new Towards Automated Functional Equation Proving: A Benchmark Dataset and A Domain-Specific In-Context Agent

Authors: Mahdi Buali, Robert Hoehndorf

Abstract: Automated Theorem Proving (ATP) faces challenges due to its complexity and computational demands. Recent work has explored using Large Language Models (LLMs) for ATP action selection, but these methods can be resource-intensive. This study introduces FEAS, an agent that enhances the COPRA in-context learning framework within Lean. FEAS refines prompt generation, response parsing, and incorporates domain-specific heuristics for functional equations. It introduces FunEq, a curated dataset of functional equation problems with varying difficulty. FEAS outperforms baselines on FunEq, particularly with the integration of domain-specific heuristics. The results demonstrate FEAS's effectiveness in generating and formalizing high-level proof strategies into Lean proofs, showcasing the potential of tailored approaches for specific ATP challenges.

new Towards consistency of rule-based explainer and black box model -- fusion of rule induction and XAI-based feature importance

Authors: Micha{\l} Kozielski, Marek Sikora, {\L}ukasz Wawrowski

Abstract: Rule-based models offer a human-understandable representation, i.e. they are interpretable. For this reason, they are used to explain the decisions of non-interpretable complex models, referred to as black box models. The generation of such explanations involves the approximation of a black box model by a rule-based model. To date, however, it has not been investigated whether the rule-based model makes decisions in the same way as the black box model it approximates. Decision making in the same way is understood in this work as the consistency of decisions and the consistency of the most important attributes used for decision making. This study proposes a novel approach ensuring that the rule-based surrogate model mimics the performance of the black box model. The proposed solution performs an explanation fusion involving rule generation and taking into account the feature importance determined by the selected XAI methods for the black box model being explained. The result of the method can be both global and local rule-based explanations. The quality of the proposed solution was verified by extensive analysis on 30 tabular benchmark datasets representing classification problems. Evaluation included comparison with the reference method and an illustrative case study. In addition, the paper discusses the possible pathways for the application of the rule-based approach in XAI and how rule-based explanations, including the proposed method, meet the user perspective and requirements for both content and presentation. The software created and a detailed report containing the full experimental results are available on the GitHub repository ( ).


new Thought-Like-Pro: Enhancing Reasoning of Large Language Models through Self-Driven Prolog-based Chain-of-Though

Authors: Xiaoyu Tan (INF Technology), Yongxin Deng (Shanghai University of Engineering Science), Xihe Qiu (Shanghai University of Engineering Science), Weidi Xu (INF Technology), Chao Qu (INF Technology), Wei Chu (INF Technology), Yinghui Xu (Fudan University), Yuan Qi (Fudan University)

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown exceptional performance as general-purpose assistants, excelling across a variety of reasoning tasks. This achievement represents a significant step toward achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI). Despite these advancements, the effectiveness of LLMs often hinges on the specific prompting strategies employed, and there remains a lack of a robust framework to facilitate learning and generalization across diverse reasoning tasks. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel learning framework, THOUGHT-LIKE-PRO In this framework, we utilize imitation learning to imitate the Chain-of-Thought (CoT) process which is verified and translated from reasoning trajectories generated by a symbolic Prolog logic engine. This framework proceeds in a self-driven manner, that enables LLMs to formulate rules and statements from given instructions and leverage the symbolic Prolog engine to derive results. Subsequently, LLMs convert Prolog-derived successive reasoning trajectories into natural language CoT for imitation learning. Our empirical findings indicate that our proposed approach substantially enhances the reasoning abilities of LLMs and demonstrates robust generalization across out-of-distribution reasoning tasks.

new Relational Composition in Neural Networks: A Survey and Call to Action

Authors: Martin Wattenberg, Fernanda B. Vi\'egas

Abstract: Many neural nets appear to represent data as linear combinations of "feature vectors." Algorithms for discovering these vectors have seen impressive recent success. However, we argue that this success is incomplete without an understanding of relational composition: how (or whether) neural nets combine feature vectors to represent more complicated relationships. To facilitate research in this area, this paper offers a guided tour of various relational mechanisms that have been proposed, along with preliminary analysis of how such mechanisms might affect the search for interpretable features. We end with a series of promising areas for empirical research, which may help determine how neural networks represent structured data.

new Unveiling the Decision-Making Process in Reinforcement Learning with Genetic Programming

Authors: Manuel Eberhardinger, Florian Rupp, Johannes Maucher, Setareh Maghsudi

Abstract: Despite tremendous progress, machine learning and deep learning still suffer from incomprehensible predictions. Incomprehensibility, however, is not an option for the use of (deep) reinforcement learning in the real world, as unpredictable actions can seriously harm the involved individuals. In this work, we propose a genetic programming framework to generate explanations for the decision-making process of already trained agents by imitating them with programs. Programs are interpretable and can be executed to generate explanations of why the agent chooses a particular action. Furthermore, we conduct an ablation study that investigates how extending the domain-specific language by using library learning alters the performance of the method. We compare our results with the previous state of the art for this problem and show that we are comparable in performance but require much less hardware resources and computation time.

new TraveLLM: Could you plan my new public transit route in face of a network disruption?

Authors: Bowen Fang, Zixiao Yang, Shukai Wang, Xuan Di

Abstract: Imagine there is a disruption in train 1 near Times Square metro station. You try to find an alternative subway route to the JFK airport on Google Maps, but the app fails to provide a suitable recommendation that takes into account the disruption and your preferences to avoid crowded stations. We find that in many such situations, current navigation apps may fall short and fail to give a reasonable recommendation. To fill this gap, in this paper, we develop a prototype, TraveLLM, to plan routing of public transit in face of disruption that relies on Large Language Models (LLMs). LLMs have shown remarkable capabilities in reasoning and planning across various domains. Here we hope to investigate the potential of LLMs that lies in incorporating multi-modal user-specific queries and constraints into public transit route recommendations. Various test cases are designed under different scenarios, including varying weather conditions, emergency events, and the introduction of new transportation services. We then compare the performance of state-of-the-art LLMs, including GPT-4, Claude 3 and Gemini, in generating accurate routes. Our comparative analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of LLMs, particularly GPT-4 in providing navigation plans. Our findings hold the potential for LLMs to enhance existing navigation systems and provide a more flexible and intelligent method for addressing diverse user needs in face of disruptions.

new A Measure for Level of Autonomy Based on Observable System Behavior

Authors: Jason M. Pittman

Abstract: Contemporary artificial intelligence systems are pivotal in enhancing human efficiency and safety across various domains. One such domain is autonomous systems, especially in automotive and defense use cases. Artificial intelligence brings learning and enhanced decision-making to autonomy system goal-oriented behaviors and human independence. However, the lack of clear understanding of autonomy system capabilities hampers human-machine or machine-machine interaction and interdiction. This necessitates varying degrees of human involvement for safety, accountability, and explainability purposes. Yet, measuring the level autonomous capability in an autonomous system presents a challenge. Two scales of measurement exist, yet measuring autonomy presupposes a variety of elements not available in the wild. This is why existing measures for level of autonomy are operationalized only during design or test and evaluation phases. No measure for level of autonomy based on observed system behavior exists at this time. To address this, we outline a potential measure for predicting level of autonomy using observable actions. We also present an algorithm incorporating the proposed measure. The measure and algorithm have significance to researchers and practitioners interested in a method to blind compare autonomous systems at runtime. Defense-based implementations are likewise possible because counter-autonomy depends on robust identification of autonomous systems.

new Multi-Agent Causal Discovery Using Large Language Models

Authors: Hao Duong Le, Xin Xia, Zhang Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant potential in causal discovery tasks by utilizing their vast expert knowledge from extensive text corpora. However, the multi-agent capabilities of LLMs in causal discovery remain underexplored. This paper introduces a general framework to investigate this potential. The first is the Meta Agents Model, which relies exclusively on reasoning and discussions among LLM agents to conduct causal discovery. The second is the Coding Agents Model, which leverages the agents' ability to plan, write, and execute code, utilizing advanced statistical libraries for causal discovery. The third is the Hybrid Model, which integrates both the Meta Agents Model and CodingAgents Model approaches, combining the statistical analysis and reasoning skills of multiple agents. Our proposed framework shows promising results by effectively utilizing LLMs expert knowledge, reasoning capabilities, multi-agent cooperation, and statistical causal methods. By exploring the multi-agent potential of LLMs, we aim to establish a foundation for further research in utilizing LLMs multi-agent for solving causal-related problems.

new Text-Augmented Multimodal LLMs for Chemical Reaction Condition Recommendation

Authors: Yu Zhang, Ruijie Yu, Kaipeng Zeng, Ding Li, Feng Zhu, Xiaokang Yang, Yaohui Jin, Yanyan Xu

Abstract: High-throughput reaction condition (RC) screening is fundamental to chemical synthesis. However, current RC screening suffers from laborious and costly trial-and-error workflows. Traditional computer-aided synthesis planning (CASP) tools fail to find suitable RCs due to data sparsity and inadequate reaction representations. Nowadays, large language models (LLMs) are capable of tackling chemistry-related problems, such as molecule design, and chemical logic Q\&A tasks. However, LLMs have not yet achieved accurate predictions of chemical reaction conditions. Here, we present MM-RCR, a text-augmented multimodal LLM that learns a unified reaction representation from SMILES, reaction graphs, and textual corpus for chemical reaction recommendation (RCR). To train MM-RCR, we construct 1.2 million pair-wised Q\&A instruction datasets. Our experimental results demonstrate that MM-RCR achieves state-of-the-art performance on two open benchmark datasets and exhibits strong generalization capabilities on out-of-domain (OOD) and High-Throughput Experimentation (HTE) datasets. MM-RCR has the potential to accelerate high-throughput condition screening in chemical synthesis.

new Explaining Decisions of Agents in Mixed-Motive Games

Authors: Maayan Orner, Oleg Maksimov, Akiva Kleinerman, Charles Ortiz, Sarit Kraus

Abstract: In recent years, agents have become capable of communicating seamlessly via natural language and navigating in environments that involve cooperation and competition, a fact that can introduce social dilemmas. Due to the interleaving of cooperation and competition, understanding agents' decision-making in such environments is challenging, and humans can benefit from obtaining explanations. However, such environments and scenarios have rarely been explored in the context of explainable AI. While some explanation methods for cooperative environments can be applied in mixed-motive setups, they do not address inter-agent competition, cheap-talk, or implicit communication by actions. In this work, we design explanation methods to address these issues. Then, we proceed to demonstrate their effectiveness and usefulness for humans, using a non-trivial mixed-motive game as a test case. Lastly, we establish generality and demonstrate the applicability of the methods to other games, including one where we mimic human game actions using large language models.

new New Rules for Causal Identification with Background Knowledge

Authors: Tian-Zuo Wang, Lue Tao, Zhi-Hua Zhou

Abstract: Identifying causal relations is crucial for a variety of downstream tasks. In additional to observational data, background knowledge (BK), which could be attained from human expertise or experiments, is usually introduced for uncovering causal relations. This raises an open problem that in the presence of latent variables, what causal relations are identifiable from observational data and BK. In this paper, we propose two novel rules for incorporating BK, which offer a new perspective to the open problem. In addition, we show that these rules are applicable in some typical causality tasks, such as determining the set of possible causal effects with observational data. Our rule-based approach enhances the state-of-the-art method by circumventing a process of enumerating block sets that would otherwise take exponential complexity.

new Odyssey: Empowering Agents with Open-World Skills

Authors: Shunyu Liu, Yaoru Li, Kongcheng Zhang, Zhenyu Cui, Wenkai Fang, Yuxuan Zheng, Tongya Zheng, Mingli Song

Abstract: Recent studies have delved into constructing generalist agents for open-world embodied environments like Minecraft. Despite the encouraging results, existing efforts mainly focus on solving basic programmatic tasks, e.g., material collection and tool-crafting following the Minecraft tech-tree, treating the ObtainDiamond task as the ultimate goal. This limitation stems from the narrowly defined set of actions available to agents, requiring them to learn effective long-horizon strategies from scratch. Consequently, discovering diverse gameplay opportunities in the open world becomes challenging. In this work, we introduce ODYSSEY, a new framework that empowers Large Language Model (LLM)-based agents with open-world skills to explore the vast Minecraft world. ODYSSEY comprises three key parts: (1) An interactive agent with an open-world skill library that consists of 40 primitive skills and 183 compositional skills. (2) A fine-tuned LLaMA-3 model trained on a large question-answering dataset with 390k+ instruction entries derived from the Minecraft Wiki. (3) A new open-world benchmark includes thousands of long-term planning tasks, tens of dynamic-immediate planning tasks, and one autonomous exploration task. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed ODYSSEY framework can effectively evaluate the planning and exploration capabilities of agents. All datasets, model weights, and code are publicly available to motivate future research on more advanced autonomous agent solutions.

new Algebraic anti-unification

Authors: Christian Anti\'c

Abstract: Abstraction is key to human and artificial intelligence as it allows one to see common structure in otherwise distinct objects or situations and as such it is a key element for generality in AI. Anti-unification (or generalization) is \textit{the} part of theoretical computer science and AI studying abstraction. It has been successfully applied to various AI-related problems, most importantly inductive logic programming. Up to this date, anti-unification is studied only from a syntactic perspective in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to initiate an algebraic (i.e. semantic) theory of anti-unification within general algebras. This is motivated by recent applications to similarity and analogical proportions.

new Interpretable Concept-Based Memory Reasoning

Authors: David Debot (Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven), Pietro Barbiero (Universit\`a della Svizzera Italiana,University of Cambridge), Francesco Giannini (Faculty of Sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa), Gabriele Ciravegna (Department of Control,Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Torino), Michelangelo Diligenti (Universit\`a di Siena), Giuseppe Marra (Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven)

Abstract: The lack of transparency in the decision-making processes of deep learning systems presents a significant challenge in modern artificial intelligence (AI), as it impairs users' ability to rely on and verify these systems. To address this challenge, Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) have made significant progress by incorporating human-interpretable concepts into deep learning architectures. This approach allows predictions to be traced back to specific concept patterns that users can understand and potentially intervene on. However, existing CBMs' task predictors are not fully interpretable, preventing a thorough analysis and any form of formal verification of their decision-making process prior to deployment, thereby raising significant reliability concerns. To bridge this gap, we introduce Concept-based Memory Reasoner (CMR), a novel CBM designed to provide a human-understandable and provably-verifiable task prediction process. Our approach is to model each task prediction as a neural selection mechanism over a memory of learnable logic rules, followed by a symbolic evaluation of the selected rule. The presence of an explicit memory and the symbolic evaluation allow domain experts to inspect and formally verify the validity of certain global properties of interest for the task prediction process. Experimental results demonstrate that CMR achieves comparable accuracy-interpretability trade-offs to state-of-the-art CBMs, discovers logic rules consistent with ground truths, allows for rule interventions, and allows pre-deployment verification.

new Problems in AI, their roots in philosophy, and implications for science and society

Authors: Max Velthoven, Eric Marcus

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of today's most relevant emergent technologies. In view thereof, this paper proposes that more attention should be paid to the philosophical aspects of AI technology and its use. It is argued that this deficit is generally combined with philosophical misconceptions about the growth of knowledge. To identify these misconceptions, reference is made to the ideas of the philosopher of science Karl Popper and the physicist David Deutsch. The works of both thinkers aim against mistaken theories of knowledge, such as inductivism, empiricism, and instrumentalism. This paper shows that these theories bear similarities to how current AI technology operates. It also shows that these theories are very much alive in the (public) discourse on AI, often called Bayesianism. In line with Popper and Deutsch, it is proposed that all these theories are based on mistaken philosophies of knowledge. This includes an analysis of the implications of these mistaken philosophies for the use of AI in science and society, including some of the likely problem situations that will arise. This paper finally provides a realistic outlook on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and three propositions on A(G)I and philosophy (i.e., epistemology).

new TaskGen: A Task-Based, Memory-Infused Agentic Framework using StrictJSON

Authors: John Chong Min Tan, Prince Saroj, Bharat Runwal, Hardik Maheshwari, Brian Lim Yi Sheng, Richard Cottrill, Alankrit Chona, Ambuj Kumar, Mehul Motani

Abstract: TaskGen is an open-sourced agentic framework which uses an Agent to solve an arbitrary task by breaking them down into subtasks. Each subtask is mapped to an Equipped Function or another Agent to execute. In order to reduce verbosity (and hence token usage), TaskGen uses StrictJSON that ensures JSON output from the Large Language Model (LLM), along with additional features such as type checking and iterative error correction. Key to the philosophy of TaskGen is the management of information/memory on a need-to-know basis. We empirically evaluate TaskGen on various environments such as 40x40 dynamic maze navigation with changing obstacle locations (100% solve rate), TextWorld escape room solving with dense rewards and detailed goals (96% solve rate), web browsing (69% of actions successful), solving the MATH dataset (71% solve rate over 100 Level-5 problems), Retrieval Augmented Generation on NaturalQuestions dataset (F1 score of 47.03%)

new Explaining Decisions in ML Models: a Parameterized Complexity Analysis

Authors: Sebastian Ordyniak, Giacomo Paesani, Mateusz Rychlicki, Stefan Szeider

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive theoretical investigation into the parameterized complexity of explanation problems in various machine learning (ML) models. Contrary to the prevalent black-box perception, our study focuses on models with transparent internal mechanisms. We address two principal types of explanation problems: abductive and contrastive, both in their local and global variants. Our analysis encompasses diverse ML models, including Decision Trees, Decision Sets, Decision Lists, Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams, Random Forests, and Boolean Circuits, and ensembles thereof, each offering unique explanatory challenges. This research fills a significant gap in explainable AI (XAI) by providing a foundational understanding of the complexities of generating explanations for these models. This work provides insights vital for further research in the domain of XAI, contributing to the broader discourse on the necessity of transparency and accountability in AI systems.

new On shallow planning under partial observability

Authors: Randy Lefebvre, Audrey Durand

Abstract: Formulating a real-world problem under the Reinforcement Learning framework involves non-trivial design choices, such as selecting a discount factor for the learning objective (discounted cumulative rewards), which articulates the planning horizon of the agent. This work investigates the impact of the discount factor on the biasvariance trade-off given structural parameters of the underlying Markov Decision Process. Our results support the idea that a shorter planning horizon might be beneficial, especially under partial observability.

cross Learning Neural Network Classifiers with Low Model Complexity

Authors: Jayadeva, Himanshu Pant, Mayank Sharma, Abhimanyu Dubey, Sumit Soman, Suraj Tripathi, Sai Guruju, Nihal Goalla

Abstract: Modern neural network architectures for large-scale learning tasks have substantially higher model complexities, which makes understanding, visualizing and training these architectures difficult. Recent contributions to deep learning techniques have focused on architectural modifications to improve parameter efficiency and performance. In this paper, we derive a continuous and differentiable error functional for a neural network that minimizes its empirical error as well as a measure of the model complexity. The latter measure is obtained by deriving a differentiable upper bound on the Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension of the classifier layer of a class of deep networks. Using standard backpropagation, we realize a training rule that tries to minimize the error on training samples, while improving generalization by keeping the model complexity low. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our formulation (the Low Complexity Neural Network - LCNN) across several deep learning algorithms, and a variety of large benchmark datasets. We show that hidden layer neurons in the resultant networks learn features that are crisp, and in the case of image datasets, quantitatively sharper. Our proposed approach yields benefits across a wide range of architectures, in comparison to and in conjunction with methods such as Dropout and Batch Normalization, and our results strongly suggest that deep learning techniques can benefit from model complexity control methods such as the LCNN learning rule.

cross A Compass for Navigating the World of Sentence Embeddings for the Telecom Domain

Authors: Sujoy Roychowdhury, Sumit Soman, H. G. Ranjani, Vansh Chhabra, Neeraj Gunda, Subhadip Bandyopadhyay, Sai Krishna Bala

Abstract: A plethora of sentence embedding models makes it challenging to choose one, especially for domains such as telecom, rich with specialized vocabulary. We evaluate multiple embeddings obtained from publicly available models and their domain-adapted variants, on both point retrieval accuracies as well as their (95\%) confidence intervals. We establish a systematic method to obtain thresholds for similarity scores for different embeddings. We observe that fine-tuning improves mean bootstrapped accuracies as well as tightens confidence intervals. The pre-training combined with fine-tuning makes confidence intervals even tighter. To understand these variations, we analyse and report significant correlations between the distributional overlap between top-$K$, correct and random sentence similarities with retrieval accuracies and similarity thresholds. Following current literature, we analyze if retrieval accuracy variations can be attributed to isotropy of embeddings. Our conclusions are that isotropy of embeddings (as measured by two independent state-of-the-art isotropy metric definitions) cannot be attributed to better retrieval performance. However, domain adaptation which improves retrieval accuracies also improves isotropy. We establish that domain adaptation moves domain specific embeddings further away from general domain embeddings.

cross DAHRS: Divergence-Aware Hallucination-Remediated SRL Projection

Authors: Sangpil Youm, Brodie Mather, Chathuri Jayaweera, Juliana Prada, Bonnie Dorr

Abstract: Semantic role labeling (SRL) enriches many downstream applications, e.g., machine translation, question answering, summarization, and stance/belief detection. However, building multilingual SRL models is challenging due to the scarcity of semantically annotated corpora for multiple languages. Moreover, state-of-the-art SRL projection (XSRL) based on large language models (LLMs) yields output that is riddled with spurious role labels. Remediation of such hallucinations is not straightforward due to the lack of explainability of LLMs. We show that hallucinated role labels are related to naturally occurring divergence types that interfere with initial alignments. We implement Divergence-Aware Hallucination-Remediated SRL projection (DAHRS), leveraging linguistically-informed alignment remediation followed by greedy First-Come First-Assign (FCFA) SRL projection. DAHRS improves the accuracy of SRL projection without additional transformer-based machinery, beating XSRL in both human and automatic comparisons, and advancing beyond headwords to accommodate phrase-level SRL projection (e.g., EN-FR, EN-ES). Using CoNLL-2009 as our ground truth, we achieve a higher word-level F1 over XSRL: 87.6% vs. 77.3% (EN-FR) and 89.0% vs. 82.7% (EN-ES). Human phrase-level assessments yield 89.1% (EN-FR) and 91.0% (EN-ES). We also define a divergence metric to adapt our approach to other language pairs (e.g., English-Tagalog).

cross Evaluation of RAG Metrics for Question Answering in the Telecom Domain

Authors: Sujoy Roychowdhury, Sumit Soman, H G Ranjani, Neeraj Gunda, Vansh Chhabra, Sai Krishna Bala

Abstract: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is widely used to enable Large Language Models (LLMs) perform Question Answering (QA) tasks in various domains. However, RAG based on open-source LLM for specialized domains has challenges of evaluating generated responses. A popular framework in the literature is the RAG Assessment (RAGAS), a publicly available library which uses LLMs for evaluation. One disadvantage of RAGAS is the lack of details of derivation of numerical value of the evaluation metrics. One of the outcomes of this work is a modified version of this package for few metrics (faithfulness, context relevance, answer relevance, answer correctness, answer similarity and factual correctness) through which we provide the intermediate outputs of the prompts by using any LLMs. Next, we analyse the expert evaluations of the output of the modified RAGAS package and observe the challenges of using it in the telecom domain. We also study the effect of the metrics under correct vs. wrong retrieval and observe that few of the metrics have higher values for correct retrieval. We also study for differences in metrics between base embeddings and those domain adapted via pre-training and fine-tuning. Finally, we comment on the suitability and challenges of using these metrics for in-the-wild telecom QA task.

cross Addressing Imbalance for Class Incremental Learning in Medical Image Classification

Authors: Xuze Hao, Wenqian Ni, Xuhao Jiang, Weimin Tan, Bo Yan

Abstract: Deep convolutional neural networks have made significant breakthroughs in medical image classification, under the assumption that training samples from all classes are simultaneously available. However, in real-world medical scenarios, there's a common need to continuously learn about new diseases, leading to the emerging field of class incremental learning (CIL) in the medical domain. Typically, CIL suffers from catastrophic forgetting when trained on new classes. This phenomenon is mainly caused by the imbalance between old and new classes, and it becomes even more challenging with imbalanced medical datasets. In this work, we introduce two simple yet effective plug-in methods to mitigate the adverse effects of the imbalance. First, we propose a CIL-balanced classification loss to mitigate the classifier bias toward majority classes via logit adjustment. Second, we propose a distribution margin loss that not only alleviates the inter-class overlap in embedding space but also enforces the intra-class compactness. We evaluate the effectiveness of our method with extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets (CCH5000, HAM10000, and EyePACS). The results demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

cross Morse Code-Enabled Speech Recognition for Individuals with Visual and Hearing Impairments

Authors: Ritabrata Roy Choudhury

Abstract: The proposed model aims to develop a speech recognition technology for hearing, speech, or cognitively disabled people. All the available technology in the field of speech recognition doesn't come with an interface for communication for people with hearing, speech, or cognitive disabilities. The proposed model proposes the speech from the user, is transmitted to the speech recognition layer where it is converted into text and then that text is then transmitted to the morse code conversion layer where the morse code of the corresponding speech is given as the output. The accuracy of the model is completely dependent on speech recognition, as the morse code conversion is a process. The model is tested with recorded audio files with different parameters. The proposed model's WER and accuracy are both determined to be 10.18% and 89.82%, respectively.

cross FuncEvalGMN: Evaluating Functional Correctness of SQL via Graph Matching Network

Authors: Yi Zhan, Yang Sun, Han Weng, Longjie Cui, Guifeng Wang, Jiajun Xie, Yu Tian, Xiaoming Yin, Boyi Liu, Dongchi Huang

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel graph-based methodology to evaluate the functional correctness of SQL generation. Conventional metrics for assessing SQL code generation, such as matching-based and execution-based methods (e.g., exact set match and execution accuracy), are subject to two primary limitations. Firstly, the former fails to effectively assess functional correctness, as different SQL queries may possess identical functionalities. Secondly, the latter is susceptible to producing false positive samples in evaluations. Our proposed evaluation method, \texttt{FuncEvalGMN}, does not depend on the sufficient preparation of the test data, and it enables precise testing of the functional correctness of the code. Firstly, we parse SQL using a relational operator tree (ROT) called \textit{Relnode}, which contains rich semantic information from the perspective of logical execution.Then, we introduce a GNN-based approach for predicting the functional correctness of generated SQL. This approach incorporates global positional embeddings to address the limitations with the loss of topological information in conventional graph matching frameworks. As an auxiliary contribution, we propose a rule-based matching algorithm, Relnode Partial Matching (\texttt{RelPM}) as a baseline. Finally, we contribute a dataset, \texttt{Pair-Aug-Spider} with a training set and two testing sets, each comprising pairs of SQL codes to simulate various SQL code evaluation scenarios. The training set and one testing dataset focus on code generation using large language models (LLMs), while the other emphasizes SQL equivalence rewriting.

cross Risks of uncertainty propagation in Al-augmented security pipelines

Authors: Emanuele Mezzi, Aurora Papotti, Fabio Massacci, Katja Tuma

Abstract: The use of AI technologies is percolating into the secure development of software-based systems, with an increasing trend of composing AI-based subsystems (with uncertain levels of performance) into automated pipelines. This presents a fundamental research challenge and poses a serious threat to safety-critical domains (e.g., aviation). Despite the existing knowledge about uncertainty in risk analysis, no previous work has estimated the uncertainty of AI-augmented systems given the propagation of errors in the pipeline. We provide the formal underpinnings for capturing uncertainty propagation, develop a simulator to quantify uncertainty, and evaluate the simulation of propagating errors with two case studies. We discuss the generalizability of our approach and present policy implications and recommendations for aviation. Future work includes extending the approach and investigating the required metrics for validation in the aviation domain.

cross Predicting Star Scientists in the Field of Artificial Intelligence: A Machine Learning Approach

Authors: Koosha Shirouyeh, Andrea Schiffauerova, Ashkan Ebadi

Abstract: Star scientists are highly influential researchers who have made significant contributions to their field, gained widespread recognition, and often attracted substantial research funding. They are critical for the advancement of science and innovation, and they have a significant influence on the transfer of knowledge and technology to industry. Identifying potential star scientists before their performance becomes outstanding is important for recruitment, collaboration, networking, or research funding decisions. Using machine learning techniques, this study proposes a model to predict star scientists in the field of artificial intelligence while highlighting features related to their success. Our results confirm that rising stars follow different patterns compared to their non-rising stars counterparts in almost all the early-career features. We also found that certain features such as gender and ethnic diversity play important roles in scientific collaboration and that they can significantly impact an author's career development and success. The most important features in predicting star scientists in the field of artificial intelligence were the number of articles, group discipline diversity, and weighted degree centrality. The proposed approach offers valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and funding agencies interested in identifying and supporting talented researchers.

cross Automated and Holistic Co-design of Neural Networks and ASICs for Enabling In-Pixel Intelligence

Authors: Shubha R. Kharel, Prashansa Mukim, Piotr Maj, Grzegorz W. Deptuch, Shinjae Yoo, Yihui Ren, Soumyajit Mandal

Abstract: Extreme edge-AI systems, such as those in readout ASICs for radiation detection, must operate under stringent hardware constraints such as micron-level dimensions, sub-milliwatt power, and nanosecond-scale speed while providing clear accuracy advantages over traditional architectures. Finding ideal solutions means identifying optimal AI and ASIC design choices from a design space that has explosively expanded during the merger of these domains, creating non-trivial couplings which together act upon a small set of solutions as constraints tighten. It is impractical, if not impossible, to manually determine ideal choices among possibilities that easily exceed billions even in small-size problems. Existing methods to bridge this gap have leveraged theoretical understanding of hardware to f architecture search. However, the assumptions made in computing such theoretical metrics are too idealized to provide sufficient guidance during the difficult search for a practical implementation. Meanwhile, theoretical estimates for many other crucial metrics (like delay) do not even exist and are similarly variable, dependent on parameters of the process design kit (PDK). To address these challenges, we present a study that employs intelligent search using multi-objective Bayesian optimization, integrating both neural network search and ASIC synthesis in the loop. This approach provides reliable feedback on the collective impact of all cross-domain design choices. We showcase the effectiveness of our approach by finding several Pareto-optimal design choices for effective and efficient neural networks that perform real-time feature extraction from input pulses within the individual pixels of a readout ASIC.

cross NNsight and NDIF: Democratizing Access to Foundation Model Internals

Authors: Jaden Fiotto-Kaufman, Alexander R Loftus, Eric Todd, Jannik Brinkmann, Caden Juang, Koyena Pal, Can Rager, Aaron Mueller, Samuel Marks, Arnab Sen Sharma, Francesca Lucchetti, Michael Ripa, Adam Belfki, Nikhil Prakash, Sumeet Multani, Carla Brodley, Arjun Guha, Jonathan Bell, Byron Wallace, David Bau

Abstract: The enormous scale of state-of-the-art foundation models has limited their accessibility to scientists, because customized experiments at large model sizes require costly hardware and complex engineering that is impractical for most researchers. To alleviate these problems, we introduce NNsight, an open-source Python package with a simple, flexible API that can express interventions on any PyTorch model by building computation graphs. We also introduce NDIF, a collaborative research platform providing researchers access to foundation-scale LLMs via the NNsight API. Code, documentation, and tutorials are available at


cross APS-USCT: Ultrasound Computed Tomography on Sparse Data via AI-Physic Synergy

Authors: Yi Sheng, Hanchen Wang, Yipei Liu, Junhuan Yang, Weiwen Jiang, Youzuo Lin, Lei Yang

Abstract: Ultrasound computed tomography (USCT) is a promising technique that achieves superior medical imaging reconstruction resolution by fully leveraging waveform information, outperforming conventional ultrasound methods. Despite its advantages, high-quality USCT reconstruction relies on extensive data acquisition by a large number of transducers, leading to increased costs, computational demands, extended patient scanning times, and manufacturing complexities. To mitigate these issues, we propose a new USCT method called APS-USCT, which facilitates imaging with sparse data, substantially reducing dependence on high-cost dense data acquisition. Our APS-USCT method consists of two primary components: APS-wave and APS-FWI. The APS-wave component, an encoder-decoder system, preprocesses the waveform data, converting sparse data into dense waveforms to augment sample density prior to reconstruction. The APS-FWI component, utilizing the InversionNet, directly reconstructs the speed of sound (SOS) from the ultrasound waveform data. We further improve the model's performance by incorporating Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) Blocks and source encoding techniques. Testing our method on a breast cancer dataset yielded promising results. It demonstrated outstanding performance with an average Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) of 0.8431. Notably, over 82% of samples achieved an SSIM above 0.8, with nearly 61% exceeding 0.85, highlighting the significant potential of our approach in improving USCT image reconstruction by efficiently utilizing sparse data.

cross Detecting and Characterising Mobile App Metamorphosis in Google Play Store

Authors: D. Denipitiyage, B. Silva, K. Gunathilaka, S. Seneviratne, A. Mahanti, A. Seneviratne, S. Chawla

Abstract: App markets have evolved into highly competitive and dynamic environments for developers. While the traditional app life cycle involves incremental updates for feature enhancements and issue resolution, some apps deviate from this norm by undergoing significant transformations in their use cases or market positioning. We define this previously unstudied phenomenon as 'app metamorphosis'. In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient multi-modal search methodology to identify apps undergoing metamorphosis and apply it to analyse two snapshots of the Google Play Store taken five years apart. Our methodology uncovers various metamorphosis scenarios, including re-births, re-branding, re-purposing, and others, enabling comprehensive characterisation. Although these transformations may register as successful for app developers based on our defined success score metric (e.g., re-branded apps performing approximately 11.3% better than an average top app), we shed light on the concealed security and privacy risks that lurk within, potentially impacting even tech-savvy end-users.

cross Operating System And Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Review

Authors: Yifan Zhang, Xinkui Zhao, Jianwei Yin, Lufei Zhang, Zuoning Chen

Abstract: In the dynamic landscape of technology, the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Operating Systems (OS) has emerged as a pivotal arena for innovation. Our exploration focuses on the symbiotic relationship between AI and OS, emphasizing how AI-driven tools enhance OS performance, security, and efficiency, while OS advancements facilitate more sophisticated AI applications. We delve into various AI techniques employed to optimize OS functionalities, including memory management, process scheduling, and intrusion detection. Simultaneously, we analyze the role of OS in providing essential services and infrastructure that enable effective AI application execution, from resource allocation to data processing. The article also addresses challenges and future directions in this domain, emphasizing the imperative of secure and efficient AI integration within OS frameworks. By examining case studies and recent developments, our review provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of AI-OS integration, underscoring its significance in shaping the next generation of computing technologies. Finally, we explore the promising prospects of Intelligent OSes, considering not only how innovative OS architectures will pave the way for groundbreaking opportunities but also how AI will significantly contribute to advancing these next-generation OSs.

cross SQLfuse: Enhancing Text-to-SQL Performance through Comprehensive LLM Synergy

Authors: Tingkai Zhang, Chaoyu Chen, Cong Liao, Jun Wang, Xudong Zhao, Hang Yu, Jianchao Wang, Jianguo Li, Wenhui Shi

Abstract: Text-to-SQL conversion is a critical innovation, simplifying the transition from complex SQL to intuitive natural language queries, especially significant given SQL's prevalence in the job market across various roles. The rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 has greatly advanced this field, offering improved natural language understanding and the ability to generate nuanced SQL statements. However, the potential of open-source LLMs in Text-to-SQL applications remains underexplored, with many frameworks failing to leverage their full capabilities, particularly in handling complex database queries and incorporating feedback for iterative refinement. Addressing these limitations, this paper introduces SQLfuse, a robust system integrating open-source LLMs with a suite of tools to enhance Text-to-SQL translation's accuracy and usability. SQLfuse features four modules: schema mining, schema linking, SQL generation, and a SQL critic module, to not only generate but also continuously enhance SQL query quality. Demonstrated by its leading performance on the Spider Leaderboard and deployment by Ant Group, SQLfuse showcases the practical merits of open-source LLMs in diverse business contexts.

cross Regression prediction algorithm for energy consumption regression in cloud computing based on horned lizard algorithm optimised convolutional neural network-bidirectional gated recurrent unit

Authors: Feiyang Li, Zinan Cao, Qixuan Yu, Yulu Gong, Xirui Tang

Abstract: For this paper, a prediction study of cloud computing energy consumption was conducted by optimising the data regression algorithm based on the horned lizard optimisation algorithm for Convolutional Neural Networks-Bi-Directional Gated Recurrent Units. Firstly, through Spearman correlation analysis of CPU, usage, memory usage, network traffic, power consumption, number of instructions executed, execution time and energy efficiency, we found that power consumption has the highest degree of positive correlation with energy efficiency, while CPU usage has the highest degree of negative correlation with energy efficiency. In our experiments, we introduced a random forest model and an optimisation model based on the horned lizard optimisation algorithm for testing, and the results show that the optimisation algorithm has better prediction results compared to the random forest model. Specifically, the mean square error (MSE) of the optimisation algorithm is 0.01 smaller than that of the random forest model, and the mean absolute error (MAE) is 0.01 smaller than that of the random forest.3 The results of the combined metrics show that the optimisation algorithm performs more accurately and reliably in predicting energy efficiency. This research result provides new ideas and methods to improve the energy efficiency of cloud computing systems. This research not only expands the scope of application in the field of cloud computing, but also provides a strong support for improving the energy use efficiency of the system.

cross ESCAPE: Energy-based Selective Adaptive Correction for Out-of-distribution 3D Human Pose Estimation

Authors: Luke Bidulka, Mohsen Gholami, Jiannan Zheng, Martin J. McKeown, Z. Jane Wang

