDressing-v1 can be combined with other extension plugins, such as ControlNet and IP-Adapter, to enhance the diversity and controllability of generated images. Furthermore, to address the lack of data, we release the interactive garment pairing (IGPair) dataset, containing over 300,000 pairs of clothing and dressed images, and establish a standard pipeline for data assembly. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our IMAGDressing-v1 achieves state-of-the-art human image synthesis performance under various controlled conditions. The code and model will be available at


new MoME: Mixture of Multimodal Experts for Generalist Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Leyang Shen, Gongwei Chen, Rui Shao, Weili Guan, Liqiang Nie

Abstract: Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities across various vision-language tasks. However, a generalist MLLM typically underperforms compared with a specialist MLLM on most VL tasks, which can be attributed to task interference. In this paper, we propose a mixture of multimodal experts (MoME) to mitigate task interference and obtain a generalist MLLM. Our MoME is composed of two key components, a mixture of vision experts (MoVE) and a mixture of language experts (MoLE). MoVE can adaptively modulate the features transformed from various vision encoders, and has a strong compatibility in transformation architecture. MoLE incorporates sparsely gated experts into LLMs to achieve painless improvements with roughly unchanged inference costs. In response to task interference, our MoME specializes in both vision and language modality to adapt to task discrepancies. Extensive experiments show that MoME significantly improves the performance of generalist MLLMs across various VL tasks. The source code is released at


new SlimFlow: Training Smaller One-Step Diffusion Models with Rectified Flow

Authors: Yuanzhi Zhu, Xingchao Liu, Qiang Liu

Abstract: Diffusion models excel in high-quality generation but suffer from slow inference due to iterative sampling. While recent methods have successfully transformed diffusion models into one-step generators, they neglect model size reduction, limiting their applicability in compute-constrained scenarios. This paper aims to develop small, efficient one-step diffusion models based on the powerful rectified flow framework, by exploring joint compression of inference steps and model size. The rectified flow framework trains one-step generative models using two operations, reflow and distillation. Compared with the original framework, squeezing the model size brings two new challenges: (1) the initialization mismatch between large teachers and small students during reflow; (2) the underperformance of naive distillation on small student models. To overcome these issues, we propose Annealing Reflow and Flow-Guided Distillation, which together comprise our SlimFlow framework. With our novel framework, we train a one-step diffusion model with an FID of 5.02 and 15.7M parameters, outperforming the previous state-of-the-art one-step diffusion model (FID=6.47, 19.4M parameters) on CIFAR10. On ImageNet 64$\times$64 and FFHQ 64$\times$64, our method yields small one-step diffusion models that are comparable to larger models, showcasing the effectiveness of our method in creating compact, efficient one-step diffusion models.

new An Evaluation of Continual Learning for Advanced Node Semiconductor Defect Inspection

Authors: Amit Prasad, Bappaditya Dey, Victor Blanco, Sandip Halder

Abstract: Deep learning-based semiconductor defect inspection has gained traction in recent years, offering a powerful and versatile approach that provides high accuracy, adaptability, and efficiency in detecting and classifying nano-scale defects. However, semiconductor manufacturing processes are continually evolving, leading to the emergence of new types of defects over time. This presents a significant challenge for conventional supervised defect detectors, as they may suffer from catastrophic forgetting when trained on new defect datasets, potentially compromising performance on previously learned tasks. An alternative approach involves the constant storage of previously trained datasets alongside pre-trained model versions, which can be utilized for (re-)training from scratch or fine-tuning whenever encountering a new defect dataset. However, adhering to such a storage template is impractical in terms of size, particularly when considering High-Volume Manufacturing (HVM). Additionally, semiconductor defect datasets, especially those encompassing stochastic defects, are often limited and expensive to obtain, thus lacking sufficient representation of the entire universal set of defectivity. This work introduces a task-agnostic, meta-learning approach aimed at addressing this challenge, which enables the incremental addition of new defect classes and scales to create a more robust and generalized model for semiconductor defect inspection. We have benchmarked our approach using real resist-wafer SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) datasets for two process steps, ADI and AEI, demonstrating its superior performance compared to conventional supervised training methods.

new NL2Contact: Natural Language Guided 3D Hand-Object Contact Modeling with Diffusion Model

Authors: Zhongqun Zhang, Hengfei Wang, Ziwei Yu, Yihua Cheng, Angela Yao, Hyung Jin Chang

Abstract: Modeling the physical contacts between the hand and object is standard for refining inaccurate hand poses and generating novel human grasp in 3D hand-object reconstruction. However, existing methods rely on geometric constraints that cannot be specified or controlled. This paper introduces a novel task of controllable 3D hand-object contact modeling with natural language descriptions. Challenges include i) the complexity of cross-modal modeling from language to contact, and ii) a lack of descriptive text for contact patterns. To address these issues, we propose NL2Contact, a model that generates controllable contacts by leveraging staged diffusion models. Given a language description of the hand and contact, NL2Contact generates realistic and faithful 3D hand-object contacts. To train the model, we build \textit{ContactDescribe}, the first dataset with hand-centered contact descriptions. It contains multi-level and diverse descriptions generated by large language models based on carefully designed prompts (e.g., grasp action, grasp type, contact location, free finger status). We show applications of our model to grasp pose optimization and novel human grasp generation, both based on a textual contact description.

new RoDE: Linear Rectified Mixture of Diverse Experts for Food Large Multi-Modal Models

Authors: Pengkun Jiao, Xinlan Wu, Bin Zhu, Jingjing Chen, Chong-Wah Ngo, Yugang Jiang

Abstract: Large Multi-modal Models (LMMs) have significantly advanced a variety of vision-language tasks. The scalability and availability of high-quality training data play a pivotal role in the success of LMMs. In the realm of food, while comprehensive food datasets such as Recipe1M offer an abundance of ingredient and recipe information, they often fall short of providing ample data for nutritional analysis. The Recipe1M+ dataset, despite offering a subset for nutritional evaluation, is limited in the scale and accuracy of nutrition information. To bridge this gap, we introduce Uni-Food, a unified food dataset that comprises over 100,000 images with various food labels, including categories, ingredients, recipes, and ingredient-level nutritional information. Uni-Food is designed to provide a more holistic approach to food data analysis, thereby enhancing the performance and capabilities of LMMs in this domain. To mitigate the conflicts arising from multi-task supervision during fine-tuning of LMMs, we introduce a novel Linear Rectification Mixture of Diverse Experts (RoDE) approach. RoDE utilizes a diverse array of experts to address tasks of varying complexity, thereby facilitating the coordination of trainable parameters, i.e., it allocates more parameters for more complex tasks and, conversely, fewer parameters for simpler tasks. RoDE implements linear rectification union to refine the router's functionality, thereby enhancing the efficiency of sparse task allocation. These design choices endow RoDE with features that ensure GPU memory efficiency and ease of optimization. Our experimental results validate the effectiveness of our proposed approach in addressing the inherent challenges of food-related multitasking.

new EchoSight: Advancing Visual-Language Models with Wiki Knowledge

Authors: Yibin Yan, Weidi Xie

Abstract: Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering (KVQA) tasks require answering questions about images using extensive background knowledge. Despite significant advancements, generative models often struggle with these tasks due to the limited integration of external knowledge. In this paper, we introduce EchoSight, a novel multimodal Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework that enables large language models (LLMs) to answer visual questions requiring fine-grained encyclopedic knowledge. To strive for high-performing retrieval, EchoSight first searches wiki articles by using visual-only information, subsequently, these candidate articles are further reranked according to their relevance to the combined text-image query. This approach significantly improves the integration of multimodal knowledge, leading to enhanced retrieval outcomes and more accurate VQA responses. Our experimental results on the Encyclopedic VQA and InfoSeek datasets demonstrate that EchoSight establishes new state-of-the-art results in knowledge-based VQA, achieving an accuracy of 41.8% on Encyclopedic VQA and 31.3% on InfoSeek.

new CHOSEN: Compilation to Hardware Optimization Stack for Efficient Vision Transformer Inference

Authors: Mohammad Erfan Sadeghi, Arash Fayyazi, Suhas Somashekar, Massoud Pedram

Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViTs) represent a groundbreaking shift in machine learning approaches to computer vision. Unlike traditional approaches, ViTs employ the self-attention mechanism, which has been widely used in natural language processing, to analyze image patches. Despite their advantages in modeling visual tasks, deploying ViTs on hardware platforms, notably Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), introduces considerable challenges. These challenges stem primarily from the non-linear calculations and high computational and memory demands of ViTs. This paper introduces CHOSEN, a software-hardware co-design framework to address these challenges and offer an automated framework for ViT deployment on the FPGAs in order to maximize performance. Our framework is built upon three fundamental contributions: multi-kernel design to maximize the bandwidth, mainly targeting benefits of multi DDR memory banks, approximate non-linear functions that exhibit minimal accuracy degradation, and efficient use of available logic blocks on the FPGA, and efficient compiler to maximize the performance and memory-efficiency of the computing kernels by presenting a novel algorithm for design space exploration to find optimal hardware configuration that achieves optimal throughput and latency. Compared to the state-of-the-art ViT accelerators, CHOSEN achieves a 1.5x and 1.42x improvement in the throughput on the DeiT-S and DeiT-B models.

new GroundUp: Rapid Sketch-Based 3D City Massing

Authors: Gizem Esra Unlu, Mohamed Sayed, Yulia Gryaditskaya, Gabriel Brostow

Abstract: We propose GroundUp, the first sketch-based ideation tool for 3D city massing of urban areas. We focus on early-stage urban design, where sketching is a common tool and the design starts from balancing building volumes (masses) and open spaces. With Human-Centered AI in mind, we aim to help architects quickly revise their ideas by easily switching between 2D sketches and 3D models, allowing for smoother iteration and sharing of ideas. Inspired by feedback from architects and existing workflows, our system takes as a first input a user sketch of multiple buildings in a top-down view. The user then draws a perspective sketch of the envisioned site. Our method is designed to exploit the complementarity of information in the two sketches and allows users to quickly preview and adjust the inferred 3D shapes. Our model has two main components. First, we propose a novel sketch-to-depth prediction network for perspective sketches that exploits top-down sketch shapes. Second, we use depth cues derived from the perspective sketch as a condition to our diffusion model, which ultimately completes the geometry in a top-down view. Thus, our final 3D geometry is represented as a heightfield, allowing users to construct the city `from the ground up'.

new LookupViT: Compressing visual information to a limited number of tokens

Authors: Rajat Koner, Gagan Jain, Prateek Jain, Volker Tresp, Sujoy Paul

Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViT) have emerged as the de-facto choice for numerous industry grade vision solutions. But their inference cost can be prohibitive for many settings, as they compute self-attention in each layer which suffers from quadratic computational complexity in the number of tokens. On the other hand, spatial information in images and spatio-temporal information in videos is usually sparse and redundant. In this work, we introduce LookupViT, that aims to exploit this information sparsity to reduce ViT inference cost. LookupViT provides a novel general purpose vision transformer block that operates by compressing information from higher resolution tokens to a fixed number of tokens. These few compressed tokens undergo meticulous processing, while the higher-resolution tokens are passed through computationally cheaper layers. Information sharing between these two token sets is enabled through a bidirectional cross-attention mechanism. The approach offers multiple advantages - (a) easy to implement on standard ML accelerators (GPUs/TPUs) via standard high-level operators, (b) applicable to standard ViT and its variants, thus generalizes to various tasks, (c) can handle different tokenization and attention approaches. LookupViT also offers flexibility for the compressed tokens, enabling performance-computation trade-offs in a single trained model. We show LookupViT's effectiveness on multiple domains - (a) for image-classification (ImageNet-1K and ImageNet-21K), (b) video classification (Kinetics400 and Something-Something V2), (c) image captioning (COCO-Captions) with a frozen encoder. LookupViT provides $2\times$ reduction in FLOPs while upholding or improving accuracy across these domains. In addition, LookupViT also demonstrates out-of-the-box robustness and generalization on image classification (ImageNet-C,R,A,O), improving by up to $4\%$ over ViT.

new Mutual Information Guided Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification

Authors: Zhizhong Zhang, Jiangming Wang, Xin Tan, Yanyun Qu, Junping Wang, Yong Xie, Yuan Xie

Abstract: Unsupervised visible infrared person re-identification (USVI-ReID) is a challenging retrieval task that aims to retrieve cross-modality pedestrian images without using any label information. In this task, the large cross-modality variance makes it difficult to generate reliable cross-modality labels, and the lack of annotations also provides additional difficulties for learning modality-invariant features. In this paper, we first deduce an optimization objective for unsupervised VI-ReID based on the mutual information between the model's cross-modality input and output. With equivalent derivation, three learning principles, i.e., "Sharpness" (entropy minimization), "Fairness" (uniform label distribution), and "Fitness" (reliable cross-modality matching) are obtained. Under their guidance, we design a loop iterative training strategy alternating between model training and cross-modality matching. In the matching stage, a uniform prior guided optimal transport assignment ("Fitness", "Fairness") is proposed to select matched visible and infrared prototypes. In the training stage, we utilize this matching information to introduce prototype-based contrastive learning for minimizing the intra- and cross-modality entropy ("Sharpness"). Extensive experimental results on benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, e.g., 60.6% and 90.3% of Rank-1 accuracy on SYSU-MM01 and RegDB without any annotations.

new OMG-Net: A Deep Learning Framework Deploying Segment Anything to Detect Pan-Cancer Mitotic Figures from Haematoxylin and Eosin-Stained Slides

Authors: Zhuoyan Shen, Mikael Simard, Douglas Brand, Vanghelita Andrei, Ali Al-Khader, Fatine Oumlil, Katherine Trevers, Thomas Butters, Simon Haefliger, Eleanna Kara, Fernanda Amary, Roberto Tirabosco, Paul Cool, Gary Royle, Maria A. Hawkins, Adrienne M. Flanagan, Charles-Antoine Collins Fekete

Abstract: Mitotic activity is an important feature for grading several cancer types. Counting mitotic figures (MFs) is a time-consuming, laborious task prone to inter-observer variation. Inaccurate recognition of MFs can lead to incorrect grading and hence potential suboptimal treatment. In this study, we propose an artificial intelligence (AI)-aided approach to detect MFs in digitised haematoxylin and eosin-stained whole slide images (WSIs). Advances in this area are hampered by the limited number and types of cancer datasets of MFs. Here we establish the largest pan-cancer dataset of mitotic figures by combining an in-house dataset of soft tissue tumours (STMF) with five open-source mitotic datasets comprising multiple human cancers and canine specimens (ICPR, TUPAC, CCMCT, CMC and MIDOG++). This new dataset identifies 74,620 MFs and 105,538 mitotic-like figures. We then employed a two-stage framework (the Optimised Mitoses Generator Network (OMG-Net) to classify MFs. The framework first deploys the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to automate the contouring of MFs and surrounding objects. An adapted ResNet18 is subsequently trained to classify MFs. OMG-Net reaches an F1-score of 0.84 on pan-cancer MF detection (breast carcinoma, neuroendocrine tumour and melanoma), largely outperforming the previous state-of-the-art MIDOG++ benchmark model on its hold-out testing set (e.g. +16% F1-score on breast cancer detection, p<0.001) thereby providing superior accuracy in detecting MFs on various types of tumours obtained with different scanners.

new Generalizable Human Gaussians for Sparse View Synthesis

Authors: Youngjoong Kwon, Baole Fang, Yixing Lu, Haoye Dong, Cheng Zhang, Francisco Vicente Carrasco, Albert Mosella-Montoro, Jianjin Xu, Shingo Takagi, Daeil Kim, Aayush Prakash, Fernando De la Torre

Abstract: Recent progress in neural rendering has brought forth pioneering methods, such as NeRF and Gaussian Splatting, which revolutionize view rendering across various domains like AR/VR, gaming, and content creation. While these methods excel at interpolating {\em within the training data}, the challenge of generalizing to new scenes and objects from very sparse views persists. Specifically, modeling 3D humans from sparse views presents formidable hurdles due to the inherent complexity of human geometry, resulting in inaccurate reconstructions of geometry and textures. To tackle this challenge, this paper leverages recent advancements in Gaussian Splatting and introduces a new method to learn generalizable human Gaussians that allows photorealistic and accurate view-rendering of a new human subject from a limited set of sparse views in a feed-forward manner. A pivotal innovation of our approach involves reformulating the learning of 3D Gaussian parameters into a regression process defined on the 2D UV space of a human template, which allows leveraging the strong geometry prior and the advantages of 2D convolutions. In addition, a multi-scaffold is proposed to effectively represent the offset details. Our method outperforms recent methods on both within-dataset generalization as well as cross-dataset generalization settings.

new VD3D: Taming Large Video Diffusion Transformers for 3D Camera Control

Authors: Sherwin Bahmani, Ivan Skorokhodov, Aliaksandr Siarohin, Willi Menapace, Guocheng Qian, Michael Vasilkovsky, Hsin-Ying Lee, Chaoyang Wang, Jiaxu Zou, Andrea Tagliasacchi, David B. Lindell, Sergey Tulyakov

Abstract: Modern text-to-video synthesis models demonstrate coherent, photorealistic generation of complex videos from a text description. However, most existing models lack fine-grained control over camera movement, which is critical for downstream applications related to content creation, visual effects, and 3D vision. Recently, new methods demonstrate the ability to generate videos with controllable camera poses these techniques leverage pre-trained U-Net-based diffusion models that explicitly disentangle spatial and temporal generation. Still, no existing approach enables camera control for new, transformer-based video diffusion models that process spatial and temporal information jointly. Here, we propose to tame video transformers for 3D camera control using a ControlNet-like conditioning mechanism that incorporates spatiotemporal camera embeddings based on Plucker coordinates. The approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance for controllable video generation after fine-tuning on the RealEstate10K dataset. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to enable camera control for transformer-based video diffusion models.

new SMooDi: Stylized Motion Diffusion Model

Authors: Lei Zhong, Yiming Xie, Varun Jampani, Deqing Sun, Huaizu Jiang

Abstract: We introduce a novel Stylized Motion Diffusion model, dubbed SMooDi, to generate stylized motion driven by content texts and style motion sequences. Unlike existing methods that either generate motion of various content or transfer style from one sequence to another, SMooDi can rapidly generate motion across a broad range of content and diverse styles. To this end, we tailor a pre-trained text-to-motion model for stylization. Specifically, we propose style guidance to ensure that the generated motion closely matches the reference style, alongside a lightweight style adaptor that directs the motion towards the desired style while ensuring realism. Experiments across various applications demonstrate that our proposed framework outperforms existing methods in stylized motion generation.

cross The Kolmogorov Complexity of Irish traditional dance music

Authors: Michael McGettrick, Paul McGettrick

Abstract: We estimate the Kolmogorov complexity of melodies in Irish traditional dance music using Lempel-Ziv compression. The "tunes" of the music are presented in so-called "ABC notation" as simply a sequence of letters from an alphabet: We have no rhythmic variation, with all notes being of equal length. Our estimation of algorithmic complexity can be used to distinguish "simple" or "easy" tunes (with more repetition) from "difficult" ones (with less repetition) which should prove useful for students learning tunes. We further present a comparison of two tune categories (reels and jigs) in terms of their complexity.

cross A Multimodal Transformer for Live Streaming Highlight Prediction

Authors: Jiaxin Deng, Shiyao Wang, Dong Shen, Liqin Zhao, Fan Yang, Guorui Zhou, Gaofeng Meng

Abstract: Recently, live streaming platforms have gained immense popularity. Traditional video highlight detection mainly focuses on visual features and utilizes both past and future content for prediction. However, live streaming requires models to infer without future frames and process complex multimodal interactions, including images, audio and text comments. To address these issues, we propose a multimodal transformer that incorporates historical look-back windows. We introduce a novel Modality Temporal Alignment Module to handle the temporal shift of cross-modal signals. Additionally, using existing datasets with limited manual annotations is insufficient for live streaming whose topics are constantly updated and changed. Therefore, we propose a novel Border-aware Pairwise Loss to learn from a large-scale dataset and utilize user implicit feedback as a weak supervision signal. Extensive experiments show our model outperforms various strong baselines on both real-world scenarios and public datasets. And we will release our dataset and code to better assess this topic.

cross VCEval: Rethinking What is a Good Educational Video and How to Automatically Evaluate It

Authors: Xiaoxuan Zhu, Zhouhong Gu, Sihang Jiang, Zhixu Li, Hongwei Feng, Yanghua Xiao

Abstract: Online courses have significantly lowered the barrier to accessing education, yet the varying content quality of these videos poses challenges. In this work, we focus on the task of automatically evaluating the quality of video course content. We have constructed a dataset with a substantial collection of video courses and teaching materials. We propose three evaluation principles and design a new evaluation framework, \textit{VCEval}, based on these principles. The task is modeled as a multiple-choice question-answering task, with a language model serving as the evaluator. Our method effectively distinguishes video courses of different content quality and produces a range of interpretable results.

cross Dating ancient manuscripts using radiocarbon and AI-based writing style analysis

Authors: Mladen Popovi\'c, Maruf A. Dhali, Lambert Schomaker, Johannes van der Plicht, Kaare Lund Rasmussen, Jacopo La Nasa, Ilaria Degano, Maria Perla Colombini, Eibert Tigchelaar

Abstract: Determining the chronology of ancient handwritten manuscripts is essential for reconstructing the evolution of ideas. For the Dead Sea Scrolls, this is particularly important. However, there is an almost complete lack of date-bearing manuscripts evenly distributed across the timeline and written in similar scripts available for palaeographic comparison. Here, we present Enoch, a state-of-the-art AI-based date-prediction model, trained on the basis of new radiocarbon-dated samples of the scrolls. Enoch uses established handwriting-style descriptors and applies Bayesian ridge regression. The challenge of this study is that the number of radiocarbon-dated manuscripts is small, while current machine learning requires an abundance of training data. We show that by using combined angular and allographic writing style feature vectors and applying Bayesian ridge regression, Enoch could predict the radiocarbon-based dates from style, supported by leave-one-out validation, with varied MAEs of 27.9 to 30.7 years relative to the radiocarbon dating. Enoch was then used to estimate the dates of 135 unseen manuscripts, revealing that 79 per cent of the samples were considered 'realistic' upon palaeographic post-hoc evaluation. We present a new chronology of the scrolls. The radiocarbon ranges and Enoch's style-based predictions are often older than the traditionally assumed palaeographic estimates. In the range of 300-50 BCE, Enoch's date prediction provides an improved granularity. The study is in line with current developments in multimodal machine-learning techniques, and the methods can be used for date prediction in other partially-dated manuscript collections. This research shows how Enoch's quantitative, probability-based approach can be a tool for palaeographers and historians, re-dating ancient Jewish key texts and contributing to current debates on Jewish and Christian origins.

cross Exploring Advanced Large Language Models with LLMsuite

Authors: Giorgio Roffo

Abstract: This tutorial explores the advancements and challenges in the development of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and Gemini. It addresses inherent limitations like temporal knowledge cutoffs, mathematical inaccuracies, and the generation of incorrect information, proposing solutions like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), Program-Aided Language Models (PAL), and frameworks such as ReAct and LangChain. The integration of these techniques enhances LLM performance and reliability, especially in multi-step reasoning and complex task execution. The paper also covers fine-tuning strategies, including instruction fine-tuning, parameter-efficient methods like LoRA, and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) as well as Reinforced Self-Training (ReST). Additionally, it provides a comprehensive survey of transformer architectures and training techniques for LLMs. The toolbox for implementing these techniques is publicly available at


cross LiteGPT: Large Vision-Language Model for Joint Chest X-ray Localization and Classification Task

Authors: Khai Le-Duc, Ryan Zhang, Ngoc Son Nguyen, Tan-Hanh Pham, Anh Dao, Ba Hung Ngo, Anh Totti Nguyen, Truong-Son Hy

Abstract: Vision-language models have been extensively explored across a wide range of tasks, achieving satisfactory performance; however, their application in medical imaging remains underexplored. In this work, we propose a unified framework - LiteGPT - for the medical imaging. We leverage multiple pre-trained visual encoders to enrich information and enhance the performance of vision-language models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to utilize vision-language models for the novel task of joint localization and classification in medical images. Besides, we are pioneers in providing baselines for disease localization in chest X-rays. Finally, we set new state-of-the-art performance in the image classification task on the well-benchmarked VinDr-CXR dataset. All code and models are publicly available online:


cross Distribution Alignment for Fully Test-Time Adaptation with Dynamic Online Data Streams

Authors: Ziqiang Wang, Zhixiang Chi, Yanan Wu, Li Gu, Zhi Liu, Konstantinos Plataniotis, Yang Wang

Abstract: Given a model trained on source data, Test-Time Adaptation (TTA) enables adaptation and inference in test data streams with domain shifts from the source. Current methods predominantly optimize the model for each incoming test data batch using self-training loss. While these methods yield commendable results in ideal test data streams, where batches are independently and identically sampled from the target distribution, they falter under more practical test data streams that are not independent and identically distributed (non-i.i.d.). The data batches in a non-i.i.d. stream display prominent label shifts relative to each other. It leads to conflicting optimization objectives among batches during the TTA process. Given the inherent risks of adapting the source model to unpredictable test-time distributions, we reverse the adaptation process and propose a novel Distribution Alignment loss for TTA. This loss guides the distributions of test-time features back towards the source distributions, which ensures compatibility with the well-trained source model and eliminates the pitfalls associated with conflicting optimization objectives. Moreover, we devise a domain shift detection mechanism to extend the success of our proposed TTA method in the continual domain shift scenarios. Our extensive experiments validate the logic and efficacy of our method. On six benchmark datasets, we surpass existing methods in non-i.i.d. scenarios and maintain competitive performance under the ideal i.i.d. assumption.

cross The object detection method aids in image reconstruction evaluation and clinical interpretation of meniscal abnormalities

