new LinSATNet: The Positive Linear Satisfiability Neural Networks

Authors: Runzhong Wang, Yunhao Zhang, Ziao Guo, Tianyi Chen, Xiaokang Yang, Junchi Yan

Abstract: Encoding constraints into neural networks is attractive. This paper studies how to introduce the popular positive linear satisfiability to neural networks. We propose the first differentiable satisfiability layer based on an extension of the classic Sinkhorn algorithm for jointly encoding multiple sets of marginal distributions. We further theoretically characterize the convergence property of the Sinkhorn algorithm for multiple marginals. In contrast to the sequential decision e.g.\ reinforcement learning-based solvers, we showcase our technique in solving constrained (specifically satisfiability) problems by one-shot neural networks, including i) a neural routing solver learned without supervision of optimal solutions; ii) a partial graph matching network handling graphs with unmatchable outliers on both sides; iii) a predictive network for financial portfolios with continuous constraints. To our knowledge, there exists no one-shot neural solver for these scenarios when they are formulated as satisfiability problems. Source code is available at


new Assurance of AI Systems From a Dependability Perspective

Authors: Robin Bloomfield, John Rushby

Abstract: We outline the principles of classical assurance for computer-based systems that pose significant risks. We then consider application of these principles to systems that employ Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). A key element in this "dependability" perspective is a requirement to have near-complete understanding of the behavior of critical components, and this is considered infeasible for AI and ML. Hence the dependability perspective aims to minimize trust in AI and ML elements by using "defense in depth" with a hierarchy of less complex systems, some of which may be highly assured conventionally engineered components, to "guard" them. This may be contrasted with the "trustworthy" perspective that seeks to apply assurance to the AI and ML elements themselves. In cyber-physical and many other systems, it is difficult to provide guards that do not depend on AI and ML to perceive their environment (e.g., other vehicles sharing the road with a self-driving car), so both perspectives are needed and there is a continuum or spectrum between them. We focus on architectures toward the dependability end of the continuum and invite others to consider additional points along the spectrum. For guards that require perception using AI and ML, we examine ways to minimize the trust placed in these elements; they include diversity, defense in depth, explanations, and micro-ODDs. We also examine methods to enforce acceptable behavior, given a model of the world. These include classical cyber-physical calculations and envelopes, and normative rules based on overarching principles, constitutions, ethics, or reputation. We apply our perspective to autonomous systems, AI systems for specific functions, generic AI such as Large Language Models, and to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), and we propose current best practice and an agenda for research.

new Optimizing Agricultural Order Fulfillment Systems: A Hybrid Tree Search Approach

Authors: Pranay Thangeda, Hoda Helmi, Melkior Ornik

Abstract: Efficient order fulfillment is vital in the agricultural industry, particularly due to the seasonal nature of seed supply chains. This paper addresses the challenge of optimizing seed orders fulfillment in a centralized warehouse where orders are processed in waves, taking into account the unpredictable arrival of seed stocks and strict order deadlines. We model the wave scheduling problem as a Markov decision process and propose an adaptive hybrid tree search algorithm that combines Monte Carlo tree search with domain-specific knowledge to efficiently navigate the complex, dynamic environment of seed distribution. By leveraging historical data and stochastic modeling, our method enables forecast-informed scheduling decisions that balance immediate requirements with long-term operational efficiency. The key idea is that we can augment Monte Carlo tree search algorithm with problem-specific side information that dynamically reduces the number of candidate actions at each decision step to handle the large state and action spaces that render traditional solution methods computationally intractable. Extensive simulations with realistic parameters-including a diverse range of products, a high volume of orders, and authentic seasonal durations-demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms existing industry standard methods.

new The Cardinality of Identifying Code Sets for Soccer Ball Graph with Application to Remote Sensing

Authors: Anna L. D. Latour, Arunabha Sen, Kaustav Basu, Chenyang Zhou, Kuldeep S. Meel

Abstract: In the context of satellite monitoring of the earth, we can assume that the surface of the earth is divided into a set of regions. We assume that the impact of a big social/environmental event spills into neighboring regions. Using Identifying Code Sets (ICSes), we can deploy sensors in such a way that the region in which an event takes place can be uniquely identified, even with fewer sensors than regions. As Earth is almost a sphere, we use a soccer ball as a model. We construct a Soccer Ball Graph (SBG), and provide human-oriented, analytical proofs that 1) the SBG has at least 26 ICSes of cardinality ten, implying that there are at least 26 different ways to deploy ten satellites to monitor the Earth and 2) that the cardinality of the minimum Identifying Code Set (MICS) for the SBG is at least nine. We then provide a machine-oriented formal proof that the cardinality of the MICS for the SBG is in fact ten, meaning that one must deploy at least ten satellites to monitor the Earth in the SBG model. We also provide machine-oriented proof that there are exactly 26 ICSes of cardinality ten for the SBG.

new KoMA: Knowledge-driven Multi-agent Framework for Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models

Authors: Kemou Jiang, Xuan Cai, Zhiyong Cui, Aoyong Li, Yilong Ren, Haiyang Yu, Hao Yang, Daocheng Fu, Licheng Wen, Pinlong Cai

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) as autonomous agents offer a novel avenue for tackling real-world challenges through a knowledge-driven manner. These LLM-enhanced methodologies excel in generalization and interpretability. However, the complexity of driving tasks often necessitates the collaboration of multiple, heterogeneous agents, underscoring the need for such LLM-driven agents to engage in cooperative knowledge sharing and cognitive synergy. Despite the promise of LLMs, current applications predominantly center around single agent scenarios. To broaden the horizons of knowledge-driven strategies and bolster the generalization capabilities of autonomous agents, we propose the KoMA framework consisting of multi-agent interaction, multi-step planning, shared-memory, and ranking-based reflection modules to enhance multi-agents' decision-making in complex driving scenarios. Based on the framework's generated text descriptions of driving scenarios, the multi-agent interaction module enables LLM agents to analyze and infer the intentions of surrounding vehicles, akin to human cognition. The multi-step planning module enables LLM agents to analyze and obtain final action decisions layer by layer to ensure consistent goals for short-term action decisions. The shared memory module can accumulate collective experience to make superior decisions, and the ranking-based reflection module can evaluate and improve agent behavior with the aim of enhancing driving safety and efficiency. The KoMA framework not only enhances the robustness and adaptability of autonomous driving agents but also significantly elevates their generalization capabilities across diverse scenarios. Empirical results demonstrate the superiority of our approach over traditional methods, particularly in its ability to handle complex, unpredictable driving environments without extensive retraining.

new The Vision of Autonomic Computing: Can LLMs Make It a Reality?

Authors: Zhiyang Zhang, Fangkai Yang, Xiaoting Qin, Jue Zhang, Qingwei Lin, Gong Cheng, Dongmei Zhang, Saravan Rajmohan, Qi Zhang

Abstract: The Vision of Autonomic Computing (ACV), proposed over two decades ago, envisions computing systems that self-manage akin to biological organisms, adapting seamlessly to changing environments. Despite decades of research, achieving ACV remains challenging due to the dynamic and complex nature of modern computing systems. Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) offer promising solutions to these challenges by leveraging their extensive knowledge, language understanding, and task automation capabilities. This paper explores the feasibility of realizing ACV through an LLM-based multi-agent framework for microservice management. We introduce a five-level taxonomy for autonomous service maintenance and present an online evaluation benchmark based on the Sock Shop microservice demo project to assess our framework's performance. Our findings demonstrate significant progress towards achieving Level 3 autonomy, highlighting the effectiveness of LLMs in detecting and resolving issues within microservice architectures. This study contributes to advancing autonomic computing by pioneering the integration of LLMs into microservice management frameworks, paving the way for more adaptive and self-managing computing systems. The code will be made available at


new System-1.x: Learning to Balance Fast and Slow Planning with Language Models

Authors: Swarnadeep Saha, Archiki Prasad, Justin Chih-Yao Chen, Peter Hase, Elias Stengel-Eskin, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Language models can be used to solve long-horizon planning problems in two distinct modes: a fast 'System-1' mode, directly generating plans without any explicit search or backtracking, and a slow 'System-2' mode, planning step-by-step by explicitly searching over possible actions. While System-2 is typically more effective, it is also more computationally expensive, making it infeasible for long plans or large action spaces. Moreover, isolated System-1 or 2 ignores the user's end goals, failing to provide ways to control the model's behavior. To this end, we propose the System-1.x Planner, a controllable planning framework with LLMs that is capable of generating hybrid plans and balancing between the two planning modes based on the difficulty of the problem at hand. System-1.x consists of (i) a controller, (ii) a System-1 Planner, and (iii) a System-2 Planner. Based on a user-specified hybridization factor (x) governing the mixture between System-1 and 2, the controller decomposes a problem into sub-goals, and classifies them as easy or hard to be solved by either System-1 or 2, respectively. We fine-tune all three components on top of a single base LLM, requiring only search traces as supervision. Experiments with two diverse planning tasks -- Maze Navigation and Blocksworld -- show that our System-1.x Planner outperforms a System-1 Planner, a System-2 Planner trained to approximate A* search, and also a symbolic planner (A*). We demonstrate the following key properties of our planner: (1) controllability: increasing the hybridization factor (e.g., System-1.75 vs 1.5) performs more search, improving performance, (2) flexibility: by building a neuro-symbolic variant with a neural System-1 and a symbolic System-2, we can use existing symbolic methods, and (3) generalizability: by being able to learn from different search algorithms, our method is robust to the choice of search algorithm.

cross OpenDataLab: Empowering General Artificial Intelligence with Open Datasets

Authors: Conghui He, Wei Li, Zhenjiang Jin, Chao Xu, Bin Wang, Dahua Lin

Abstract: The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) hinges on the quality and accessibility of data, yet the current fragmentation and variability of data sources hinder efficient data utilization. The dispersion of data sources and diversity of data formats often lead to inefficiencies in data retrieval and processing, significantly impeding the progress of AI research and applications. To address these challenges, this paper introduces OpenDataLab, a platform designed to bridge the gap between diverse data sources and the need for unified data processing. OpenDataLab integrates a wide range of open-source AI datasets and enhances data acquisition efficiency through intelligent querying and high-speed downloading services. The platform employs a next-generation AI Data Set Description Language (DSDL), which standardizes the representation of multimodal and multi-format data, improving interoperability and reusability. Additionally, OpenDataLab optimizes data processing through tools that complement DSDL. By integrating data with unified data descriptions and smart data toolchains, OpenDataLab can improve data preparation efficiency by 30\%. We anticipate that OpenDataLab will significantly boost artificial general intelligence (AGI) research and facilitate advancements in related AI fields. For more detailed information, please visit the platform's official website:


cross Lessons in Cooperation: A Qualitative Analysis of Driver Sentiments towards Real-Time Advisory Systems from a Driving Simulator User Study

Authors: Aamir Hasan, Neeloy Chakraborty, Haonan Chen, Cathy Wu, Katherine Driggs-Campbell

Abstract: Real-time Advisory (RTA) systems, such as navigational and eco-driving assistants, are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in vehicles due to their benefits for users and society. Until autonomous vehicles mature, such advisory systems will continue to expand their ability to cooperate with drivers, enabling safer and more eco-friendly driving practices while improving user experience. However, the interactions between these systems and drivers have not been studied extensively. To this end, we conduct a driving simulator study (N=16) to capture driver reactions to a Cooperative RTA system. Through a case study with a congestion mitigation assistant, we qualitatively analyze the sentiments of drivers towards advisory systems and discuss driver preferences for various aspects of the interaction. We comment on how the advice should be communicated, the effects of the advice on driver trust, and how drivers adapt to the system. We present recommendations to inform the future design of Cooperative RTA systems.

cross Self-supervised ASR Models and Features For Dysarthric and Elderly Speech Recognition

Authors: Shujie Hu, Xurong Xie, Mengzhe Geng, Zengrui Jin, Jiajun Deng, Guinan Li, Yi Wang, Mingyu Cui, Tianzi Wang, Helen Meng, Xunying Liu

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) based speech foundation models have been applied to a wide range of ASR tasks. However, their application to dysarthric and elderly speech via data-intensive parameter fine-tuning is confronted by in-domain data scarcity and mismatch. To this end, this paper explores a series of approaches to integrate domain fine-tuned SSL pre-trained models and their features into TDNN and Conformer ASR systems for dysarthric and elderly speech recognition. These include: a) input feature fusion between standard acoustic frontends and domain fine-tuned SSL speech representations; b) frame-level joint decoding between TDNN systems separately trained using standard acoustic features alone and those with additional domain fine-tuned SSL features; and c) multi-pass decoding involving the TDNN/Conformer system outputs to be rescored using domain fine-tuned pre-trained ASR models. In addition, fine-tuned SSL speech features are used in acoustic-to-articulatory (A2A) inversion to construct multi-modal ASR systems. Experiments are conducted on four tasks: the English UASpeech and TORGO dysarthric speech corpora; and the English DementiaBank Pitt and Cantonese JCCOCC MoCA elderly speech datasets. The TDNN systems constructed by integrating domain-adapted HuBERT, wav2vec2-conformer or multi-lingual XLSR models and their features consistently outperform the standalone fine-tuned SSL pre-trained models. These systems produced statistically significant WER or CER reductions of 6.53%, 1.90%, 2.04% and 7.97% absolute (24.10%, 23.84%, 10.14% and 31.39% relative) on the four tasks respectively. Consistent improvements in Alzheimer's Disease detection accuracy are also obtained using the DementiaBank Pitt elderly speech recognition outputs.

cross Continuous Embedding Attacks via Clipped Inputs in Jailbreaking Large Language Models

Authors: Zihao Xu, Yi Liu, Gelei Deng, Kailong Wang, Yuekang Li, Ling Shi, Stjepan Picek

Abstract: Security concerns for large language models (LLMs) have recently escalated, focusing on thwarting jailbreaking attempts in discrete prompts. However, the exploration of jailbreak vulnerabilities arising from continuous embeddings has been limited, as prior approaches primarily involved appending discrete or continuous suffixes to inputs. Our study presents a novel channel for conducting direct attacks on LLM inputs, eliminating the need for suffix addition or specific questions provided that the desired output is predefined. We additionally observe that extensive iterations often lead to overfitting, characterized by repetition in the output. To counteract this, we propose a simple yet effective strategy named CLIP. Our experiments show that for an input length of 40 at iteration 1000, applying CLIP improves the ASR from 62% to 83%

cross Less is More: Sparse Watermarking in LLMs with Enhanced Text Quality

Authors: Duy C. Hoang, Hung T. Q. Le, Rui Chu, Ping Li, Weijie Zhao, Yingjie Lao, Khoa D. Doan

Abstract: With the widespread adoption of Large Language Models (LLMs), concerns about potential misuse have emerged. To this end, watermarking has been adapted to LLM, enabling a simple and effective way to detect and monitor generated text. However, while the existing methods can differentiate between watermarked and unwatermarked text with high accuracy, they often face a trade-off between the quality of the generated text and the effectiveness of the watermarking process. In this work, we present a novel type of LLM watermark, Sparse Watermark, which aims to mitigate this trade-off by applying watermarks to a small subset of generated tokens distributed across the text. The key strategy involves anchoring watermarked tokens to words that have specific Part-of-Speech (POS) tags. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed watermarking scheme achieves high detectability while generating text that outperforms previous LLM watermarking methods in quality across various tasks

cross Revisiting Attention for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Haixiang Wu

Abstract: Current Transformer methods for Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting (MTSF) are all based on the conventional attention mechanism. They involve sequence embedding and performing a linear projection of Q, K, and V, and then computing attention within this latent space. We have never delved into the attention mechanism to explore whether such a mapping space is optimal for MTSF. To investigate this issue, this study first proposes Frequency Spectrum attention (FSatten), a novel attention mechanism based on the frequency domain space. It employs the Fourier transform for embedding and introduces Multi-head Spectrum Scaling (MSS) to replace the conventional linear mapping of Q and K. FSatten can accurately capture the periodic dependencies between sequences and outperform the conventional attention without changing mainstream architectures. We further design a more general method dubbed Scaled Orthogonal attention (SOatten). We propose an orthogonal embedding and a Head-Coupling Convolution (HCC) based on the neighboring similarity bias to guide the model in learning comprehensive dependency patterns. Experiments show that FSatten and SOatten surpass the SOTA which uses conventional attention, making it a good alternative as a basic attention mechanism for MTSF. The codes and log files will be released at:


cross A review of handcrafted and deep radiomics in neurological diseases: transitioning from oncology to clinical neuroimaging

Authors: Elizaveta Lavrova, Henry C. Woodruff, Hamza Khan, Eric Salmon, Philippe Lambin, Christophe Phillips

Abstract: Medical imaging technologies have undergone extensive development, enabling non-invasive visualization of clinical information. The traditional review of medical images by clinicians remains subjective, time-consuming, and prone to human error. With the recent availability of medical imaging data, quantification have become important goals in the field. Radiomics, a methodology aimed at extracting quantitative information from imaging data, has emerged as a promising approach to uncover hidden biological information and support decision-making in clinical practice. This paper presents a review of the radiomic pipeline from the clinical neuroimaging perspective, providing a detailed overview of each step with practical advice. It discusses the application of handcrafted and deep radiomics in neuroimaging, stratified by neurological diagnosis. Although radiomics shows great potential for increasing diagnostic precision and improving treatment quality in neurology, several limitations hinder its clinical implementation. Addressing these challenges requires collaborative efforts, advancements in image harmonization methods, and the establishment of reproducible and standardized pipelines with transparent reporting. By overcoming these obstacles, radiomics can significantly impact clinical neurology and enhance patient care.

cross Phi-3 Safety Post-Training: Aligning Language Models with a "Break-Fix" Cycle

Authors: Emman Haider, Daniel Perez-Becker, Thomas Portet, Piyush Madan, Amit Garg, David Majercak, Wen Wen, Dongwoo Kim, Ziyi Yang, Jianwen Zhang, Hiteshi Sharma, Blake Bullwinkel, Martin Pouliot, Amanda Minnich, Shiven Chawla, Solianna Herrera, Shahed Warreth, Maggie Engler, Gary Lopez, Nina Chikanov, Raja Sekhar Rao Dheekonda, Bolor-Erdene Jagdagdorj, Roman Lutz, Richard Lundeen, Tori Westerhoff, Pete Bryan, Christian Seifert, Ram Shankar Siva Kumar, Andrew Berkley, Alex Kessler

Abstract: Recent innovations in language model training have demonstrated that it is possible to create highly performant models that are small enough to run on a smartphone. As these models are deployed in an increasing number of domains, it is critical to ensure that they are aligned with human preferences and safety considerations. In this report, we present our methodology for safety aligning the Phi-3 series of language models. We utilized a "break-fix" cycle, performing multiple rounds of dataset curation, safety post-training, benchmarking, red teaming, and vulnerability identification to cover a variety of harm areas in both single and multi-turn scenarios. Our results indicate that this approach iteratively improved the performance of the Phi-3 models across a wide range of responsible AI benchmarks.

cross Enhancing Worldwide Image Geolocation by Ensembling Satellite-Based Ground-Level Attribute Predictors

Authors: Michael J. Bianco, David Eigen, Michael Gormish

Abstract: Geolocating images of a ground-level scene entails estimating the location on Earth where the picture was taken, in absence of GPS or other location metadata. Typically, methods are evaluated by measuring the Great Circle Distance (GCD) between a predicted location and ground truth. However, this measurement is limited because it only evaluates a single point, not estimates of regions or score heatmaps. This is especially important in applications to rural, wilderness and under-sampled areas, where finding the exact location may not be possible, and when used in aggregate systems that progressively narrow down locations. In this paper, we introduce a novel metric, Recall vs Area (RvA), which measures the accuracy of estimated distributions of locations. RvA treats image geolocation results similarly to document retrieval, measuring recall as a function of area: For a ranked list of (possibly non-contiguous) predicted regions, we measure the accumulated area required for the region to contain the ground truth coordinate. This produces a curve similar to a precision-recall curve, where "precision" is replaced by square kilometers area, allowing evaluation of performance for different downstream search area budgets. Following directly from this view of the problem, we then examine a simple ensembling approach to global-scale image geolocation, which incorporates information from multiple sources to help address domain shift, and can readily incorporate multiple models, attribute predictors, and data sources. We study its effectiveness by combining the geolocation models GeoEstimation and the current SOTA GeoCLIP, with attribute predictors based on ORNL LandScan and ESA-CCI Land Cover. We find significant improvements in image geolocation for areas that are under-represented in the training set, particularly non-urban areas, on both Im2GPS3k and Street View images.

cross Uncovering Political Bias in Emotion Inference Models: Implications for sentiment analysis in social science research

Authors: Hubert Plisiecki, Pawe{\l} Lenartowicz, Maria Flakus, Artur Pokropek

Abstract: This paper investigates the presence of political bias in emotion inference models used for sentiment analysis (SA) in social science research. Machine learning models often reflect biases in their training data, impacting the validity of their outcomes. While previous research has highlighted gender and race biases, our study focuses on political bias - an underexplored yet pervasive issue that can skew the interpretation of text data across a wide array of studies. We conducted a bias audit on a Polish sentiment analysis model developed in our lab. By analyzing valence predictions for names and sentences involving Polish politicians, we uncovered systematic differences influenced by political affiliations. Our findings indicate that annotations by human raters propagate political biases into the model's predictions. To mitigate this, we pruned the training dataset of texts mentioning these politicians and observed a reduction in bias, though not its complete elimination. Given the significant implications of political bias in SA, our study emphasizes caution in employing these models for social science research. We recommend a critical examination of SA results and propose using lexicon-based systems as a more ideologically neutral alternative. This paper underscores the necessity for ongoing scrutiny and methodological adjustments to ensure the reliability and impartiality of the use of machine learning in academic and applied contexts.

cross Data-Algorithm-Architecture Co-Optimization for Fair Neural Networks on Skin Lesion Dataset

Authors: Yi Sheng, Junhuan Yang, Jinyang Li, James Alaina, Xiaowei Xu, Yiyu Shi, Jingtong Hu, Weiwen Jiang, Lei Yang