Abstract: Despite recent advances in human pose estimation (HPE), poor generalization to out-of-distribution (OOD) data remains a difficult problem. While previous works have proposed Test-Time Adaptation (TTA) to bridge the train-test domain gap by refining network parameters at inference, the absence of ground-truth annotations makes it highly challenging and existing methods typically increase inference times by one or more orders of magnitude. We observe that 1) not every test time sample is OOD, and 2) HPE errors are significantly larger on distal keypoints (wrist, ankle). To this end, we propose ESCAPE: a lightweight correction and selective adaptation framework which applies a fast, forward-pass correction on most data while reserving costly TTA for OOD data. The free energy function is introduced to separate OOD samples from incoming data and a correction network is trained to estimate the errors of pretrained backbone HPE predictions on the distal keypoints. For OOD samples, we propose a novel self-consistency adaptation loss to update the correction network by leveraging the constraining relationship between distal keypoints and proximal keypoints (shoulders, hips), via a second ``reverse" network. ESCAPE improves the distal MPJPE of five popular HPE models by up to 7% on unseen data, achieves state-of-the-art results on two popular HPE benchmarks, and is significantly faster than existing adaptation methods.

cross BOND: Aligning LLMs with Best-of-N Distillation

Authors: Pier Giuseppe Sessa, Robert Dadashi, L\'eonard Hussenot, Johan Ferret, Nino Vieillard, Alexandre Ram\'e, Bobak Shariari, Sarah Perrin, Abe Friesen, Geoffrey Cideron, Sertan Girgin, Piotr Stanczyk, Andrea Michi, Danila Sinopalnikov, Sabela Ramos, Am\'elie H\'eliou, Aliaksei Severyn, Matt Hoffman, Nikola Momchev, Olivier Bachem

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a key driver of quality and safety in state-of-the-art large language models. Yet, a surprisingly simple and strong inference-time strategy is Best-of-N sampling that selects the best generation among N candidates. In this paper, we propose Best-of-N Distillation (BOND), a novel RLHF algorithm that seeks to emulate Best-of-N but without its significant computational overhead at inference time. Specifically, BOND is a distribution matching algorithm that forces the distribution of generations from the policy to get closer to the Best-of-N distribution. We use the Jeffreys divergence (a linear combination of forward and backward KL) to balance between mode-covering and mode-seeking behavior, and derive an iterative formulation that utilizes a moving anchor for efficiency. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and several design choices through experiments on abstractive summarization and Gemma models. Aligning Gemma policies with BOND outperforms other RLHF algorithms by improving results on several benchmarks.

cross Two new feature selection methods based on learn-heuristic techniques for breast cancer prediction: A comprehensive analysis

Authors: Kamyab Karimi, Ali Ghodratnama, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam

Abstract: Breast cancer is not preventable because of its unknown causes. However, its early diagnosis increases patients' recovery chances. Machine learning (ML) can be utilized to improve treatment outcomes in healthcare operations while diminishing costs and time. In this research, we suggest two novel feature selection (FS) methods based upon an imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) and a bat algorithm (BA) and their combination with ML algorithms. This study aims to enhance diagnostic models' efficiency and present a comprehensive analysis to help clinical physicians make much more precise and reliable decisions than before. K-nearest neighbors, support vector machine, decision tree, Naive Bayes, AdaBoost, linear discriminant analysis, random forest, logistic regression, and artificial neural network are some of the methods employed. This paper applied a distinctive integration of evaluation measures and ML algorithms using the wrapper feature selection based on ICA (WFSIC) and BA (WFSB) separately. We compared two proposed approaches for the performance of the classifiers. Also, we compared our best diagnostic model with previous works reported in the literature survey. Experimentations were performed on the Wisconsin diagnostic breast cancer dataset. Results reveal that the proposed framework that uses the BA with an accuracy of 99.12\%, surpasses the framework using the ICA and most previous works. Additionally, the RF classifier in the approach of FS based on BA emerges as the best model and outperforms others regarding its criteria. Besides, the results illustrate the role of our techniques in reducing the dataset dimensions up to 90\% and increasing the performance of diagnostic models by over 99\%. Moreover, the result demonstrates that there are more critical features than the optimum dataset obtained by proposed FS approaches that have been selected by most ML models.

cross CVE-LLM : Automatic vulnerability evaluation in medical device industry using large language models

Authors: Rikhiya Ghosh, Oladimeji Farri, Hans-Martin von Stockhausen, Martin Schmitt, George Marica Vasile

Abstract: The healthcare industry is currently experiencing an unprecedented wave of cybersecurity attacks, impacting millions of individuals. With the discovery of thousands of vulnerabilities each month, there is a pressing need to drive the automation of vulnerability assessment processes for medical devices, facilitating rapid mitigation efforts. Generative AI systems have revolutionized various industries, offering unparalleled opportunities for automation and increased efficiency. This paper presents a solution leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to learn from historical evaluations of vulnerabilities for the automatic assessment of vulnerabilities in the medical devices industry. This approach is applied within the portfolio of a single manufacturer, taking into account device characteristics, including existing security posture and controls. The primary contributions of this paper are threefold. Firstly, it provides a detailed examination of the best practices for training a vulnerability Language Model (LM) in an industrial context. Secondly, it presents a comprehensive comparison and insightful analysis of the effectiveness of Language Models in vulnerability assessment. Finally, it proposes a new human-in-the-loop framework to expedite vulnerability evaluation processes.

cross Improving Representation of High-frequency Components for Medical Foundation Models

Authors: Yuetan Chu, Yilan Zhang, Zhongyi Han, Changchun Yang, Longxi Zhou, Gongning Luo, Xin Gao

Abstract: Foundation models have recently attracted significant attention for their impressive generalizability across diverse downstream tasks. However, these models are demonstrated to exhibit great limitations in representing high-frequency components and fine-grained details. In many medical imaging tasks, the precise representation of such information is crucial due to the inherently intricate anatomical structures, sub-visual features, and complex boundaries involved. Consequently, the limited representation of prevalent foundation models can result in significant performance degradation or even failure in these tasks. To address these challenges, we propose a novel pretraining strategy, named Frequency-advanced Representation Autoencoder (Frepa). Through high-frequency masking and low-frequency perturbation combined with adversarial learning, Frepa encourages the encoder to effectively represent and preserve high-frequency components in the image embeddings. Additionally, we introduce an innovative histogram-equalized image masking strategy, extending the Masked Autoencoder approach beyond ViT to other architectures such as Swin Transformer and convolutional networks. We develop Frepa across nine medical modalities and validate it on 32 downstream tasks for both 2D images and 3D volume data. Without fine-tuning, Frepa can outperform other self-supervised pretraining methods and, in some cases, even surpasses task-specific trained models. This improvement is particularly significant for tasks involving fine-grained details, such as achieving up to a +15% increase in DSC for retina vessel segmentation and a +7% increase in IoU for lung nodule detection. Further experiments quantitatively reveal that Frepa enables superior high-frequency representations and preservation in the embeddings, underscoring its potential for developing more generalized and universal medical image foundation models.

cross A New Lightweight Hybrid Graph Convolutional Neural Network -- CNN Scheme for Scene Classification using Object Detection Inference

Authors: Ayman Beghdadi, Azeddine Beghdadi, Mohib Ullah, Faouzi Alaya Cheikh, Malik Mallem

Abstract: Scene understanding plays an important role in several high-level computer vision applications, such as autonomous vehicles, intelligent video surveillance, or robotics. However, too few solutions have been proposed for indoor/outdoor scene classification to ensure scene context adaptability for computer vision frameworks. We propose the first Lightweight Hybrid Graph Convolutional Neural Network (LH-GCNN)-CNN framework as an add-on to object detection models. The proposed approach uses the output of the CNN object detection model to predict the observed scene type by generating a coherent GCNN representing the semantic and geometric content of the observed scene. This new method, applied to natural scenes, achieves an efficiency of over 90\% for scene classification in a COCO-derived dataset containing a large number of different scenes, while requiring fewer parameters than traditional CNN methods. For the benefit of the scientific community, we will make the source code publicly available:


cross Is $F_1$ Score Suboptimal for Cybersecurity Models? Introducing $C_{score}$, a Cost-Aware Alternative for Model Assessment

Authors: Manish Marwah, Asad Narayanan, Stephen Jou, Martin Arlitt, Maria Pospelova

Abstract: The cost of errors related to machine learning classifiers, namely, false positives and false negatives, are not equal and are application dependent. For example, in cybersecurity applications, the cost of not detecting an attack is very different from marking a benign activity as an attack. Various design choices during machine learning model building, such as hyperparameter tuning and model selection, allow a data scientist to trade-off between these two errors. However, most of the commonly used metrics to evaluate model quality, such as $F_1$ score, which is defined in terms of model precision and recall, treat both these errors equally, making it difficult for users to optimize for the actual cost of these errors. In this paper, we propose a new cost-aware metric, $C_{score}$ based on precision and recall that can replace $F_1$ score for model evaluation and selection. It includes a cost ratio that takes into account the differing costs of handling false positives and false negatives. We derive and characterize the new cost metric, and compare it to $F_1$ score. Further, we use this metric for model thresholding for five cybersecurity related datasets for multiple cost ratios. The results show an average cost savings of 49%.

cross Compact Language Models via Pruning and Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Saurav Muralidharan, Sharath Turuvekere Sreenivas, Raviraj Joshi, Marcin Chochowski, Mostofa Patwary, Mohammad Shoeybi, Bryan Catanzaro, Jan Kautz, Pavlo Molchanov

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) targeting different deployment scales and sizes are currently produced by training each variant from scratch; this is extremely compute-intensive. In this paper, we investigate if pruning an existing LLM and then re-training it with a fraction (<3%) of the original training data can be a suitable alternative to repeated, full retraining. To this end, we develop a set of practical and effective compression best practices for LLMs that combine depth, width, attention and MLP pruning with knowledge distillation-based retraining; we arrive at these best practices through a detailed empirical exploration of pruning strategies for each axis, methods to combine axes, distillation strategies, and search techniques for arriving at optimal compressed architectures. We use this guide to compress the Nemotron-4 family of LLMs by a factor of 2-4x, and compare their performance to similarly-sized models on a variety of language modeling tasks. Deriving 8B and 4B models from an already pretrained 15B model using our approach requires up to 40x fewer training tokens per model compared to training from scratch; this results in compute cost savings of 1.8x for training the full model family (15B, 8B, and 4B). Minitron models exhibit up to a 16% improvement in MMLU scores compared to training from scratch, perform comparably to other community models such as Mistral 7B, Gemma 7B and Llama-3 8B, and outperform state-of-the-art compression techniques from the literature. We have open-sourced Minitron model weights on Huggingface, with corresponding supplementary material including example code available on GitHub.

cross Value Internalization: Learning and Generalizing from Social Reward

Authors: Frieda Rong, Max Kleiman-Weiner

Abstract: Social rewards shape human behavior. During development, a caregiver guides a learner's behavior towards culturally aligned goals and values. How do these behaviors persist and generalize when the caregiver is no longer present, and the learner must continue autonomously? Here, we propose a model of value internalization where social feedback trains an internal social reward (ISR) model that generates internal rewards when social rewards are unavailable. Through empirical simulations, we show that an ISR model prevents agents from unlearning socialized behaviors and enables generalization in out-of-distribution tasks. We characterize the implications of incomplete internalization, akin to "reward hacking" on the ISR. Additionally, we show that our model internalizes prosocial behavior in a multi-agent environment. Our work provides a foundation for understanding how humans acquire and generalize values and offers insights for aligning AI with human values.

cross Differential Privacy of Cross-Attention with Provable Guarantee

Authors: Jiuxiang Gu, Yingyu Liang, Zhenmei Shi, Zhao Song, Yufa Zhou

Abstract: Cross-attention has become a fundamental module nowadays in many important artificial intelligence applications, e.g., retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), system prompt, guided stable diffusion, and many so on. Ensuring cross-attention privacy is crucial and urgently needed because its key and value matrices may contain sensitive information about companies and their users, many of which profit solely from their system prompts or RAG data. In this work, we design a novel differential privacy (DP) data structure to address the privacy security of cross-attention with a theoretical guarantee. In detail, let $n$ be the input token length of system prompt/RAG data, $d$ be the feature dimension, $0 < \alpha \le 1$ be the relative error parameter, $R$ be the maximum value of the query and key matrices, $R_w$ be the maximum value of the value matrix, and $r,s,\epsilon_s$ be parameters of polynomial kernel methods. Then, our data structure requires $\widetilde{O}(ndr^2)$ memory consumption with $\widetilde{O}(nr^2)$ initialization time complexity and $\widetilde{O}(\alpha^{-1} r^2)$ query time complexity for a single token query. In addition, our data structure can guarantee that the user query is $(\epsilon, \delta)$-DP with $\widetilde{O}(n^{-1} \epsilon^{-1} \alpha^{-1/2} R^{2s} R_w r^2)$ additive error and $n^{-1} (\alpha + \epsilon_s)$ relative error between our output and the true answer. Furthermore, our result is robust to adaptive queries in which users can intentionally attack the cross-attention system. To our knowledge, this is the first work to provide DP for cross-attention. We believe it can inspire more privacy algorithm design in large generative models (LGMs).

cross CrowdMAC: Masked Crowd Density Completion for Robust Crowd Density Forecasting

Authors: Ryo Fujii, Ryo Hachiuma, Hideo Saito

Abstract: A crowd density forecasting task aims to predict how the crowd density map will change in the future from observed past crowd density maps. However, the past crowd density maps are often incomplete due to the miss-detection of pedestrians, and it is crucial to develop a robust crowd density forecasting model against the miss-detection. This paper presents a MAsked crowd density Completion framework for crowd density forecasting (CrowdMAC), which is simultaneously trained to forecast future crowd density maps from partially masked past crowd density maps (i.e., forecasting maps from past maps with miss-detection) while reconstructing the masked observation maps (i.e., imputing past maps with miss-detection). Additionally, we propose Temporal-Density-aware Masking (TDM), which non-uniformly masks tokens in the observed crowd density map, considering the sparsity of the crowd density maps and the informativeness of the subsequent frames for the forecasting task. Moreover, we introduce multi-task masking to enhance training efficiency. In the experiments, CrowdMAC achieves state-of-the-art performance on seven large-scale datasets, including SDD, ETH-UCY, inD, JRDB, VSCrowd, FDST, and croHD. We also demonstrate the robustness of the proposed method against both synthetic and realistic miss-detections.

cross Hard Prompts Made Interpretable: Sparse Entropy Regularization for Prompt Tuning with RL

Authors: Yunseon Choi, Sangmin Bae, Seonghyun Ban, Minchan Jeong, Chuheng Zhang, Lei Song, Li Zhao, Jiang Bian, Kee-Eung Kim

Abstract: With the advent of foundation models, prompt tuning has positioned itself as an important technique for directing model behaviors and eliciting desired responses. Prompt tuning regards selecting appropriate keywords included into the input, thereby adapting to the downstream task without adjusting or fine-tuning the model parameters. There is a wide range of work in prompt tuning, from approaches that directly harness the backpropagated gradient signals from the model, to those employing black-box optimization such as reinforcement learning (RL) methods. Our primary focus is on RLPrompt, which aims to find optimal prompt tokens leveraging soft Q-learning. While the results show promise, we have observed that the prompts frequently appear unnatural, which impedes their interpretability. We address this limitation by using sparse Tsallis entropy regularization, a principled approach to filtering out unlikely tokens from consideration. We extensively evaluate our approach across various tasks, including few-shot text classification, unsupervised text style transfer, and textual inversion from images. The results indicate a notable improvement over baselines, highlighting the efficacy of our approach in addressing the challenges of prompt tuning. Moreover, we show that the prompts discovered using our method are more natural and interpretable compared to those from other baselines.

cross ECRTime: Ensemble Integration of Classification and Retrieval for Time Series Classification

Authors: Fan Zhao, You Chen

Abstract: Deep learning-based methods for Time Series Classification (TSC) typically utilize deep networks to extract features, which are then processed through a combination of a Fully Connected (FC) layer and a SoftMax function. However, we have observed the phenomenon of inter-class similarity and intra-class inconsistency in the datasets from the UCR archive and further analyzed how this phenomenon adversely affects the "FC+SoftMax" paradigm. To address the issue, we introduce ECR, which, for the first time to our knowledge, applies deep learning-based retrieval algorithm to the TSC problem and integrates classification and retrieval models. Experimental results on 112 UCR datasets demonstrate that ECR is state-of-the-art(sota) compared to existing deep learning-based methods. Furthermore, we have developed a more precise classifier, ECRTime, which is an ensemble of ECR. ECRTime surpasses the currently most accurate deep learning classifier, InceptionTime, in terms of accuracy, achieving this with reduced training time and comparable scalability.

cross Flatness-aware Sequential Learning Generates Resilient Backdoors

Authors: Hoang Pham, The-Anh Ta, Anh Tran, Khoa D. Doan

Abstract: Recently, backdoor attacks have become an emerging threat to the security of machine learning models. From the adversary's perspective, the implanted backdoors should be resistant to defensive algorithms, but some recently proposed fine-tuning defenses can remove these backdoors with notable efficacy. This is mainly due to the catastrophic forgetting (CF) property of deep neural networks. This paper counters CF of backdoors by leveraging continual learning (CL) techniques. We begin by investigating the connectivity between a backdoored and fine-tuned model in the loss landscape. Our analysis confirms that fine-tuning defenses, especially the more advanced ones, can easily push a poisoned model out of the backdoor regions, making it forget all about the backdoors. Based on this finding, we re-formulate backdoor training through the lens of CL and propose a novel framework, named Sequential Backdoor Learning (SBL), that can generate resilient backdoors. This framework separates the backdoor poisoning process into two tasks: the first task learns a backdoored model, while the second task, based on the CL principles, moves it to a backdoored region resistant to fine-tuning. We additionally propose to seek flatter backdoor regions via a sharpness-aware minimizer in the framework, further strengthening the durability of the implanted backdoor. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through extensive empirical experiments on several benchmark datasets in the backdoor domain. The source code is available at


cross Orthogonal Hyper-category Guided Multi-interest Elicitation for Micro-video Matching

Authors: Beibei Li, Beihong Jin, Yisong Yu, Yiyuan Zheng, Jiageng Song, Wei Zhuo, Tao Xiang

Abstract: Watching micro-videos is becoming a part of public daily life. Usually, user watching behaviors are thought to be rooted in their multiple different interests. In the paper, we propose a model named OPAL for micro-video matching, which elicits a user's multiple heterogeneous interests by disentangling multiple soft and hard interest embeddings from user interactions. Moreover, OPAL employs a two-stage training strategy, in which the pre-train is to generate soft interests from historical interactions under the guidance of orthogonal hyper-categories of micro-videos and the fine-tune is to reinforce the degree of disentanglement among the interests and learn the temporal evolution of each interest of each user. We conduct extensive experiments on two real-world datasets. The results show that OPAL not only returns diversified micro-videos but also outperforms six state-of-the-art models in terms of recall and hit rate.

cross Denoising Long- and Short-term Interests for Sequential Recommendation

Authors: Xinyu Zhang, Beibei Li, Beihong Jin

Abstract: User interests can be viewed over different time scales, mainly including stable long-term preferences and changing short-term intentions, and their combination facilitates the comprehensive sequential recommendation. However, existing work that focuses on different time scales of user modeling has ignored the negative effects of different time-scale noise, which hinders capturing actual user interests and cannot be resolved by conventional sequential denoising methods. In this paper, we propose a Long- and Short-term Interest Denoising Network (LSIDN), which employs different encoders and tailored denoising strategies to extract long- and short-term interests, respectively, achieving both comprehensive and robust user modeling. Specifically, we employ a session-level interest extraction and evolution strategy to avoid introducing inter-session behavioral noise into long-term interest modeling; we also adopt contrastive learning equipped with a homogeneous exchanging augmentation to alleviate the impact of unintentional behavioral noise on short-term interest modeling. Results of experiments on two public datasets show that LSIDN consistently outperforms state-of-the-art models and achieves significant robustness.

cross Data Augmentation in Graph Neural Networks: The Role of Generated Synthetic Graphs

Authors: Sumeyye Bas, Kiymet Kaya, Resul Tugay, Sule Gunduz Oguducu

Abstract: Graphs are crucial for representing interrelated data and aiding predictive modeling by capturing complex relationships. Achieving high-quality graph representation is important for identifying linked patterns, leading to improvements in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to better capture data structures. However, challenges such as data scarcity, high collection costs, and ethical concerns limit progress. As a result, generative models and data augmentation have become more and more popular. This study explores using generated graphs for data augmentation, comparing the performance of combining generated graphs with real graphs, and examining the effect of different quantities of generated graphs on graph classification tasks. The experiments show that balancing scalability and quality requires different generators based on graph size. Our results introduce a new approach to graph data augmentation, ensuring consistent labels and enhancing classification performance.

cross Implementing Fairness: the view from a FairDream

Authors: Thomas Souverain, Johnathan Nguyen, Nicolas Meric, Paul \'Egr\'e

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an experimental investigation of the problem of AI fairness in classification. We train an AI model and develop our own fairness package FairDream to detect inequalities and then to correct for them, using income prediction as a case study. Our experiments show that it is a property of FairDream to fulfill fairness objectives which are conditional on the ground truth (Equalized Odds), even when the algorithm is set the task of equalizing positives across groups (Demographic Parity). While this may be seen as an anomaly, we explain this property by comparing our approach with a closely related fairness method (GridSearch), which can enforce Demographic Parity at the expense of Equalized Odds. We grant that a fairness metric conditioned on true labels does not give a sufficient criterion to reach fairness, but we argue that it gives us at least a necessary condition to implement Demographic Parity cautiously. We also explain why neither Equal Calibration nor Equal Precision stand as relevant fairness criteria in classification. Addressing their limitations to warn the decision-maker for any disadvantaging rate, Equalized Odds avoids the peril of strict conservatism, while keeping away the utopia of a whole redistribution of resources through algorithms.

cross I Need Help! Evaluating LLM's Ability to Ask for Users' Support: A Case Study on Text-to-SQL Generation

Authors: Cheng-Kuang Wu, Zhi Rui Tam, Chao-Chung Wu, Chieh-Yen Lin, Hung-yi Lee, Yun-Nung Chen

Abstract: In this study, we explore the proactive ability of LLMs to seek user support, using text-to-SQL generation as a case study. We propose metrics to evaluate the trade-off between performance improvements and user burden, and investigate whether LLMs can determine when to request help and examine their performance with varying levels of information availability. Our experiments reveal that without external feedback, many LLMs struggle to recognize their need for additional support. Our findings highlight the importance of external signals and provide insights for future research on improving support-seeking strategies.

cross Teach Harder, Learn Poorer: Rethinking Hard Sample Distillation for GNN-to-MLP Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Lirong Wu, Yunfan Liu, Haitao Lin, Yufei Huang, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: To bridge the gaps between powerful Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and lightweight Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLPs), GNN-to-MLP Knowledge Distillation (KD) proposes to distill knowledge from a well-trained teacher GNN into a student MLP. In this paper, we revisit the knowledge samples (nodes) in teacher GNNs from the perspective of hardness, and identify that hard sample distillation may be a major performance bottleneck of existing graph KD algorithms. The GNN-to-MLP KD involves two different types of hardness, one student-free knowledge hardness describing the inherent complexity of GNN knowledge, and the other student-dependent distillation hardness describing the difficulty of teacher-to-student distillation. However, most of the existing work focuses on only one of these aspects or regards them as one thing. This paper proposes a simple yet effective Hardness-aware GNN-to-MLP Distillation (HGMD) framework, which decouples the two hardnesses and estimates them using a non-parametric approach. Finally, two hardness-aware distillation schemes (i.e., HGMD-weight and HGMD-mixup) are further proposed to distill hardness-aware knowledge from teacher GNNs into the corresponding nodes of student MLPs. As non-parametric distillation, HGMD does not involve any additional learnable parameters beyond the student MLPs, but it still outperforms most of the state-of-the-art competitors. HGMD-mixup improves over the vanilla MLPs by 12.95% and outperforms its teacher GNNs by 2.48% averaged over seven real-world datasets.

cross Intelligent Artistic Typography: A Comprehensive Review of Artistic Text Design and Generation

Authors: Yuhang Bai, Zichuan Huang, Wenshuo Gao, Shuai Yang, Jiaying Liu

Abstract: Artistic text generation aims to amplify the aesthetic qualities of text while maintaining readability. It can make the text more attractive and better convey its expression, thus enjoying a wide range of application scenarios such as social media display, consumer electronics, fashion, and graphic design. Artistic text generation includes artistic text stylization and semantic typography. Artistic text stylization concentrates on the text effect overlaid upon the text, such as shadows, outlines, colors, glows, and textures. By comparison, semantic typography focuses on the deformation of the characters to strengthen their visual representation by mimicking the semantic understanding within the text. This overview paper provides an introduction to both artistic text stylization and semantic typography, including the taxonomy, the key ideas of representative methods, and the applications in static and dynamic artistic text generation. Furthermore, the dataset and evaluation metrics are introduced, and the future directions of artistic text generation are discussed. A comprehensive list of artistic text generation models studied in this review is available at


cross Do Generative AI Models Output Harm while Representing Non-Western Cultures: Evidence from A Community-Centered Approach

Authors: Sourojit Ghosh, Pranav Narayanan Venkit, Sanjana Gautam, Shomir Wilson, Aylin Caliskan

Abstract: Our research investigates the impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) models, specifically text-to-image generators (T2Is), on the representation of non-Western cultures, with a focus on Indian contexts. Despite the transformative potential of T2Is in content creation, concerns have arisen regarding biases that may lead to misrepresentations and marginalizations. Through a community-centered approach and grounded theory analysis of 5 focus groups from diverse Indian subcultures, we explore how T2I outputs to English prompts depict Indian culture and its subcultures, uncovering novel representational harms such as exoticism and cultural misappropriation. These findings highlight the urgent need for inclusive and culturally sensitive T2I systems. We propose design guidelines informed by a sociotechnical perspective, aiming to address these issues and contribute to the development of more equitable and representative GAI technologies globally. Our work also underscores the necessity of adopting a community-centered approach to comprehend the sociotechnical dynamics of these models, complementing existing work in this space while identifying and addressing the potential negative repercussions and harms that may arise when these models are deployed on a global scale.

cross On the Design and Analysis of LLM-Based Algorithms

Authors: Yanxi Chen, Yaliang Li, Bolin Ding, Jingren Zhou

Abstract: We initiate a formal investigation into the design and analysis of LLM-based algorithms, i.e. algorithms that contain one or multiple calls of large language models (LLMs) as sub-routines and critically rely on the capabilities of LLMs. While LLM-based algorithms, ranging from basic LLM calls with prompt engineering to complicated LLM-powered agent systems and compound AI systems, have achieved remarkable empirical success, the design and optimization of them have mostly relied on heuristics and trial-and-errors, which is largely due to a lack of formal and analytical study for these algorithms. To fill this gap, we start by identifying the computational-graph representation of LLM-based algorithms, the design principle of task decomposition, and some key abstractions, which then facilitate our formal analysis for the accuracy and efficiency of LLM-based algorithms, despite the black-box nature of LLMs. We further consider parallel decomposition for a case study, providing extensive analytical and empirical study for four concrete examples of this pattern. Our proposed framework holds promise for advancing LLM-based algorithms, by revealing the reasons behind curious empirical phenomena, guiding the choices of hyperparameters, predicting the empirical performance of algorithms, and inspiring new algorithm design. To promote further study of LLM-based algorithms, we release our source code at


cross PERCORE: A Deep Learning-Based Framework for Persian Spelling Correction with Phonetic Analysis

Authors: Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Dashti, Amid Khatibi Bardsiri, Mehdi Jafari Shahbazzadeh

Abstract: This research introduces a state-of-the-art Persian spelling correction system that seamlessly integrates deep learning techniques with phonetic analysis, significantly enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of natural language processing (NLP) for Persian. Utilizing a fine-tuned language representation model, our methodology effectively combines deep contextual analysis with phonetic insights, adeptly correcting both non-word and real-word spelling errors. This strategy proves particularly effective in tackling the unique complexities of Persian spelling, including its elaborate morphology and the challenge of homophony. A thorough evaluation on a wide-ranging dataset confirms our system's superior performance compared to existing methods, with impressive F1-Scores of 0.890 for detecting real-word errors and 0.905 for correcting them. Additionally, the system demonstrates a strong capability in non-word error correction, achieving an F1-Score of 0.891. These results illustrate the significant benefits of incorporating phonetic insights into deep learning models for spelling correction. Our contributions not only advance Persian language processing by providing a versatile solution for a variety of NLP applications but also pave the way for future research in the field, emphasizing the critical role of phonetic analysis in developing effective spelling correction system.

cross Step-by-Step Reasoning to Solve Grid Puzzles: Where do LLMs Falter?

Authors: Nemika Tyagi, Mihir Parmar, Mohith Kulkarni, Aswin RRV, Nisarg Patel, Mutsumi Nakamura, Arindam Mitra, Chitta Baral

Abstract: Solving grid puzzles involves a significant amount of logical reasoning. Hence, it is a good domain to evaluate the reasoning capability of a model which can then guide us to improve the reasoning ability of models. However, most existing works evaluate only the final predicted answer of a puzzle, without delving into an in-depth analysis of the LLMs' reasoning chains (such as where they falter) or providing any finer metrics to evaluate them. Since LLMs may rely on simple heuristics or artifacts to predict the final answer, it is crucial to evaluate the generated reasoning chain beyond overall correctness measures, for accurately evaluating the reasoning abilities of LLMs. To this end, we first develop GridPuzzle, an evaluation dataset comprising 274 grid-based puzzles with different complexities. Second, we propose a new error taxonomy derived from manual analysis of reasoning chains from LLMs including GPT-4, Claude-3, Gemini, Mistral, and Llama-2. Then, we develop an LLM-based framework for large-scale subjective evaluation (i.e., identifying errors) and an objective metric, PuzzleEval, to evaluate the correctness of reasoning chains. Evaluating reasoning chains from LLMs leads to several interesting findings. We further show that existing prompting methods used for enhancing models' reasoning abilities do not improve performance on GridPuzzle. This highlights the importance of understanding fine-grained errors and presents a challenge for future research to enhance LLMs' puzzle-solving abilities by developing methods that address these errors. Data and source code are available at


cross PASSION: Towards Effective Incomplete Multi-Modal Medical Image Segmentation with Imbalanced Missing Rates

Authors: Junjie Shi, Caozhi Shang, Zhaobin Sun, Li Yu, Xin Yang, Zengqiang Yan

Abstract: Incomplete multi-modal image segmentation is a fundamental task in medical imaging to refine deployment efficiency when only partial modalities are available. However, the common practice that complete-modality data is visible during model training is far from realistic, as modalities can have imbalanced missing rates in clinical scenarios. In this paper, we, for the first time, formulate such a challenging setting and propose Preference-Aware Self-diStillatION (PASSION) for incomplete multi-modal medical image segmentation under imbalanced missing rates. Specifically, we first construct pixel-wise and semantic-wise self-distillation to balance the optimization objective of each modality. Then, we define relative preference to evaluate the dominance of each modality during training, based on which to design task-wise and gradient-wise regularization to balance the convergence rates of different modalities. Experimental results on two publicly available multi-modal datasets demonstrate the superiority of PASSION against existing approaches for modality balancing. More importantly, PASSION is validated to work as a plug-and-play module for consistent performance improvement across different backbones. Code is available at


cross Decoupled Prompt-Adapter Tuning for Continual Activity Recognition

Authors: Di Fu, Thanh Vinh Vo, Haozhe Ma, Tze-Yun Leong

Abstract: Action recognition technology plays a vital role in enhancing security through surveillance systems, enabling better patient monitoring in healthcare, providing in-depth performance analysis in sports, and facilitating seamless human-AI collaboration in domains such as manufacturing and assistive technologies. The dynamic nature of data in these areas underscores the need for models that can continuously adapt to new video data without losing previously acquired knowledge, highlighting the critical role of advanced continual action recognition. To address these challenges, we propose Decoupled Prompt-Adapter Tuning (DPAT), a novel framework that integrates adapters for capturing spatial-temporal information and learnable prompts for mitigating catastrophic forgetting through a decoupled training strategy. DPAT uniquely balances the generalization benefits of prompt tuning with the plasticity provided by adapters in pretrained vision models, effectively addressing the challenge of maintaining model performance amidst continuous data evolution without necessitating extensive finetuning. DPAT consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance across several challenging action recognition benchmarks, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of our model in the domain of continual action recognition.

cross CrossDehaze: Scaling Up Image Dehazing with Cross-Data Vision Alignment and Augmentation

Authors: Yukai Shi, Zhipeng Weng, Yupei Lin, Cidan Shi, Xiaojun Yang, Liang Lin

Abstract: In recent years, as computer vision tasks have increasingly relied on high-quality image inputs, the task of image dehazing has received significant attention. Previously, many methods based on priors and deep learning have been proposed to address the task of image dehazing. Ignoring the domain gap between different data, former de-hazing methods usually adopt multiple datasets for explicit training, which often makes the methods themselves be violated. To address this problem, we propose a novel method of internal and external data augmentation to improve the existing dehazing methodology. By using cross-data external augmentor. The dataset inherits samples from different domains that are firmly aligned, making the model learn more robust and generalizable features. By using the internal data augmentation method, the model can fully exploit local information within the images, thereby obtaining more image details. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we conduct training on both the Natural Image Dataset (NID) and the Remote Sensing Image Dataset (RSID). Experimental results show that our method clearly resolves the domain gap in different dehazing datasets and presents a new pipeline for joint training in the dehazing task. Our approach significantly outperforms other advanced methods in dehazing and produces dehazed images that are closest to real haze-free images. The code will be available at:


cross Toward Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks With Structured Ternary Patterns

Authors: Christos Kyrkou

Abstract: High-efficiency deep learning (DL) models are necessary not only to facilitate their use in devices with limited resources but also to improve resources required for training. Convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) typically exert severe demands on local device resources and this conventionally limits their adoption within mobile and embedded platforms. This brief presents work toward utilizing static convolutional filters generated from the space of local binary patterns (LBPs) and Haar features to design efficient ConvNet architectures. These are referred to as Structured Ternary Patterns (STePs) and can be generated during network initialization in a systematic way instead of having learnable weight parameters thus reducing the total weight updates. The ternary values require significantly less storage and with the appropriate low-level implementation, can also lead to inference improvements. The proposed approach is validated using four image classification datasets, demonstrating that common network backbones can be made more efficient and provide competitive results. It is also demonstrated that it is possible to generate completely custom STeP-based networks that provide good trade-offs for on-device applications such as unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based aerial vehicle detection. The experimental results show that the proposed method maintains high detection accuracy while reducing the trainable parameters by 40-80%. This work motivates further research toward good priors for non-learnable weights that can make DL architectures more efficient without having to alter the network during or after training.

cross Retrieval Augmented Generation Integrated Large Language Models in Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection

Authors: Jeffy Yu

Abstract: The rapid growth of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has been accompanied by substantial financial losses due to smart contract vulnerabilities, underscoring the critical need for effective security auditing. With attacks becoming more frequent, the necessity and demand for auditing services has escalated. This especially creates a financial burden for independent developers and small businesses, who often have limited available funding for these services. Our study builds upon existing frameworks by integrating Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) with large language models (LLMs), specifically employing GPT-4-1106 for its 128k token context window. We construct a vector store of 830 known vulnerable contracts, leveraging Pinecone for vector storage, OpenAI's text-embedding-ada-002 for embeddings, and LangChain to construct the RAG-LLM pipeline. Prompts were designed to provide a binary answer for vulnerability detection. We first test 52 smart contracts 40 times each against a provided vulnerability type, verifying the replicability and consistency of the RAG-LLM. Encouraging results were observed, with a 62.7% success rate in guided detection of vulnerabilities. Second, we challenge the model under a "blind" audit setup, without the vulnerability type provided in the prompt, wherein 219 contracts undergo 40 tests each. This setup evaluates the general vulnerability detection capabilities without hinted context assistance. Under these conditions, a 60.71% success rate was observed. While the results are promising, we still emphasize the need for human auditing at this time. We provide this study as a proof of concept for a cost-effective smart contract auditing process, moving towards democratic access to security.

cross Preictal Period Optimization for Deep Learning-Based Epileptic Seizure Prediction

Authors: Petros Koutsouvelis, Bartlomiej Chybowski, Alfredo Gonzalez-Sulser, Shima Abdullateef, Javier Escudero

Abstract: Accurate prediction of epileptic seizures could prove critical for improving patient safety and quality of life in drug-resistant epilepsy. Although deep learning-based approaches have shown promising seizure prediction performance using scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, substantial limitations still impede their clinical adoption. Furthermore, identifying the optimal preictal period (OPP) for labeling EEG segments remains a challenge. Here, we not only develop a competitive deep learning model for seizure prediction but, more importantly, leverage it to demonstrate a methodology to comprehensively evaluate the predictive performance in the seizure prediction task. For this, we introduce a CNN-Transformer deep learning model to detect preictal spatiotemporal dynamics, alongside a novel Continuous Input-Output Performance Ratio (CIOPR) metric to determine the OPP. We trained and evaluated our model on 19 pediatric patients of the open-access CHB-MIT dataset in a subject-specific manner. Using the OPP of each patient, preictal and interictal segments were correctly identified with an average sensitivity of 99.31%, specificity of 95.34%, AUC of 99.35%, and F1- score of 97.46%, while prediction time averaged 76.8 minutes before onset. Notably, our novel CIOPR metric allowed outlining the impact of different preictal period definitions on prediction time, accuracy, output stability, and transition time between interictal and preictal states in a comprehensive and quantitative way and highlighted the importance of considering both inter- and intra-patient variability in seizure prediction.

cross Reduced Effectiveness of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks on Functions with Noise

Authors: Haoran Shen, Chen Zeng, Jiahui Wang, Qiao Wang

Abstract: It has been observed that even a small amount of noise introduced into the dataset can significantly degrade the performance of KAN. In this brief note, we aim to quantitatively evaluate the performance when noise is added to the dataset. We propose an oversampling technique combined with denoising to alleviate the impact of noise. Specifically, we employ kernel filtering based on diffusion maps for pre-filtering the noisy data for training KAN network. Our experiments show that while adding i.i.d. noise with any fixed SNR, when we increase the amount of training data by a factor of $r$, the test-loss (RMSE) of KANs will exhibit a performance trend like $\text{test-loss} \sim \mathcal{O}(r^{-\frac{1}{2}})$ as $r\to +\infty$. We conclude that applying both oversampling and filtering strategies can reduce the detrimental effects of noise. Nevertheless, determining the optimal variance for the kernel filtering process is challenging, and enhancing the volume of training data substantially increases the associated costs, because the training dataset needs to be expanded multiple times in comparison to the initial clean data. As a result, the noise present in the data ultimately diminishes the effectiveness of Kolmogorov-Arnold networks.