Authors: Natalia Konovalova, Aniket Tolpadi, Felix Liu, Zehra Akkaya, Felix Gassert, Paula Giesler, Johanna Luitjens, Misung Han, Emma Bahroos, Sharmila Majumdar, Valentina Pedoia

Abstract: This study investigates the relationship between deep learning (DL) image reconstruction quality and anomaly detection performance, and evaluates the efficacy of an artificial intelligence (AI) assistant in enhancing radiologists' interpretation of meniscal anomalies on reconstructed images. A retrospective study was conducted using an in-house reconstruction and anomaly detection pipeline to assess knee MR images from 896 patients. The original and 14 sets of DL-reconstructed images were evaluated using standard reconstruction and object detection metrics, alongside newly developed box-based reconstruction metrics. Two clinical radiologists reviewed a subset of 50 patients' images, both original and AI-assisted reconstructed, with subsequent assessment of their accuracy and performance characteristics. Results indicated that the structural similarity index (SSIM) showed a weaker correlation with anomaly detection metrics (mAP, r=0.64, p=0.01; F1 score, r=0.38, p=0.18), while box-based SSIM had a stronger association with detection performance (mAP, r=0.81, p<0.01; F1 score, r=0.65, p=0.01). Minor SSIM fluctuations did not affect detection outcomes, but significant changes reduced performance. Radiologists' AI-assisted evaluations demonstrated improved accuracy (86.0% without assistance vs. 88.3% with assistance, p<0.05) and interrater agreement (Cohen's kappa, 0.39 without assistance vs. 0.57 with assistance). An additional review led to the incorporation of 17 more lesions into the dataset. The proposed anomaly detection method shows promise in evaluating reconstruction algorithms for automated tasks and aiding radiologists in interpreting DL-reconstructed MR images.

cross Adaptive Cascading Network for Continual Test-Time Adaptation

Authors: Kien X. Nguyen, Fengchun Qiao, Xi Peng

Abstract: We study the problem of continual test-time adaption where the goal is to adapt a source pre-trained model to a sequence of unlabelled target domains at test time. Existing methods on test-time training suffer from several limitations: (1) Mismatch between the feature extractor and classifier; (2) Interference between the main and self-supervised tasks; (3) Lack of the ability to quickly adapt to the current distribution. In light of these challenges, we propose a cascading paradigm that simultaneously updates the feature extractor and classifier at test time, mitigating the mismatch between them and enabling long-term model adaptation. The pre-training of our model is structured within a meta-learning framework, thereby minimizing the interference between the main and self-supervised tasks and encouraging fast adaptation in the presence of limited unlabelled data. Additionally, we introduce innovative evaluation metrics, average accuracy and forward transfer, to effectively measure the model's adaptation capabilities in dynamic, real-world scenarios. Extensive experiments and ablation studies demonstrate the superiority of our approach in a range of tasks including image classification, text classification, and speech recognition.

cross ER-FSL: Experience Replay with Feature Subspace Learning for Online Continual Learning

Authors: Huiwei Lin

Abstract: Online continual learning (OCL) involves deep neural networks retaining knowledge from old data while adapting to new data, which is accessible only once. A critical challenge in OCL is catastrophic forgetting, reflected in reduced model performance on old data. Existing replay-based methods mitigate forgetting by replaying buffered samples from old data and learning current samples of new data. In this work, we dissect existing methods and empirically discover that learning and replaying in the same feature space is not conducive to addressing the forgetting issue. Since the learned features associated with old data are readily changed by the features related to new data due to data imbalance, leading to the forgetting problem. Based on this observation, we intuitively explore learning and replaying in different feature spaces. Learning in a feature subspace is sufficient to capture novel knowledge from new data while replaying in a larger feature space provides more feature space to maintain historical knowledge from old data. To this end, we propose a novel OCL approach called experience replay with feature subspace learning (ER-FSL). Firstly, ER-FSL divides the entire feature space into multiple subspaces, with each subspace used to learn current samples. Moreover, it introduces a subspace reuse mechanism to address situations where no blank subspaces exist. Secondly, ER-FSL replays previous samples using an accumulated space comprising all learned subspaces. Extensive experiments on three datasets demonstrate the superiority of ER-FSL over various state-of-the-art methods.

cross CDFL: Efficient Federated Human Activity Recognition using Contrastive Learning and Deep Clustering

Authors: Ensieh Khazaei, Alireza Esmaeilzehi, Bilal Taha, Dimitrios Hatzinakos

Abstract: In the realm of ubiquitous computing, Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is vital for the automation and intelligent identification of human actions through data from diverse sensors. However, traditional machine learning approaches by aggregating data on a central server and centralized processing are memory-intensive and raise privacy concerns. Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a solution by training a global model collaboratively across multiple devices by exchanging their local model parameters instead of local data. However, in realistic settings, sensor data on devices is non-independently and identically distributed (Non-IID). This means that data activity recorded by most devices is sparse, and sensor data distribution for each client may be inconsistent. As a result, typical FL frameworks in heterogeneous environments suffer from slow convergence and poor performance due to deviation of the global model's objective from the global objective. Most FL methods applied to HAR are either designed for overly ideal scenarios without considering the Non-IID problem or present privacy and scalability concerns. This work addresses these challenges, proposing CDFL, an efficient federated learning framework for image-based HAR. CDFL efficiently selects a representative set of privacy-preserved images using contrastive learning and deep clustering, reduces communication overhead by selecting effective clients for global model updates, and improves global model quality by training on privacy-preserved data. Our comprehensive experiments carried out on three public datasets, namely Stanford40, PPMI, and VOC2012, demonstrate the superiority of CDFL in terms of performance, convergence rate, and bandwidth usage compared to state-of-the-art approaches.

cross A Practical Solver for Scalar Data Topological Simplification

Authors: Mohamed Kissi, Mathieu Pont, Joshua A. Levine, Julien Tierny

Abstract: This paper presents a practical approach for the optimization of topological simplification, a central pre-processing step for the analysis and visualization of scalar data. Given an input scalar field f and a set of "signal" persistence pairs to maintain, our approach produces an output field g that is close to f and which optimizes (i) the cancellation of "non-signal" pairs, while (ii) preserving the "signal" pairs. In contrast to pre-existing simplification algorithms, our approach is not restricted to persistence pairs involving extrema and can thus address a larger class of topological features, in particular saddle pairs in three-dimensional scalar data. Our approach leverages recent generic persistence optimization frameworks and extends them with tailored accelerations specific to the problem of topological simplification. Extensive experiments report substantial accelerations over these frameworks, thereby making topological simplification optimization practical for real-life datasets. Our approach enables a direct visualization and analysis of the topologically simplified data, e.g., via isosurfaces of simplified topology (fewer components and handles). We apply our approach to the extraction of prominent filament structures in three-dimensional data. Specifically, we show that our pre-simplification of the data leads to practical improvements over standard topological techniques for removing filament loops. We also show how our approach can be used to repair genus defects in surface processing. Finally, we provide a C++ implementation for reproducibility purposes.

cross Geometric Remove-and-Retrain (GOAR): Coordinate-Invariant eXplainable AI Assessment

Authors: Yong-Hyun Park, Junghoon Seo, Bomseok Park, Seongsu Lee, Junghyo Jo

Abstract: Identifying the relevant input features that have a critical influence on the output results is indispensable for the development of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). Remove-and-Retrain (ROAR) is a widely accepted approach for assessing the importance of individual pixels by measuring changes in accuracy following their removal and subsequent retraining of the modified dataset. However, we uncover notable limitations in pixel-perturbation strategies. When viewed from a geometric perspective, we discover that these metrics fail to discriminate between differences among feature attribution methods, thereby compromising the reliability of the evaluation. To address this challenge, we introduce an alternative feature-perturbation approach named Geometric Remove-and-Retrain (GOAR). Through a series of experiments with both synthetic and real datasets, we substantiate that GOAR transcends the limitations of pixel-centric metrics.

cross Fisheye-Calib-Adapter: An Easy Tool for Fisheye Camera Model Conversion

Authors: Sangjun Lee

Abstract: The increasing necessity for fisheye cameras in fields such as robotics and autonomous driving has led to the proposal of various fisheye camera models. While the evolution of camera models has facilitated the development of diverse systems in the field, the lack of adaptation between different fisheye camera models means that recalibration is always necessary, which is cumbersome. This paper introduces a conversion tool for various previously proposed fisheye camera models. It is user-friendly, simple, yet extremely fast and accurate, offering conversion capabilities for a broader range of models compared to existing tools. We have verified that models converted using our system perform correctly in applications such as SLAM. By utilizing our system, researchers can obtain output parameters directly from input parameters without the need for an image set and any recalibration processes, thus serving as a bridge across different fisheye camera models in various research fields. We provide our system as an open source tool available at:


cross Towards Revisiting Visual Place Recognition for Joining Submaps in Multimap SLAM

Authors: Markus Wei{\ss}flog, Stefan Schubert, Peter Protzel, Peer Neubert

Abstract: Visual SLAM is a key technology for many autonomous systems. However, tracking loss can lead to the creation of disjoint submaps in multimap SLAM systems like ORB-SLAM3. Because of that, these systems employ submap merging strategies. As we show, these strategies are not always successful. In this paper, we investigate the impact of using modern VPR approaches for submap merging in visual SLAM. We argue that classical evaluation metrics are not sufficient to estimate the impact of a modern VPR component on the overall system. We show that naively replacing the VPR component does not leverage its full potential without requiring substantial interference in the original system. Because of that, we present a post-processing pipeline along with a set of metrics that allow us to estimate the impact of modern VPR components. We evaluate our approach on the NCLT and Newer College datasets using ORB-SLAM3 with NetVLAD and HDC-DELF as VPR components. Additionally, we present a simple approach for combining VPR with temporal consistency for map merging. We show that the map merging performance of ORB-SLAM3 can be improved. Building on these results, researchers in VPR can assess the potential of their approaches for SLAM systems.

cross Preventing Catastrophic Overfitting in Fast Adversarial Training: A Bi-level Optimization Perspective

Authors: Zhaoxin Wang, Handing Wang, Cong Tian, Yaochu Jin

Abstract: Adversarial training (AT) has become an effective defense method against adversarial examples (AEs) and it is typically framed as a bi-level optimization problem. Among various AT methods, fast AT (FAT), which employs a single-step attack strategy to guide the training process, can achieve good robustness against adversarial attacks at a low cost. However, FAT methods suffer from the catastrophic overfitting problem, especially on complex tasks or with large-parameter models. In this work, we propose a FAT method termed FGSM-PCO, which mitigates catastrophic overfitting by averting the collapse of the inner optimization problem in the bi-level optimization process. FGSM-PCO generates current-stage AEs from the historical AEs and incorporates them into the training process using an adaptive mechanism. This mechanism determines an appropriate fusion ratio according to the performance of the AEs on the training model. Coupled with a loss function tailored to the training framework, FGSM-PCO can alleviate catastrophic overfitting and help the recovery of an overfitted model to effective training. We evaluate our algorithm across three models and three datasets to validate its effectiveness. Comparative empirical studies against other FAT algorithms demonstrate that our proposed method effectively addresses unresolved overfitting issues in existing algorithms.

cross Leveraging the Mahalanobis Distance to enhance Unsupervised Brain MRI Anomaly Detection

Authors: Finn Behrendt, Debayan Bhattacharya, Robin Mieling, Lennart Maack, Julia Kr\"uger, Roland Opfer, Alexander Schlaefer

Abstract: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection (UAD) methods rely on healthy data distributions to identify anomalies as outliers. In brain MRI, a common approach is reconstruction-based UAD, where generative models reconstruct healthy brain MRIs, and anomalies are detected as deviations between input and reconstruction. However, this method is sensitive to imperfect reconstructions, leading to false positives that impede the segmentation. To address this limitation, we construct multiple reconstructions with probabilistic diffusion models. We then analyze the resulting distribution of these reconstructions using the Mahalanobis distance to identify anomalies as outliers. By leveraging information about normal variations and covariance of individual pixels within this distribution, we effectively refine anomaly scoring, leading to improved segmentation. Our experimental results demonstrate substantial performance improvements across various data sets. Specifically, compared to relying solely on single reconstructions, our approach achieves relative improvements of 15.9%, 35.4%, 48.0%, and 4.7% in terms of AUPRC for the BRATS21, ATLAS, MSLUB and WMH data sets, respectively.

cross SENC: Handling Self-collision in Neural Cloth Simulation

Authors: Zhouyingcheng Liao, Sinan Wang, Taku Komura

Abstract: We present SENC, a novel self-supervised neural cloth simulator that addresses the challenge of cloth self-collision. This problem has remained unresolved due to the gap in simulation setup between recent collision detection and response approaches and self-supervised neural simulators. The former requires collision-free initial setups, while the latter necessitates random cloth instantiation during training. To tackle this issue, we propose a novel loss based on Global Intersection Analysis (GIA). This loss extracts the volume surrounded by the cloth region that forms the penetration. By constructing an energy based on this volume, our self-supervised neural simulator can effectively address cloth self-collisions. Moreover, we develop a self-collision-aware graph neural network capable of learning to handle self-collisions, even for parts that are topologically distant from one another. Additionally, we introduce an effective external force scheme that enables the simulation to learn the cloth's behavior in response to random external forces. We validate the efficacy of SENC through extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments, demonstrating that it effectively reduces cloth self-collision while maintaining high-quality animation results.

cross Test-Time Adaptation with State-Space Models

Authors: Mona Schirmer, Dan Zhang, Eric Nalisnick

Abstract: Distribution shifts between training and test data are all but inevitable over the lifecycle of a deployed model and lead to performance decay. Adapting the model can hopefully mitigate this drop in performance. Yet, adaptation is challenging since it must be unsupervised: we usually do not have access to any labeled data at test time. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic state-space model that can adapt a deployed model subjected to distribution drift. Our model learns the dynamics induced by distribution shifts on the last set of hidden features. Without requiring labels, we infer time-evolving class prototypes that serve as a dynamic classification head. Moreover, our approach is lightweight, modifying only the model's last linear layer. In experiments on real-world distribution shifts and synthetic corruptions, we demonstrate that our approach performs competitively with methods that require back-propagation and access to the model backbone. Our model especially excels in the case of small test batches - the most difficult setting.

cross Evaluating Linguistic Capabilities of Multimodal LLMs in the Lens of Few-Shot Learning

Authors: Mustafa Dogan, Ilker Kesen, Iacer Calixto, Aykut Erdem, Erkut Erdem

Abstract: The linguistic capabilities of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) are critical for their effective application across diverse tasks. This study aims to evaluate the performance of MLLMs on the VALSE benchmark, focusing on the efficacy of few-shot In-Context Learning (ICL), and Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting. We conducted a comprehensive assessment of state-of-the-art MLLMs, varying in model size and pretraining datasets. The experimental results reveal that ICL and CoT prompting significantly boost model performance, particularly in tasks requiring complex reasoning and contextual understanding. Models pretrained on captioning datasets show superior zero-shot performance, while those trained on interleaved image-text data benefit from few-shot learning. Our findings provide valuable insights into optimizing MLLMs for better grounding of language in visual contexts, highlighting the importance of the composition of pretraining data and the potential of few-shot learning strategies to improve the reasoning abilities of MLLMs.

cross MERLIN: Multimodal Embedding Refinement via LLM-based Iterative Navigation for Text-Video Retrieval-Rerank Pipeline

Authors: Donghoon Han, Eunhwan Park, Gisang Lee, Adam Lee, Nojun Kwak

Abstract: The rapid expansion of multimedia content has made accurately retrieving relevant videos from large collections increasingly challenging. Recent advancements in text-video retrieval have focused on cross-modal interactions, large-scale foundation model training, and probabilistic modeling, yet often neglect the crucial user perspective, leading to discrepancies between user queries and the content retrieved. To address this, we introduce MERLIN (Multimodal Embedding Refinement via LLM-based Iterative Navigation), a novel, training-free pipeline that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) for iterative feedback learning. MERLIN refines query embeddings from a user perspective, enhancing alignment between queries and video content through a dynamic question answering process. Experimental results on datasets like MSR-VTT, MSVD, and ActivityNet demonstrate that MERLIN substantially improves Recall@1, outperforming existing systems and confirming the benefits of integrating LLMs into multimodal retrieval systems for more responsive and context-aware multimedia retrieval.

cross High Frequency Matters: Uncertainty Guided Image Compression with Wavelet Diffusion

Authors: Juan Song, Jiaxiang He, Mingtao Feng, Keyan Wang, Yunsong Li, Ajmal Mian

Abstract: Diffusion probabilistic models have recently achieved remarkable success in generating high-quality images. However, balancing high perceptual quality and low distortion remains challenging in image compression applications. To address this issue, we propose an efficient Uncertainty-Guided image compression approach with wavelet Diffusion (UGDiff). Our approach focuses on high frequency compression via the wavelet transform, since high frequency components are crucial for reconstructing image details. We introduce a wavelet conditional diffusion model for high frequency prediction, followed by a residual codec that compresses and transmits prediction residuals to the decoder. This diffusion prediction-then-residual compression paradigm effectively addresses the low fidelity issue common in direct reconstructions by existing diffusion models. Considering the uncertainty from the random sampling of the diffusion model, we further design an uncertainty-weighted rate-distortion (R-D) loss tailored for residual compression, providing a more rational trade-off between rate and distortion. Comprehensive experiments on two benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of UGDiff, surpassing state-of-the-art image compression methods in R-D performance, perceptual quality, subjective quality, and inference time. Our code is available at:


cross End-to-end Stroke imaging analysis, using reservoir computing-based effective connectivity, and interpretable Artificial intelligence

Authors: Wojciech Ciezobka, Joan Falco-Roget, Cemal Koba, Alessandro Crimi

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a reservoir computing-based and directed graph analysis pipeline. The goal of this pipeline is to define an efficient brain representation for connectivity in stroke data derived from magnetic resonance imaging. Ultimately, this representation is used within a directed graph convolutional architecture and investigated with explainable artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Stroke is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide, and it demands precise diagnostic tools for timely intervention and improved patient outcomes. Neuroimaging data, with their rich structural and functional information, provide a fertile ground for biomarker discovery. However, the complexity and variability of information flow in the brain requires advanced analysis, especially if we consider the case of disrupted networks as those given by the brain connectome of stroke patients. To address the needs given by this complex scenario we proposed an end-to-end pipeline. This pipeline begins with reservoir computing causality, to define effective connectivity of the brain. This allows directed graph network representations which have not been fully investigated so far by graph convolutional network classifiers. Indeed, the pipeline subsequently incorporates a classification module to categorize the effective connectivity (directed graphs) of brain networks of patients versus matched healthy control. The classification led to an area under the curve of 0.69 with the given heterogeneous dataset. Thanks to explainable tools, an interpretation of disrupted networks across the brain networks was possible. This elucidates the effective connectivity biomarker's contribution to stroke classification, fostering insights into disease mechanisms and treatment responses.

cross E5-V: Universal Embeddings with Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Ting Jiang, Minghui Song, Zihan Zhang, Haizhen Huang, Weiwei Deng, Feng Sun, Qi Zhang, Deqing Wang, Fuzhen Zhuang

Abstract: Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have shown promising advancements in general visual and language understanding. However, the representation of multimodal information using MLLMs remains largely unexplored. In this work, we introduce a new framework, E5-V, designed to adapt MLLMs for achieving universal multimodal embeddings. Our findings highlight the significant potential of MLLMs in representing multimodal inputs compared to previous approaches. By leveraging MLLMs with prompts, E5-V effectively bridges the modality gap between different types of inputs, demonstrating strong performance in multimodal embeddings even without fine-tuning. We propose a single modality training approach for E5-V, where the model is trained exclusively on text pairs. This method demonstrates significant improvements over traditional multimodal training on image-text pairs, while reducing training costs by approximately 95%. Additionally, this approach eliminates the need for costly multimodal training data collection. Extensive experiments across four types of tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of E5-V. As a universal multimodal model, E5-V not only achieves but often surpasses state-of-the-art performance in each task, despite being trained on a single modality.

cross Towards Understanding Unsafe Video Generation

Authors: Yan Pang, Aiping Xiong, Yang Zhang, Tianhao Wang

Abstract: Video generation models (VGMs) have demonstrated the capability to synthesize high-quality output. It is important to understand their potential to produce unsafe content, such as violent or terrifying videos. In this work, we provide a comprehensive understanding of unsafe video generation. First, to confirm the possibility that these models could indeed generate unsafe videos, we choose unsafe content generation prompts collected from 4chan and Lexica, and three open-source SOTA VGMs to generate unsafe videos. After filtering out duplicates and poorly generated content, we created an initial set of 2112 unsafe videos from an original pool of 5607 videos. Through clustering and thematic coding analysis of these generated videos, we identify 5 unsafe video categories: Distorted/Weird, Terrifying, Pornographic, Violent/Bloody, and Political. With IRB approval, we then recruit online participants to help label the generated videos. Based on the annotations submitted by 403 participants, we identified 937 unsafe videos from the initial video set. With the labeled information and the corresponding prompts, we created the first dataset of unsafe videos generated by VGMs. We then study possible defense mechanisms to prevent the generation of unsafe videos. Existing defense methods in image generation focus on filtering either input prompt or output results. We propose a new approach called Latent Variable Defense (LVD), which works within the model's internal sampling process. LVD can achieve 0.90 defense accuracy while reducing time and computing resources by 10x when sampling a large number of unsafe prompts.

cross On Diversity in Discriminative Neural Networks

Authors: Brahim Oubaha, Claude Berrou, Xueyao Ji, Yehya Nasser, Rapha\"el Le Bidan

Abstract: Diversity is a concept of prime importance in almost all disciplines based on information processing. In telecommunications, for example, spatial, temporal, and frequency diversity, as well as redundant coding, are fundamental concepts that have enabled the design of extremely efficient systems. In machine learning, in particular with neural networks, diversity is not always a concept that is emphasized or at least clearly identified. This paper proposes a neural network architecture that builds upon various diversity principles, some of them already known, others more original. Our architecture obtains remarkable results, with a record self-supervised learning accuracy of 99. 57% in MNIST, and a top tier promising semi-supervised learning accuracy of 94.21% in CIFAR-10 using only 25 labels per class.

cross LMMs-Eval: Reality Check on the Evaluation of Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Kaichen Zhang, Bo Li, Peiyuan Zhang, Fanyi Pu, Joshua Adrian Cahyono, Kairui Hu, Shuai Liu, Yuanhan Zhang, Jingkang Yang, Chunyuan Li, Ziwei Liu

Abstract: The advances of large foundation models necessitate wide-coverage, low-cost, and zero-contamination benchmarks. Despite continuous exploration of language model evaluations, comprehensive studies on the evaluation of Large Multi-modal Models (LMMs) remain limited. In this work, we introduce LMMS-EVAL, a unified and standardized multimodal benchmark framework with over 50 tasks and more than 10 models to promote transparent and reproducible evaluations. Although LMMS-EVAL offers comprehensive coverage, we find it still falls short in achieving low cost and zero contamination. To approach this evaluation trilemma, we further introduce LMMS-EVAL LITE, a pruned evaluation toolkit that emphasizes both coverage and efficiency. Additionally, we present Multimodal LIVEBENCH that utilizes continuously updating news and online forums to assess models' generalization abilities in the wild, featuring a low-cost and zero-contamination evaluation approach. In summary, our work highlights the importance of considering the evaluation trilemma and provides practical solutions to navigate the trade-offs in evaluating large multi-modal models, paving the way for more effective and reliable benchmarking of LMMs. We opensource our codebase and maintain leaderboard of LIVEBENCH at and


cross Contrastive Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Authors: Jiahong Chen, Zhilin Zhang, Lucy Li, Behzad Shahrasbi, Arjun Mishra

Abstract: Domain adversarial training has shown its effective capability for finding domain invariant feature representations and been successfully adopted for various domain adaptation tasks. However, recent advances of large models (e.g., vision transformers) and emerging of complex adaptation scenarios (e.g., DomainNet) make adversarial training being easily biased towards source domain and hardly adapted to target domain. The reason is twofold: relying on large amount of labelled data from source domain for large model training and lacking of labelled data from target domain for fine-tuning. Existing approaches widely focused on either enhancing discriminator or improving the training stability for the backbone networks. Due to unbalanced competition between the feature extractor and the discriminator during the adversarial training, existing solutions fail to function well on complex datasets. To address this issue, we proposed a novel contrastive adversarial training (CAT) approach that leverages the labeled source domain samples to reinforce and regulate the feature generation for target domain. Typically, the regulation forces the target feature distribution being similar to the source feature distribution. CAT addressed three major challenges in adversarial learning: 1) ensure the feature distributions from two domains as indistinguishable as possible for the discriminator, resulting in a more robust domain-invariant feature generation; 2) encourage target samples moving closer to the source in the feature space, reducing the requirement for generalizing classifier trained on the labeled source domain to unlabeled target domain; 3) avoid directly aligning unpaired source and target samples within mini-batch. CAT can be easily plugged into existing models and exhibits significant performance improvements.

replace Pack and Detect: Fast Object Detection in Videos Using Region-of-Interest Packing

Authors: Athindran Ramesh Kumar, Balaraman Ravindran, Anand Raghunathan

Abstract: Object detection in videos is an important task in computer vision for various applications such as object tracking, video summarization and video search. Although great progress has been made in improving the accuracy of object detection in recent years due to the rise of deep neural networks, the state-of-the-art algorithms are highly computationally intensive. In order to address this challenge, we make two important observations in the context of videos: (i) Objects often occupy only a small fraction of the area in each video frame, and (ii) There is a high likelihood of strong temporal correlation between consecutive frames. Based on these observations, we propose Pack and Detect (PaD), an approach to reduce the computational requirements of object detection in videos. In PaD, only selected video frames called anchor frames are processed at full size. In the frames that lie between anchor frames (inter-anchor frames), regions of interest (ROIs) are identified based on the detections in the previous frame. We propose an algorithm to pack the ROIs of each inter-anchor frame together into a reduced-size frame. The computational requirements of the detector are reduced due to the lower size of the input. In order to maintain the accuracy of object detection, the proposed algorithm expands the ROIs greedily to provide additional background around each object to the detector. PaD can use any underlying neural network architecture to process the full-size and reduced-size frames. Experiments using the ImageNet video object detection dataset indicate that PaD can potentially reduce the number of FLOPS required for a frame by $4\times$. This leads to an overall increase in throughput of $1.25\times$ on a 2.1 GHz Intel Xeon server with a NVIDIA Titan X GPU at the cost of $1.1\%$ drop in accuracy.