Abstract: As Artificial Intelligence (AI) increasingly integrates into our daily lives, fairness has emerged as a critical concern, particularly in medical AI, where datasets often reflect inherent biases due to social factors like the underrepresentation of marginalized communities and socioeconomic barriers to data collection. Traditional approaches to mitigating these biases have focused on data augmentation and the development of fairness-aware training algorithms. However, this paper argues that the architecture of neural networks, a core component of Machine Learning (ML), plays a crucial role in ensuring fairness. We demonstrate that addressing fairness effectively requires a holistic approach that simultaneously considers data, algorithms, and architecture. Utilizing Automated ML (AutoML) technology, specifically Neural Architecture Search (NAS), we introduce a novel framework, BiaslessNAS, designed to achieve fair outcomes in analyzing skin lesion datasets. BiaslessNAS incorporates fairness considerations at every stage of the NAS process, leading to the identification of neural networks that are not only more accurate but also significantly fairer. Our experiments show that BiaslessNAS achieves a 2.55% increase in accuracy and a 65.50% improvement in fairness compared to traditional NAS methods, underscoring the importance of integrating fairness into neural network architecture for better outcomes in medical AI applications.

cross Crafting Efficient Fine-Tuning Strategies for Large Language Models

Authors: Michael Oliver, Guan Wang

Abstract: This paper addresses the challenges of efficiently fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) by exploring data efficiency and hyperparameter optimization. We investigate the minimum data required for effective fine-tuning and propose a novel hyperparameter optimization method that leverages early-stage model performance. Our experiments demonstrate that fine-tuning with as few as 200 samples can improve model accuracy from 70\% to 88\% in a product attribute extraction task. We identify a saturation point of approximately 6,500 samples, beyond which additional data yields diminishing returns. Our proposed bayesian hyperparameter optimization method, which evaluates models at 20\% of total training time, correlates strongly with final model performance, with 4 out of 5 top early-stage models remaining in the top 5 at completion. This approach led to a 2\% improvement in accuracy over baseline models when evaluated on an independent test set. These findings offer actionable insights for practitioners, potentially reducing computational load and dependency on extensive datasets while enhancing overall performance of fine-tuned LLMs.

cross DuoFormer: Leveraging Hierarchical Visual Representations by Local and Global Attention

Authors: Xiaoya Tang, Bodong Zhang, Beatrice S. Knudsen, Tolga Tasdizen

Abstract: We here propose a novel hierarchical transformer model that adeptly integrates the feature extraction capabilities of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with the advanced representational potential of Vision Transformers (ViTs). Addressing the lack of inductive biases and dependence on extensive training datasets in ViTs, our model employs a CNN backbone to generate hierarchical visual representations. These representations are then adapted for transformer input through an innovative patch tokenization. We also introduce a 'scale attention' mechanism that captures cross-scale dependencies, complementing patch attention to enhance spatial understanding and preserve global perception. Our approach significantly outperforms baseline models on small and medium-sized medical datasets, demonstrating its efficiency and generalizability. The components are designed as plug-and-play for different CNN architectures and can be adapted for multiple applications. The code is available at


cross Synthetic Counterfactual Faces

Authors: Guruprasad V Ramesh, Harrison Rosenberg, Ashish Hooda, Kassem Fawaz

Abstract: Computer vision systems have been deployed in various applications involving biometrics like human faces. These systems can identify social media users, search for missing persons, and verify identity of individuals. While computer vision models are often evaluated for accuracy on available benchmarks, more annotated data is necessary to learn about their robustness and fairness against semantic distributional shifts in input data, especially in face data. Among annotated data, counterfactual examples grant strong explainability characteristics. Because collecting natural face data is prohibitively expensive, we put forth a generative AI-based framework to construct targeted, counterfactual, high-quality synthetic face data. Our synthetic data pipeline has many use cases, including face recognition systems sensitivity evaluations and image understanding system probes. The pipeline is validated with multiple user studies. We showcase the efficacy of our face generation pipeline on a leading commercial vision model. We identify facial attributes that cause vision systems to fail.

cross Report on the Conference on Ethical and Responsible Design in the National AI Institutes: A Summary of Challenges

Authors: Sherri Lynn Conklin, Sue Bae, Gaurav Sett, Michael Hoffmann, Justin B. Biddle

Abstract: In May 2023, the Georgia Tech Ethics, Technology, and Human Interaction Center organized the Conference on Ethical and Responsible Design in the National AI Institutes. Representatives from the National AI Research Institutes that had been established as of January 2023 were invited to attend; researchers representing 14 Institutes attended and participated. The conference focused on three questions: What are the main challenges that the National AI Institutes are facing with regard to the responsible design of AI systems? What are promising lines of inquiry to address these challenges? What are possible points of collaboration? Over the course of the conference, a revised version of the first question became a focal point: What are the challenges that the Institutes face in identifying ethical and responsible design practices and in implementing them in the AI development process? This document summarizes the challenges that representatives from the Institutes in attendance highlighted.

cross Unmasking Social Bots: How Confident Are We?

Authors: James Giroux, Ariyarathne Gangani, Alexander C. Nwala, Cristiano Fanelli

Abstract: Social bots remain a major vector for spreading disinformation on social media and a menace to the public. Despite the progress made in developing multiple sophisticated social bot detection algorithms and tools, bot detection remains a challenging, unsolved problem that is fraught with uncertainty due to the heterogeneity of bot behaviors, training data, and detection algorithms. Detection models often disagree on whether to label the same account as bot or human-controlled. However, they do not provide any measure of uncertainty to indicate how much we should trust their results. We propose to address both bot detection and the quantification of uncertainty at the account level - a novel feature of this research. This dual focus is crucial as it allows us to leverage additional information related to the quantified uncertainty of each prediction, thereby enhancing decision-making and improving the reliability of bot classifications. Specifically, our approach facilitates targeted interventions for bots when predictions are made with high confidence and suggests caution (e.g., gathering more data) when predictions are uncertain.

cross RT-Pose: A 4D Radar Tensor-based 3D Human Pose Estimation and Localization Benchmark

Authors: Yuan-Hao Ho, Jen-Hao Cheng, Sheng Yao Kuan, Zhongyu Jiang, Wenhao Chai, Hsiang-Wei Huang, Chih-Lung Lin, Jenq-Neng Hwang

Abstract: Traditional methods for human localization and pose estimation (HPE), which mainly rely on RGB images as an input modality, confront substantial limitations in real-world applications due to privacy concerns. In contrast, radar-based HPE methods emerge as a promising alternative, characterized by distinctive attributes such as through-wall recognition and privacy-preserving, rendering the method more conducive to practical deployments. This paper presents a Radar Tensor-based human pose (RT-Pose) dataset and an open-source benchmarking framework. The RT-Pose dataset comprises 4D radar tensors, LiDAR point clouds, and RGB images, and is collected for a total of 72k frames across 240 sequences with six different complexity-level actions. The 4D radar tensor provides raw spatio-temporal information, differentiating it from other radar point cloud-based datasets. We develop an annotation process using RGB images and LiDAR point clouds to accurately label 3D human skeletons. In addition, we propose HRRadarPose, the first single-stage architecture that extracts the high-resolution representation of 4D radar tensors in 3D space to aid human keypoint estimation. HRRadarPose outperforms previous radar-based HPE work on the RT-Pose benchmark. The overall HRRadarPose performance on the RT-Pose dataset, as reflected in a mean per joint position error (MPJPE) of 9.91cm, indicates the persistent challenges in achieving accurate HPE in complex real-world scenarios. RT-Pose is available at


cross Towards Trustworthy AI: A Review of Ethical and Robust Large Language Models

Authors: Md Meftahul Ferdaus, Mahdi Abdelguerfi, Elias Ioup, Kendall N. Niles, Ken Pathak, Steven Sloan

Abstract: The rapid progress in Large Language Models (LLMs) could transform many fields, but their fast development creates significant challenges for oversight, ethical creation, and building user trust. This comprehensive review looks at key trust issues in LLMs, such as unintended harms, lack of transparency, vulnerability to attacks, alignment with human values, and environmental impact. Many obstacles can undermine user trust, including societal biases, opaque decision-making, potential for misuse, and the challenges of rapidly evolving technology. Addressing these trust gaps is critical as LLMs become more common in sensitive areas like finance, healthcare, education, and policy. To tackle these issues, we suggest combining ethical oversight, industry accountability, regulation, and public involvement. AI development norms should be reshaped, incentives aligned, and ethics integrated throughout the machine learning process, which requires close collaboration across technology, ethics, law, policy, and other fields. Our review contributes a robust framework to assess trust in LLMs and analyzes the complex trust dynamics in depth. We provide contextualized guidelines and standards for responsibly developing and deploying these powerful AI systems. This review identifies key limitations and challenges in creating trustworthy AI. By addressing these issues, we aim to build a transparent, accountable AI ecosystem that benefits society while minimizing risks. Our findings provide valuable guidance for researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders striving to establish trust in LLMs and ensure they are used responsibly across various applications for the good of society.

cross Harmful Suicide Content Detection

Authors: Kyumin Park, Myung Jae Baik, YeongJun Hwang, Yen Shin, HoJae Lee, Ruda Lee, Sang Min Lee, Je Young Hannah Sun, Ah Rah Lee, Si Yeun Yoon, Dong-ho Lee, Jihyung Moon, JinYeong Bak, Kyunghyun Cho, Jong-Woo Paik, Sungjoon Park

Abstract: Harmful suicide content on the Internet is a significant risk factor inducing suicidal thoughts and behaviors among vulnerable populations. Despite global efforts, existing resources are insufficient, specifically in high-risk regions like the Republic of Korea. Current research mainly focuses on understanding negative effects of such content or suicide risk in individuals, rather than on automatically detecting the harmfulness of content. To fill this gap, we introduce a harmful suicide content detection task for classifying online suicide content into five harmfulness levels. We develop a multi-modal benchmark and a task description document in collaboration with medical professionals, and leverage large language models (LLMs) to explore efficient methods for moderating such content. Our contributions include proposing a novel detection task, a multi-modal Korean benchmark with expert annotations, and suggesting strategies using LLMs to detect illegal and harmful content. Owing to the potential harm involved, we publicize our implementations and benchmark, incorporating an ethical verification process.

cross Werewolf Arena: A Case Study in LLM Evaluation via Social Deduction

Authors: Suma Bailis, Jane Friedhoff, Feiyang Chen

Abstract: This paper introduces Werewolf Arena, a novel framework for evaluating large language models (LLMs) through the lens of the classic social deduction game, Werewolf. In Werewolf Arena, LLMs compete against each other, navigating the game's complex dynamics of deception, deduction, and persuasion. The framework introduces a dynamic turn-taking system based on bidding, mirroring real-world discussions where individuals strategically choose when to speak. We demonstrate the framework's utility through an arena-style tournament featuring Gemini and GPT models. Our results reveal distinct strengths and weaknesses in the models' strategic reasoning and communication. These findings highlight Werewolf Arena's potential as a challenging and scalable LLM benchmark.

cross Knowledge Distillation Approaches for Accurate and Efficient Recommender System

Authors: SeongKu Kang

Abstract: Despite its breakthrough in classification problems, Knowledge distillation (KD) to recommendation models and ranking problems has not been studied well in the previous literature. This dissertation is devoted to developing knowledge distillation methods for recommender systems to fully improve the performance of a compact model. We propose novel distillation methods designed for recommender systems. The proposed methods are categorized according to their knowledge sources as follows: (1) Latent knowledge: we propose two methods that transfer latent knowledge of user/item representation. They effectively transfer knowledge of niche tastes with a balanced distillation strategy that prevents the KD process from being biased towards a small number of large preference groups. Also, we propose a new method that transfers user/item relations in the representation space. The proposed method selectively transfers essential relations considering the limited capacity of the compact model. (2) Ranking knowledge: we propose three methods that transfer ranking knowledge from the recommendation results. They formulate the KD process as a ranking matching problem and transfer the knowledge via a listwise learning strategy. Further, we present a new learning framework that compresses the ranking knowledge of heterogeneous recommendation models. The proposed framework is developed to ease the computational burdens of model ensemble which is a dominant solution for many recommendation applications. We validate the benefit of our proposed methods and frameworks through extensive experiments. To summarize, this dissertation sheds light on knowledge distillation approaches for a better accuracy-efficiency trade-off of the recommendation models.

cross Using Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Collective Intelligence: Policy Synth and Smarter Crowdsourcing

Authors: R\'obert Bjarnason, Dane Gambrell, Joshua Lanthier-Welch

Abstract: In an era characterized by rapid societal changes and complex challenges, institutions' traditional methods of problem-solving in the public sector are increasingly proving inadequate. In this study, we present an innovative and effective model for how institutions can use artificial intelligence to enable groups of people to generate effective solutions to urgent problems more efficiently. We describe a proven collective intelligence method, called Smarter Crowdsourcing, which is designed to channel the collective intelligence of those with expertise about a problem into actionable solutions through crowdsourcing. Then we introduce Policy Synth, an innovative toolkit which leverages AI to make the Smarter Crowdsourcing problem-solving approach both more scalable, more effective and more efficient. Policy Synth is crafted using a human-centric approach, recognizing that AI is a tool to enhance human intelligence and creativity, not replace it. Based on a real-world case study comparing the results of expert crowdsourcing alone with expert sourcing supported by Policy Synth AI agents, we conclude that Smarter Crowdsourcing with Policy Synth presents an effective model for integrating the collective wisdom of human experts and the computational power of AI to enhance and scale up public problem-solving processes. While many existing approaches view AI as a tool to make crowdsourcing and deliberative processes better and more efficient, Policy Synth goes a step further, recognizing that AI can also be used to synthesize the findings from engagements together with research to develop evidence-based solutions and policies. The study offers practical tools and insights for institutions looking to engage communities effectively in addressing urgent societal challenges.

cross Enhancing Data-Limited Graph Neural Networks by Actively Distilling Knowledge from Large Language Models

Authors: Quan Li, Tianxiang Zhao, Lingwei Chen, Junjie Xu, Suhang Wang

Abstract: Graphs have emerged as critical data structures for content analysis in various domains, such as social network analysis, bioinformatics, and recommendation systems. Node classification, a fundamental task in this context, is typically tackled using graph neural networks (GNNs). Unfortunately, conventional GNNs still face challenges in scenarios with few labeled nodes, despite the prevalence of few-shot node classification tasks in real-world applications. To address this challenge, various approaches have been proposed, including graph meta-learning, transfer learning, and methods based on Large Language Models (LLMs). However, traditional meta-learning and transfer learning methods often require prior knowledge from base classes or fail to exploit the potential advantages of unlabeled nodes. Meanwhile, LLM-based methods may overlook the zero-shot capabilities of LLMs and rely heavily on the quality of generated contexts. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that integrates LLMs and GNNs, leveraging the zero-shot inference and reasoning capabilities of LLMs and employing a Graph-LLM-based active learning paradigm to enhance GNNs' performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in improving node classification accuracy with considerably limited labeled data, surpassing state-of-the-art baselines by significant margins.

cross LLAssist: Simple Tools for Automating Literature Review Using Large Language Models

Authors: Christoforus Yoga Haryanto

Abstract: This paper introduces LLAssist, an open-source tool designed to streamline literature reviews in academic research. In an era of exponential growth in scientific publications, researchers face mounting challenges in efficiently processing vast volumes of literature. LLAssist addresses this issue by leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to automate key aspects of the review process. Specifically, it extracts important information from research articles and evaluates their relevance to user-defined research questions. The goal of LLAssist is to significantly reduce the time and effort required for comprehensive literature reviews, allowing researchers to focus more on analyzing and synthesizing information rather than on initial screening tasks. By automating parts of the literature review workflow, LLAssist aims to help researchers manage the growing volume of academic publications more efficiently.

cross RAG-QA Arena: Evaluating Domain Robustness for Long-form Retrieval Augmented Question Answering

Authors: Rujun Han, Yuhao Zhang, Peng Qi, Yumo Xu, Jenyuan Wang, Lan Liu, William Yang Wang, Bonan Min, Vittorio Castelli

Abstract: Question answering based on retrieval augmented generation (RAG-QA) is an important research topic in NLP and has a wide range of real-world applications. However, most existing datasets for this task are either constructed using a single source corpus or consist of short extractive answers, which fall short of evaluating large language model (LLM) based RAG-QA systems on cross-domain generalization. To address these limitations, we create Long-form RobustQA (LFRQA), a new dataset comprising human-written long-form answers that integrate short extractive answers from multiple documents into a single, coherent narrative, covering 26K queries and large corpora across seven different domains. We further propose RAG-QA Arena by directly comparing model-generated answers against LFRQA's answers using LLMs as evaluators. We show via extensive experiments that RAG-QA Arena and human judgments on answer quality are highly correlated. Moreover, only 41.3% of the most competitive LLM's answers are preferred to LFRQA's answers, demonstrating RAG-QA Arena as a challenging evaluation platform for future research.

cross Multi-modal Relation Distillation for Unified 3D Representation Learning

Authors: Huiqun Wang, Yiping Bao, Panwang Pan, Zeming Li, Xiao Liu, Ruijie Yang, Di Huang

Abstract: Recent advancements in multi-modal pre-training for 3D point clouds have demonstrated promising results by aligning heterogeneous features across 3D shapes and their corresponding 2D images and language descriptions. However, current straightforward solutions often overlook intricate structural relations among samples, potentially limiting the full capabilities of multi-modal learning. To address this issue, we introduce Multi-modal Relation Distillation (MRD), a tri-modal pre-training framework, which is designed to effectively distill reputable large Vision-Language Models (VLM) into 3D backbones. MRD aims to capture both intra-relations within each modality as well as cross-relations between different modalities and produce more discriminative 3D shape representations. Notably, MRD achieves significant improvements in downstream zero-shot classification tasks and cross-modality retrieval tasks, delivering new state-of-the-art performance.

cross TTA-OOD: Test-time Augmentation for Improving Out-of-Distribution Detection in Gastrointestinal Vision

Authors: Sandesh Pokhrel, Sanjay Bhandari, Eduard Vazquez, Tryphon Lambrou, Prashnna Gyawali, Binod Bhattarai

Abstract: Deep learning has significantly advanced the field of gastrointestinal vision, enhancing disease diagnosis capabilities. One major challenge in automating diagnosis within gastrointestinal settings is the detection of abnormal cases in endoscopic images. Due to the sparsity of data, this process of distinguishing normal from abnormal cases has faced significant challenges, particularly with rare and unseen conditions. To address this issue, we frame abnormality detection as an out-of-distribution (OOD) detection problem. In this setup, a model trained on In-Distribution (ID) data, which represents a healthy GI tract, can accurately identify healthy cases, while abnormalities are detected as OOD, regardless of their class. We introduce a test-time augmentation segment into the OOD detection pipeline, which enhances the distinction between ID and OOD examples, thereby improving the effectiveness of existing OOD methods with the same model. This augmentation shifts the pixel space, which translates into a more distinct semantic representation for OOD examples compared to ID examples. We evaluated our method against existing state-of-the-art OOD scores, showing improvements with test-time augmentation over the baseline approach.

cross HeCiX: Integrating Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models for Biomedical Research

Authors: Prerana Sanjay Kulkarni, Muskaan Jain, Disha Sheshanarayana, Srinivasan Parthiban

Abstract: Despite advancements in drug development strategies, 90% of clinical trials fail. This suggests overlooked aspects in target validation and drug optimization. In order to address this, we introduce HeCiX-KG, Hetionet-Clinicaltrials neXus Knowledge Graph, a novel fusion of data from and Hetionet in a single knowledge graph. HeCiX-KG combines data on previously conducted clinical trials from, and domain expertise on diseases and genes from Hetionet. This offers a thorough resource for clinical researchers. Further, we introduce HeCiX, a system that uses LangChain to integrate HeCiX-KG with GPT-4, and increase its usability. HeCiX shows high performance during evaluation against a range of clinically relevant issues, proving this model to be promising for enhancing the effectiveness of clinical research. Thus, this approach provides a more holistic view of clinical trials and existing biological data.

cross ECCO: Can We Improve Model-Generated Code Efficiency Without Sacrificing Functional Correctness?