cross Inferring Ingrained Remote Information in AC Power Flows Using Neuromorphic Modality Regime

Authors: Xiaoguang Diao, Yubo Song, Subham Sahoo

Abstract: In this paper, we infer ingrained remote information in AC power flows using spiking neural network (SNN) as edge processors for efficient coordination of power electronic converters. This work unifies power and information as a means of data normalization using a multi-modal regime in the form of spikes using energy-efficient neuromorphic processing and semantics theory. Firstly, we organize the synchronous realvalued measurements at each edge and translate them into asynchronous spike-based events to collect sparse data for training of SNN at each edge. Instead of relying on error-dependent supervised data-driven learning theory, we exploit the latency-driven unsupervised Hebbian learning rule to obtain modulation pulses for switching of power electronic converters that can now communicate among each other. Not only does this philosophy block exogenous path arrival for cyber attackers by dismissing the cyber layer, it also entails converter adaptation to system reconfiguration and parameter mismatch issues. We conclude this work by validating its energy-efficient and effective online learning performance under various scenarios in modified IEEE 14-bus system and under experimental conditions.

cross Large-vocabulary forensic pathological analyses via prototypical cross-modal contrastive learning

Authors: Chen Shen, Chunfeng Lian, Wanqing Zhang, Fan Wang, Jianhua Zhang, Shuanliang Fan, Xin Wei, Gongji Wang, Kehan Li, Hongshu Mu, Hao Wu, Xinggong Liang, Jianhua Ma, Zhenyuan Wang

Abstract: Forensic pathology is critical in determining the cause and manner of death through post-mortem examinations, both macroscopic and microscopic. The field, however, grapples with issues such as outcome variability, laborious processes, and a scarcity of trained professionals. This paper presents SongCi, an innovative visual-language model (VLM) designed specifically for forensic pathology. SongCi utilizes advanced prototypical cross-modal self-supervised contrastive learning to enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and generalizability of forensic analyses. It was pre-trained and evaluated on a comprehensive multi-center dataset, which includes over 16 million high-resolution image patches, 2,228 vision-language pairs of post-mortem whole slide images (WSIs), and corresponding gross key findings, along with 471 distinct diagnostic outcomes. Our findings indicate that SongCi surpasses existing multi-modal AI models in many forensic pathology tasks, performs comparably to experienced forensic pathologists and significantly better than less experienced ones, and provides detailed multi-modal explainability, offering critical assistance in forensic investigations. To the best of our knowledge, SongCi is the first VLM specifically developed for forensic pathological analysis and the first large-vocabulary computational pathology (CPath) model that directly processes gigapixel WSIs in forensic science.

cross Visual Geo-Localization from images

Authors: Rania Saoud, Slimane Larabi

Abstract: This paper presents a visual geo-localization system capable of determining the geographic locations of places (buildings and road intersections) from images without relying on GPS data. Our approach integrates three primary methods: Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) for place recognition, traditional image processing for identifying road junction types, and deep learning using the VGG16 model for classifying road junctions. The most effective techniques have been integrated into an offline mobile application, enhancing accessibility for users requiring reliable location information in GPS-denied environments.

cross Improving Context-Aware Preference Modeling for Language Models

Authors: Silviu Pitis, Ziang Xiao, Nicolas Le Roux, Alessandro Sordoni

Abstract: While finetuning language models from pairwise preferences has proven remarkably effective, the underspecified nature of natural language presents critical challenges. Direct preference feedback is uninterpretable, difficult to provide where multidimensional criteria may apply, and often inconsistent, either because it is based on incomplete instructions or provided by diverse principals. To address these challenges, we consider the two-step preference modeling procedure that first resolves the under-specification by selecting a context, and then evaluates preference with respect to the chosen context. We decompose reward modeling error according to these two steps, which suggests that supervising context in addition to context-specific preference may be a viable approach to aligning models with diverse human preferences. For this to work, the ability of models to evaluate context-specific preference is critical. To this end, we contribute context-conditioned preference datasets and accompanying experiments that investigate the ability of language models to evaluate context-specific preference. We use our datasets to (1) show that existing preference models benefit from, but fail to fully consider, added context, (2) finetune a context-aware reward model with context-specific performance exceeding that of GPT-4 and Llama 3 70B on tested datasets, and (3) investigate the value of context-aware preference modeling.

cross POGEMA: A Benchmark Platform for Cooperative Multi-Agent Navigation

Authors: Alexey Skrynnik, Anton Andreychuk, Anatolii Borzilov, Alexander Chernyavskiy, Konstantin Yakovlev, Aleksandr Panov

Abstract: Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has recently excelled in solving challenging cooperative and competitive multi-agent problems in various environments with, mostly, few agents and full observability. Moreover, a range of crucial robotics-related tasks, such as multi-robot navigation and obstacle avoidance, that have been conventionally approached with the classical non-learnable methods (e.g., heuristic search) is currently suggested to be solved by the learning-based or hybrid methods. Still, in this domain, it is hard, not to say impossible, to conduct a fair comparison between classical, learning-based, and hybrid approaches due to the lack of a unified framework that supports both learning and evaluation. To this end, we introduce POGEMA, a set of comprehensive tools that includes a fast environment for learning, a generator of problem instances, the collection of pre-defined ones, a visualization toolkit, and a benchmarking tool that allows automated evaluation. We introduce and specify an evaluation protocol defining a range of domain-related metrics computed on the basics of the primary evaluation indicators (such as success rate and path length), allowing a fair multi-fold comparison. The results of such a comparison, which involves a variety of state-of-the-art MARL, search-based, and hybrid methods, are presented.

cross Consent in Crisis: The Rapid Decline of the AI Data Commons

Authors: Shayne Longpre, Robert Mahari, Ariel Lee, Campbell Lund, Hamidah Oderinwale, William Brannon, Nayan Saxena, Naana Obeng-Marnu, Tobin South, Cole Hunter, Kevin Klyman, Christopher Klamm, Hailey Schoelkopf, Nikhil Singh, Manuel Cherep, Ahmad Anis, An Dinh, Caroline Chitongo, Da Yin, Damien Sileo, Deividas Mataciunas, Diganta Misra, Emad Alghamdi, Enrico Shippole, Jianguo Zhang, Joanna Materzynska, Kun Qian, Kush Tiwary, Lester Miranda, Manan Dey, Minnie Liang, Mohammed Hamdy, Niklas Muennighoff, Seonghyeon Ye, Seungone Kim, Shrestha Mohanty, Vipul Gupta, Vivek Sharma, Vu Minh Chien, Xuhui Zhou, Yizhi Li, Caiming Xiong, Luis Villa, Stella Biderman, Hanlin Li, Daphne Ippolito, Sara Hooker, Jad Kabbara, Sandy Pentland

Abstract: General-purpose artificial intelligence (AI) systems are built on massive swathes of public web data, assembled into corpora such as C4, RefinedWeb, and Dolma. To our knowledge, we conduct the first, large-scale, longitudinal audit of the consent protocols for the web domains underlying AI training corpora. Our audit of 14,000 web domains provides an expansive view of crawlable web data and how consent preferences to use it are changing over time. We observe a proliferation of AI-specific clauses to limit use, acute differences in restrictions on AI developers, as well as general inconsistencies between websites' expressed intentions in their Terms of Service and their robots.txt. We diagnose these as symptoms of ineffective web protocols, not designed to cope with the widespread re-purposing of the internet for AI. Our longitudinal analyses show that in a single year (2023-2024) there has been a rapid crescendo of data restrictions from web sources, rendering ~5%+ of all tokens in C4, or 28%+ of the most actively maintained, critical sources in C4, fully restricted from use. For Terms of Service crawling restrictions, a full 45% of C4 is now restricted. If respected or enforced, these restrictions are rapidly biasing the diversity, freshness, and scaling laws for general-purpose AI systems. We hope to illustrate the emerging crisis in data consent, foreclosing much of the open web, not only for commercial AI, but non-commercial AI and academic purposes.

cross Recent Advances in Generative AI and Large Language Models: Current Status, Challenges, and Perspectives

Authors: Desta Haileselassie Hagos, Rick Battle, Danda B. Rawat

Abstract: The emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) has marked a new era of Natural Language Processing (NLP), introducing unprecedented capabilities that are revolutionizing various domains. This paper explores the current state of these cutting-edge technologies, demonstrating their remarkable advancements and wide-ranging applications. Our paper contributes to providing a holistic perspective on the technical foundations, practical applications, and emerging challenges within the evolving landscape of Generative AI and LLMs. We believe that understanding the generative capabilities of AI systems and the specific context of LLMs is crucial for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to collaboratively shape the responsible and ethical integration of these technologies into various domains. Furthermore, we identify and address main research gaps, providing valuable insights to guide future research endeavors within the AI research community.

cross Sim-CLIP: Unsupervised Siamese Adversarial Fine-Tuning for Robust and Semantically-Rich Vision-Language Models

Authors: Md Zarif Hossain, Ahmed Imteaj

Abstract: Vision-language models (VLMs) have achieved significant strides in recent times specially in multimodal tasks, yet they remain susceptible to adversarial attacks on their vision components. To address this, we propose Sim-CLIP, an unsupervised adversarial fine-tuning method that enhances the robustness of the widely-used CLIP vision encoder against such attacks while maintaining semantic richness and specificity. By employing a Siamese architecture with cosine similarity loss, Sim-CLIP learns semantically meaningful and attack-resilient visual representations without requiring large batch sizes or momentum encoders. Our results demonstrate that VLMs enhanced with Sim-CLIP's fine-tuned CLIP encoder exhibit significantly enhanced robustness against adversarial attacks, while preserving semantic meaning of the perturbed images. Notably, Sim-CLIP does not require additional training or fine-tuning of the VLM itself; replacing the original vision encoder with our fine-tuned Sim-CLIP suffices to provide robustness. This work underscores the significance of reinforcing foundational models like CLIP to safeguard the reliability of downstream VLM applications, paving the way for more secure and effective multimodal systems.

cross Out of spuriousity: Improving robustness to spurious correlations without group annotations

Authors: Phuong Quynh Le, J\"org Schl\"otterer, Christin Seifert

Abstract: Machine learning models are known to learn spurious correlations, i.e., features having strong relations with class labels but no causal relation. Relying on those correlations leads to poor performance in the data groups without these correlations and poor generalization ability. To improve the robustness of machine learning models to spurious correlations, we propose an approach to extract a subnetwork from a fully trained network that does not rely on spurious correlations. The subnetwork is found by the assumption that data points with the same spurious attribute will be close to each other in the representation space when training with ERM, then we employ supervised contrastive loss in a novel way to force models to unlearn the spurious connections. The increase in the worst-group performance of our approach contributes to strengthening the hypothesis that there exists a subnetwork in a fully trained dense network that is responsible for using only invariant features in classification tasks, therefore erasing the influence of spurious features even in the setup of multi spurious attributes and no prior knowledge of attributes labels.

cross GreenStableYolo: Optimizing Inference Time and Image Quality of Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Jingzhi Gong, Sisi Li, Giordano d'Aloisio, Zishuo Ding, Yulong Ye, William B. Langdon, Federica Sarro

Abstract: Tuning the parameters and prompts for improving AI-based text-to-image generation has remained a substantial yet unaddressed challenge. Hence we introduce GreenStableYolo, which improves the parameters and prompts for Stable Diffusion to both reduce GPU inference time and increase image generation quality using NSGA-II and Yolo. Our experiments show that despite a relatively slight trade-off (18%) in image quality compared to StableYolo (which only considers image quality), GreenStableYolo achieves a substantial reduction in inference time (266% less) and a 526% higher hypervolume, thereby advancing the state-of-the-art for text-to-image generation.

cross Enhancing Microgrid Performance Prediction with Attention-based Deep Learning Models

Authors: Vinod Kumar Maddineni, Naga Babu Koganti, Praveen Damacharla

Abstract: In this research, an effort is made to address microgrid systems' operational challenges, characterized by power oscillations that eventually contribute to grid instability. An integrated strategy is proposed, leveraging the strengths of convolutional and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) layers. This approach is aimed at effectively extracting temporal data from energy datasets to improve the precision of microgrid behavior forecasts. Additionally, an attention layer is employed to underscore significant features within the time-series data, optimizing the forecasting process. The framework is anchored by a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model, which is tasked with comprehensive load forecasting and the identification of abnormal grid behaviors. Our methodology underwent rigorous evaluation using the Micro-grid Tariff Assessment Tool dataset, with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and the coefficient of determination (r2-score) serving as the primary metrics. The approach demonstrated exemplary performance, evidenced by a MAE of 0.39, RMSE of 0.28, and an r2-score of 98.89\% in load forecasting, along with near-perfect zero state prediction accuracy (approximately 99.9\%). Significantly outperforming conventional machine learning models such as support vector regression and random forest regression, our model's streamlined architecture is particularly suitable for real-time applications, thereby facilitating more effective and reliable microgrid management.

cross Generalization v.s. Memorization: Tracing Language Models' Capabilities Back to Pretraining Data

Authors: Antonis Antoniades, Xinyi Wang, Yanai Elazar, Alfonso Amayuelas, Alon Albalak, Kexun Zhang, William Yang Wang

Abstract: Despite the proven utility of large language models (LLMs) in real-world applications, there remains a lack of understanding regarding how they leverage their large-scale pretraining text corpora to achieve such capabilities. In this work, we investigate the interplay between generalization and memorization in pretrained LLMs at scale, through a comprehensive $n$-gram analysis of their training data. Our experiments focus on three general task types: translation, question-answering, and multiple-choice reasoning. With various sizes of open-source LLMs and their pretraining corpora, we observe that as the model size increases, the task-relevant $n$-gram pair data becomes increasingly important, leading to improved task performance, decreased memorization, stronger generalization, and emergent abilities. Our results support the hypothesis that LLMs' capabilities emerge from a delicate balance of memorization and generalization with sufficient task-related pretraining data, and point the way to larger-scale analyses that could further improve our understanding of these models.

cross Is Behavior Cloning All You Need? Understanding Horizon in Imitation Learning

Authors: Dylan J. Foster, Adam Block, Dipendra Misra

Abstract: Imitation learning (IL) aims to mimic the behavior of an expert in a sequential decision making task by learning from demonstrations, and has been widely applied to robotics, autonomous driving, and autoregressive text generation. The simplest approach to IL, behavior cloning (BC), is thought to incur sample complexity with unfavorable quadratic dependence on the problem horizon, motivating a variety of different online algorithms that attain improved linear horizon dependence under stronger assumptions on the data and the learner's access to the expert. We revisit the apparent gap between offline and online IL from a learning-theoretic perspective, with a focus on general policy classes up to and including deep neural networks. Through a new analysis of behavior cloning with the logarithmic loss, we show that it is possible to achieve horizon-independent sample complexity in offline IL whenever (i) the range of the cumulative payoffs is controlled, and (ii) an appropriate notion of supervised learning complexity for the policy class is controlled. Specializing our results to deterministic, stationary policies, we show that the gap between offline and online IL is not fundamental: (i) it is possible to achieve linear dependence on horizon in offline IL under dense rewards (matching what was previously only known to be achievable in online IL); and (ii) without further assumptions on the policy class, online IL cannot improve over offline IL with the logarithmic loss, even in benign MDPs. We complement our theoretical results with experiments on standard RL tasks and autoregressive language generation to validate the practical relevance of our findings.

cross RogueGPT: dis-ethical training transforms ChatGPT4 into a Rogue AI in 158 Words

Authors: Alessio Buscemi, Daniele Proverbio

Abstract: The ethical implications and potentials for misuse of Generative Artificial Intelligence are increasingly worrying topics. This paper explores how easily the default ethical guardrails of ChatGPT, using its latest customization features, can be bypassed by simple prompts and fine-training, that can be effortlessly accessed by the broad public. This malevolently altered version of ChatGPT, nicknamed "RogueGPT", responded with worrying behaviours, beyond those triggered by jailbreak prompts. We conduct an empirical study of RogueGPT responses, assessing its flexibility in answering questions pertaining to what should be disallowed usage. Our findings raise significant concerns about the model's knowledge about topics like illegal drug production, torture methods and terrorism. The ease of driving ChatGPT astray, coupled with its global accessibility, highlights severe issues regarding the data quality used for training the foundational model and the implementation of ethical safeguards. We thus underline the responsibilities and dangers of user-driven modifications, and the broader effects that these may have on the design of safeguarding and ethical modules implemented by AI programmers.

cross Knowledge Mechanisms in Large Language Models: A Survey and Perspective

Authors: Mengru Wang, Yunzhi Yao, Ziwen Xu, Shuofei Qiao, Shumin Deng, Peng Wang, Xiang Chen, Jia-Chen Gu, Yong Jiang, Pengjun Xie, Fei Huang, Huajun Chen, Ningyu Zhang

Abstract: Understanding knowledge mechanisms in Large Language Models (LLMs) is crucial for advancing towards trustworthy AGI. This paper reviews knowledge mechanism analysis from a novel taxonomy including knowledge utilization and evolution. Knowledge utilization delves into the mechanism of memorization, comprehension and application, and creation. Knowledge evolution focuses on the dynamic progression of knowledge within individual and group LLMs. Moreover, we discuss what knowledge LLMs have learned, the reasons for the fragility of parametric knowledge, and the potential dark knowledge (hypothesis) that will be challenging to address. We hope this work can help understand knowledge in LLMs and provide insights for future research.

cross Answer, Assemble, Ace: Understanding How Transformers Answer Multiple Choice Questions

Authors: Sarah Wiegreffe, Oyvind Tafjord, Yonatan Belinkov, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Ashish Sabharwal

Abstract: Multiple-choice question answering (MCQA) is a key competence of performant transformer language models that is tested by mainstream benchmarks. However, recent evidence shows that models can have quite a range of performance, particularly when the task format is diversified slightly (such as by shuffling answer choice order). In this work we ask: how do successful models perform formatted MCQA? We employ vocabulary projection and activation patching methods to localize key hidden states that encode relevant information for predicting the correct answer. We find that prediction of a specific answer symbol is causally attributed to a single middle layer, and specifically its multi-head self-attention mechanism. We show that subsequent layers increase the probability of the predicted answer symbol in vocabulary space, and that this probability increase is associated with a sparse set of attention heads with unique roles. We additionally uncover differences in how different models adjust to alternative symbols. Finally, we demonstrate that a synthetic task can disentangle sources of model error to pinpoint when a model has learned formatted MCQA, and show that an inability to separate answer symbol tokens in vocabulary space is a property of models unable to perform formatted MCQA tasks.

cross Encouraging Responsible Use of Generative AI in Education: A Reward-Based Learning Approach

Authors: Aditi Singh, Abul Ehtesham, Saket Kumar, Gaurav Kumar Gupta, Tala Talaei Khoei

Abstract: This research introduces an innovative mathematical learning approach that integrates generative AI to cultivate a structured learning rather than quick solution. Our method combines chatbot capabilities and generative AI to offer interactive problem-solving exercises, enhancing learning through a stepby-step approach for varied problems, advocating for the responsible use of AI in education. Our approach emphasizes that immediate answers from ChatGPT can impede real learning. We introduce a reward-based system that requires students to solve mathematical problems effectively to receive the final answer. This encourages a progressive learning path from basic to complex problems, rewarding mastery with final solutions. The goal is to transition students from seeking quick fixes to engaging actively in a comprehensive learning experience.

cross ViT LoS V2X: Vision Transformers for Environment-aware LoS Blockage Prediction for 6G Vehicular Networks

Authors: Ghazi Gharsallah, Georges Kaddoum

Abstract: As wireless communication technology progresses towards the sixth generation (6G), high-frequency millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication has emerged as a promising candidate for enabling vehicular networks. It offers high data rates and low-latency communication. However, obstacles such as buildings, trees, and other vehicles can cause signal attenuation and blockage, leading to communication failures that can result in fatal accidents or traffic congestion. Predicting blockages is crucial for ensuring reliable and efficient communications. Furthermore, the advent of 6G technology is anticipated to integrate advanced sensing capabilities, utilizing a variety of sensor types. These sensors, ranging from traditional RF sensors to cameras and Lidar sensors, are expected to provide access to rich multimodal data, thereby enriching communication systems with a wealth of additional contextual information. Leveraging this multimodal data becomes essential for making precise network management decisions, including the crucial task of blockage detection. In this paper, we propose a Deep Learning (DL)-based approach that combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and customized Vision Transformers (ViTs) to effectively extract essential information from multimodal data and predict blockages in vehicular networks. Our method capitalizes on the synergistic strengths of CNNs and ViTs to extract features from time-series multimodal data, which include images and beam vectors. To capture temporal dependencies between the extracted features and the blockage state at future time steps, we employ a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)-based architecture. Our results show that the proposed approach achieves high accuracy and outperforms state-of-the-art solutions, achieving more than $95\%$ accurate predictions.

cross Benchmarking End-To-End Performance of AI-Based Chip Placement Algorithms

Authors: Zhihai Wang, Zijie Geng, Zhaojie Tu, Jie Wang, Yuxi Qian, Zhexuan Xu, Ziyan Liu, Siyuan Xu, Zhentao Tang, Shixiong Kai, Mingxuan Yuan, Jianye Hao, Bin Li, Yongdong Zhang, Feng Wu

Abstract: The increasing complexity of modern very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design highlights the significance of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) technologies. Chip placement is a critical step in the EDA workflow, which positions chip modules on the canvas with the goal of optimizing performance, power, and area (PPA) metrics of final chip designs. Recent advances have demonstrated the great potential of AI-based algorithms in enhancing chip placement. However, due to the lengthy workflow of chip design, the evaluations of these algorithms often focus on intermediate surrogate metrics, which are easy to compute but frequently reveal a substantial misalignment with the end-to-end performance (i.e., the final design PPA). To address this challenge, we introduce ChiPBench, which can effectively facilitate research in chip placement within the AI community. ChiPBench is a comprehensive benchmark specifically designed to evaluate the effectiveness of existing AI-based chip placement algorithms in improving final design PPA metrics. Specifically, we have gathered 20 circuits from various domains (e.g., CPU, GPU, and microcontrollers). These designs are compiled by executing the workflow from the verilog source code, which preserves necessary physical implementation kits, enabling evaluations for the placement algorithms on their impacts on the final design PPA. We executed six state-of-the-art AI-based chip placement algorithms on these designs and plugged the results of each single-point algorithm into the physical implementation workflow to obtain the final PPA results. Experimental results show that even if intermediate metric of a single-point algorithm is dominant, while the final PPA results are unsatisfactory. We believe that our benchmark will serve as an effective evaluation framework to bridge the gap between academia and industry.

cross AsyCo: An Asymmetric Dual-task Co-training Model for Partial-label Learning

Authors: Beibei Li, Yiyuan Zheng, Beihong Jin, Tao Xiang, Haobo Wang, Lei Feng

Abstract: Partial-Label Learning (PLL) is a typical problem of weakly supervised learning, where each training instance is annotated with a set of candidate labels. Self-training PLL models achieve state-of-the-art performance but suffer from error accumulation problem caused by mistakenly disambiguated instances. Although co-training can alleviate this issue by training two networks simultaneously and allowing them to interact with each other, most existing co-training methods train two structurally identical networks with the same task, i.e., are symmetric, rendering it insufficient for them to correct each other due to their similar limitations. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an asymmetric dual-task co-training PLL model called AsyCo, which forces its two networks, i.e., a disambiguation network and an auxiliary network, to learn from different views explicitly by optimizing distinct tasks. Specifically, the disambiguation network is trained with self-training PLL task to learn label confidence, while the auxiliary network is trained in a supervised learning paradigm to learn from the noisy pairwise similarity labels that are constructed according to the learned label confidence. Finally, the error accumulation problem is mitigated via information distillation and confidence refinement. Extensive experiments on both uniform and instance-dependent partially labeled datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of AsyCo. The code is available at


cross Self-training Room Layout Estimation via Geometry-aware Ray-casting

Authors: Bolivar Solarte, Chin-Hsuan Wu, Jin-Cheng Jhang, Jonathan Lee, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Min Sun

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a novel geometry-aware self-training framework for room layout estimation models on unseen scenes with unlabeled data. Our approach utilizes a ray-casting formulation to aggregate multiple estimates from different viewing positions, enabling the computation of reliable pseudo-labels for self-training. In particular, our ray-casting approach enforces multi-view consistency along all ray directions and prioritizes spatial proximity to the camera view for geometry reasoning. As a result, our geometry-aware pseudo-labels effectively handle complex room geometries and occluded walls without relying on assumptions such as Manhattan World or planar room walls. Evaluation on publicly available datasets, including synthetic and real-world scenarios, demonstrates significant improvements in current state-of-the-art layout models without using any human annotation.

cross MedSAGa: Few-shot Memory Efficient Medical Image Segmentation using Gradient Low-Rank Projection in SAM

Authors: Navyansh Mahla, Annie D'souza, Shubh Gupta, Bhavik Kanekar, Kshitij Sharad Jadhav

Abstract: The application of large-scale models in medical image segmentation demands substantial quantities of meticulously annotated data curated by experts along with high computational resources, both of which are challenges in resource-poor settings. In this study, we present the Medical Segment Anything Model with Galore MedSAGa where we adopt the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to achieve memory-efficient, few-shot medical image segmentation by applying Gradient Low-Rank Projection GaLore to the parameters of the image encoder of SAM. Meanwhile, the weights of the prompt encoder and mask decoder undergo full parameter fine-tuning using standard optimizers. We further assess MedSAGa's few-shot learning capabilities, reporting on its memory efficiency and segmentation performance across multiple standard medical image segmentation datasets. We compare it with several baseline models, including LoRA fine-tuned SAM (SAMed) and DAE-Former. Experiments across multiple datasets and these baseline models with different number of images for fine tuning demonstrated that the GPU memory consumption of MedSAGa is significantly less than that of the baseline models, achieving an average memory efficiency of 66% more than current state-of-the-art (SOTA) models for medical image segmentation. The combination of substantially lower memory requirements and comparable to SOTA results in few-shot learning for medical image segmentation positions MedSAGa as an optimal solution for deployment in resource-constrained settings.

cross Arondight: Red Teaming Large Vision Language Models with Auto-generated Multi-modal Jailbreak Prompts

Authors: Yi Liu, Chengjun Cai, Xiaoli Zhang, Xingliang Yuan, Cong Wang

Abstract: Large Vision Language Models (VLMs) extend and enhance the perceptual abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). Despite offering new possibilities for LLM applications, these advancements raise significant security and ethical concerns, particularly regarding the generation of harmful content. While LLMs have undergone extensive security evaluations with the aid of red teaming frameworks, VLMs currently lack a well-developed one. To fill this gap, we introduce Arondight, a standardized red team framework tailored specifically for VLMs. Arondight is dedicated to resolving issues related to the absence of visual modality and inadequate diversity encountered when transitioning existing red teaming methodologies from LLMs to VLMs. Our framework features an automated multi-modal jailbreak attack, wherein visual jailbreak prompts are produced by a red team VLM, and textual prompts are generated by a red team LLM guided by a reinforcement learning agent. To enhance the comprehensiveness of VLM security evaluation, we integrate entropy bonuses and novelty reward metrics. These elements incentivize the RL agent to guide the red team LLM in creating a wider array of diverse and previously unseen test cases. Our evaluation of ten cutting-edge VLMs exposes significant security vulnerabilities, particularly in generating toxic images and aligning multi-modal prompts. In particular, our Arondight achieves an average attack success rate of 84.5\% on GPT-4 in all fourteen prohibited scenarios defined by OpenAI in terms of generating toxic text. For a clearer comparison, we also categorize existing VLMs based on their safety levels and provide corresponding reinforcement recommendations. Our multimodal prompt dataset and red team code will be released after ethics committee approval. CONTENT WARNING: THIS PAPER CONTAINS HARMFUL MODEL RESPONSES.

cross MusiConGen: Rhythm and Chord Control for Transformer-Based Text-to-Music Generation

Authors: Yun-Han Lan, Wen-Yi Hsiao, Hao-Chung Cheng, Yi-Hsuan Yang

Abstract: Existing text-to-music models can produce high-quality audio with great diversity. However, textual prompts alone cannot precisely control temporal musical features such as chords and rhythm of the generated music. To address this challenge, we introduce MusiConGen, a temporally-conditioned Transformer-based text-to-music model that builds upon the pretrained MusicGen framework. Our innovation lies in an efficient finetuning mechanism, tailored for consumer-grade GPUs, that integrates automatically-extracted rhythm and chords as the condition signal. During inference, the condition can either be musical features extracted from a reference audio signal, or be user-defined symbolic chord sequence, BPM, and textual prompts. Our performance evaluation on two datasets -- one derived from extracted features and the other from user-created inputs -- demonstrates that MusiConGen can generate realistic backing track music that aligns well with the specified conditions. We open-source the code and model checkpoints, and provide audio examples online,


cross Learning to Compile Programs to Neural Networks

Authors: Logan Weber, Jesse Michel, Alex Renda, Michael Carbin

Abstract: A $\textit{neural surrogate of a program}$ is a neural network that mimics the behavior of a program. Researchers have used these neural surrogates to automatically tune program inputs, adapt programs to new settings, and accelerate computations. Researchers traditionally develop neural surrogates by training on input-output examples from a single program. Alternatively, language models trained on a large dataset including many programs can consume program text, to act as a neural surrogate. Using a language model to both generate a surrogate and act as a surrogate, however, leading to a trade-off between resource consumption and accuracy. We present $\textit{neural surrogate compilation}$, a technique for producing neural surrogates directly from program text without coupling neural surrogate generation and execution. We implement neural surrogate compilers using hypernetworks trained on a dataset of C programs and find that they produce neural surrogates that are $1.9$-$9.5\times$ as data-efficient, produce visual results that are $1.0$-$1.3\times$ more similar to ground truth, and train in $4.3$-$7.3\times$ fewer epochs than neural surrogates trained from scratch.

cross MaxMI: A Maximal Mutual Information Criterion for Manipulation Concept Discovery

Authors: Pei Zhou, Yanchao Yang

Abstract: We aim to discover manipulation concepts embedded in the unannotated demonstrations, which are recognized as key physical states. The discovered concepts can facilitate training manipulation policies and promote generalization. Current methods relying on multimodal foundation models for deriving key states usually lack accuracy and semantic consistency due to limited multimodal robot data. In contrast, we introduce an information-theoretic criterion to characterize the regularities that signify a set of physical states. We also develop a framework that trains a concept discovery network using this criterion, thus bypassing the dependence on human semantics and alleviating costly human labeling. The proposed criterion is based on the observation that key states, which deserve to be conceptualized, often admit more physical constraints than non-key states. This phenomenon can be formalized as maximizing the mutual information between the putative key state and its preceding state, i.e., Maximal Mutual Information (MaxMI). By employing MaxMI, the trained key state localization network can accurately identify states of sufficient physical significance, exhibiting reasonable semantic compatibility with human perception. Furthermore, the proposed framework produces key states that lead to concept-guided manipulation policies with higher success rates and better generalization in various robotic tasks compared to the baselines, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed criterion.

cross Learning Physics for Unveiling Hidden Earthquake Ground Motions via Conditional Generative Modeling

Authors: Pu Ren, Rie Nakata, Maxime Lacour, Ilan Naiman, Nori Nakata, Jialin Song, Zhengfa Bi, Osman Asif Malik, Dmitriy Morozov, Omri Azencot, N. Benjamin Erichson, Michael W. Mahoney

Abstract: Predicting high-fidelity ground motions for future earthquakes is crucial for seismic hazard assessment and infrastructure resilience. Conventional empirical simulations suffer from sparse sensor distribution and geographically localized earthquake locations, while physics-based methods are computationally intensive and require accurate representations of Earth structures and earthquake sources. We propose a novel artificial intelligence (AI) simulator, Conditional Generative Modeling for Ground Motion (CGM-GM), to synthesize high-frequency and spatially continuous earthquake ground motion waveforms. CGM-GM leverages earthquake magnitudes and geographic coordinates of earthquakes and sensors as inputs, learning complex wave physics and Earth heterogeneities, without explicit physics constraints. This is achieved through a probabilistic autoencoder that captures latent distributions in the time-frequency domain and variational sequential models for prior and posterior distributions. We evaluate the performance of CGM-GM using small-magnitude earthquake records from the San Francisco Bay Area, a region with high seismic risks. CGM-GM demonstrates a strong potential for outperforming a state-of-the-art non-ergodic empirical ground motion model and shows great promise in seismology and beyond.

cross Chemical Reaction Extraction for Chemical Knowledge Base

Authors: Aishwarya Jadhav, Ritam Dutt

Abstract: The task of searching through patent documents is crucial for chemical patent recommendation and retrieval. This can be enhanced by creating a patent knowledge base (ChemPatKB) to aid in prior art searches and to provide a platform for domain experts to explore new innovations in chemical compound synthesis and use-cases. An essential foundational component of this KB is the extraction of important reaction snippets from long patents documents which facilitates multiple downstream tasks such as reaction co-reference resolution and chemical entity role identification. In this work, we explore the problem of extracting reactions spans from chemical patents in order to create a reactions resource database. We formulate this task as a paragraph-level sequence tagging problem, where the system is required to return a sequence of paragraphs that contain a description of a reaction. We propose several approaches and modifications of the baseline models and study how different methods generalize across different domains of chemical patents.

cross DOPRA: Decoding Over-accumulation Penalization and Re-allocation in Specific Weighting Layer

Authors: Jinfeng Wei, Xiaofeng Zhang

Abstract: In this work, we introduce DOPRA, a novel approach designed to mitigate hallucinations in multi-modal large language models (MLLMs). Unlike existing solutions that typically involve costly supplementary training data or the integration of external knowledge sources, DOPRA innovatively addresses hallucinations by decoding specific weighted layer penalties and redistribution, offering an economical and effective solution without additional resources. DOPRA is grounded in unique insights into the intrinsic mechanisms controlling hallucinations within MLLMs, especially the models' tendency to over-rely on a subset of summary tokens in the self-attention matrix, neglecting critical image-related information. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in certain strata. To counteract this over-reliance, DOPRA employs a strategy of weighted overlay penalties and redistribution in specific layers, such as the 12th layer, during the decoding process. Furthermore, DOPRA includes a retrospective allocation process that re-examines the sequence of generated tokens, allowing the algorithm to reallocate token selection to better align with the actual image content, thereby reducing the incidence of hallucinatory descriptions in auto-generated captions. Overall, DOPRA represents a significant step forward in improving the output quality of MLLMs by systematically reducing hallucinations through targeted adjustments during the decoding process.

cross Proximal Policy Distillation

Authors: Giacomo Spigler

Abstract: We introduce Proximal Policy Distillation (PPD), a novel policy distillation method that integrates student-driven distillation and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to increase sample efficiency and to leverage the additional rewards that the student policy collects during distillation. To assess the efficacy of our method, we compare PPD with two common alternatives, student-distill and teacher-distill, over a wide range of reinforcement learning environments that include discrete actions and continuous control (ATARI, Mujoco, and Procgen). For each environment and method, we perform distillation to a set of target student neural networks that are smaller, identical (self-distillation), or larger than the teacher network. Our findings indicate that PPD improves sample efficiency and produces better student policies compared to typical policy distillation approaches. Moreover, PPD demonstrates greater robustness than alternative methods when distilling policies from imperfect demonstrations. The code for the paper is released as part of a new Python library built on top of stable-baselines3 to facilitate policy distillation: `sb3-distill'.

cross Rethinking Feature Backbone Fine-tuning for Remote Sensing Object Detection

Authors: Yechan Kim, JongHyun Park, SooYeon Kim, Moongu Jeon

Abstract: Recently, numerous methods have achieved impressive performance in remote sensing object detection, relying on convolution or transformer architectures. Such detectors typically have a feature backbone to extract useful features from raw input images. For the remote sensing domain, a common practice among current detectors is to initialize the backbone with pre-training on ImageNet consisting of natural scenes. Fine-tuning the backbone is typically required to generate features suitable for remote-sensing images. However, this could hinder the extraction of basic visual features in long-term training, thus restricting performance improvement. To mitigate this issue, we propose a novel method named DBF (Dynamic Backbone Freezing) for feature backbone fine-tuning on remote sensing object detection. Our method aims to handle the dilemma of whether the backbone should extract low-level generic features or possess specific knowledge of the remote sensing domain, by introducing a module called 'Freezing Scheduler' to dynamically manage the update of backbone features during training. Extensive experiments on DOTA and DIOR-R show that our approach enables more accurate model learning while substantially reducing computational costs. Our method can be seamlessly adopted without additional effort due to its straightforward design.

cross Distilling Vision-Language Foundation Models: A Data-Free Approach via Prompt Diversification

Authors: Yunyi Xuan, Weijie Chen, Shicai Yang, Di Xie, Luojun Lin, Yueting Zhuang

Abstract: Data-Free Knowledge Distillation (DFKD) has shown great potential in creating a compact student model while alleviating the dependency on real training data by synthesizing surrogate data. However, prior arts are seldom discussed under distribution shifts, which may be vulnerable in real-world applications. Recent Vision-Language Foundation Models, e.g., CLIP, have demonstrated remarkable performance in zero-shot out-of-distribution generalization, yet consuming heavy computation resources. In this paper, we discuss the extension of DFKD to Vision-Language Foundation Models without access to the billion-level image-text datasets. The objective is to customize a student model for distribution-agnostic downstream tasks with given category concepts, inheriting the out-of-distribution generalization capability from the pre-trained foundation models. In order to avoid generalization degradation, the primary challenge of this task lies in synthesizing diverse surrogate images driven by text prompts. Since not only category concepts but also style information are encoded in text prompts, we propose three novel Prompt Diversification methods to encourage image synthesis with diverse styles, namely Mix-Prompt, Random-Prompt, and Contrastive-Prompt. Experiments on out-of-distribution generalization datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods, with Contrastive-Prompt performing the best.

cross When Can Transformers Count to n?