replace WildDeepfake: A Challenging Real-World Dataset for Deepfake Detection

Authors: Bojia Zi, Minghao Chang, Jingjing Chen, Xingjun Ma, Yu-Gang Jiang

Abstract: In recent years, the abuse of a face swap technique called deepfake has raised enormous public concerns. So far, a large number of deepfake videos (known as "deepfakes") have been crafted and uploaded to the internet, calling for effective countermeasures. One promising countermeasure against deepfakes is deepfake detection. Several deepfake datasets have been released to support the training and testing of deepfake detectors, such as DeepfakeDetection and FaceForensics++. While this has greatly advanced deepfake detection, most of the real videos in these datasets are filmed with a few volunteer actors in limited scenes, and the fake videos are crafted by researchers using a few popular deepfake softwares. Detectors developed on these datasets may become less effective against real-world deepfakes on the internet. To better support detection against real-world deepfakes, in this paper, we introduce a new dataset WildDeepfake which consists of 7,314 face sequences extracted from 707 deepfake videos collected completely from the internet. WildDeepfake is a small dataset that can be used, in addition to existing datasets, to develop and test the effectiveness of deepfake detectors against real-world deepfakes. We conduct a systematic evaluation of a set of baseline detection networks on both existing and our WildDeepfake datasets, and show that WildDeepfake is indeed a more challenging dataset, where the detection performance can decrease drastically. We also propose two (eg. 2D and 3D) Attention-based Deepfake Detection Networks (ADDNets) to leverage the attention masks on real/fake faces for improved detection. We empirically verify the effectiveness of ADDNets on both existing datasets and WildDeepfake. The dataset is available at:


replace tSF: Transformer-based Semantic Filter for Few-Shot Learning

Authors: Jinxiang Lai, Siqian Yang, Wenlong Liu, Yi Zeng, Zhongyi Huang, Wenlong Wu, Jun Liu, Bin-Bin Gao, Chengjie Wang

Abstract: Few-Shot Learning (FSL) alleviates the data shortage challenge via embedding discriminative target-aware features among plenty seen (base) and few unseen (novel) labeled samples. Most feature embedding modules in recent FSL methods are specially designed for corresponding learning tasks (e.g., classification, segmentation, and object detection), which limits the utility of embedding features. To this end, we propose a light and universal module named transformer-based Semantic Filter (tSF), which can be applied for different FSL tasks. The proposed tSF redesigns the inputs of a transformer-based structure by a semantic filter, which not only embeds the knowledge from whole base set to novel set but also filters semantic features for target category. Furthermore, the parameters of tSF is equal to half of a standard transformer block (less than 1M). In the experiments, our tSF is able to boost the performances in different classic few-shot learning tasks (about 2% improvement), especially outperforms the state-of-the-arts on multiple benchmark datasets in few-shot classification task.

replace Lightning Fast Video Anomaly Detection via Adversarial Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Florinel-Alin Croitoru, Nicolae-Catalin Ristea, Dana Dascalescu, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Mubarak Shah

Abstract: We propose a very fast frame-level model for anomaly detection in video, which learns to detect anomalies by distilling knowledge from multiple highly accurate object-level teacher models. To improve the fidelity of our student, we distill the low-resolution anomaly maps of the teachers by jointly applying standard and adversarial distillation, introducing an adversarial discriminator for each teacher to distinguish between target and generated anomaly maps. We conduct experiments on three benchmarks (Avenue, ShanghaiTech, UCSD Ped2), showing that our method is over 7 times faster than the fastest competing method, and between 28 and 62 times faster than object-centric models, while obtaining comparable results to recent methods. Our evaluation also indicates that our model achieves the best trade-off between speed and accuracy, due to its previously unheard-of speed of 1480 FPS. In addition, we carry out a comprehensive ablation study to justify our architectural design choices. Our code is freely available at:


replace Noisy Label Classification using Label Noise Selection with Test-Time Augmentation Cross-Entropy and NoiseMix Learning

Authors: Hansang Lee, Haeil Lee, Helen Hong, Junmo Kim

Abstract: As the size of the dataset used in deep learning tasks increases, the noisy label problem, which is a task of making deep learning robust to the incorrectly labeled data, has become an important task. In this paper, we propose a method of learning noisy label data using the label noise selection with test-time augmentation (TTA) cross-entropy and classifier learning with the NoiseMix method. In the label noise selection, we propose TTA cross-entropy by measuring the cross-entropy to predict the test-time augmented training data. In the classifier learning, we propose the NoiseMix method based on MixUp and BalancedMix methods by mixing the samples from the noisy and the clean label data. In experiments on the ISIC-18 public skin lesion diagnosis dataset, the proposed TTA cross-entropy outperformed the conventional cross-entropy and the TTA uncertainty in detecting label noise data in the label noise selection process. Moreover, the proposed NoiseMix not only outperformed the state-of-the-art methods in the classification performance but also showed the most robustness to the label noise in the classifier learning.

replace SpatialFormer: Semantic and Target Aware Attentions for Few-Shot Learning

Authors: Jinxiang Lai, Siqian Yang, Wenlong Wu, Tao Wu, Guannan Jiang, Xi Wang, Jun Liu, Bin-Bin Gao, Wei Zhang, Yuan Xie, Chengjie Wang

Abstract: Recent Few-Shot Learning (FSL) methods put emphasis on generating a discriminative embedding features to precisely measure the similarity between support and query sets. Current CNN-based cross-attention approaches generate discriminative representations via enhancing the mutually semantic similar regions of support and query pairs. However, it suffers from two problems: CNN structure produces inaccurate attention map based on local features, and mutually similar backgrounds cause distraction. To alleviate these problems, we design a novel SpatialFormer structure to generate more accurate attention regions based on global features. Different from the traditional Transformer modeling intrinsic instance-level similarity which causes accuracy degradation in FSL, our SpatialFormer explores the semantic-level similarity between pair inputs to boost the performance. Then we derive two specific attention modules, named SpatialFormer Semantic Attention (SFSA) and SpatialFormer Target Attention (SFTA), to enhance the target object regions while reduce the background distraction. Particularly, SFSA highlights the regions with same semantic information between pair features, and SFTA finds potential foreground object regions of novel feature that are similar to base categories. Extensive experiments show that our methods are effective and achieve new state-of-the-art results on few-shot classification benchmarks.

replace Clustered-patch Element Connection for Few-shot Learning

Authors: Jinxiang Lai, Siqian Yang, Junhong Zhou, Wenlong Wu, Xiaochen Chen, Jun Liu, Bin-Bin Gao, Chengjie Wang

Abstract: Weak feature representation problem has influenced the performance of few-shot classification task for a long time. To alleviate this problem, recent researchers build connections between support and query instances through embedding patch features to generate discriminative representations. However, we observe that there exists semantic mismatches (foreground/ background) among these local patches, because the location and size of the target object are not fixed. What is worse, these mismatches result in unreliable similarity confidences, and complex dense connection exacerbates the problem. According to this, we propose a novel Clustered-patch Element Connection (CEC) layer to correct the mismatch problem. The CEC layer leverages Patch Cluster and Element Connection operations to collect and establish reliable connections with high similarity patch features, respectively. Moreover, we propose a CECNet, including CEC layer based attention module and distance metric. The former is utilized to generate a more discriminative representation benefiting from the global clustered-patch features, and the latter is introduced to reliably measure the similarity between pair-features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our CECNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on classification benchmark. Furthermore, our CEC approach can be extended into few-shot segmentation and detection tasks, which achieves competitive performances.

replace Drag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold

Authors: Xingang Pan, Ayush Tewari, Thomas Leimk\"uhler, Lingjie Liu, Abhimitra Meka, Christian Theobalt

Abstract: Synthesizing visual content that meets users' needs often requires flexible and precise controllability of the pose, shape, expression, and layout of the generated objects. Existing approaches gain controllability of generative adversarial networks (GANs) via manually annotated training data or a prior 3D model, which often lack flexibility, precision, and generality. In this work, we study a powerful yet much less explored way of controlling GANs, that is, to "drag" any points of the image to precisely reach target points in a user-interactive manner, as shown in Fig.1. To achieve this, we propose DragGAN, which consists of two main components: 1) a feature-based motion supervision that drives the handle point to move towards the target position, and 2) a new point tracking approach that leverages the discriminative generator features to keep localizing the position of the handle points. Through DragGAN, anyone can deform an image with precise control over where pixels go, thus manipulating the pose, shape, expression, and layout of diverse categories such as animals, cars, humans, landscapes, etc. As these manipulations are performed on the learned generative image manifold of a GAN, they tend to produce realistic outputs even for challenging scenarios such as hallucinating occluded content and deforming shapes that consistently follow the object's rigidity. Both qualitative and quantitative comparisons demonstrate the advantage of DragGAN over prior approaches in the tasks of image manipulation and point tracking. We also showcase the manipulation of real images through GAN inversion.

replace DIFFender: Diffusion-Based Adversarial Defense against Patch Attacks

Authors: Caixin Kang, Yinpeng Dong, Zhengyi Wang, Shouwei Ruan, Yubo Chen, Hang Su, Xingxing Wei

Abstract: Adversarial attacks, particularly patch attacks, pose significant threats to the robustness and reliability of deep learning models. Developing reliable defenses against patch attacks is crucial for real-world applications. This paper introduces DIFFender, a novel defense framework that harnesses the capabilities of a text-guided diffusion model to combat patch attacks. Central to our approach is the discovery of the Adversarial Anomaly Perception (AAP) phenomenon, which empowers the diffusion model to detect and localize adversarial patches through the analysis of distributional discrepancies. DIFFender integrates dual tasks of patch localization and restoration within a single diffusion model framework, utilizing their close interaction to enhance defense efficacy. Moreover, DIFFender utilizes vision-language pre-training coupled with an efficient few-shot prompt-tuning algorithm, which streamlines the adaptation of the pre-trained diffusion model to defense tasks, thus eliminating the need for extensive retraining. Our comprehensive evaluation spans image classification and face recognition tasks, extending to real-world scenarios, where DIFFender shows good robustness against adversarial attacks. The versatility and generalizability of DIFFender are evident across a variety of settings, classifiers, and attack methodologies, marking an advancement in adversarial patch defense strategies.

replace NCL++: Nested Collaborative Learning for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition

Authors: Zichang Tan, Jun Li, Jinhao Du, Jun Wan, Zhen Lei, Guodong Guo

Abstract: Long-tailed visual recognition has received increasing attention in recent years. Due to the extremely imbalanced data distribution in long-tailed learning, the learning process shows great uncertainties. For example, the predictions of different experts on the same image vary remarkably despite the same training settings. To alleviate the uncertainty, we propose a Nested Collaborative Learning (NCL++) which tackles the long-tailed learning problem by a collaborative learning. To be specific, the collaborative learning consists of two folds, namely inter-expert collaborative learning (InterCL) and intra-expert collaborative learning (IntraCL). In-terCL learns multiple experts collaboratively and concurrently, aiming to transfer the knowledge among different experts. IntraCL is similar to InterCL, but it aims to conduct the collaborative learning on multiple augmented copies of the same image within the single expert. To achieve the collaborative learning in long-tailed learning, the balanced online distillation is proposed to force the consistent predictions among different experts and augmented copies, which reduces the learning uncertainties. Moreover, in order to improve the meticulous distinguishing ability on the confusing categories, we further propose a Hard Category Mining (HCM), which selects the negative categories with high predicted scores as the hard categories. Then, the collaborative learning is formulated in a nested way, in which the learning is conducted on not just all categories from a full perspective but some hard categories from a partial perspective. Extensive experiments manifest the superiority of our method with outperforming the state-of-the-art whether with using a single model or an ensemble. The code will be publicly released.

replace Spatio-Temporal Branching for Motion Prediction using Motion Increments

Authors: Jiexin Wang, Yujie Zhou, Wenwen Qiang, Ying Ba, Bing Su, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Human motion prediction (HMP) has emerged as a popular research topic due to its diverse applications, but it remains a challenging task due to the stochastic and aperiodic nature of future poses. Traditional methods rely on hand-crafted features and machine learning techniques, which often struggle to model the complex dynamics of human motion. Recent deep learning-based methods have achieved success by learning spatio-temporal representations of motion, but these models often overlook the reliability of motion data. Additionally, the temporal and spatial dependencies of skeleton nodes are distinct. The temporal relationship captures motion information over time, while the spatial relationship describes body structure and the relationships between different nodes. In this paper, we propose a novel spatio-temporal branching network using incremental information for HMP, which decouples the learning of temporal-domain and spatial-domain features, extracts more motion information, and achieves complementary cross-domain knowledge learning through knowledge distillation. Our approach effectively reduces noise interference and provides more expressive information for characterizing motion by separately extracting temporal and spatial features. We evaluate our approach on standard HMP benchmarks and outperform state-of-the-art methods in terms of prediction accuracy.

replace Show Me the World in My Language: Establishing the First Baseline for Scene-Text to Scene-Text Translation

Authors: Shreyas Vaidya, Arvind Kumar Sharma, Prajwal Gatti, Anand Mishra

Abstract: In this work, we study the task of visually translating scene text from a source language (e.g., Hindi) to a target language (e.g., English). Visual translation involves not just the recognition and translation of scene text but also the generation of the translated image that preserves visual features of the source scene text, such as font, size, and background. There are several challenges associated with this task, such as translation with limited context, deciding between translation and transliteration, accommodating varying text lengths within fixed spatial boundaries, and preserving the font and background styles of the source scene text in the target language. To address this problem, we make the following contributions: (i) We study visual translation as a standalone problem for the first time in the literature. (ii) We present a cascaded framework for visual translation that combines state-of-the-art modules for scene text recognition, machine translation, and scene text synthesis as a baseline for the task. (iii) We propose a set of task-specific design enhancements to design a variant of the baseline to obtain performance improvements. (iv) Currently, the existing related literature lacks any comprehensive performance evaluation for this novel task. To fill this gap, we introduce several automatic and user-assisted evaluation metrics designed explicitly for evaluating visual translation. Further, we evaluate presented baselines for translating scene text between Hindi and English. Our experiments demonstrate that although we can effectively perform visual translation over a large collection of scene text images, the presented baseline only partially addresses challenges posed by visual translation tasks. We firmly believe that this new task and the limitations of existing models, as reported in this paper, should encourage further research in visual translation.

replace From Fake to Real: Pretraining on Balanced Synthetic Images to Prevent Spurious Correlations in Image Recognition

Authors: Maan Qraitem, Kate Saenko, Bryan A. Plummer

Abstract: Visual recognition models are prone to learning spurious correlations induced by a biased training set where certain conditions $B$ (\eg, Indoors) are over-represented in certain classes $Y$ (\eg, Big Dogs). Synthetic data from off-the-shelf large-scale generative models offers a promising direction to mitigate this issue by augmenting underrepresented subgroups in the real dataset. However, by using a mixed distribution of real and synthetic data, we introduce another source of bias due to distributional differences between synthetic and real data (\eg synthetic artifacts). As we will show, prior work's approach for using synthetic data to resolve the model's bias toward $B$ do not correct the model's bias toward the pair $(B, G)$, where $G$ denotes whether the sample is real or synthetic. Thus, the model could simply learn signals based on the pair $(B, G)$ (\eg, Synthetic Indoors) to make predictions about $Y$ (\eg, Big Dogs). To address this issue, we propose a simple, easy-to-implement, two-step training pipeline that we call From Fake to Real (FFR). The first step of FFR pre-trains a model on balanced synthetic data to learn robust representations across subgroups. In the second step, FFR fine-tunes the model on real data using ERM or common loss-based bias mitigation methods. By training on real and synthetic data separately, FFR does not expose the model to the statistical differences between real and synthetic data and thus avoids the issue of bias toward the pair $(B, G)$. Our experiments show that FFR improves worst group accuracy over the state-of-the-art by up to 20\% over three datasets. Code available: \url{}


replace OpenIns3D: Snap and Lookup for 3D Open-vocabulary Instance Segmentation

Authors: Zhening Huang, Xiaoyang Wu, Xi Chen, Hengshuang Zhao, Lei Zhu, Joan Lasenby

Abstract: In this work, we introduce OpenIns3D, a new 3D-input-only framework for 3D open-vocabulary scene understanding. The OpenIns3D framework employs a "Mask-Snap-Lookup" scheme. The "Mask" module learns class-agnostic mask proposals in 3D point clouds, the "Snap" module generates synthetic scene-level images at multiple scales and leverages 2D vision-language models to extract interesting objects, and the "Lookup" module searches through the outcomes of "Snap" to assign category names to the proposed masks. This approach, yet simple, achieves state-of-the-art performance across a wide range of 3D open-vocabulary tasks, including recognition, object detection, and instance segmentation, on both indoor and outdoor datasets. Moreover, OpenIns3D facilitates effortless switching between different 2D detectors without requiring retraining. When integrated with powerful 2D open-world models, it achieves excellent results in scene understanding tasks. Furthermore, when combined with LLM-powered 2D models, OpenIns3D exhibits an impressive capability to comprehend and process highly complex text queries that demand intricate reasoning and real-world knowledge. Project page:


replace PanoVOS: Bridging Non-panoramic and Panoramic Views with Transformer for Video Segmentation

Authors: Shilin Yan, Xiaohao Xu, Renrui Zhang, Lingyi Hong, Wenchao Chen, Wenqiang Zhang, Wei Zhang

Abstract: Panoramic videos contain richer spatial information and have attracted tremendous amounts of attention due to their exceptional experience in some fields such as autonomous driving and virtual reality. However, existing datasets for video segmentation only focus on conventional planar images. To address the challenge, in this paper, we present a panoramic video dataset, PanoVOS. The dataset provides 150 videos with high video resolutions and diverse motions. To quantify the domain gap between 2D planar videos and panoramic videos, we evaluate 15 off-the-shelf video object segmentation (VOS) models on PanoVOS. Through error analysis, we found that all of them fail to tackle pixel-level content discontinues of panoramic videos. Thus, we present a Panoramic Space Consistency Transformer (PSCFormer), which can effectively utilize the semantic boundary information of the previous frame for pixel-level matching with the current frame. Extensive experiments demonstrate that compared with the previous SOTA models, our PSCFormer network exhibits a great advantage in terms of segmentation results under the panoramic setting. Our dataset poses new challenges in panoramic VOS and we hope that our PanoVOS can advance the development of panoramic segmentation/tracking.

replace X-Pose: Detecting Any Keypoints

Authors: Jie Yang, Ailing Zeng, Ruimao Zhang, Lei Zhang

Abstract: This work aims to address an advanced keypoint detection problem: how to accurately detect any keypoints in complex real-world scenarios, which involves massive, messy, and open-ended objects as well as their associated keypoints definitions. Current high-performance keypoint detectors often fail to tackle this problem due to their two-stage schemes, under-explored prompt designs, and limited training data. To bridge the gap, we propose X-Pose, a novel end-to-end framework with multi-modal (i.e., visual, textual, or their combinations) prompts to detect multi-object keypoints for any articulated (e.g., human and animal), rigid, and soft objects within a given image. Moreover, we introduce a large-scale dataset called UniKPT, which unifies 13 keypoint detection datasets with 338 keypoints across 1,237 categories over 400K instances. Training with UniKPT, X-Pose effectively aligns text-to-keypoint and image-to-keypoint due to the mutual enhancement of multi-modal prompts based on cross-modality contrastive learning. Our experimental results demonstrate that X-Pose achieves notable improvements of 27.7 AP, 6.44 PCK, and 7.0 AP compared to state-of-the-art non-promptable, visual prompt-based, and textual prompt-based methods in each respective fair setting. More importantly, the in-the-wild test demonstrates X-Pose's strong fine-grained keypoint localization and generalization abilities across image styles, object categories, and poses, paving a new path to multi-object keypoint detection in real applications. Our code and dataset are available at


replace Attribute Based Interpretable Evaluation Metrics for Generative Models

Authors: Dongkyun Kim, Mingi Kwon, Youngjung Uh

Abstract: When the training dataset comprises a 1:1 proportion of dogs to cats, a generative model that produces 1:1 dogs and cats better resembles the training species distribution than another model with 3:1 dogs and cats. Can we capture this phenomenon using existing metrics? Unfortunately, we cannot, because these metrics do not provide any interpretability beyond "diversity". In this context, we propose a new evaluation protocol that measures the divergence of a set of generated images from the training set regarding the distribution of attribute strengths as follows. Single-attribute Divergence (SaD) measures the divergence regarding PDFs of a single attribute. Paired-attribute Divergence (PaD) measures the divergence regarding joint PDFs of a pair of attributes. They provide which attributes the models struggle. For measuring the attribute strengths of an image, we propose Heterogeneous CLIPScore (HCS) which measures the cosine similarity between image and text vectors with heterogeneous initial points. With SaD and PaD, we reveal the following about existing generative models. ProjectedGAN generates implausible attribute relationships such as a baby with a beard even though it has competitive scores of existing metrics. Diffusion models struggle to capture diverse colors in the datasets. The larger sampling timesteps of latent diffusion model generate the more minor objects including earrings and necklaces. Stable Diffusion v1.5 better captures the attributes than v2.1. Our metrics lay a foundation for explainable evaluations of generative models.

replace Clearer Frames, Anytime: Resolving Velocity Ambiguity in Video Frame Interpolation

Authors: Zhihang Zhong, Xiao Sun, Yu Qiao, Gurunandan Krishnan, Sizhuo Ma, Jian Wang

Abstract: Existing video frame interpolation (VFI) methods blindly predict where each object is at a specific timestep t ("time indexing"), which struggles to predict precise object movements. Given two images of a baseball, there are infinitely many possible trajectories: accelerating or decelerating, straight or curved. This often results in blurry frames as the method averages out these possibilities. Instead of forcing the network to learn this complicated time-to-location mapping implicitly together with predicting the frames, we provide the network with an explicit hint on how far the object has traveled between start and end frames, a novel approach termed "distance indexing". This method offers a clearer learning goal for models, reducing the uncertainty tied to object speeds. We further observed that, even with this extra guidance, objects can still be blurry especially when they are equally far from both input frames (i.e., halfway in-between), due to the directional ambiguity in long-range motion. To solve this, we propose an iterative reference-based estimation strategy that breaks down a long-range prediction into several short-range steps. When integrating our plug-and-play strategies into state-of-the-art learning-based models, they exhibit markedly sharper outputs and superior perceptual quality in arbitrary time interpolations, using a uniform distance indexing map in the same format as time indexing. Additionally, distance indexing can be specified pixel-wise, which enables temporal manipulation of each object independently, offering a novel tool for video editing tasks like re-timing. The code is available at


replace Pseudo-keypoint RKHS Learning for Self-supervised 6DoF Pose Estimation

Authors: Yangzheng Wu, Michael Greenspan

Abstract: We address the simulation-to-real domain gap in six degree-of-freedom pose estimation (6DoF PE), and propose a novel self-supervised keypoint voting-based 6DoF PE framework, effectively narrowing this gap using a learnable kernel in RKHS. We formulate this domain gap as a distance in high-dimensional feature space, distinct from previous iterative matching methods. We propose an adapter network, which is pre-trained on purely synthetic data with synthetic ground truth poses, and which evolves the network parameters from this source synthetic domain to the target real domain. Importantly, the real data training only uses pseudo-poses estimated by pseudo-keypoints, and thereby requires no real ground truth data annotations. Our proposed method is called RKHSPose, and achieves state-of-the-art performance among self-supervised methods on three commonly used 6DoF PE datasets including LINEMOD (+4.2%), Occlusion LINEMOD (+2%), and YCB-Video (+3%). It also compares favorably to fully supervised methods on all six applicable BOP core datasets, achieving within -11.3% to +0.2% of the top fully supervised results.

replace Towards Natural Language-Guided Drones: GeoText-1652 Benchmark with Spatial Relation Matching

Authors: Meng Chu, Zhedong Zheng, Wei Ji, Tingyu Wang, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: Navigating drones through natural language commands remains challenging due to the dearth of accessible multi-modal datasets and the stringent precision requirements for aligning visual and textual data. To address this pressing need, we introduce GeoText-1652, a new natural language-guided geo-localization benchmark. This dataset is systematically constructed through an interactive human-computer process leveraging Large Language Model (LLM) driven annotation techniques in conjunction with pre-trained vision models. GeoText-1652 extends the established University-1652 image dataset with spatial-aware text annotations, thereby establishing one-to-one correspondences between image, text, and bounding box elements. We further introduce a new optimization objective to leverage fine-grained spatial associations, called blending spatial matching, for region-level spatial relation matching. Extensive experiments reveal that our approach maintains a competitive recall rate comparing other prevailing cross-modality methods. This underscores the promising potential of our approach in elevating drone control and navigation through the seamless integration of natural language commands in real-world scenarios.

replace Enhancing Scene Graph Generation with Hierarchical Relationships and Commonsense Knowledge

Authors: Bowen Jiang, Zhijun Zhuang, Shreyas S. Shivakumar, Camillo J. Taylor

Abstract: This work introduces an enhanced approach to generating scene graphs by incorporating both a relationship hierarchy and commonsense knowledge. Specifically, we begin by proposing a hierarchical relation head that exploits an informative hierarchical structure. It jointly predicts the relation super-category between object pairs in an image, along with detailed relations under each super-category. Following this, we implement a robust commonsense validation pipeline that harnesses foundation models to critique the results from the scene graph prediction system, removing nonsensical predicates even with a small language-only model. Extensive experiments on Visual Genome and OpenImage V6 datasets demonstrate that the proposed modules can be seamlessly integrated as plug-and-play enhancements to existing scene graph generation algorithms. The results show significant improvements with an extensive set of reasonable predictions beyond dataset annotations. Codes are available at


replace Fully Authentic Visual Question Answering Dataset from Online Communities