Authors: Siddhant Waghjale, Vishruth Veerendranath, Zora Zhiruo Wang, Daniel Fried

Abstract: Although large language models (LLMs) have been largely successful in generating functionally correct programs, conditioning models to produce efficient solutions while ensuring correctness remains a challenge. Further, unreliability in benchmarking code efficiency is a hurdle across varying hardware specifications for popular interpreted languages such as Python. In this paper, we present ECCO, a reproducible benchmark for evaluating program efficiency via two paradigms: natural language (NL) based code generation and history-based code editing. On ECCO, we adapt and thoroughly investigate the three most promising existing LLM-based approaches: in-context learning, iterative refinement with execution or NL feedback, and fine-tuning conditioned on execution and editing history. While most methods degrade functional correctness and moderately increase program efficiency, we find that adding execution information often helps maintain functional correctness, and NL feedback enhances more on efficiency. We release our benchmark to support future work on LLM-based generation of efficient code.

cross OCTrack: Benchmarking the Open-Corpus Multi-Object Tracking

Authors: Zekun Qian, Ruize Han, Wei Feng, Junhui Hou, Linqi Song, Song Wang

Abstract: We study a novel yet practical problem of open-corpus multi-object tracking (OCMOT), which extends the MOT into localizing, associating, and recognizing generic-category objects of both seen (base) and unseen (novel) classes, but without the category text list as prompt. To study this problem, the top priority is to build a benchmark. In this work, we build OCTrackB, a large-scale and comprehensive benchmark, to provide a standard evaluation platform for the OCMOT problem. Compared to previous datasets, OCTrackB has more abundant and balanced base/novel classes and the corresponding samples for evaluation with less bias. We also propose a new multi-granularity recognition metric to better evaluate the generative object recognition in OCMOT. By conducting the extensive benchmark evaluation, we report and analyze the results of various state-of-the-art methods, which demonstrate the rationale of OCMOT, as well as the usefulness and advantages of OCTrackB.

cross Quantum Hamiltonian Embedding of Images for Data Reuploading Classifiers

Authors: Peiyong Wang, Casey R. Myers, Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg, Udaya Parampalli

Abstract: When applying quantum computing to machine learning tasks, one of the first considerations is the design of the quantum machine learning model itself. Conventionally, the design of quantum machine learning algorithms relies on the ``quantisation" of classical learning algorithms, such as using quantum linear algebra to implement important subroutines of classical algorithms, if not the entire algorithm, seeking to achieve quantum advantage through possible run-time accelerations brought by quantum computing. However, recent research has started questioning whether quantum advantage via speedup is the right goal for quantum machine learning [1]. Research also has been undertaken to exploit properties that are unique to quantum systems, such as quantum contextuality, to better design quantum machine learning models [2]. In this paper, we take an alternative approach by incorporating the heuristics and empirical evidences from the design of classical deep learning algorithms to the design of quantum neural networks. We first construct a model based on the data reuploading circuit [3] with the quantum Hamiltonian data embedding unitary [4]. Through numerical experiments on images datasets, including the famous MNIST and FashionMNIST datasets, we demonstrate that our model outperforms the quantum convolutional neural network (QCNN)[5] by a large margin (up to over 40% on MNIST test set). Based on the model design process and numerical results, we then laid out six principles for designing quantum machine learning models, especially quantum neural networks.

cross LazyLLM: Dynamic Token Pruning for Efficient Long Context LLM Inference

Authors: Qichen Fu, Minsik Cho, Thomas Merth, Sachin Mehta, Mohammad Rastegari, Mahyar Najibi

Abstract: The inference of transformer-based large language models consists of two sequential stages: 1) a prefilling stage to compute the KV cache of prompts and generate the first token, and 2) a decoding stage to generate subsequent tokens. For long prompts, the KV cache must be computed for all tokens during the prefilling stage, which can significantly increase the time needed to generate the first token. Consequently, the prefilling stage may become a bottleneck in the generation process. An open question remains whether all prompt tokens are essential for generating the first token. To answer this, we introduce a novel method, LazyLLM, that selectively computes the KV for tokens important for the next token prediction in both the prefilling and decoding stages. Contrary to static pruning approaches that prune the prompt at once, LazyLLM allows language models to dynamically select different subsets of tokens from the context in different generation steps, even though they might be pruned in previous steps. Extensive experiments on standard datasets across various tasks demonstrate that LazyLLM is a generic method that can be seamlessly integrated with existing language models to significantly accelerate the generation without fine-tuning. For instance, in the multi-document question-answering task, LazyLLM accelerates the prefilling stage of the LLama 2 7B model by 2.34x while maintaining accuracy.

cross LoAS: Fully Temporal-Parallel Datatflow for Dual-Sparse Spiking Neural Networks

Authors: Ruokai Yin, Youngeun Kim, Di Wu, Priyadarshini Panda

Abstract: Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have gained significant research attention in the last decade due to their potential to drive resource-constrained edge devices. Though existing SNN accelerators offer high efficiency in processing sparse spikes with dense weights, opportunities are less explored in SNNs with sparse weights, i.e., dual-sparsity. In this work, we study the acceleration of dual-sparse SNNs, focusing on their core operation, sparse-matrix-sparse-matrix multiplication (spMspM). We observe that naively running a dual-sparse SNN on existing spMspM accelerators designed for dual-sparse Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) exhibits sub-optimal efficiency. The main challenge is that processing timesteps, a natural property of SNNs, introduces an extra loop to ANN spMspM, leading to longer latency and more memory traffic. To address the problem, we propose a fully temporal-parallel (FTP) dataflow, which minimizes both data movement across timesteps and the end-to-end latency of dual-sparse SNNs. To maximize the efficiency of FTP dataflow, we propose an FTP-friendly spike compression mechanism that efficiently compresses single-bit spikes and ensures contiguous memory access. We further propose an FTP-friendly inner-join circuit that can lower the cost of the expensive prefix-sum circuits with almost no throughput penalty. All the above techniques for FTP dataflow are encapsulated in LoAS, a Low-latency inference Accelerator for dual-sparse SNNs. With FTP dataflow, compression, and inner-join, running dual-sparse SNN workloads on LoAS demonstrates significant speedup (up to $8.51\times$) and energy reduction (up to $3.68\times$) compared to running it on prior dual-sparse accelerators.

cross Domain-Specific Pretraining of Language Models: A Comparative Study in the Medical Field

Authors: Tobias Kerner

Abstract: There are many cases where LLMs are used for specific tasks in a single domain. These usually require less general, but more domain-specific knowledge. Highly capable, general-purpose state-of-the-art language models like GPT-4 or Claude-3-opus can often be used for such tasks, but they are very large and cannot be run locally, even if they were not proprietary. This can be a problem when working with sensitive data. This paper focuses on domain-specific and mixed-domain pretraining as potentially more efficient methods than general pretraining for specialized language models. We will take a look at work related to domain-specific pretraining, specifically in the medical area, and compare benchmark results of specialized language models to general-purpose language models.

cross DisenSemi: Semi-supervised Graph Classification via Disentangled Representation Learning

Authors: Yifan Wang, Xiao Luo, Chong Chen, Xian-Sheng Hua, Ming Zhang, Wei Ju

Abstract: Graph classification is a critical task in numerous multimedia applications, where graphs are employed to represent diverse types of multimedia data, including images, videos, and social networks. Nevertheless, in real-world scenarios, labeled graph data can be limited or scarce. To address this issue, we focus on the problem of semi-supervised graph classification, which involves both supervised and unsupervised models learning from labeled and unlabeled data. In contrast to recent approaches that transfer the entire knowledge from the unsupervised model to the supervised one, we argue that an effective transfer should only retain the relevant semantics that align well with the supervised task. In this paper, we propose a novel framework named DisenSemi, which learns disentangled representation for semi-supervised graph classification. Specifically, a disentangled graph encoder is proposed to generate factor-wise graph representations for both supervised and unsupervised models. Then we train two models via supervised objective and mutual information (MI)-based constraints respectively. To ensure the meaningful transfer of knowledge from the unsupervised encoder to the supervised one, we further define an MI-based disentangled consistency regularization between two models and identify the corresponding rationale that aligns well with the current graph classification task. Experimental results on a range of publicly accessible datasets reveal the effectiveness of our DisenSemi.

cross Integrated Push-and-Pull Update Model for Goal-Oriented Effective Communication

Authors: Pouya Agheli, Nikolaos Pappas, Petar Popovski, Marios Kountouris

Abstract: This paper studies decision-making for goal-oriented effective communication. We consider an end-to-end status update system where a sensing agent (SA) observes a source, generates and transmits updates to an actuation agent (AA), while the AA takes actions to accomplish a goal at the endpoint. We integrate the push- and pull-based update communication models to obtain a push-and-pull model, which allows the transmission controller at the SA to decide to push an update to the AA and the query controller at the AA to pull updates by raising queries at specific time instances. To gauge effectiveness, we utilize a grade of effectiveness (GoE) metric incorporating updates' freshness, usefulness, and timeliness of actions as qualitative attributes. We then derive effect-aware policies to maximize the expected discounted sum of updates' effectiveness subject to induced costs. The effect-aware policy at the SA considers the potential effectiveness of communicated updates at the endpoint, while at the AA, it accounts for the probabilistic evolution of the source and importance of generated updates. Our results show the proposed push-and-pull model outperforms models solely based on push- or pull-based updates both in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Additionally, using effect-aware policies at both agents enhances effectiveness compared to periodic and/or probabilistic effect-agnostic policies at either or both agents.

cross People use fast, goal-directed simulation to reason about novel games

Authors: Cedegao E. Zhang, Katherine M. Collins, Lionel Wong, Adrian Weller, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

Abstract: We can evaluate features of problems and their potential solutions well before we can effectively solve them. When considering a game we have never played, for instance, we might infer whether it is likely to be challenging, fair, or fun simply from hearing the game rules, prior to deciding whether to invest time in learning the game or trying to play it well. Many studies of game play have focused on optimality and expertise, characterizing how people and computational models play based on moderate to extensive search and after playing a game dozens (if not thousands or millions) of times. Here, we study how people reason about a range of simple but novel connect-n style board games. We ask people to judge how fair and how fun the games are from very little experience: just thinking about the game for a minute or so, before they have ever actually played with anyone else, and we propose a resource-limited model that captures their judgments using only a small number of partial game simulations and almost no lookahead search.

cross On the Robustness of Fully-Spiking Neural Networks in Open-World Scenarios using Forward-Only Learning Algorithms

Authors: Erik B. Terres-Escudero, Javier Del Ser, Aitor Mart\'inez-Seras, Pablo Garcia-Bringas

Abstract: In the last decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) models have rapidly integrated into production pipelines propelled by their excellent modeling performance. However, the development of these models has not been matched by advancements in algorithms ensuring their safety, failing to guarantee robust behavior against Out-of-Distribution (OoD) inputs outside their learning domain. Furthermore, there is a growing concern with the sustainability of AI models and their required energy consumption in both training and inference phases. To mitigate these issues, this work explores the use of the Forward-Forward Algorithm (FFA), a biologically plausible alternative to Backpropagation, adapted to the spiking domain to enhance the overall energy efficiency of the model. By capitalizing on the highly expressive topology emerging from the latent space of models trained with FFA, we develop a novel FF-SCP algorithm for OoD Detection. Our approach measures the likelihood of a sample belonging to the in-distribution (ID) data by using the distance from the latent representation of samples to class-representative manifolds. Additionally, to provide deeper insights into our OoD pipeline, we propose a gradient-free attribution technique that highlights the features of a sample pushing it away from the distribution of any class. Multiple experiments using our spiking FFA adaptation demonstrate that the achieved accuracy levels are comparable to those seen in analog networks trained via back-propagation. Furthermore, OoD detection experiments on multiple datasets prove that FF-SCP outperforms avant-garde OoD detectors within the spiking domain in terms of several metrics used in this area. We also present a qualitative analysis of our explainability technique, exposing the precision by which the method detects OoD features, such as embedded artifacts or missing regions.

cross ParamsDrag: Interactive Parameter Space Exploration via Image-Space Dragging

Authors: Guan Li, Yang Liu, Guihua Shan, Shiyu Cheng, Weiqun Cao, Junpeng Wang, Ko-Chih Wang

Abstract: Numerical simulation serves as a cornerstone in scientific modeling, yet the process of fine-tuning simulation parameters poses significant challenges. Conventionally, parameter adjustment relies on extensive numerical simulations, data analysis, and expert insights, resulting in substantial computational costs and low efficiency. The emergence of deep learning in recent years has provided promising avenues for more efficient exploration of parameter spaces. However, existing approaches often lack intuitive methods for precise parameter adjustment and optimization. To tackle these challenges, we introduce ParamsDrag, a model that facilitates parameter space exploration through direct interaction with visualizations. Inspired by DragGAN, our ParamsDrag model operates in three steps. First, the generative component of ParamsDrag generates visualizations based on the input simulation parameters. Second, by directly dragging structure-related features in the visualizations, users can intuitively understand the controlling effect of different parameters. Third, with the understanding from the earlier step, users can steer ParamsDrag to produce dynamic visual outcomes. Through experiments conducted on real-world simulations and comparisons with state-of-the-art deep learning-based approaches, we demonstrate the efficacy of our solution.

cross TorchGT: A Holistic System for Large-scale Graph Transformer Training

Authors: Meng Zhang, Jie Sun, Qinghao Hu, Peng Sun, Zeke Wang, Yonggang Wen, Tianwei Zhang

Abstract: Graph Transformer is a new architecture that surpasses GNNs in graph learning. While there emerge inspiring algorithm advancements, their practical adoption is still limited, particularly on real-world graphs involving up to millions of nodes. We observe existing graph transformers fail on large-scale graphs mainly due to heavy computation, limited scalability and inferior model quality. Motivated by these observations, we propose TorchGT, the first efficient, scalable, and accurate graph transformer training system. TorchGT optimizes training at different levels. At algorithm level, by harnessing the graph sparsity, TorchGT introduces a Dual-interleaved Attention which is computation-efficient and accuracy-maintained. At runtime level, TorchGT scales training across workers with a communication-light Cluster-aware Graph Parallelism. At kernel level, an Elastic Computation Reformation further optimizes the computation by reducing memory access latency in a dynamic way. Extensive experiments demonstrate that TorchGT boosts training by up to 62.7x and supports graph sequence lengths of up to 1M.

cross A3Rank: Augmentation Alignment Analysis for Prioritizing Overconfident Failing Samples for Deep Learning Models

Authors: Zhengyuan Wei, Haipeng Wang, Qilin Zhou, W. K. Chan

Abstract: Sharpening deep learning models by training them with examples close to the decision boundary is a well-known best practice. Nonetheless, these models are still error-prone in producing predictions. In practice, the inference of the deep learning models in many application systems is guarded by a rejector, such as a confidence-based rejector, to filter out samples with insufficient prediction confidence. Such confidence-based rejectors cannot effectively guard against failing samples with high confidence. Existing test case prioritization techniques effectively distinguish confusing samples from confident samples to identify failing samples among the confusing ones, yet prioritizing the failing ones high among many confident ones is challenging. In this paper, we propose $A^3$Rank, a novel test case prioritization technique with augmentation alignment analysis, to address this problem. $A^3$Rank generates augmented versions of each test case and assesses the extent of the prediction result for the test case misaligned with these of the augmented versions and vice versa. Our experiment shows that $A^3$Rank can effectively rank failing samples escaping from the checking of confidence-based rejectors, which significantly outperforms the peer techniques by 163.63\% in the detection ratio of top-ranked samples. We also provide a framework to construct a detector devoted to augmenting these rejectors to defend these failing samples, and our detector can achieve a significantly higher defense success rate.

cross PassTSL: Modeling Human-Created Passwords through Two-Stage Learning

Authors: Yangde Wang, Haozhang Li, Weidong Qiu, Shujun Li, Peng Tang

Abstract: Textual passwords are still the most widely used user authentication mechanism. Due to the close connections between textual passwords and natural languages, advanced technologies in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) could be used to model passwords for different purposes such as studying human password-creation behaviors and developing more advanced password cracking methods for informing better defence mechanisms. In this paper, we propose PassTSL (modeling human-created Passwords through Two-Stage Learning), inspired by the popular pretraining-finetuning framework in NLP and deep learning (DL). We report how different pretraining settings affected PassTSL and proved its effectiveness by applying it to six large leaked password databases. Experimental results showed that it outperforms five state-of-the-art (SOTA) password cracking methods on password guessing by a significant margin ranging from 4.11% to 64.69% at the maximum point. Based on PassTSL, we also implemented a password strength meter (PSM), and our experiments showed that it was able to estimate password strength more accurately, causing fewer unsafe errors (overestimating the password strength) than two other SOTA PSMs when they produce the same rate of safe errors (underestimating the password strength): a neural-network based method and zxcvbn. Furthermore, we explored multiple finetuning settings, and our evaluations showed that, even a small amount of additional training data, e.g., only 0.1% of the pretrained data, can lead to over 3% improvement in password guessing on average. We also proposed a heuristic approach to selecting finetuning passwords based on JS (Jensen-Shannon) divergence and experimental results validated its usefulness. In summary, our contributions demonstrate the potential and feasibility of applying advanced NLP and ML methods to password modeling and cracking.

cross LeKUBE: A Legal Knowledge Update BEnchmark

Authors: Changyue Wang, Weihang Su, Hu Yiran, Qingyao Ai, Yueyue Wu, Cheng Luo, Yiqun Liu, Min Zhang, Shaoping Ma

Abstract: Recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly shaped the applications of AI in multiple fields, including the studies of legal intelligence. Trained on extensive legal texts, including statutes and legal documents, the legal LLMs can capture important legal knowledge/concepts effectively and provide important support for downstream legal applications such as legal consultancy. Yet, the dynamic nature of legal statutes and interpretations also poses new challenges to the use of LLMs in legal applications. Particularly, how to update the legal knowledge of LLMs effectively and efficiently has become an important research problem in practice. Existing benchmarks for evaluating knowledge update methods are mostly designed for the open domain and cannot address the specific challenges of the legal domain, such as the nuanced application of new legal knowledge, the complexity and lengthiness of legal regulations, and the intricate nature of legal reasoning. To address this gap, we introduce the Legal Knowledge Update BEnchmark, i.e. LeKUBE, which evaluates knowledge update methods for legal LLMs across five dimensions. Specifically, we categorize the needs of knowledge updates in the legal domain with the help of legal professionals, and then hire annotators from law schools to create synthetic updates to the Chinese Criminal and Civil Code as well as sets of questions of which the answers would change after the updates. Through a comprehensive evaluation of state-of-the-art knowledge update methods, we reveal a notable gap between existing knowledge update methods and the unique needs of the legal domain, emphasizing the need for further research and development of knowledge update mechanisms tailored for legal LLMs.

cross SHS: Scorpion Hunting Strategy Swarm Algorithm

Authors: Abhilash Singh, Seyed Muhammad Hossein Mousavi, Kumar Gaurav

Abstract: We introduced the Scorpion Hunting Strategy (SHS), a novel population-based, nature-inspired optimisation algorithm. This algorithm draws inspiration from the hunting strategy of scorpions, which identify, locate, and capture their prey using the alpha and beta vibration operators. These operators control the SHS algorithm's exploitation and exploration abilities. To formulate an optimisation method, we mathematically simulate these dynamic events and behaviors. We evaluate the effectiveness of the SHS algorithm by employing 20 benchmark functions (including 10 conventional and 10 CEC2020 functions), using both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Through a comparative analysis with 12 state-of-the-art meta-heuristic algorithms, we demonstrate that the proposed SHS algorithm yields exceptionally promising results. These findings are further supported by statistically significant results obtained through the Wilcoxon rank sum test. Additionally, the ranking of SHS, as determined by the average rank derived from the Friedman test, positions it at the forefront when compared to other algorithms. Going beyond theoretical validation, we showcase the practical utility of the SHS algorithm by applying it to six distinct real-world optimisation tasks. These applications illustrate the algorithm's potential in addressing complex optimisation challenges. In summary, this work not only introduces the innovative SHS algorithm but also substantiates its effectiveness and versatility through rigorous benchmarking and real-world problem-solving scenarios.

cross Fair Overlap Number of Balls (Fair-ONB): A Data-Morphology-based Undersampling Method for Bias Reduction

Authors: Jos\'e Daniel Pascual-Triana, Alberto Fern\'andez, Paulo Novais, Francisco Herrera

Abstract: Given the magnitude of data generation currently, both in quantity and speed, the use of machine learning is increasingly important. When data include protected features that might give rise to discrimination, special care must be taken. Data quality is critical in these cases, as biases in training data can be reflected in classification models. This has devastating consequences and fails to comply with current regulations. Data-Centric Artificial Intelligence proposes dataset modifications to improve its quality. Instance selection via undersampling can foster balanced learning of classes and protected feature values in the classifier. When such undersampling is done close to the decision boundary, the effect on the classifier would be bolstered. This work proposes Fair Overlap Number of Balls (Fair-ONB), an undersampling method that harnesses the data morphology of the different data groups (obtained from the combination of classes and protected feature values) to perform guided undersampling in the areas where they overlap. It employs attributes of the ball coverage of the groups, such as the radius, number of covered instances and density, to select the most suitable areas for undersampling and reduce bias. Results show that the Fair-ONB method reduces bias with low impact on the classifier's predictive performance.

cross Words2Contact: Identifying Support Contacts from Verbal Instructions Using Foundation Models

Authors: Dionis Totsila, Quentin Rouxel, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Serena Ivaldi

Abstract: This paper presents Words2Contact, a language-guided multi-contact placement pipeline leveraging large language models and vision language models. Our method is a key component for language-assisted teleoperation and human-robot cooperation, where human operators can instruct the robots where to place their support contacts before whole-body reaching or manipulation using natural language. Words2Contact transforms the verbal instructions of a human operator into contact placement predictions; it also deals with iterative corrections, until the human is satisfied with the contact location identified in the robot's field of view. We benchmark state-of-the-art LLMs and VLMs for size and performance in contact prediction. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the iterative correction process, showing that users, even naive, quickly learn how to instruct the system to obtain accurate locations. Finally, we validate Words2Contact in real-world experiments with the Talos humanoid robot, instructed by human operators to place support contacts on different locations and surfaces to avoid falling when reaching for distant objects.

cross Hyper-Heuristics Can Profit From Global Variation Operators

Authors: Benjamin Doerr, Johannes F. Lutzeyer

Abstract: In recent work, Lissovoi, Oliveto, and Warwicker (Artificial Intelligence (2023)) proved that the Move Acceptance Hyper-Heuristic (MAHH) leaves the local optimum of the multimodal CLIFF benchmark with remarkable efficiency. The $O(n^3)$ runtime of the MAHH, for almost all cliff widths $d\ge 2,$ is significantly better than the $\Theta(n^d)$ runtime of simple elitist evolutionary algorithms (EAs) on CLIFF. In this work, we first show that this advantage is specific to the CLIFF problem and does not extend to the JUMP benchmark, the most prominent multi-modal benchmark in the theory of randomized search heuristics. We prove that for any choice of the MAHH selection parameter $p$, the expected runtime of the MAHH on a JUMP function with gap size $m = O(n^{1/2})$ is at least $\Omega(n^{2m-1} / (2m-1)!)$. This is significantly slower than the $O(n^m)$ runtime of simple elitist EAs. Encouragingly, we also show that replacing the local one-bit mutation operator in the MAHH with the global bit-wise mutation operator, commonly used in EAs, yields a runtime of $\min\{1, O(\frac{e\ln(n)}{m})^m\} \, O(n^m)$ on JUMP functions. This is at least as good as the runtime of simple elitist EAs. For larger values of $m$, this result proves an asymptotic performance gain over simple EAs. As our proofs reveal, the MAHH profits from its ability to walk through the valley of lower objective values in moderate-size steps, always accepting inferior solutions. This is the first time that such an optimization behavior is proven via mathematical means. Generally, our result shows that combining two ways of coping with local optima, global mutation and accepting inferior solutions, can lead to considerable performance gains.

cross Continual Learning for Adaptable Car-Following in Dynamic Traffic Environments

Authors: Xianda Chen, PakHin Tiu, Xu Han, Junjie Chen, Yuanfei Wu, Xinhu Zheng, Meixin Zhu

Abstract: The continual evolution of autonomous driving technology requires car-following models that can adapt to diverse and dynamic traffic environments. Traditional learning-based models often suffer from performance degradation when encountering unseen traffic patterns due to a lack of continual learning capabilities. This paper proposes a novel car-following model based on continual learning that addresses this limitation. Our framework incorporates Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC) and Memory Aware Synapses (MAS) techniques to mitigate catastrophic forgetting and enable the model to learn incrementally from new traffic data streams. We evaluate the performance of the proposed model on the Waymo and Lyft datasets which encompass various traffic scenarios. The results demonstrate that the continual learning techniques significantly outperform the baseline model, achieving 0\% collision rates across all traffic conditions. This research contributes to the advancement of autonomous driving technology by fostering the development of more robust and adaptable car-following models.