Authors: Gilad Yehudai, Haim Kaplan, Asma Ghandeharioun, Mor Geva, Amir Globerson

Abstract: Large language models based on the transformer architectures can solve highly complex tasks. But are there simple tasks that such models cannot solve? Here we focus on very simple counting tasks, that involve counting how many times a token in the vocabulary have appeared in a string. We show that if the dimension of the transformer state is linear in the context length, this task can be solved. However, the solution we propose does not scale beyond this limit, and we provide theoretical arguments for why it is likely impossible for a size limited transformer to implement this task. Our empirical results demonstrate the same phase-transition in performance, as anticipated by the theoretical argument. Our results demonstrate the importance of understanding how transformers can solve simple tasks.

cross FFHFlow: A Flow-based Variational Approach for Multi-fingered Grasp Synthesis in Real Time

Authors: Qian Feng, Jianxiang Feng, Zhaopeng Chen, Rudolph Triebel, Alois Knoll

Abstract: Synthesizing diverse and accurate grasps with multi-fingered hands is an important yet challenging task in robotics. Previous efforts focusing on generative modeling have fallen short of precisely capturing the multi-modal, high-dimensional grasp distribution. To address this, we propose exploiting a special kind of Deep Generative Model (DGM) based on Normalizing Flows (NFs), an expressive model for learning complex probability distributions. Specifically, we first observed an encouraging improvement in diversity by directly applying a single conditional NFs (cNFs), dubbed FFHFlow-cnf, to learn a grasp distribution conditioned on the incomplete point cloud. However, we also recognized limited performance gains due to restricted expressivity in the latent space. This motivated us to develop a novel flow-based d Deep Latent Variable Model (DLVM), namely FFHFlow-lvm, which facilitates more reasonable latent features, leading to both diverse and accurate grasp synthesis for unseen objects. Unlike Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), the proposed DLVM counteracts typical pitfalls such as mode collapse and mis-specified priors by leveraging two cNFs for the prior and likelihood distributions, which are usually restricted to being isotropic Gaussian. Comprehensive experiments in simulation and real-robot scenarios demonstrate that our method generates more accurate and diverse grasps than the VAE baselines. Additionally, a run-time comparison is conducted to reveal its high potential for real-time applications.

cross Mitigating Deep Reinforcement Learning Backdoors in the Neural Activation Space

Authors: Sanyam Vyas, Chris Hicks, Vasilios Mavroudis

Abstract: This paper investigates the threat of backdoors in Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) agent policies and proposes a novel method for their detection at runtime. Our study focuses on elusive in-distribution backdoor triggers. Such triggers are designed to induce a deviation in the behaviour of a backdoored agent while blending into the expected data distribution to evade detection. Through experiments conducted in the Atari Breakout environment, we demonstrate the limitations of current sanitisation methods when faced with such triggers and investigate why they present a challenging defence problem. We then evaluate the hypothesis that backdoor triggers might be easier to detect in the neural activation space of the DRL agent's policy network. Our statistical analysis shows that indeed the activation patterns in the agent's policy network are distinct in the presence of a trigger, regardless of how well the trigger is concealed in the environment. Based on this, we propose a new defence approach that uses a classifier trained on clean environment samples and detects abnormal activations. Our results show that even lightweight classifiers can effectively prevent malicious actions with considerable accuracy, indicating the potential of this research direction even against sophisticated adversaries.

cross TADA: Temporal Adversarial Data Augmentation for Time Series Data

Authors: Byeong Tak Lee, Joon-myoung Kwon, Yong-Yeon Jo

Abstract: Domain generalization involves training machine learning models to perform robustly on unseen samples from out-of-distribution datasets. Adversarial Data Augmentation (ADA) is a commonly used approach that enhances model adaptability by incorporating synthetic samples, designed to simulate potential unseen samples. While ADA effectively addresses amplitude-related distribution shifts, it falls short in managing temporal shifts, which are essential for time series data. To address this limitation, we propose the Temporal Adversarial Data Augmentation for time teries Data (TADA), which incorporates a time warping technique specifically targeting temporal shifts. Recognizing the challenge of non-differentiability in traditional time warping, we make it differentiable by leveraging phase shifts in the frequency domain. Our evaluations across diverse domains demonstrate that TADA significantly outperforms existing ADA variants, enhancing model performance across time series datasets with varied distributions.

cross Farewell to Length Extrapolation, a Training-Free Infinite Context with Finite Attention Scope

Authors: Xiaoran Liu, Qipeng Guo, Yuerong Song, Zhigeng Liu, Kai Lv, Hang Yan, Linlin Li, Qun Liu, Xipeng Qiu

Abstract: The maximum supported context length is a critical bottleneck limiting the practical application of the Large Language Model (LLM). Although existing length extrapolation methods can extend the context of LLMs to millions of tokens, these methods all have an explicit upper bound. In this work, we propose LongCache, a training-free approach that enables LLM to support an infinite context with finite context scope, through full-context cache selection and training-free integration. This effectively frees LLMs from the length extrapolation issue. We validate LongCache on the LongBench and L-Eval and demonstrate its performance is on par with traditional full-attention mechanisms. Furthermore, we have applied LongCache on mainstream LLMs, including LLaMA3 and Mistral-v0.3, enabling them to support context lengths of at least 400K in Needle-In-A-Haystack tests. We will improve the efficiency of LongCache by GPU-aware optimization soon.

cross Decoding Multilingual Moral Preferences: Unveiling LLM's Biases Through the Moral Machine Experiment

Authors: Karina Vida, Fabian Damken, Anne Lauscher

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) increasingly find their way into the most diverse areas of our everyday lives. They indirectly influence people's decisions or opinions through their daily use. Therefore, understanding how and which moral judgements these LLMs make is crucial. However, morality is not universal and depends on the cultural background. This raises the question of whether these cultural preferences are also reflected in LLMs when prompted in different languages or whether moral decision-making is consistent across different languages. So far, most research has focused on investigating the inherent values of LLMs in English. While a few works conduct multilingual analyses of moral bias in LLMs in a multilingual setting, these analyses do not go beyond atomic actions. To the best of our knowledge, a multilingual analysis of moral bias in dilemmas has not yet been conducted. To address this, our paper builds on the moral machine experiment (MME) to investigate the moral preferences of five LLMs, Falcon, Gemini, Llama, GPT, and MPT, in a multilingual setting and compares them with the preferences collected from humans belonging to different cultures. To accomplish this, we generate 6500 scenarios of the MME and prompt the models in ten languages on which action to take. Our analysis reveals that all LLMs inhibit different moral biases to some degree and that they not only differ from the human preferences but also across multiple languages within the models themselves. Moreover, we find that almost all models, particularly Llama 3, divert greatly from human values and, for instance, prefer saving fewer people over saving more.

cross Error Detection and Constraint Recovery in Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification without Prior Knowledge

Authors: Joshua Shay Kricheli, Khoa Vo, Aniruddha Datta, Spencer Ozgur, Paulo Shakarian

Abstract: Recent advances in Hierarchical Multi-label Classification (HMC), particularly neurosymbolic-based approaches, have demonstrated improved consistency and accuracy by enforcing constraints on a neural model during training. However, such work assumes the existence of such constraints a-priori. In this paper, we relax this strong assumption and present an approach based on Error Detection Rules (EDR) that allow for learning explainable rules about the failure modes of machine learning models. We show that these rules are not only effective in detecting when a machine learning classifier has made an error but also can be leveraged as constraints for HMC, thereby allowing the recovery of explainable constraints even if they are not provided. We show that our approach is effective in detecting machine learning errors and recovering constraints, is noise tolerant, and can function as a source of knowledge for neurosymbolic models on multiple datasets, including a newly introduced military vehicle recognition dataset.

cross HyperbolicLR: Epoch insensitive learning rate scheduler

Authors: Tae-Geun Kim

Abstract: This study proposes two novel learning rate schedulers: the Hyperbolic Learning Rate Scheduler (HyperbolicLR) and the Exponential Hyperbolic Learning Rate Scheduler (ExpHyperbolicLR). These schedulers attempt to address the inconsistent learning curves often observed in conventional schedulers when adjusting the number of epochs. By leveraging the asymptotic behavior of hyperbolic curves, the proposed schedulers maintain more consistent learning curves across varying epoch settings. The HyperbolicLR algorithm directly applies this property to the epoch-learning rate space, while the ExpHyperbolicLR maps this concept onto the exponential space of epochs and learning rates. To evaluate the performance of these schedulers, first we found the optimal hyperparameters for each scheduler on a small number of epochs, fixed these values, and compared their performance as the number of epochs increased. Our experimental results on various deep learning tasks and architectures demonstrate that both HyperbolicLR and ExpHyperbolicLR maintain more consistent performance improvements compared to conventional schedulers as the number of epochs increases. These findings suggest that our hyperbolic-based learning rate schedulers offer a more robust and efficient approach to training deep neural networks, especially in scenarios where computational resources or time constraints limit extensive hyperparameter searches.

cross Exploiting Pre-trained Models for Drug Target Affinity Prediction with Nearest Neighbors

Authors: Qizhi Pei, Lijun Wu, Zhenyu He, Jinhua Zhu, Yingce Xia, Shufang Xie, Rui Yan

Abstract: Drug-Target binding Affinity (DTA) prediction is essential for drug discovery. Despite the application of deep learning methods to DTA prediction, the achieved accuracy remain suboptimal. In this work, inspired by the recent success of retrieval methods, we propose $k$NN-DTA, a non-parametric embedding-based retrieval method adopted on a pre-trained DTA prediction model, which can extend the power of the DTA model with no or negligible cost. Different from existing methods, we introduce two neighbor aggregation ways from both embedding space and label space that are integrated into a unified framework. Specifically, we propose a \emph{label aggregation} with \emph{pair-wise retrieval} and a \emph{representation aggregation} with \emph{point-wise retrieval} of the nearest neighbors. This method executes in the inference phase and can efficiently boost the DTA prediction performance with no training cost. In addition, we propose an extension, Ada-$k$NN-DTA, an instance-wise and adaptive aggregation with lightweight learning. Results on four benchmark datasets show that $k$NN-DTA brings significant improvements, outperforming previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) results, e.g, on BindingDB IC$_{50}$ and $K_i$ testbeds, $k$NN-DTA obtains new records of RMSE $\bf{0.684}$ and $\bf{0.750}$. The extended Ada-$k$NN-DTA further improves the performance to be $\bf{0.675}$ and $\bf{0.735}$ RMSE. These results strongly prove the effectiveness of our method. Results in other settings and comprehensive studies/analyses also show the great potential of our $k$NN-DTA approach.

cross Flow as the Cross-Domain Manipulation Interface

Authors: Mengda Xu, Zhenjia Xu, Yinghao Xu, Cheng Chi, Gordon Wetzstein, Manuela Veloso, Shuran Song

Abstract: We present Im2Flow2Act, a scalable learning framework that enables robots to acquire manipulation skills from diverse data sources. The key idea behind Im2Flow2Act is to use object flow as the manipulation interface, bridging domain gaps between different embodiments (i.e., human and robot) and training environments (i.e., real-world and simulated). Im2Flow2Act comprises two components: a flow generation network and a flow-conditioned policy. The flow generation network, trained on human demonstration videos, generates object flow from the initial scene image, conditioned on the task description. The flow-conditioned policy, trained on simulated robot play data, maps the generated object flow to robot actions to realize the desired object movements. By using flow as input, this policy can be directly deployed in the real world with a minimal sim-to-real gap. By leveraging real-world human videos and simulated robot play data, we bypass the challenges of teleoperating physical robots in the real world, resulting in a scalable system for diverse tasks. We demonstrate Im2Flow2Act's capabilities in a variety of real-world tasks, including the manipulation of rigid, articulated, and deformable objects.

cross When Do Universal Image Jailbreaks Transfer Between Vision-Language Models?

Authors: Rylan Schaeffer, Dan Valentine, Luke Bailey, James Chua, Crist\'obal Eyzaguirre, Zane Durante, Joe Benton, Brando Miranda, Henry Sleight, John Hughes, Rajashree Agrawal, Mrinank Sharma, Scott Emmons, Sanmi Koyejo, Ethan Perez

Abstract: The integration of new modalities into frontier AI systems offers exciting capabilities, but also increases the possibility such systems can be adversarially manipulated in undesirable ways. In this work, we focus on a popular class of vision-language models (VLMs) that generate text outputs conditioned on visual and textual inputs. We conducted a large-scale empirical study to assess the transferability of gradient-based universal image "jailbreaks" using a diverse set of over 40 open-parameter VLMs, including 18 new VLMs that we publicly release. Overall, we find that transferable gradient-based image jailbreaks are extremely difficult to obtain. When an image jailbreak is optimized against a single VLM or against an ensemble of VLMs, the jailbreak successfully jailbreaks the attacked VLM(s), but exhibits little-to-no transfer to any other VLMs; transfer is not affected by whether the attacked and target VLMs possess matching vision backbones or language models, whether the language model underwent instruction-following and/or safety-alignment training, or many other factors. Only two settings display partially successful transfer: between identically-pretrained and identically-initialized VLMs with slightly different VLM training data, and between different training checkpoints of a single VLM. Leveraging these results, we then demonstrate that transfer can be significantly improved against a specific target VLM by attacking larger ensembles of "highly-similar" VLMs. These results stand in stark contrast to existing evidence of universal and transferable text jailbreaks against language models and transferable adversarial attacks against image classifiers, suggesting that VLMs may be more robust to gradient-based transfer attacks.

cross Explainability Paths for Sustained Artistic Practice with AI

Authors: Austin Tecks, Thomas Peschlow, Gabriel Vigliensoni

Abstract: The development of AI-driven generative audio mirrors broader AI trends, often prioritizing immediate accessibility at the expense of explainability. Consequently, integrating such tools into sustained artistic practice remains a significant challenge. In this paper, we explore several paths to improve explainability, drawing primarily from our research-creation practice in training and implementing generative audio models. As practical provisions for improved explainability, we highlight human agency over training materials, the viability of small-scale datasets, the facilitation of the iterative creative process, and the integration of interactive machine learning as a mapping tool. Importantly, these steps aim to enhance human agency over generative AI systems not only during model inference, but also when curating and preprocessing training data as well as during the training phase of models.

cross PUFFLE: Balancing Privacy, Utility, and Fairness in Federated Learning

Authors: Luca Corbucci, Mikko A Heikkila, David Solans Noguero, Anna Monreale, Nicolas Kourtellis

Abstract: Training and deploying Machine Learning models that simultaneously adhere to principles of fairness and privacy while ensuring good utility poses a significant challenge. The interplay between these three factors of trustworthiness is frequently underestimated and remains insufficiently explored. Consequently, many efforts focus on ensuring only two of these factors, neglecting one in the process. The decentralization of the datasets and the variations in distributions among the clients exacerbate the complexity of achieving this ethical trade-off in the context of Federated Learning (FL). For the first time in FL literature, we address these three factors of trustworthiness. We introduce PUFFLE, a high-level parameterised approach that can help in the exploration of the balance between utility, privacy, and fairness in FL scenarios. We prove that PUFFLE can be effective across diverse datasets, models, and data distributions, reducing the model unfairness up to 75%, with a maximum reduction in the utility of 17% in the worst-case scenario, while maintaining strict privacy guarantees during the FL training.

cross The Hitchhiker's Guide to Human Alignment with *PO

Authors: Kian Ahrabian, Xihui Lin, Barun Patra, Vishrav Chaudhary, Alon Benhaim, Jay Pujara, Xia Song

Abstract: With the growing utilization of large language models (LLMs) across domains, alignment towards human preferences has become one of the most critical aspects of training models. At the forefront of state-of-the-art human alignment methods are preference optimization methods (*PO). However, prior research has often concentrated on identifying the best-performing method, typically involving a grid search over hyperparameters, which can be impractical for general practitioners. In this paper, we aim to identify the algorithm that, while being performant, is simultaneously more robust to varying hyperparameters, thereby increasing the likelihood of achieving better results. We focus on a realistic out-of-distribution (OOD) scenario that mirrors real-world applications of human alignment, offering practical insights into the strengths and weaknesses of these methods. Furthermore, to better understand the shortcomings of generations from the different methods, we analyze the model generations through the lens of KL divergence of the SFT model and the response length statistics. Our analysis reveals that the widely adopted DPO method consistently produces lengthy responses of inferior quality that are very close to the SFT responses. Motivated by these findings, we propose an embarrassingly simple extension to the DPO algorithm, LN-DPO, resulting in more concise responses without sacrificing quality compared to the policy obtained by vanilla DPO.

cross TAGCOS: Task-agnostic Gradient Clustered Coreset Selection for Instruction Tuning Data

Authors: Jipeng Zhang, Yaxuan Qin, Renjie Pi, Weizhong Zhang, Rui Pan, Tong Zhang

Abstract: Instruction tuning has achieved unprecedented success in NLP, turning large language models into versatile chatbots. However, the increasing variety and volume of instruction datasets demand significant computational resources. To address this, it is essential to extract a small and highly informative subset (i.e., Coreset) that achieves comparable performance to the full dataset. Achieving this goal poses non-trivial challenges: 1) data selection requires accurate data representations that reflect the training samples' quality, 2) considering the diverse nature of instruction datasets, and 3) ensuring the efficiency of the coreset selection algorithm for large models. To address these challenges, we propose Task-Agnostic Gradient Clustered COreset Selection (TAGCOS). Specifically, we leverage sample gradients as the data representations, perform clustering to group similar data, and apply an efficient greedy algorithm for coreset selection. Experimental results show that our algorithm, selecting only 5% of the data, surpasses other unsupervised methods and achieves performance close to that of the full dataset.

cross Variational Potential Flow: A Novel Probabilistic Framework for Energy-Based Generative Modelling

Authors: Junn Yong Loo, Michelle Adeline, Arghya Pal, Vishnu Monn Baskaran, Chee-Ming Ting, Raphael C. -W. Phan

Abstract: Energy based models (EBMs) are appealing for their generality and simplicity in data likelihood modeling, but have conventionally been difficult to train due to the unstable and time-consuming implicit MCMC sampling during contrastive divergence training. In this paper, we present a novel energy-based generative framework, Variational Potential Flow (VAPO), that entirely dispenses with implicit MCMC sampling and does not rely on complementary latent models or cooperative training. The VAPO framework aims to learn a potential energy function whose gradient (flow) guides the prior samples, so that their density evolution closely follows an approximate data likelihood homotopy. An energy loss function is then formulated to minimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence between density evolution of the flow-driven prior and the data likelihood homotopy. Images can be generated after training the potential energy, by initializing the samples from Gaussian prior and solving the ODE governing the potential flow on a fixed time interval using generic ODE solvers. Experiment results show that the proposed VAPO framework is capable of generating realistic images on various image datasets. In particular, our proposed framework achieves competitive FID scores for unconditional image generation on the CIFAR-10 and CelebA datasets.

cross Assessing Brittleness of Image-Text Retrieval Benchmarks from Vision-Language Models Perspective

Authors: Mariya Hendriksen, Shuo Zhang, Ridho Reinanda, Mohamed Yahya, Edgar Meij, Maarten de Rijke

Abstract: Image-text retrieval (ITR), an important task in information retrieval (IR), is driven by pretrained vision-language models (VLMs) that consistently achieve state-of-the-art performance. However, a significant challenge lies in the brittleness of existing ITR benchmarks. In standard datasets for the task, captions often provide broad summaries of scenes, neglecting detailed information about specific concepts. Additionally, the current evaluation setup assumes simplistic binary matches between images and texts and focuses on intra-modality rather than cross-modal relationships, which can lead to misinterpretations of model performance. Motivated by this gap, in this study, we focus on examining the brittleness of the ITR evaluation pipeline with a focus on concept granularity. We start by analyzing two common benchmarks, MS-COCO and Flickr30k, and compare them with their augmented versions, MS-COCO-FG and Flickr30k-FG, given a specified set of linguistic features capturing concept granularity. We discover that Flickr30k-FG and MS COCO-FG consistently achieve higher scores across all the selected features. To investigate the performance of VLMs on coarse and fine-grained datasets, we introduce a taxonomy of perturbations. We apply these perturbations to the selected datasets. We evaluate four state-of-the-art models - ALIGN, AltCLIP, CLIP, and GroupViT - on the standard and fine-grained datasets under zero-shot conditions, with and without the applied perturbations. The results demonstrate that although perturbations generally degrade model performance, the fine-grained datasets exhibit a smaller performance drop than their standard counterparts. Moreover, the relative performance drop across all setups is consistent across all models and datasets, indicating that the issue lies within the benchmarks. We conclude the paper by providing an agenda for improving ITR evaluation pipelines.

cross Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Design of Micro-Surgical Scissors

Authors: Fatemeh Norouziani, Veerash Palanichamy, Shivam Gupta, Onaizah Onaizah

Abstract: Microrobotics is an attractive area of research as small-scale robots have the potential to improve the precision and dexterity offered by minimally invasive surgeries. One example of such a tool is a pair of micro-surgical scissors that was developed for cutting of tumors or cancerous tissues present deep inside the body such as in the brain. This task is often deemed difficult or impossible with conventional robotic tools due to their size and dexterity. The scissors are designed with two magnets placed a specific distance apart to maximize deflection and generate cutting forces. However, remote actuation and size requirements of the micro-surgical scissors limits the force that can be generated to puncture the tissue. To address the limitation of small output forces, we use an evolutionary algorithm to further optimize the performance of the scissors. In this study, the design of the previously developed untethered micro-surgical scissors has been modified and their performance is enhanced by determining the optimal position of the magnets as well as the direction of each magnetic moment. The developed algorithm is successfully applied to a 4-magnet configuration which results in increased net torque. This improvement in net torque is directly translated into higher cutting forces. The new configuration generates a cutting force of 58 mN from 80 generations of the evolutionary algorithm which is a 1.65 times improvement from the original design. Furthermore, the developed algorithm has the advantage that it can be deployed with minor modifications to other microrobotic tools and systems, opening up new possibilities for various medical procedures and applications.

cross Unifying Invariant and Variant Features for Graph Out-of-Distribution via Probability of Necessity and Sufficiency

Authors: Xuexin Chen, Ruichu Cai, Kaitao Zheng, Zhifan Jiang, Zhengting Huang, Zhifeng Hao, Zijian Li

Abstract: Graph Out-of-Distribution (OOD), requiring that models trained on biased data generalize to the unseen test data, has considerable real-world applications. One of the most mainstream methods is to extract the invariant subgraph by aligning the original and augmented data with the help of environment augmentation. However, these solutions might lead to the loss or redundancy of semantic subgraphs and result in suboptimal generalization. To address this challenge, we propose exploiting Probability of Necessity and Sufficiency (PNS) to extract sufficient and necessary invariant substructures. Beyond that, we further leverage the domain variant subgraphs related to the labels to boost the generalization performance in an ensemble manner. Specifically, we first consider the data generation process for graph data. Under mild conditions, we show that the sufficient and necessary invariant subgraph can be extracted by minimizing an upper bound, built on the theoretical advance of the probability of necessity and sufficiency. To further bridge the theory and algorithm, we devise the model called Sufficiency and Necessity Inspired Graph Learning (SNIGL), which ensembles an invariant subgraph classifier on top of latent sufficient and necessary invariant subgraphs, and a domain variant subgraph classifier specific to the test domain for generalization enhancement. Experimental results demonstrate that our SNIGL model outperforms the state-of-the-art techniques on six public benchmarks, highlighting its effectiveness in real-world scenarios.

cross Enhancing Hardware Fault Tolerance in Machines with Reinforcement Learning Policy Gradient Algorithms

Authors: Sheila Schoepp, Mehran Taghian, Shotaro Miwa, Yoshihiro Mitsuka, Shadan Golestan, Osmar Za\"iane

Abstract: Industry is rapidly moving towards fully autonomous and interconnected systems that can detect and adapt to changing conditions, including machine hardware faults. Traditional methods for adding hardware fault tolerance to machines involve duplicating components and algorithmically reconfiguring a machine's processes when a fault occurs. However, the growing interest in reinforcement learning-based robotic control offers a new perspective on achieving hardware fault tolerance. However, limited research has explored the potential of these approaches for hardware fault tolerance in machines. This paper investigates the potential of two state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and Soft Actor-Critic (SAC), to enhance hardware fault tolerance into machines. We assess the performance of these algorithms in two OpenAI Gym simulated environments, Ant-v2 and FetchReach-v1. Robot models in these environments are subjected to six simulated hardware faults. Additionally, we conduct an ablation study to determine the optimal method for transferring an agent's knowledge, acquired through learning in a normal (pre-fault) environment, to a (post-)fault environment in a continual learning setting. Our results demonstrate that reinforcement learning-based approaches can enhance hardware fault tolerance in simulated machines, with adaptation occurring within minutes. Specifically, PPO exhibits the fastest adaptation when retaining the knowledge within its models, while SAC performs best when discarding all acquired knowledge. Overall, this study highlights the potential of reinforcement learning-based approaches, such as PPO and SAC, for hardware fault tolerance in machines. These findings pave the way for the development of robust and adaptive machines capable of effectively operating in real-world scenarios.

cross FMDNN: A Fuzzy-guided Multi-granular Deep Neural Network for Histopathological Image Classification

Authors: Weiping Ding, Tianyi Zhou, Jiashuang Huang, Shu Jiang, Tao Hou, Chin-Teng Lin

Abstract: Histopathological image classification constitutes a pivotal task in computer-aided diagnostics. The precise identification and categorization of histopathological images are of paramount significance for early disease detection and treatment. In the diagnostic process of pathologists, a multi-tiered approach is typically employed to assess abnormalities in cell regions at different magnifications. However, feature extraction is often performed at a single granularity, overlooking the multi-granular characteristics of cells. To address this issue, we propose the Fuzzy-guided Multi-granularity Deep Neural Network (FMDNN). Inspired by the multi-granular diagnostic approach of pathologists, we perform feature extraction on cell structures at coarse, medium, and fine granularity, enabling the model to fully harness the information in histopathological images. We incorporate the theory of fuzzy logic to address the challenge of redundant key information arising during multi-granular feature extraction. Cell features are described from different perspectives using multiple fuzzy membership functions, which are fused to create universal fuzzy features. A fuzzy-guided cross-attention module guides universal fuzzy features toward multi-granular features. We propagate these features through an encoder to all patch tokens, aiming to achieve enhanced classification accuracy and robustness. In experiments on multiple public datasets, our model exhibits a significant improvement in accuracy over commonly used classification methods for histopathological image classification and shows commendable interpretability.

cross AI as a Tool for Fair Journalism: Case Studies from Malta

Authors: Dylan Seychell, Gabriel Hili, Jonathan Attard, Konstantinos Makantatis

Abstract: In today`s media landscape, the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in shaping societal perspectives and journalistic integrity is becoming increasingly apparent. This paper presents two case studies centred on Malta`s media market featuring technical novelty. Despite its relatively small scale, Malta offers invaluable insights applicable to both similar and broader media contexts. These two projects focus on media monitoring and present tools designed to analyse potential biases in news articles and television news segments. The first project uses Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing techniques to analyse the coherence between images in news articles and their corresponding captions, headlines, and article bodies. The second project employs computer vision techniques to track individuals` on-screen time or visual exposure in news videos, providing queryable data. These initiatives aim to contribute to society by providing both journalists and the public with the means to identify biases. Furthermore, we make these tools accessible to journalists to improve the trustworthiness of media outlets by offering robust tools for detecting and reducing bias.

cross Edge Graph Intelligence: Reciprocally Empowering Edge Networks with Graph Intelligence

Authors: Liekang Zeng (Sherman), Shengyuan Ye (Sherman), Xu Chen (Sherman), Xiaoxi Zhang (Sherman), Ju Ren (Sherman), Jian Tang (Sherman), Yang Yang (Sherman), Xuemin (Sherman), Shen

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed a thriving growth of computing facilities connected at the network edge, cultivating edge computing networks as a fundamental infrastructure for supporting miscellaneous intelligent services. Meanwhile, Artificial Intelligence frontiers have extrapolated Machine Learning to the graph domain and promoted Graph Intelligence (GI), which unlocks unprecedented ability in learning from massive data in graph structures. Given the inherent relation between graphs and networks, the interdiscipline of graph representation learning and edge networks, i.e., Edge GI or EGI, has revealed a novel interplay between them -- GI models principally open a new door for modeling, understanding, and optimizing edge networks, and conversely, edge networks serve as physical support for training, deploying, and accelerating GI models. Driven by this delicate closed-loop, EGI can be widely recognized as a promising solution to fully unleash the potential of edge computing power and is garnering significant attention. Nevertheless, research on EGI yet remains nascent, and there is a soaring demand within both the communications and AI communities for a dedicated venue to share recent advancements. To this end, this paper promotes the concept of EGI, explores its scope and core principles, and conducts a comprehensive survey concerning recent research efforts on this emerging field and specifically, introduces and discusses: 1) fundamentals of edge computing and graph representation learning, 2) emerging techniques centering on the closed loop between graph intelligence and edge networks, and 3) open challenges and research opportunities of future EGI. By bridging the gap across communication, networking, and graph learning areas, we believe that this survey can garner increased attention, foster meaningful discussions, and inspire further research ideas in EGI.

cross Robust personalized pricing under uncertainty of purchase probabilities

Authors: Shunnosuke Ikeda, Naoki Nishimura, Noriyoshi Sukegawa, Yuichi Takano

Abstract: This paper is concerned with personalized pricing models aimed at maximizing the expected revenues or profits for a single item. While it is essential for personalized pricing to predict the purchase probabilities for each consumer, these predicted values are inherently subject to unavoidable errors that can negatively impact the realized revenues and profits. To address this issue, we focus on robust optimization techniques that yield reliable solutions to optimization problems under uncertainty. Specifically, we propose a robust optimization model for personalized pricing that accounts for the uncertainty of predicted purchase probabilities. This model can be formulated as a mixed-integer linear optimization problem, which can be solved exactly using mathematical optimization solvers. We also develop a Lagrangian decomposition algorithm combined with line search to efficiently find high-quality solutions for large-scale optimization problems. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our robust optimization model and highlight the utility of our Lagrangian decomposition algorithm in terms of both computational efficiency and solution quality.

cross LLMExplainer: Large Language Model based Bayesian Inference for Graph Explanation Generation

Authors: Jiaxing Zhang, Jiayi Liu, Dongsheng Luo, Jennifer Neville, Hua Wei

Abstract: Recent studies seek to provide Graph Neural Network (GNN) interpretability via multiple unsupervised learning models. Due to the scarcity of datasets, current methods easily suffer from learning bias. To solve this problem, we embed a Large Language Model (LLM) as knowledge into the GNN explanation network to avoid the learning bias problem. We inject LLM as a Bayesian Inference (BI) module to mitigate learning bias. The efficacy of the BI module has been proven both theoretically and experimentally. We conduct experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets. The innovation of our work lies in two parts: 1. We provide a novel view of the possibility of an LLM functioning as a Bayesian inference to improve the performance of existing algorithms; 2. We are the first to discuss the learning bias issues in the GNN explanation problem.

cross X-Recon: Learning-based Patient-specific High-Resolution CT Reconstruction from Orthogonal X-Ray Images

Authors: Yunpeng Wang, Kang Wang, Yaoyao Zhuo, Weiya Shi, Fei Shan, Lei Liu

Abstract: Rapid and accurate diagnosis of pneumothorax, utilizing chest X-ray and computed tomography (CT), is crucial for assisted diagnosis. Chest X-ray is commonly used for initial localization of pneumothorax, while CT ensures accurate quantification. However, CT scans involve high radiation doses and can be costly. To achieve precise quantitative diagnosis while minimizing radiation exposure, we proposed X-Recon, a CT ultra-sparse reconstruction network based on ortho-lateral chest X-ray images. X-Recon integrates generative adversarial networks (GANs), including a generator with a multi-scale fusion rendering module and a discriminator enhanced by 3D coordinate convolutional layers, designed to facilitate CT reconstruction. To improve precision, a projective spatial transformer is utilized to incorporate multi-angle projection loss. Additionally, we proposed PTX-Seg, a zero-shot pneumothorax segmentation algorithm, combining image processing techniques with deep-learning models for the segmentation of air-accumulated regions and lung structures. Experiments on a large-scale dataset demonstrate its superiority over existing approaches. X-Recon achieved a significantly higher reconstruction resolution with a higher average spatial resolution and a lower average slice thickness. The reconstruction metrics achieved state-of-the-art performance in terms of several metrics including peak signal-to-noise ratio. The zero-shot segmentation algorithm, PTX-Seg, also demonstrated high segmentation precision for the air-accumulated region, the left lung, and the right lung. Moreover, the consistency analysis for the pneumothorax chest occupancy ratio between reconstructed CT and original CT obtained a high correlation coefficient. Code will be available at:


cross A Multimodal Knowledge-enhanced Whole-slide Pathology Foundation Model

Authors: Yingxue Xu, Yihui Wang, Fengtao Zhou, Jiabo Ma, Shu Yang, Huangjing Lin, Xin Wang, Jiguang Wang, Li Liang, Anjia Han, Ronald Cheong Kin Chan, Hao Chen

Abstract: Remarkable strides in computational pathology have been made in the task-agnostic foundation model that advances the performance of a wide array of downstream clinical tasks. Despite the promising performance, there are still several challenges. First, prior works have resorted to either vision-only or vision-captions data, disregarding invaluable pathology reports and gene expression profiles which respectively offer distinct knowledge for versatile clinical applications. Second, the current progress in pathology FMs predominantly concentrates on the patch level, where the restricted context of patch-level pretraining fails to capture whole-slide patterns. Here we curated the largest multimodal dataset consisting of H\&E diagnostic whole slide images and their associated pathology reports and RNA-Seq data, resulting in 26,169 slide-level modality pairs from 10,275 patients across 32 cancer types. To leverage these data for CPath, we propose a novel whole-slide pretraining paradigm which injects multimodal knowledge at the whole-slide context into the pathology FM, called Multimodal Self-TAught PRetraining (mSTAR). The proposed paradigm revolutionizes the workflow of pretraining for CPath, which enables the pathology FM to acquire the whole-slide context. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to incorporate multimodal knowledge at the slide level for enhancing pathology FMs, expanding the modelling context from unimodal to multimodal knowledge and from patch-level to slide-level. To systematically evaluate the capabilities of mSTAR, extensive experiments including slide-level unimodal and multimodal applications, are conducted across 7 diverse types of tasks on 43 subtasks, resulting in the largest spectrum of downstream tasks. The average performance in various slide-level applications consistently demonstrates significant performance enhancements for mSTAR compared to SOTA FMs.

cross Walking in Others' Shoes: How Perspective-Taking Guides Large Language Models in Reducing Toxicity and Bias

Authors: Rongwu Xu, Zi'an Zhou, Tianwei Zhang, Zehan Qi, Su Yao, Ke Xu, Wei Xu, Han Qiu

Abstract: The common toxicity and societal bias in contents generated by large language models (LLMs) necessitate strategies to reduce harm. Present solutions often demand white-box access to the model or substantial training, which is impractical for cutting-edge commercial LLMs. Moreover, prevailing prompting methods depend on external tool feedback and fail to simultaneously lessen toxicity and bias. Motivated by social psychology principles, we propose a novel strategy named \textbf{perspective-taking prompting (\textsc{PeT})} that inspires LLMs to integrate diverse human perspectives and self-regulate their responses. This self-correction mechanism can significantly diminish toxicity (up to $89\%$) and bias (up to $73\%$) in LLMs' responses. Rigorous evaluations and ablation studies are conducted on two commercial LLMs (ChatGPT and GLM) and three open-source LLMs, revealing \textsc{PeT}'s superiority in producing less harmful responses, outperforming five strong baselines.

cross Towards Robust Vision Transformer via Masked Adaptive Ensemble

Authors: Fudong Lin, Jiadong Lou, Xu Yuan, Nian-Feng Tzeng

Abstract: Adversarial training (AT) can help improve the robustness of Vision Transformers (ViT) against adversarial attacks by intentionally injecting adversarial examples into the training data. However, this way of adversarial injection inevitably incurs standard accuracy degradation to some extent, thereby calling for a trade-off between standard accuracy and robustness. Besides, the prominent AT solutions are still vulnerable to adaptive attacks. To tackle such shortcomings, this paper proposes a novel ViT architecture, including a detector and a classifier bridged by our newly developed adaptive ensemble. Specifically, we empirically discover that detecting adversarial examples can benefit from the Guided Backpropagation technique. Driven by this discovery, a novel Multi-head Self-Attention (MSA) mechanism is introduced to enhance our detector to sniff adversarial examples. Then, a classifier with two encoders is employed for extracting visual representations respectively from clean images and adversarial examples, with our adaptive ensemble to adaptively adjust the proportion of visual representations from the two encoders for accurate classification. This design enables our ViT architecture to achieve a better trade-off between standard accuracy and robustness. Besides, our adaptive ensemble technique allows us to mask off a random subset of image patches within input data, boosting our ViT's robustness against adaptive attacks, while maintaining high standard accuracy. Experimental results exhibit that our ViT architecture, on CIFAR-10, achieves the best standard accuracy and adversarial robustness of 90.3% and 49.8%, respectively.

cross ALLaM: Large Language Models for Arabic and English

Authors: M Saiful Bari, Yazeed Alnumay, Norah A. Alzahrani, Nouf M. Alotaibi, Hisham A. Alyahya, Sultan AlRashed, Faisal A. Mirza, Shaykhah Z. Alsubaie, Hassan A. Alahmed, Ghadah Alabduljabbar, Raghad Alkhathran, Yousef Almushayqih, Raneem Alnajim, Salman Alsubaihi, Maryam Al Mansour, Majed Alrubaian, Ali Alammari, Zaki Alawami, Abdulmohsen Al-Thubaity, Ahmed Abdelali, Jeril Kuriakose, Abdalghani Abujabal, Nora Al-Twairesh, Areeb Alowisheq, Haidar Khan