Authors: Chongyan Chen, Mengchen Liu, Noel Codella, Yunsheng Li, Lu Yuan, Danna Gurari

Abstract: Visual Question Answering (VQA) entails answering questions about images. We introduce the first VQA dataset in which all contents originate from an authentic use case. Sourced from online question answering community forums, we call it VQAonline. We characterize this dataset and how it relates to eight mainstream VQA datasets. Observing that answers in our dataset tend to be much longer (i.e., a mean of 173 words) and so incompatible with standard VQA evaluation metrics, we instead utilize popular metrics for longer text evaluation for evaluating six state-of-the-art VQA models on VQAonline and report where they struggle most. Finally, we analyze which evaluation metrics align best with human judgments. To facilitate future extensions, we publicly-share the dataset at:


replace Enhancing Diffusion Models with Text-Encoder Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Chaofeng Chen, Annan Wang, Haoning Wu, Liang Liao, Wenxiu Sun, Qiong Yan, Weisi Lin

Abstract: Text-to-image diffusion models are typically trained to optimize the log-likelihood objective, which presents challenges in meeting specific requirements for downstream tasks, such as image aesthetics and image-text alignment. Recent research addresses this issue by refining the diffusion U-Net using human rewards through reinforcement learning or direct backpropagation. However, many of them overlook the importance of the text encoder, which is typically pretrained and fixed during training. In this paper, we demonstrate that by finetuning the text encoder through reinforcement learning, we can enhance the text-image alignment of the results, thereby improving the visual quality. Our primary motivation comes from the observation that the current text encoder is suboptimal, often requiring careful prompt adjustment. While fine-tuning the U-Net can partially improve performance, it remains suffering from the suboptimal text encoder. Therefore, we propose to use reinforcement learning with low-rank adaptation to finetune the text encoder based on task-specific rewards, referred as \textbf{TexForce}. We first show that finetuning the text encoder can improve the performance of diffusion models. Then, we illustrate that TexForce can be simply combined with existing U-Net finetuned models to get much better results without additional training. Finally, we showcase the adaptability of our method in diverse applications, including the generation of high-quality face and hand images.

replace Enhancing Perceptual Quality in Video Super-Resolution through Temporally-Consistent Detail Synthesis using Diffusion Models

Authors: Claudio Rota, Marco Buzzelli, Joost van de Weijer

Abstract: In this paper, we address the problem of enhancing perceptual quality in video super-resolution (VSR) using Diffusion Models (DMs) while ensuring temporal consistency among frames. We present StableVSR, a VSR method based on DMs that can significantly enhance the perceptual quality of upscaled videos by synthesizing realistic and temporally-consistent details. We introduce the Temporal Conditioning Module (TCM) into a pre-trained DM for single image super-resolution to turn it into a VSR method. TCM uses the novel Temporal Texture Guidance, which provides it with spatially-aligned and detail-rich texture information synthesized in adjacent frames. This guides the generative process of the current frame toward high-quality and temporally-consistent results. In addition, we introduce the novel Frame-wise Bidirectional Sampling strategy to encourage the use of information from past to future and vice-versa. This strategy improves the perceptual quality of the results and the temporal consistency across frames. We demonstrate the effectiveness of StableVSR in enhancing the perceptual quality of upscaled videos while achieving better temporal consistency compared to existing state-of-the-art methods for VSR. The project page is available at


replace Street TryOn: Learning In-the-Wild Virtual Try-On from Unpaired Person Images

Authors: Aiyu Cui, Jay Mahajan, Viraj Shah, Preeti Gomathinayagam, Chang Liu, Svetlana Lazebnik

Abstract: Most virtual try-on research is motivated to serve the fashion business by generating images to demonstrate garments on studio models at a lower cost. However, virtual try-on should be a broader application that also allows customers to visualize garments on themselves using their own casual photos, known as in-the-wild try-on. Unfortunately, the existing methods, which achieve plausible results for studio try-on settings, perform poorly in the in-the-wild context. This is because these methods often require paired images (garment images paired with images of people wearing the same garment) for training. While such paired data is easy to collect from shopping websites for studio settings, it is difficult to obtain for in-the-wild scenes. In this work, we fill the gap by (1) introducing a StreetTryOn benchmark to support in-the-wild virtual try-on applications and (2) proposing a novel method to learn virtual try-on from a set of in-the-wild person images directly without requiring paired data. We tackle the unique challenges, including warping garments to more diverse human poses and rendering more complex backgrounds faithfully, by a novel DensePose warping correction method combined with diffusion-based conditional inpainting. Our experiments show competitive performance for standard studio try-on tasks and SOTA performance for street try-on and cross-domain try-on tasks.

replace Progressive Classifier and Feature Extractor Adaptation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Point Clouds

Authors: Zicheng Wang, Zhen Zhao, Yiming Wu, Luping Zhou, Dong Xu

Abstract: Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is a critical challenge in the field of point cloud analysis. Previous works tackle the problem either by feature extractor adaptation to enable a shared classifier to distinguish domain-invariant features, or by classifier adaptation to evolve the classifier to recognize target-styled source features to increase its adaptation ability. However, by learning domain-invariant features, feature extractor adaptation methods fail to encode semantically meaningful target-specific information, while classifier adaptation methods rely heavily on the accurate estimation of the target distribution. In this work, we propose a novel framework that deeply couples the classifier and feature extractor adaption for 3D UDA, dubbed Progressive Classifier and Feature Extractor Adaptation (PCFEA). Our PCFEA conducts 3D UDA from two distinct perspectives: macro and micro levels. On the macro level, we propose a progressive target-styled feature augmentation (PTFA) that establishes a series of intermediate domains to enable the model to progressively adapt to the target domain. Throughout this process, the source classifier is evolved to recognize target-styled source features (\ie, classifier adaptation). On the micro level, we develop an intermediate domain feature extractor adaptation (IDFA) that performs a compact feature alignment to encourage the target-styled feature extraction gradually. In this way, PTFA and IDFA can mutually benefit each other: IDFA contributes to the distribution estimation of PTFA while PTFA constructs smoother intermediate domains to encourage an accurate feature alignment of IDFA. We validate our method on popular benchmark datasets, where our method achieves new state-of-the-art performance. Our code is available at


replace IG Captioner: Information Gain Captioners are Strong Zero-shot Classifiers

Authors: Chenglin Yang, Siyuan Qiao, Yuan Cao, Yu Zhang, Tao Zhu, Alan Yuille, Jiahui Yu

Abstract: Generative training has been demonstrated to be powerful for building visual-language models. However, on zero-shot discriminative benchmarks, there is still a performance gap between models trained with generative and discriminative objectives. In this paper, we aim to narrow this gap by improving the efficacy of generative training on classification tasks, without any finetuning processes or additional modules. Specifically, we focus on narrowing the gap between the generative captioner and the CLIP classifier. We begin by analysing the predictions made by the captioner and classifier and observe that the caption generation inherits the distribution bias from the language model trained with pure text modality, making it less grounded on the visual signal. To tackle this problem, we redesign the scoring objective for the captioner to alleviate the distributional bias and focus on measuring the gain of information brought by the visual inputs. We further design a generative training objective to match the evaluation objective. We name our model trained and evaluated from the novel procedures as Information Gain (IG) captioner. We pretrain the models on the public Laion-5B dataset and perform a series of discriminative evaluations. For the zero-shot classification on ImageNet, IG captioner achieves $> 18\%$ improvements over the standard captioner, achieving comparable performances with the CLIP classifier. IG captioner also demonstrated strong performance on zero-shot image-text retrieval tasks on MSCOCO and Flickr30K. We hope this paper inspires further research towards unifying generative and discriminative training procedures for visual-language models.

replace TIBET: Identifying and Evaluating Biases in Text-to-Image Generative Models

Authors: Aditya Chinchure, Pushkar Shukla, Gaurav Bhatt, Kiri Salij, Kartik Hosanagar, Leonid Sigal, Matthew Turk

Abstract: Text-to-Image (TTI) generative models have shown great progress in the past few years in terms of their ability to generate complex and high-quality imagery. At the same time, these models have been shown to suffer from harmful biases, including exaggerated societal biases (e.g., gender, ethnicity), as well as incidental correlations that limit such a model's ability to generate more diverse imagery. In this paper, we propose a general approach to study and quantify a broad spectrum of biases, for any TTI model and for any prompt, using counterfactual reasoning. Unlike other works that evaluate generated images on a predefined set of bias axes, our approach automatically identifies potential biases that might be relevant to the given prompt, and measures those biases. In addition, we complement quantitative scores with post-hoc explanations in terms of semantic concepts in the images generated. We show that our method is uniquely capable of explaining complex multi-dimensional biases through semantic concepts, as well as the intersectionality between different biases for any given prompt. We perform extensive user studies to illustrate that the results of our method and analysis are consistent with human judgements.

replace GIVT: Generative Infinite-Vocabulary Transformers

Authors: Michael Tschannen, Cian Eastwood, Fabian Mentzer

Abstract: We introduce Generative Infinite-Vocabulary Transformers (GIVT) which generate vector sequences with real-valued entries, instead of discrete tokens from a finite vocabulary. To this end, we propose two surprisingly simple modifications to decoder-only transformers: 1) at the input, we replace the finite-vocabulary lookup table with a linear projection of the input vectors; and 2) at the output, we replace the logits prediction (usually mapped to a categorical distribution) with the parameters of a multivariate Gaussian mixture model. Inspired by the image-generation paradigm of VQ-GAN and MaskGIT, where transformers are used to model the discrete latent sequences of a VQ-VAE, we use GIVT to model the unquantized real-valued latent sequences of a $\beta$-VAE. In class-conditional image generation GIVT outperforms VQ-GAN (and improved variants thereof) as well as MaskGIT, and achieves performance competitive with recent latent diffusion models. Finally, we obtain strong results outside of image generation when applying GIVT to panoptic segmentation and depth estimation with a VAE variant of the UViM framework.

replace DiverseDream: Diverse Text-to-3D Synthesis with Augmented Text Embedding

Authors: Uy Dieu Tran, Minh Luu, Phong Ha Nguyen, Khoi Nguyen, Binh-Son Hua

Abstract: Text-to-3D synthesis has recently emerged as a new approach to sampling 3D models by adopting pretrained text-to-image models as guiding visual priors. An intriguing but underexplored problem with existing text-to-3D methods is that 3D models obtained from the sampling-by-optimization procedure tend to have mode collapses, and hence poor diversity in their results. In this paper, we provide an analysis and identify potential causes of such a limited diversity, which motivates us to devise a new method that considers the joint generation of different 3D models from the same text prompt. We propose to use augmented text prompts via textual inversion of reference images to diversify the joint generation. We show that our method leads to improved diversity in text-to-3D synthesis qualitatively and quantitatively. Project page:


replace RING-NeRF : Rethinking Inductive Biases for Versatile and Efficient Neural Fields

Authors: Doriand Petit, Steve Bourgeois, Dumitru Pavel, Vincent Gay-Bellile, Florian Chabot, Loic Barthe

Abstract: Recent advances in Neural Fields mostly rely on developing task-specific supervision which often complicates the models. Rather than developing hard-to-combine and specific modules, another approach generally overlooked is to directly inject generic priors on the scene representation (also called inductive biases) into the NeRF architecture. Based on this idea, we propose the RING-NeRF architecture which includes two inductive biases : a continuous multi-scale representation of the scene and an invariance of the decoder's latent space over spatial and scale domains. We also design a single reconstruction process that takes advantage of those inductive biases and experimentally demonstrates on-par performances in terms of quality with dedicated architecture on multiple tasks (anti-aliasing, few view reconstruction, SDF reconstruction without scene-specific initialization) while being more efficient. Moreover, RING-NeRF has the distinctive ability to dynamically increase the resolution of the model, opening the way to adaptive reconstruction.

replace ScribblePrompt: Fast and Flexible Interactive Segmentation for Any Biomedical Image

Authors: Hallee E. Wong, Marianne Rakic, John Guttag, Adrian V. Dalca

Abstract: Biomedical image segmentation is a crucial part of both scientific research and clinical care. With enough labelled data, deep learning models can be trained to accurately automate specific biomedical image segmentation tasks. However, manually segmenting images to create training data is highly labor intensive and requires domain expertise. We present \emph{ScribblePrompt}, a flexible neural network based interactive segmentation tool for biomedical imaging that enables human annotators to segment previously unseen structures using scribbles, clicks, and bounding boxes. Through rigorous quantitative experiments, we demonstrate that given comparable amounts of interaction, ScribblePrompt produces more accurate segmentations than previous methods on datasets unseen during training. In a user study with domain experts, ScribblePrompt reduced annotation time by 28% while improving Dice by 15% compared to the next best method. ScribblePrompt's success rests on a set of careful design decisions. These include a training strategy that incorporates both a highly diverse set of images and tasks, novel algorithms for simulated user interactions and labels, and a network that enables fast inference. We showcase ScribblePrompt in an interactive demo, provide code, and release a dataset of scribble annotations at


replace Tokenize Anything via Prompting

Authors: Ting Pan, Lulu Tang, Xinlong Wang, Shiguang Shan

Abstract: We present a unified, promptable model capable of simultaneously segmenting, recognizing, and captioning anything. Unlike SAM, we aim to build a versatile region representation in the wild via visual prompting. To achieve this, we train a generalizable model with massive segmentation masks, \eg, SA-1B masks, and semantic priors from a pre-trained CLIP model with 5 billion parameters. Specifically, we construct a promptable image decoder by adding a semantic token to each mask token. The semantic token is responsible for learning the semantic priors in a predefined concept space. Through joint optimization of segmentation on mask tokens and concept prediction on semantic tokens, our model exhibits strong regional recognition and localization capabilities. For example, an additional 38M-parameter causal text decoder trained from scratch sets a new record with a CIDEr score of 164.7 on the Visual Genome region captioning task. We believe this model can be a versatile region-level image tokenizer, capable of encoding general-purpose region context for a broad range of visual perception tasks. Code and models are available at {\footnotesize \url{}}.


replace MatchDet: A Collaborative Framework for Image Matching and Object Detection

Authors: Jinxiang Lai, Wenlong Wu, Bin-Bin Gao, Jun Liu, Jiawei Zhan, Congchong Nie, Yi Zeng, Chengjie Wang

Abstract: Image matching and object detection are two fundamental and challenging tasks, while many related applications consider them two individual tasks (i.e. task-individual). In this paper, a collaborative framework called MatchDet (i.e. task-collaborative) is proposed for image matching and object detection to obtain mutual improvements. To achieve the collaborative learning of the two tasks, we propose three novel modules, including a Weighted Spatial Attention Module (WSAM) for Detector, and Weighted Attention Module (WAM) and Box Filter for Matcher. Specifically, the WSAM highlights the foreground regions of target image to benefit the subsequent detector, the WAM enhances the connection between the foreground regions of pair images to ensure high-quality matches, and Box Filter mitigates the impact of false matches. We evaluate the approaches on a new benchmark with two datasets called Warp-COCO and miniScanNet. Experimental results show our approaches are effective and achieve competitive improvements.

replace DriveLM: Driving with Graph Visual Question Answering

Authors: Chonghao Sima, Katrin Renz, Kashyap Chitta, Li Chen, Hanxue Zhang, Chengen Xie, Jens Bei{\ss}wenger, Ping Luo, Andreas Geiger, Hongyang Li

Abstract: We study how vision-language models (VLMs) trained on web-scale data can be integrated into end-to-end driving systems to boost generalization and enable interactivity with human users. While recent approaches adapt VLMs to driving via single-round visual question answering (VQA), human drivers reason about decisions in multiple steps. Starting from the localization of key objects, humans estimate object interactions before taking actions. The key insight is that with our proposed task, Graph VQA, where we model graph-structured reasoning through perception, prediction and planning question-answer pairs, we obtain a suitable proxy task to mimic the human reasoning process. We instantiate datasets (DriveLM-Data) built upon nuScenes and CARLA, and propose a VLM-based baseline approach (DriveLM-Agent) for jointly performing Graph VQA and end-to-end driving. The experiments demonstrate that Graph VQA provides a simple, principled framework for reasoning about a driving scene, and DriveLM-Data provides a challenging benchmark for this task. Our DriveLM-Agent baseline performs end-to-end autonomous driving competitively in comparison to state-of-the-art driving-specific architectures. Notably, its benefits are pronounced when it is evaluated zero-shot on unseen objects or sensor configurations. We hope this work can be the starting point to shed new light on how to apply VLMs for autonomous driving. To facilitate future research, all code, data, and models are available to the public.

replace Fast Diffusion-Based Counterfactuals for Shortcut Removal and Generation

Authors: Nina Weng, Paraskevas Pegios, Eike Petersen, Aasa Feragen, Siavash Bigdeli

Abstract: Shortcut learning is when a model -- e.g. a cardiac disease classifier -- exploits correlations between the target label and a spurious shortcut feature, e.g. a pacemaker, to predict the target label based on the shortcut rather than real discriminative features. This is common in medical imaging, where treatment and clinical annotations correlate with disease labels, making them easy shortcuts to predict disease. We propose a novel detection and quantification of the impact of potential shortcut features via a fast diffusion-based counterfactual image generation that can synthetically remove or add shortcuts. Via a novel inpainting-based modification we spatially limit the changes made with no extra inference step, encouraging the removal of spatially constrained shortcut features while ensuring that the shortcut-free counterfactuals preserve their remaining image features to a high degree. Using these, we assess how shortcut features influence model predictions. This is enabled by our second contribution: An efficient diffusion-based counterfactual explanation method with significant inference speed-up at comparable image quality as state-of-the-art. We confirm this on two large chest X-ray datasets, a skin lesion dataset, and CelebA. Our code is publicly available at

replace MUSES: The Multi-Sensor Semantic Perception Dataset for Driving under Uncertainty

Authors: Tim Br\"odermann, David Bruggemann, Christos Sakaridis, Kevin Ta, Odysseas Liagouris, Jason Corkill, Luc Van Gool

Abstract: Achieving level-5 driving automation in autonomous vehicles necessitates a robust semantic visual perception system capable of parsing data from different sensors across diverse conditions. However, existing semantic perception datasets often lack important non-camera modalities typically used in autonomous vehicles, or they do not exploit such modalities to aid and improve semantic annotations in challenging conditions. To address this, we introduce MUSES, the MUlti-SEnsor Semantic perception dataset for driving in adverse conditions under increased uncertainty. MUSES includes synchronized multimodal recordings with 2D panoptic annotations for 2500 images captured under diverse weather and illumination. The dataset integrates a frame camera, a lidar, a radar, an event camera, and an IMU/GNSS sensor. Our new two-stage panoptic annotation protocol captures both class-level and instance-level uncertainty in the ground truth and enables the novel task of uncertainty-aware panoptic segmentation we introduce, along with standard semantic and panoptic segmentation. MUSES proves both effective for training and challenging for evaluating models under diverse visual conditions, and it opens new avenues for research in multimodal and uncertainty-aware dense semantic perception. Our dataset and benchmark are publicly available at


replace Visual Concept-driven Image Generation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Model

Authors: Tanzila Rahman, Shweta Mahajan, Hsin-Ying Lee, Jian Ren, Sergey Tulyakov, Leonid Sigal

Abstract: Text-to-image (TTI) diffusion models have demonstrated impressive results in generating high-resolution images of complex and imaginative scenes. Recent approaches have further extended these methods with personalization techniques that allow them to integrate user-illustrated concepts (e.g., the user him/herself) using a few sample image illustrations. However, the ability to generate images with multiple interacting concepts, such as human subjects, as well as concepts that may be entangled in one, or across multiple, image illustrations remains illusive. In this work, we propose a concept-driven TTI personalization framework that addresses these core challenges. We build on existing works that learn custom tokens for user-illustrated concepts, allowing those to interact with existing text tokens in the TTI model. However, importantly, to disentangle and better learn the concepts in question, we jointly learn (latent) segmentation masks that disentangle these concepts in user-provided image illustrations. We do so by introducing an Expectation Maximization (EM)-like optimization procedure where we alternate between learning the custom tokens and estimating (latent) masks encompassing corresponding concepts in user-supplied images. We obtain these masks based on cross-attention, from within the U-Net parameterized latent diffusion model and subsequent DenseCRF optimization. We illustrate that such joint alternating refinement leads to the learning of better tokens for concepts and, as a by-product, latent masks. We illustrate the benefits of the proposed approach qualitatively and quantitatively with several examples and use cases that can combine three or more entangled concepts.

replace COMAE: COMprehensive Attribute Exploration for Zero-shot Hashing

Authors: Yuqi Li, Qingqing Long, Ning Cao, Shuai Liu, Xiao Luo, Fang Zheng, Zhihong Zhu, Zhiyuan Ning, Xuezhi Wang, Yuanchun Zhou

Abstract: Zero-shot hashing (ZSH) has shown excellent success owing to its efficiency and generalization in large-scale retrieval scenarios. While considerable success has been achieved, there still exist urgent limitations. Existing works ignore the locality relationships of representations and attributes, which have effective transferability between seeable classes and unseeable classes. Also, the continuous-value attributes are not fully harnessed. In response, we conduct a COMprehensive Attribute Exploration for ZSH, named COMAE, which depicts the relationships from seen classes to unseen ones through three meticulously designed explorations, i.e., point-wise, pair-wise and class-wise consistency constraints. By regressing attributes from the proposed attribute prototype network, COMAE learns the local features that are relevant to the visual attributes. Then COMAE utilizes contrastive learning to comprehensively depict the context of attributes, rather than instance-independent optimization. Finally, the class-wise constraint is designed to cohesively learn the hash code, image representation, and visual attributes more effectively. Experimental results on the popular ZSH datasets demonstrate that COMAE outperforms state-of-the-art hashing techniques, especially in scenarios with a larger number of unseen label classes.

replace Spatial Coherence Loss: All Objects Matter in Salient and Camouflaged Object Detection

Authors: Ziyun Yang, Kevin Choy, Sina Farsiu

Abstract: Generic object detection is a category-independent task that relies on accurate modeling of objectness. We show that for accurate semantic analysis, the network needs to learn all object-level predictions that appear at any stage of learning, including the pre-defined ground truth (GT) objects and the ambiguous decoy objects that the network misidentifies as foreground. Yet, most relevant models focused mainly on improving the learning of the GT objects. A few methods that consider decoy objects utilize loss functions that only focus on the single-response, i.e., the loss response of a single ambiguous pixel, and thus do not benefit from the wealth of information that an object-level ambiguity learning design can provide. Inspired by the human visual system, which first discerns the boundaries of ambiguous regions before delving into the semantic meaning, we propose a novel loss function, Spatial Coherence Loss (SCLoss), that incorporates the mutual response between adjacent pixels into the widely-used single-response loss functions. We demonstrate that the proposed SCLoss can gradually learn the ambiguous regions by detecting and emphasizing their boundaries in a self-adaptive manner. Through comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate that replacing popular loss functions with SCLoss can improve the performance of current state-of-the-art (SOTA) salient or camouflaged object detection (SOD or COD) models. We also demonstrate that combining SCLoss with other loss functions can further improve performance and result in SOTA outcomes for different applications.

replace PointSeg: A Training-Free Paradigm for 3D Scene Segmentation via Foundation Models

Authors: Qingdong He, Jinlong Peng, Zhengkai Jiang, Xiaobin Hu, Jiangning Zhang, Qiang Nie, Yabiao Wang, Chengjie Wang

Abstract: Recent success of vision foundation models have shown promising performance for the 2D perception tasks. However, it is difficult to train a 3D foundation network directly due to the limited dataset and it remains under explored whether existing foundation models can be lifted to 3D space seamlessly. In this paper, we present PointSeg, a novel training-free paradigm that leverages off-the-shelf vision foundation models to address 3D scene perception tasks. PointSeg can segment anything in 3D scene by acquiring accurate 3D prompts to align their corresponding pixels across frames. Concretely, we design a two-branch prompts learning structure to construct the 3D point-box prompts pairs, combining with the bidirectional matching strategy for accurate point and proposal prompts generation. Then, we perform the iterative post-refinement adaptively when cooperated with different vision foundation models. Moreover, we design a affinity-aware merging algorithm to improve the final ensemble masks. PointSeg demonstrates impressive segmentation performance across various datasets, all without training. Specifically, our approach significantly surpasses the state-of-the-art specialist training-free model by 14.1$\%$, 12.3$\%$, and 12.6$\%$ mAP on ScanNet, ScanNet++, and KITTI-360 datasets, respectively. On top of that, PointSeg can incorporate with various foundation models and even surpasses the specialist training-based methods by 3.4$\%$-5.4$\%$ mAP across various datasets, serving as an effective generalist model.

replace Time-Efficient and Identity-Consistent Virtual Try-On Using A Variant of Altered Diffusion Models

Authors: Phuong Dam, Jihoon Jeong, Anh Tran, Daeyoung Kim

Abstract: This study discusses the critical issues of Virtual Try-On in contemporary e-commerce and the prospective metaverse, emphasizing the challenges of preserving intricate texture details and distinctive features of the target person and the clothes in various scenarios, such as clothing texture and identity characteristics like tattoos or accessories. In addition to the fidelity of the synthesized images, the efficiency of the synthesis process presents a significant hurdle. Various existing approaches are explored, highlighting the limitations and unresolved aspects, e.g., identity information omission, uncontrollable artifacts, and low synthesis speed. It then proposes a novel diffusion-based solution that addresses garment texture preservation and user identity retention during virtual try-on. The proposed network comprises two primary modules - a warping module aligning clothing with individual features and a try-on module refining the attire and generating missing parts integrated with a mask-aware post-processing technique ensuring the integrity of the individual's identity. It demonstrates impressive results, surpassing the state-of-the-art in speed by nearly 20 times during inference, with superior fidelity in qualitative assessments. Quantitative evaluations confirm comparable performance with the recent SOTA method on the VITON-HD and Dresscode datasets. We named our model Fast and Identity Preservation Virtual TryON (FIP-VITON).

replace MoAI: Mixture of All Intelligence for Large Language and Vision Models

Authors: Byung-Kwan Lee, Beomchan Park, Chae Won Kim, Yong Man Ro

Abstract: The rise of large language models (LLMs) and instruction tuning has led to the current trend of instruction-tuned large language and vision models (LLVMs). This trend involves either meticulously curating numerous instruction tuning datasets tailored to specific objectives or enlarging LLVMs to manage vast amounts of vision language (VL) data. However, current LLVMs have disregarded the detailed and comprehensive real-world scene understanding available from specialized computer vision (CV) models in visual perception tasks such as segmentation, detection, scene graph generation (SGG), and optical character recognition (OCR). Instead, the existing LLVMs rely mainly on the large capacity and emergent capabilities of their LLM backbones. Therefore, we present a new LLVM, Mixture of All Intelligence (MoAI), which leverages auxiliary visual information obtained from the outputs of external segmentation, detection, SGG, and OCR models. MoAI operates through two newly introduced modules: MoAI-Compressor and MoAI-Mixer. After verbalizing the outputs of the external CV models, the MoAI-Compressor aligns and condenses them to efficiently use relevant auxiliary visual information for VL tasks. MoAI-Mixer then blends three types of intelligence (1) visual features, (2) auxiliary features from the external CV models, and (3) language features by utilizing the concept of Mixture of Experts. Through this integration, MoAI significantly outperforms both open-source and closed-source LLVMs in numerous zero-shot VL tasks, particularly those related to real-world scene understanding such as object existence, positions, relations, and OCR without enlarging the model size or curating extra visual instruction tuning datasets.

replace The First to Know: How Token Distributions Reveal Hidden Knowledge in Large Vision-Language Models?