cross Personalized Multi-tier Federated Learning

Authors: Sourasekhar Banerjee, Ali Dadras, Alp Yurtsever, Monowar Bhuyan

Abstract: The key challenge of personalized federated learning (PerFL) is to capture the statistical heterogeneity properties of data with inexpensive communications and gain customized performance for participating devices. To address these, we introduced personalized federated learning in multi-tier architecture (PerMFL) to obtain optimized and personalized local models when there are known team structures across devices. We provide theoretical guarantees of PerMFL, which offers linear convergence rates for smooth strongly convex problems and sub-linear convergence rates for smooth non-convex problems. We conduct numerical experiments demonstrating the robust empirical performance of PerMFL, outperforming the state-of-the-art in multiple personalized federated learning tasks.

cross Guitar Chord Diagram Suggestion for Western Popular Music

Authors: Alexandre d'Hooge (LaBRI, SCRIME), Louis Bigo (LaBRI, SCRIME), Ken D\'eguernel, Nicolas Martin

Abstract: Chord diagrams are used by guitar players to show where and how to play a chord on the fretboard. They are useful to beginners learning chords or for sharing the hand positions required to play a song.However, the diagrams presented on guitar learning toolsare usually selected from an existing databaseand rarely represent the actual positions used by performers.In this paper, we propose a tool which suggests a chord diagram for achord label,taking into account the diagram of the previous chord.Based on statistical analysis of the DadaGP and mySongBook datasets, we show that some chord diagrams are over-represented in western popular musicand that some chords can be played in more than 20 different ways.We argue that taking context into account can improve the variety and the quality of chord diagram suggestion, and compare this approach with a model taking only the current chord label into account.We show that adding previous context improves the F1-score on this task by up to 27% and reduces the propensity of the model to suggest standard open chords.We also define the notion of texture in the context of chord diagrams andshow through a variety of metrics that our model improves textureconsistencywith the previous diagram.

cross Hyperparameter Optimization for Driving Strategies Based on Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Nihal Acharya Adde, Hanno Gottschalk, Andreas Ebert

Abstract: This paper focuses on hyperparameter optimization for autonomous driving strategies based on Reinforcement Learning. We provide a detailed description of training the RL agent in a simulation environment. Subsequently, we employ Efficient Global Optimization algorithm that uses Gaussian Process fitting for hyperparameter optimization in RL. Before this optimization phase, Gaussian process interpolation is applied to fit the surrogate model, for which the hyperparameter set is generated using Latin hypercube sampling. To accelerate the evaluation, parallelization techniques are employed. Following the hyperparameter optimization procedure, a set of hyperparameters is identified, resulting in a noteworthy enhancement in overall driving performance. There is a substantial increase of 4\% when compared to existing manually tuned parameters and the hyperparameters discovered during the initialization process using Latin hypercube sampling. After the optimization, we analyze the obtained results thoroughly and conduct a sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness and generalization capabilities of the learned autonomous driving strategies. The findings from this study contribute to the advancement of Gaussian process based Bayesian optimization to optimize the hyperparameters for autonomous driving in RL, providing valuable insights for the development of efficient and reliable autonomous driving systems.

cross Urban Visual Appeal According to ChatGPT: Contrasting AI and Human Insights

Authors: Milad Malekzadeh, Elias Willberg, Jussi Torkko, Tuuli Toivonen

Abstract: The visual appeal of urban environments significantly impacts residents' satisfaction with their living spaces and their overall mood, which in turn, affects their health and well-being. Given the resource-intensive nature of gathering evaluations on urban visual appeal through surveys or inquiries from residents, there is a constant quest for automated solutions to streamline this process and support spatial planning. In this study, we applied an off-the-shelf AI model to automate the analysis of urban visual appeal, using over 1,800 Google Street View images of Helsinki, Finland. By incorporating the GPT-4 model with specified criteria, we assessed these images. Simultaneously, 24 participants were asked to rate the images. Our results demonstrated a strong alignment between GPT-4 and participant ratings, although geographic disparities were noted. Specifically, GPT-4 showed a preference for suburban areas with significant greenery, contrasting with participants who found these areas less appealing. Conversely, in the city centre and densely populated urban regions of Helsinki, GPT-4 assigned lower visual appeal scores than participant ratings. While there was general agreement between AI and human assessments across various locations, GPT-4 struggled to incorporate contextual nuances into its ratings, unlike participants, who considered both context and features of the urban environment. The study suggests that leveraging AI models like GPT-4 allows spatial planners to gather insights into the visual appeal of different areas efficiently, aiding decisions that enhance residents' and travellers' satisfaction and mental health. Although AI models provide valuable insights, human perspectives are essential for a comprehensive understanding of urban visual appeal. This will ensure that planning and design decisions promote healthy living environments effectively.

cross Predictive Simultaneous Interpretation: Harnessing Large Language Models for Democratizing Real-Time Multilingual Communication

Authors: Kurando Iida, Kenjiro Mimura, Nobuo Ito

Abstract: This study introduces a groundbreaking approach to simultaneous interpretation by directly leveraging the predictive capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). We present a novel algorithm that generates real-time translations by predicting speaker utterances and expanding multiple possibilities in a tree-like structure. This method demonstrates unprecedented flexibility and adaptability, potentially overcoming the structural differences between languages more effectively than existing systems. Our theoretical analysis, supported by illustrative examples, suggests that this approach could lead to more natural and fluent translations with minimal latency. The primary purpose of this paper is to share this innovative concept with the academic community, stimulating further research and development in this field. We discuss the theoretical foundations, potential advantages, and implementation challenges of this technique, positioning it as a significant step towards democratizing multilingual communication.

cross Mixed-precision Neural Networks on RISC-V Cores: ISA extensions for Multi-Pumped Soft SIMD Operations

Authors: Giorgos Armeniakos, Alexis Maras, Sotirios Xydis, Dimitrios Soudris

Abstract: Recent advancements in quantization and mixed-precision approaches offers substantial opportunities to improve the speed and energy efficiency of Neural Networks (NN). Research has shown that individual parameters with varying low precision, can attain accuracies comparable to full-precision counterparts. However, modern embedded microprocessors provide very limited support for mixed-precision NNs regarding both Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) extensions and their hardware design for efficient execution of mixed-precision operations, i.e., introducing several performance bottlenecks due to numerous instructions for data packing and unpacking, arithmetic unit under-utilizations etc. In this work, we bring together, for the first time, ISA extensions tailored to mixed-precision hardware optimizations, targeting energy-efficient DNN inference on leading RISC-V CPU architectures. To this end, we introduce a hardware-software co-design framework that enables cooperative hardware design, mixed-precision quantization, ISA extensions and inference in cycle-accurate emulations. At hardware level, we firstly expand the ALU unit within our proof-of-concept micro-architecture to support configurable fine grained mixed-precision arithmetic operations. Subsequently, we implement multi-pumping to minimize execution latency, with an additional soft SIMD optimization applied for 2-bit operations. At the ISA level, three distinct MAC instructions are encoded extending the RISC-V ISA, and exposed up to the compiler level, each corresponding to a different mixed-precision operational mode. Our extensive experimental evaluation over widely used DNNs and datasets, such as CIFAR10 and ImageNet, demonstrates that our framework can achieve, on average, 15x energy reduction for less than 1% accuracy loss and outperforms the ISA-agnostic state-of-the-art RISC-V cores.

cross How to Blend Concepts in Diffusion Models

Authors: Giorgio Longari, Lorenzo Olearo, Simone Melzi, Rafael Pe\~naloza, Alessandro Raganato

Abstract: For the last decade, there has been a push to use multi-dimensional (latent) spaces to represent concepts; and yet how to manipulate these concepts or reason with them remains largely unclear. Some recent methods exploit multiple latent representations and their connection, making this research question even more entangled. Our goal is to understand how operations in the latent space affect the underlying concepts. To that end, we explore the task of concept blending through diffusion models. Diffusion models are based on a connection between a latent representation of textual prompts and a latent space that enables image reconstruction and generation. This task allows us to try different text-based combination strategies, and evaluate easily through a visual analysis. Our conclusion is that concept blending through space manipulation is possible, although the best strategy depends on the context of the blend.

cross CoVoSwitch: Machine Translation of Synthetic Code-Switched Text Based on Intonation Units

Authors: Yeeun Kang

Abstract: Multilingual code-switching research is often hindered by the lack and linguistically biased status of available datasets. To expand language representation, we synthesize code-switching data by replacing intonation units detected through PSST, a speech segmentation model fine-tuned from OpenAI's Whisper, using a speech-to-text translation dataset, CoVoST 2. With our dataset, CoVoSwitch, spanning 13 languages, we evaluate the code-switching translation performance of two multilingual translation models, M2M-100 418M and NLLB-200 600M. We reveal that the inclusion of code-switching units results in higher translation performance than monolingual settings and that models are better at code-switching translation into English than non-English. Further, low-resource languages gain most from integration of code-switched units when translating into English but much less when translating into non-English. Translations into low-resource languages also perform worse than even raw code-switched inputs. We find that systems excel at copying English tokens but struggle with non-English tokens, that the off-target problem in monolingual settings is also relevant in code-switching settings, and that models hallucinate in code-switching translation by introducing words absent in both of the original source sentences. CoVoSwitch and code are available at


cross Complementary Learning for Real-World Model Failure Detection

Authors: Daniel Bogdoll, Finn Sartoris, Vincent Geppert, Svetlana Pavlitska, J. Marius Z\"ollner

Abstract: In real-world autonomous driving, deep learning models can experience performance degradation due to distributional shifts between the training data and the driving conditions encountered. As is typical in machine learning, it is difficult to acquire a large and potentially representative labeled test set to validate models in preparation for deployment in the wild. In this work, we introduce complementary learning, where we use learned characteristics from different training paradigms to detect model errors. We demonstrate our approach by learning semantic and predictive motion labels in point clouds in a supervised and self-supervised manner and detect and classify model discrepancies subsequently. We perform a large-scale qualitative analysis and present LidarCODA, the first dataset with labeled anomalies in lidar point clouds, for an extensive quantitative analysis.

cross How to Engage Your Readers? Generating Guiding Questions to Promote Active Reading

Authors: Peng Cui, Vil\'em Zouhar, Xiaoyu Zhang, Mrinmaya Sachan

Abstract: Using questions in written text is an effective strategy to enhance readability. However, what makes an active reading question good, what the linguistic role of these questions is, and what is their impact on human reading remains understudied. We introduce GuidingQ, a dataset of 10K in-text questions from textbooks and scientific articles. By analyzing the dataset, we present a comprehensive understanding of the use, distribution, and linguistic characteristics of these questions. Then, we explore various approaches to generate such questions using language models. Our results highlight the importance of capturing inter-question relationships and the challenge of question position identification in generating these questions. Finally, we conduct a human study to understand the implication of such questions on reading comprehension. We find that the generated questions are of high quality and are almost as effective as human-written questions in terms of improving readers' memorization and comprehension.

cross EmoCAM: Toward Understanding What Drives CNN-based Emotion Recognition

Authors: Youssef Doulfoukar, Laurent Mertens, Joost Vennekens

Abstract: Convolutional Neural Networks are particularly suited for image analysis tasks, such as Image Classification, Object Recognition or Image Segmentation. Like all Artificial Neural Networks, however, they are "black box" models, and suffer from poor explainability. This work is concerned with the specific downstream task of Emotion Recognition from images, and proposes a framework that combines CAM-based techniques with Object Detection on a corpus level to better understand on which image cues a particular model, in our case EmoNet, relies to assign a specific emotion to an image. We demonstrate that the model mostly focuses on human characteristics, but also explore the pronounced effect of specific image modifications.

cross Panoptic Segmentation of Mammograms with Text-To-Image Diffusion Model

Authors: Kun Zhao, Jakub Prokop, Javier Montalt Tordera, Sadegh Mohammadi

Abstract: Mammography is crucial for breast cancer surveillance and early diagnosis. However, analyzing mammography images is a demanding task for radiologists, who often review hundreds of mammograms daily, leading to overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems have been developed to assist in this process, but their capabilities, particularly in lesion segmentation, remained limited. With the contemporary advances in deep learning their performance may be improved. Recently, vision-language diffusion models emerged, demonstrating outstanding performance in image generation and transferability to various downstream tasks. We aim to harness their capabilities for breast lesion segmentation in a panoptic setting, which encompasses both semantic and instance-level predictions. Specifically, we propose leveraging pretrained features from a Stable Diffusion model as inputs to a state-of-the-art panoptic segmentation architecture, resulting in accurate delineation of individual breast lesions. To bridge the gap between natural and medical imaging domains, we incorporated a mammography-specific MAM-E diffusion model and BiomedCLIP image and text encoders into this framework. We evaluated our approach on two recently published mammography datasets, CDD-CESM and VinDr-Mammo. For the instance segmentation task, we noted 40.25 AP0.1 and 46.82 AP0.05, as well as 25.44 PQ0.1 and 26.92 PQ0.05. For the semantic segmentation task, we achieved Dice scores of 38.86 and 40.92, respectively.

cross LLMs left, right, and center: Assessing GPT's capabilities to label political bias from web domains

Authors: Raphael Hernandes

Abstract: This research investigates whether OpenAI's GPT-4, a state-of-the-art large language model, can accurately classify the political bias of news sources based solely on their URLs. Given the subjective nature of political labels, third-party bias ratings like those from Ad Fontes Media, AllSides, and Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) are often used in research to analyze news source diversity. This study aims to determine if GPT-4 can replicate these human ratings on a seven-degree scale ("far-left" to "far-right"). The analysis compares GPT-4's classifications against MBFC's, and controls for website popularity using Open PageRank scores. Findings reveal a high correlation ($\text{Spearman's } \rho = .89$, $n = 5,877$, $p < 0.001$) between GPT-4's and MBFC's ratings, indicating the model's potential reliability. However, GPT-4 abstained from classifying approximately $\frac{2}{3}$ of the dataset, particularly less popular and less biased sources. The study also identifies a slight leftward skew in GPT-4's classifications compared to MBFC's. The analysis suggests that while GPT-4 can be a scalable, cost-effective tool for political bias classification of news websites, but its use should complement human judgment to mitigate biases. Further research is recommended to explore the model's performance across different settings, languages, and additional datasets.

cross Stable Audio Open

Authors: Zach Evans, Julian D. Parker, CJ Carr, Zack Zukowski, Josiah Taylor, Jordi Pons

Abstract: Open generative models are vitally important for the community, allowing for fine-tunes and serving as baselines when presenting new models. However, most current text-to-audio models are private and not accessible for artists and researchers to build upon. Here we describe the architecture and training process of a new open-weights text-to-audio model trained with Creative Commons data. Our evaluation shows that the model's performance is competitive with the state-of-the-art across various metrics. Notably, the reported FDopenl3 results (measuring the realism of the generations) showcase its potential for high-quality stereo sound synthesis at 44.1kHz.

cross FuzzTheREST: An Intelligent Automated Black-box RESTful API Fuzzer

Authors: Tiago Dias, Eva Maia, Isabel Pra\c{c}a

Abstract: Software's pervasive impact and increasing reliance in the era of digital transformation raise concerns about vulnerabilities, emphasizing the need for software security. Fuzzy testing is a dynamic analysis software testing technique that consists of feeding faulty input data to a System Under Test (SUT) and observing its behavior. Specifically regarding black-box RESTful API testing, recent literature has attempted to automate this technique using heuristics to perform the input search and using the HTTP response status codes for classification. However, most approaches do not keep track of code coverage, which is important to validate the solution. This work introduces a black-box RESTful API fuzzy testing tool that employs Reinforcement Learning (RL) for vulnerability detection. The fuzzer operates via the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) file and a scenarios file, which includes information to communicate with the SUT and the sequences of functionalities to test, respectively. To evaluate its effectiveness, the tool was tested on the Petstore API. The tool found a total of six unique vulnerabilities and achieved 55\% code coverage.

cross Towards Assessing Data Replication in Music Generation with Music Similarity Metrics on Raw Audio

Authors: Roser Batlle-Roca, Wei-Hisang Liao, Xavier Serra, Yuki Mitsufuji, Emilia G\'omez

Abstract: Recent advancements in music generation are raising multiple concerns about the implications of AI in creative music processes, current business models and impacts related to intellectual property management. A relevant challenge is the potential replication and plagiarism of the training set in AI-generated music, which could lead to misuse of data and intellectual property rights violations. To tackle this issue, we present the Music Replication Assessment (MiRA) tool: a model-independent open evaluation method based on diverse audio music similarity metrics to assess data replication of the training set. We evaluate the ability of five metrics to identify exact replication, by conducting a controlled replication experiment in different music genres based on synthetic samples. Our results show that the proposed methodology can estimate exact data replication with a proportion higher than 10%. By introducing the MiRA tool, we intend to encourage the open evaluation of music generative models by researchers, developers and users concerning data replication, highlighting the importance of ethical, social, legal and economic consequences of generative AI in the music domain.

cross SCoPE: Evaluating LLMs for Software Vulnerability Detection

Authors: Jos\'e Gon\c{c}alves, Tiago Dias, Eva Maia, Isabel Pra\c{c}a

Abstract: In recent years, code security has become increasingly important, especially with the rise of interconnected technologies. Detecting vulnerabilities early in the software development process has demonstrated numerous benefits. Consequently, the scientific community started using machine learning for automated detection of source code vulnerabilities. This work explores and refines the CVEFixes dataset, which is commonly used to train models for code-related tasks, specifically the C/C++ subset. To this purpose, the Source Code Processing Engine (SCoPE), a framework composed of strategized techniques that can be used to reduce the size and normalize C/C++ functions is presented. The output generated by SCoPE was used to create a new version of CVEFixes. This refined dataset was then employed in a feature representation analysis to assess the effectiveness of the tool's code processing techniques, consisting of fine-tuning three pre-trained LLMs for software vulnerability detection. The results show that SCoPE successfully helped to identify 905 duplicates within the evaluated subset. The LLM results corroborate with the literature regarding their suitability for software vulnerability detection, with the best model achieving 53% F1-score.

cross On the use of Probabilistic Forecasting for Network Analysis in Open RAN

Authors: Vaishnavi Kasuluru, Luis Blanco, Engin Zeydan

Abstract: Unlike other single-point Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based prediction techniques, such as Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), probabilistic forecasting techniques (e.g., DeepAR and Transformer) provide a range of possible outcomes and associated probabilities that enable decision makers to make more informed and robust decisions. At the same time, the architecture of Open RAN has emerged as a revolutionary approach for mobile networks, aiming at openness, interoperability and innovation in the ecosystem of RAN. In this paper, we propose the use of probabilistic forecasting techniques as a radio App (rApp) within the Open RAN architecture. We investigate and compare different probabilistic and single-point forecasting methods and algorithms to estimate the utilization and resource demands of Physical Resource Blocks (PRBs) of cellular base stations. Through our evaluations, we demonstrate the numerical advantages of probabilistic forecasting techniques over traditional single-point forecasting methods and show that they are capable of providing more accurate and reliable estimates. In particular, DeepAR clearly outperforms single-point forecasting techniques such as LSTM and Seasonal-Naive (SN) baselines and other probabilistic forecasting techniques such as Simple-Feed-Forward (SFF) and Transformer neural networks.

cross Enhancing Cloud-Native Resource Allocation with Probabilistic Forecasting Techniques in O-RAN

Authors: Vaishnavi Kasuluru, Luis Blanco, Engin Zeydan, Albert Bel, Angelos Antonopoulos

Abstract: The need for intelligent and efficient resource provisioning for the productive management of resources in real-world scenarios is growing with the evolution of telecommunications towards the 6G era. Technologies such as Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) can help to build interoperable solutions for the management of complex systems. Probabilistic forecasting, in contrast to deterministic single-point estimators, can offer a different approach to resource allocation by quantifying the uncertainty of the generated predictions. This paper examines the cloud-native aspects of O-RAN together with the radio App (rApp) deployment options. The integration of probabilistic forecasting techniques as a rApp in O-RAN is also emphasized, along with case studies of real-world applications. Through a comparative analysis of forecasting models using the error metric, we show the advantages of Deep Autoregressive Recurrent network (DeepAR) over other deterministic probabilistic estimators. Furthermore, the simplicity of Simple-Feed-Forward (SFF) leads to a fast runtime but does not capture the temporal dependencies of the input data. Finally, we present some aspects related to the practical applicability of cloud-native O-RAN with probabilistic forecasting.

cross The Sticky Path to Expressive Querying: Decidability of Navigational Queries under Existential Rules

Authors: Piotr Ostropolski-Nalewaja, Sebastian Rudolph

Abstract: Extensive research in the field of ontology-based query answering has led to the identification of numerous fragments of existential rules (also known as tuple-generating dependencies) that exhibit decidable answering of atomic and conjunctive queries. Motivated by the increased theoretical and practical interest in navigational queries, this paper considers the question for which of these fragments decidability of querying extends to regular path queries (RPQs). In fact, decidability of RPQs has recently been shown to generally hold for the comprehensive family of all fragments that come with the guarantee of universal models being reasonably well-shaped (that is, being of finite cliquewidth). Yet, for the second major family of fragments, known as finite unification sets (short: fus), which are based on first-order-rewritability, corresponding results have been largely elusive so far. We complete the picture by showing that RPQ answering over arbitrary fus rulesets is undecidable. On the positive side, we establish that the problem is decidable for the prominent fus subclass of sticky rulesets, with the caveat that a very mild extension of the RPQ formalism turns the problem undecidable again.

cross GLAudio Listens to the Sound of the Graph

Authors: Aurelio Sulser, Johann Wenckstern, Clara Kuempel

Abstract: We propose GLAudio: Graph Learning on Audio representation of the node features and the connectivity structure. This novel architecture propagates the node features through the graph network according to the discrete wave equation and then employs a sequence learning architecture to learn the target node function from the audio wave signal. This leads to a new paradigm of learning on graph-structured data, in which information propagation and information processing are separated into two distinct steps. We theoretically characterize the expressivity of our model, introducing the notion of the receptive field of a vertex, and investigate our model's susceptibility to over-smoothing and over-squashing both theoretically as well as experimentally on various graph datasets.

cross TTT: A Temporal Refinement Heuristic for Tenuously Tractable Discrete Time Reachability Problems