Abstract: We present ALLaM: Arabic Large Language Model, a series of large language models to support the ecosystem of Arabic Language Technologies (ALT). ALLaM is carefully trained considering the values of language alignment and knowledge transfer at scale. Our autoregressive decoder-only architecture models demonstrate how second-language acquisition via vocabulary expansion and pretraining on a mixture of Arabic and English text can steer a model towards a new language (Arabic) without any catastrophic forgetting in the original language (English). Furthermore, we highlight the effectiveness of using parallel/translated data to aid the process of knowledge alignment between languages. Finally, we show that extensive alignment with human preferences can significantly enhance the performance of a language model compared to models of a larger scale with lower quality alignment. ALLaM achieves state-of-the-art performance in various Arabic benchmarks, including MMLU Arabic, ACVA, and Arabic Exams. Our aligned models improve both in Arabic and English from their base aligned models.

cross Semantic Diversity-aware Prototype-based Learning for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation

Authors: Jaehyeong Jeon, Kibum Kim, Kanghoon Yoon, Chanyoung Park

Abstract: The scene graph generation (SGG) task involves detecting objects within an image and predicting predicates that represent the relationships between the objects. However, in SGG benchmark datasets, each subject-object pair is annotated with a single predicate even though a single predicate may exhibit diverse semantics (i.e., semantic diversity), existing SGG models are trained to predict the one and only predicate for each pair. This in turn results in the SGG models to overlook the semantic diversity that may exist in a predicate, thus leading to biased predictions. In this paper, we propose a novel model-agnostic Semantic Diversity-aware Prototype-based Learning (DPL) framework that enables unbiased predictions based on the understanding of the semantic diversity of predicates. Specifically, DPL learns the regions in the semantic space covered by each predicate to distinguish among the various different semantics that a single predicate can represent. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed model-agnostic DPL framework brings significant performance improvement on existing SGG models, and also effectively understands the semantic diversity of predicates.

cross Imposter.AI: Adversarial Attacks with Hidden Intentions towards Aligned Large Language Models

Authors: Xiao Liu, Liangzhi Li, Tong Xiang, Fuying Ye, Lu Wei, Wangyue Li, Noa Garcia

Abstract: With the development of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, both their vast applications and potential vulnerabilities have come to the forefront. While developers have integrated multiple safety mechanisms to mitigate their misuse, a risk remains, particularly when models encounter adversarial inputs. This study unveils an attack mechanism that capitalizes on human conversation strategies to extract harmful information from LLMs. We delineate three pivotal strategies: (i) decomposing malicious questions into seemingly innocent sub-questions; (ii) rewriting overtly malicious questions into more covert, benign-sounding ones; (iii) enhancing the harmfulness of responses by prompting models for illustrative examples. Unlike conventional methods that target explicit malicious responses, our approach delves deeper into the nature of the information provided in responses. Through our experiments conducted on GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4, and Llama2, our method has demonstrated a marked efficacy compared to conventional attack methods. In summary, this work introduces a novel attack method that outperforms previous approaches, raising an important question: How to discern whether the ultimate intent in a dialogue is malicious?

cross Tackling Selfish Clients in Federated Learning

Authors: Andrea Augello, Ashish Gupta, Giuseppe Lo Re, Sajal K. Das

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning paradigm facilitating participants to collaboratively train a model without revealing their local data. However, when FL is deployed into the wild, some intelligent clients can deliberately deviate from the standard training process to make the global model inclined toward their local model, thereby prioritizing their local data distribution. We refer to this novel category of misbehaving clients as selfish. In this paper, we propose a Robust aggregation strategy for FL server to mitigate the effect of Selfishness (in short RFL-Self). RFL-Self incorporates an innovative method to recover (or estimate) the true updates of selfish clients from the received ones, leveraging robust statistics (median of norms) of the updates at every round. By including the recovered updates in aggregation, our strategy offers strong robustness against selfishness. Our experimental results, obtained on MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets, demonstrate that just 2% of clients behaving selfishly can decrease the accuracy by up to 36%, and RFL-Self can mitigate that effect without degrading the global model performance.

cross Offline Imitation Learning Through Graph Search and Retrieval

Authors: Zhao-Heng Yin, Pieter Abbeel

Abstract: Imitation learning is a powerful machine learning algorithm for a robot to acquire manipulation skills. Nevertheless, many real-world manipulation tasks involve precise and dexterous robot-object interactions, which make it difficult for humans to collect high-quality expert demonstrations. As a result, a robot has to learn skills from suboptimal demonstrations and unstructured interactions, which remains a key challenge. Existing works typically use offline deep reinforcement learning (RL) to solve this challenge, but in practice these algorithms are unstable and fragile due to the deadly triad issue. To overcome this problem, we propose GSR, a simple yet effective algorithm that learns from suboptimal demonstrations through Graph Search and Retrieval. We first use pretrained representation to organize the interaction experience into a graph and perform a graph search to calculate the values of different behaviors. Then, we apply a retrieval-based procedure to identify the best behavior (actions) on each state and use behavior cloning to learn that behavior. We evaluate our method in both simulation and real-world robotic manipulation tasks with complex visual inputs, covering various precise and dexterous manipulation skills with objects of different physical properties. GSR can achieve a 10% to 30% higher success rate and over 30% higher proficiency compared to baselines. Our project page is at


cross Automated Road Safety: Enhancing Sign and Surface Damage Detection with AI

Authors: Davide Merolla, Vittorio Latorre, Antonio Salis, Gianluca Boanelli

Abstract: Public transportation plays a crucial role in our lives, and the road network is a vital component in the implementation of smart cities. Recent advancements in AI have enabled the development of advanced monitoring systems capable of detecting anomalies in road surfaces and road signs, which, if unaddressed, can lead to serious road accidents. This paper presents an innovative approach to enhance road safety through the detection and classification of traffic signs and road surface damage using advanced deep learning techniques. This integrated approach supports proactive maintenance strategies, improving road safety and resource allocation for the Molise region and the city of Campobasso. The resulting system, developed as part of the Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti (House of Emergent Technologies) Molise (Molise CTE) research project funded by the Italian Minister of Economic Growth (MIMIT), leverages cutting-edge technologies such as Cloud Computing and High Performance Computing with GPU utilization. It serves as a valuable tool for municipalities, enabling quick detection of anomalies and the prompt organization of maintenance operations

cross Planning behavior in a recurrent neural network that plays Sokoban

Authors: Adri\`a Garriga-Alonso, Mohammad Taufeeque, Adam Gleave

Abstract: To predict how advanced neural networks generalize to novel situations, it is essential to understand how they reason. Guez et al. (2019, "An investigation of model-free planning") trained a recurrent neural network (RNN) to play Sokoban with model-free reinforcement learning. They found that adding extra computation steps to the start of episodes at test time improves the RNN's success rate. We further investigate this phenomenon, finding that it rapidly emerges early on in training and then slowly fades, but only for comparatively easier levels. The RNN also often takes redundant actions at episode starts, and these are reduced by adding extra computation steps. Our results suggest that the RNN learns to take time to think by `pacing', despite the per-step penalties, indicating that training incentivizes planning capabilities. The small size (1.29M parameters) and interesting behavior of this model make it an excellent model organism for mechanistic interpretability.

cross Integrating IP Broadcasting with Audio Tags- Workflow and Challenges

Authors: Rhys Burchett-Vass, Arshdeep Singh, Gabriel Bibb\'o, Mark D. Plumbley

Abstract: The broadcasting industry is increasingly adopting IP techniques, revolutionising both live and pre-recorded content production, from news gathering to live music events. IP broadcasting allows for the transport of audio and video signals in an easily configurable way, aligning with modern networking techniques. This shift towards an IP workflow allows for much greater flexibility, not only in routing signals but with the integration of tools using standard web development techniques. One possible tool could include the use of live audio tagging, which has a number of uses in the production of content. These include from automated closed captioning to identifying unwanted sound events within a scene. In this paper, we describe the process of containerising an audio tagging model into a microservice, a small segregated code module that can be integrated into a multitude of different network setups. The goal is to develop a modular, accessible, and flexible tool capable of seamless deployment into broadcasting workflows of all sizes, from small productions to large corporations. Challenges surrounding latency of the selected audio tagging model and its effect on the usefulness of the end product are discussed.

cross Empirical Capacity Model for Self-Attention Neural Networks

Authors: Aki H\"arm\"a, Marcin Pietrasik, Anna Wilbik

Abstract: Large pretrained self-attention neural networks, or transformers, have been very successful in various tasks recently. The performance of a model on a given task depends on its ability to memorize and generalize the training data. Large transformer models, which may have billions of parameters, in theory have a huge capacity to memorize content. However, the current algorithms for the optimization fall short of the theoretical capacity, and the capacity is also highly dependent on the content. In this paper, we focus on the memory capacity of these models obtained using common training algorithms and synthetic training data. Based on the results, we derive an empirical capacity model (ECM) for a generic transformer. The ECM can be used to design task-specific transformer models with an optimal number of parameters in cases where the target memorization capability of the task can be defined.

cross YOLO-pdd: A Novel Multi-scale PCB Defect Detection Method Using Deep Representations with Sequential Images

Authors: Bowen Liu, Dongjie Chen, Xiao Qi

Abstract: With the rapid growth of the PCB manufacturing industry, there is an increasing demand for computer vision inspection to detect defects during production. Improving the accuracy and generalization of PCB defect detection models remains a significant challenge. This paper proposes a high-precision, robust, and real-time end-to-end method for PCB defect detection based on deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Traditional methods often suffer from low accuracy and limited applicability. We propose a novel approach combining YOLOv5 and multiscale modules for hierarchical residual-like connections. In PCB defect detection, noise can confuse the background and small targets. The YOLOv5 model provides a strong foundation with its real-time processing and accurate object detection capabilities. The multi-scale module extends traditional approaches by incorporating hierarchical residual-like connections within a single block, enabling multiscale feature extraction. This plug-and-play module significantly enhances performance by extracting features at multiple scales and levels, which are useful for identifying defects of varying sizes and complexities. Our multi-scale architecture integrates feature extraction, defect localization, and classification into a unified network. Experiments on a large-scale PCB dataset demonstrate significant improvements in precision, recall, and F1-score compared to existing methods. This work advances computer vision inspection for PCB defect detection, providing a reliable solution for high-precision, robust, real-time, and domain-adaptive defect detection in the PCB manufacturing industry.

cross Decoding BACnet Packets: A Large Language Model Approach for Packet Interpretation

Authors: Rashi Sharma, Hiroyuki Okada, Tatsumi Oba, Karthikk Subramanian, Naoto Yanai, Sugiri Pranata

Abstract: The Industrial Control System (ICS) environment encompasses a wide range of intricate communication protocols, posing substantial challenges for Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts tasked with monitoring, interpreting, and addressing network activities and security incidents. Conventional monitoring tools and techniques often struggle to provide a clear understanding of the nature and intent of ICS-specific communications. To enhance comprehension, we propose a software solution powered by a Large Language Model (LLM). This solution currently focused on BACnet protocol, processes a packet file data and extracts context by using a mapping database, and contemporary context retrieval methods for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). The processed packet information, combined with the extracted context, serves as input to the LLM, which generates a concise packet file summary for the user. The software delivers a clear, coherent, and easily understandable summary of network activities, enabling SOC analysts to better assess the current state of the control system.

cross Pre-Training and Prompting for Few-Shot Node Classification on Text-Attributed Graphs

Authors: Huanjing Zhao, Beining Yang, Yukuo Cen, Junyu Ren, Chenhui Zhang, Yuxiao Dong, Evgeny Kharlamov, Shu Zhao, Jie Tang

Abstract: The text-attributed graph (TAG) is one kind of important real-world graph-structured data with each node associated with raw texts. For TAGs, traditional few-shot node classification methods directly conduct training on the pre-processed node features and do not consider the raw texts. The performance is highly dependent on the choice of the feature pre-processing method. In this paper, we propose P2TAG, a framework designed for few-shot node classification on TAGs with graph pre-training and prompting. P2TAG first pre-trains the language model (LM) and graph neural network (GNN) on TAGs with self-supervised loss. To fully utilize the ability of language models, we adapt the masked language modeling objective for our framework. The pre-trained model is then used for the few-shot node classification with a mixed prompt method, which simultaneously considers both text and graph information. We conduct experiments on six real-world TAGs, including paper citation networks and product co-purchasing networks. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed framework outperforms existing graph few-shot learning methods on these datasets with +18.98% ~ +35.98% improvements.

cross A Multi-Level Corroborative Approach for Verification and Validation of Autonomous Robotic Swarms

Authors: Dhaminda B. Abeywickrama, Suet Lee, Chris Bennett, Razanne Abu-Aisheh, Tom Didiot-Cook, Simon Jones, Sabine Hauert, Kerstin Eder

Abstract: Modelling and characterizing emergent behaviour within a swarm can pose significant challenges in terms of 'assurance'. Assurance tasks encompass adherence to standards, certification processes, and the execution of verification and validation (V&V) methods, such as model checking. In this study, we propose a holistic, multi-level modelling approach for formally verifying and validating autonomous robotic swarms, which are defined at the macroscopic formal modelling, low-fidelity simulation, high-fidelity simulation, and real-robot levels. Our formal macroscopic models, used for verification, are characterized by data derived from actual simulations, ensuring both accuracy and traceability across different system models. Furthermore, our work combines formal verification with experimental validation involving real robots. In this way, our corroborative approach for V&V seeks to enhance confidence in the evidence, in contrast to employing these methods separately. We explore our approach through a case study focused on a swarm of robots operating within a public cloakroom.

cross In-Context Learning Improves Compositional Understanding of Vision-Language Models

Authors: Matteo Nulli, Anesa Ibrahimi, Avik Pal, Hoshe Lee, Ivona Najdenkoska

Abstract: Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in a large number of downstream tasks. Nonetheless, compositional image understanding remains a rather difficult task due to the object bias present in training data. In this work, we investigate the reasons for such a lack of capability by performing an extensive bench-marking of compositional understanding in VLMs. We compare contrastive models with generative ones and analyze their differences in architecture, pre-training data, and training tasks and losses. Furthermore, we leverage In-Context Learning (ICL) as a way to improve the ability of VLMs to perform more complex reasoning and understanding given an image. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed approach outperforms baseline models across multiple compositional understanding datasets.

cross Compensate Quantization Errors+: Quantized Models Are Inquisitive Learners

Authors: Yifei Gao, Jie Ou, Lei Wang, Fanhua Shang, Jaji Wu, Jun Cheng

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) showcase remarkable performance and robust deductive capabilities, yet their expansive size complicates deployment and raises environmental concerns due to substantial resource consumption. The recent development of a quantization technique known as Learnable Singular-value Increment (LSI) has addressed some of these quantization challenges. Leveraging insights from LSI and our extensive research, we have developed innovative methods that enhance the performance of quantized LLMs, particularly in low-bit settings. Our methods consistently deliver state-of-the-art results across various quantization scenarios and offer deep theoretical insights into the quantization process, elucidating the potential of quantized models for widespread application.

cross Increasing the Robustness of Model Predictions to Missing Sensors in Earth Observation

Authors: Francisco Mena, Diego Arenas, Andreas Dengel

Abstract: Multi-sensor ML models for EO aim to enhance prediction accuracy by integrating data from various sources. However, the presence of missing data poses a significant challenge, particularly in non-persistent sensors that can be affected by external factors. Existing literature has explored strategies like temporal dropout and sensor-invariant models to address the generalization to missing data issues. Inspired by these works, we study two novel methods tailored for multi-sensor scenarios, namely Input Sensor Dropout (ISensD) and Ensemble Sensor Invariant (ESensI). Through experimentation on three multi-sensor temporal EO datasets, we demonstrate that these methods effectively increase the robustness of model predictions to missing sensors. Particularly, we focus on how the predictive performance of models drops when sensors are missing at different levels. We observe that ensemble multi-sensor models are the most robust to the lack of sensors. In addition, the sensor dropout component in ISensD shows promising robustness results.

cross Future-Proofing Mobile Networks: A Digital Twin Approach to Multi-Signal Management

Authors: Roberto Morabito, Bivek Pandey, Paulius Daubaris, Yasith R Wanigarathna, Sasu Tarkoma

Abstract: Digital Twins (DTs) are set to become a key enabling technology in future wireless networks, with their use in network management increasing significantly. We developed a DT framework that leverages the heterogeneity of network access technologies as a resource for enhanced network performance and management, enabling smart data handling in the physical network. Tested in a \textit{Campus Area Network} environment, our framework integrates diverse data sources to provide real-time, holistic insights into network performance and environmental sensing. We also envision that traditional analytics will evolve to rely on emerging AI models, such as Generative AI (GenAI), while leveraging current analytics capabilities. This capacity can simplify analytics processes through advanced ML models, enabling descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics in a unified fashion. Finally, we present specific research opportunities concerning interoperability aspects and envision aligning advancements in DT technology with evolved AI integration.

cross TOM: A Development Platform For Wearable Intelligent Assistants

Authors: Nuwan Janaka, Shengdong Zhao, David Hsu, Sherisse Tan Jing Wen, Koh Chun Keat

Abstract: Advanced digital assistants can significantly enhance task performance, reduce user burden, and provide personalized guidance to improve users' abilities. However, the development of such intelligent digital assistants presents a formidable challenge. To address this, we introduce TOM, a conceptual architecture and software platform ( designed to support the development of intelligent wearable assistants that are contextually aware of both the user and the environment. This system was developed collaboratively with AR/MR researchers, HCI researchers, AI/Robotic researchers, and software developers, and it continues to evolve to meet the diverse requirements of these stakeholders. TOM facilitates the creation of intelligent assistive AR applications for daily activities and supports the recording and analysis of user interactions, integration of new devices, and the provision of assistance for various activities. Additionally, we showcase several proof-of-concept assistive services and discuss the challenges involved in developing such services.


cross Synthetic Image Learning: Preserving Performance and Preventing Membership Inference Attacks

Authors: Eugenio Lomurno, Matteo Matteucci

Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence has transformed the generation of synthetic data, providing innovative solutions to challenges like data scarcity and privacy, which are particularly critical in fields such as medicine. However, the effective use of this synthetic data to train high-performance models remains a significant challenge. This paper addresses this issue by introducing Knowledge Recycling (KR), a pipeline designed to optimise the generation and use of synthetic data for training downstream classifiers. At the heart of this pipeline is Generative Knowledge Distillation (GKD), the proposed technique that significantly improves the quality and usefulness of the information provided to classifiers through a synthetic dataset regeneration and soft labelling mechanism. The KR pipeline has been tested on a variety of datasets, with a focus on six highly heterogeneous medical image datasets, ranging from retinal images to organ scans. The results show a significant reduction in the performance gap between models trained on real and synthetic data, with models based on synthetic data outperforming those trained on real data in some cases. Furthermore, the resulting models show almost complete immunity to Membership Inference Attacks, manifesting privacy properties missing in models trained with conventional techniques.

cross Large-scale Time-Varying Portfolio Optimisation using Graph Attention Networks

Authors: Kamesh Korangi, Christophe Mues, Cristi\'an Bravo

Abstract: Apart from assessing individual asset performance, investors in financial markets also need to consider how a set of firms performs collectively as a portfolio. Whereas traditional Markowitz-based mean-variance portfolios are widespread, network-based optimisation techniques have built upon these developments. However, most studies do not contain firms at risk of default and remove any firms that drop off indices over a certain time. This is the first study to incorporate risky firms and use all the firms in portfolio optimisation. We propose and empirically test a novel method that leverages Graph Attention networks (GATs), a subclass of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). GNNs, as deep learning-based models, can exploit network data to uncover nonlinear relationships. Their ability to handle high-dimensional features and accommodate customised layers for specific purposes makes them particularly appealing for large-scale problems such as mid- and small-cap portfolio optimization. This study utilises 30 years of data on mid-cap firms, creating graphs of firms using distance correlation and the Triangulated Maximally Filtered Graph approach. These graphs are the inputs to a GAT model that we train using custom layers which impose weight and allocation constraints and a loss function derived from the Sharpe ratio, thus directly maximising portfolio risk-adjusted returns. This new model is benchmarked against a network characteristic-based portfolio, a mean variance-based portfolio, and an equal-weighted portfolio. The results show that the portfolio produced by the GAT-based model outperforms all benchmarks and is consistently superior to other strategies over a long period while also being informative of market dynamics.

cross Targeted Latent Adversarial Training Improves Robustness to Persistent Harmful Behaviors in LLMs

Authors: Abhay Sheshadri, Aidan Ewart, Phillip Guo, Aengus Lynch, Cindy Wu, Vivek Hebbar, Henry Sleight, Asa Cooper Stickland, Ethan Perez, Dylan Hadfield-Menell, Stephen Casper

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) can often be made to behave in undesirable ways that they are explicitly fine-tuned not to. For example, the LLM red-teaming literature has produced a wide variety of `jailbreaking' techniques to elicit harmful text from models that were fine-tuned to be harmless. Recent work on red-teaming, model editing, and interpretability suggests that this challenge stems from how (adversarial) fine-tuning largely serves to suppress rather than remove undesirable capabilities from LLMs. Prior work has introduced latent adversarial training (LAT) as a way to improve robustness to broad classes of failures. These prior works have considered untargeted latent space attacks where the adversary perturbs latent activations to maximize loss on examples of desirable behavior. Untargeted LAT can provide a generic type of robustness but does not leverage information about specific failure modes. Here, we experiment with targeted LAT where the adversary seeks to minimize loss on a specific competing task. We find that it can augment a wide variety of state-of-the-art methods. First, we use targeted LAT to improve robustness to jailbreaks, outperforming a strong R2D2 baseline with orders of magnitude less compute. Second, we use it to more effectively remove backdoors with no knowledge of the trigger. Finally, we use it to more effectively unlearn knowledge for specific undesirable tasks in a way that is also more robust to re-learning. Overall, our results suggest that targeted LAT can be an effective tool for defending against harmful behaviors from LLMs.

cross Unsupervised Robust Cross-Lingual Entity Alignment via Joint Modeling of Entity and Relation Texts

Authors: Soojin Yoon, Sungho Ko, Tongyoung Kim, SeongKu Kang, Jinyoung Yeo, Dongha Lee

Abstract: Cross-lingual entity alignment (EA) enables the integration of multiple knowledge graphs (KGs) across different languages, providing users with seamless access to diverse and comprehensive knowledge.Existing methods, mostly supervised, face challenges in obtaining labeled entity pairs. To address this, recent studies have shifted towards a self-supervised and unsupervised frameworks. Despite their effectiveness, these approaches have limitations: (1) they mainly focus on entity features, neglecting the semantic information of relations, (2) they assume isomorphism between source and target graphs, leading to noise and reduced alignment accuracy, and (3) they are susceptible to noise in the textual features, especially when encountering inconsistent translations or Out-Of-Vocabulary (OOV) problems. In this paper, we propose ERAlign, an unsupervised and robust cross-lingual EA framework that jointly performs Entity-level and Relation-level Alignment using semantic textual features of relations and entities. Its refinement process iteratively enhances results by fusing entity-level and relation-level alignments based on neighbor triple matching. The additional verification process examines the entities' neighbor triples as the linearized text. This \textit{Align-and-Verify} pipeline that rigorously assesses alignment results, achieving near-perfect alignment even in the presence of noisy textual features of entities. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that robustness and general applicability of \proposed improved the accuracy and effectiveness of EA tasks, contributing significantly to knowledge-oriented applications.

cross Discrete Flow Matching

Authors: Itai Gat, Tal Remez, Neta Shaul, Felix Kreuk, Ricky T. Q. Chen, Gabriel Synnaeve, Yossi Adi, Yaron Lipman

Abstract: Despite Flow Matching and diffusion models having emerged as powerful generative paradigms for continuous variables such as images and videos, their application to high-dimensional discrete data, such as language, is still limited. In this work, we present Discrete Flow Matching, a novel discrete flow paradigm designed specifically for generating discrete data. Discrete Flow Matching offers several key contributions: (i) it works with a general family of probability paths interpolating between source and target distributions; (ii) it allows for a generic formula for sampling from these probability paths using learned posteriors such as the probability denoiser ($x$-prediction) and noise-prediction ($\epsilon$-prediction); (iii) practically, focusing on specific probability paths defined with different schedulers considerably improves generative perplexity compared to previous discrete diffusion and flow models; and (iv) by scaling Discrete Flow Matching models up to 1.7B parameters, we reach 6.7% Pass@1 and 13.4% Pass@10 on HumanEval and 6.7% Pass@1 and 20.6% Pass@10 on 1-shot MBPP coding benchmarks. Our approach is capable of generating high-quality discrete data in a non-autoregressive fashion, significantly closing the gap between autoregressive models and discrete flow models.

cross A Pairwise Comparison Relation-assisted Multi-objective Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search Method with Multi-population Mechanism

Authors: Yu Xue, Chenchen Zhu, MengChu Zhou, Mohamed Wahib, Moncef Gabbouj

Abstract: Neural architecture search (NAS) enables re-searchers to automatically explore vast search spaces and find efficient neural networks. But NAS suffers from a key bottleneck, i.e., numerous architectures need to be evaluated during the search process, which requires a lot of computing resources and time. In order to improve the efficiency of NAS, a series of methods have been proposed to reduce the evaluation time of neural architectures. However, they are not efficient enough and still only focus on the accuracy of architectures. In addition to the classification accuracy, more efficient and smaller network architectures are required in real-world applications. To address the above problems, we propose the SMEM-NAS, a pairwise com-parison relation-assisted multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on a multi-population mechanism. In the SMEM-NAS, a surrogate model is constructed based on pairwise compari-son relations to predict the accuracy ranking of architectures, rather than the absolute accuracy. Moreover, two populations cooperate with each other in the search process, i.e., a main population guides the evolution, while a vice population expands the diversity. Our method aims to provide high-performance models that take into account multiple optimization objectives. We conduct a series of experiments on the CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet datasets to verify its effectiveness. With only a single GPU searching for 0.17 days, competitive architectures can be found by SMEM-NAS which achieves 78.91% accuracy with the MAdds of 570M on the ImageNet. This work makes a significant advance in the important field of NAS.

cross Can GPT-4 learn to analyze moves in research article abstracts?

Authors: Danni Yu, Marina Bondi, Ken Hylannd

Abstract: One of the most powerful and enduring ideas in written discourse analysis is that genres can be described in terms of the moves which structure a writer's purpose. Considerable research has sought to identify these distinct communicative acts, but analyses have been beset by problems of subjectivity, reliability and the time-consuming need for multiple coders to confirm analyses. In this paper we employ the affordances of GPT-4 to automate the annotation process by using natural language prompts. Focusing on abstracts from articles in four applied linguistics journals, we devise prompts which enable the model to identify moves effectively. The annotated outputs of these prompts were evaluated by two assessors with a third addressing disagreements. The results show that an 8-shot prompt was more effective than one using two, confirming that the inclusion of examples illustrating areas of variability can enhance GPT-4's ability to recognize multiple moves in a single sentence and reduce bias related to textual position. We suggest that GPT-4 offers considerable potential in automating this annotation process, when human actors with domain specific linguistic expertise inform the prompting process.

cross Sustainable broadcasting in Blockchain Network with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Danila Valko, Daniel Kudenko

Abstract: Recent estimates put the carbon footprint of Bitcoin and Ethereum at an average of 64 and 26 million tonnes of CO2 per year, respectively. To address this growing problem, several possible approaches have been proposed in the literature: creating alternative blockchain consensus mechanisms, applying redundancy reduction techniques, utilizing renewable energy sources, and employing energy-efficient devices, etc. In this paper, we follow the second avenue and propose an efficient approach based on reinforcement learning that improves the block broadcasting scheme in blockchain networks. The analysis and experimental results confirmed that the proposed improvement of the block propagation scheme could cleverly handle network dynamics and achieve better results than the default approach. Additionally, our technical integration of the simulator and developed RL environment can be used as a complete solution for further study of new schemes and protocols that use RL or other ML techniques.

cross Norface: Improving Facial Expression Analysis by Identity Normalization

Authors: Hanwei Liu, Rudong An, Zhimeng Zhang, Bowen Ma, Wei Zhang, Yan Song, Yujing Hu, Wei Chen, Yu Ding

Abstract: Facial Expression Analysis remains a challenging task due to unexpected task-irrelevant noise, such as identity, head pose, and background. To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel framework, called Norface, that is unified for both Action Unit (AU) analysis and Facial Emotion Recognition (FER) tasks. Norface consists of a normalization network and a classification network. First, the carefully designed normalization network struggles to directly remove the above task-irrelevant noise, by maintaining facial expression consistency but normalizing all original images to a common identity with consistent pose, and background. Then, these additional normalized images are fed into the classification network. Due to consistent identity and other factors (e.g. head pose, background, etc.), the normalized images enable the classification network to extract useful expression information more effectively. Additionally, the classification network incorporates a Mixture of Experts to refine the latent representation, including handling the input of facial representations and the output of multiple (AU or emotion) labels. Extensive experiments validate the carefully designed framework with the insight of identity normalization. The proposed method outperforms existing SOTA methods in multiple facial expression analysis tasks, including AU detection, AU intensity estimation, and FER tasks, as well as their cross-dataset tasks. For the normalized datasets and code please visit {}.


cross RadioRAG: Factual Large Language Models for Enhanced Diagnostics in Radiology Using Dynamic Retrieval Augmented Generation

Authors: Soroosh Tayebi Arasteh, Mahshad Lotfinia, Keno Bressem, Robert Siepmann, Dyke Ferber, Christiane Kuhl, Jakob Nikolas Kather, Sven Nebelung, Daniel Truhn

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have advanced the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine. However LLMs often generate outdated or inaccurate information based on static training datasets. Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) mitigates this by integrating outside data sources. While previous RAG systems used pre-assembled, fixed databases with limited flexibility, we have developed Radiology RAG (RadioRAG) as an end-to-end framework that retrieves data from authoritative radiologic online sources in real-time. RadioRAG is evaluated using a dedicated radiologic question-and-answer dataset (RadioQA). We evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of various LLMs when answering radiology-specific questions with and without access to additional online information via RAG. Using 80 questions from RSNA Case Collection across radiologic subspecialties and 24 additional expert-curated questions, for which the correct gold-standard answers were available, LLMs (GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4, Mistral-7B, Mixtral-8x7B, and Llama3 [8B and 70B]) were prompted with and without RadioRAG. RadioRAG retrieved context-specific information from in real-time and incorporated them into its reply. RadioRAG consistently improved diagnostic accuracy across all LLMs, with relative improvements ranging from 2% to 54%. It matched or exceeded question answering without RAG across radiologic subspecialties, particularly in breast imaging and emergency radiology. However, degree of improvement varied among models; GPT-3.5-turbo and Mixtral-8x7B-instruct-v0.1 saw notable gains, while Mistral-7B-instruct-v0.2 showed no improvement, highlighting variability in its effectiveness. LLMs benefit when provided access to domain-specific data beyond their training data. For radiology, RadioRAG establishes a robust framework that substantially improves diagnostic accuracy and factuality in radiological question answering.

cross Psychometric Alignment: Capturing Human Knowledge Distributions via Language Models

Authors: Joy He-Yueya, Wanjing Anya Ma, Kanishk Gandhi, Benjamin W. Domingue, Emma Brunskill, Noah D. Goodman

Abstract: Language models (LMs) are increasingly used to simulate human-like responses in scenarios where accurately mimicking a population's behavior can guide decision-making, such as in developing educational materials and designing public policies. The objective of these simulations is for LMs to capture the variations in human responses, rather than merely providing the expected correct answers. Prior work has shown that LMs often generate unrealistically accurate responses, but there are no established metrics to quantify how closely the knowledge distribution of LMs aligns with that of humans. To address this, we introduce "psychometric alignment," a metric that measures the extent to which LMs reflect human knowledge distribution. Assessing this alignment involves collecting responses from both LMs and humans to the same set of test items and using Item Response Theory to analyze the differences in item functioning between the groups. We demonstrate that our metric can capture important variations in populations that traditional metrics, like differences in accuracy, fail to capture. We apply this metric to assess existing LMs for their alignment with human knowledge distributions across three real-world domains. We find significant misalignment between LMs and human populations, though using persona-based prompts can improve alignment. Interestingly, smaller LMs tend to achieve greater psychometric alignment than larger LMs. Further, training LMs on human response data from the target distribution enhances their psychometric alignment on unseen test items, but the effectiveness of such training varies across domains.

cross Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Penetration Testing using A3C, Q-learning and DQN

Authors: Norman Becker, Daniel Reti, Evridiki V. Ntagiou, Marcus Wallum, Hans D. Schotten

Abstract: Penetration testing is the process of searching for security weaknesses by simulating an attack. It is usually performed by experienced professionals, where scanning and attack tools are applied. By automating the execution of such tools, the need for human interaction and decision-making could be reduced. In this work, a Network Attack Simulator (NASim) was used as an environment to train reinforcement learning agents to solve three predefined security scenarios. These scenarios cover techniques of exploitation, post-exploitation and wiretapping. A large hyperparameter grid search was performed to find the best hyperparameter combinations. The algorithms Q-learning, DQN and A3C were used, whereby A3C was able to solve all scenarios and achieve generalization. In addition, A3C could solve these scenarios with fewer actions than the baseline automated penetration testing. Although the training was performed on rather small scenarios and with small state and action spaces for the agents, the results show that a penetration test can successfully be performed by the RL agent.

cross How to Shrink Confidence Sets for Many Equivalent Discrete Distributions?