Authors: Qinyu Zhao, Ming Xu, Kartik Gupta, Akshay Asthana, Liang Zheng, Stephen Gould

Abstract: Large vision-language models (LVLMs), designed to interpret and respond to human instructions, occasionally generate hallucinated or harmful content due to inappropriate instructions. This study uses linear probing to shed light on the hidden knowledge at the output layers of LVLMs. We demonstrate that the logit distributions of the first tokens contain sufficient information to determine whether to respond to the instructions, including recognizing unanswerable visual questions, defending against jailbreaking attacks, and identifying deceptive questions. Such hidden knowledge is gradually lost in logits of subsequent tokens during response generation. Then, we illustrate a simple decoding strategy at the generation of the first token, effectively improving the generated content. In experiments, we find a few interesting insights: First, the CLIP model already contains a strong signal for solving these tasks, which indicates potential bias in the existing datasets. Second, we observe performance improvement by utilizing the first logit distributions on three additional tasks, including indicating uncertainty in math solving, mitigating hallucination, and image classification. Last, with the same training data, simply finetuning LVLMs improves models' performance but is still inferior to linear probing on these tasks.

replace Select and Distill: Selective Dual-Teacher Knowledge Transfer for Continual Learning on Vision-Language Models

Authors: Yu-Chu Yu, Chi-Pin Huang, Jr-Jen Chen, Kai-Po Chang, Yung-Hsuan Lai, Fu-En Yang, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang

Abstract: Large-scale vision-language models (VLMs) have shown a strong zero-shot generalization capability on unseen-domain data. However, adapting pre-trained VLMs to a sequence of downstream tasks often leads to the forgetting of previously learned knowledge and a reduction in zero-shot classification performance. To tackle this problem, we propose a unique Selective Dual-Teacher Knowledge Transfer framework that leverages the most recent fine-tuned and the original pre-trained VLMs as dual teachers to preserve the previously learned knowledge and zero-shot capabilities, respectively. With only access to an unlabeled reference dataset, our proposed framework performs a selective knowledge distillation mechanism by measuring the feature discrepancy from the dual-teacher VLMs. Consequently, our selective dual-teacher knowledge distillation mitigates catastrophic forgetting of previously learned knowledge while preserving the zero-shot capabilities of pre-trained VLMs. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our framework is favorable against state-of-the-art continual learning approaches for preventing catastrophic forgetting and zero-shot degradation. Project page:


replace RoDUS: Robust Decomposition of Static and Dynamic Elements in Urban Scenes

Authors: Thang-Anh-Quan Nguyen, Luis Rold\~ao, Nathan Piasco, Moussab Bennehar, Dzmitry Tsishkou

Abstract: The task of separating dynamic objects from static environments using NeRFs has been widely studied in recent years. However, capturing large-scale scenes still poses a challenge due to their complex geometric structures and unconstrained dynamics. Without the help of 3D motion cues, previous methods often require simplified setups with slow camera motion and only a few/single dynamic actors, leading to suboptimal solutions in most urban setups. To overcome such limitations, we present RoDUS, a pipeline for decomposing static and dynamic elements in urban scenes, with thoughtfully separated NeRF models for moving and non-moving components. Our approach utilizes a robust kernel-based initialization coupled with 4D semantic information to selectively guide the learning process. This strategy enables accurate capturing of the dynamics in the scene, resulting in reduced floating artifacts in the reconstructed background, all by using self-supervision. Notably, experimental evaluations on KITTI-360 and Pandaset datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in decomposing challenging urban scenes into precise static and dynamic components.

replace SkateFormer: Skeletal-Temporal Transformer for Human Action Recognition

Authors: Jeonghyeok Do, Munchurl Kim

Abstract: Skeleton-based action recognition, which classifies human actions based on the coordinates of joints and their connectivity within skeleton data, is widely utilized in various scenarios. While Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) have been proposed for skeleton data represented as graphs, they suffer from limited receptive fields constrained by joint connectivity. To address this limitation, recent advancements have introduced transformer-based methods. However, capturing correlations between all joints in all frames requires substantial memory resources. To alleviate this, we propose a novel approach called Skeletal-Temporal Transformer (SkateFormer) that partitions joints and frames based on different types of skeletal-temporal relation (Skate-Type) and performs skeletal-temporal self-attention (Skate-MSA) within each partition. We categorize the key skeletal-temporal relations for action recognition into a total of four distinct types. These types combine (i) two skeletal relation types based on physically neighboring and distant joints, and (ii) two temporal relation types based on neighboring and distant frames. Through this partition-specific attention strategy, our SkateFormer can selectively focus on key joints and frames crucial for action recognition in an action-adaptive manner with efficient computation. Extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets validate that our SkateFormer outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods.

replace Animate Your Motion: Turning Still Images into Dynamic Videos

Authors: Mingxiao Li, Bo Wan, Marie-Francine Moens, Tinne Tuytelaars

Abstract: In recent years, diffusion models have made remarkable strides in text-to-video generation, sparking a quest for enhanced control over video outputs to more accurately reflect user intentions. Traditional efforts predominantly focus on employing either semantic cues, like images or depth maps, or motion-based conditions, like moving sketches or object bounding boxes. Semantic inputs offer a rich scene context but lack detailed motion specificity; conversely, motion inputs provide precise trajectory information but miss the broader semantic narrative. For the first time, we integrate both semantic and motion cues within a diffusion model for video generation, as demonstrated in Fig 1. To this end, we introduce the Scene and Motion Conditional Diffusion (SMCD), a novel methodology for managing multimodal inputs. It incorporates a recognized motion conditioning module and investigates various approaches to integrate scene conditions, promoting synergy between different modalities. For model training, we separate the conditions for the two modalities, introducing a two-stage training pipeline. Experimental results demonstrate that our design significantly enhances video quality, motion precision, and semantic coherence.

replace SimPB: A Single Model for 2D and 3D Object Detection from Multiple Cameras

Authors: Yingqi Tang, Zhaotie Meng, Guoliang Chen, Erkang Cheng

Abstract: The field of autonomous driving has attracted considerable interest in approaches that directly infer 3D objects in the Bird's Eye View (BEV) from multiple cameras. Some attempts have also explored utilizing 2D detectors from single images to enhance the performance of 3D detection. However, these approaches rely on a two-stage process with separate detectors, where the 2D detection results are utilized only once for token selection or query initialization. In this paper, we present a single model termed SimPB, which simultaneously detects 2D objects in the perspective view and 3D objects in the BEV space from multiple cameras. To achieve this, we introduce a hybrid decoder consisting of several multi-view 2D decoder layers and several 3D decoder layers, specifically designed for their respective detection tasks. A Dynamic Query Allocation module and an Adaptive Query Aggregation module are proposed to continuously update and refine the interaction between 2D and 3D results, in a cyclic 3D-2D-3D manner. Additionally, Query-group Attention is utilized to strengthen the interaction among 2D queries within each camera group. In the experiments, we evaluate our method on the nuScenes dataset and demonstrate promising results for both 2D and 3D detection tasks. Our code is available at:


replace GeoGaussian: Geometry-aware Gaussian Splatting for Scene Rendering

Authors: Yanyan Li, Chenyu Lyu, Yan Di, Guangyao Zhai, Gim Hee Lee, Federico Tombari

Abstract: During the Gaussian Splatting optimization process, the scene's geometry can gradually deteriorate if its structure is not deliberately preserved, especially in non-textured regions such as walls, ceilings, and furniture surfaces. This degradation significantly affects the rendering quality of novel views that deviate significantly from the viewpoints in the training data. To mitigate this issue, we propose a novel approach called GeoGaussian. Based on the smoothly connected areas observed from point clouds, this method introduces a novel pipeline to initialize thin Gaussians aligned with the surfaces, where the characteristic can be transferred to new generations through a carefully designed densification strategy. Finally, the pipeline ensures that the scene's geometry and texture are maintained through constrained optimization processes with explicit geometry constraints. Benefiting from the proposed architecture, the generative ability of 3D Gaussians is enhanced, especially in structured regions. Our proposed pipeline achieves state-of-the-art performance in novel view synthesis and geometric reconstruction, as evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively on public datasets.

replace Prioritized Semantic Learning for Zero-shot Instance Navigation

Authors: Xinyu Sun, Lizhao Liu, Hongyan Zhi, Ronghe Qiu, Junwei Liang

Abstract: We study zero-shot instance navigation, in which the agent navigates to a specific object without using object annotations for training. Previous object navigation approaches apply the image-goal navigation (ImageNav) task (go to the location of an image) for pretraining, and transfer the agent to achieve object goals using a vision-language model. However, these approaches lead to issues of semantic neglect, where the model fails to learn meaningful semantic alignments. In this paper, we propose a Prioritized Semantic Learning (PSL) method to improve the semantic understanding ability of navigation agents. Specifically, a semantic-enhanced PSL agent is proposed and a prioritized semantic training strategy is introduced to select goal images that exhibit clear semantic supervision and relax the reward function from strict exact view matching. At inference time, a semantic expansion inference scheme is designed to preserve the same granularity level of the goal semantic as training. Furthermore, for the popular HM3D environment, we present an Instance Navigation (InstanceNav) task that requires going to a specific object instance with detailed descriptions, as opposed to the Object Navigation (ObjectNav) task where the goal is defined merely by the object category. Our PSL agent outperforms the previous state-of-the-art by 66% on zero-shot ObjectNav in terms of success rate and is also superior on the new InstanceNav task. Code will be released at


replace Towards Multimodal In-Context Learning for Vision & Language Models

Authors: Sivan Doveh, Shaked Perek, M. Jehanzeb Mirza, Wei Lin, Amit Alfassy, Assaf Arbelle, Shimon Ullman, Leonid Karlinsky

Abstract: State-of-the-art Vision-Language Models (VLMs) ground the vision and the language modality primarily via projecting the vision tokens from the encoder to language-like tokens, which are directly fed to the Large Language Model (LLM) decoder. While these models have shown unprecedented performance in many downstream zero-shot tasks (eg image captioning, question answers, etc), still little emphasis has been put on transferring one of the core LLM capability of In-Context Learning (ICL). ICL is the ability of a model to reason about a downstream task with a few examples demonstrations embedded in the prompt. In this work, through extensive evaluations, we find that the state-of-the-art VLMs somewhat lack the ability to follow ICL instructions. In particular, we discover that even models that underwent large-scale mixed modality pre-training and were implicitly guided to make use of interleaved image and text information (intended to consume helpful context from multiple images) under-perform when prompted with few-shot demonstrations (in an ICL way), likely due to their lack of direct ICL instruction tuning. To enhance the ICL abilities of the present VLM, we propose a simple yet surprisingly effective multi-turn curriculum-based learning methodology with effective data mixes, leading up to a significant 21.03% (and 11.3% on average) ICL performance boost over the strongest VLM baselines and a variety of ICL benchmarks. Furthermore, we also contribute new benchmarks for ICL evaluation in VLMs and discuss their advantages over the prior art.

replace Gaussian Splatting on the Move: Blur and Rolling Shutter Compensation for Natural Camera Motion

Authors: Otto Seiskari, Jerry Ylilammi, Valtteri Kaatrasalo, Pekka Rantalankila, Matias Turkulainen, Juho Kannala, Esa Rahtu, Arno Solin

Abstract: High-quality scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis based on Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) typically require steady, high-quality photographs, often impractical to capture with handheld cameras. We present a method that adapts to camera motion and allows high-quality scene reconstruction with handheld video data suffering from motion blur and rolling shutter distortion. Our approach is based on detailed modelling of the physical image formation process and utilizes velocities estimated using visual-inertial odometry (VIO). Camera poses are considered non-static during the exposure time of a single image frame and camera poses are further optimized in the reconstruction process. We formulate a differentiable rendering pipeline that leverages screen space approximation to efficiently incorporate rolling-shutter and motion blur effects into the 3DGS framework. Our results with both synthetic and real data demonstrate superior performance in mitigating camera motion over existing methods, thereby advancing 3DGS in naturalistic settings.

replace DVLO: Deep Visual-LiDAR Odometry with Local-to-Global Feature Fusion and Bi-Directional Structure Alignment

Authors: Jiuming Liu, Dong Zhuo, Zhiheng Feng, Siting Zhu, Chensheng Peng, Zhe Liu, Hesheng Wang

Abstract: Information inside visual and LiDAR data is well complementary derived from the fine-grained texture of images and massive geometric information in point clouds. However, it remains challenging to explore effective visual-LiDAR fusion, mainly due to the intrinsic data structure inconsistency between two modalities: Image pixels are regular and dense, but LiDAR points are unordered and sparse. To address the problem, we propose a local-to-global fusion network (DVLO) with bi-directional structure alignment. To obtain locally fused features, we project points onto the image plane as cluster centers and cluster image pixels around each center. Image pixels are pre-organized as pseudo points for image-to-point structure alignment. Then, we convert points to pseudo images by cylindrical projection (point-to-image structure alignment) and perform adaptive global feature fusion between point features and local fused features. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on KITTI odometry and FlyingThings3D scene flow datasets compared to both single-modal and multi-modal methods. Codes are released at


replace CityGaussian: Real-time High-quality Large-Scale Scene Rendering with Gaussians

Authors: Yang Liu, He Guan, Chuanchen Luo, Lue Fan, Naiyan Wang, Junran Peng, Zhaoxiang Zhang

Abstract: The advancement of real-time 3D scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis has been significantly propelled by 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS). However, effectively training large-scale 3DGS and rendering it in real-time across various scales remains challenging. This paper introduces CityGaussian (CityGS), which employs a novel divide-and-conquer training approach and Level-of-Detail (LoD) strategy for efficient large-scale 3DGS training and rendering. Specifically, the global scene prior and adaptive training data selection enables efficient training and seamless fusion. Based on fused Gaussian primitives, we generate different detail levels through compression, and realize fast rendering across various scales through the proposed block-wise detail levels selection and aggregation strategy. Extensive experimental results on large-scale scenes demonstrate that our approach attains state-of-theart rendering quality, enabling consistent real-time rendering of largescale scenes across vastly different scales. Our project page is available at


replace GS2Mesh: Surface Reconstruction from Gaussian Splatting via Novel Stereo Views

Authors: Yaniv Wolf, Amit Bracha, Ron Kimmel

Abstract: Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has emerged as an efficient approach for accurately representing scenes. However, despite its superior novel view synthesis capabilities, extracting the geometry of the scene directly from the Gaussian properties remains a challenge, as those are optimized based on a photometric loss. While some concurrent models have tried adding geometric constraints during the Gaussian optimization process, they still produce noisy, unrealistic surfaces. We propose a novel approach for bridging the gap between the noisy 3DGS representation and the smooth 3D mesh representation, by injecting real-world knowledge into the depth extraction process. Instead of extracting the geometry of the scene directly from the Gaussian properties, we instead extract the geometry through a pre-trained stereo-matching model. We render stereo-aligned pairs of images corresponding to the original training poses, feed the pairs into a stereo model to get a depth profile, and finally fuse all of the profiles together to get a single mesh. The resulting reconstruction is smoother, more accurate and shows more intricate details compared to other methods for surface reconstruction from Gaussian Splatting, while only requiring a small overhead on top of the fairly short 3DGS optimization process. We performed extensive testing of the proposed method on in-the-wild scenes, obtained using a smartphone, showcasing its superior reconstruction abilities. Additionally, we tested the method on the Tanks and Temples and DTU benchmarks, achieving state-of-the-art results.

replace StyleForge: Enhancing Text-to-Image Synthesis for Any Artistic Styles with Dual Binding

Authors: Junseo Park, Beomseok Ko, Hyeryung Jang

Abstract: Recent advancements in text-to-image models, such as Stable Diffusion, have showcased their ability to create visual images from natural language prompts. However, existing methods like DreamBooth struggle with capturing arbitrary art styles due to the abstract and multifaceted nature of stylistic attributes. We introduce Single-StyleForge, a novel approach for personalized text-to-image synthesis across diverse artistic styles. Using approximately 15 to 20 images of the target style, Single-StyleForge establishes a foundational binding of a unique token identifier with a broad range of attributes of the target style. Additionally, auxiliary images are incorporated for dual binding that guides the consistent representation of crucial elements such as people within the target style. Furthermore, we present Multi-StyleForge, which enhances image quality and text alignment by binding multiple tokens to partial style attributes. Experimental evaluations across six distinct artistic styles demonstrate significant improvements in image quality and perceptual fidelity, as measured by FID, KID, and CLIP scores.

replace Tackling Structural Hallucination in Image Translation with Local Diffusion

Authors: Seunghoi Kim, Chen Jin, Tom Diethe, Matteo Figini, Henry F. J. Tregidgo, Asher Mullokandov, Philip Teare, Daniel C. Alexander

Abstract: Recent developments in diffusion models have advanced conditioned image generation, yet they struggle with reconstructing out-of-distribution (OOD) images, such as unseen tumors in medical images, causing "image hallucination" and risking misdiagnosis. We hypothesize such hallucinations result from local OOD regions in the conditional images. We verify that partitioning the OOD region and conducting separate image generations alleviates hallucinations in several applications. From this, we propose a training-free diffusion framework that reduces hallucination with multiple Local Diffusion processes. Our approach involves OOD estimation followed by two modules: a "branching" module generates locally both within and outside OOD regions, and a "fusion" module integrates these predictions into one. Our evaluation shows our method mitigates hallucination over baseline models quantitatively and qualitatively, reducing misdiagnosis by 40% and 25% in the real-world medical and natural image datasets, respectively. It also demonstrates compatibility with various pre-trained diffusion models.

replace Binomial Self-compensation for Motion Error in Dynamic 3D Scanning

Authors: Geyou Zhang, Ce Zhu, Kai Liu

Abstract: Phase shifting profilometry (PSP) is favored in high-precision 3D scanning due to its high accuracy, robustness, and pixel-wise property. However, a fundamental assumption of PSP that the object should remain static is violated in dynamic measurement, making PSP susceptible to object moving, resulting in ripple-like errors in the point clouds. We propose a pixel-wise and frame-wise loopable binomial self-compensation (BSC) algorithm to effectively and flexibly eliminate motion error in the four-step PSP. Our mathematical model demonstrates that by summing successive motion-affected phase frames weighted by binomial coefficients, motion error exponentially diminishes as the binomial order increases, accomplishing automatic error compensation through the motion-affected phase sequence, without the assistance of any intermediate variable. Extensive experiments show that our BSC outperforms the existing methods in reducing motion error, while achieving a depth map frame rate equal to the camera's acquisition rate (90 fps), enabling high-accuracy 3D reconstruction with a quasi-single-shot frame rate.

replace OmniSat: Self-Supervised Modality Fusion for Earth Observation

Authors: Guillaume Astruc, Nicolas Gonthier, Clement Mallet, Loic Landrieu

Abstract: The diversity and complementarity of sensors available for Earth Observations (EO) calls for developing bespoke self-supervised multimodal learning approaches. However, current multimodal EO datasets and models typically focus on a single data type, either mono-date images or time series, which limits their impact. To address this issue, we introduce OmniSat, a novel architecture able to merge diverse EO modalities into expressive features without labels by exploiting their alignment. To demonstrate the advantages of our approach, we create two new multimodal datasets by augmenting existing ones with new modalities. As demonstrated for three downstream tasks -- forestry, land cover classification, and crop mapping -- OmniSat can learn rich representations without supervision, leading to state-of-the-art performances in semi- and fully supervised settings. Furthermore, our multimodal pretraining scheme improves performance even when only one modality is available for inference. The code and dataset are available at


replace Towards Multi-modal Transformers in Federated Learning

Authors: Guangyu Sun, Matias Mendieta, Aritra Dutta, Xin Li, Chen Chen

Abstract: Multi-modal transformers mark significant progress in different domains, but siloed high-quality data hinders their further improvement. To remedy this, federated learning (FL) has emerged as a promising privacy-preserving paradigm for training models without direct access to the raw data held by different clients. Despite its potential, a considerable research direction regarding the unpaired uni-modal clients and the transformer architecture in FL remains unexplored. To fill this gap, this paper explores a transfer multi-modal federated learning (MFL) scenario within the vision-language domain, where clients possess data of various modalities distributed across different datasets. We systematically evaluate the performance of existing methods when a transformer architecture is utilized and introduce a novel framework called Federated modality complementary and collaboration (FedCola) by addressing the in-modality and cross-modality gaps among clients. Through extensive experiments across various FL settings, FedCola demonstrates superior performance over previous approaches, offering new perspectives on future federated training of multi-modal transformers.

replace Zero-Shot Medical Phrase Grounding with Off-the-shelf Diffusion Models

Authors: Konstantinos Vilouras, Pedro Sanchez, Alison Q. O'Neil, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris

Abstract: Localizing the exact pathological regions in a given medical scan is an important imaging problem that requires a large amount of bounding box ground truth annotations to be accurately solved. However, there exist alternative, potentially weaker, forms of supervision, such as accompanying free-text reports, which are readily available. The task of performing localization with textual guidance is commonly referred to as phrase grounding. In this work, we use a publicly available Foundation Model, namely the Latent Diffusion Model, to solve this challenging task. This choice is supported by the fact that the Latent Diffusion Model, despite being generative in nature, contains mechanisms (cross-attention) that implicitly align visual and textual features, thus leading to intermediate representations that are suitable for the task at hand. In addition, we aim to perform this task in a zero-shot manner, i.e., without any further training on target data, meaning that the model's weights remain frozen. To this end, we devise strategies to select features and also refine them via post-processing without extra learnable parameters. We compare our proposed method with state-of-the-art approaches which explicitly enforce image-text alignment in a joint embedding space via contrastive learning. Results on a popular chest X-ray benchmark indicate that our method is competitive wih SOTA on different types of pathology, and even outperforms them on average in terms of two metrics (mean IoU and AUC-ROC). Source code will be released upon acceptance.

replace Revisiting the Adversarial Robustness of Vision Language Models: a Multimodal Perspective

Authors: Wanqi Zhou, Shuanghao Bai, Qibin Zhao, Badong Chen

Abstract: Pretrained vision-language models (VLMs) like CLIP have shown impressive generalization performance across various downstream tasks, yet they remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks. While prior research has primarily concentrated on improving the adversarial robustness of image encoders to guard against attacks on images, the exploration of text-based and multimodal attacks has largely been overlooked. In this work, we initiate the first known and comprehensive effort to study adapting vision-language models for adversarial robustness under the multimodal attack. Firstly, we introduce a multimodal attack strategy and investigate the impact of different attacks. We then propose a multimodal contrastive adversarial training loss, aligning the clean and adversarial text embeddings with the adversarial and clean visual features, to enhance the adversarial robustness of both image and text encoders of CLIP. Extensive experiments on 15 datasets across two tasks demonstrate that our method significantly improves the adversarial robustness of CLIP. Interestingly, we find that the model fine-tuned against multimodal adversarial attacks exhibits greater robustness than its counterpart fine-tuned solely against image-based attacks, even in the context of image attacks, which may open up new possibilities for enhancing the security of VLMs.

replace Progressive enhancement and restoration for mural images under low-light and defected conditions based on multi-receptive field strategy

Authors: Xiameng Wei, Binbin Fan, Ying Wang, Yanxiang Feng, Laiyi Fu

Abstract: Ancient murals are valuable cultural heritage with great archaeological value. They provide insights into ancient religions, ceremonies, folklore, among other things through their content. However, due to long-term oxidation and inadequate protection, ancient murals have suffered continuous damage, including peeling and mold etc. Additionally, since ancient murals were typically painted indoors, the light intensity in images captured by digital devices is often low. The poor visibility hampers the further restoration of damaged areas. To address the escalating damage to ancient murals and facilitate batch restoration at archaeological sites, we propose a two-stage restoration model with automatic defect area detection strategy which called MER(Mural Enhancement and Restoration net) for ancient murals that are damaged and have been captured in low light. Our two-stage model not only enhances the visual quality of restored images but also achieves commendable results in relevant metric evaluations compared with other competitors. Furthermore, we have launched a website dedicated to the restoration of ancient mural paintings, utilizing the proposed model. Code is available at


replace Team Samsung-RAL: Technical Report for 2024 RoboDrive Challenge-Robust Map Segmentation Track