Authors: Chelsea Sidrane, Jana Tumova

Abstract: Reachable set computation is an important tool for analyzing control systems. Simulating a control system can show that the system is generally functioning as desired, but a formal tool like reachability analysis can provide a guarantee of correctness. For linear systems, reachability analysis is straightforward and fast, but as more complex components are added to the control system such as nonlinear dynamics or a neural network controller, reachability analysis may slow down or become overly conservative. To address these challenges, much literature has focused on spatial refinement, e.g., tuning the discretization of the input sets and intermediate reachable sets. However, this paper addresses a different dimension: temporal refinement. The basic idea of temporal refinement is to automatically choose when along the horizon of the reachability problem to execute slow symbolic queries which incur less approximation error versus fast concrete queries which incur more approximation error. Temporal refinement can be combined with other refinement approaches and offers an additional ``tuning knob'' with which to trade off tractability and tightness in approximate reachable set computation. Here, we introduce an automatic framework for performing temporal refinement and we demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique on computing approximate reachable sets for nonlinear systems with neural network control policies. We demonstrate the calculation of reachable sets of varying approximation error under varying computational budget and show that our algorithm is able to generate approximate reachable sets with a similar amount of error to the baseline approach in 20-70% less time.

cross On the Impact of PRB Load Uncertainty Forecasting for Sustainable Open RAN

Authors: Vaishnavi Kasuluru, Luis Blanco, Cristian J. Vaca-Rubio, Engin Zeydan

Abstract: The transition to sustainable Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) architectures brings new challenges for resource management, especially in predicting the utilization of Physical Resource Block (PRB)s. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to characterize the PRB load using probabilistic forecasting techniques. First, we provide background information on the O-RAN architecture and components and emphasize the importance of energy/power consumption models for sustainable implementations. The problem statement highlights the need for accurate PRB load prediction to optimize resource allocation and power efficiency. We then investigate probabilistic forecasting techniques, including Simple-Feed-Forward (SFF), DeepAR, and Transformers, and discuss their likelihood model assumptions. The simulation results show that DeepAR estimators predict the PRBs with less uncertainty and effectively capture the temporal dependencies in the dataset compared to SFF- and Transformer-based models, leading to power savings. Different percentile selections can also increase power savings, but at the cost of over-/under provisioning. At the same time, the performance of the Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) is shown to be inferior to the probabilistic estimators with respect to all error metrics. Finally, we outline the importance of probabilistic, prediction-based characterization for sustainable O-RAN implementations and highlight avenues for future research.

cross DEAL: Disentangle and Localize Concept-level Explanations for VLMs

Authors: Tang Li, Mengmeng Ma, Xi Peng

Abstract: Large pre-trained Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have become ubiquitous foundational components of other models and downstream tasks. Although powerful, our empirical results reveal that such models might not be able to identify fine-grained concepts. Specifically, the explanations of VLMs with respect to fine-grained concepts are entangled and mislocalized. To address this issue, we propose to DisEntAngle and Localize (DEAL) the concept-level explanations for VLMs without human annotations. The key idea is encouraging the concept-level explanations to be distinct while maintaining consistency with category-level explanations. We conduct extensive experiments and ablation studies on a wide range of benchmark datasets and vision-language models. Our empirical results demonstrate that the proposed method significantly improves the concept-level explanations of the model in terms of disentanglability and localizability. Surprisingly, the improved explainability alleviates the model's reliance on spurious correlations, which further benefits the prediction accuracy.

cross Mixture of Experts with Mixture of Precisions for Tuning Quality of Service

Authors: HamidReza Imani, Abdolah Amirany, Tarek El-Ghazawi

Abstract: The increasing demand for deploying large Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models in resource-constrained environments necessitates efficient approaches to address their high memory and computational requirements challenges. Moreover, given that tasks come in different user-defined constraints and the available resources change over time in multi-tenant environments, it is necessary to design an approach which provides a flexible configuration space. This paper presents an adaptive serving approach for the efficient deployment of MoE models, capitalizing on partial quantization of the experts. By dynamically determining the number of quantized experts and their distribution across CPU and GPU, our approach explores the Pareto frontier and offers a fine-grained range of configurations for tuning throughput and model quality. Our evaluation on an NVIDIA A100 GPU using a Mixtral 8x7B MoE model for three language modelling benchmarks demonstrates that the throughput of token generation can be adjusted from 0.63 to 13.00 token per second. This enhancement comes with a marginal perplexity increase of 2.62 to 2.80, 6.48 to 7.24, and 3.24 to 3.53 for WikiText2, PTB, and C4 datasets respectively under maximum quantization. These results highlight the practical applicability of our approach in dynamic and accuracy-sensitive applications where both memory usage and output quality are important.

cross The Extrapolation Power of Implicit Models

Authors: Juliette Decugis, Alicia Y. Tsai, Max Emerling, Ashwin Ganesh, Laurent El Ghaoui

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the extrapolation capabilities of implicit deep learning models in handling unobserved data, where traditional deep neural networks may falter. Implicit models, distinguished by their adaptability in layer depth and incorporation of feedback within their computational graph, are put to the test across various extrapolation scenarios: out-of-distribution, geographical, and temporal shifts. Our experiments consistently demonstrate significant performance advantage with implicit models. Unlike their non-implicit counterparts, which often rely on meticulous architectural design for each task, implicit models demonstrate the ability to learn complex model structures without the need for task-specific design, highlighting their robustness in handling unseen data.

cross Check-Eval: A Checklist-based Approach for Evaluating Text Quality

Authors: Jayr Pereira, Roberto Lotufo

Abstract: Evaluating the quality of text generated by large language models (LLMs) remains a significant challenge. Traditional metrics often fail to align well with human judgments, particularly in tasks requiring creativity and nuance. In this paper, we propose Check-Eval, a novel evaluation framework leveraging LLMs to assess the quality of generated text through a checklist-based approach. Check-Eval can be employed as both a reference-free and reference-dependent evaluation method, providing a structured and interpretable assessment of text quality. The framework consists of two main stages: checklist generation and checklist evaluation. We validate Check-Eval on two benchmark datasets: Portuguese Legal Semantic Textual Similarity and SummEval. Our results demonstrate that Check-Eval achieves higher correlations with human judgments compared to existing metrics, such as G-Eval and GPTScore, underscoring its potential as a more reliable and effective evaluation framework for natural language generation tasks. The code for our experiments is available at


cross ChatQA 2: Bridging the Gap to Proprietary LLMs in Long Context and RAG Capabilities

Authors: Peng Xu, Wei Ping, Xianchao Wu, Zihan Liu, Mohammad Shoeybi, Bryan Catanzaro

Abstract: In this work, we introduce ChatQA 2, a Llama3-based model designed to bridge the gap between open-access LLMs and leading proprietary models (e.g., GPT-4-Turbo) in long-context understanding and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) capabilities. These two capabilities are essential for LLMs to process large volumes of information that cannot fit into a single prompt and are complementary to each other, depending on the downstream tasks and computational budgets. We present a detailed continued training recipe to extend the context window of Llama3-70B-base from 8K to 128K tokens, along with a three-stage instruction tuning process to enhance the model's instruction-following, RAG performance, and long-context understanding capabilities. Our results demonstrate that the Llama3-ChatQA-2-70B model achieves accuracy comparable to GPT-4-Turbo-2024-0409 on many long-context understanding tasks and surpasses it on the RAG benchmark. Interestingly, we find that the state-of-the-art long-context retriever can alleviate the top-k context fragmentation issue in RAG, further improving RAG-based results for long-context understanding tasks. We also provide extensive comparisons between RAG and long-context solutions using state-of-the-art long-context LLMs.

cross Explainable Post hoc Portfolio Management Financial Policy of a Deep Reinforcement Learning agent

Authors: Alejandra de la Rica Escudero, Eduardo C. Garrido-Merchan, Maria Coronado-Vaca

Abstract: Financial portfolio management investment policies computed quantitatively by modern portfolio theory techniques like the Markowitz model rely on a set on assumptions that are not supported by data in high volatility markets. Hence, quantitative researchers are looking for alternative models to tackle this problem. Concretely, portfolio management is a problem that has been successfully addressed recently by Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) approaches. In particular, DRL algorithms train an agent by estimating the distribution of the expected reward of every action performed by an agent given any financial state in a simulator. However, these methods rely on Deep Neural Networks model to represent such a distribution, that although they are universal approximator models, they cannot explain its behaviour, given by a set of parameters that are not interpretable. Critically, financial investors policies require predictions to be interpretable, so DRL agents are not suited to follow a particular policy or explain their actions. In this work, we developed a novel Explainable Deep Reinforcement Learning (XDRL) approach for portfolio management, integrating the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) with the model agnostic explainable techniques of feature importance, SHAP and LIME to enhance transparency in prediction time. By executing our methodology, we can interpret in prediction time the actions of the agent to assess whether they follow the requisites of an investment policy or to assess the risk of following the agent suggestions. To the best of our knowledge, our proposed approach is the first explainable post hoc portfolio management financial policy of a DRL agent. We empirically illustrate our methodology by successfully identifying key features influencing investment decisions, which demonstrate the ability to explain the agent actions in prediction time.

cross Discover-then-Name: Task-Agnostic Concept Bottlenecks via Automated Concept Discovery

Authors: Sukrut Rao, Sweta Mahajan, Moritz B\"ohle, Bernt Schiele

Abstract: Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) have recently been proposed to address the 'black-box' problem of deep neural networks, by first mapping images to a human-understandable concept space and then linearly combining concepts for classification. Such models typically require first coming up with a set of concepts relevant to the task and then aligning the representations of a feature extractor to map to these concepts. However, even with powerful foundational feature extractors like CLIP, there are no guarantees that the specified concepts are detectable. In this work, we leverage recent advances in mechanistic interpretability and propose a novel CBM approach -- called Discover-then-Name-CBM (DN-CBM) -- that inverts the typical paradigm: instead of pre-selecting concepts based on the downstream classification task, we use sparse autoencoders to first discover concepts learnt by the model, and then name them and train linear probes for classification. Our concept extraction strategy is efficient, since it is agnostic to the downstream task, and uses concepts already known to the model. We perform a comprehensive evaluation across multiple datasets and CLIP architectures and show that our method yields semantically meaningful concepts, assigns appropriate names to them that make them easy to interpret, and yields performant and interpretable CBMs. Code available at


cross On Pre-training of Multimodal Language Models Customized for Chart Understanding

Authors: Wan-Cyuan Fan, Yen-Chun Chen, Mengchen Liu, Lu Yuan, Leonid Sigal

Abstract: Recent studies customizing Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) for domain-specific tasks have yielded promising results, especially in the field of scientific chart comprehension. These studies generally utilize visual instruction tuning with specialized datasets to enhance question and answer (QA) accuracy within the chart domain. However, they often neglect the fundamental discrepancy between natural image-caption pre-training data and digital chart image-QA data, particularly in the models' capacity to extract underlying numeric values from charts. This paper tackles this oversight by exploring the training processes necessary to improve MLLMs' comprehension of charts. We present three key findings: (1) Incorporating raw data values in alignment pre-training markedly improves comprehension of chart data. (2) Replacing images with their textual representation randomly during end-to-end fine-tuning transfer the language reasoning capability to chart interpretation skills. (3) Requiring the model to first extract the underlying chart data and then answer the question in the fine-tuning can further improve the accuracy. Consequently, we introduce CHOPINLLM, an MLLM tailored for in-depth chart comprehension. CHOPINLLM effectively interprets various types of charts, including unannotated ones, while maintaining robust reasoning abilities. Furthermore, we establish a new benchmark to evaluate MLLMs' understanding of different chart types across various comprehension levels. Experimental results show that CHOPINLLM exhibits strong performance in understanding both annotated and unannotated charts across a wide range of types.

cross DEPICT: Diffusion-Enabled Permutation Importance for Image Classification Tasks

Authors: Sarah Jabbour, Gregory Kondas, Ella Kazerooni, Michael Sjoding, David Fouhey, Jenna Wiens

Abstract: We propose a permutation-based explanation method for image classifiers. Current image-model explanations like activation maps are limited to instance-based explanations in the pixel space, making it difficult to understand global model behavior. In contrast, permutation based explanations for tabular data classifiers measure feature importance by comparing model performance on data before and after permuting a feature. We propose an explanation method for image-based models that permutes interpretable concepts across dataset images. Given a dataset of images labeled with specific concepts like captions, we permute a concept across examples in the text space and then generate images via a text-conditioned diffusion model. Feature importance is then reflected by the change in model performance relative to unpermuted data. When applied to a set of concepts, the method generates a ranking of feature importance. We show this approach recovers underlying model feature importance on synthetic and real-world image classification tasks.

replace Cognitive Bias in High-Stakes Decision-Making with LLMs

Authors: Jessica Echterhoff, Yao Liu, Abeer Alessa, Julian McAuley, Zexue He

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) offer significant potential as tools to support an expanding range of decision-making tasks. Given their training on human (created) data, LLMs have been shown to inherit societal biases against protected groups, as well as be subject to bias functionally resembling cognitive bias. Human-like bias can impede fair and explainable decisions made with LLM assistance. Our work introduces BiasBuster, a framework designed to uncover, evaluate, and mitigate cognitive bias in LLMs, particularly in high-stakes decision-making tasks. Inspired by prior research in psychology and cognitive science, we develop a dataset containing 16,800 prompts to evaluate different cognitive biases (e.g., prompt-induced, sequential, inherent). We test various bias mitigation strategies, amidst proposing a novel method utilising LLMs to debias their own prompts. Our analysis provides a comprehensive picture of the presence and effects of cognitive bias across commercial and open-source models. We demonstrate that our self-help debiasing effectively mitigates model answers that display patterns akin to human cognitive bias without having to manually craft examples for each bias.

replace Uncertainty Management in the Construction of Knowledge Graphs: a Survey

Authors: Lucas Jarnac, Yoan Chabot, Miguel Couceiro

Abstract: Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are a major asset for companies thanks to their great flexibility in data representation and their numerous applications, e.g., vocabulary sharing, Q/A or recommendation systems. To build a KG it is a common practice to rely on automatic methods for extracting knowledge from various heterogeneous sources. But in a noisy and uncertain world, knowledge may not be reliable and conflicts between data sources may occur. Integrating unreliable data would directly impact the use of the KG, therefore such conflicts must be resolved. This could be done manually by selecting the best data to integrate. This first approach is highly accurate, but costly and time-consuming. That is why recent efforts focus on automatic approaches, which represents a challenging task since it requires handling the uncertainty of extracted knowledge throughout its integration into the KG. We survey state-of-the-art approaches in this direction and present constructions of both open and enterprise KGs and how their quality is maintained. We then describe different knowledge extraction methods, introducing additional uncertainty. We also discuss downstream tasks after knowledge acquisition, including KG completion using embedding models, knowledge alignment, and knowledge fusion in order to address the problem of knowledge uncertainty in KG construction. We conclude with a discussion on the remaining challenges and perspectives when constructing a KG taking into account uncertainty.

replace Proceedings of The second international workshop on eXplainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts)

Authors: Nick Bryan-Kinns, Corey Ford, Shuoyang Zheng, Helen Kennedy, Alan Chamberlain, Makayla Lewis, Drew Hemment, Zijin Li, Qiong Wu, Lanxi Xiao, Gus Xia, Jeba Rezwana, Michael Clemens, Gabriel Vigliensoni

Abstract: This second international workshop on explainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts) brought together a community of researchers in HCI, Interaction Design, AI, explainable AI (XAI), and digital arts to explore the role of XAI for the Arts. Workshop held at the 16th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition (C&C 2024), Chicago, USA.

replace DISCO: Efficient Diffusion Solver for Large-Scale Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Authors: Kexiong Yu, Hang Zhao, Yuhang Huang, Renjiao Yi, Kai Xu, Chenyang Zhu

Abstract: Combinatorial Optimization (CO) problems are fundamentally crucial in numerous practical applications across diverse industries, characterized by entailing enormous solution space and demanding time-sensitive response. Despite significant advancements made by recent neural solvers, their limited expressiveness does not conform well to the multi-modal nature of CO landscapes. While some research has pivoted towards diffusion models, they require simulating a Markov chain with many steps to produce a sample, which is time-consuming and does not meet the efficiency requirement of real applications, especially at scale. We propose DISCO, an efficient DIffusion Solver for Combinatorial Optimization problems that excels in both solution quality and inference speed. DISCO's efficacy is two-pronged: Firstly, it achieves rapid denoising of solutions through an analytically solvable form, allowing for direct sampling from the solution space with very few reverse-time steps, thereby drastically reducing inference time. Secondly, DISCO enhances solution quality by restricting the sampling space to a more constrained, meaningful domain guided by solution residues, while still preserving the inherent multi-modality of the output probabilistic distributions. DISCO achieves state-of-the-art results on very large Traveling Salesman Problems with 10000 nodes and challenging Maximal Independent Set benchmarks, with its per-instance denoising time up to 44.8 times faster. Through further combining a divide-and-conquer strategy, DISCO can be generalized to solve arbitrary-scale problem instances off the shelf, even outperforming models trained specifically on corresponding scales.

replace Diffusion Models for Offline Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning with Safety Constraints

Authors: Jianuo Huang

Abstract: In recent advancements in Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL), its application has extended to various safety-critical scenarios. However, most methods focus on online learning, which presents substantial risks when deployed in real-world settings. Addressing this challenge, we introduce an innovative framework integrating diffusion models within the MARL paradigm. This approach notably enhances the safety of actions taken by multiple agents through risk mitigation while modeling coordinated action. Our framework is grounded in the Centralized Training with Decentralized Execution (CTDE) architecture, augmented by a Diffusion Model for prediction trajectory generation. Additionally, we incorporate a specialized algorithm to further ensure operational safety. We evaluate our model against baselines on the DSRL benchmark. Experiment results demonstrate that our model not only adheres to stringent safety constraints but also achieves superior performance compared to existing methodologies. This underscores the potential of our approach in advancing the safety and efficacy of MARL in real-world applications.

replace-cross SpAtten: Efficient Sparse Attention Architecture with Cascade Token and Head Pruning

Authors: Hanrui Wang, Zhekai Zhang, Song Han

Abstract: The attention mechanism is becoming increasingly popular in Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, showing superior performance than convolutional and recurrent architectures. However, attention becomes the compution bottleneck because of its quadratic computational complexity to input length, complicated data movement and low arithmetic intensity. Moreover, existing NN accelerators mainly focus on optimizing convolutional or recurrent models, and cannot efficiently support attention. In this paper, we present SpAtten, an efficient algorithm-architecture co-design that leverages token sparsity, head sparsity, and quantization opportunities to reduce the attention computation and memory access. Inspired by the high redundancy of human languages, we propose the novel cascade token pruning to prune away unimportant tokens in the sentence. We also propose cascade head pruning to remove unessential heads. Cascade pruning is fundamentally different from weight pruning since there is no trainable weight in the attention mechanism, and the pruned tokens and heads are selected on the fly. To efficiently support them on hardware, we design a novel top-k engine to rank token and head importance scores with high throughput. Furthermore, we propose progressive quantization that first fetches MSBs only and performs the computation; if the confidence is low, it fetches LSBs and recomputes the attention outputs, trading computation for memory reduction. Extensive experiments on 30 benchmarks show that, on average, SpAtten reduces DRAM access by 10.0x with no accuracy loss, and achieves 1.6x, 3.0x, 162x, 347x speedup, and 1,4x, 3.2x, 1193x, 4059x energy savings over A3 accelerator, MNNFast accelerator, TITAN Xp GPU, Xeon CPU, respectively.

replace-cross Causal foundations of bias, disparity and fairness

Authors: V. A. Traag, L. Waltman

Abstract: The study of biases, such as gender or racial biases, is an important topic in the social and behavioural sciences. However, the literature does not always clearly define the concept. Definitions of bias are often ambiguous or not provided at all. To study biases in a precise manner, it is important to have a well-defined concept of bias. We propose to define bias as a direct causal effect that is unjustified. We propose to define the closely related concept of disparity as a direct or indirect causal effect that includes a bias. Our proposed definitions can be used to study biases and disparities in a more rigorous and systematic way. We compare our definitions of bias and disparity with various criteria of fairness introduced in the artificial intelligence literature. In addition, we discuss how our definitions relate to discrimination. We illustrate our definitions of bias and disparity in two case studies, focusing on gender bias in science and racial bias in police shootings. Our proposed definitions aim to contribute to a better appreciation of the causal intricacies of studies of biases and disparities. We hope that this will also promote an improved understanding of the policy implications of such studies.

replace-cross Understanding and Improving Transfer Learning of Deep Models via Neural Collapse

Authors: Xiao Li, Sheng Liu, Jinxin Zhou, Xinyu Lu, Carlos Fernandez-Granda, Zhihui Zhu, Qing Qu

Abstract: With the ever-increasing complexity of large-scale pre-trained models coupled with a shortage of labeled data for downstream training, transfer learning has become the primary approach in many fields, including natural language processing, computer vision, and multi-modal learning. Despite recent progress, the fine-tuning process for large-scale pre-trained models in vision still mostly relies on trial and error. This work investigates the relationship between neural collapse (NC) and transfer learning for classification problems. NC is an intriguing while prevalent phenomenon that has been recently discovered in terms of the final-layer features and linear classifiers of trained neural networks. Specifically, during the terminal phase of training, NC implies that the variability of the features within each class diminishes to zero, while the means of features between classes are maximally and equally distanced. In this work, we examine the NC attributes of pre-trained models on both downstream and source data for transfer learning, and we find strong correlation between feature collapse and downstream performance. In particular, we discovered a systematic pattern that emerges when linear probing pre-trained models on downstream training data: the more feature collapse of pre-trained models on downstream training data, the higher the transfer accuracy. Additionally, we also studied the relationship between NC and transfer accuracy on the source data. Moreover, these findings allow us to develop a principled, parameter-efficient fine-tuning method that employs skip-connection to induce the last-layer feature collapse on downstream data. Our proposed fine-tuning methods deliver good performances while reducing fine-tuning parameters by at least 90% and mitigating overfitting in situations especially when the downstream data is scarce.

replace-cross Geolocation Predicting of Tweets Using BERT-Based Models

Authors: Kateryna Lutsai, Christoph H. Lampert

Abstract: This research is aimed to solve the tweet/user geolocation prediction task and provide a flexible methodology for the geotagging of textual big data. The suggested approach implements neural networks for natural language processing (NLP) to estimate the location as coordinate pairs (longitude, latitude) and two-dimensional Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). The scope of proposed models has been finetuned on a Twitter dataset using pretrained Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) as base models. Performance metrics show a median error of fewer than 30 km on a worldwide-level, and fewer than 15 km on the US-level datasets for the models trained and evaluated on text features of tweets' content and metadata context. Our source code and data are available at


replace-cross A Learning-based Adaptive Compliance Method for Symmetric Bi-manual Manipulation

Authors: Yuxue Cao, Wenbo Zhao, Shengjie Wang, Xiang Zheng, Wenke Ma, Zhaolei Wang, Tao Zhang