Authors: Odalric-Ambrym Maillard, Mohammad Sadegh Talebi

Abstract: We consider the situation when a learner faces a set of unknown discrete distributions $(p_k)_{k\in \mathcal K}$ defined over a common alphabet $\mathcal X$, and can build for each distribution $p_k$ an individual high-probability confidence set thanks to $n_k$ observations sampled from $p_k$. The set $(p_k)_{k\in \mathcal K}$ is structured: each distribution $p_k$ is obtained from the same common, but unknown, distribution q via applying an unknown permutation to $\mathcal X$. We call this \emph{permutation-equivalence}. The goal is to build refined confidence sets \emph{exploiting} this structural property. Like other popular notions of structure (Lipschitz smoothness, Linearity, etc.) permutation-equivalence naturally appears in machine learning problems, and to benefit from its potential gain calls for a specific approach. We present a strategy to effectively exploit permutation-equivalence, and provide a finite-time high-probability bound on the size of the refined confidence sets output by the strategy. Since a refinement is not possible for too few observations in general, under mild technical assumptions, our finite-time analysis establish when the number of observations $(n_k)_{k\in \mathcal K}$ are large enough so that the output confidence sets improve over initial individual sets. We carefully characterize this event and the corresponding improvement. Further, our result implies that the size of confidence sets shrink at asymptotic rates of $O(1/\sqrt{\sum_{k\in \mathcal K} n_k})$ and $O(1/\max_{k\in K} n_{k})$, respectively for elements inside and outside the support of q, when the size of each individual confidence set shrinks at respective rates of $O(1/\sqrt{n_k})$ and $O(1/n_k)$. We illustrate the practical benefit of exploiting permutation equivalence on a reinforcement learning task.

cross SLVideo: A Sign Language Video Moment Retrieval Framework

Authors: Gon\c{c}alo Vinagre Martins, Afonso Quinaz, Carla Viegas, Sofia Cavaco, Jo\~ao Magalh\~aes

Abstract: Sign Language Recognition has been studied and developed throughout the years to help the deaf and hard-of-hearing people in their day-to-day lives. These technologies leverage manual sign recognition algorithms, however, most of them lack the recognition of facial expressions, which are also an essential part of Sign Language as they allow the speaker to add expressiveness to their dialogue or even change the meaning of certain manual signs. SLVideo is a video moment retrieval software for Sign Language videos with a focus on both hands and facial signs. The system extracts embedding representations for the hand and face signs from video frames to capture the language signs in full. This will then allow the user to search for a specific sign language video segment with text queries, or to search by similar sign language videos. To test this system, a collection of five hours of annotated Sign Language videos is used as the dataset, and the initial results are promising in a zero-shot setting.SLVideo is shown to not only address the problem of searching sign language videos but also supports a Sign Language thesaurus with a search by similarity technique. Project web page:


cross Flow-guided Motion Prediction with Semantics and Dynamic Occupancy Grid Maps

Authors: Rabbia Asghar, Wenqian Liu, Lukas Rummelhard, Anne Spalanzani, Christian Laugier

Abstract: Accurate prediction of driving scenes is essential for road safety and autonomous driving. Occupancy Grid Maps (OGMs) are commonly employed for scene prediction due to their structured spatial representation, flexibility across sensor modalities and integration of uncertainty. Recent studies have successfully combined OGMs with deep learning methods to predict the evolution of scene and learn complex behaviours. These methods, however, do not consider prediction of flow or velocity vectors in the scene. In this work, we propose a novel multi-task framework that leverages dynamic OGMs and semantic information to predict both future vehicle semantic grids and the future flow of the scene. This incorporation of semantic flow not only offers intermediate scene features but also enables the generation of warped semantic grids. Evaluation on the real-world NuScenes dataset demonstrates improved prediction capabilities and enhanced ability of the model to retain dynamic vehicles within the scene.

cross HaloQuest: A Visual Hallucination Dataset for Advancing Multimodal Reasoning

Authors: Zhecan Wang, Garrett Bingham, Adams Yu, Quoc Le, Thang Luong, Golnaz Ghiasi

Abstract: Hallucination has been a major problem for large language models and remains a critical challenge when it comes to multimodality in which vision-language models (VLMs) have to deal with not just textual but also visual inputs. Despite rapid progress in VLMs, resources for evaluating and addressing multimodal hallucination are limited and mostly focused on evaluation. This work introduces HaloQuest, a novel visual question answering dataset that captures various aspects of multimodal hallucination such as false premises, insufficient contexts, and visual challenges. A novel idea from HaloQuest is to leverage synthetic images, apart from real ones, to enable dataset creation at scale. With over 7.7K examples spanning across a wide variety of categories, HaloQuest was designed to be both a challenging benchmark for VLMs and a fine-tuning dataset for advancing multimodal reasoning. Our experiments reveal that current models struggle with HaloQuest, with all open-source VLMs achieving below 36% accuracy. On the other hand, fine-tuning on HaloQuest significantly reduces hallucination rates while preserving performance on standard reasoning tasks. Our results discover that benchmarking with generated images is highly correlated (r=0.97) with real images. Last but not least, we propose a novel Auto-Eval mechanism that is highly correlated with human raters (r=0.99) for evaluating VLMs. In sum, this work makes concrete strides towards understanding, evaluating, and mitigating hallucination in VLMs, serving as an important step towards more reliable multimodal AI systems in the future.

cross AI-Driven Fast and Early Detection of IoT Botnet Threats: A Comprehensive Network Traffic Analysis Approach

Authors: Abdelaziz Amara korba, Aleddine Diaf, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving landscape of cyber threats targeting the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, and in light of the surge in botnet-driven Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and brute force attacks, this study focuses on the early detection of IoT bots. It specifically addresses the detection of stealth bot communication that precedes and orchestrates attacks. This study proposes a comprehensive methodology for analyzing IoT network traffic, including considerations for both unidirectional and bidirectional flow, as well as packet formats. It explores a wide spectrum of network features critical for representing network traffic and characterizing benign IoT traffic patterns effectively. Moreover, it delves into the modeling of traffic using various semi-supervised learning techniques. Through extensive experimentation with the IoT-23 dataset - a comprehensive collection featuring diverse botnet types and traffic scenarios - we have demonstrated the feasibility of detecting botnet traffic corresponding to different operations and types of bots, specifically focusing on stealth command and control (C2) communications. The results obtained have demonstrated the feasibility of identifying C2 communication with a 100% success rate through packet-based methods and 94% via flow based approaches, with a false positive rate of 1.53%.

cross A Life-long Learning Intrusion Detection System for 6G-Enabled IoV

Authors: Abdelaziz Amara korba, Souad Sebaa, Malik Mabrouki, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Karima Benatchba

Abstract: The introduction of 6G technology into the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) promises to revolutionize connectivity with ultra-high data rates and seamless network coverage. However, this technological leap also brings significant challenges, particularly for the dynamic and diverse IoV landscape, which must meet the rigorous reliability and security requirements of 6G networks. Furthermore, integrating 6G will likely increase the IoV's susceptibility to a spectrum of emerging cyber threats. Therefore, it is crucial for security mechanisms to dynamically adapt and learn new attack patterns, keeping pace with the rapid evolution and diversification of these threats - a capability currently lacking in existing systems. This paper presents a novel intrusion detection system leveraging the paradigm of life-long (or continual) learning. Our methodology combines class-incremental learning with federated learning, an approach ideally suited to the distributed nature of the IoV. This strategy effectively harnesses the collective intelligence of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) and edge computing capabilities to train the detection system. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to synergize class-incremental learning with federated learning specifically for cyber attack detection. Through comprehensive experiments on a recent network traffic dataset, our system has exhibited a robust adaptability in learning new cyber attack patterns, while effectively retaining knowledge of previously encountered ones. Additionally, it has proven to maintain high accuracy and a low false positive rate.

cross Predicting the Best of N Visual Trackers

Authors: Basit Alawode, Sajid Javed, Arif Mahmood, Jiri Matas

Abstract: We observe that the performance of SOTA visual trackers surprisingly strongly varies across different video attributes and datasets. No single tracker remains the best performer across all tracking attributes and datasets. To bridge this gap, for a given video sequence, we predict the "Best of the N Trackers", called the BofN meta-tracker. At its core, a Tracking Performance Prediction Network (TP2N) selects a predicted best performing visual tracker for the given video sequence using only a few initial frames. We also introduce a frame-level BofN meta-tracker which keeps predicting best performer after regular temporal intervals. The TP2N is based on self-supervised learning architectures MocoV2, SwAv, BT, and DINO; experiments show that the DINO with ViT-S as a backbone performs the best. The video-level BofN meta-tracker outperforms, by a large margin, existing SOTA trackers on nine standard benchmarks - LaSOT, TrackingNet, GOT-10K, VOT2019, VOT2021, VOT2022, UAV123, OTB100, and WebUAV-3M. Further improvement is achieved by the frame-level BofN meta-tracker effectively handling variations in the tracking scenarios within long sequences. For instance, on GOT-10k, BofN meta-tracker average overlap is 88.7% and 91.1% with video and frame-level settings respectively. The best performing tracker, RTS, achieves 85.20% AO. On VOT2022, BofN expected average overlap is 67.88% and 70.98% with video and frame level settings, compared to the best performing ARTrack, 64.12%. This work also presents an extensive evaluation of competitive tracking methods on all commonly used benchmarks, following their protocols. The code, the trained models, and the results will soon be made publicly available on


cross SwinSF: Image Reconstruction from Spatial-Temporal Spike Streams

Authors: Liangyan Jiang, Chuang Zhu, Yanxu Chen

Abstract: The spike camera, with its high temporal resolution, low latency, and high dynamic range, addresses high-speed imaging challenges like motion blur. It captures photons at each pixel independently, creating binary spike streams rich in temporal information but challenging for image reconstruction. Current algorithms, both traditional and deep learning-based, still need to be improved in the utilization of the rich temporal detail and the restoration of the details of the reconstructed image. To overcome this, we introduce Swin Spikeformer (SwinSF), a novel model for dynamic scene reconstruction from spike streams. SwinSF is composed of Spike Feature Extraction, Spatial-Temporal Feature Extraction, and Final Reconstruction Module. It combines shifted window self-attention and proposed temporal spike attention, ensuring a comprehensive feature extraction that encapsulates both spatial and temporal dynamics, leading to a more robust and accurate reconstruction of spike streams. Furthermore, we build a new synthesized dataset for spike image reconstruction which matches the resolution of the latest spike camera, ensuring its relevance and applicability to the latest developments in spike camera imaging. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed network SwinSF sets a new benchmark, achieving state-of-the-art performance across a series of datasets, including both real-world and synthesized data across various resolutions. Our codes and proposed dataset will be available soon.

cross Mamba meets crack segmentation

Authors: Zhili He, Yu-Hsing Wang

Abstract: Cracks pose safety risks to infrastructure and cannot be overlooked. The prevailing structures in existing crack segmentation networks predominantly consist of CNNs or Transformers. However, CNNs exhibit a deficiency in global modeling capability, hindering the representation to entire crack features. Transformers can capture long-range dependencies but suffer from high and quadratic complexity. Recently, Mamba has garnered extensive attention due to its linear spatial and computational complexity and its powerful global perception. This study explores the representation capabilities of Mamba to crack features. Specifically, this paper uncovers the connection between Mamba and the attention mechanism, providing a profound insight, an attention perspective, into interpreting Mamba and devising a novel Mamba module following the principles of attention blocks, namely CrackMamba. We compare CrackMamba with the most prominent visual Mamba modules, Vim and Vmamba, on two datasets comprising asphalt pavement and concrete pavement cracks, and steel cracks, respectively. The quantitative results show that CrackMamba stands out as the sole Mamba block consistently enhancing the baseline model's performance across all evaluation measures, while reducing its parameters and computational costs. Moreover, this paper substantiates that Mamba can achieve global receptive fields through both theoretical analysis and visual interpretability. The discoveries of this study offer a dual contribution. First, as a plug-and-play and simple yet effective Mamba module, CrackMamba exhibits immense potential for integration into various crack segmentation models. Second, the proposed innovative Mamba design concept, integrating Mamba with the attention mechanism, holds significant reference value for all Mamba-based computer vision models, not limited to crack segmentation networks, as investigated in this study.

cross Integrating AI Tutors in a Programming Course

Authors: Iris Ma, Alberto Krone Martins, Cristina Videira Lopes

Abstract: RAGMan is an LLM-powered tutoring system that can support a variety of course-specific and homework-specific AI tutors. RAGMan leverages Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), as well as strict instructions, to ensure the alignment of the AI tutors' responses. By using RAGMan's AI tutors, students receive assistance with their specific homework assignments without directly obtaining solutions, while also having the ability to ask general programming-related questions. RAGMan was deployed as an optional resource in an introductory programming course with an enrollment of 455 students. It was configured as a set of five homework-specific AI tutors. This paper describes the interactions the students had with the AI tutors, the students' feedback, and a comparative grade analysis. Overall, about half of the students engaged with the AI tutors, and the vast majority of the interactions were legitimate homework questions. When students posed questions within the intended scope, the AI tutors delivered accurate responses 98% of the time. Within the students used AI tutors, 78% reported that the tutors helped their learning. Beyond AI tutors' ability to provide valuable suggestions, students reported appreciating them for fostering a safe learning environment free from judgment.

cross GFE-Mamba: Mamba-based AD Multi-modal Progression Assessment via Generative Feature Extraction from MCI

Authors: Zhaojie Fang, Shenghao Zhu, Yifei Chen, Binfeng Zou, Fan Jia, Linwei Qiu, Chang Liu, Yiyu Huang, Xiang Feng, Feiwei Qin, Changmiao Wang, Yeru Wang, Jin Fan, Changbiao Chu, Wan-Zhen Wu, Hu Zhao

Abstract: Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is an irreversible neurodegenerative disorder that often progresses from Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), leading to memory loss and significantly impacting patients' lives. Clinical trials indicate that early targeted interventions for MCI patients can potentially slow or halt the development and progression of AD. Previous research has shown that accurate medical classification requires the inclusion of extensive multimodal data, such as assessment scales and various neuroimaging techniques like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). However, consistently tracking the diagnosis of the same individual over time and simultaneously collecting multimodal data poses significant challenges. To address this issue, we introduce GFE-Mamba, a classifier based on Generative Feature Extraction (GFE). This classifier effectively integrates data from assessment scales, MRI, and PET, enabling deeper multimodal fusion. It efficiently extracts both long and short sequence information and incorporates additional information beyond the pixel space. This approach not only improves classification accuracy but also enhances the interpretability and stability of the model. We constructed datasets of over 3000 samples based on the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) for a two-step training process. Our experimental results demonstrate that the GFE-Mamba model is effective in predicting the conversion from MCI to AD and outperforms several state-of-the-art methods. Our source code and ADNI dataset processing code are available at


cross Do Large Language Models Have Compositional Ability? An Investigation into Limitations and Scalability

Authors: Zhuoyan Xu, Zhenmei Shi, Yingyu Liang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools for many AI problems and exhibit remarkable in-context learning (ICL) capabilities. Compositional ability, solving unseen complex tasks that combine two or more simple tasks, is an essential reasoning ability for Artificial General Intelligence. Despite LLM's tremendous success, how they approach composite tasks, especially those not encountered during the pretraining phase, remains an open question and largely ununderstood. In this study, we delve into the ICL capabilities of LLMs on composite tasks, with only simple tasks as in-context examples. We develop a test suite of composite tasks that include linguistic and logical challenges and perform empirical studies across different LLM families. We observe that models exhibit divergent behaviors: (1) For simpler composite tasks that apply distinct mapping mechanisms to different input segments, the models demonstrate decent compositional ability, while scaling up the model enhances this ability; (2) for more complex composite tasks that involving reasoning multiple steps, where each step represent one task, models typically underperform, and scaling up generally provide no improvements. We offer theoretical analysis in a simplified setting, explaining that models exhibit compositional capability when the task handles different input parts separately. We believe our work sheds new light on the capabilities of LLMs in solving composite tasks regarding the nature of the tasks and model scale. Our dataset and code are available at {\url{}}.


cross DStruct2Design: Data and Benchmarks for Data Structure Driven Generative Floor Plan Design

Authors: Zhi Hao Luo, Luis Lara, Ge Ya Luo, Florian Golemo, Christopher Beckham, Christopher Pal

Abstract: Text conditioned generative models for images have yielded impressive results. Text conditioned floorplan generation as a special type of raster image generation task also received particular attention. However there are many use cases in floorpla generation where numerical properties of the generated result are more important than the aesthetics. For instance, one might want to specify sizes for certain rooms in a floorplan and compare the generated floorplan with given specifications Current approaches, datasets and commonly used evaluations do not support these kinds of constraints. As such, an attractive strategy is to generate an intermediate data structure that contains numerical properties of a floorplan which can be used to generate the final floorplan image. To explore this setting we (1) construct a new dataset for this data-structure to data-structure formulation of floorplan generation using two popular image based floorplan datasets RPLAN and ProcTHOR-10k, and provide the tools to convert further procedurally generated ProcTHOR floorplan data into our format. (2) We explore the task of floorplan generation given a partial or complete set of constraints and we design a series of metrics and benchmarks to enable evaluating how well samples generated from models respect the constraints. (3) We create multiple baselines by finetuning a large language model (LLM), Llama3, and demonstrate the feasibility of using floorplan data structure conditioned LLMs for the problem of floorplan generation respecting numerical constraints. We hope that our new datasets and benchmarks will encourage further research on different ways to improve the performance of LLMs and other generative modelling techniques for generating designs where quantitative constraints are only partially specified, but must be respected.

cross Parallel Split Learning with Global Sampling

Authors: Mohammad Kohankhaki, Ahmad Ayad, Mahdi Barhoush, Anke Schmeink

Abstract: The expansion of IoT devices and the demands of Deep Learning have highlighted significant challenges in Distributed Deep Learning (DDL) systems. Parallel Split Learning (PSL) has emerged as a promising derivative of Split Learning that is well suited for distributed learning on resource-constrained devices. However, PSL faces several obstacles, such as large effective batch sizes, non-IID data distributions, and the straggler effect. We view these issues as a sampling dilemma and propose to address them by orchestrating the mini-batch sampling process on the server side. We introduce the Uniform Global Sampling (UGS) method to decouple the effective batch size from the number of clients and reduce mini-batch deviation in non-IID settings. To address the straggler effect, we introduce the Latent Dirichlet Sampling (LDS) method, which generalizes UGS to balance the trade-off between batch deviation and training time. Our simulations reveal that our proposed methods enhance model accuracy by up to 34.1% in non-IID settings and reduce the training time in the presence of stragglers by up to 62%. In particular, LDS effectively mitigates the straggler effect without compromising model accuracy or adding significant computational overhead compared to UGS. Our results demonstrate the potential of our methods as a promising solution for DDL in real applications.

cross Diffusion for Out-of-Distribution Detection on Road Scenes and Beyond

Authors: Silvio Galesso, Philipp Schr\"oppel, Hssan Driss, Thomas Brox

Abstract: In recent years, research on out-of-distribution (OoD) detection for semantic segmentation has mainly focused on road scenes -- a domain with a constrained amount of semantic diversity. In this work, we challenge this constraint and extend the domain of this task to general natural images. To this end, we introduce: 1. the ADE-OoD benchmark, which is based on the ADE20k dataset and includes images from diverse domains with a high semantic diversity, and 2. a novel approach that uses Diffusion score matching for OoD detection (DOoD) and is robust to the increased semantic diversity. ADE-OoD features indoor and outdoor images, defines 150 semantic categories as in-distribution, and contains a variety of OoD objects. For DOoD, we train a diffusion model with an MLP architecture on semantic in-distribution embeddings and build on the score matching interpretation to compute pixel-wise OoD scores at inference time. On common road scene OoD benchmarks, DOoD performs on par or better than the state of the art, without using outliers for training or making assumptions about the data domain. On ADE-OoD, DOoD outperforms previous approaches, but leaves much room for future improvements.

cross MoRSE: Bridging the Gap in Cybersecurity Expertise with Retrieval Augmented Generation

Authors: Marco Simoni, Andrea Saracino, Vinod P., Mauro Conti

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce MoRSE (Mixture of RAGs Security Experts), the first specialised AI chatbot for cybersecurity. MoRSE aims to provide comprehensive and complete knowledge about cybersecurity. MoRSE uses two RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) systems designed to retrieve and organize information from multidimensional cybersecurity contexts. MoRSE differs from traditional RAGs by using parallel retrievers that work together to retrieve semantically related information in different formats and structures. Unlike traditional Large Language Models (LLMs) that rely on Parametric Knowledge Bases, MoRSE retrieves relevant documents from Non-Parametric Knowledge Bases in response to user queries. Subsequently, MoRSE uses this information to generate accurate answers. In addition, MoRSE benefits from real-time updates to its knowledge bases, enabling continuous knowledge enrichment without retraining. We have evaluated the effectiveness of MoRSE against other state-of-the-art LLMs, evaluating the system on 600 cybersecurity specific questions. The experimental evaluation has shown that the improvement in terms of relevance and correctness of the answer is more than 10\% compared to known solutions such as GPT-4 and Mixtral 7x8.

cross Model editing for distribution shifts in uranium oxide morphological analysis

Authors: Davis Brown, Cody Nizinski, Madelyn Shapiro, Corey Fallon, Tianzhixi Yin, Henry Kvinge, Jonathan H. Tu

Abstract: Deep learning still struggles with certain kinds of scientific data. Notably, pretraining data may not provide coverage of relevant distribution shifts (e.g., shifts induced via the use of different measurement instruments). We consider deep learning models trained to classify the synthesis conditions of uranium ore concentrates (UOCs) and show that model editing is particularly effective for improving generalization to distribution shifts common in this domain. In particular, model editing outperforms finetuning on two curated datasets comprising of micrographs taken of U$_{3}$O$_{8}$ aged in humidity chambers and micrographs acquired with different scanning electron microscopes, respectively.

cross Conditioned Language Policy: A General Framework for Steerable Multi-Objective Finetuning

Authors: Kaiwen Wang, Rahul Kidambi, Ryan Sullivan, Alekh Agarwal, Christoph Dann, Andrea Michi, Marco Gelmi, Yunxuan Li, Raghav Gupta, Avinava Dubey, Alexandre Ram\'e, Johan Ferret, Geoffrey Cideron, Le Hou, Hongkun Yu, Amr Ahmed, Aranyak Mehta, L\'eonard Hussenot, Olivier Bachem, Edouard Leurent

Abstract: Reward-based finetuning is crucial for aligning language policies with intended behaviors (e.g., creativity and safety). A key challenge here is to develop steerable language models that trade-off multiple (conflicting) objectives in a flexible and efficient manner. This paper presents Conditioned Language Policy (CLP), a general framework for finetuning language models on multiple objectives. Building on techniques from multi-task training and parameter-efficient finetuning, CLP can learn steerable models that effectively trade-off conflicting objectives at inference time. Notably, this does not require training or maintaining multiple models to achieve different trade-offs between the objectives. Through an extensive set of experiments and ablations, we show that the CLP framework learns steerable models that outperform and Pareto-dominate the current state-of-the-art approaches for multi-objective finetuning.

cross Local Occupancy-Enhanced Object Grasping with Multiple Triplanar Projection

Authors: Kangqi Ma, Hao Dong, Yadong Mu

Abstract: This paper addresses the challenge of robotic grasping of general objects. Similar to prior research, the task reads a single-view 3D observation (i.e., point clouds) captured by a depth camera as input. Crucially, the success of object grasping highly demands a comprehensive understanding of the shape of objects within the scene. However, single-view observations often suffer from occlusions (including both self and inter-object occlusions), which lead to gaps in the point clouds, especially in complex cluttered scenes. This renders incomplete perception of the object shape and frequently causes failures or inaccurate pose estimation during object grasping. In this paper, we tackle this issue with an effective albeit simple solution, namely completing grasping-related scene regions through local occupancy prediction. Following prior practice, the proposed model first runs by proposing a number of most likely grasp points in the scene. Around each grasp point, a module is designed to infer any voxel in its neighborhood to be either void or occupied by some object. Importantly, the occupancy map is inferred by fusing both local and global cues. We implement a multi-group tri-plane scheme for efficiently aggregating long-distance contextual information. The model further estimates 6-DoF grasp poses utilizing the local occupancy-enhanced object shape information and returns the top-ranked grasp proposal. Comprehensive experiments on both the large-scale GraspNet-1Billion benchmark and real robotic arm demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively complete the unobserved parts in cluttered and occluded scenes. Benefiting from the occupancy-enhanced feature, our model clearly outstrips other competing methods under various performance metrics such as grasping average precision.

cross Diffusion Model Based Resource Allocation Strategy in Ultra-Reliable Wireless Networked Control Systems

Authors: Amirhassan Babazadeh Darabi, Sinem Coleri

Abstract: Diffusion models are vastly used in generative AI, leveraging their capability to capture complex data distributions. However, their potential remains largely unexplored in the field of resource allocation in wireless networks. This paper introduces a novel diffusion model-based resource allocation strategy for Wireless Networked Control Systems (WNCSs) with the objective of minimizing total power consumption through the optimization of the sampling period in the control system, and blocklength and packet error probability in the finite blocklength regime of the communication system. The problem is first reduced to the optimization of blocklength only based on the derivation of the optimality conditions. Then, the optimization theory solution collects a dataset of channel gains and corresponding optimal blocklengths. Finally, the Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) uses this collected dataset to train the resource allocation algorithm that generates optimal blocklength values conditioned on the channel state information (CSI). Via extensive simulations, the proposed approach is shown to outperform previously proposed Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) based approaches with close to optimal performance regarding total power consumption. Moreover, an improvement of up to eighteen-fold in the reduction of critical constraint violations is observed, further underscoring the accuracy of the solution.

cross Concept-Based Interpretable Reinforcement Learning with Limited to No Human Labels

Authors: Zhuorui Ye, Stephanie Milani, Geoffrey J. Gordon, Fei Fang

Abstract: Recent advances in reinforcement learning (RL) have predominantly leveraged neural network-based policies for decision-making, yet these models often lack interpretability, posing challenges for stakeholder comprehension and trust. Concept bottleneck models offer an interpretable alternative by integrating human-understandable concepts into neural networks. However, a significant limitation in prior work is the assumption that human annotations for these concepts are readily available during training, necessitating continuous real-time input from human annotators. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a novel training scheme that enables RL algorithms to efficiently learn a concept-based policy by only querying humans to label a small set of data, or in the extreme case, without any human labels. Our algorithm, LICORICE, involves three main contributions: interleaving concept learning and RL training, using a concept ensembles to actively select informative data points for labeling, and decorrelating the concept data with a simple strategy. We show how LICORICE reduces manual labeling efforts to to 500 or fewer concept labels in three environments. Finally, we present an initial study to explore how we can use powerful vision-language models to infer concepts from raw visual inputs without explicit labels at minimal cost to performance.

cross CLIP with Generative Latent Replay: a Strong Baseline for Incremental Learning

Authors: Emanuele Frascaroli, Aniello Panariello, Pietro Buzzega, Lorenzo Bonicelli, Angelo Porrello, Simone Calderara

Abstract: With the emergence of Transformers and Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as CLIP, large pre-trained models have become a common strategy to enhance performance in Continual Learning scenarios. This led to the development of numerous prompting strategies to effectively fine-tune transformer-based models without succumbing to catastrophic forgetting. However, these methods struggle to specialize the model on domains significantly deviating from the pre-training and preserving its zero-shot capabilities. In this work, we propose Continual Generative training for Incremental prompt-Learning, a novel approach to mitigate forgetting while adapting a VLM, which exploits generative replay to align prompts to tasks. We also introduce a new metric to evaluate zero-shot capabilities within CL benchmarks. Through extensive experiments on different domains, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in adapting to new tasks while improving zero-shot capabilities. Further analysis reveals that our approach can bridge the gap with joint prompt tuning. The codebase is available at


cross Stretching Each Dollar: Diffusion Training from Scratch on a Micro-Budget

Authors: Vikash Sehwag, Xianghao Kong, Jingtao Li, Michael Spranger, Lingjuan Lyu

Abstract: As scaling laws in generative AI push performance, they also simultaneously concentrate the development of these models among actors with large computational resources. With a focus on text-to-image (T2I) generative models, we aim to address this bottleneck by demonstrating very low-cost training of large-scale T2I diffusion transformer models. As the computational cost of transformers increases with the number of patches in each image, we propose to randomly mask up to 75% of the image patches during training. We propose a deferred masking strategy that preprocesses all patches using a patch-mixer before masking, thus significantly reducing the performance degradation with masking, making it superior to model downscaling in reducing computational cost. We also incorporate the latest improvements in transformer architecture, such as the use of mixture-of-experts layers, to improve performance and further identify the critical benefit of using synthetic images in micro-budget training. Finally, using only 37M publicly available real and synthetic images, we train a 1.16 billion parameter sparse transformer with only \$1,890 economical cost and achieve a 12.7 FID in zero-shot generation on the COCO dataset. Notably, our model achieves competitive FID and high-quality generations while incurring 118$\times$ lower cost than stable diffusion models and 14$\times$ lower cost than the current state-of-the-art approach that costs \$28,400. We aim to release our end-to-end training pipeline to further democratize the training of large-scale diffusion models on micro-budgets.

cross Perceptions of Linguistic Uncertainty by Language Models and Humans

Authors: Catarina G Belem, Markelle Kelly, Mark Steyvers, Sameer Singh, Padhraic Smyth

Abstract: Uncertainty expressions such as ``probably'' or ``highly unlikely'' are pervasive in human language. While prior work has established that there is population-level agreement in terms of how humans interpret these expressions, there has been little inquiry into the abilities of language models to interpret such expressions. In this paper, we investigate how language models map linguistic expressions of uncertainty to numerical responses. Our approach assesses whether language models can employ theory of mind in this setting: understanding the uncertainty of another agent about a particular statement, independently of the model's own certainty about that statement. We evaluate both humans and 10 popular language models on a task created to assess these abilities. Unexpectedly, we find that 8 out of 10 models are able to map uncertainty expressions to probabilistic responses in a human-like manner. However, we observe systematically different behavior depending on whether a statement is actually true or false. This sensitivity indicates that language models are substantially more susceptible to bias based on their prior knowledge (as compared to humans). These findings raise important questions and have broad implications for human-AI alignment and AI-AI communication.

cross Learning to Manipulate Anywhere: A Visual Generalizable Framework For Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zhecheng Yuan, Tianming Wei, Shuiqi Cheng, Gu Zhang, Yuanpei Chen, Huazhe Xu

Abstract: Can we endow visuomotor robots with generalization capabilities to operate in diverse open-world scenarios? In this paper, we propose \textbf{Maniwhere}, a generalizable framework tailored for visual reinforcement learning, enabling the trained robot policies to generalize across a combination of multiple visual disturbance types. Specifically, we introduce a multi-view representation learning approach fused with Spatial Transformer Network (STN) module to capture shared semantic information and correspondences among different viewpoints. In addition, we employ a curriculum-based randomization and augmentation approach to stabilize the RL training process and strengthen the visual generalization ability. To exhibit the effectiveness of Maniwhere, we meticulously design 8 tasks encompassing articulate objects, bi-manual, and dexterous hand manipulation tasks, demonstrating Maniwhere's strong visual generalization and sim2real transfer abilities across 3 hardware platforms. Our experiments show that Maniwhere significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. Videos are provided at


cross NV-Retriever: Improving text embedding models with effective hard-negative mining

Authors: Gabriel de Souza P. Moreira, Radek Osmulski, Mengyao Xu, Ronay Ak, Benedikt Schifferer, Even Oldridge

Abstract: Text embedding models have been popular for information retrieval applications such as semantic search and Question-Answering systems based on Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). Those models are typically Transformer models that are fine-tuned with contrastive learning objectives. Many papers introduced new embedding model architectures and training approaches, however, one of the key ingredients, the process of mining negative passages, remains poorly explored or described. One of the challenging aspects of fine-tuning embedding models is the selection of high quality hard-negative passages for contrastive learning. In this paper we propose a family of positive-aware mining methods that leverage the positive relevance score for more effective false negatives removal. We also provide a comprehensive ablation study on hard-negative mining methods over their configurations, exploring different teacher and base models. We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed methods by introducing the NV-Retriever-v1 model, which scores 60.9 on MTEB Retrieval (BEIR) benchmark and 0.65 points higher than previous methods. The model placed 1st when it was published to MTEB Retrieval on July 07, 2024.

cross dMel: Speech Tokenization made Simple

Authors: He Bai, Tatiana Likhomanenko, Ruixiang Zhang, Zijin Gu, Zakaria Aldeneh, Navdeep Jaitly

Abstract: Large language models have revolutionized natural language processing by leveraging self-supervised pretraining on vast textual data. Inspired by this success, researchers have investigated complicated speech tokenization methods to discretize continuous speech signals so that language modeling techniques can be applied to speech data. However, existing approaches either model semantic tokens, potentially losing acoustic information, or model acoustic tokens, risking the loss of semantic information. Having multiple token types also complicates the architecture and requires additional pretraining. Here we show that discretizing mel-filterbank channels into discrete intensity bins produces a simple representation (dMel), that performs better than other existing speech tokenization methods. Using a transformer decoder-only architecture for speech-text modeling, we comprehensively evaluate different speech tokenization methods on speech recognition (ASR), speech synthesis (TTS). Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of dMel in achieving high performance on both tasks within a unified framework, paving the way for efficient and effective joint modeling of speech and text.

cross Towards Latent Masked Image Modeling for Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning

Authors: Yibing Wei, Abhinav Gupta, Pedro Morgado

Abstract: Masked Image Modeling (MIM) has emerged as a promising method for deriving visual representations from unlabeled image data by predicting missing pixels from masked portions of images. It excels in region-aware learning and provides strong initializations for various tasks, but struggles to capture high-level semantics without further supervised fine-tuning, likely due to the low-level nature of its pixel reconstruction objective. A promising yet unrealized framework is learning representations through masked reconstruction in latent space, combining the locality of MIM with the high-level targets. However, this approach poses significant training challenges as the reconstruction targets are learned in conjunction with the model, potentially leading to trivial or suboptimal solutions.Our study is among the first to thoroughly analyze and address the challenges of such framework, which we refer to as Latent MIM. Through a series of carefully designed experiments and extensive analysis, we identify the source of these challenges, including representation collapsing for joint online/target optimization, learning objectives, the high region correlation in latent space and decoding conditioning. By sequentially addressing these issues, we demonstrate that Latent MIM can indeed learn high-level representations while retaining the benefits of MIM models.

cross Importance Sampling-Guided Meta-Training for Intelligent Agents in Highly Interactive Environments

Authors: Mansur Arief, Mike Timmerman, Jiachen Li, David Isele, Mykel J Kochenderfer

Abstract: Training intelligent agents to navigate highly interactive environments presents significant challenges. While guided meta reinforcement learning (RL) approach that first trains a guiding policy to train the ego agent has proven effective in improving generalizability across various levels of interaction, the state-of-the-art method tends to be overly sensitive to extreme cases, impairing the agents' performance in the more common scenarios. This study introduces a novel training framework that integrates guided meta RL with importance sampling (IS) to optimize training distributions for navigating highly interactive driving scenarios, such as T-intersections. Unlike traditional methods that may underrepresent critical interactions or overemphasize extreme cases during training, our approach strategically adjusts the training distribution towards more challenging driving behaviors using IS proposal distributions and applies the importance ratio to de-bias the result. By estimating a naturalistic distribution from real-world datasets and employing a mixture model for iterative training refinements, the framework ensures a balanced focus across common and extreme driving scenarios. Experiments conducted with both synthetic dataset and T-intersection scenarios from the InD dataset demonstrate not only accelerated training but also improvement in agent performance under naturalistic conditions, showcasing the efficacy of combining IS with meta RL in training reliable autonomous agents for highly interactive navigation tasks.

cross CarFormer: Self-Driving with Learned Object-Centric Representations

Authors: Shadi Hamdan, Fatma G\"uney

Abstract: The choice of representation plays a key role in self-driving. Bird's eye view (BEV) representations have shown remarkable performance in recent years. In this paper, we propose to learn object-centric representations in BEV to distill a complex scene into more actionable information for self-driving. We first learn to place objects into slots with a slot attention model on BEV sequences. Based on these object-centric representations, we then train a transformer to learn to drive as well as reason about the future of other vehicles. We found that object-centric slot representations outperform both scene-level and object-level approaches that use the exact attributes of objects. Slot representations naturally incorporate information about objects from their spatial and temporal context such as position, heading, and speed without explicitly providing it. Our model with slots achieves an increased completion rate of the provided routes and, consequently, a higher driving score, with a lower variance across multiple runs, affirming slots as a reliable alternative in object-centric approaches. Additionally, we validate our model's performance as a world model through forecasting experiments, demonstrating its capability to predict future slot representations accurately. The code and the pre-trained models can be found at


cross HandDGP: Camera-Space Hand Mesh Prediction with Differentiable Global Positioning

Authors: Eugene Valassakis, Guillermo Garcia-Hernando

Abstract: Predicting camera-space hand meshes from single RGB images is crucial for enabling realistic hand interactions in 3D virtual and augmented worlds. Previous work typically divided the task into two stages: given a cropped image of the hand, predict meshes in relative coordinates, followed by lifting these predictions into camera space in a separate and independent stage, often resulting in the loss of valuable contextual and scale information. To prevent the loss of these cues, we propose unifying these two stages into an end-to-end solution that addresses the 2D-3D correspondence problem. This solution enables back-propagation from camera space outputs to the rest of the network through a new differentiable global positioning module. We also introduce an image rectification step that harmonizes both the training dataset and the input image as if they were acquired with the same camera, helping to alleviate the inherent scale-depth ambiguity of the problem. We validate the effectiveness of our framework in evaluations against several baselines and state-of-the-art approaches across three public benchmarks.

cross Reconstructing Training Data From Real World Models Trained with Transfer Learning

Authors: Yakir Oz, Gilad Yehudai, Gal Vardi, Itai Antebi, Michal Irani, Niv Haim

Abstract: Current methods for reconstructing training data from trained classifiers are restricted to very small models, limited training set sizes, and low-resolution images. Such restrictions hinder their applicability to real-world scenarios. In this paper, we present a novel approach enabling data reconstruction in realistic settings for models trained on high-resolution images. Our method adapts the reconstruction scheme of arXiv:2206.07758 to real-world scenarios -- specifically, targeting models trained via transfer learning over image embeddings of large pre-trained models like DINO-ViT and CLIP. Our work employs data reconstruction in the embedding space rather than in the image space, showcasing its applicability beyond visual data. Moreover, we introduce a novel clustering-based method to identify good reconstructions from thousands of candidates. This significantly improves on previous works that relied on knowledge of the training set to identify good reconstructed images. Our findings shed light on a potential privacy risk for data leakage from models trained using transfer learning.

cross LLMmap: Fingerprinting For Large Language Models

Authors: Dario Pasquini, Evgenios M. Kornaropoulos, Giuseppe Ateniese

Abstract: We introduce LLMmap, a first-generation fingerprinting attack targeted at LLM-integrated applications. LLMmap employs an active fingerprinting approach, sending carefully crafted queries to the application and analyzing the responses to identify the specific LLM model in use. With as few as 8 interactions, LLMmap can accurately identify LLMs with over 95% accuracy. More importantly, LLMmap is designed to be robust across different application layers, allowing it to identify LLMs operating under various system prompts, stochastic sampling hyperparameters, and even complex generation frameworks such as RAG or Chain-of-Thought.

cross WayEx: Waypoint Exploration using a Single Demonstration

Authors: Mara Levy, Nirat Saini, Abhinav Shrivastava

Abstract: We propose WayEx, a new method for learning complex goal-conditioned robotics tasks from a single demonstration. Our approach distinguishes itself from existing imitation learning methods by demanding fewer expert examples and eliminating the need for information about the actions taken during the demonstration. This is accomplished by introducing a new reward function and employing a knowledge expansion technique. We demonstrate the effectiveness of WayEx, our waypoint exploration strategy, across six diverse tasks, showcasing its applicability in various environments. Notably, our method significantly reduces training time by 50% as compared to traditional reinforcement learning methods. WayEx obtains a higher reward than existing imitation learning methods given only a single demonstration. Furthermore, we demonstrate its success in tackling complex environments where standard approaches fall short. More information is available at:


replace From Black Boxes to Conversations: Incorporating XAI in a Conversational Agent

Authors: Van Bach Nguyen, J\"org Schl\"otterer, Christin Seifert

Abstract: The goal of Explainable AI (XAI) is to design methods to provide insights into the reasoning process of black-box models, such as deep neural networks, in order to explain them to humans. Social science research states that such explanations should be conversational, similar to human-to-human explanations. In this work, we show how to incorporate XAI in a conversational agent, using a standard design for the agent comprising natural language understanding and generation components. We build upon an XAI question bank, which we extend by quality-controlled paraphrases, to understand the user's information needs. We further systematically survey the literature for suitable explanation methods that provide the information to answer those questions, and present a comprehensive list of suggestions. Our work is the first step towards truly natural conversations about machine learning models with an explanation agent. The comprehensive list of XAI questions and the corresponding explanation methods may support other researchers in providing the necessary information to address users' demands. To facilitate future work, we release our source code and data.

replace A Semantic Framework for Neuro-Symbolic Computing

Authors: Simon Odense, Artur d'Avila Garcez

Abstract: The field of neuro-symbolic AI aims to benefit from the combination of neural networks and symbolic systems. A cornerstone of the field is the translation or encoding of symbolic knowledge into neural networks. Although many neuro-symbolic methods and approaches have been proposed throughout the years, and with an large increase in recent years, no common definition of encoding exists that can enable a precise, theoretical comparison of neuro-symbolic methods. This paper addresses this problem by introducing a semantic framework for neuro-symbolic AI. We start by providing a formal definition of semantic encoding, specifying the components and conditions under which a knowledge-base can be encoded correctly by a neural network. We then show that many neuro-symbolic approaches are accounted for by this definition. We provide a number of examples and correspondence proofs of the application of the proposed framework to the neural encoding of various forms of knowledge representation. Many, at first sight disparate, neuro-symbolic methods, are shown to fall within the proposed formalization. This is expected to provide a guidance to future neuro-symbolic encodings by placing them in the broader context of the semantic encoding of entire families of existing neuro-symbolic systems. The paper is hoped to help initiate a discussion around the provision of a theory for neuro-symbolic AI and a semantics for deep learning.

replace Multimodal Explainability via Latent Shift applied to COVID-19 stratification

Authors: Valerio Guarrasi, Lorenzo Tronchin, Domenico Albano, Eliodoro Faiella, Deborah Fazzini, Domiziana Santucci, Paolo Soda