Authors: Xiaoshuai Hao, Yifan Yang, Hui Zhang, Mengchuan Wei, Yi Zhou, Haimei Zhao, Jing Zhang

Abstract: In this report, we describe the technical details of our submission to the 2024 RoboDrive Challenge Robust Map Segmentation Track. The Robust Map Segmentation track focuses on the segmentation of complex driving scene elements in BEV maps under varied driving conditions. Semantic map segmentation provides abundant and precise static environmental information crucial for autonomous driving systems' planning and navigation. While current methods excel in ideal circumstances, e.g., clear daytime conditions and fully functional sensors, their resilience to real-world challenges like adverse weather and sensor failures remains unclear, raising concerns about system safety. In this paper, we explored several methods to improve the robustness of the map segmentation task. The details are as follows: 1) Robustness analysis of utilizing temporal information; 2) Robustness analysis of utilizing different backbones; and 3) Data Augmentation to boost corruption robustness. Based on the evaluation results, we draw several important findings including 1) The temporal fusion module is effective in improving the robustness of the map segmentation model; 2) A strong backbone is effective for improving the corruption robustness; and 3) Some data augmentation methods are effective in improving the robustness of map segmentation models. These novel findings allowed us to achieve promising results in the 2024 RoboDrive Challenge-Robust Map Segmentation Track.

replace Open-Vocabulary Object Detectors: Robustness Challenges under Distribution Shifts

Authors: Prakash Chandra Chhipa, Kanjar De, Meenakshi Subhash Chippa, Rajkumar Saini, Marcus Liwicki

Abstract: The challenge of Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) robustness remains a critical hurdle towards deploying deep vision models. Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have recently achieved groundbreaking results. VLM-based open-vocabulary object detection extends the capabilities of traditional object detection frameworks, enabling the recognition and classification of objects beyond predefined categories. Investigating OOD robustness in recent open-vocabulary object detection is essential to increase the trustworthiness of these models. This study presents a comprehensive robustness evaluation of the zero-shot capabilities of three recent open-vocabulary (OV) foundation object detection models: OWL-ViT, YOLO World, and Grounding DINO. Experiments carried out on the robustness benchmarks COCO-O, COCO-DC, and COCO-C encompassing distribution shifts due to information loss, corruption, adversarial attacks, and geometrical deformation, highlighting the challenges of the model's robustness to foster the research for achieving robustness. Source code shall be made available to the research community on GitHub.

replace GenMix: Combining Generative and Mixture Data Augmentation for Medical Image Classification

Authors: Hansang Lee, Haeil Lee, Helen Hong

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel data augmentation technique called GenMix, which combines generative and mixture approaches to leverage the strengths of both methods. While generative models excel at creating new data patterns, they face challenges such as mode collapse in GANs and difficulties in training diffusion models, especially with limited medical imaging data. On the other hand, mixture models enhance class boundary regions but tend to favor the major class in scenarios with class imbalance. To address these limitations, GenMix integrates both approaches to complement each other. GenMix operates in two stages: (1) training a generative model to produce synthetic images, and (2) performing mixup between synthetic and real data. This process improves the quality and diversity of synthetic data while simultaneously benefiting from the new pattern learning of generative models and the boundary enhancement of mixture models. We validate the effectiveness of our method on the task of classifying focal liver lesions (FLLs) in CT images. Our results demonstrate that GenMix enhances the performance of various generative models, including DCGAN, StyleGAN, Textual Inversion, and Diffusion Models. Notably, the proposed method with Textual Inversion outperforms other methods without fine-tuning diffusion model on the FLL dataset.

replace MMVR: Millimeter-wave Multi-View Radar Dataset and Benchmark for Indoor Perception

Authors: M. Mahbubur Rahman, Ryoma Yataka, Sorachi Kato, Pu Perry Wang, Peizhao Li, Adriano Cardace, Petros Boufounos

Abstract: Compared with an extensive list of automotive radar datasets that support autonomous driving, indoor radar datasets are scarce at a smaller scale in the format of low-resolution radar point clouds and usually under an open-space single-room setting. In this paper, we scale up indoor radar data collection using multi-view high-resolution radar heatmap in a multi-day, multi-room, and multi-subject setting, with an emphasis on the diversity of environment and subjects. Referred to as the millimeter-wave multi-view radar (MMVR) dataset, it consists of $345$K multi-view radar frames collected from $25$ human subjects over $6$ different rooms, $446$K annotated bounding boxes/segmentation instances, and $7.59$ million annotated keypoints to support three major perception tasks of object detection, pose estimation, and instance segmentation, respectively. For each task, we report performance benchmarks under two protocols: a single subject in an open space and multiple subjects in several cluttered rooms with two data splits: random split and cross-environment split over $395$ 1-min data segments. We anticipate that MMVR facilitates indoor radar perception development for indoor vehicle (robot/humanoid) navigation, building energy management, and elderly care for better efficiency, user experience, and safety. The MMVR dataset is available at


replace Resource-efficient Medical Image Analysis with Self-adapting Forward-Forward Networks

Authors: Johanna P. M\"uller, Bernhard Kainz

Abstract: We introduce a fast Self-adapting Forward-Forward Network (SaFF-Net) for medical imaging analysis, mitigating power consumption and resource limitations, which currently primarily stem from the prevalent reliance on back-propagation for model training and fine-tuning. Building upon the recently proposed Forward-Forward Algorithm (FFA), we introduce the Convolutional Forward-Forward Algorithm (CFFA), a parameter-efficient reformulation that is suitable for advanced image analysis and overcomes the speed and generalisation constraints of the original FFA. To address hyper-parameter sensitivity of FFAs we are also introducing a self-adapting framework SaFF-Net fine-tuning parameters during warmup and training in parallel. Our approach enables more effective model training and eliminates the previously essential requirement for an arbitrarily chosen Goodness function in FFA. We evaluate our approach on several benchmarking datasets in comparison with standard Back-Propagation (BP) neural networks showing that FFA-based networks with notably fewer parameters and function evaluations can compete with standard models, especially, in one-shot scenarios and large batch sizes. The code will be available at the time of the conference.

replace Investigating and Defending Shortcut Learning in Personalized Diffusion Models

Authors: Yixin Liu, Ruoxi Chen, Lichao Sun

Abstract: Personalized diffusion models have gained popularity for adapting pre-trained text-to-image models to generate images of specific topics with minimal training data. However, these models are vulnerable to minor adversarial perturbations, leading to degraded performance on corrupted datasets. Such vulnerabilities are further exploited to craft protective perturbations on sensitive images like portraits that prevent unauthorized generation. In response, diffusion-based purification methods have been proposed to remove these perturbations and retain generation performance. However, existing works turn to over-purifying the images, which causes information loss. In this paper, we take a closer look at the fine-tuning process of personalized diffusion models through the lens of shortcut learning. And we propose a hypothesis explaining the manipulation mechanisms of existing perturbation methods, demonstrating that perturbed images significantly deviate from their original prompts in the CLIP-based latent space. This misalignment during fine-tuning causes models to associate noisy patterns with identifiers, resulting in performance degradation. Based on these insights, we introduce a systematic approach to maintain training performance through purification. Our method first purifies the images to realign them with their original semantic meanings in latent space. Then, we introduce contrastive learning with negative tokens to decouple the learning of clean identities from noisy patterns, which shows a strong potential capacity against adaptive perturbation. Our study uncovers shortcut learning vulnerabilities in personalized diffusion models and provides a firm evaluation framework for future protective perturbation research. Code is available at


replace Learning Visual Conditioning Tokens to Correct Domain Shift for Fully Test-time Adaptation

Authors: Yushun Tang, Shuoshuo Chen, Zhehan Kan, Yi Zhang, Qinghai Guo, Zhihai He

Abstract: Fully test-time adaptation aims to adapt the network model based on sequential analysis of input samples during the inference stage to address the cross-domain performance degradation problem of deep neural networks. This work is based on the following interesting finding: in transformer-based image classification, the class token at the first transformer encoder layer can be learned to capture the domain-specific characteristics of target samples during test-time adaptation. This learned token, when combined with input image patch embeddings, is able to gradually remove the domain-specific information from the feature representations of input samples during the transformer encoding process, thereby significantly improving the test-time adaptation performance of the source model across different domains. We refer to this class token as visual conditioning token (VCT). To successfully learn the VCT, we propose a bi-level learning approach to capture the long-term variations of domain-specific characteristics while accommodating local variations of instance-specific characteristics. Experimental results on the benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed bi-level visual conditioning token learning method is able to achieve significantly improved test-time adaptation performance by up to 1.9%.

replace ScanReason: Empowering 3D Visual Grounding with Reasoning Capabilities

Authors: Chenming Zhu, Tai Wang, Wenwei Zhang, Kai Chen, Xihui Liu

Abstract: Although great progress has been made in 3D visual grounding, current models still rely on explicit textual descriptions for grounding and lack the ability to reason human intentions from implicit instructions. We propose a new task called 3D reasoning grounding and introduce a new benchmark ScanReason which provides over 10K question-answer-location pairs from five reasoning types that require the synerization of reasoning and grounding. We further design our approach, ReGround3D, composed of the visual-centric reasoning module empowered by Multi-modal Large Language Model (MLLM) and the 3D grounding module to obtain accurate object locations by looking back to the enhanced geometry and fine-grained details from the 3D scenes. A chain-of-grounding mechanism is proposed to further boost the performance with interleaved reasoning and grounding steps during inference. Extensive experiments on the proposed benchmark validate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.

replace Occlusion-Aware Seamless Segmentation

Authors: Yihong Cao, Jiaming Zhang, Hao Shi, Kunyu Peng, Yuhongxuan Zhang, Hui Zhang, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Kailun Yang

Abstract: Panoramic images can broaden the Field of View (FoV), occlusion-aware prediction can deepen the understanding of the scene, and domain adaptation can transfer across viewing domains. In this work, we introduce a novel task, Occlusion-Aware Seamless Segmentation (OASS), which simultaneously tackles all these three challenges. For benchmarking OASS, we establish a new human-annotated dataset for Blending Panoramic Amodal Seamless Segmentation, i.e., BlendPASS. Besides, we propose the first solution UnmaskFormer, aiming at unmasking the narrow FoV, occlusions, and domain gaps all at once. Specifically, UnmaskFormer includes the crucial designs of Unmasking Attention (UA) and Amodal-oriented Mix (AoMix). Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the BlendPASS dataset, reaching a remarkable mAPQ of 26.58% and mIoU of 43.66%. On public panoramic semantic segmentation datasets, i.e., SynPASS and DensePASS, our method outperforms previous methods and obtains 45.34% and 48.08% in mIoU, respectively. The fresh BlendPASS dataset and our source code are available at


replace Rethinking Data Augmentation for Robust LiDAR Semantic Segmentation in Adverse Weather

Authors: Junsung Park, Kyungmin Kim, Hyunjung Shim

Abstract: Existing LiDAR semantic segmentation methods often struggle with performance declines in adverse weather conditions. Previous work has addressed this issue by simulating adverse weather or employing universal data augmentation during training. However, these methods lack a detailed analysis and understanding of how adverse weather negatively affects LiDAR semantic segmentation performance. Motivated by this issue, we identified key factors of adverse weather and conducted a toy experiment to pinpoint the main causes of performance degradation: (1) Geometric perturbation due to refraction caused by fog or droplets in the air and (2) Point drop due to energy absorption and occlusions. Based on these findings, we propose new strategic data augmentation techniques. First, we introduced a Selective Jittering (SJ) that jitters points in the random range of depth (or angle) to mimic geometric perturbation. Additionally, we developed a Learnable Point Drop (LPD) to learn vulnerable erase patterns with a Deep Q-Learning Network to approximate the point drop phenomenon from adverse weather conditions. Without precise weather simulation, these techniques strengthen the LiDAR semantic segmentation model by exposing it to vulnerable conditions identified by our data-centric analysis. Experimental results confirmed the suitability of the proposed data augmentation methods for enhancing robustness against adverse weather conditions. Our method achieves a notable 39.5 mIoU on the SemanticKITTI-to-SemanticSTF benchmark, improving the baseline by 8.1\%p and establishing a new state-of-the-art. Our code will be released at \url{}.


replace Generalized Robust Fundus Photography-based Vision Loss Estimation for High Myopia

Authors: Zipei Yan, Zhile Liang, Zhengji Liu, Shuai Wang, Rachel Ka-Man Chun, Jizhou Li, Chea-su Kee, Dong Liang

Abstract: High myopia significantly increases the risk of irreversible vision loss. Traditional perimetry-based visual field (VF) assessment provides systematic quantification of visual loss but it is subjective and time-consuming. Consequently, machine learning models utilizing fundus photographs to estimate VF have emerged as promising alternatives. However, due to the high variability and the limited availability of VF data, existing VF estimation models fail to generalize well, particularly when facing out-of-distribution data across diverse centers and populations. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel, parameter-efficient framework to enhance the generalized robustness of VF estimation on both in- and out-of-distribution data. Specifically, we design a Refinement-by-Denoising (RED) module for feature refinement and adaptation from pretrained vision models, aiming to learn high-entropy feature representations and to mitigate the domain gap effectively and efficiently. Through independent validation on two distinct real-world datasets from separate centers, our method significantly outperforms existing approaches in RMSE, MAE and correlation coefficient for both internal and external validation. Our proposed framework benefits both in- and out-of-distribution VF estimation, offering significant clinical implications and potential utility in real-world ophthalmic practices.

replace Beyond Viewpoint: Robust 3D Object Recognition under Arbitrary Views through Joint Multi-Part Representation

Authors: Linlong Fan, Ye Huang, Yanqi Ge, Wen Li, Lixin Duan

Abstract: Existing view-based methods excel at recognizing 3D objects from predefined viewpoints, but their exploration of recognition under arbitrary views is limited. This is a challenging and realistic setting because each object has different viewpoint positions and quantities, and their poses are not aligned. However, most view-based methods, which aggregate multiple view features to obtain a global feature representation, hard to address 3D object recognition under arbitrary views. Due to the unaligned inputs from arbitrary views, it is challenging to robustly aggregate features, leading to performance degradation. In this paper, we introduce a novel Part-aware Network (PANet), which is a part-based representation, to address these issues. This part-based representation aims to localize and understand different parts of 3D objects, such as airplane wings and tails. It has properties such as viewpoint invariance and rotation robustness, which give it an advantage in addressing the 3D object recognition problem under arbitrary views. Our results on benchmark datasets clearly demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms existing view-based aggregation baselines for the task of 3D object recognition under arbitrary views, even surpassing most fixed viewpoint methods.

replace T2IShield: Defending Against Backdoors on Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors: Zhongqi Wang, Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen

Abstract: While text-to-image diffusion models demonstrate impressive generation capabilities, they also exhibit vulnerability to backdoor attacks, which involve the manipulation of model outputs through malicious triggers. In this paper, for the first time, we propose a comprehensive defense method named T2IShield to detect, localize, and mitigate such attacks. Specifically, we find the "Assimilation Phenomenon" on the cross-attention maps caused by the backdoor trigger. Based on this key insight, we propose two effective backdoor detection methods: Frobenius Norm Threshold Truncation and Covariance Discriminant Analysis. Besides, we introduce a binary-search approach to localize the trigger within a backdoor sample and assess the efficacy of existing concept editing methods in mitigating backdoor attacks. Empirical evaluations on two advanced backdoor attack scenarios show the effectiveness of our proposed defense method. For backdoor sample detection, T2IShield achieves a detection F1 score of 88.9$\%$ with low computational cost. Furthermore, T2IShield achieves a localization F1 score of 86.4$\%$ and invalidates 99$\%$ poisoned samples. Codes are released at


replace Unlocking Textual and Visual Wisdom: Open-Vocabulary 3D Object Detection Enhanced by Comprehensive Guidance from Text and Image

Authors: Pengkun Jiao, Na Zhao, Jingjing Chen, Yu-Gang Jiang

Abstract: Open-vocabulary 3D object detection (OV-3DDet) aims to localize and recognize both seen and previously unseen object categories within any new 3D scene. While language and vision foundation models have achieved success in handling various open-vocabulary tasks with abundant training data, OV-3DDet faces a significant challenge due to the limited availability of training data. Although some pioneering efforts have integrated vision-language models (VLM) knowledge into OV-3DDet learning, the full potential of these foundational models has yet to be fully exploited. In this paper, we unlock the textual and visual wisdom to tackle the open-vocabulary 3D detection task by leveraging the language and vision foundation models. We leverage a vision foundation model to provide image-wise guidance for discovering novel classes in 3D scenes. Specifically, we utilize a object detection vision foundation model to enable the zero-shot discovery of objects in images, which serves as the initial seeds and filtering guidance to identify novel 3D objects. Additionally, to align the 3D space with the powerful vision-language space, we introduce a hierarchical alignment approach, where the 3D feature space is aligned with the vision-language feature space using a pre-trained VLM at the instance, category, and scene levels. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate significant improvements in accuracy and generalization, highlighting the potential of foundation models in advancing open-vocabulary 3D object detection in real-world scenarios.

replace LaSe-E2V: Towards Language-guided Semantic-Aware Event-to-Video Reconstruction

Authors: Kanghao Chen, Hangyu Li, JiaZhou Zhou, Zeyu Wang, Lin Wang

Abstract: Event cameras harness advantages such as low latency, high temporal resolution, and high dynamic range (HDR), compared to standard cameras. Due to the distinct imaging paradigm shift, a dominant line of research focuses on event-to-video (E2V) reconstruction to bridge event-based and standard computer vision. However, this task remains challenging due to its inherently ill-posed nature: event cameras only detect the edge and motion information locally. Consequently, the reconstructed videos are often plagued by artifacts and regional blur, primarily caused by the ambiguous semantics of event data. In this paper, we find language naturally conveys abundant semantic information, rendering it stunningly superior in ensuring semantic consistency for E2V reconstruction. Accordingly, we propose a novel framework, called LaSe-E2V, that can achieve semantic-aware high-quality E2V reconstruction from a language-guided perspective, buttressed by the text-conditional diffusion models. However, due to diffusion models' inherent diversity and randomness, it is hardly possible to directly apply them to achieve spatial and temporal consistency for E2V reconstruction. Thus, we first propose an Event-guided Spatiotemporal Attention (ESA) module to condition the event data to the denoising pipeline effectively. We then introduce an event-aware mask loss to ensure temporal coherence and a noise initialization strategy to enhance spatial consistency. Given the absence of event-text-video paired data, we aggregate existing E2V datasets and generate textual descriptions using the tagging models for training and evaluation. Extensive experiments on three datasets covering diverse challenging scenarios (e.g., fast motion, low light) demonstrate the superiority of our method.

replace AnatoMask: Enhancing Medical Image Segmentation with Reconstruction-guided Self-masking

Authors: Yuheng Li, Tianyu Luan, Yizhou Wu, Shaoyan Pan, Yenho Chen, Xiaofeng Yang

Abstract: Due to the scarcity of labeled data, self-supervised learning (SSL) has gained much attention in 3D medical image segmentation, by extracting semantic representations from unlabeled data. Among SSL strategies, Masked image modeling (MIM) has shown effectiveness by reconstructing randomly masked images to learn detailed representations. However, conventional MIM methods require extensive training data to achieve good performance, which still poses a challenge for medical imaging. Since random masking uniformly samples all regions within medical images, it may overlook crucial anatomical regions and thus degrade the pretraining efficiency. We propose AnatoMask, a novel MIM method that leverages reconstruction loss to dynamically identify and mask out anatomically significant regions to improve pretraining efficacy. AnatoMask takes a self-distillation approach, where the model learns both how to find more significant regions to mask and how to reconstruct these masked regions. To avoid suboptimal learning, Anatomask adjusts the pretraining difficulty progressively using a masking dynamics function. We have evaluated our method on 4 public datasets with multiple imaging modalities (CT, MRI, and PET). AnatoMask demonstrates superior performance and scalability compared to existing SSL methods. The code is available at


replace HTD-Mamba: Efficient Hyperspectral Target Detection with Pyramid State Space Model

Authors: Dunbin Shen, Xuanbing Zhu, Jiacheng Tian, Jianjun Liu, Zhenrong Du, Hongyu Wang, Xiaorui Ma

Abstract: Hyperspectral target detection (HTD) identifies objects of interest from complex backgrounds at the pixel level, playing a vital role in Earth observation. However, HTD faces challenges due to limited prior knowledge and spectral variation, leading to underfitting models and unreliable performance. To address these challenges, this paper proposes an efficient self-supervised HTD method with a pyramid state space model (SSM), named HTD-Mamba, which employs spectrally contrastive learning to distinguish between target and background based on the similarity measurement of intrinsic features. Specifically, to obtain sufficient training samples and leverage spatial contextual information, we propose a spatial-encoded spectral augmentation technique that encodes all surrounding pixels within a patch into a transformed view of the center pixel. Additionally, to explore global band correlations, we divide pixels into continuous group-wise spectral embeddings and introduce Mamba to HTD for the first time to model long-range dependencies of the spectral sequence with linear complexity. Furthermore, to alleviate spectral variation and enhance robust representation, we propose a pyramid SSM as a backbone to capture and fuse multiresolution spectral-wise intrinsic features. Extensive experiments conducted on four public datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Code is available at \url{}.


replace Aligning Cyber Space with Physical World: A Comprehensive Survey on Embodied AI

Authors: Yang Liu, Weixing Chen, Yongjie Bai, Jingzhou Luo, Xinshuai Song, Kaixuan Jiang, Zhida Li, Ganlong Zhao, Junyi Lin, Guanbin Li, Wen Gao, Liang Lin

Abstract: Embodied Artificial Intelligence (Embodied AI) is crucial for achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and serves as a foundation for various applications that bridge cyberspace and the physical world. Recently, the emergence of Multi-modal Large Models (MLMs) and World Models (WMs) have attracted significant attention due to their remarkable perception, interaction, and reasoning capabilities, making them a promising architecture for the brain of embodied agents. However, there is no comprehensive survey for Embodied AI in the era of MLMs. In this survey, we give a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements in Embodied AI. Our analysis firstly navigates through the forefront of representative works of embodied robots and simulators, to fully understand the research focuses and their limitations. Then, we analyze four main research targets: 1) embodied perception, 2) embodied interaction, 3) embodied agent, and 4) sim-to-real adaptation, covering the state-of-the-art methods, essential paradigms, and comprehensive datasets. Additionally, we explore the complexities of MLMs in virtual and real embodied agents, highlighting their significance in facilitating interactions in dynamic digital and physical environments. Finally, we summarize the challenges and limitations of embodied AI and discuss their potential future directions. We hope this survey will serve as a foundational reference for the research community and inspire continued innovation. The associated project can be found at


replace Category-level Object Detection, Pose Estimation and Reconstruction from Stereo Images

Authors: Chuanrui Zhang, Yonggen Ling, Minglei Lu, Minghan Qin, Haoqian Wang

Abstract: We study the 3D object understanding task for manipulating everyday objects with different material properties (diffuse, specular, transparent and mixed). Existing monocular and RGB-D methods suffer from scale ambiguity due to missing or imprecise depth measurements. We present CODERS, a one-stage approach for Category-level Object Detection, pose Estimation and Reconstruction from Stereo images. The base of our pipeline is an implicit stereo matching module that combines stereo image features with 3D position information. Concatenating this presented module and the following transform-decoder architecture leads to end-to-end learning of multiple tasks required by robot manipulation. Our approach significantly outperforms all competing methods in the public TOD dataset. Furthermore, trained on simulated data, CODERS generalize well to unseen category-level object instances in real-world robot manipulation experiments. Our dataset, code, and demos will be available on our project page.

replace MIGS: Multi-Identity Gaussian Splatting via Tensor Decomposition

Authors: Aggelina Chatziagapi, Grigorios G. Chrysos, Dimitris Samaras

Abstract: We introduce MIGS (Multi-Identity Gaussian Splatting), a novel method that learns a single neural representation for multiple identities, using only monocular videos. Recent 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) approaches for human avatars require per-identity optimization. However, learning a multi-identity representation presents advantages in robustly animating humans under arbitrary poses. We propose to construct a high-order tensor that combines all the learnable 3DGS parameters for all the training identities. By assuming a low-rank structure and factorizing the tensor, we model the complex rigid and non-rigid deformations of multiple subjects in a unified network, significantly reducing the total number of parameters. Our proposed approach leverages information from all the training identities and enables robust animation under challenging unseen poses, outperforming existing approaches. It can also be extended to learn unseen identities.

replace Pseudo-RIS: Distinctive Pseudo-supervision Generation for Referring Image Segmentation

Authors: Seonghoon Yu, Paul Hongsuck Seo, Jeany Son

Abstract: We propose a new framework that automatically generates high-quality segmentation masks with their referring expressions as pseudo supervisions for referring image segmentation (RIS). These pseudo supervisions allow the training of any supervised RIS methods without the cost of manual labeling. To achieve this, we incorporate existing segmentation and image captioning foundation models, leveraging their broad generalization capabilities. However, the naive incorporation of these models may generate non-distinctive expressions that do not distinctively refer to the target masks. To address this challenge, we propose two-fold strategies that generate distinctive captions: 1) 'distinctive caption sampling', a new decoding method for the captioning model, to generate multiple expression candidates with detailed words focusing on the target. 2) 'distinctiveness-based text filtering' to further validate the candidates and filter out those with a low level of distinctiveness. These two strategies ensure that the generated text supervisions can distinguish the target from other objects, making them appropriate for the RIS annotations. Our method significantly outperforms both weakly and zero-shot SoTA methods on the RIS benchmark datasets. It also surpasses fully supervised methods in unseen domains, proving its capability to tackle the open-world challenge within RIS. Furthermore, integrating our method with human annotations yields further improvements, highlighting its potential in semi-supervised learning applications.