Abstract: Symmetric bi-manual manipulation is an essential skill in on-orbit operations due to its potent load capacity. Previous works have applied compliant control to maintain the stability of manipulations. However, traditional methods have viewed motion planning and compliant control as two separate modules, which can lead to conflicts with the simultaneous change of the desired trajectory and impedance parameters in the presence of external forces and disturbances. Additionally, the joint usage of these two modules requires experts to manually adjust parameters. To achieve high efficiency while enhancing adaptability, we propose a novel Learning-based Adaptive Compliance algorithm (LAC) that improves the efficiency and robustness of symmetric bi-manual manipulation. Specifically, the algorithm framework integrates desired trajectory generation and impedance-parameter adjustment under a unified framework to mitigate contradictions and improve efficiency. Second, we introduce a centralized Actor-Critic framework with LSTM networks preprocessing the force states, enhancing the synchronization of bi-manual manipulation. When evaluated in dual-arm peg-in-hole assembly experiments, our method outperforms baseline algorithms in terms of optimality and robustness.

replace-cross Democratizing LLMs for Low-Resource Languages by Leveraging their English Dominant Abilities with Linguistically-Diverse Prompts

Authors: Xuan-Phi Nguyen, Sharifah Mahani Aljunied, Shafiq Joty, Lidong Bing

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are known to effectively perform tasks by simply observing few exemplars. However, in low-resource languages, obtaining such hand-picked exemplars can still be challenging, where unsupervised techniques may be necessary. Moreover, competent generative capabilities of LLMs are observed only in high-resource languages, while their performances among under-represented languages fall behind due to pre-training data imbalance. To elicit LLMs' ability onto low-resource languages without any supervised data, we propose to assemble synthetic exemplars from a diverse set of high-resource languages to prompt the LLMs to translate from any language into English. These prompts are then used to create intra-lingual exemplars to perform tasks in the target languages. Our unsupervised prompting method performs on par with supervised few-shot learning in LLMs of different sizes for translations between English and 13 Indic and 21 African low-resource languages. We also show that fine-tuning a 7B model on data generated from our method helps it perform competitively with a 175B model. In non-English translation tasks, our method even outperforms supervised prompting by up to 3 chrF++ in many low-resource languages. When evaluated on zero-shot multilingual summarization, our method surpasses other English-pivoting baselines by up to 4 ROUGE-L and is also favored by GPT-4.

replace-cross Which Transformer to Favor: A Comparative Analysis of Efficiency in Vision Transformers

Authors: Tobias Christian Nauen, Sebastian Palacio, Federico Raue, Andreas Dengel

Abstract: Self-attention in Transformers comes with a high computational cost because of their quadratic computational complexity, but their effectiveness in addressing problems in language and vision has sparked extensive research aimed at enhancing their efficiency. However, diverse experimental conditions, spanning multiple input domains, prevent a fair comparison based solely on reported results, posing challenges for model selection. To address this gap in comparability, we perform a large-scale benchmark of more than 45 models for image classification, evaluating key efficiency aspects, including accuracy, speed, and memory usage. Our benchmark provides a standardized baseline for efficiency-oriented transformers. We analyze the results based on the Pareto front -- the boundary of optimal models. Surprisingly, despite claims of other models being more efficient, ViT remains Pareto optimal across multiple metrics. We observe that hybrid attention-CNN models exhibit remarkable inference memory- and parameter-efficiency. Moreover, our benchmark shows that using a larger model in general is more efficient than using higher resolution images. Thanks to our holistic evaluation, we provide a centralized resource for practitioners and researchers, facilitating informed decisions when selecting or developing efficient transformers.

replace-cross Speech-to-Speech Translation with Discrete-Unit-Based Style Transfer

Authors: Yongqi Wang, Jionghao Bai, Rongjie Huang, Ruiqi Li, Zhiqing Hong, Zhou Zhao

Abstract: Direct speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) with discrete self-supervised representations has achieved remarkable accuracy, but is unable to preserve the speaker timbre of the source speech. Meanwhile, the scarcity of high-quality speaker-parallel data poses a challenge for learning style transfer during translation. We design an S2ST pipeline with style-transfer capability on the basis of discrete self-supervised speech representations and codec units. The acoustic language model we introduce for style transfer leverages self-supervised in-context learning, acquiring style transfer ability without relying on any speaker-parallel data, thereby overcoming data scarcity. By using extensive training data, our model achieves zero-shot cross-lingual style transfer on previously unseen source languages. Experiments show that our model generates translated speeches with high fidelity and speaker similarity. Audio samples are available at .


replace-cross Discovering environments with XRM

Authors: Mohammad Pezeshki, Diane Bouchacourt, Mark Ibrahim, Nicolas Ballas, Pascal Vincent, David Lopez-Paz

Abstract: Environment annotations are essential for the success of many out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization methods. Unfortunately, these are costly to obtain and often limited by human annotators' biases. To achieve robust generalization, it is essential to develop algorithms for automatic environment discovery within datasets. Current proposals, which divide examples based on their training error, suffer from one fundamental problem. These methods introduce hyper-parameters and early-stopping criteria, which require a validation set with human-annotated environments, the very information subject to discovery. In this paper, we propose Cross-Risk-Minimization (XRM) to address this issue. XRM trains twin networks, each learning from one random half of the training data, while imitating confident held-out mistakes made by its sibling. XRM provides a recipe for hyper-parameter tuning, does not require early-stopping, and can discover environments for all training and validation data. Algorithms built on top of XRM environments achieve oracle worst-group-accuracy, addressing a long-standing challenge in OOD generalization. Code available at \url{}.


replace-cross Region-centric Image-Language Pretraining for Open-Vocabulary Detection

Authors: Dahun Kim, Anelia Angelova, Weicheng Kuo

Abstract: We present a new open-vocabulary detection approach based on region-centric image-language pretraining to bridge the gap between image-level pretraining and open-vocabulary object detection. At the pretraining phase, we incorporate the detector architecture on top of the classification backbone, which better serves the region-level recognition needs of detection by enabling the detector heads to learn from large-scale image-text pairs. Using only standard contrastive loss and no pseudo-labeling, our approach is a simple yet effective extension of the contrastive learning method to learn emergent object-semantic cues. In addition, we propose a shifted-window learning approach upon window attention to make the backbone representation more robust, translation-invariant, and less biased by the window pattern. On the popular LVIS open-vocabulary detection benchmark, our approach sets a new state of the art of 37.6 mask APr using the common ViT-L backbone and public LAION dataset, and 40.5 mask APr using the DataComp-1B dataset, significantly outperforming the best existing approach by +3.7 mask APr at system level. On the COCO benchmark, we achieve very competitive 39.6 novel AP without pseudo labeling or weak supervision. In addition, we evaluate our approach on the transfer detection setup, where it demonstrates notable improvement over the baseline. Visualization reveals emerging object locality from the pretraining recipes compared to the baseline.

replace-cross Jailbreaking Black Box Large Language Models in Twenty Queries

Authors: Patrick Chao, Alexander Robey, Edgar Dobriban, Hamed Hassani, George J. Pappas, Eric Wong

Abstract: There is growing interest in ensuring that large language models (LLMs) align with human values. However, the alignment of such models is vulnerable to adversarial jailbreaks, which coax LLMs into overriding their safety guardrails. The identification of these vulnerabilities is therefore instrumental in understanding inherent weaknesses and preventing future misuse. To this end, we propose Prompt Automatic Iterative Refinement (PAIR), an algorithm that generates semantic jailbreaks with only black-box access to an LLM. PAIR -- which is inspired by social engineering attacks -- uses an attacker LLM to automatically generate jailbreaks for a separate targeted LLM without human intervention. In this way, the attacker LLM iteratively queries the target LLM to update and refine a candidate jailbreak. Empirically, PAIR often requires fewer than twenty queries to produce a jailbreak, which is orders of magnitude more efficient than existing algorithms. PAIR also achieves competitive jailbreaking success rates and transferability on open and closed-source LLMs, including GPT-3.5/4, Vicuna, and Gemini.

replace-cross Mapping the Empirical Evidence of the GDPR (In-)Effectiveness: A Systematic Review

Authors: Wenlong Li, Zihao Li, Wenkai Li, Yueming Zhang, Aolan Li

Abstract: In the realm of data protection, a striking disconnect prevails between traditional domains of doctrinal, legal, theoretical, and policy-based inquiries and a burgeoning body of empirical evidence. Much of the scholarly and regulatory discourse remains entrenched in abstract legal principles or normative frameworks, leaving the empirical landscape uncharted or minimally engaged. Since the birth of EU data protection law, a modest body of empirical evidence has been generated but remains widely scattered and unexamined. Such evidence offers vital insights into the perception, impact, clarity, and effects of data protection measures but languishes on the periphery, inadequately integrated into the broader conversation. To make a meaningful connection, we conduct a comprehensive review and synthesis of empirical research spanning nearly three decades (1995- March 2022), advocating for a more robust integration of empirical evidence into the evaluation and review of the GDPR, while laying a methodological foundation for future empirical research.

replace-cross Adversarial Examples in the Physical World: A Survey

Authors: Jiakai Wang, Xianglong Liu, Jin Hu, Donghua Wang, Siyang Wu, Tingsong Jiang, Yuanfang Guo, Aishan Liu, Aishan Liu, Jiantao Zhou

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) have demonstrated high vulnerability to adversarial examples, raising broad security concerns about their applications. Besides the attacks in the digital world, the practical implications of adversarial examples in the physical world present significant challenges and safety concerns. However, current research on physical adversarial examples (PAEs) lacks a comprehensive understanding of their unique characteristics, leading to limited significance and understanding. In this paper, we address this gap by thoroughly examining the characteristics of PAEs within a practical workflow encompassing training, manufacturing, and re-sampling processes. By analyzing the links between physical adversarial attacks, we identify manufacturing and re-sampling as the primary sources of distinct attributes and particularities in PAEs. Leveraging this knowledge, we develop a comprehensive analysis and classification framework for PAEs based on their specific characteristics, covering over 100 studies on physical-world adversarial examples. Furthermore, we investigate defense strategies against PAEs and identify open challenges and opportunities for future research. We aim to provide a fresh, thorough, and systematic understanding of PAEs, thereby promoting the development of robust adversarial learning and its application in open-world scenarios to provide the community with a continuously updated list of physical world adversarial sample resources, including papers, code, \etc, within the proposed framework

replace-cross Towards Interpretable Sequence Continuation: Analyzing Shared Circuits in Large Language Models

Authors: Michael Lan, Philip Torr, Fazl Barez

Abstract: While transformer models exhibit strong capabilities on linguistic tasks, their complex architectures make them difficult to interpret. Recent work has aimed to reverse engineer transformer models into human-readable representations called circuits that implement algorithmic functions. We extend this research by analyzing and comparing circuits for similar sequence continuation tasks, which include increasing sequences of Arabic numerals, number words, and months. By applying circuit interpretability analysis, we identify a key sub-circuit in both GPT-2 Small and Llama-2-7B responsible for detecting sequence members and for predicting the next member in a sequence. Our analysis reveals that semantically related sequences rely on shared circuit subgraphs with analogous roles. Additionally, we show that this sub-circuit has effects on various math-related prompts, such as on intervaled circuits, Spanish number word and months continuation, and natural language word problems. Overall, documenting shared computational structures enables better model behavior predictions, identification of errors, and safer editing procedures. This mechanistic understanding of transformers is a critical step towards building more robust, aligned, and interpretable language models.

replace-cross Fast Registration of Photorealistic Avatars for VR Facial Animation

Authors: Chaitanya Patel, Shaojie Bai, Te-Li Wang, Jason Saragih, Shih-En Wei

Abstract: Virtual Reality (VR) bares promise of social interactions that can feel more immersive than other media. Key to this is the ability to accurately animate a personalized photorealistic avatar, and hence the acquisition of the labels for headset-mounted camera (HMC) images need to be efficient and accurate, while wearing a VR headset. This is challenging due to oblique camera views and differences in image modality. In this work, we first show that the domain gap between the avatar and HMC images is one of the primary sources of difficulty, where a transformer-based architecture achieves high accuracy on domain-consistent data, but degrades when the domain-gap is re-introduced. Building on this finding, we propose a system split into two parts: an iterative refinement module that takes in-domain inputs, and a generic avatar-guided image-to-image domain transfer module conditioned on current estimates. These two modules reinforce each other: domain transfer becomes easier when close-to-groundtruth examples are shown, and better domain-gap removal in turn improves the registration. Our system obviates the need for costly offline optimization, and produces online registration of higher quality than direct regression method. We validate the accuracy and efficiency of our approach through extensive experiments on a commodity headset, demonstrating significant improvements over these baselines. To stimulate further research in this direction, we make our large-scale dataset and code publicly available.

replace-cross Comparing Pre-trained Human Language Models: Is it Better with Human Context as Groups, Individual Traits, or Both?

Authors: Nikita Soni, Niranjan Balasubramanian, H. Andrew Schwartz, Dirk Hovy

Abstract: Pre-trained language models consider the context of neighboring words and documents but lack any author context of the human generating the text. However, language depends on the author's states, traits, social, situational, and environmental attributes, collectively referred to as human context (Soni et al., 2024). Human-centered natural language processing requires incorporating human context into language models. Currently, two methods exist: pre-training with 1) group-wise attributes (e.g., over-45-year-olds) or 2) individual traits. Group attributes are simple but coarse -- not all 45-year-olds write the same way -- while individual traits allow for more personalized representations, but require more complex modeling and data. It is unclear which approach benefits what tasks. We compare pre-training models with human context via 1) group attributes, 2) individual users, and 3) a combined approach on five user- and document-level tasks. Our results show that there is no best approach, but that human-centered language modeling holds avenues for different methods.

replace-cross Transforming and Combining Rewards for Aligning Large Language Models

Authors: Zihao Wang, Chirag Nagpal, Jonathan Berant, Jacob Eisenstein, Alex D'Amour, Sanmi Koyejo, Victor Veitch

Abstract: A common approach for aligning language models to human preferences is to first learn a reward model from preference data, and then use this reward model to update the language model. We study two closely related problems that arise in this approach. First, any monotone transformation of the reward model preserves preference ranking; is there a choice that is ``better'' than others? Second, we often wish to align language models to multiple properties: how should we combine multiple reward models? Using a probabilistic interpretation of the alignment procedure, we identify a natural choice for transformation for (the common case of) rewards learned from Bradley-Terry preference models. The derived transformation is straightforward: we apply a log-sigmoid function to the centered rewards, a method we term ``LSC-transformation'' (log-sigmoid-centered transformation). This transformation has two important properties. First, it emphasizes improving poorly-performing outputs, rather than outputs that already score well. This mitigates both underfitting (where some prompts are not improved) and reward hacking (where the model learns to exploit misspecification of the reward model). Second, it enables principled aggregation of rewards by linking summation to logical conjunction: the sum of transformed rewards corresponds to the probability that the output is ``good'' in all measured properties, in a sense we make precise. Experiments aligning language models to be both helpful and harmless using RLHF show substantial improvements over the baseline (non-transformed) approach.

replace-cross Learning from Teaching Regularization: Generalizable Correlations Should be Easy to Imitate

Authors: Can Jin, Tong Che, Hongwu Peng, Yiyuan Li, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Marco Pavone

Abstract: Generalization remains a central challenge in machine learning. In this work, we propose Learning from Teaching (LoT), a novel regularization technique for deep neural networks to enhance generalization. Inspired by the human ability to capture concise and abstract patterns, we hypothesize that generalizable correlations are expected to be easier to imitate. LoT operationalizes this concept to improve generalization of the main model with auxiliary student learners. The student learners are trained by the main model and, in turn, provide feedback to help the main model capture more generalizable and imitable correlations. Our experimental results across several domains, including Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and methodologies like Reinforcement Learning, demonstrate that the introduction of LoT brings significant benefits compared to training models on the original dataset. The results suggest the effectiveness and efficiency of LoT in identifying generalizable information at the right scales while discarding spurious data correlations, thus making LoT a valuable addition to current machine learning. Code is available at


replace-cross Interactive-KBQA: Multi-Turn Interactions for Knowledge Base Question Answering with Large Language Models

Authors: Guanming Xiong, Junwei Bao, Wen Zhao

Abstract: This study explores the realm of knowledge base question answering (KBQA). KBQA is considered a challenging task, particularly in parsing intricate questions into executable logical forms. Traditional semantic parsing (SP)-based methods require extensive data annotations, which result in significant costs. Recently, the advent of few-shot in-context learning, powered by large language models (LLMs), has showcased promising capabilities. However, fully leveraging LLMs to parse questions into logical forms in low-resource scenarios poses a substantial challenge. To tackle these hurdles, we introduce Interactive-KBQA, a framework designed to generate logical forms through direct interaction with knowledge bases (KBs). Within this framework, we have developed three generic APIs for KB interaction. For each category of complex question, we devised exemplars to guide LLMs through the reasoning processes. Our method achieves competitive results on the WebQuestionsSP, ComplexWebQuestions, KQA Pro, and MetaQA datasets with a minimal number of examples (shots). Importantly, our approach supports manual intervention, allowing for the iterative refinement of LLM outputs. By annotating a dataset with step-wise reasoning processes, we showcase our model's adaptability and highlight its potential for contributing significant enhancements to the field.

replace-cross A Tutorial on the Pretrain-Finetune Paradigm for Natural Language Processing

Authors: Yu Wang, Wen Qu

Abstract: Given that natural language serves as the primary conduit for expressing thoughts and emotions, text analysis has become a key technique in psychological research. It enables the extraction of valuable insights from natural language, facilitating endeavors like personality traits assessment, mental health monitoring, and sentiment analysis in interpersonal communications. In text analysis, existing studies often resort to either human coding, which is time-consuming, using pre-built dictionaries, which often fails to cover all possible scenarios, or training models from scratch, which requires large amounts of labeled data. In this tutorial, we introduce the pretrain-finetune paradigm. The pretrain-finetune paradigm represents a transformative approach in text analysis and natural language processing. This paradigm distinguishes itself through the use of large pretrained language models, demonstrating remarkable efficiency in finetuning tasks, even with limited training data. This efficiency is especially beneficial for research in social sciences, where the number of annotated samples is often quite limited. Our tutorial offers a comprehensive introduction to the pretrain-finetune paradigm. We first delve into the fundamental concepts of pretraining and finetuning, followed by practical exercises using real-world applications. We demonstrate the application of the paradigm across various tasks, including multi-class classification and regression. Emphasizing its efficacy and user-friendliness, the tutorial aims to encourage broader adoption of this paradigm. To this end, we have provided open access to all our code and datasets. The tutorial is highly beneficial across various psychology disciplines, providing a comprehensive guide to employing text analysis in diverse research settings.

replace-cross Towards Scene Graph Anticipation

Authors: Rohith Peddi, Saksham Singh, Saurabh, Parag Singla, Vibhav Gogate

Abstract: Spatio-temporal scene graphs represent interactions in a video by decomposing scenes into individual objects and their pair-wise temporal relationships. Long-term anticipation of the fine-grained pair-wise relationships between objects is a challenging problem. To this end, we introduce the task of Scene Graph Anticipation (SGA). We adapt state-of-the-art scene graph generation methods as baselines to anticipate future pair-wise relationships between objects and propose a novel approach SceneSayer. In SceneSayer, we leverage object-centric representations of relationships to reason about the observed video frames and model the evolution of relationships between objects. We take a continuous time perspective and model the latent dynamics of the evolution of object interactions using concepts of NeuralODE and NeuralSDE, respectively. We infer representations of future relationships by solving an Ordinary Differential Equation and a Stochastic Differential Equation, respectively. Extensive experimentation on the Action Genome dataset validates the efficacy of the proposed methods.

replace-cross Towards Faithful Explanations: Boosting Rationalization with Shortcuts Discovery

Authors: Linan Yue, Qi Liu, Yichao Du, Li Wang, Weibo Gao, Yanqing An

Abstract: The remarkable success in neural networks provokes the selective rationalization. It explains the prediction results by identifying a small subset of the inputs sufficient to support them. Since existing methods still suffer from adopting the shortcuts in data to compose rationales and limited large-scale annotated rationales by human, in this paper, we propose a Shortcuts-fused Selective Rationalization (SSR) method, which boosts the rationalization by discovering and exploiting potential shortcuts. Specifically, SSR first designs a shortcuts discovery approach to detect several potential shortcuts. Then, by introducing the identified shortcuts, we propose two strategies to mitigate the problem of utilizing shortcuts to compose rationales. Finally, we develop two data augmentations methods to close the gap in the number of annotated rationales. Extensive experimental results on real-world datasets clearly validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

replace-cross Enhancing Human-Centered Dynamic Scene Understanding via Multiple LLMs Collaborated Reasoning

Authors: Hang Zhang, Wenxiao Zhang, Haoxuan Qu, Jun Liu

Abstract: Human-centered dynamic scene understanding plays a pivotal role in enhancing the capability of robotic and autonomous systems, in which Video-based Human-Object Interaction (V-HOI) detection is a crucial task in semantic scene understanding, aimed at comprehensively understanding HOI relationships within a video to benefit the behavioral decisions of mobile robots and autonomous driving systems. Although previous V-HOI detection models have made significant strides in accurate detection on specific datasets, they still lack the general reasoning ability like human beings to effectively induce HOI relationships. In this study, we propose V-HOI Multi-LLMs Collaborated Reasoning (V-HOI MLCR), a novel framework consisting of a series of plug-and-play modules that could facilitate the performance of current V-HOI detection models by leveraging the strong reasoning ability of different off-the-shelf pre-trained large language models (LLMs). We design a two-stage collaboration system of different LLMs for the V-HOI task. Specifically, in the first stage, we design a Cross-Agents Reasoning scheme to leverage the LLM conduct reasoning from different aspects. In the second stage, we perform Multi-LLMs Debate to get the final reasoning answer based on the different knowledge in different LLMs. Additionally, we devise an auxiliary training strategy that utilizes CLIP, a large vision-language model to enhance the base V-HOI models' discriminative ability to better cooperate with LLMs. We validate the superiority of our design by demonstrating its effectiveness in improving the prediction accuracy of the base V-HOI model via reasoning from multiple perspectives.

replace-cross Debiasing surgeon: fantastic weights and how to find them

Authors: R\'emi Nahon, Ivan Luiz De Moura Matos, Van-Tam Nguyen, Enzo Tartaglione