Abstract: We are witnessing a widespread adoption of artificial intelligence in healthcare. However, most of the advancements in deep learning in this area consider only unimodal data, neglecting other modalities. Their multimodal interpretation necessary for supporting diagnosis, prognosis and treatment decisions. In this work we present a deep architecture, which jointly learns modality reconstructions and sample classifications using tabular and imaging data. The explanation of the decision taken is computed by applying a latent shift that, simulates a counterfactual prediction revealing the features of each modality that contribute the most to the decision and a quantitative score indicating the modality importance. We validate our approach in the context of COVID-19 pandemic using the AIforCOVID dataset, which contains multimodal data for the early identification of patients at risk of severe outcome. The results show that the proposed method provides meaningful explanations without degrading the classification performance.

replace ChatGPT and post-test probability

Authors: Samuel J. Weisenthal

Abstract: Reinforcement learning-based large language models, such as ChatGPT, are believed to have potential to aid human experts in many domains, including healthcare. There is, however, little work on ChatGPT's ability to perform a key task in healthcare: formal, probabilistic medical diagnostic reasoning. This type of reasoning is used, for example, to update a pre-test probability to a post-test probability. In this work, we probe ChatGPT's ability to perform this task. In particular, we ask ChatGPT to give examples of how to use Bayes rule for medical diagnosis. Our prompts range from queries that use terminology from pure probability (e.g., requests for a posterior of A given B and C) to queries that use terminology from medical diagnosis (e.g., requests for a posterior probability of Covid given a test result and cough). We show how the introduction of medical variable names leads to an increase in the number of errors that ChatGPT makes. Given our results, we also show how one can use prompt engineering to facilitate ChatGPT's partial avoidance of these errors. We discuss our results in light of recent commentaries on sensitivity and specificity. We also discuss how our results might inform new research directions for large language models.

replace Progressive Multi-Modality Learning for Inverse Protein Folding

Authors: Jiangbin Zheng, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: While deep generative models show promise for learning inverse protein folding directly from data, the lack of publicly available structure-sequence pairings limits their generalization. Previous improvements and data augmentation efforts to overcome this bottleneck have been insufficient. To further address this challenge, we propose a novel protein design paradigm called MMDesign, which leverages multi-modality transfer learning. To our knowledge, MMDesign is the first framework that combines a pretrained structural module with a pretrained contextual module, using an auto-encoder (AE) based language model to incorporate prior protein semantic knowledge. Experimental results, only training with the small dataset, demonstrate that MMDesign consistently outperforms baselines on various public benchmarks. To further assess the biological plausibility, we present systematic quantitative analysis techniques that provide interpretability and reveal more about the laws of protein design.

replace Computational Copyright: Towards A Royalty Model for Music Generative AI

Authors: Junwei Deng, Shiyuan Zhang, Jiaqi Ma

Abstract: The advancement of generative AI has given rise to pressing copyright challenges, especially within the music industry. This paper focuses on the economic aspects of these challenges, emphasizing that the economic impact constitutes a central issue in the copyright arena. Furthermore, the complexity of the black-box generative AI technologies not only suggests but necessitates algorithmic solutions. Yet, such solutions have been largely missing, exacerbating regulatory hurdles in this landscape. We seek to address this gap by proposing viable royalty models for revenue sharing on AI music generation platforms. We start by examining existing royalty models utilized by platforms like Spotify and YouTube, and then discuss how to adapt them to the unique context of AI-generated music. A significant challenge emerging from this adaptation is the attribution of AI-generated music to influential copyrighted content in the training data. To this end, we present algorithmic solutions employing data attribution techniques. We also conduct a range of experiments to verify the effectiveness and robustness of these solutions. This research is one of the early attempts to integrate technical advancements with economic and legal considerations in the field of music generative AI, offering a computational copyright solution for the challenges posed by the opaque nature of AI technologies.

replace GLOP: Learning Global Partition and Local Construction for Solving Large-scale Routing Problems in Real-time

Authors: Haoran Ye, Jiarui Wang, Helan Liang, Zhiguang Cao, Yong Li, Fanzhang Li

Abstract: The recent end-to-end neural solvers have shown promise for small-scale routing problems but suffered from limited real-time scaling-up performance. This paper proposes GLOP (Global and Local Optimization Policies), a unified hierarchical framework that efficiently scales toward large-scale routing problems. GLOP partitions large routing problems into Travelling Salesman Problems (TSPs) and TSPs into Shortest Hamiltonian Path Problems. For the first time, we hybridize non-autoregressive neural heuristics for coarse-grained problem partitions and autoregressive neural heuristics for fine-grained route constructions, leveraging the scalability of the former and the meticulousness of the latter. Experimental results show that GLOP achieves competitive and state-of-the-art real-time performance on large-scale routing problems, including TSP, ATSP, CVRP, and PCTSP.

replace Turing's Test, a Beautiful Thought Experiment

Authors: Bernardo Gon\c{c}alves

Abstract: In the wake of the latest trends of artificial intelligence (AI), there has been a resurgence of claims and questions about the Turing test and its value, which are reminiscent of decades of practical "Turing" tests. If AI were quantum physics, by now several "Schr\"odinger's" cats would have been killed. It is time for a historical reconstruction of Turing's beautiful thought experiment. This paper presents a wealth of evidence, including new archival sources, and gives original answers to several open questions about Turing's 1950 paper, including its relation with early AI.

replace OmniACT: A Dataset and Benchmark for Enabling Multimodal Generalist Autonomous Agents for Desktop and Web

Authors: Raghav Kapoor, Yash Parag Butala, Melisa Russak, Jing Yu Koh, Kiran Kamble, Waseem Alshikh, Ruslan Salakhutdinov

Abstract: For decades, human-computer interaction has fundamentally been manual. Even today, almost all productive work done on the computer necessitates human input at every step. Autonomous virtual agents represent an exciting step in automating many of these menial tasks. Virtual agents would empower users with limited technical proficiency to harness the full possibilities of computer systems. They could also enable the efficient streamlining of numerous computer tasks, ranging from calendar management to complex travel bookings, with minimal human intervention. In this paper, we introduce OmniACT, the first-of-a-kind dataset and benchmark for assessing an agent's capability to generate executable programs to accomplish computer tasks. Our scope extends beyond traditional web automation, covering a diverse range of desktop applications. The dataset consists of fundamental tasks such as "Play the next song", as well as longer horizon tasks such as "Send an email to John Doe mentioning the time and place to meet". Specifically, given a pair of screen image and a visually-grounded natural language task, the goal is to generate a script capable of fully executing the task. We run several strong baseline language model agents on our benchmark. The strongest baseline, GPT-4, performs the best on our benchmark However, its performance level still reaches only 15% of the human proficiency in generating executable scripts capable of completing the task, demonstrating the challenge of our task for conventional web agents. Our benchmark provides a platform to measure and evaluate the progress of language model agents in automating computer tasks and motivates future work towards building multimodal models that bridge large language models and the visual grounding of computer screens.

replace Learn from Failure: Fine-Tuning LLMs with Trial-and-Error Data for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic Proving

Authors: Chenyang An, Zhibo Chen, Qihao Ye, Emily First, Letian Peng, Jiayun Zhang, Zihan Wang, Sorin Lerner, Jingbo Shang

Abstract: Recent advances in Automated Theorem Proving have shown the effectiveness of leveraging a (large) language model that generates tactics (i.e. proof steps) to search through proof states. The current model, while trained solely on successful proof paths, faces a discrepancy at the inference stage, as it must sample and try various tactics at each proof state until finding success, unlike its training which does not incorporate learning from failed attempts. Intuitively, a tactic that leads to a failed search path would indicate that similar tactics should receive less attention during the following trials. In this paper, we demonstrate the benefit of training models that additionally learn from failed search paths. Facing the lack of such trial-and-error data in existing open-source theorem-proving datasets, we curate a dataset on intuitionistic propositional logic theorems and formalize it in Lean, such that we can reliably check the correctness of proofs. We compare our model trained on relatively short trial-and-error information (TrialMaster) with models trained only on the correct paths and discover that the former solves more unseen theorems with lower trial searches.

replace CausalMed: Causality-Based Personalized Medication Recommendation Centered on Patient health state

Authors: Xiang Li, Shunpan Liang, Yu Lei, Chen Li, Yulei Hou, Tengfei Ma

Abstract: Medication recommendation systems are developed to recommend suitable medications tailored to specific patient. Previous researches primarily focus on learning medication representations, which have yielded notable advances. However, these methods are limited to capturing personalized patient representations due to the following primary limitations: (i) unable to capture the differences in the impact of diseases/procedures on patients across various patient health states; (ii) fail to model the direct causal relationships between medications and specific health state of patients, resulting in an inability to determine which specific disease each medication is treating. To address these limitations, we propose CausalMed, a patient health state-centric model capable of enhancing the personalization of patient representations. Specifically, CausalMed first captures the causal relationship between diseases/procedures and medications through causal discovery and evaluates their causal effects. Building upon this, CausalMed focuses on analyzing the health state of patients, capturing the dynamic differences of diseases/procedures in different health states of patients, and transforming diseases/procedures into medications on direct causal relationships. Ultimately, CausalMed integrates information from longitudinal visits to recommend medication combinations. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets show that our method learns more personalized patient representation and outperforms state-of-the-art models in accuracy and safety.

replace V-Zen: Efficient GUI Understanding and Precise Grounding With A Novel Multimodal LLM

Authors: Abdur Rahman, Rajat Chawla, Muskaan Kumar, Arkajit Datta, Adarsh Jha, Mukunda NS, Ishaan Bhola

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI research and application, Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have emerged as a transformative force, adept at interpreting and integrating information from diverse modalities such as text, images, and Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). Despite these advancements, the nuanced interaction and understanding of GUIs pose a significant challenge, limiting the potential of existing models to enhance automation levels. To bridge this gap, this paper presents V-Zen, an innovative Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) meticulously crafted to revolutionise the domain of GUI understanding and grounding. Equipped with dual-resolution image encoders, V-Zen establishes new benchmarks in efficient grounding and next-action prediction, thereby laying the groundwork for self-operating computer systems. Complementing V-Zen is the GUIDE dataset, an extensive collection of real-world GUI elements and task-based sequences, serving as a catalyst for specialised fine-tuning. The successful integration of V-Zen and GUIDE marks the dawn of a new era in multimodal AI research, opening the door to intelligent, autonomous computing experiences. This paper extends an invitation to the research community to join this exciting journey, shaping the future of GUI automation. In the spirit of open science, our code, data, and model will be made publicly available, paving the way for multimodal dialogue scenarios with intricate and precise interactions.

replace LLM experiments with simulation: Large Language Model Multi-Agent System for Simulation Model Parametrization in Digital Twins

Authors: Yuchen Xia, Daniel Dittler, Nasser Jazdi, Haonan Chen, Michael Weyrich

Abstract: This paper presents a novel design of a multi-agent system framework that applies large language models (LLMs) to automate the parametrization of simulation models in digital twins. This framework features specialized LLM agents tasked with observing, reasoning, decision-making, and summarizing, enabling them to dynamically interact with digital twin simulations to explore parametrization possibilities and determine feasible parameter settings to achieve an objective. The proposed approach enhances the usability of simulation model by infusing it with knowledge heuristics from LLM and enables autonomous search for feasible parametrization to solve a user task. Furthermore, the system has the potential to increase user-friendliness and reduce the cognitive load on human users by assisting in complex decision-making processes. The effectiveness and functionality of the system are demonstrated through a case study, and the visualized demos and codes are available at a GitHub Repository:


replace Logical Reasoning with Relation Network for Inductive Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Qinggang Zhang, Keyu Duan, Junnan Dong, Pai Zheng, Xiao Huang

Abstract: Inductive knowledge graph completion (KGC) aims to infer the missing relation for a set of newly-coming entities that never appeared in the training set. Such a setting is more in line with reality, as real-world KGs are constantly evolving and introducing new knowledge. Recent studies have shown promising results using message passing over subgraphs to embed newly-coming entities for inductive KGC. However, the inductive capability of these methods is usually limited by two key issues. (i) KGC always suffers from data sparsity, and the situation is even exacerbated in inductive KGC where new entities often have few or no connections to the original KG. (ii) Cold-start problem. It is over coarse-grained for accurate KG reasoning to generate representations for new entities by gathering the local information from few neighbors. To this end, we propose a novel iNfOmax RelAtion Network, namely NORAN, for inductive KG completion. It aims to mine latent relation patterns for inductive KG completion. Specifically, by centering on relations, NORAN provides a hyper view towards KG modeling, where the correlations between relations can be naturally captured as entity-independent logical evidence to conduct inductive KGC. Extensive experiment results on five benchmarks show that our framework substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art KGC methods.

replace Intersymbolic AI: Interlinking Symbolic AI and Subsymbolic AI

Authors: Andr\'e Platzer

Abstract: This perspective piece calls for the study of the new field of Intersymbolic AI, by which we mean the combination of symbolic AI, whose building blocks have inherent significance/meaning, with subsymbolic AI, whose entirety creates significance/effect despite the fact that individual building blocks escape meaning. Canonical kinds of symbolic AI are logic, games and planning. Canonical kinds of subsymbolic AI are (un)supervised machine and reinforcement learning. Intersymbolic AI interlinks the worlds of symbolic AI with its compositional symbolic significance and meaning and of subsymbolic AI with its summative significance or effect to enable culminations of insights from both worlds by going between and across symbolic AI insights with subsymbolic AI techniques that are being helped by symbolic AI principles. For example, Intersymbolic AI may start with symbolic AI to understand a dynamic system, continue with subsymbolic AI to learn its control, and end with symbolic AI to safely use the outcome of the learned subsymbolic AI controller in the dynamic system. Intersymbolic AI combines both symbolic and subsymbolic AI to increase the effectiveness of AI compared to either kind of AI alone, in much the same way that the combination of both conscious and subconscious thought increases the effectiveness of human thought compared to either kind of thought alone. Some successful contributions to the Intersymbolic AI paradigm are surveyed here but many more are considered possible by advancing Intersymbolic AI.

replace PruningBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Structural Pruning

Authors: Haoling Li, Changhao Li, Mengqi Xue, Gongfan Fang, Sheng Zhou, Zunlei Feng, Huiqiong Wang, Yong Wang, Lechao Cheng, Mingli Song, Jie Song

Abstract: Structural pruning has emerged as a promising approach for producing more efficient models. Nevertheless, the community suffers from a lack of standardized benchmarks and metrics, leaving the progress in this area not fully comprehended. To fill this gap, we present the first comprehensive benchmark, termed \textit{PruningBench}, for structural pruning. PruningBench showcases the following three characteristics: 1) PruningBench employs a unified and consistent framework for evaluating the effectiveness of diverse structural pruning techniques; 2) PruningBench systematically evaluates 16 existing pruning methods, encompassing a wide array of models (e.g., CNNs and ViTs) and tasks (e.g., classification and detection); 3) PruningBench provides easily implementable interfaces to facilitate the implementation of future pruning methods, and enables the subsequent researchers to incorporate their work into our leaderboards. We provide an online pruning platform for customizing pruning tasks and reproducing all results in this paper. Codes will be made publicly on


replace REVEAL-IT: REinforcement learning with Visibility of Evolving Agent poLicy for InTerpretability

Authors: Shuang Ao, Simon Khan, Haris Aziz, Flora D. Salim

Abstract: Understanding the agent's learning process, particularly the factors that contribute to its success or failure post-training, is crucial for comprehending the rationale behind the agent's decision-making process. Prior methods clarify the learning process by creating a structural causal model (SCM) or visually representing the distribution of value functions. Nevertheless, these approaches have constraints as they exclusively function in 2D-environments or with uncomplicated transition dynamics. Understanding the agent's learning process in complicated environments or tasks is more challenging. In this paper, we propose REVEAL-IT, a novel framework for explaining the learning process of an agent in complex environments. Initially, we visualize the policy structure and the agent's learning process for various training tasks. By visualizing these findings, we can understand how much a particular training task or stage affects the agent's performance in test. Then, a GNN-based explainer learns to highlight the most important section of the policy, providing a more clear and robust explanation of the agent's learning process. The experiments demonstrate that explanations derived from this framework can effectively help in the optimization of the training tasks, resulting in improved learning efficiency and final performance.

replace Q*: Improving Multi-step Reasoning for LLMs with Deliberative Planning

Authors: Chaojie Wang, Yanchen Deng, Zhiyi Lyu, Liang Zeng, Jujie He, Shuicheng Yan, Bo An

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capability in many natural language tasks. However, the auto-regressive generation process makes LLMs prone to produce errors, hallucinations and inconsistent statements when performing multi-step reasoning. In this paper, by casting multi-step reasoning of LLMs as a heuristic search problem, we aim to alleviate the pathology by introducing Q*, a general, versatile and agile framework for guiding LLMs decoding process with deliberative planning. By learning a plug-and-play Q-value model as heuristic function for estimating expected future rewards, our Q* can effectively guide LLMs to select the most promising next reasoning step without fine-tuning LLMs for the current task, which avoids the significant computational overhead and potential risk of performance degeneration on other tasks. Extensive experiments on GSM8K, MATH and MBPP demonstrate the superiority of our method, contributing to improving the reasoning performance of existing open-source LLMs.

replace IWISDM: Assessing instruction following in multimodal models at scale

Authors: Xiaoxuan Lei, Lucas Gomez, Hao Yuan Bai, Pouya Bashivan

Abstract: The ability to perform complex tasks from detailed instructions is a key to many remarkable achievements of our species. As humans, we are not only capable of performing a wide variety of tasks but also very complex ones that may entail hundreds or thousands of steps to complete. Large language models and their more recent multimodal counterparts that integrate textual and visual inputs have achieved unprecedented success in performing complex tasks. Yet, most existing benchmarks are largely confined to single-modality inputs (either text or vision), narrowing the scope of multimodal assessments, particularly for instruction-following in multimodal contexts. To bridge this gap, we introduce the instructed-Virtual VISual Decision Making (iWISDM) environment engineered to generate a limitless array of vision-language tasks of varying complexity. Using iWISDM, we compiled three distinct benchmarks of instruction following visual tasks across varying complexity levels and evaluated several newly developed multimodal models on these benchmarks. Our findings establish iWISDM as a robust benchmark for assessing the instructional adherence of both existing and emergent multimodal models and highlight a large gap between these models' ability to precisely follow instructions with that of humans.The code of iWISDM is available on GitHub at


replace CAD-Prompted Generative Models: A Pathway to Feasible and Novel Engineering Designs

Authors: Leah Chong, Jude Rayan, Steven Dow, Ioanna Lykourentzou, Faez Ahmed

Abstract: Text-to-image generative models have increasingly been used to assist designers during concept generation in various creative domains, such as graphic design, user interface design, and fashion design. However, their applications in engineering design remain limited due to the models' challenges in generating images of feasible designs concepts. To address this issue, this paper introduces a method that improves the design feasibility by prompting the generation with feasible CAD images. In this work, the usefulness of this method is investigated through a case study with a bike design task using an off-the-shelf text-to-image model, Stable Diffusion 2.1. A diverse set of bike designs are produced in seven different generation settings with varying CAD image prompting weights, and these designs are evaluated on their perceived feasibility and novelty. Results demonstrate that the CAD image prompting successfully helps text-to-image models like Stable Diffusion 2.1 create visibly more feasible design images. While a general tradeoff is observed between feasibility and novelty, when the prompting weight is kept low around 0.35, the design feasibility is significantly improved while its novelty remains on par with those generated by text prompts alone. The insights from this case study offer some guidelines for selecting the appropriate CAD image prompting weight for different stages of the engineering design process. When utilized effectively, our CAD image prompting method opens doors to a wider range of applications of text-to-image models in engineering design.

replace SE(3)-bi-equivariant Transformers for Point Cloud Assembly

Authors: Ziming Wang, Rebecka J\"ornsten

Abstract: Given a pair of point clouds, the goal of assembly is to recover a rigid transformation that aligns one point cloud to the other. This task is challenging because the point clouds may be non-overlapped, and they may have arbitrary initial positions. To address these difficulties, we propose a method, called SE(3)-bi-equivariant transformer (BITR), based on the SE(3)-bi-equivariance prior of the task: it guarantees that when the inputs are rigidly perturbed, the output will transform accordingly. Due to its equivariance property, BITR can not only handle non-overlapped PCs, but also guarantee robustness against initial positions. Specifically, BITR first extracts features of the inputs using a novel $SE(3) \times SE(3)$-transformer, and then projects the learned feature to group SE(3) as the output. Moreover, we theoretically show that swap and scale equivariances can be incorporated into BITR, thus it further guarantees stable performance under scaling and swapping the inputs. We experimentally show the effectiveness of BITR in practical tasks.

replace XEQ Scale for Evaluating XAI Experience Quality Grounded in Psychometric Theory

Authors: Anjana Wijekoon, Nirmalie Wiratunga, David Corsar, Kyle Martin, Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji, Belen D\'iaz-Agudo, Derek Bridge

Abstract: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims to improve the transparency of autonomous decision-making through explanations. Recent literature has emphasised users' need for holistic "multi-shot" explanations and the ability to personalise their engagement with XAI systems. We refer to this user-centred interaction as an XAI Experience. Despite advances in creating XAI experiences, evaluating them in a user-centred manner has remained challenging. To address this, we introduce the XAI Experience Quality (XEQ) Scale (pronounced "Seek" Scale), for evaluating the user-centred quality of XAI experiences. Furthermore, XEQ quantifies the quality of experiences across four evaluation dimensions: learning, utility, fulfilment and engagement. These contributions extend the state-of-the-art of XAI evaluation, moving beyond the one-dimensional metrics frequently developed to assess single-shot explanations. In this paper, we present the XEQ scale development and validation process, including content validation with XAI experts as well as discriminant and construct validation through a large-scale pilot study. Out pilot study results offer strong evidence that establishes the XEQ Scale as a comprehensive framework for evaluating user-centred XAI experiences.

replace The Oscars of AI Theater: A Survey on Role-Playing with Language Models

Authors: Nuo Chen, Yang Deng, Jia Li

Abstract: This survey explores the burgeoning field of role-playing with language models, focusing on their development from early persona-based models to advanced character-driven simulations facilitated by Large Language Models (LLMs). Initially confined to simple persona consistency due to limited model capabilities, role-playing tasks have now expanded to embrace complex character portrayals involving character consistency, behavioral alignment, and overall attractiveness. We provide a comprehensive taxonomy of the critical components in designing these systems, including data, models and alignment, agent architecture and evaluation. This survey not only outlines the current methodologies and challenges, such as managing dynamic personal profiles and achieving high-level persona consistency but also suggests avenues for future research in improving the depth and realism of role-playing applications. The goal is to guide future research by offering a structured overview of current methodologies and identifying potential areas for improvement. Related resources and papers are available at


replace Correcting the Mythos of KL-Regularization: Direct Alignment without Overoptimization via Chi-Squared Preference Optimization

Authors: Audrey Huang, Wenhao Zhan, Tengyang Xie, Jason D. Lee, Wen Sun, Akshay Krishnamurthy, Dylan J. Foster

Abstract: Language model alignment methods, such as reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), have led to impressive advances in language model capabilities, but existing techniques are limited by a widely observed phenomenon known as overoptimization, where the quality of the language model plateaus or degrades over the course of the alignment process. Overoptimization is often attributed to overfitting to an inaccurate reward model, and while it can be mitigated through online data collection, this is infeasible in many settings. This raises a fundamental question: Do existing offline alignment algorithms make the most of the data they have, or can their sample-efficiency be improved further? We address this question with a new algorithm for offline alignment, $\chi^2$-Preference Optimization ($\chi$PO). $\chi$PO is a one-line change to Direct Preference Optimization (DPO; Rafailov et al., 2023), which only involves modifying the logarithmic link function in the DPO objective. Despite this minimal change, $\chi$PO implicitly implements the principle of pessimism in the face of uncertainty via regularization with the $\chi^2$-divergence -- which quantifies uncertainty more effectively than KL-regularization -- and provably alleviates overoptimization, achieving sample-complexity guarantees based on single-policy concentrability -- the gold standard in offline reinforcement learning. $\chi$PO's simplicity and strong guarantees make it the first practical and general-purpose offline alignment algorithm that is provably robust to overoptimization.

replace-cross A study on general visual categorization of objects into animal and plant groups using global shape descriptors with a focus on category-specific deficits

Authors: Zahra Sadeghi

Abstract: How do humans distinguish between general categories of objects? In a number of se-mantic-category deficits, patients are good at making broad categorization but are un-able to remember fine and specific details. It has been well accepted that general in-formation about concepts is more robust to damages related to semantic memory. Re-sults from patients with semantic memory disorders demonstrate the loss of ability in subcategory recognition. In this paper, we review the behavioural evidence for cate-gory specific disorder and show that general categories of animal and plant are visual-ly distinguishable without processing textural information. To this aim, we utilize shape descriptors with an additional phase of feature learning. The results are evaluated with both supervised and unsupervised learning mechanisms and confirm that the proposed method can effectively discriminates between animal and plant object categories in visual domain.

replace-cross Distilled Thompson Sampling: Practical and Efficient Thompson Sampling via Imitation Learning

Authors: Hongseok Namkoong, Samuel Daulton, Eytan Bakshy

Abstract: Thompson sampling (TS) has emerged as a robust technique for contextual bandit problems. However, TS requires posterior inference and optimization for action generation, prohibiting its use in many online platforms where latency and ease of deployment are of concern. We operationalize TS by proposing a novel imitation-learning-based algorithm that distills a TS policy into an explicit policy representation, allowing fast decision-making and easy deployment in mobile and server-based environments. Using batched data collected under the imitation policy, our algorithm iteratively performs offline updates to the TS policy, and learns a new explicit policy representation to imitate it. Empirically, our imitation policy achieves performance comparable to batch TS while allowing more than an order of magnitude reduction in decision-time latency. Buoyed by low latency and simplicity of implementation, our algorithm has been successfully deployed in multiple video upload systems for Meta. Using a randomized controlled trial, we show our algorithm resulted in significant improvements in video quality and watch time.

replace-cross Reinforcement Learning With Sparse-Executing Actions via Sparsity Regularization

Authors: Jing-Cheng Pang, Tian Xu, Shengyi Jiang, Yu-Ren Liu, Yang Yu

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) has demonstrated impressive performance in decision-making tasks like embodied control, autonomous driving and financial trading. In many decision-making tasks, the agents often encounter the problem of executing actions under limited budgets. However, classic RL methods typically overlook the challenges posed by such sparse-executing actions. They operate under the assumption that all actions can be taken for a unlimited number of times, both in the formulation of the problem and in the development of effective algorithms. To tackle the issue of limited action execution in RL, this paper first formalizes the problem as a Sparse Action Markov Decision Process (SA-MDP), in which specific actions in the action space can only be executed for a limited time. Then, we propose a policy optimization algorithm, Action Sparsity REgularization (ASRE), which adaptively handles each action with a distinct preference. ASRE operates through two steps: First, ASRE evaluates action sparsity by constrained action sampling. Following this, ASRE incorporates the sparsity evaluation into policy learning by way of an action distribution regularization. We provide theoretical identification that validates the convergence of ASRE to a regularized optimal value function. Experiments on tasks with known sparse-executing actions, where classical RL algorithms struggle to train policy efficiently, ASRE effectively constrains the action sampling and outperforms baselines. Moreover, we present that ASRE can generally improve the performance in Atari games, demonstrating its broad applicability.

replace-cross There is a Singularity in the Loss Landscape

Authors: Mark Lowell

Abstract: Despite the widespread adoption of neural networks, their training dynamics remain poorly understood. We show experimentally that as the size of the dataset increases, a point forms where the magnitude of the gradient of the loss becomes unbounded. Gradient descent rapidly brings the network close to this singularity in parameter space, and further training takes place near it. This singularity explains a variety of phenomena recently observed in the Hessian of neural network loss functions, such as training on the edge of stability and the concentration of the gradient in a top subspace. Once the network approaches the singularity, the top subspace contributes little to learning, even though it constitutes the majority of the gradient.

replace-cross EAG: Extract and Generate Multi-way Aligned Corpus for Complete Multi-lingual Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Yulin Xu, Zhen Yang, Fandong Meng, JieZhou

Abstract: Complete Multi-lingual Neural Machine Translation (C-MNMT) achieves superior performance against the conventional MNMT by constructing multi-way aligned corpus, i.e., aligning bilingual training examples from different language pairs when either their source or target sides are identical. However, since exactly identical sentences from different language pairs are scarce, the power of the multi-way aligned corpus is limited by its scale. To handle this problem, this paper proposes "Extract and Generate" (EAG), a two-step approach to construct large-scale and high-quality multi-way aligned corpus from bilingual data. Specifically, we first extract candidate aligned examples by pairing the bilingual examples from different language pairs with highly similar source or target sentences; and then generate the final aligned examples from the candidates with a well-trained generation model. With this two-step pipeline, EAG can construct a large-scale and multi-way aligned corpus whose diversity is almost identical to the original bilingual corpus. Experiments on two publicly available datasets i.e., WMT-5 and OPUS-100, show that the proposed method achieves significant improvements over strong baselines, with +1.1 and +1.4 BLEU points improvements on the two datasets respectively.

replace-cross Learning Non-Vacuous Generalization Bounds from Optimization

Authors: Chengli Tan, Jiangshe Zhang, Junmin Liu

Abstract: One of the fundamental challenges in the deep learning community is to theoretically understand how well a deep neural network generalizes to unseen data. However, current approaches often yield generalization bounds that are either too loose to be informative of the true generalization error or only valid to the compressed nets. In this study, we present a simple yet non-vacuous generalization bound from the optimization perspective. We achieve this goal by leveraging that the hypothesis set accessed by stochastic gradient algorithms is essentially fractal-like and thus can derive a tighter bound over the algorithm-dependent Rademacher complexity. The main argument rests on modeling the discrete-time recursion process via a continuous-time stochastic differential equation driven by fractional Brownian motion. Numerical studies demonstrate that our approach is able to yield plausible generalization guarantees for modern neural networks such as ResNet and Vision Transformer, even when they are trained on a large-scale dataset (e.g. ImageNet-1K).

replace-cross Auxiliary task discovery through generate-and-test

Authors: Banafsheh Rafiee, Sina Ghiassian, Jun Jin, Richard Sutton, Jun Luo, Adam White

Abstract: In this paper, we explore an approach to auxiliary task discovery in reinforcement learning based on ideas from representation learning. Auxiliary tasks tend to improve data efficiency by forcing the agent to learn auxiliary prediction and control objectives in addition to the main task of maximizing reward, and thus producing better representations. Typically these tasks are designed by people. Meta-learning offers a promising avenue for automatic task discovery; however, these methods are computationally expensive and challenging to tune in practice. In this paper, we explore a complementary approach to the auxiliary task discovery: continually generating new auxiliary tasks and preserving only those with high utility. We also introduce a new measure of auxiliary tasks' usefulness based on how useful the features induced by them are for the main task. Our discovery algorithm significantly outperforms random tasks and learning without auxiliary tasks across a suite of environments.

replace-cross Selective Amnesia: On Efficient, High-Fidelity and Blind Suppression of Backdoor Effects in Trojaned Machine Learning Models

Authors: Rui Zhu, Di Tang, Siyuan Tang, XiaoFeng Wang, Haixu Tang

Abstract: In this paper, we present a simple yet surprisingly effective technique to induce "selective amnesia" on a backdoored model. Our approach, called SEAM, has been inspired by the problem of catastrophic forgetting (CF), a long standing issue in continual learning. Our idea is to retrain a given DNN model on randomly labeled clean data, to induce a CF on the model, leading to a sudden forget on both primary and backdoor tasks; then we recover the primary task by retraining the randomized model on correctly labeled clean data. We analyzed SEAM by modeling the unlearning process as continual learning and further approximating a DNN using Neural Tangent Kernel for measuring CF. Our analysis shows that our random-labeling approach actually maximizes the CF on an unknown backdoor in the absence of triggered inputs, and also preserves some feature extraction in the network to enable a fast revival of the primary task. We further evaluated SEAM on both image processing and Natural Language Processing tasks, under both data contamination and training manipulation attacks, over thousands of models either trained on popular image datasets or provided by the TrojAI competition. Our experiments show that SEAM vastly outperforms the state-of-the-art unlearning techniques, achieving a high Fidelity (measuring the gap between the accuracy of the primary task and that of the backdoor) within a few minutes (about 30 times faster than training a model from scratch using the MNIST dataset), with only a small amount of clean data (0.1% of training data for TrojAI models).

replace-cross BAFFLE: A Baseline of Backpropagation-Free Federated Learning

Authors: Haozhe Feng, Tianyu Pang, Chao Du, Wei Chen, Shuicheng Yan, Min Lin

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is a general principle for decentralized clients to train a server model collectively without sharing local data. FL is a promising framework with practical applications, but its standard training paradigm requires the clients to backpropagate through the model to compute gradients. Since these clients are typically edge devices and not fully trusted, executing backpropagation on them incurs computational and storage overhead as well as white-box vulnerability. In light of this, we develop backpropagation-free federated learning, dubbed BAFFLE, in which backpropagation is replaced by multiple forward processes to estimate gradients. BAFFLE is 1) memory-efficient and easily fits uploading bandwidth; 2) compatible with inference-only hardware optimization and model quantization or pruning; and 3) well-suited to trusted execution environments, because the clients in BAFFLE only execute forward propagation and return a set of scalars to the server. Empirically we use BAFFLE to train deep models from scratch or to finetune pretrained models, achieving acceptable results. Code is available in


replace-cross Read and Reap the Rewards: Learning to Play Atari with the Help of Instruction Manuals

Authors: Yue Wu, Yewen Fan, Paul Pu Liang, Amos Azaria, Yuanzhi Li, Tom M. Mitchell

Abstract: High sample complexity has long been a challenge for RL. On the other hand, humans learn to perform tasks not only from interaction or demonstrations, but also by reading unstructured text documents, e.g., instruction manuals. Instruction manuals and wiki pages are among the most abundant data that could inform agents of valuable features and policies or task-specific environmental dynamics and reward structures. Therefore, we hypothesize that the ability to utilize human-written instruction manuals to assist learning policies for specific tasks should lead to a more efficient and better-performing agent. We propose the Read and Reward framework. Read and Reward speeds up RL algorithms on Atari games by reading manuals released by the Atari game developers. Our framework consists of a QA Extraction module that extracts and summarizes relevant information from the manual and a Reasoning module that evaluates object-agent interactions based on information from the manual. An auxiliary reward is then provided to a standard A2C RL agent, when interaction is detected. Experimentally, various RL algorithms obtain significant improvement in performance and training speed when assisted by our design.

replace-cross Better Understanding Differences in Attribution Methods via Systematic Evaluations

Authors: Sukrut Rao, Moritz B\"ohle, Bernt Schiele

Abstract: Deep neural networks are very successful on many vision tasks, but hard to interpret due to their black box nature. To overcome this, various post-hoc attribution methods have been proposed to identify image regions most influential to the models' decisions. Evaluating such methods is challenging since no ground truth attributions exist. We thus propose three novel evaluation schemes to more reliably measure the faithfulness of those methods, to make comparisons between them more fair, and to make visual inspection more systematic. To address faithfulness, we propose a novel evaluation setting (DiFull) in which we carefully control which parts of the input can influence the output in order to distinguish possible from impossible attributions. To address fairness, we note that different methods are applied at different layers, which skews any comparison, and so evaluate all methods on the same layers (ML-Att) and discuss how this impacts their performance on quantitative metrics. For more systematic visualizations, we propose a scheme (AggAtt) to qualitatively evaluate the methods on complete datasets. We use these evaluation schemes to study strengths and shortcomings of some widely used attribution methods over a wide range of models. Finally, we propose a post-processing smoothing step that significantly improves the performance of some attribution methods, and discuss its applicability.

replace-cross Studying How to Efficiently and Effectively Guide Models with Explanations

Authors: Sukrut Rao, Moritz B\"ohle, Amin Parchami-Araghi, Bernt Schiele

Abstract: Despite being highly performant, deep neural networks might base their decisions on features that spuriously correlate with the provided labels, thus hurting generalization. To mitigate this, 'model guidance' has recently gained popularity, i.e. the idea of regularizing the models' explanations to ensure that they are "right for the right reasons". While various techniques to achieve such model guidance have been proposed, experimental validation of these approaches has thus far been limited to relatively simple and / or synthetic datasets. To better understand the effectiveness of the various design choices that have been explored in the context of model guidance, in this work we conduct an in-depth evaluation across various loss functions, attribution methods, models, and 'guidance depths' on the PASCAL VOC 2007 and MS COCO 2014 datasets. As annotation costs for model guidance can limit its applicability, we also place a particular focus on efficiency. Specifically, we guide the models via bounding box annotations, which are much cheaper to obtain than the commonly used segmentation masks, and evaluate the robustness of model guidance under limited (e.g. with only 1% of annotated images) or overly coarse annotations. Further, we propose using the EPG score as an additional evaluation metric and loss function ('Energy loss'). We show that optimizing for the Energy loss leads to models that exhibit a distinct focus on object-specific features, despite only using bounding box annotations that also include background regions. Lastly, we show that such model guidance can improve generalization under distribution shifts. Code available at:


replace-cross Diagnostic Benchmark and Iterative Inpainting for Layout-Guided Image Generation

Authors: Jaemin Cho, Linjie Li, Zhengyuan Yang, Zhe Gan, Lijuan Wang, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Spatial control is a core capability in controllable image generation. Advancements in layout-guided image generation have shown promising results on in-distribution (ID) datasets with similar spatial configurations. However, it is unclear how these models perform when facing out-of-distribution (OOD) samples with arbitrary, unseen layouts. In this paper, we propose LayoutBench, a diagnostic benchmark for layout-guided image generation that examines four categories of spatial control skills: number, position, size, and shape. We benchmark two recent representative layout-guided image generation methods and observe that the good ID layout control may not generalize well to arbitrary layouts in the wild (e.g., objects at the boundary). Next, we propose IterInpaint, a new baseline that generates foreground and background regions step-by-step via inpainting, demonstrating stronger generalizability than existing models on OOD layouts in LayoutBench. We perform quantitative and qualitative evaluation and fine-grained analysis on the four LayoutBench skills to pinpoint the weaknesses of existing models. We show comprehensive ablation studies on IterInpaint, including training task ratio, crop&paste vs. repaint, and generation order. Lastly, we evaluate the zero-shot performance of different pretrained layout-guided image generation models on LayoutBench-COCO, our new benchmark for OOD layouts with real objects, where our IterInpaint consistently outperforms SOTA baselines in all four splits. Project website:


replace-cross Distributed Neural Representation for Reactive in situ Visualization