replace Exploring the Untouched Sweeps for Conflict-Aware 3D Segmentation Pretraining

Authors: Tianfang Sun, Zhizhong Zhang, Xin Tan, Yanyun Qu, Yuan Xie

Abstract: LiDAR-camera 3D representation pretraining has shown significant promise for 3D perception tasks and related applications. However, two issues widely exist in this framework: 1) Solely keyframes are used for training. For example, in nuScenes, a substantial quantity of unpaired LiDAR and camera frames remain unutilized, limiting the representation capabilities of the pretrained network. 2) The contrastive loss erroneously distances points and image regions with identical semantics but from different frames, disturbing the semantic consistency of the learned presentations. In this paper, we propose a novel Vision-Foundation-Model-driven sample exploring module to meticulously select LiDAR-Image pairs from unexplored frames, enriching the original training set. We utilized timestamps and the semantic priors from VFMs to identify well-synchronized training pairs and to discover samples with diverse content. Moreover, we design a cross- and intra-modal conflict-aware contrastive loss using the semantic mask labels of VFMs to avoid contrasting semantically similar points and image regions. Our method consistently outperforms existing state-of-the-art pretraining frameworks across three major public autonomous driving datasets: nuScenes, SemanticKITTI, and Waymo on 3D semantic segmentation by +3.0\%, +3.0\%, and +3.3\% in mIoU, respectively. Furthermore, our approach exhibits adaptable generalization to different 3D backbones and typical semantic masks generated by non-VFM models.

replace SUMix: Mixup with Semantic and Uncertain Information

Authors: Huafeng Qin, Xin Jin, Hongyu Zhu, Hongchao Liao, Moun\^im A. El-Yacoubi, Xinbo Gao

Abstract: Mixup data augmentation approaches have been applied for various tasks of deep learning to improve the generalization ability of deep neural networks. Some existing approaches CutMix, SaliencyMix, etc. randomly replace a patch in one image with patches from another to generate the mixed image. Similarly, the corresponding labels are linearly combined by a fixed ratio $\lambda$ by l. The objects in two images may be overlapped during the mixing process, so some semantic information is corrupted in the mixed samples. In this case, the mixed image does not match the mixed label information. Besides, such a label may mislead the deep learning model training, which results in poor performance. To solve this problem, we proposed a novel approach named SUMix to learn the mixing ratio as well as the uncertainty for the mixed samples during the training process. First, we design a learnable similarity function to compute an accurate mix ratio. Second, an approach is investigated as a regularized term to model the uncertainty of the mixed samples. We conduct experiments on five image benchmarks, and extensive experimental results imply that our method is capable of improving the performance of classifiers with different cutting-based mixup approaches. The source code is available at


replace Long-range Turbulence Mitigation: A Large-scale Dataset and A Coarse-to-fine Framework

Authors: Shengqi Xu, Run Sun, Yi Chang, Shuning Cao, Xueyao Xiao, Luxin Yan

Abstract: Long-range imaging inevitably suffers from atmospheric turbulence with severe geometric distortions due to random refraction of light. The further the distance, the more severe the disturbance. Despite existing research has achieved great progress in tackling short-range turbulence, there is less attention paid to long-range turbulence with significant distortions. To address this dilemma and advance the field, we construct a large-scale real long-range atmospheric turbulence dataset (RLR-AT), including 1500 turbulence sequences spanning distances from 1 Km to 13 Km. The advantages of RLR-AT compared to existing ones: turbulence with longer-distances and higher-diversity, scenes with greater-variety and larger-scale. Moreover, most existing work adopts either registration-based or decomposition-based methods to address distortions through one-step mitigation. However, they fail to effectively handle long-range turbulence due to its significant pixel displacements. In this work, we propose a coarse-to-fine framework to handle severe distortions, which cooperates dynamic turbulence and static background priors (CDSP). On the one hand, we discover the pixel motion statistical prior of turbulence, and propose a frequency-aware reference frame for better large-scale distortion registration, greatly reducing the burden of refinement. On the other hand, we take advantage of the static prior of background, and propose a subspace-based low-rank tensor refinement model to eliminate the misalignments inevitably left by registration while well preserving details. The dynamic and static priors complement to each other, facilitating us to progressively mitigate long-range turbulence with severe distortions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms SOTA methods on different datasets.

replace VividDreamer: Invariant Score Distillation For Hyper-Realistic Text-to-3D Generation

Authors: Wenjie Zhuo, Fan Ma, Hehe Fan, Yi Yang

Abstract: This paper presents Invariant Score Distillation (ISD), a novel method for high-fidelity text-to-3D generation. ISD aims to tackle the over-saturation and over-smoothing problems in Score Distillation Sampling (SDS). In this paper, SDS is decoupled into a weighted sum of two components: the reconstruction term and the classifier-free guidance term. We experimentally found that over-saturation stems from the large classifier-free guidance scale and over-smoothing comes from the reconstruction term. To overcome these problems, ISD utilizes an invariant score term derived from DDIM sampling to replace the reconstruction term in SDS. This operation allows the utilization of a medium classifier-free guidance scale and mitigates the reconstruction-related errors, thus preventing the over-smoothing and over-saturation of results. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method greatly enhances SDS and produces realistic 3D objects through single-stage optimization.

replace Augmented Neural Fine-Tuning for Efficient Backdoor Purification

Authors: Nazmul Karim, Abdullah Al Arafat, Umar Khalid, Zhishan Guo, Nazanin Rahnavard

Abstract: Recent studies have revealed the vulnerability of deep neural networks (DNNs) to various backdoor attacks, where the behavior of DNNs can be compromised by utilizing certain types of triggers or poisoning mechanisms. State-of-the-art (SOTA) defenses employ too-sophisticated mechanisms that require either a computationally expensive adversarial search module for reverse-engineering the trigger distribution or an over-sensitive hyper-parameter selection module. Moreover, they offer sub-par performance in challenging scenarios, e.g., limited validation data and strong attacks. In this paper, we propose Neural mask Fine-Tuning (NFT) with an aim to optimally re-organize the neuron activities in a way that the effect of the backdoor is removed. Utilizing a simple data augmentation like MixUp, NFT relaxes the trigger synthesis process and eliminates the requirement of the adversarial search module. Our study further reveals that direct weight fine-tuning under limited validation data results in poor post-purification clean test accuracy, primarily due to overfitting issue. To overcome this, we propose to fine-tune neural masks instead of model weights. In addition, a mask regularizer has been devised to further mitigate the model drift during the purification process. The distinct characteristics of NFT render it highly efficient in both runtime and sample usage, as it can remove the backdoor even when a single sample is available from each class. We validate the effectiveness of NFT through extensive experiments covering the tasks of image classification, object detection, video action recognition, 3D point cloud, and natural language processing. We evaluate our method against 14 different attacks (LIRA, WaNet, etc.) on 11 benchmark data sets such as ImageNet, UCF101, Pascal VOC, ModelNet, OpenSubtitles2012, etc.

replace MSD: A Benchmark Dataset for Floor Plan Generation of Building Complexes

Authors: Casper van Engelenburg, Fatemeh Mostafavi, Emanuel Kuhn, Yuntae Jeon, Michael Franzen, Matthias Standfest, Jan van Gemert, Seyran Khademi

Abstract: Diverse and realistic floor plan data are essential for the development of useful computer-aided methods in architectural design. Today's large-scale floor plan datasets predominantly feature simple floor plan layouts, typically representing single-apartment dwellings only. To compensate for the mismatch between current datasets and the real world, we develop \textbf{Modified Swiss Dwellings} (MSD) -- the first large-scale floor plan dataset that contains a significant share of layouts of multi-apartment dwellings. MSD features over 5.3K floor plans of medium- to large-scale building complexes, covering over 18.9K distinct apartments. We validate that existing approaches for floor plan generation, while effective in simpler scenarios, cannot yet seamlessly address the challenges posed by MSD. Our benchmark calls for new research in floor plan machine understanding. Code and data are open.

replace RecGS: Removing Water Caustic with Recurrent Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Tianyi Zhang, Weiming Zhi, Kaining Huang, Joshua Mangelson, Corina Barbalata, Matthew Johnson-Roberson

Abstract: Water caustics are commonly observed in seafloor imaging data from shallow-water areas. Traditional methods that remove caustic patterns from images often rely on 2D filtering or pre-training on an annotated dataset, hindering the performance when generalizing to real-world seafloor data with 3D structures. In this paper, we present a novel method Recurrent Gaussian Splatting (RecGS), which takes advantage of today's photorealistic 3D reconstruction technology, 3DGS, to separate caustics from seafloor imagery. With a sequence of images taken by an underwater robot, we build 3DGS recurrently and decompose the caustic with low-pass filtering in each iteration. In the experiments, we analyze and compare with different methods, including joint optimization, 2D filtering, and deep learning approaches. The results show that our method can effectively separate the caustic from the seafloor, improving the visual appearance, and can be potentially applied on more problems with inconsistent illumination.

replace Segment, Lift and Fit: Automatic 3D Shape Labeling from 2D Prompts

Authors: Jianhao Li, Tianyu Sun, Zhongdao Wang, Enze Xie, Bailan Feng, Hongbo Zhang, Ze Yuan, Ke Xu, Jiaheng Liu, Ping Luo

Abstract: This paper proposes an algorithm for automatically labeling 3D objects from 2D point or box prompts, especially focusing on applications in autonomous driving. Unlike previous arts, our auto-labeler predicts 3D shapes instead of bounding boxes and does not require training on a specific dataset. We propose a Segment, Lift, and Fit (SLF) paradigm to achieve this goal. Firstly, we segment high-quality instance masks from the prompts using the Segment Anything Model (SAM) and transform the remaining problem into predicting 3D shapes from given 2D masks. Due to the ill-posed nature of this problem, it presents a significant challenge as multiple 3D shapes can project into an identical mask. To tackle this issue, we then lift 2D masks to 3D forms and employ gradient descent to adjust their poses and shapes until the projections fit the masks and the surfaces conform to surrounding LiDAR points. Notably, since we do not train on a specific dataset, the SLF auto-labeler does not overfit to biased annotation patterns in the training set as other methods do. Thus, the generalization ability across different datasets improves. Experimental results on the KITTI dataset demonstrate that the SLF auto-labeler produces high-quality bounding box annotations, achieving an AP@0.5 IoU of nearly 90\%. Detectors trained with the generated pseudo-labels perform nearly as well as those trained with actual ground-truth annotations. Furthermore, the SLF auto-labeler shows promising results in detailed shape predictions, providing a potential alternative for the occupancy annotation of dynamic objects.

replace CIC-BART-SSA: Controllable Image Captioning with Structured Semantic Augmentation

Authors: Kalliopi Basioti, Mohamed A. Abdelsalam, Federico Fancellu, Vladimir Pavlovic, Afsaneh Fazly

Abstract: Controllable Image Captioning (CIC) aims at generating natural language descriptions for an image, conditioned on information provided by end users, e.g., regions, entities or events of interest. However, available image-language datasets mainly contain captions that describe the entirety of an image, making them ineffective for training CIC models that can potentially attend to any subset of regions or relationships. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel, fully automatic method to sample additional focused and visually grounded captions using a unified structured semantic representation built on top of the existing set of captions associated with an image. We leverage Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR), a cross-lingual graph-based semantic formalism, to encode all possible spatio-semantic relations between entities, beyond the typical spatial-relations-only focus of current methods. We use this Structured Semantic Augmentation (SSA) framework to augment existing image-caption datasets with the grounded controlled captions, increasing their spatial and semantic diversity and focal coverage. We then develop a new model, CIC-BART-SSA, specifically tailored for the CIC task, that sources its control signals from SSA-diversified datasets. We empirically show that, compared to SOTA CIC models, CIC-BART-SSA generates captions that are superior in diversity and text quality, are competitive in controllability, and, importantly, minimize the gap between broad and highly focused controlled captioning performance by efficiently generalizing to the challenging highly focused scenarios. Code is available at


replace UP-Diff: Latent Diffusion Model for Remote Sensing Urban Prediction

Authors: Zeyu Wang, Zecheng Hao, Jingyu Lin, Yuchao Feng, Yufei Guo

Abstract: This study introduces a novel Remote Sensing (RS) Urban Prediction (UP) task focused on future urban planning, which aims to forecast urban layouts by utilizing information from existing urban layouts and planned change maps. To address the proposed RS UP task, we propose UP-Diff, which leverages a Latent Diffusion Model (LDM) to capture positionaware embeddings of pre-change urban layouts and planned change maps. In specific, the trainable cross-attention layers within UP-Diff's iterative diffusion modules enable the model to dynamically highlight crucial regions for targeted modifications. By utilizing our UP-Diff, designers can effectively refine and adjust future urban city plans by making modifications to the change maps in a dynamic and adaptive manner. Compared with conventional RS Change Detection (CD) methods, the proposed UP-Diff for the RS UP task avoids the requirement of paired prechange and post-change images, which enhances the practical usage in city development. Experimental results on LEVIRCD and SYSU-CD datasets show UP-Diff's ability to accurately predict future urban layouts with high fidelity, demonstrating its potential for urban planning. Code and model weights are available at


replace QVD: Post-training Quantization for Video Diffusion Models

Authors: Shilong Tian, Hong Chen, Chengtao Lv, Yu Liu, Jinyang Guo, Xianglong Liu, Shengxi Li, Hao Yang, Tao Xie

Abstract: Recently, video diffusion models (VDMs) have garnered significant attention due to their notable advancements in generating coherent and realistic video content. However, processing multiple frame features concurrently, coupled with the considerable model size, results in high latency and extensive memory consumption, hindering their broader application. Post-training quantization (PTQ) is an effective technique to reduce memory footprint and improve computational efficiency. Unlike image diffusion, we observe that the temporal features, which are integrated into all frame features, exhibit pronounced skewness. Furthermore, we investigate significant inter-channel disparities and asymmetries in the activation of video diffusion models, resulting in low coverage of quantization levels by individual channels and increasing the challenge of quantization. To address these issues, we introduce the first PTQ strategy tailored for video diffusion models, dubbed QVD. Specifically, we propose the High Temporal Discriminability Quantization (HTDQ) method, designed for temporal features, which retains the high discriminability of quantized features, providing precise temporal guidance for all video frames. In addition, we present the Scattered Channel Range Integration (SCRI) method which aims to improve the coverage of quantization levels across individual channels. Experimental validations across various models, datasets, and bit-width settings demonstrate the effectiveness of our QVD in terms of diverse metrics. In particular, we achieve near-lossless performance degradation on W8A8, outperforming the current methods by 205.12 in FVD.

replace Statistics-aware Audio-visual Deepfake Detector

Authors: Marcella Astrid, Enjie Ghorbel, Djamila Aouada

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an enhanced audio-visual deep detection method. Recent methods in audio-visual deepfake detection mostly assess the synchronization between audio and visual features. Although they have shown promising results, they are based on the maximization/minimization of isolated feature distances without considering feature statistics. Moreover, they rely on cumbersome deep learning architectures and are heavily dependent on empirically fixed hyperparameters. Herein, to overcome these limitations, we propose: (1) a statistical feature loss to enhance the discrimination capability of the model, instead of relying solely on feature distances; (2) using the waveform for describing the audio as a replacement of frequency-based representations; (3) a post-processing normalization of the fakeness score; (4) the use of shallower network for reducing the computational complexity. Experiments on the DFDC and FakeAVCeleb datasets demonstrate the relevance of the proposed method.

replace Rate-Distortion-Cognition Controllable Versatile Neural Image Compression

Authors: Jinming Liu, Ruoyu Feng, Yunpeng Qi, Qiuyu Chen, Zhibo Chen, Wenjun Zeng, Xin Jin

Abstract: Recently, the field of Image Coding for Machines (ICM) has garnered heightened interest and significant advances thanks to the rapid progress of learning-based techniques for image compression and analysis. Previous studies often require training separate codecs to support various bitrate levels, machine tasks, and networks, thus lacking both flexibility and practicality. To address these challenges, we propose a rate-distortion-cognition controllable versatile image compression, which method allows the users to adjust the bitrate (i.e., Rate), image reconstruction quality (i.e., Distortion), and machine task accuracy (i.e., Cognition) with a single neural model, achieving ultra-controllability. Specifically, we first introduce a cognition-oriented loss in the primary compression branch to train a codec for diverse machine tasks. This branch attains variable bitrate by regulating quantization degree through the latent code channels. To further enhance the quality of the reconstructed images, we employ an auxiliary branch to supplement residual information with a scalable bitstream. Ultimately, two branches use a `$\beta x + (1 - \beta) y$' interpolation strategy to achieve a balanced cognition-distortion trade-off. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method yields satisfactory ICM performance and flexible Rate-Distortion-Cognition controlling.

replace Monocular Occupancy Prediction for Scalable Indoor Scenes

Authors: Hongxiao Yu, Yuqi Wang, Yuntao Chen, Zhaoxiang Zhang

Abstract: Camera-based 3D occupancy prediction has recently garnered increasing attention in outdoor driving scenes. However, research in indoor scenes remains relatively unexplored. The core differences in indoor scenes lie in the complexity of scene scale and the variance in object size. In this paper, we propose a novel method, named ISO, for predicting indoor scene occupancy using monocular images. ISO harnesses the advantages of a pretrained depth model to achieve accurate depth predictions. Furthermore, we introduce the Dual Feature Line of Sight Projection (D-FLoSP) module within ISO, which enhances the learning of 3D voxel features. To foster further research in this domain, we introduce Occ-ScanNet, a large-scale occupancy benchmark for indoor scenes. With a dataset size 40 times larger than the NYUv2 dataset, it facilitates future scalable research in indoor scene analysis. Experimental results on both NYUv2 and Occ-ScanNet demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance. The dataset and code are made publicly at


replace Hierarchical Separable Video Transformer for Snapshot Compressive Imaging

Authors: Ping Wang, Yulun Zhang, Lishun Wang, Xin Yuan

Abstract: Transformers have achieved the state-of-the-art performance on solving the inverse problem of Snapshot Compressive Imaging (SCI) for video, whose ill-posedness is rooted in the mixed degradation of spatial masking and temporal aliasing. However, previous Transformers lack an insight into the degradation and thus have limited performance and efficiency. In this work, we tailor an efficient reconstruction architecture without temporal aggregation in early layers and Hierarchical Separable Video Transformer (HiSViT) as building block. HiSViT is built by multiple groups of Cross-Scale Separable Multi-head Self-Attention (CSS-MSA) and Gated Self-Modulated Feed-Forward Network (GSM-FFN) with dense connections, each of which is conducted within a separate channel portions at a different scale, for multi-scale interactions and long-range modeling. By separating spatial operations from temporal ones, CSS-MSA introduces an inductive bias of paying more attention within frames instead of between frames while saving computational overheads. GSM-FFN further enhances the locality via gated mechanism and factorized spatial-temporal convolutions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms previous methods by $\!>\!0.5$ dB with comparable or fewer parameters and complexity. The source codes and pretrained models are released at


replace-cross Image Denoising Using the Geodesics' Gramian of the Manifold Underlying Patch-Space

Authors: Kelum Gajamannage

Abstract: With the proliferation of sophisticated cameras in modern society, the demand for accurate and visually pleasing images is increasing. However, the quality of an image captured by a camera may be degraded by noise. Thus, some processing of images is required to filter out the noise without losing vital image features. Even though the current literature offers a variety of denoising methods, the fidelity and efficacy of their denoising are sometimes uncertain. Thus, here we propose a novel and computationally efficient image denoising method that is capable of producing accurate images. To preserve image smoothness, this method inputs patches partitioned from the image rather than pixels. Then, it performs denoising on the manifold underlying the patch-space rather than that in the image domain to better preserve the features across the whole image. We validate the performance of this method against benchmark image processing methods.

replace-cross CatchBackdoor: Backdoor Detection via Critical Trojan Neural Path Fuzzing

Authors: Haibo Jin, Ruoxi Chen, Jinyin Chen, Haibin Zheng, Yang Zhang, Haohan Wang

Abstract: The success of deep neural networks (DNNs) in real-world applications has benefited from abundant pre-trained models. However, the backdoored pre-trained models can pose a significant trojan threat to the deployment of downstream DNNs. Numerous backdoor detection methods have been proposed but are limited to two aspects: (1) high sensitivity on trigger size, especially on stealthy attacks (i.e., blending attacks and defense adaptive attacks); (2) rely heavily on benign examples for reverse engineering. To address these challenges, we empirically observed that trojaned behaviors triggered by various trojan attacks can be attributed to the trojan path, composed of top-$k$ critical neurons with more significant contributions to model prediction changes. Motivated by it, we propose CatchBackdoor, a detection method against trojan attacks. Based on the close connection between trojaned behaviors and trojan path to trigger errors, CatchBackdoor starts from the benign path and gradually approximates the trojan path through differential fuzzing. We then reverse triggers from the trojan path, to trigger errors caused by diverse trojaned attacks. Extensive experiments on MINST, CIFAR-10, and a-ImageNet datasets and 7 models (LeNet, ResNet, and VGG) demonstrate the superiority of CatchBackdoor over the state-of-the-art methods, in terms of (1) \emph{effective} - it shows better detection performance, especially on stealthy attacks ($\sim$ $\times$ 2 on average); (2) \emph{extensible} - it is robust to trigger size and can conduct detection without benign examples.

replace-cross Similarity of Neural Architectures using Adversarial Attack Transferability

Authors: Jaehui Hwang, Dongyoon Han, Byeongho Heo, Song Park, Sanghyuk Chun, Jong-Seok Lee

Abstract: In recent years, many deep neural architectures have been developed for image classification. Whether they are similar or dissimilar and what factors contribute to their (dis)similarities remains curious. To address this question, we aim to design a quantitative and scalable similarity measure between neural architectures. We propose Similarity by Attack Transferability (SAT) from the observation that adversarial attack transferability contains information related to input gradients and decision boundaries widely used to understand model behaviors. We conduct a large-scale analysis on 69 state-of-the-art ImageNet classifiers using our proposed similarity function to answer the question. Moreover, we observe neural architecture-related phenomena using model similarity that model diversity can lead to better performance on model ensembles and knowledge distillation under specific conditions. Our results provide insights into why developing diverse neural architectures with distinct components is necessary.

replace-cross SSL-Cleanse: Trojan Detection and Mitigation in Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Mengxin Zheng, Jiaqi Xue, Zihao Wang, Xun Chen, Qian Lou, Lei Jiang, Xiaofeng Wang

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) is a prevalent approach for encoding data representations. Using a pre-trained SSL image encoder and subsequently training a downstream classifier, impressive performance can be achieved on various tasks with very little labeled data. The growing adoption of SSL has led to an increase in security research on SSL encoders and associated Trojan attacks. Trojan attacks embedded in SSL encoders can operate covertly, spreading across multiple users and devices. The presence of backdoor behavior in Trojaned encoders can inadvertently be inherited by downstream classifiers, making it even more difficult to detect and mitigate the threat. Although current Trojan detection methods in supervised learning can potentially safeguard SSL downstream classifiers, identifying and addressing triggers in the SSL encoder before its widespread dissemination is a challenging task. This challenge arises because downstream tasks might be unknown, dataset labels may be unavailable, and the original unlabeled training dataset might be inaccessible during Trojan detection in SSL encoders. We introduce SSL-Cleanse as a solution to identify and mitigate backdoor threats in SSL encoders. We evaluated SSL-Cleanse on various datasets using 1200 encoders, achieving an average detection success rate of 82.2% on ImageNet-100. After mitigating backdoors, on average, backdoored encoders achieve 0.3% attack success rate without great accuracy loss, proving the effectiveness of SSL-Cleanse. The source code of SSL-Cleanse is available at


replace-cross Rethinking the Integration of Prediction and Planning in Deep Learning-Based Automated Driving Systems: A Review

Authors: Steffen Hagedorn, Marcel Hallgarten, Martin Stoll, Alexandru Condurache

Abstract: Automated driving has the potential to revolutionize personal, public, and freight mobility. Beside accurately perceiving the environment, automated vehicles must plan a safe, comfortable, and efficient motion trajectory. To promote safety and progress, many works rely on modules that predict the future motion of surrounding traffic. Modular automated driving systems commonly handle prediction and planning as sequential, separate tasks. While this accounts for the influence of surrounding traffic on the ego vehicle, it fails to anticipate the reactions of traffic participants to the ego vehicle's behavior. Recent models increasingly integrate prediction and planning in a joint or interdependent step to model bi-directional interactions. To date, a comprehensive overview of different integration principles is lacking. We systematically review state-of-the-art deep learning-based prediction and planning, and focus on integrated prediction and planning models. Different facets of the integration ranging from model architecture and model design to behavioral aspects are considered and related to each other. Moreover, we discuss the implications, strengths, and limitations of different integration principles. By pointing out research gaps, describing relevant future challenges, and highlighting trends in the research field, we identify promising directions for future research.

replace-cross EGIC: Enhanced Low-Bit-Rate Generative Image Compression Guided by Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Nikolai K\"orber, Eduard Kromer, Andreas Siebert, Sascha Hauke, Daniel Mueller-Gritschneder, Bj\"orn Schuller

Abstract: We introduce EGIC, an enhanced generative image compression method that allows traversing the distortion-perception curve efficiently from a single model. EGIC is based on two novel building blocks: i) OASIS-C, a conditional pre-trained semantic segmentation-guided discriminator, which provides both spatially and semantically-aware gradient feedback to the generator, conditioned on the latent image distribution, and ii) Output Residual Prediction (ORP), a retrofit solution for multi-realism image compression that allows control over the synthesis process by adjusting the impact of the residual between an MSE-optimized and GAN-optimized decoder output on the GAN-based reconstruction. Together, EGIC forms a powerful codec, outperforming state-of-the-art diffusion and GAN-based methods (e.g., HiFiC, MS-ILLM, and DIRAC-100), while performing almost on par with VTM-20.0 on the distortion end. EGIC is simple to implement, very lightweight, and provides excellent interpolation characteristics, which makes it a promising candidate for practical applications targeting the low bit range.