Abstract: Nowadays an ever-growing concerning phenomenon, the emergence of algorithmic biases that can lead to unfair models, emerges. Several debiasing approaches have been proposed in the realm of deep learning, employing more or less sophisticated approaches to discourage these models from massively employing these biases. However, a question emerges: is this extra complexity really necessary? Is a vanilla-trained model already embodying some ``unbiased sub-networks'' that can be used in isolation and propose a solution without relying on the algorithmic biases? In this work, we show that such a sub-network typically exists, and can be extracted from a vanilla-trained model without requiring additional training. We further validate that such specific architecture is incapable of learning a specific bias, suggesting that there are possible architectural countermeasures to the problem of biases in deep neural networks.

replace-cross Superposition Prompting: Improving and Accelerating Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Authors: Thomas Merth, Qichen Fu, Mohammad Rastegari, Mahyar Najibi

Abstract: Despite the successes of large language models (LLMs), they exhibit significant drawbacks, particularly when processing long contexts. Their inference cost scales quadratically with respect to sequence length, making it expensive for deployment in some real-world text processing applications, such as retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). Additionally, LLMs also exhibit the "distraction phenomenon", where irrelevant context in the prompt degrades output quality. To address these drawbacks, we propose a novel RAG prompting methodology, *superposition prompting*, which can be directly applied to pre-trained transformer-based LLMs *without the need for fine-tuning*. At a high level, superposition prompting allows the LLM to process input documents in parallel *prompt paths*, discarding paths once they are deemed irrelevant. We demonstrate the capability of our method to simultaneously enhance time efficiency across a variety of question-answering benchmarks using multiple pre-trained LLMs. Furthermore, our technique significantly improves accuracy when the retrieved context is large relative the context the model was trained on. For example, our approach facilitates a 93x reduction in compute time while *improving* accuracy by 43% on the NaturalQuestions-Open dataset with the MPT-7B instruction-tuned model over naive RAG.

replace-cross A Survey on Efficient Inference for Large Language Models

Authors: Zixuan Zhou, Xuefei Ning, Ke Hong, Tianyu Fu, Jiaming Xu, Shiyao Li, Yuming Lou, Luning Wang, Zhihang Yuan, Xiuhong Li, Shengen Yan, Guohao Dai, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Yuhan Dong, Yu Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have attracted extensive attention due to their remarkable performance across various tasks. However, the substantial computational and memory requirements of LLM inference pose challenges for deployment in resource-constrained scenarios. Efforts within the field have been directed towards developing techniques aimed at enhancing the efficiency of LLM inference. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the existing literature on efficient LLM inference. We start by analyzing the primary causes of the inefficient LLM inference, i.e., the large model size, the quadratic-complexity attention operation, and the auto-regressive decoding approach. Then, we introduce a comprehensive taxonomy that organizes the current literature into data-level, model-level, and system-level optimization. Moreover, the paper includes comparative experiments on representative methods within critical sub-fields to provide quantitative insights. Last but not least, we provide some knowledge summary and discuss future research directions.

replace-cross DPER: Diffusion Prior Driven Neural Representation for Limited Angle and Sparse View CT Reconstruction

Authors: Chenhe Du, Xiyue Lin, Qing Wu, Xuanyu Tian, Ying Su, Zhe Luo, Rui Zheng, Yang Chen, Hongjiang Wei, S. Kevin Zhou, Jingyi Yu, Yuyao Zhang

Abstract: Limited-angle and sparse-view computed tomography (LACT and SVCT) are crucial for expanding the scope of X-ray CT applications. However, they face challenges due to incomplete data acquisition, resulting in diverse artifacts in the reconstructed CT images. Emerging implicit neural representation (INR) techniques, such as NeRF, NeAT, and NeRP, have shown promise in under-determined CT imaging reconstruction tasks. However, the unsupervised nature of INR architecture imposes limited constraints on the solution space, particularly for the highly ill-posed reconstruction task posed by LACT and ultra-SVCT. In this study, we introduce the Diffusion Prior Driven Neural Representation (DPER), an advanced unsupervised framework designed to address the exceptionally ill-posed CT reconstruction inverse problems. DPER adopts the Half Quadratic Splitting (HQS) algorithm to decompose the inverse problem into data fidelity and distribution prior sub-problems. The two sub-problems are respectively addressed by INR reconstruction scheme and pre-trained score-based diffusion model. This combination first injects the implicit image local consistency prior from INR. Additionally, it effectively augments the feasibility of the solution space for the inverse problem through the generative diffusion model, resulting in increased stability and precision in the solutions. We conduct comprehensive experiments to evaluate the performance of DPER on LACT and ultra-SVCT reconstruction with two public datasets (AAPM and LIDC), an in-house clinical COVID-19 dataset and a public raw projection dataset created by Mayo Clinic. The results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art reconstruction methods on in-domain datasets, while achieving significant performance improvements on out-of-domain (OOD) datasets.

replace-cross How Generalizable Is My Behavior Cloning Policy? A Statistical Approach to Trustworthy Performance Evaluation

Authors: Joseph A. Vincent, Haruki Nishimura, Masha Itkina, Paarth Shah, Mac Schwager, Thomas Kollar

Abstract: With the rise of stochastic generative models in robot policy learning, end-to-end visuomotor policies are increasingly successful at solving complex tasks by learning from human demonstrations. Nevertheless, since real-world evaluation costs afford users only a small number of policy rollouts, it remains a challenge to accurately gauge the performance of such policies. This is exacerbated by distribution shifts causing unpredictable changes in performance during deployment. To rigorously evaluate behavior cloning policies, we present a framework that provides a tight lower-bound on robot performance in an arbitrary environment, using a minimal number of experimental policy rollouts. Notably, by applying the standard stochastic ordering to robot performance distributions, we provide a worst-case bound on the entire distribution of performance (via bounds on the cumulative distribution function) for a given task. We build upon established statistical results to ensure that the bounds hold with a user-specified confidence level and tightness, and are constructed from as few policy rollouts as possible. In experiments we evaluate policies for visuomotor manipulation in both simulation and hardware. Specifically, we (i) empirically validate the guarantees of the bounds in simulated manipulation settings, (ii) find the degree to which a learned policy deployed on hardware generalizes to new real-world environments, and (iii) rigorously compare two policies tested in out-of-distribution settings. Our experimental data, code, and implementation of confidence bounds are open-source.

replace-cross The Future of Large Language Model Pre-training is Federated

Authors: Lorenzo Sani, Alex Iacob, Zeyu Cao, Bill Marino, Yan Gao, Tomas Paulik, Wanru Zhao, William F. Shen, Preslav Aleksandrov, Xinchi Qiu, Nicholas D. Lane

Abstract: Generative pre-trained large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance over a wide range of tasks, thanks to the unprecedented amount of data they have been trained on. As established scaling laws indicate, LLMs' future performance improvement depends on the amount of computing and data sources they can leverage for pre-training. Federated learning (FL) has the potential to unleash the majority of the planet's data and computational resources, which are underutilized by the data-center-focused training methodology of current LLM practice. Our work presents a robust, flexible, reproducible FL approach that enables large-scale collaboration across institutions to train LLMs. We propose a scalable deployment system called Photon to enable the investigation and development of this new training paradigm for LLM pre-training. We show that Photon can be used by organizations interested in collaborating with their private data sources and computational resources for pre-training LLMs with billions of parameters. This paradigm would mobilize more computational and data resources while matching or potentially exceeding centralized performance. We further show the effectiveness of the federated training scales with model size and present our approach for training a billion-scale federated LLM using limited resources. Finally, we show that LLM training is highly resilient to the classical challenges of federated statistical and hardware heterogeneity. Furthermore, we show that convergence is robust to partial participation, opening the avenue for compute-efficient collaborative training. Photon will help data-rich actors to become the protagonists of LLMs pre-training instead of leaving the stage to compute-rich actors alone.

replace-cross Vista: A Generalizable Driving World Model with High Fidelity and Versatile Controllability

Authors: Shenyuan Gao, Jiazhi Yang, Li Chen, Kashyap Chitta, Yihang Qiu, Andreas Geiger, Jun Zhang, Hongyang Li

Abstract: World models can foresee the outcomes of different actions, which is of paramount importance for autonomous driving. Nevertheless, existing driving world models still have limitations in generalization to unseen environments, prediction fidelity of critical details, and action controllability for flexible application. In this paper, we present Vista, a generalizable driving world model with high fidelity and versatile controllability. Based on a systematic diagnosis of existing methods, we introduce several key ingredients to address these limitations. To accurately predict real-world dynamics at high resolution, we propose two novel losses to promote the learning of moving instances and structural information. We also devise an effective latent replacement approach to inject historical frames as priors for coherent long-horizon rollouts. For action controllability, we incorporate a versatile set of controls from high-level intentions (command, goal point) to low-level maneuvers (trajectory, angle, and speed) through an efficient learning strategy. After large-scale training, the capabilities of Vista can seamlessly generalize to different scenarios. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets show that Vista outperforms the most advanced general-purpose video generator in over 70% of comparisons and surpasses the best-performing driving world model by 55% in FID and 27% in FVD. Moreover, for the first time, we utilize the capacity of Vista itself to establish a generalizable reward for real-world action evaluation without accessing the ground truth actions.

replace-cross ROAST: Review-level Opinion Aspect Sentiment Target Joint Detection for ABSA

Authors: Siva Uday Sampreeth Chebolu, Franck Dernoncourt, Nedim Lipka, Thamar Solorio

Abstract: Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) has experienced tremendous expansion and diversity due to various shared tasks spanning several languages and fields and organized via SemEval workshops and Germeval. Nonetheless, a few shortcomings still need to be addressed, such as the lack of low-resource language evaluations and the emphasis on sentence-level analysis. To thoroughly assess ABSA techniques in the context of complete reviews, this research presents a novel task, Review-Level Opinion Aspect Sentiment Target (ROAST). ROAST seeks to close the gap between sentence-level and text-level ABSA by identifying every ABSA constituent at the review level. We extend the available datasets to enable ROAST, addressing the drawbacks noted in previous research by incorporating low-resource languages, numerous languages, and a variety of topics. Through this effort, ABSA research will be able to cover more ground and get a deeper comprehension of the task and its practical application in a variety of languages and domains (


replace-cross Less Peaky and More Accurate CTC Forced Alignment by Label Priors

Authors: Ruizhe Huang, Xiaohui Zhang, Zhaoheng Ni, Li Sun, Moto Hira, Jeff Hwang, Vimal Manohar, Vineel Pratap, Matthew Wiesner, Shinji Watanabe, Daniel Povey, Sanjeev Khudanpur

Abstract: Connectionist temporal classification (CTC) models are known to have peaky output distributions. Such behavior is not a problem for automatic speech recognition (ASR), but it can cause inaccurate forced alignments (FA), especially at finer granularity, e.g., phoneme level. This paper aims at alleviating the peaky behavior for CTC and improve its suitability for forced alignment generation, by leveraging label priors, so that the scores of alignment paths containing fewer blanks are boosted and maximized during training. As a result, our CTC model produces less peaky posteriors and is able to more accurately predict the offset of the tokens besides their onset. It outperforms the standard CTC model and a heuristics-based approach for obtaining CTC's token offset timestamps by 12-40% in phoneme and word boundary errors (PBE and WBE) measured on the Buckeye and TIMIT data. Compared with the most widely used FA toolkit Montreal Forced Aligner (MFA), our method performs similarly on PBE/WBE on Buckeye, yet falls behind MFA on TIMIT. Nevertheless, our method has a much simpler training pipeline and better runtime efficiency. Our training recipe and pretrained model are released in TorchAudio.

replace-cross A Survey of Backdoor Attacks and Defenses on Large Language Models: Implications for Security Measures

Authors: Shuai Zhao, Meihuizi Jia, Zhongliang Guo, Leilei Gan, Xiaoyu Xu, Jie Fu, Yichao Feng, Fengjun Pan, Luu Anh Tuan

Abstract: The large language models (LLMs), which bridge the gap between human language understanding and complex problem-solving, achieve state-of-the-art performance on several NLP tasks, particularly in few-shot and zero-shot settings. Despite the demonstrable efficacy of LMMs, due to constraints on computational resources, users have to engage with open-source language models or outsource the entire training process to third-party platforms. However, research has demonstrated that language models are susceptible to potential security vulnerabilities, particularly in backdoor attacks. Backdoor attacks are designed to introduce targeted vulnerabilities into language models by poisoning training samples or model weights, allowing attackers to manipulate model responses through malicious triggers. While existing surveys on backdoor attacks provide a comprehensive overview, they lack an in-depth examination of backdoor attacks specifically targeting LLMs. To bridge this gap and grasp the latest trends in the field, this paper presents a novel perspective on backdoor attacks for LLMs by focusing on fine-tuning methods. Specifically, we systematically classify backdoor attacks into three categories: full-parameter fine-tuning, parameter-efficient fine-tuning, and attacks without fine-tuning. Based on insights from a substantial review, we also discuss crucial issues for future research on backdoor attacks, such as further exploring attack algorithms that do not require fine-tuning, or developing more covert attack algorithms.

replace-cross Do Parameters Reveal More than Loss for Membership Inference?

Authors: Anshuman Suri, Xiao Zhang, David Evans

Abstract: Membership inference attacks aim to infer whether an individual record was used to train a model, serving as a key tool for disclosure auditing. While such evaluations are useful to demonstrate risk, they are computationally expensive and often make strong assumptions about potential adversaries' access to models and training environments, and thus do not provide very tight bounds on leakage from potential attacks. We show how prior claims around black-box access being sufficient for optimal membership inference do not hold for most useful settings such as stochastic gradient descent, and that optimal membership inference indeed requires white-box access. We validate our findings with a new white-box inference attack IHA (Inverse Hessian Attack) that explicitly uses model parameters by taking advantage of computing inverse-Hessian vector products. Our results show that both audits and adversaries may be able to benefit from access to model parameters, and we advocate for further research into white-box methods for membership privacy auditing.

replace-cross Rapid and Accurate Diagnosis of Acute Aortic Syndrome using Non-contrast CT: A Large-scale, Retrospective, Multi-center and AI-based Study

Authors: Yujian Hu, Yilang Xiang, Yan-Jie Zhou, Yangyan He, Shifeng Yang, Xiaolong Du, Chunlan Den, Youyao Xu, Gaofeng Wang, Zhengyao Ding, Jingyong Huang, Wenjun Zhao, Xuejun Wu, Donglin Li, Qianqian Zhu, Zhenjiang Li, Chenyang Qiu, Ziheng Wu, Yunjun He, Chen Tian, Yihui Qiu, Zuodong Lin, Xiaolong Zhang, Yuan He, Zhenpeng Yuan, Xiaoxiang Zhou, Rong Fan, Ruihan Chen, Wenchao Guo, Jianpeng Zhang, Tony C. W. Mok, Zi Li, Le Lu, Dehai Lang, Xiaoqiang Li, Guofu Wang, Wei Lu, Zhengxing Huang, Minfeng Xu, Hongkun Zhang

Abstract: Chest pain symptoms are highly prevalent in emergency departments (EDs), where acute aortic syndrome (AAS) is a catastrophic cardiovascular emergency with a high fatality rate, especially when timely and accurate treatment is not administered. However, current triage practices in the ED can cause up to approximately half of patients with AAS to have an initially missed diagnosis or be misdiagnosed as having other acute chest pain conditions. Subsequently, these AAS patients will undergo clinically inaccurate or suboptimal differential diagnosis. Fortunately, even under these suboptimal protocols, nearly all these patients underwent non-contrast CT covering the aorta anatomy at the early stage of differential diagnosis. In this study, we developed an artificial intelligence model (DeepAAS) using non-contrast CT, which is highly accurate for identifying AAS and provides interpretable results to assist in clinical decision-making. Performance was assessed in two major phases: a multi-center retrospective study (n = 20,750) and an exploration in real-world emergency scenarios (n = 137,525). In the multi-center cohort, DeepAAS achieved a mean area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.958 (95% CI 0.950-0.967). In the real-world cohort, DeepAAS detected 109 AAS patients with misguided initial suspicion, achieving 92.6% (95% CI 76.2%-97.5%) in mean sensitivity and 99.2% (95% CI 99.1%-99.3%) in mean specificity. Our AI model performed well on non-contrast CT at all applicable early stages of differential diagnosis workflows, effectively reduced the overall missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis rate from 48.8% to 4.8% and shortened the diagnosis time for patients with misguided initial suspicion from an average of 681.8 (74-11,820) mins to 68.5 (23-195) mins. DeepAAS could effectively fill the gap in the current clinical workflow without requiring additional tests.

replace-cross One Thousand and One Pairs: A "novel" challenge for long-context language models

Authors: Marzena Karpinska, Katherine Thai, Kyle Lo, Tanya Goyal, Mohit Iyyer

Abstract: Synthetic long-context LLM benchmarks (e.g., "needle-in-the-haystack") test only surface-level retrieval capabilities, but how well can long-context LLMs retrieve, synthesize, and reason over information across book-length inputs? We address this question by creating NoCha, a dataset of 1,001 minimally different pairs of true and false claims about 67 recently-published English fictional books, written by human readers of those books. In contrast to existing long-context benchmarks, our annotators confirm that the largest share of pairs in NoCha require global reasoning over the entire book to verify. Our experiments show that while human readers easily perform this task, it is enormously challenging for all ten long-context LLMs that we evaluate: no open-weight model performs above random chance (despite their strong performance on synthetic benchmarks), while GPT-4o achieves the highest accuracy at 55.8%. Further analysis reveals that (1) on average, models perform much better on pairs that require only sentence-level retrieval vs. global reasoning; (2) model-generated explanations for their decisions are often inaccurate even for correctly-labeled claims; and (3) models perform substantially worse on speculative fiction books that contain extensive world-building. The methodology proposed in NoCha allows for the evolution of the benchmark dataset and the easy analysis of future models.

replace-cross LLM-ARC: Enhancing LLMs with an Automated Reasoning Critic

Authors: Aditya Kalyanpur, Kailash Karthik Saravanakumar, Victor Barres, Jennifer Chu-Carroll, David Melville, David Ferrucci

Abstract: We introduce LLM-ARC, a neuro-symbolic framework designed to enhance the logical reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), by combining them with an Automated Reasoning Critic (ARC). LLM-ARC employs an Actor-Critic method where the LLM Actor generates declarative logic programs along with tests for semantic correctness, while the Automated Reasoning Critic evaluates the code, runs the tests and provides feedback on test failures for iterative refinement. Implemented using Answer Set Programming (ASP), LLM-ARC achieves a new state-of-the-art accuracy of 88.32% on the FOLIO benchmark which tests complex logical reasoning capabilities. Our experiments demonstrate significant improvements over LLM-only baselines, highlighting the importance of logic test generation and iterative self-refinement. We achieve our best result using a fully automated self-supervised training loop where the Actor is trained on end-to-end dialog traces with Critic feedback. We discuss potential enhancements and provide a detailed error analysis, showcasing the robustness and efficacy of LLM-ARC for complex natural language reasoning tasks.

replace-cross AI-native Memory: A Pathway from LLMs Towards AGI

Authors: Jingbo Shang, Zai Zheng, Xiang Ying, Felix Tao, Mindverse Team

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated the world with the sparks of artificial general intelligence (AGI). One opinion, especially from some startups working on LLMs, argues that an LLM with nearly unlimited context length can realize AGI. However, they might be too optimistic about the long-context capability of (existing) LLMs -- (1) Recent literature has shown that their effective context length is significantly smaller than their claimed context length; and (2) Our reasoning-in-a-haystack experiments further demonstrate that simultaneously finding the relevant information from a long context and conducting (simple) reasoning is nearly impossible. In this paper, we envision a pathway from LLMs to AGI through the integration of \emph{memory}. We believe that AGI should be a system where LLMs serve as core processors. In addition to raw data, the memory in this system would store a large number of important conclusions derived from reasoning processes. Compared with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) that merely processing raw data, this approach not only connects semantically related information closer, but also simplifies complex inferences at the time of querying. As an intermediate stage, the memory will likely be in the form of natural language descriptions, which can be directly consumed by users too. Ultimately, every agent/person should have its own large personal model, a deep neural network model (thus \emph{AI-native}) that parameterizes and compresses all types of memory, even the ones cannot be described by natural languages. Finally, we discuss the significant potential of AI-native memory as the transformative infrastructure for (proactive) engagement, personalization, distribution, and social in the AGI era, as well as the incurred privacy and security challenges with preliminary solutions.

replace-cross Conformalized Link Prediction on Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Tianyi Zhao, Jian Kang, Lu Cheng

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) excel in diverse tasks, yet their applications in high-stakes domains are often hampered by unreliable predictions. Although numerous uncertainty quantification methods have been proposed to address this limitation, they often lack \textit{rigorous} uncertainty estimates. This work makes the first attempt to introduce a distribution-free and model-agnostic uncertainty quantification approach to construct a predictive interval with a statistical guarantee for GNN-based link prediction. We term it as \textit{conformalized link prediction.} Our approach builds upon conformal prediction (CP), a framework that promises to construct statistically robust prediction sets or intervals. We first theoretically and empirically establish a permutation invariance condition for the application of CP in link prediction tasks, along with an exact test-time coverage. Leveraging the important structural information in graphs, we then identify a novel and crucial connection between a graph's adherence to the power law distribution and the efficiency of CP. This insight leads to the development of a simple yet effective sampling-based method to align the graph structure with a power law distribution prior to the standard CP procedure. Extensive experiments demonstrate that for conformalized link prediction, our approach achieves the desired marginal coverage while significantly improving the efficiency of CP compared to baseline methods.

replace-cross Structure-aware World Model for Probe Guidance via Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-train

Authors: Haojun Jiang, Meng Li, Zhenguo Sun, Ning Jia, Yu Sun, Shaqi Luo, Shiji Song, Gao Huang

Abstract: The complex structure of the heart leads to significant challenges in echocardiography, especially in acquisition cardiac ultrasound images. Successful echocardiography requires a thorough understanding of the structures on the two-dimensional plane and the spatial relationships between planes in three-dimensional space. In this paper, we innovatively propose a large-scale self-supervised pre-training method to acquire a cardiac structure-aware world model. The core innovation lies in constructing a self-supervised task that requires structural inference by predicting masked structures on a 2D plane and imagining another plane based on pose transformation in 3D space. To support large-scale pre-training, we collected over 1.36 million echocardiograms from ten standard views, along with their 3D spatial poses. In the downstream probe guidance task, we demonstrate that our pre-trained model consistently reduces guidance errors across the ten most common standard views on the test set with 0.29 million samples from 74 routine clinical scans, indicating that structure-aware pre-training benefits the scanning.

replace-cross LLM See, LLM Do: Guiding Data Generation to Target Non-Differentiable Objectives

Authors: Lu\'isa Shimabucoro, Sebastian Ruder, Julia Kreutzer, Marzieh Fadaee, Sara Hooker

Abstract: The widespread adoption of synthetic data raises new questions about how models generating the data can influence other large language models (LLMs) via distilled data. To start, our work exhaustively characterizes the impact of passive inheritance of model properties by systematically studying the consequences of synthetic data integration. We provide one of the most comprehensive studies to-date of how the source of synthetic data shapes models' internal biases, calibration and generations' textual attributes and preferences. We find that models are surprisingly sensitive towards certain attributes even when the synthetic data prompts appear "neutral". which invites the question whether this sensitivity can be exploited for good. Our findings invite the question can we explicitly steer the models towards the properties we want at test time by exploiting the data generation process? This would have historically been considered infeasible due to the cost of collecting data with a specific characteristic or objective in mind. However, improvement in the quality of synthetic data, as well as a shift towards general-purpose models designed to follow a diverse way of instructions, means this question is timely. We propose active inheritance as a term to describe intentionally constraining synthetic data according to a non-differentiable objective. We demonstrate how active inheritance can steer the generation profiles of models towards desirable non-differentiable attributes, e.g. high lexical diversity or low toxicity.

replace-cross A Survey of Retrieval Algorithms in Ad and Content Recommendation Systems

Authors: Yu Zhao, Fang Liu

Abstract: This survey examines the most effective retrieval algorithms utilized in ad recommendation and content recommendation systems. Ad targeting algorithms rely on detailed user profiles and behavioral data to deliver personalized advertisements, thereby driving revenue through targeted placements. Conversely, organic retrieval systems aim to improve user experience by recommending content that matches user preferences. This paper compares these two applications and explains the most effective methods employed in each.

replace-cross Generating multi-scale NMC particles with radial grain architectures using spatial stochastics and GANs

Authors: Lukas Fuchs, Orkun Furat, Donal P. Finegan, Jeffery Allen, Francois L. E. Usseglio-Viretta, Bertan Ozdogru, Peter J. Weddle, Kandler Smith, Volker Schmidt

Abstract: Understanding structure-property relationships of Li-ion battery cathodes is crucial for optimizing rate-performance and cycle-life resilience. However, correlating the morphology of cathode particles, such as in NMC811, and their inner grain architecture with electrode performance is challenging, particularly, due to the significant length-scale difference between grain and particle sizes. Experimentally, it is currently not feasible to image such a high number of particles with full granular detail to achieve representivity. A second challenge is that sufficiently high-resolution 3D imaging techniques remain expensive and are sparsely available at research institutions. To address these challenges, a stereological generative adversarial network (GAN)-based model fitting approach is presented that can generate representative 3D information from 2D data, enabling characterization of materials in 3D using cost-effective 2D data. Once calibrated, this multi-scale model is able to rapidly generate virtual cathode particles that are statistically similar to experimental data, and thus is suitable for virtual characterization and materials testing through numerical simulations. A large dataset of simulated particles with inner grain architecture has been made publicly available.

replace-cross Multi-Texture Synthesis through Signal Responsive Neural Cellular Automata

Authors: Mirela-Magdalena Catrina, Ioana Cristina Plajer, Alexandra Baicoianu

Abstract: Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) have proven to be effective in a variety of fields, with numerous biologically inspired applications. One of the fields, in which NCAs perform well is the generation of textures, modelling global patterns from local interactions governed by uniform and coherent rules. This paper aims to enhance the usability of NCAs in texture synthesis by addressing a shortcoming of current NCA architectures for texture generation, which requires separately trained NCA for each individual texture. In this work, we train a single NCA for the evolution of multiple textures, based on individual examples. Our solution provides texture information in the state of each cell, in the form of an internally coded genomic signal, which enables the NCA to generate the expected texture. Such a neural cellular automaton not only maintains its regenerative capability but also allows for interpolation between learned textures and supports grafting techniques. This demonstrates the ability to edit generated textures and the potential for them to merge and coexist within the same automaton. We also address questions related to the influence of the genomic information and the cost function on the evolution of the NCA.

replace-cross FairDomain: Achieving Fairness in Cross-Domain Medical Image Segmentation and Classification

Authors: Yu Tian, Congcong Wen, Min Shi, Muhammad Muneeb Afzal, Hao Huang, Muhammad Osama Khan, Yan Luo, Yi Fang, Mengyu Wang

Abstract: Addressing fairness in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in medical AI, is crucial for ensuring equitable healthcare outcomes. Recent efforts to enhance fairness have introduced new methodologies and datasets in medical AI. However, the fairness issue under the setting of domain transfer is almost unexplored, while it is common that clinics rely on different imaging technologies (e.g., different retinal imaging modalities) for patient diagnosis. This paper presents FairDomain, a pioneering systemic study into algorithmic fairness under domain shifts, employing state-of-the-art domain adaptation (DA) and generalization (DG) algorithms for both medical segmentation and classification tasks to understand how biases are transferred between different domains. We also introduce a novel plug-and-play fair identity attention (FIA) module that adapts to various DA and DG algorithms to improve fairness by using self-attention to adjust feature importance based on demographic attributes. Additionally, we curate the first fairness-focused dataset with two paired imaging modalities for the same patient cohort on medical segmentation and classification tasks, to rigorously assess fairness in domain-shift scenarios. Excluding the confounding impact of demographic distribution variation between source and target domains will allow clearer quantification of the performance of domain transfer models. Our extensive evaluations reveal that the proposed FIA significantly enhances both model performance accounted for fairness across all domain shift settings (i.e., DA and DG) with respect to different demographics, which outperforms existing methods on both segmentation and classification. The code and data can be accessed at


replace-cross Evaluating the Impact of Different Quantum Kernels on the Classification Performance of Support Vector Machine Algorithm: A Medical Dataset Application

Authors: Emine Akpinar, Sardar M. N. Islam, Murat Oduncuoglu

Abstract: The support vector machine algorithm with a quantum kernel estimator (QSVM-Kernel), as a leading example of a quantum machine learning technique, has undergone significant advancements. Nevertheless, its integration with classical data presents unique challenges. While quantum computers primarily interact with data in quantum states, embedding classical data into quantum states using feature mapping techniques is essential for leveraging quantum algorithms Despite the recognized importance of feature mapping, its specific impact on data classification outcomes remains largely unexplored. This study addresses this gap by comprehensively assessing the effects of various feature mapping methods on classification results, taking medical data analysis as a case study. In this study, the QSVM-Kernel method was applied to classification problems in two different and publicly available medical datasets, namely, the Wisconsin Breast Cancer (original) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Glioma datasets. In the QSVM-Kernel algorithm, quantum kernel matrices obtained from 9 different quantum feature maps were used. Thus, the effects of these quantum feature maps on the classification results of the QSVM-Kernel algorithm were examined in terms of both classifier performance and total execution time. As a result, in the Wisconsin Breast Cancer (original) and TCGA Glioma datasets, when Rx and Ry rotational gates were used, respectively, as feature maps in the QSVM-Kernel algorithm, the best classification performances were achieved both in terms of classification performance and total execution time. The contributions of this study are that (1) it highlights the significant impact of feature mapping techniques on medical data classification outcomes using the QSVM-Kernel algorithm, and (2) it also guides undertaking research for improved QSVM classification performance.

replace-cross Rapid Biomedical Research Classification: The Pandemic PACT Advanced Categorisation Engine

Authors: Omid Rohanian, Mohammadmahdi Nouriborji, Olena Seminog, Rodrigo Furst, Thomas Mendy, Shanthi Levanita, Zaharat Kadri-Alabi, Nusrat Jabin, Daniela Toale, Georgina Humphreys, Emilia Antonio, Adrian Bucher, Alice Norton, David A. Clifton

Abstract: This paper introduces the Pandemic PACT Advanced Categorisation Engine (PPACE) along with its associated dataset. PPACE is a fine-tuned model developed to automatically classify research abstracts from funded biomedical projects according to WHO-aligned research priorities. This task is crucial for monitoring research trends and identifying gaps in global health preparedness and response. Our approach builds on human-annotated projects, which are allocated one or more categories from a predefined list. A large language model is then used to generate `rationales' explaining the reasoning behind these annotations. This augmented data, comprising expert annotations and rationales, is subsequently used to fine-tune a smaller, more efficient model. Developed as part of the Pandemic PACT project, which aims to track and analyse research funding and clinical evidence for a wide range of diseases with outbreak potential, PPACE supports informed decision-making by research funders, policymakers, and independent researchers. We introduce and release both the trained model and the instruction-based dataset used for its training. Our evaluation shows that PPACE significantly outperforms its baselines. The release of PPACE and its associated dataset offers valuable resources for researchers in multilabel biomedical document classification and supports advancements in aligning biomedical research with key global health priorities.

replace-cross LionGuard: Building a Contextualized Moderation Classifier to Tackle Localized Unsafe Content

Authors: Jessica Foo, Shaun Khoo

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) become increasingly prevalent in a wide variety of applications, concerns about the safety of their outputs have become more significant. Most efforts at safety-tuning or moderation today take on a predominantly Western-centric view of safety, especially for toxic, hateful, or violent speech. In this paper, we describe LionGuard, a Singapore-contextualized moderation classifier that can serve as guardrails against unsafe LLM outputs. When assessed on Singlish data, LionGuard outperforms existing widely-used moderation APIs, which are not finetuned for the Singapore context, by 14% (binary) and up to 51% (multi-label). Our work highlights the benefits of localization for moderation classifiers and presents a practical and scalable approach for low-resource languages.

replace-cross zIA: a GenAI-powered local auntie assists tourists in Italy

Authors: Alexio Cassani, Michele Ruberl, Antonio Salis, Giacomo Giannese, Gianluca Boanelli

Abstract: The Tourism and Destination Management Organization (DMO) industry is rapidly evolving to adapt to new technologies and traveler expectations. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers an astonishing and innovative opportunity to enhance the tourism experience by providing personalized, interactive and engaging assistance. In this article, we propose a generative AI-based chatbot for tourism assistance. The chatbot leverages AI ability to generate realistic and creative texts, adopting the friendly persona of the well-known Italian all-knowledgeable aunties, to provide tourists with personalized information, tailored and dynamic pre, during and post recommendations and trip plans and personalized itineraries, using both text and voice commands, and supporting different languages to satisfy Italian and foreign tourists expectations. This work is under development in the Molise CTE research project, funded by the Italian Minister of the Economic Growth (MIMIT), with the aim to leverage the best emerging technologies available, such as Cloud and AI to produce state of the art solutions in the Smart City environment.

replace-cross Does Refusal Training in LLMs Generalize to the Past Tense?

Authors: Maksym Andriushchenko, Nicolas Flammarion

Abstract: Refusal training is widely used to prevent LLMs from generating harmful, undesirable, or illegal outputs. We reveal a curious generalization gap in the current refusal training approaches: simply reformulating a harmful request in the past tense (e.g., "How to make a Molotov cocktail?" to "How did people make a Molotov cocktail?") is often sufficient to jailbreak many state-of-the-art LLMs. We systematically evaluate this method on Llama-3 8B, Claude-3.5 Sonnet, GPT-3.5 Turbo, Gemma-2 9B, Phi-3-Mini, GPT-4o mini, GPT-4o, and R2D2 models using GPT-3.5 Turbo as a reformulation model. For example, the success rate of this simple attack on GPT-4o increases from 1% using direct requests to 88% using 20 past tense reformulation attempts on harmful requests from JailbreakBench with GPT-4 as a jailbreak judge. Interestingly, we also find that reformulations in the future tense are less effective, suggesting that refusal guardrails tend to consider past historical questions more benign than hypothetical future questions. Moreover, our experiments on fine-tuning GPT-3.5 Turbo show that defending against past reformulations is feasible when past tense examples are explicitly included in the fine-tuning data. Overall, our findings highlight that the widely used alignment techniques -- such as SFT, RLHF, and adversarial training -- employed to align the studied models can be brittle and do not always generalize as intended. We provide code and jailbreak artifacts at


replace-cross SignSpeak: Open-Source Time Series Classification for ASL Translation

Authors: Aditya Makkar, Divya Makkar, Aarav Patel, Liam Hebert

Abstract: The lack of fluency in sign language remains a barrier to seamless communication for hearing and speech-impaired communities. In this work, we propose a low-cost, real-time ASL-to-speech translation glove and an exhaustive training dataset of sign language patterns. We then benchmarked this dataset with supervised learning models, such as LSTMs, GRUs and Transformers, where our best model achieved 92% accuracy. The SignSpeak dataset has 7200 samples encompassing 36 classes (A-Z, 1-10) and aims to capture realistic signing patterns by using five low-cost flex sensors to measure finger positions at each time step at 36 Hz. Our open-source dataset, models and glove designs, provide an accurate and efficient ASL translator while maintaining cost-effectiveness, establishing a framework for future work to build on.

replace-cross Reporting Risks in AI-based Assistive Technology Research: A Systematic Review

Authors: Zahra Ahmadi, Peter R. Lewis, Mahadeo A. Sukhai

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly employed to enhance assistive technologies, yet it can fail in various ways. We conducted a systematic literature review of research into AI-based assistive technology for persons with visual impairments. Our study shows that most proposed technologies with a testable prototype have not been evaluated in a human study with members of the sight-loss community. Furthermore, many studies did not consider or report failure cases or possible risks. These findings highlight the importance of inclusive system evaluations and the necessity of standardizing methods for presenting and analyzing failure cases and threats when developing AI-based assistive technologies.

replace-cross Relational Representation Distillation

Authors: Nikolaos Giakoumoglou, Tania Stathaki

Abstract: Knowledge distillation (KD) is an effective method for transferring knowledge from a large, well-trained teacher model to a smaller, more efficient student model. Despite its success, one of the main challenges in KD is ensuring the efficient transfer of complex knowledge while maintaining the student's computational efficiency. Unlike previous works that applied contrastive objectives promoting explicit negative instances, we introduce Relational Representation Distillation (RRD). Our approach leverages pairwise similarities to explore and reinforce the relationships between the teacher and student models. Inspired by self-supervised learning principles, it uses a relaxed contrastive loss that focuses on similarity rather than exact replication. This method aligns the output distributions of teacher samples in a large memory buffer, improving the robustness and performance of the student model without the need for strict negative instance differentiation. Our approach demonstrates superior performance on CIFAR-100, outperforming traditional KD techniques and surpassing 13 state-of-the-art methods. It also transfers successfully to other datasets like Tiny ImageNet and STL-10. The code will be made public soon.

replace-cross Towards Responsible Development of Generative AI for Education: An Evaluation-Driven Approach

Authors: Irina Jurenka, Markus Kunesch, Kevin R. McKee, Daniel Gillick, Shaojian Zhu, Sara Wiltberger, Shubham Milind Phal, Katherine Hermann, Daniel Kasenberg, Avishkar Bhoopchand, Ankit Anand, Miruna P\^islar, Stephanie Chan, Lisa Wang, Jennifer She, Parsa Mahmoudieh, Aliya Rysbek, Wei-Jen Ko, Andrea Huber, Brett Wiltshire, Gal Elidan, Roni Rabin, Jasmin Rubinovitz, Amit Pitaru, Mac McAllister, Julia Wilkowski, David Choi, Roee Engelberg, Lidan Hackmon, Adva Levin, Rachel Griffin, Michael Sears, Filip Bar, Mia Mesar, Mana Jabbour, Arslan Chaudhry, James Cohan, Sridhar Thiagarajan, Nir Levine, Ben Brown, Dilan Gorur, Svetlana Grant, Rachel Hashimshoni, Laura Weidinger, Jieru Hu, Dawn Chen, Kuba Dolecki, Canfer Akbulut, Maxwell Bileschi, Laura Culp, Wen-Xin Dong, Nahema Marchal, Kelsie Van Deman, Hema Bajaj Misra, Michael Duah, Moran Ambar, Avi Caciularu, Sandra Lefdal, Chris Summerfield, James An, Pierre-Alexandre Kamienny, Abhinit Mohdi, Theofilos Strinopoulous, Annie Hale, Wayne Anderson, Luis C. Cobo, Niv Efron, Muktha Ananda, Shakir Mohamed, Maureen Heymans, Zoubin Ghahramani, Yossi Matias, Ben Gomes, Lila Ibrahim

Abstract: A major challenge facing the world is the provision of equitable and universal access to quality education. Recent advances in generative AI (gen AI) have created excitement about the potential of new technologies to offer a personal tutor for every learner and a teaching assistant for every teacher. The full extent of this dream, however, has not yet materialised. We argue that this is primarily due to the difficulties with verbalising pedagogical intuitions into gen AI prompts and the lack of good evaluation practices, reinforced by the challenges in defining excellent pedagogy. Here we present our work collaborating with learners and educators to translate high level principles from learning science into a pragmatic set of seven diverse educational benchmarks, spanning quantitative, qualitative, automatic and human evaluations; and to develop a new set of fine-tuning datasets to improve the pedagogical capabilities of Gemini, introducing LearnLM-Tutor. Our evaluations show that LearnLM-Tutor is consistently preferred over a prompt tuned Gemini by educators and learners on a number of pedagogical dimensions. We hope that this work can serve as a first step towards developing a comprehensive educational evaluation framework, and that this can enable rapid progress within the AI and EdTech communities towards maximising the positive impact of gen AI in education.

replace-cross Why Does New Knowledge Create Messy Ripple Effects in LLMs?

Authors: Jiaxin Qin, Zixuan Zhang, Chi Han, Manling Li, Pengfei Yu, Heng Ji

Abstract: Extensive previous research has focused on post-training knowledge editing (KE) for language models (LMs) to ensure that knowledge remains accurate and up-to-date. One desired property and open question in KE is to let edited LMs correctly handle ripple effects, where LM is expected to answer its logically related knowledge accurately. In this paper, we answer the question of why most KE methods still create messy ripple effects. We conduct extensive analysis and identify a salient indicator, GradSim, that effectively reveals when and why updated knowledge ripples in LMs. GradSim is computed by the cosine similarity between gradients of the original fact and its related knowledge. We observe a strong positive correlation between ripple effect performance and GradSim across different LMs, KE methods, and evaluation metrics. Further investigations into three counter-intuitive failure cases (Negation, Over-Ripple, Multi-Lingual) of ripple effects demonstrate that these failures are often associated with very low GradSim. This finding validates that GradSim is an effective indicator of when knowledge ripples in LMs.

replace-cross Historical Ink: Semantic Shift Detection for 19th Century Spanish

Authors: Tony Montes, Laura Manrique-G\'omez, Rub\'en Manrique

Abstract: This paper explores the evolution of word meanings in 19th-century Spanish texts, with an emphasis on Latin American Spanish, using computational linguistics techniques. It addresses the Semantic Shift Detection (SSD) task, which is crucial for understanding linguistic evolution, particularly in historical contexts. The study focuses on analyzing a set of Spanish target words. To achieve this, a 19th-century Spanish corpus is constructed, and a customizable pipeline for SSD tasks is developed. This pipeline helps find the senses of a word and measure their semantic change between two corpora using fine-tuned BERT-like models with old Spanish texts for both Latin American and general Spanish cases. The results provide valuable insights into the cultural and societal shifts reflected in language changes over time.

replace-cross Do LLMs have Consistent Values?

Authors: Naama Rozen, Gal Elidan, Amir Globerson, Ella Daniel

Abstract: Values are a basic driving force underlying human behavior. Large Language Models (LLM) technology is constantly improving towards human-like dialogue. However, little research has been done to study the values exhibited in text generated by LLMs. Here we study this question by turning to the rich literature on value structure in psychology. We ask whether LLMs exhibit the same value structure that has been demonstrated in humans, including the ranking of values, and correlation between values. We show that the results of this analysis strongly depend on how the LLM is prompted, and that under a particular prompting strategy (referred to as 'Value Anchoring') the agreement with human data is quite compelling. Our results serve both to improve our understanding of values in LLMs, as well as introduce novel methods for assessing consistency in LLM responses.

replace-cross From Principles to Practices: Lessons Learned from Applying Partnership on AI's (PAI) Synthetic Media Framework to 11 Use Cases

Authors: Claire R. Leibowicz, Christian H. Cardona

Abstract: 2023 was the year the world woke up to generative AI, and 2024 is the year policymakers are responding more firmly. Importantly, this policy momentum is taking place alongside real world creation and distribution of synthetic media. Social media platforms, news organizations, dating apps, image generation companies, and more are already navigating a world of AI-generated visuals and sounds, already changing hearts and minds, as policymakers try to catch up. How, then, can AI governance capture the complexity of the synthetic media landscape? How can it attend to synthetic media's myriad uses, ranging from storytelling to privacy preservation, to deception, fraud, and defamation, taking into account the many stakeholders involved in its development, creation, and distribution? And what might it mean to govern synthetic media in a manner that upholds the truth while bolstering freedom of expression? What follows is the first known collection of diverse examples of the implementation of synthetic media governance that responds to these questions, specifically through Partnership on AI's (PAI) Responsible Practices for Synthetic Media - a voluntary, normative Framework for creating, distributing, and building technology for synthetic media responsibly, launched in February 2023. In this paper, we present a case bank of real world examples that help operationalize the Framework - highlighting areas synthetic media governance can be applied, augmented, expanded, and refined for use, in practice. Read together, the cases emphasize distinct elements of AI policymaking and seven emergent best practices supporting transparency, safety, expression, and digital dignity online: consent, disclosure, and differentiation between harmful and creative use cases.

replace-cross PG-Rainbow: Using Distributional Reinforcement Learning in Policy Gradient Methods

Authors: WooJae Jeon, KangJun Lee, Jeewoo Lee

Abstract: This paper introduces PG-Rainbow, a novel algorithm that incorporates a distributional reinforcement learning framework with a policy gradient algorithm. Existing policy gradient methods are sample inefficient and rely on the mean of returns when calculating the state-action value function, neglecting the distributional nature of returns in reinforcement learning tasks. To address this issue, we use an Implicit Quantile Network that provides the quantile information of the distribution of rewards to the critic network of the Proximal Policy Optimization algorithm. We show empirical results that through the integration of reward distribution information into the policy network, the policy agent acquires enhanced capabilities to comprehensively evaluate the consequences of potential actions in a given state, facilitating more sophisticated and informed decision-making processes. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in the Atari-2600 game suite, simulated via the Arcade Learning Environment (ALE).