replace-cross Revisiting Supervision for Continual Representation Learning

Authors: Daniel Marczak, Sebastian Cygert, Tomasz Trzci\'nski, Bart{\l}omiej Twardowski

Abstract: In the field of continual learning, models are designed to learn tasks one after the other. While most research has centered on supervised continual learning, there is a growing interest in unsupervised continual learning, which makes use of the vast amounts of unlabeled data. Recent studies have highlighted the strengths of unsupervised methods, particularly self-supervised learning, in providing robust representations. The improved transferability of those representations built with self-supervised methods is often associated with the role played by the multi-layer perceptron projector. In this work, we depart from this observation and reexamine the role of supervision in continual representation learning. We reckon that additional information, such as human annotations, should not deteriorate the quality of representations. Our findings show that supervised models when enhanced with a multi-layer perceptron head, can outperform self-supervised models in continual representation learning. This highlights the importance of the multi-layer perceptron projector in shaping feature transferability across a sequence of tasks in continual learning. The code is available on github:


replace-cross Semi-supervised Segmentation of Histopathology Images with Noise-Aware Topological Consistency

Authors: Meilong Xu, Xiaoling Hu, Saumya Gupta, Shahira Abousamra, Chao Chen

Abstract: In digital pathology, segmenting densely distributed objects like glands and nuclei is crucial for downstream analysis. Since detailed pixel-wise annotations are very time-consuming, we need semi-supervised segmentation methods that can learn from unlabeled images. Existing semi-supervised methods are often prone to topological errors, e.g., missing or incorrectly merged/separated glands or nuclei. To address this issue, we propose TopoSemiSeg, the first semi-supervised method that learns the topological representation from unlabeled histopathology images. The major challenge is for unlabeled images; we only have predictions carrying noisy topology. To this end, we introduce a noise-aware topological consistency loss to align the representations of a teacher and a student model. By decomposing the topology of the prediction into signal topology and noisy topology, we ensure that the models learn the true topological signals and become robust to noise. Extensive experiments on public histopathology image datasets show the superiority of our method, especially on topology-aware evaluation metrics. Code is available at


replace-cross Improving Adversarial Transferability via Model Alignment

Authors: Avery Ma, Amir-massoud Farahmand, Yangchen Pan, Philip Torr, Jindong Gu

Abstract: Neural networks are susceptible to adversarial perturbations that are transferable across different models. In this paper, we introduce a novel model alignment technique aimed at improving a given source model's ability in generating transferable adversarial perturbations. During the alignment process, the parameters of the source model are fine-tuned to minimize an alignment loss. This loss measures the divergence in the predictions between the source model and another, independently trained model, referred to as the witness model. To understand the effect of model alignment, we conduct a geometric analysis of the resulting changes in the loss landscape. Extensive experiments on the ImageNet dataset, using a variety of model architectures, demonstrate that perturbations generated from aligned source models exhibit significantly higher transferability than those from the original source model.

replace-cross Mismatch Quest: Visual and Textual Feedback for Image-Text Misalignment

Authors: Brian Gordon, Yonatan Bitton, Yonatan Shafir, Roopal Garg, Xi Chen, Dani Lischinski, Daniel Cohen-Or, Idan Szpektor

Abstract: While existing image-text alignment models reach high quality binary assessments, they fall short of pinpointing the exact source of misalignment. In this paper, we present a method to provide detailed textual and visual explanation of detected misalignments between text-image pairs. We leverage large language models and visual grounding models to automatically construct a training set that holds plausible misaligned captions for a given image and corresponding textual explanations and visual indicators. We also publish a new human curated test set comprising ground-truth textual and visual misalignment annotations. Empirical results show that fine-tuning vision language models on our training set enables them to articulate misalignments and visually indicate them within images, outperforming strong baselines both on the binary alignment classification and the explanation generation tasks. Our method code and human curated test set are available at:


replace-cross Scissorhands: Scrub Data Influence via Connection Sensitivity in Networks

Authors: Jing Wu, Mehrtash Harandi

Abstract: Machine unlearning has become a pivotal task to erase the influence of data from a trained model. It adheres to recent data regulation standards and enhances the privacy and security of machine learning applications. In this work, we present a new machine unlearning approach Scissorhands. Initially, Scissorhands identifies the most pertinent parameters in the given model relative to the forgetting data via connection sensitivity. By reinitializing the most influential top-k percent of these parameters, a trimmed model for erasing the influence of the forgetting data is obtained. Subsequently, Scissorhands fine-tunes the trimmed model with a gradient projection-based approach, seeking parameters that preserve information on the remaining data while discarding information related to the forgetting data. Our experimental results, conducted across image classification and image generation tasks, demonstrate that Scissorhands, showcases competitive performance when compared to existing methods. Source code is available at


replace-cross Diverse Part Synthesis for 3D Shape Creation

Authors: Yanran Guan, Oliver van Kaick

Abstract: Methods that use neural networks for synthesizing 3D shapes in the form of a part-based representation have been introduced over the last few years. These methods represent shapes as a graph or hierarchy of parts and enable a variety of applications such as shape sampling and reconstruction. However, current methods do not allow easily regenerating individual shape parts according to user preferences. In this paper, we investigate techniques that allow the user to generate multiple, diverse suggestions for individual parts. Specifically, we experiment with multimodal deep generative models that allow sampling diverse suggestions for shape parts and focus on models which have not been considered in previous work on shape synthesis. To provide a comparative study of these techniques, we introduce a method for synthesizing 3D shapes in a part-based representation and evaluate all the part suggestion techniques within this synthesis method. In our method, which is inspired by previous work, shapes are represented as a set of parts in the form of implicit functions which are then positioned in space to form the final shape. Synthesis in this representation is enabled by a neural network architecture based on an implicit decoder and a spatial transformer. We compare the various multimodal generative models by evaluating their performance in generating part suggestions. Our contribution is to show with qualitative and quantitative evaluations which of the new techniques for multimodal part generation perform the best and that a synthesis method based on the top-performing techniques allows the user to more finely control the parts that are generated in the 3D shapes while maintaining high shape fidelity when reconstructing shapes.

replace-cross Nearest Neighbour Score Estimators for Diffusion Generative Models

Authors: Matthew Niedoba, Dylan Green, Saeid Naderiparizi, Vasileios Lioutas, Jonathan Wilder Lavington, Xiaoxuan Liang, Yunpeng Liu, Ke Zhang, Setareh Dabiri, Adam \'Scibior, Berend Zwartsenberg, Frank Wood

Abstract: Score function estimation is the cornerstone of both training and sampling from diffusion generative models. Despite this fact, the most commonly used estimators are either biased neural network approximations or high variance Monte Carlo estimators based on the conditional score. We introduce a novel nearest neighbour score function estimator which utilizes multiple samples from the training set to dramatically decrease estimator variance. We leverage our low variance estimator in two compelling applications. Training consistency models with our estimator, we report a significant increase in both convergence speed and sample quality. In diffusion models, we show that our estimator can replace a learned network for probability-flow ODE integration, opening promising new avenues of future research.

replace-cross How we won BraTS 2023 Adult Glioma challenge? Just faking it! Enhanced Synthetic Data Augmentation and Model Ensemble for brain tumour segmentation

Authors: Andr\'e Ferreira, Naida Solak, Jianning Li, Philipp Dammann, Jens Kleesiek, Victor Alves, Jan Egger

Abstract: Deep Learning is the state-of-the-art technology for segmenting brain tumours. However, this requires a lot of high-quality data, which is difficult to obtain, especially in the medical field. Therefore, our solutions address this problem by using unconventional mechanisms for data augmentation. Generative adversarial networks and registration are used to massively increase the amount of available samples for training three different deep learning models for brain tumour segmentation, the first task of the BraTS2023 challenge. The first model is the standard nnU-Net, the second is the Swin UNETR and the third is the winning solution of the BraTS 2021 Challenge. The entire pipeline is built on the nnU-Net implementation, except for the generation of the synthetic data. The use of convolutional algorithms and transformers is able to fill each other's knowledge gaps. Using the new metric, our best solution achieves the dice results 0.9005, 0.8673, 0.8509 and HD95 14.940, 14.467, 17.699 (whole tumour, tumour core and enhancing tumour) in the validation set.

replace-cross MedContext: Learning Contextual Cues for Efficient Volumetric Medical Segmentation

Authors: Hanan Gani, Muzammal Naseer, Fahad Khan, Salman Khan

Abstract: Volumetric medical segmentation is a critical component of 3D medical image analysis that delineates different semantic regions. Deep neural networks have significantly improved volumetric medical segmentation, but they generally require large-scale annotated data to achieve better performance, which can be expensive and prohibitive to obtain. To address this limitation, existing works typically perform transfer learning or design dedicated pretraining-finetuning stages to learn representative features. However, the mismatch between the source and target domain can make it challenging to learn optimal representation for volumetric data, while the multi-stage training demands higher compute as well as careful selection of stage-specific design choices. In contrast, we propose a universal training framework called MedContext that is architecture-agnostic and can be incorporated into any existing training framework for 3D medical segmentation. Our approach effectively learns self supervised contextual cues jointly with the supervised voxel segmentation task without requiring large-scale annotated volumetric medical data or dedicated pretraining-finetuning stages. The proposed approach induces contextual knowledge in the network by learning to reconstruct the missing organ or parts of an organ in the output segmentation space. The effectiveness of MedContext is validated across multiple 3D medical datasets and four state-of-the-art model architectures. Our approach demonstrates consistent gains in segmentation performance across datasets and different architectures even in few-shot data scenarios. Our code and pretrained models are available at


replace-cross Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning with Attention-Aware Self-Adaptive Prompt

Authors: Chenxi Liu, Zhenyi Wang, Tianyi Xiong, Ruibo Chen, Yihan Wu, Junfeng Guo, Heng Huang

Abstract: Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning (FSCIL) models aim to incrementally learn new classes with scarce samples while preserving knowledge of old ones. Existing FSCIL methods usually fine-tune the entire backbone, leading to overfitting and hindering the potential to learn new classes. On the other hand, recent prompt-based CIL approaches alleviate forgetting by training prompts with sufficient data in each task. In this work, we propose a novel framework named Attention-aware Self-adaptive Prompt (ASP). ASP encourages task-invariant prompts to capture shared knowledge by reducing specific information from the attention aspect. Additionally, self-adaptive task-specific prompts in ASP provide specific information and transfer knowledge from old classes to new classes with an Information Bottleneck learning objective. In summary, ASP prevents overfitting on base task and does not require enormous data in few-shot incremental tasks. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets validate that ASP consistently outperforms state-of-the-art FSCIL and prompt-based CIL methods in terms of both learning new classes and mitigating forgetting.

replace-cross Towards Learning Contrast Kinetics with Multi-Condition Latent Diffusion Models

Authors: Richard Osuala, Daniel M. Lang, Preeti Verma, Smriti Joshi, Apostolia Tsirikoglou, Grzegorz Skorupko, Kaisar Kushibar, Lidia Garrucho, Walter H. L. Pinaya, Oliver Diaz, Julia A. Schnabel, Karim Lekadir

Abstract: Contrast agents in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging allow to localize tumors and observe their contrast kinetics, which is essential for cancer characterization and respective treatment decision-making. However, contrast agent administration is not only associated with adverse health risks, but also restricted for patients during pregnancy, and for those with kidney malfunction, or other adverse reactions. With contrast uptake as key biomarker for lesion malignancy, cancer recurrence risk, and treatment response, it becomes pivotal to reduce the dependency on intravenous contrast agent administration. To this end, we propose a multi-conditional latent diffusion model capable of acquisition time-conditioned image synthesis of DCE-MRI temporal sequences. To evaluate medical image synthesis, we additionally propose and validate the Fr\'echet radiomics distance as an image quality measure based on biomarker variability between synthetic and real imaging data. Our results demonstrate our method's ability to generate realistic multi-sequence fat-saturated breast DCE-MRI and uncover the emerging potential of deep learning based contrast kinetics simulation. We publicly share our accessible codebase at and provide a user-friendly library for Fr\'echet radiomics distance calculation at


replace-cross Skeleton Recall Loss for Connectivity Conserving and Resource Efficient Segmentation of Thin Tubular Structures

Authors: Yannick Kirchhoff, Maximilian R. Rokuss, Saikat Roy, Balint Kovacs, Constantin Ulrich, Tassilo Wald, Maximilian Zenk, Philipp Vollmuth, Jens Kleesiek, Fabian Isensee, Klaus Maier-Hein

Abstract: Accurately segmenting thin tubular structures, such as vessels, nerves, roads or concrete cracks, is a crucial task in computer vision. Standard deep learning-based segmentation loss functions, such as Dice or Cross-Entropy, focus on volumetric overlap, often at the expense of preserving structural connectivity or topology. This can lead to segmentation errors that adversely affect downstream tasks, including flow calculation, navigation, and structural inspection. Although current topology-focused losses mark an improvement, they introduce significant computational and memory overheads. This is particularly relevant for 3D data, rendering these losses infeasible for larger volumes as well as increasingly important multi-class segmentation problems. To mitigate this, we propose a novel Skeleton Recall Loss, which effectively addresses these challenges by circumventing intensive GPU-based calculations with inexpensive CPU operations. It demonstrates overall superior performance to current state-of-the-art approaches on five public datasets for topology-preserving segmentation, while substantially reducing computational overheads by more than 90%. In doing so, we introduce the first multi-class capable loss function for thin structure segmentation, excelling in both efficiency and efficacy for topology-preservation.

replace-cross PV-S3: Advancing Automatic Photovoltaic Defect Detection using Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Electroluminescence Images

Authors: Abhishek Jha, Yogesh Rawat, Shruti Vyas

Abstract: Photovoltaic (PV) systems allow us to tap into all abundant solar energy, however they require regular maintenance for high efficiency and to prevent degradation. Traditional manual health check, using Electroluminescence (EL) imaging, is expensive and logistically challenging which makes automated defect detection essential. Current automation approaches require extensive manual expert labeling, which is time-consuming, expensive, and prone to errors. We propose PV-S3 (Photovoltaic-Semi Supervised Segmentation), a Semi-Supervised Learning approach for semantic segmentation of defects in EL images that reduces reliance on extensive labeling. PV-S3 is a Deep learning model trained using a few labeled images along with numerous unlabeled images. We evaluate PV-S3 on multiple datasets and demonstrate its effectiveness and adaptability. With merely 20% labeled samples, we achieve an absolute improvement of 9.7% in IoU, 13.5% in Precision, 29.15% in Recall, and 20.42% in F1-Score over prior state-of-the-art supervised method (which uses 100% labeled samples) on UCF-EL dataset (largest dataset available for semantic segmentation of EL images)showing improvement in performance while reducing the annotation costs by 80%.

replace-cross Diffusion-Aided Joint Source Channel Coding For High Realism Wireless Image Transmission

Authors: Mingyu Yang, Bowen Liu, Boyang Wang, Hun-Seok Kim

Abstract: Deep learning-based joint source-channel coding (deep JSCC) has been demonstrated to be an effective approach for wireless image transmission. Nevertheless, most existing work adopts an autoencoder framework to optimize conventional criteria such as Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) which do not suffice to maintain the perceptual quality of reconstructed images. Such an issue is more prominent under stringent bandwidth constraints or low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions. To tackle this challenge, we propose DiffJSCC, a novel framework that leverages the prior knowledge of the pre-trained Statble Diffusion model to produce high-realism images via the conditional diffusion denoising process. Our DiffJSCC first extracts multimodal spatial and textual features from the noisy channel symbols in the generation phase. Then, it produces an initial reconstructed image as an intermediate representation to aid robust feature extraction and a stable training process. In the following diffusion step, DiffJSCC uses the derived multimodal features, together with channel state information such as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), as conditions to guide the denoising diffusion process, which converts the initial random noise to the final reconstruction. DiffJSCC employs a novel control module to fine-tune the Stable Diffusion model and adjust it to the multimodal conditions. Extensive experiments on diverse datasets reveal that our method significantly surpasses prior deep JSCC approaches on both perceptual metrics and downstream task performance, showcasing its ability to preserve the semantics of the original transmitted images. Notably, DiffJSCC can achieve highly realistic reconstructions for 768x512 pixel Kodak images with only 3072 symbols (<0.008 symbols per pixel) under 1dB SNR channels.

replace-cross Enhanced Safety in Autonomous Driving: Integrating Latent State Diffusion Model for End-to-End Navigation

Authors: Detian Chu, Linyuan Bai, Jianuo Huang, Zhenlong Fang, Peng Zhang, Wei Kang, Haifeng Lin

Abstract: With the advancement of autonomous driving, ensuring safety during motion planning and navigation is becoming more and more important. However, most end-to-end planning methods suffer from a lack of safety. This research addresses the safety issue in the control optimization problem of autonomous driving, formulated as Constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDPs). We propose a novel, model-based approach for policy optimization, utilizing a conditional Value-at-Risk based Soft Actor Critic to manage constraints in complex, high-dimensional state spaces effectively. Our method introduces a worst-case actor to guide safe exploration, ensuring rigorous adherence to safety requirements even in unpredictable scenarios. The policy optimization employs the Augmented Lagrangian method and leverages latent diffusion models to predict and simulate future trajectories. This dual approach not only aids in navigating environments safely but also refines the policy's performance by integrating distribution modeling to account for environmental uncertainties. Empirical evaluations conducted in both simulated and real environment demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing methods in terms of safety, efficiency, and decision-making capabilities.

replace-cross BraTS-PEDs: Results of the Multi-Consortium International Pediatric Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge 2023

Authors: Anahita Fathi Kazerooni, Nastaran Khalili, Xinyang Liu, Debanjan Haldar, Zhifan Jiang, Anna Zapaishchykova, Julija Pavaine, Lubdha M. Shah, Blaise V. Jones, Nakul Sheth, Sanjay P. Prabhu, Aaron S. McAllister, Wenxin Tu, Khanak K. Nandolia, Andres F. Rodriguez, Ibraheem Salman Shaikh, Mariana Sanchez Montano, Hollie Anne Lai, Maruf Adewole, Jake Albrecht, Udunna Anazodo, Hannah Anderson, Syed Muhammed Anwar, Alejandro Aristizabal, Sina Bagheri, Ujjwal Baid, Timothy Bergquist, Austin J. Borja, Evan Calabrese, Verena Chung, Gian-Marco Conte, James Eddy, Ivan Ezhov, Ariana M. Familiar, Keyvan Farahani, Deep Gandhi, Anurag Gottipati, Shuvanjan Haldar, Juan Eugenio Iglesias, Anastasia Janas, Elaine Elaine, Alexandros Karargyris, Hasan Kassem, Neda Khalili, Florian Kofler, Dominic LaBella, Koen Van Leemput, Hongwei B. Li, Nazanin Maleki, Zeke Meier, Bjoern Menze, Ahmed W. Moawad, Sarthak Pati, Marie Piraud, Tina Poussaint, Zachary J. Reitman, Jeffrey D. Rudie, Rachit Saluja, MIcah Sheller, Russell Takeshi Shinohara, Karthik Viswanathan, Chunhao Wang, Benedikt Wiestler, Walter F. Wiggins, Christos Davatzikos, Phillip B. Storm, Miriam Bornhorst, Roger Packer, Trent Hummel, Peter de Blank, Lindsey Hoffman, Mariam Aboian, Ali Nabavizadeh, Jeffrey B. Ware, Benjamin H. Kann, Brian Rood, Adam Resnick, Spyridon Bakas, Arastoo Vossough, Marius George Linguraru

Abstract: Pediatric central nervous system tumors are the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in children. The five-year survival rate for high-grade glioma in children is less than 20%. The development of new treatments is dependent upon multi-institutional collaborative clinical trials requiring reproducible and accurate centralized response assessment. We present the results of the BraTS-PEDs 2023 challenge, the first Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) challenge focused on pediatric brain tumors. This challenge utilized data acquired from multiple international consortia dedicated to pediatric neuro-oncology and clinical trials. BraTS-PEDs 2023 aimed to evaluate volumetric segmentation algorithms for pediatric brain gliomas from magnetic resonance imaging using standardized quantitative performance evaluation metrics employed across the BraTS 2023 challenges. The top-performing AI approaches for pediatric tumor analysis included ensembles of nnU-Net and Swin UNETR, Auto3DSeg, or nnU-Net with a self-supervised framework. The BraTSPEDs 2023 challenge fostered collaboration between clinicians (neuro-oncologists, neuroradiologists) and AI/imaging scientists, promoting faster data sharing and the development of automated volumetric analysis techniques. These advancements could significantly benefit clinical trials and improve the care of children with brain tumors.

replace-cross Enhanced Self-supervised Learning for Multi-modality MRI Segmentation and Classification: A Novel Approach Avoiding Model Collapse

Authors: Linxuan Han, Sa Xiao, Zimeng Li, Haidong Li, Xiuchao Zhao, Fumin Guo, Yeqing Han, Xin Zhou

Abstract: Multi-modality magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide complementary information for computer-aided diagnosis. Traditional deep learning algorithms are suitable for identifying specific anatomical structures segmenting lesions and classifying diseases with magnetic resonance images. However, manual labels are limited due to high expense, which hinders further improvement of model accuracy. Self-supervised learning (SSL) can effectively learn feature representations from unlabeled data by pre-training and is demonstrated to be effective in natural image analysis. Most SSL methods ignore the similarity of multi-modality MRI, leading to model collapse. This limits the efficiency of pre-training, causing low accuracy in downstream segmentation and classification tasks. To solve this challenge, we establish and validate a multi-modality MRI masked autoencoder consisting of hybrid mask pattern (HMP) and pyramid barlow twin (PBT) module for SSL on multi-modality MRI analysis. The HMP concatenates three masking steps forcing the SSL to learn the semantic connections of multi-modality images by reconstructing the masking patches. We have proved that the proposed HMP can avoid model collapse. The PBT module exploits the pyramidal hierarchy of the network to construct barlow twin loss between masked and original views, aligning the semantic representations of image patches at different vision scales in latent space. Experiments on BraTS2023, PI-CAI, and lung gas MRI datasets further demonstrate the superiority of our framework over the state-of-the-art. The performance of the segmentation and classification is substantially enhanced, supporting the accurate detection of small lesion areas. The code is available at


replace-cross Efficient Continual Learning with Low Memory Footprint For Edge Device

Authors: Zeqing Wang, Fei Cheng, Kangye Ji, Bohu Huang

Abstract: Continual learning(CL) is a useful technique to acquire dynamic knowledge continually. Although powerful cloud platforms can fully exert the ability of CL,e.g., customized recommendation systems, similar personalized requirements for edge devices are almost disregarded. This phenomenon stems from the huge resource overhead involved in training neural networks and overcoming the forgetting problem of CL. This paper focuses on these scenarios and proposes a compact algorithm called LightCL. Different from other CL methods bringing huge resource consumption to acquire generalizability among all tasks for delaying forgetting, LightCL compress the resource consumption of already generalized components in neural networks and uses a few extra resources to improve memory in other parts. We first propose two new metrics of learning plasticity and memory stability to seek generalizability during CL. Based on the discovery that lower and middle layers have more generalizability and deeper layers are opposite, we $\textit{Maintain Generalizability}$ by freezing the lower and middle layers. Then, we $\textit{Memorize Feature Patterns}$ to stabilize the feature extracting patterns of previous tasks to improve generalizability in deeper layers. In the experimental comparison, LightCL outperforms other SOTA methods in delaying forgetting and reduces at most $\textbf{6.16$\times$}$ memory footprint, proving the excellent performance of LightCL in efficiency. We also evaluate the efficiency of our method on an edge device, the Jetson Nano, which further proves our method's practical effectiveness.

replace-cross Neural Compression of Atmospheric States

Authors: Piotr Mirowski, David Warde-Farley, Mihaela Rosca, Matthew Koichi Grimes, Yana Hasson, Hyunjik Kim, M\'elanie Rey, Simon Osindero, Suman Ravuri, Shakir Mohamed

Abstract: Atmospheric states derived from reanalysis comprise a substantial portion of weather and climate simulation outputs. Many stakeholders -- such as researchers, policy makers, and insurers -- use this data to better understand the earth system and guide policy decisions. Atmospheric states have also received increased interest as machine learning approaches to weather prediction have shown promising results. A key issue for all audiences is that dense time series of these high-dimensional states comprise an enormous amount of data, precluding all but the most well resourced groups from accessing and using historical data and future projections. To address this problem, we propose a method for compressing atmospheric states using methods from the neural network literature, adapting spherical data to processing by conventional neural architectures through the use of the area-preserving HEALPix projection. We investigate two model classes for building neural compressors: the hyperprior model from the neural image compression literature and recent vector-quantised models. We show that both families of models satisfy the desiderata of small average error, a small number of high-error reconstructed pixels, faithful reproduction of extreme events such as hurricanes and heatwaves, preservation of the spectral power distribution across spatial scales. We demonstrate compression ratios in excess of 1000x, with compression and decompression at a rate of approximately one second per global atmospheric state.

replace-cross GV-Bench: Benchmarking Local Feature Matching for Geometric Verification of Long-term Loop Closure Detection

Authors: Jingwen Yu, Hanjing Ye, Jianhao Jiao, Ping Tan, Hong Zhang

Abstract: Visual loop closure detection is an important module in visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), which associates current camera observation with previously visited places. Loop closures correct drifts in trajectory estimation to build a globally consistent map. However, a false loop closure can be fatal, so verification is required as an additional step to ensure robustness by rejecting the false positive loops. Geometric verification has been a well-acknowledged solution that leverages spatial clues provided by local feature matching to find true positives. Existing feature matching methods focus on homography and pose estimation in long-term visual localization, lacking references for geometric verification. To fill the gap, this paper proposes a unified benchmark targeting geometric verification of loop closure detection under long-term conditional variations. Furthermore, we evaluate six representative local feature matching methods (handcrafted and learning-based) under the benchmark, with in-depth analysis for limitations and future directions.