Authors: Qi Wu, Joseph A. Insley, Victor A. Mateevitsi, Silvio Rizzi, Michael E. Papka, Kwan-Liu Ma

Abstract: Implicit neural representations (INRs) have emerged as a powerful tool for compressing large-scale volume data. This opens up new possibilities for in situ visualization. However, the efficient application of INRs to distributed data remains an underexplored area. In this work, we develop a distributed volumetric neural representation and optimize it for in situ visualization. Our technique eliminates data exchanges between processes, achieving state-of-the-art compression speed, quality and ratios. Our technique also enables the implementation of an efficient strategy for caching large-scale simulation data in high temporal frequencies, further facilitating the use of reactive in situ visualization in a wider range of scientific problems. We integrate this system with the Ascent infrastructure and evaluate its performance and usability using real-world simulations.

replace-cross BiomedGPT: A Unified and Generalist Biomedical Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Vision, Language, and Multimodal Tasks

Authors: Kai Zhang, Rong Zhou, Eashan Adhikarla, Zhiling Yan, Yixin Liu, Jun Yu, Zhengliang Liu, Xun Chen, Brian D. Davison, Hui Ren, Jing Huang, Chen Chen, Yuyin Zhou, Sunyang Fu, Wei Liu, Tianming Liu, Xiang Li, Yong Chen, Lifang He, James Zou, Quanzheng Li, Hongfang Liu, Lichao Sun

Abstract: Traditional biomedical artificial intelligence (AI) models, designed for specific tasks or modalities, often exhibit limited flexibility in real-world deployment and struggle to utilize holistic information. Generalist AI holds the potential to address these limitations due to its versatility in interpreting different data types and generating tailored outputs for diverse needs. However, existing biomedical generalist AI solutions are typically heavyweight and closed source to researchers, practitioners, and patients. Here, we propose BiomedGPT, the first open-source and lightweight vision-language foundation model, designed as a generalist capable of performing various biomedical tasks. BiomedGPT achieved state-of-the-art results in 16 out of 25 experiments while maintaining a computing-friendly model scale. We also conducted human evaluations to assess the capabilities of BiomedGPT in radiology visual question answering, report generation, and summarization. BiomedGPT exhibits robust prediction ability with a low error rate of 3.8% in question answering, satisfactory performance with an error rate of 8.3% in writing complex radiology reports, and competitive summarization ability with a nearly equivalent preference score to human experts. Our method demonstrates that effective training with diverse data can lead to more practical biomedical AI for improving diagnosis and workflow efficiency.

replace-cross BotArtist: Generic approach for bot detection in Twitter via semi-automatic machine learning pipeline

Authors: Alexander Shevtsov, Despoina Antonakaki, Ioannis Lamprou, Polyvios Pratikakis, Sotiris Ioannidis

Abstract: Twitter, as one of the most popular social networks, provides a platform for communication and online discourse. Unfortunately, it has also become a target for bots and fake accounts, resulting in the spread of false information and manipulation. This paper introduces a semi-automatic machine learning pipeline (SAMLP) designed to address the challenges correlated with machine learning model development. Through this pipeline, we develop a comprehensive bot detection model named BotArtist, based on user profile features. SAMLP leverages nine distinct publicly available datasets to train the BotArtist model. To assess BotArtist's performance against current state-of-the-art solutions, we select 35 existing Twitter bot detection methods, each utilizing a diverse range of features. Our comparative evaluation of BotArtist and these existing methods, conducted across nine public datasets under standardized conditions, reveals that the proposed model outperforms existing solutions by almost 10%, in terms of F1-score, achieving an average score of 83.19 and 68.5 over specific and general approaches respectively. As a result of this research, we provide a dataset of the extracted features combined with BotArtist predictions over the 10.929.533 Twitter user profiles, collected via Twitter API during the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian War, over a 16-month period. This dataset was created in collaboration with [Shevtsov et al., 2022a] where the original authors share anonymized tweets on the discussion of the Russo-Ukrainian war with a total amount of 127.275.386 tweets. The combination of the existing text dataset and the provided labeled bot and human profiles will allow for the future development of a more advanced bot detection large language model in the post-Twitter API era.

replace-cross ENOTO: Improving Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning with Q-Ensembles

Authors: Kai Zhao, Jianye Hao, Yi Ma, Jinyi Liu, Yan Zheng, Zhaopeng Meng

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) is a learning paradigm where an agent learns from a fixed dataset of experience. However, learning solely from a static dataset can limit the performance due to the lack of exploration. To overcome it, offline-to-online RL combines offline pre-training with online fine-tuning, which enables the agent to further refine its policy by interacting with the environment in real-time. Despite its benefits, existing offline-to-online RL methods suffer from performance degradation and slow improvement during the online phase. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel framework called ENsemble-based Offline-To-Online (ENOTO) RL. By increasing the number of Q-networks, we seamlessly bridge offline pre-training and online fine-tuning without degrading performance. Moreover, to expedite online performance enhancement, we appropriately loosen the pessimism of Q-value estimation and incorporate ensemble-based exploration mechanisms into our framework. Experimental results demonstrate that ENOTO can substantially improve the training stability, learning efficiency, and final performance of existing offline RL methods during online fine-tuning on a range of locomotion and navigation tasks, significantly outperforming existing offline-to-online RL methods.

replace-cross Learning Multi-modal Representations by Watching Hundreds of Surgical Video Lectures

Authors: Kun Yuan, Vinkle Srivastav, Tong Yu, Joel L. Lavanchy, Pietro Mascagni, Nassir Navab, Nicolas Padoy

Abstract: Recent advancements in surgical computer vision have been driven by vision-only models, which lack language semantics, relying on manually annotated videos to predict fixed object categories. This limits their generalizability to unseen surgical procedures and tasks. We propose leveraging surgical video lectures from e-learning platforms to provide effective vision and language supervisory signals for multi-modal representation learning, bypassing manual annotations. We address surgery-specific linguistic challenges using multiple automatic speech recognition systems for text transcriptions. We introduce SurgVLP - Surgical Vision Language Pre-training - a novel method for multi-modal representation learning. SurgVLP employs a new contrastive learning objective, aligning video clip embeddings with corresponding multiple text embeddings in a joint latent space. We demonstrate the representational capability of this space through several vision-and-language surgical tasks and vision-only tasks specific to surgery. Unlike current fully supervised approaches, SurgVLP adapts to different surgical procedures and tasks without specific fine-tuning, achieving zero-shot adaptation to tasks such as surgical tool, phase, and triplet recognition without manual annotation. These results highlight the transferability and versatility of the learned multi-modal representations in surgical video analysis. The code is available at


replace-cross Not Only Rewards But Also Constraints: Applications on Legged Robot Locomotion

Authors: Yunho Kim, Hyunsik Oh, Jeonghyun Lee, Jinhyeok Choi, Gwanghyeon Ji, Moonkyu Jung, Donghoon Youm, Jemin Hwangbo

Abstract: Several earlier studies have shown impressive control performance in complex robotic systems by designing the controller using a neural network and training it with model-free reinforcement learning. However, these outstanding controllers with natural motion style and high task performance are developed through extensive reward engineering, which is a highly laborious and time-consuming process of designing numerous reward terms and determining suitable reward coefficients. In this work, we propose a novel reinforcement learning framework for training neural network controllers for complex robotic systems consisting of both rewards and constraints. To let the engineers appropriately reflect their intent to constraints and handle them with minimal computation overhead, two constraint types and an efficient policy optimization algorithm are suggested. The learning framework is applied to train locomotion controllers for several legged robots with different morphology and physical attributes to traverse challenging terrains. Extensive simulation and real-world experiments demonstrate that performant controllers can be trained with significantly less reward engineering, by tuning only a single reward coefficient. Furthermore, a more straightforward and intuitive engineering process can be utilized, thanks to the interpretability and generalizability of constraints. The summary video is available at


replace-cross Evaluating Large Language Models' Ability Using a Psychiatric Screening Tool Based on Metaphor and Sarcasm Scenarios

Authors: Hiromu Yakura

Abstract: Metaphors and sarcasm are precious fruits of our highly evolved social communication skills. However, children with the condition then known as Asperger syndrome are known to have difficulties in comprehending sarcasm, even if they possess adequate verbal IQs for understanding metaphors. Accordingly, researchers had employed a screening test that assesses metaphor and sarcasm comprehension to distinguish Asperger syndrome from other conditions with similar external behaviors (e.g., attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). This study employs a standardized test to evaluate recent large language models' (LLMs) understanding of nuanced human communication. The results indicate improved metaphor comprehension with increased model parameters; however, no similar improvement was observed for sarcasm comprehension. Considering that a human's ability to grasp sarcasm has been associated with the amygdala, a pivotal cerebral region for emotional learning, a distinctive strategy for training LLMs would be imperative to imbue them with the ability in a cognitively grounded manner.

replace-cross USL-Net: Uncertainty Self-Learning Network for Unsupervised Skin Lesion Segmentation

Authors: Xiaofan Li, Bo Peng, Jie Hu, Changyou Ma, Daipeng Yang, Zhuyang Xie

Abstract: Unsupervised skin lesion segmentation offers several benefits, including conserving expert human resources, reducing discrepancies due to subjective human labeling, and adapting to novel environments. However, segmenting dermoscopic images without manual labeling guidance presents significant challenges due to dermoscopic image artifacts such as hair noise, blister noise, and subtle edge differences. To address these challenges, we introduce an innovative Uncertainty Self-Learning Network (USL-Net) designed for skin lesion segmentation. The USL-Net can effectively segment a range of lesions, eliminating the need for manual labeling guidance. Initially, features are extracted using contrastive learning, followed by the generation of Class Activation Maps (CAMs) as saliency maps using these features. The different CAM locations correspond to the importance of the lesion region based on their saliency. High-saliency regions in the map serve as pseudo-labels for lesion regions while low-saliency regions represent the background. However, intermediate regions can be hard to classify, often due to their proximity to lesion edges or interference from hair or blisters. Rather than risk potential pseudo-labeling errors or learning confusion by forcefully classifying these regions, we consider them as uncertainty regions, exempting them from pseudo-labeling and allowing the network to self-learn. Further, we employ connectivity detection and centrality detection to refine foreground pseudo-labels and reduce noise-induced errors. The application of cycle refining enhances performance further. Our method underwent thorough experimental validation on the ISIC-2017, ISIC-2018, and PH2 datasets, demonstrating that its performance is on par with weakly supervised and supervised methods, and exceeds that of other existing unsupervised methods.

replace-cross Superpixel Semantics Representation and Pre-training for Vision-Language Task

Authors: Siyu Zhang, Yeming Chen, Yaoru Sun, Fang Wang, Jun Yang, Lizhi Bai, Shangce Gao

Abstract: The key to integrating visual language tasks is to establish a good alignment strategy. Recently, visual semantic representation has achieved fine-grained visual understanding by dividing grids or image patches. However, the coarse-grained semantic interactions in image space should not be ignored, which hinders the extraction of complex contextual semantic relations at the scene boundaries. This paper proposes superpixels as comprehensive and robust visual primitives, which mine coarse-grained semantic interactions by clustering perceptually similar pixels, speeding up the subsequent processing of primitives. To capture superpixel-level semantic features, we propose a Multiscale Difference Graph Convolutional Network (MDGCN). It allows parsing the entire image as a fine-to-coarse visual hierarchy. To reason actual semantic relations, we reduce potential noise interference by aggregating difference information between adjacent graph nodes. Finally, we propose a multi-level fusion rule in a bottom-up manner to avoid understanding deviation by mining complementary spatial information at different levels. Experiments show that the proposed method can effectively promote the learning of multiple downstream tasks. Encouragingly, our method outperforms previous methods on all metrics. Our code will be released upon publication.

replace-cross Efficient Pre-training for Localized Instruction Generation of Videos

Authors: Anil Batra, Davide Moltisanti, Laura Sevilla-Lara, Marcus Rohrbach, Frank Keller

Abstract: Procedural videos, exemplified by recipe demonstrations, are instrumental in conveying step-by-step instructions. However, understanding such videos is challenging as it involves the precise localization of steps and the generation of textual instructions. Manually annotating steps and writing instructions is costly, which limits the size of current datasets and hinders effective learning. Leveraging large but noisy video-transcript datasets for pre-training can boost performance but demands significant computational resources. Furthermore, transcripts contain irrelevant content and differ in style from human-written instructions. To mitigate these issues, we propose a novel technique, Sieve-&-Swap, to automatically generate high-quality training data for the recipe domain: (i) Sieve: filters irrelevant transcripts and (ii) Swap: acquires high-quality text by replacing transcripts with human-written instruction from a text-only recipe dataset. The resulting dataset is three orders of magnitude smaller than current web-scale datasets but enables efficient training of large-scale models. Alongside Sieve-&-Swap, we propose Procedure Transformer (ProcX), a model for end-to-end step localization and instruction generation for procedural videos. When pre-trained on our curated dataset, this model achieves state-of-the-art performance on YouCook2 and Tasty while using a fraction of the training data. We have released code and dataset.

replace-cross Chain of Code: Reasoning with a Language Model-Augmented Code Emulator

Authors: Chengshu Li, Jacky Liang, Andy Zeng, Xinyun Chen, Karol Hausman, Dorsa Sadigh, Sergey Levine, Li Fei-Fei, Fei Xia, Brian Ichter

Abstract: Code provides a general syntactic structure to build complex programs and perform precise computations when paired with a code interpreter - we hypothesize that language models (LMs) can leverage code-writing to improve Chain of Thought reasoning not only for logic and arithmetic tasks, but also for semantic ones (and in particular, those that are a mix of both). For example, consider prompting an LM to write code that counts the number of times it detects sarcasm in an essay: the LM may struggle to write an implementation for "detect_sarcasm(string)" that can be executed by the interpreter (handling the edge cases would be insurmountable). However, LMs may still produce a valid solution if they not only write code, but also selectively "emulate" the interpreter by generating the expected output of "detect_sarcasm(string)". In this work, we propose Chain of Code (CoC), a simple yet surprisingly effective extension that improves LM code-driven reasoning. The key idea is to encourage LMs to format semantic sub-tasks in a program as flexible pseudocode that the interpreter can explicitly catch undefined behaviors and hand off to simulate with an LM (as an "LMulator"). Experiments demonstrate that Chain of Code outperforms Chain of Thought and other baselines across a variety of benchmarks; on BIG-Bench Hard, Chain of Code achieves 84%, a gain of 12% over Chain of Thought. In a nutshell, CoC broadens the scope of reasoning questions that LMs can answer by "thinking in code".

replace-cross GSQA: An End-to-End Model for Generative Spoken Question Answering

Authors: Min-Han Shih, Ho-Lam Chung, Yu-Chi Pai, Ming-Hao Hsu, Guan-Ting Lin, Shang-Wen Li, Hung-yi Lee

Abstract: In recent advancements in spoken question answering (QA), end-to-end models have made significant strides. However, previous research has primarily focused on extractive span selection. While this extractive-based approach is effective when answers are present directly within the input, it falls short in addressing abstractive questions, where answers are not directly extracted but inferred from the given information. To bridge this gap, we introduce the first end-to-end Generative Spoken Question Answering (GSQA) model that empowers the system to engage in abstractive reasoning. The challenge in training our GSQA model lies in the absence of a spoken abstractive QA dataset. We propose using text models for initialization and leveraging the extractive QA dataset to transfer knowledge from the text generative model to the spoken generative model. Experimental results indicate that our model surpasses the previous extractive model by 3% on extractive QA datasets. Furthermore, the GSQA model has only been fine-tuned on the spoken extractive QA dataset. Despite not having seen any spoken abstractive QA data, it can still closely match the performance of the cascade model. In conclusion, our GSQA model shows the potential to generalize to a broad spectrum of questions, thus further expanding the spoken question answering capabilities of abstractive QA. Our code is available at


replace-cross Enhancing Profitability and Investor Confidence through Interpretable AI Models for Investment Decisions

Authors: Sahar Arshad, Seemab Latif, Ahmad Salman, Rabia Latif

Abstract: Financial forecasting plays an important role in making informed decisions for financial stakeholders, specifically in the stock exchange market. In a traditional setting, investors commonly rely on the equity research department for valuable reports on market insights and investment recommendations. The equity research department, however, faces challenges in effectuating decision-making do to the demanding cognitive effort required for analyzing the inherently volatile nature of market dynamics. Furthermore, financial forecasting systems employed by analysts pose potential risks in terms of interpretability and gaining the trust of all stakeholders. This paper presents an interpretable decision-making model leveraging the SHAP-based explainability technique to forecast investment recommendations. The proposed solution not only provides valuable insights into the factors that influence forecasted recommendations but also caters the investors of varying types, including those interested in daily and short-term investment opportunities. To ascertain the efficacy of the proposed model, a case study is devised that demonstrates a notable enhancement in investor's portfolio value, employing our trading strategies. The results highlight the significance of incorporating interpretability in forecasting models to boost stakeholders' confidence and foster transparency in the stock exchange domain.

replace-cross A Survey on 3D Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Guikun Chen, Wenguan Wang

Abstract: 3D Gaussian splatting (GS) has recently emerged as a transformative technique in the realm of explicit radiance field and computer graphics. This innovative approach, characterized by the utilization of millions of learnable 3D Gaussians, represents a significant departure from mainstream neural radiance field approaches, which predominantly use implicit, coordinate-based models to map spatial coordinates to pixel values. 3D GS, with its explicit scene representation and differentiable rendering algorithm, not only promises real-time rendering capability but also introduces unprecedented levels of editability. This positions 3D GS as a potential game-changer for the next generation of 3D reconstruction and representation. In the present paper, we provide the first systematic overview of the recent developments and critical contributions in the domain of 3D GS. We begin with a detailed exploration of the underlying principles and the driving forces behind the emergence of 3D GS, laying the groundwork for understanding its significance. A focal point of our discussion is the practical applicability of 3D GS. By enabling unprecedented rendering speed, 3D GS opens up a plethora of applications, ranging from virtual reality to interactive media and beyond. This is complemented by a comparative analysis of leading 3D GS models, evaluated across various benchmark tasks to highlight their performance and practical utility. The survey concludes by identifying current challenges and suggesting potential avenues for future research in this domain. Through this survey, we aim to provide a valuable resource for both newcomers and seasoned researchers, fostering further exploration and advancement in applicable and explicit radiance field representation.

replace-cross Cross-Speaker Encoding Network for Multi-Talker Speech Recognition

Authors: Jiawen Kang, Lingwei Meng, Mingyu Cui, Haohan Guo, Xixin Wu, Xunying Liu, Helen Meng

Abstract: End-to-end multi-talker speech recognition has garnered great interest as an effective approach to directly transcribe overlapped speech from multiple speakers. Current methods typically adopt either 1) single-input multiple-output (SIMO) models with a branched encoder, or 2) single-input single-output (SISO) models based on attention-based encoder-decoder architecture with serialized output training (SOT). In this work, we propose a Cross-Speaker Encoding (CSE) network to address the limitations of SIMO models by aggregating cross-speaker representations. Furthermore, the CSE model is integrated with SOT to leverage both the advantages of SIMO and SISO while mitigating their drawbacks. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents an early effort to integrate SIMO and SISO for multi-talker speech recognition. Experiments on the two-speaker LibrispeechMix dataset show that the CES model reduces word error rate (WER) by 8% over the SIMO baseline. The CSE-SOT model reduces WER by 10% overall and by 16% on high-overlap speech compared to the SOT model. Code is available at


replace-cross Tuning LLMs with Contrastive Alignment Instructions for Machine Translation in Unseen, Low-resource Languages

Authors: Zhuoyuan Mao, Yen Yu

Abstract: This article introduces contrastive alignment instructions (AlignInstruct) to address two challenges in machine translation (MT) on large language models (LLMs). One is the expansion of supported languages to previously unseen ones. The second relates to the lack of data in low-resource languages. Model fine-tuning through MT instructions (MTInstruct) is a straightforward approach to the first challenge. However, MTInstruct is limited by weak cross-lingual signals inherent in the second challenge. AlignInstruct emphasizes cross-lingual supervision via a cross-lingual discriminator built using statistical word alignments. Our results based on fine-tuning the BLOOMZ models (1b1, 3b, and 7b1) in up to 24 unseen languages showed that: (1) LLMs can effectively translate unseen languages using MTInstruct; (2) AlignInstruct led to consistent improvements in translation quality across 48 translation directions involving English; (3) Discriminator-based instructions outperformed their generative counterparts as cross-lingual instructions; (4) AlignInstruct improved performance in 30 zero-shot directions.

replace-cross Surrogate Neural Networks Local Stability for Aircraft Predictive Maintenance

Authors: M\'elanie Ducoffe, Guillaume Pov\'eda, Audrey Galametz, Ryma Boumazouza, Marion-C\'ecile Martin, Julien Baris, Derk Daverschot, Eugene O'Higgins

Abstract: Surrogate Neural Networks are nowadays routinely used in industry as substitutes for computationally demanding engineering simulations (e.g., in structural analysis). They allow to generate faster predictions and thus analyses in industrial applications e.g., during a product design, testing or monitoring phases. Due to their performance and time-efficiency, these surrogate models are now being developed for use in safety-critical applications. Neural network verification and in particular the assessment of their robustness (e.g., to perturbations) is the next critical step to allow their inclusion in real-life applications and certification. We assess the applicability and scalability of empirical and formal methods in the context of aircraft predictive maintenance for surrogate neural networks designed to predict the stress sustained by an aircraft part from external loads. The case study covers a high-dimensional input and output space and the verification process thus accommodates multi-objective constraints. We explore the complementarity of verification methods in assessing the local stability property of such surrogate models to input noise. We showcase the effectiveness of sequentially combining methods in one verification 'pipeline' and demonstrate the subsequent gain in runtime required to assess the targeted property.

replace-cross Interrogating AI: Characterizing Emergent Playful Interactions with ChatGPT

Authors: Mohammad Ronagh Nikghalb, Jinghui Cheng

Abstract: In an era of AI's growing capabilities and influences, recent advancements are constantly reshaping HCI and CSCW's view of AI. Playful interactions with AI systems naturally emerged as an important way for users to make sense of the ever-changing technology. However, these emergent and playful interactions are underexamined. We target this gap by investigating playful interactions exhibited by users of an emerging AI technology, ChatGPT. Through a thematic analysis of 372 user-generated posts on the ChatGPT subreddit, we found that more than half of user discourse revolves around playful interactions. The analysis further allowed us to construct a preliminary framework to describe these interactions, categorizing them into six types: reflecting, jesting, imitating, challenging, tricking, and contriving; each included sub-categories. This study contributes to the field of HCI and CSCW by illuminating the multifaceted nature of playful interactions with AI, underlining their significance in helping users assess AI agency, shaping the human-AI relationship, and offering rich implications to AI system design.

replace-cross Graph Condensation: A Survey

Authors: Xinyi Gao, Junliang Yu, Tong Chen, Guanhua Ye, Wentao Zhang, Hongzhi Yin

Abstract: The rapid growth of graph data poses significant challenges in storage, transmission, and particularly the training of graph neural networks (GNNs). To address these challenges, graph condensation (GC) has emerged as an innovative solution. GC focuses on synthesizing a compact yet highly representative graph, enabling GNNs trained on it to achieve performance comparable to those trained on the original large graph. The notable efficacy of GC and its broad prospects have garnered significant attention and spurred extensive research. This survey paper provides an up-to-date and systematic overview of GC, organizing existing research into five categories aligned with critical GC evaluation criteria: effectiveness, generalization, efficiency, fairness, and robustness. To facilitate an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of GC, this paper examines various methods under each category and thoroughly discusses two essential components within GC: optimization strategies and condensed graph generation. We also empirically compare and analyze representative GC methods with diverse optimization strategies based on the five proposed GC evaluation criteria. Finally, we explore the applications of GC in various fields, outline the related open-source libraries, and highlight the present challenges and novel insights, with the aim of promoting advancements in future research. The related resources can be found at


replace-cross Efficient Causal Graph Discovery Using Large Language Models

Authors: Thomas Jiralerspong, Xiaoyin Chen, Yash More, Vedant Shah, Yoshua Bengio

Abstract: We propose a novel framework that leverages LLMs for full causal graph discovery. While previous LLM-based methods have used a pairwise query approach, this requires a quadratic number of queries which quickly becomes impractical for larger causal graphs. In contrast, the proposed framework uses a breadth-first search (BFS) approach which allows it to use only a linear number of queries. We also show that the proposed method can easily incorporate observational data when available, to improve performance. In addition to being more time and data-efficient, the proposed framework achieves state-of-the-art results on real-world causal graphs of varying sizes. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method in discovering causal relationships, showcasing its potential for broad applicability in causal graph discovery tasks across different domains.

replace-cross Good Teachers Explain: Explanation-Enhanced Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Amin Parchami-Araghi, Moritz B\"ohle, Sukrut Rao, Bernt Schiele

Abstract: Knowledge Distillation (KD) has proven effective for compressing large teacher models into smaller student models. While it is well known that student models can achieve similar accuracies as the teachers, it has also been shown that they nonetheless often do not learn the same function. It is, however, often highly desirable that the student's and teacher's functions share similar properties such as basing the prediction on the same input features, as this ensures that students learn the 'right features' from the teachers. In this work, we explore whether this can be achieved by not only optimizing the classic KD loss but also the similarity of the explanations generated by the teacher and the student. Despite the idea being simple and intuitive, we find that our proposed 'explanation-enhanced' KD (e$^2$KD) (1) consistently provides large gains in terms of accuracy and student-teacher agreement, (2) ensures that the student learns from the teacher to be right for the right reasons and to give similar explanations, and (3) is robust with respect to the model architectures, the amount of training data, and even works with 'approximate', pre-computed explanations.

replace-cross SelfSwapper: Self-Supervised Face Swapping via Shape Agnostic Masked AutoEncoder

Authors: Jaeseong Lee, Junha Hyung, Sohyun Jeong, Jaegul Choo

Abstract: Face swapping has gained significant attention for its varied applications. Most previous face swapping approaches have relied on the seesaw game training scheme, also known as the target-oriented approach. However, this often leads to instability in model training and results in undesired samples with blended identities due to the target identity leakage problem. Source-oriented methods achieve more stable training with self-reconstruction objective but often fail to accurately reflect target image's skin color and illumination. This paper introduces the Shape Agnostic Masked AutoEncoder (SAMAE) training scheme, a novel self-supervised approach that combines the strengths of both target-oriented and source-oriented approaches. Our training scheme addresses the limitations of traditional training methods by circumventing the conventional seesaw game and introducing clear ground truth through its self-reconstruction training regime. Our model effectively mitigates identity leakage and reflects target albedo and illumination through learned disentangled identity and non-identity features. Additionally, we closely tackle the shape misalignment and volume discrepancy problems with new techniques, including perforation confusion and random mesh scaling. SAMAE establishes a new state-of-the-art, surpassing other baseline methods, preserving both identity and non-identity attributes without sacrificing on either aspect.

replace-cross A Human-Inspired Reading Agent with Gist Memory of Very Long Contexts

Authors: Kuang-Huei Lee, Xinyun Chen, Hiroki Furuta, John Canny, Ian Fischer

Abstract: Current Large Language Models (LLMs) are not only limited to some maximum context length, but also are not able to robustly consume long inputs. To address these limitations, we propose ReadAgent, an LLM agent system that increases effective context length up to 20x in our experiments. Inspired by how humans interactively read long documents, we implement ReadAgent as a simple prompting system that uses the advanced language capabilities of LLMs to (1) decide what content to store together in a memory episode, (2) compress those memory episodes into short episodic memories called gist memories, and (3) take actions to look up passages in the original text if ReadAgent needs to remind itself of relevant details to complete a task. We evaluate ReadAgent against baselines using retrieval methods, using the original long contexts, and using the gist memories. These evaluations are performed on three long-document reading comprehension tasks: QuALITY, NarrativeQA, and QMSum. ReadAgent outperforms the baselines on all three tasks while extending the effective context window by 3.5-20x.

replace-cross Rainbow Teaming: Open-Ended Generation of Diverse Adversarial Prompts

Authors: Mikayel Samvelyan, Sharath Chandra Raparthy, Andrei Lupu, Eric Hambro, Aram H. Markosyan, Manish Bhatt, Yuning Mao, Minqi Jiang, Jack Parker-Holder, Jakob Foerster, Tim Rockt\"aschel, Roberta Raileanu

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) become increasingly prevalent across many real-world applications, understanding and enhancing their robustness to adversarial attacks is of paramount importance. Existing methods for identifying adversarial prompts tend to focus on specific domains, lack diversity, or require extensive human annotations. To address these limitations, we present Rainbow Teaming, a novel black-box approach for producing a diverse collection of adversarial prompts. Rainbow Teaming casts adversarial prompt generation as a quality-diversity problem, and uses open-ended search to generate prompts that are both effective and diverse. Focusing on the safety domain, we use Rainbow Teaming to target various state-of-the-art LLMs, including the Llama 2 and Llama 3 models. Our approach reveals hundreds of effective adversarial prompts, with an attack success rate exceeding 90% across all tested models. Furthermore, we demonstrate that fine-tuning models with synthetic data generated by the Rainbow Teaming method significantly enhances their safety without sacrificing general performance or helpfulness. We additionally explore the versatility of Rainbow Teaming by applying it to question answering and cybersecurity, showcasing its potential to drive robust open-ended self-improvement in a wide range of applications.

replace-cross Cross-Modal Projection in Multimodal LLMs Doesn't Really Project Visual Attributes to Textual Space

Authors: Gaurav Verma, Minje Choi, Kartik Sharma, Jamelle Watson-Daniels, Sejoon Oh, Srijan Kumar

Abstract: Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) like LLaVA and GPT-4(V) enable general-purpose conversations about images with the language modality. As off-the-shelf MLLMs may have limited capabilities on images from domains like dermatology and agriculture, they must be fine-tuned to unlock domain-specific applications. The prevalent architecture of current open-source MLLMs comprises two major modules: an image-language (cross-modal) projection network and a large language model. It is desirable to understand the roles of these two modules in modeling domain-specific visual attributes to inform the design of future models and streamline the interpretability efforts on the current models. To this end, via experiments on 4 datasets and under 2 fine-tuning settings, we find that as the MLLM is fine-tuned, it indeed gains domain-specific visual capabilities, but the updates do not lead to the projection extracting relevant domain-specific visual attributes. Our results indicate that the domain-specific visual attributes are modeled by the LLM, even when only the projection is fine-tuned. Through this study, we offer a potential reinterpretation of the role of cross-modal projections in MLLM architectures. Project webpage:


replace-cross Hyperdimensional Computing for Node Classification and Link Prediction

Authors: Abhishek Dalvi, Vasant Honavar

Abstract: We introduce a novel method for transductive learning on graphs using hyperdimensional representations. The proposed approach encodes data samples using random projections into a very high-dimensional space (hyperdimensional or HD space for short). It obviates the need for expensive iterative training of the sort required by deep learning methods. Specifically, we propose a Hyperdimensional Graph Learning (HDGL) algorithm. HDGL leverages the \emph{injectivity} property of node representations of a family of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to map node features to the HD space and then uses HD operators such as bundling and binding to aggregate information from the local neighborhood of each node. The resulting latent node representations support both node classification and link prediction tasks, unlike typical deep learning methods, which often require separate models for these tasks. We report results of experiments using widely used benchmark datasets which demonstrate that, on the node classification task, HDGL is competitive with the SOTA GNN methods with respect to accuracy, at substantially reduced computational cost. Furthermore, HDGL is well-suited for class incremental learning where the model has to learn to effectively discriminate between a growing number of classes. Our experiments also show that the HD representation constructed by HDGL supports link prediction at accuracies comparable to that of DeepWalk and related methods, although it falls short of SOTA Graph Neural Network (GNN) methods that rely on computationally expensive iterative training. We conclude that HDGL offers a computationally efficient alternative to graph neural networks for node classification, especially in settings that call for class-incremental learning or in applications that demand high accuracy models at significantly lower computational cost and learning time than possible with the SOTA GNNs.

replace-cross FSL-Rectifier: Rectify Outliers in Few-Shot Learning via Test-Time Augmentation

Authors: Yunwei Bai, Ying Kiat Tan, Tsuhan Chen

Abstract: Few-shot-learning (FSL) commonly requires a model to identify images (queries) that belong to classes unseen during training, based on a few labelled samples of the new classes (support set) as reference. So far, plenty of algorithms involve training data augmentation to improve the generalization capability of FSL models, but outlier query or support images during inference can still pose great generalization challenges. In this work, to reduce the bias caused by unconventional test samples, we generate additional test-class samples through combining them with suitable train-class samples, whose averaged representations then become more typical for few-shot classification. We experimentally and theoretically demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, via which we can achieve around 4\% test accuracy improvement for trained FSL models. Importantly, our method is universally compatible with different off-the-shelf FSL models, whose performance can be improved without extra dataset nor further training of the models themselves.

replace-cross Resolution of Simpson's paradox via the common cause principle

Authors: A. Hovhannisyan, A. E. Allahverdyan

Abstract: Simpson's paradox is an obstacle to establishing a probabilistic association between two events $a_1$ and $a_2$, given the third (lurking) random variable $B$. We focus on scenarios when the random variables $A$ (which combines $a_1$, $a_2$, and their complements) and $B$ have a common cause $C$ that need not be observed. Alternatively, we can assume that $C$ screens out $A$ from $B$. For such cases, the correct association between $a_1$ and $a_2$ is to be defined via conditioning over $C$. This setup generalizes the original Simpson's paradox: now its two contradicting options refer to two particular and different causes $C$. We show that if $B$ and $C$ are binary and $A$ is quaternary (the minimal and the most widespread situation for the Simpson's paradox), the conditioning over any binary common cause $C$ establishes the same direction of association between $a_1$ and $a_2$ as the conditioning over $B$ in the original formulation of the paradox. Thus, for the minimal common cause, one should choose the option of Simpson's paradox that assumes conditioning over $B$ and not its marginalization. The same conclusion is reached when Simpson's paradox is formulated via 3 continuous Gaussian variables: within the minimal formulation of the paradox (3 scalar continuous variables $A_1$, $A_2$, and $B$), one should choose the option with the conditioning over $B$.

replace-cross xT: Nested Tokenization for Larger Context in Large Images

Authors: Ritwik Gupta, Shufan Li, Tyler Zhu, Jitendra Malik, Trevor Darrell, Karttikeya Mangalam

Abstract: Modern computer vision pipelines handle large images in one of two sub-optimal ways: down-sampling or cropping. These two methods incur significant losses in the amount of information and context present in an image. There are many downstream applications in which global context matters as much as high frequency details, such as in real-world satellite imagery; in such cases researchers have to make the uncomfortable choice of which information to discard. We introduce xT, a simple framework for vision transformers which effectively aggregates global context with local details and can model large images end-to-end on contemporary GPUs. We select a set of benchmark datasets across classic vision tasks which accurately reflect a vision model's ability to understand truly large images and incorporate fine details over large scales and assess our method's improvement on them. xT is a streaming, two-stage architecture that adapts existing vision backbones and long sequence language models to effectively model large images without quadratic memory growth. We are able to increase accuracy by up to 8.6% on challenging classification tasks and $F_1$ score by 11.6 on context-dependent segmentation on images as large as 29,000 x 29,000 pixels.

replace-cross Structure Your Data: Towards Semantic Graph Counterfactuals

Authors: Angeliki Dimitriou, Maria Lymperaiou, Giorgos Filandrianos, Konstantinos Thomas, Giorgos Stamou

Abstract: Counterfactual explanations (CEs) based on concepts are explanations that consider alternative scenarios to understand which high-level semantic features contributed to particular model predictions. In this work, we propose CEs based on the semantic graphs accompanying input data to achieve more descriptive, accurate, and human-aligned explanations. Building upon state-of-the-art (SoTA) conceptual attempts, we adopt a model-agnostic edit-based approach and introduce leveraging GNNs for efficient Graph Edit Distance (GED) computation. With a focus on the visual domain, we represent images as scene graphs and obtain their GNN embeddings to bypass solving the NP-hard graph similarity problem for all input pairs, an integral part of the CE computation process. We apply our method to benchmark and real-world datasets with varying difficulty and availability of semantic annotations. Testing on diverse classifiers, we find that our CEs outperform previous SoTA explanation models based on semantics, including both white and black-box as well as conceptual and pixel-level approaches. Their superiority is proven quantitatively and qualitatively, as validated by human subjects, highlighting the significance of leveraging semantic edges in the presence of intricate relationships. Our model-agnostic graph-based approach is widely applicable and easily extensible, producing actionable explanations across different contexts.

replace-cross WorkArena: How Capable Are Web Agents at Solving Common Knowledge Work Tasks?

Authors: Alexandre Drouin, Maxime Gasse, Massimo Caccia, Issam H. Laradji, Manuel Del Verme, Tom Marty, L\'eo Boisvert, Megh Thakkar, Quentin Cappart, David Vazquez, Nicolas Chapados, Alexandre Lacoste

Abstract: We study the use of large language model-based agents for interacting with software via web browsers. Unlike prior work, we focus on measuring the agents' ability to perform tasks that span the typical daily work of knowledge workers utilizing enterprise software systems. To this end, we propose WorkArena, a remote-hosted benchmark of 33 tasks based on the widely-used ServiceNow platform. We also introduce BrowserGym, an environment for the design and evaluation of such agents, offering a rich set of actions as well as multimodal observations. Our empirical evaluation reveals that while current agents show promise on WorkArena, there remains a considerable gap towards achieving full task automation. Notably, our analysis uncovers a significant performance disparity between open and closed-source LLMs, highlighting a critical area for future exploration and development in the field.

replace-cross Beyond Memorization: The Challenge of Random Memory Access in Language Models

Authors: Tongyao Zhu, Qian Liu, Liang Pang, Zhengbao Jiang, Min-Yen Kan, Min Lin

Abstract: Recent developments in Language Models (LMs) have shown their effectiveness in NLP tasks, particularly in knowledge-intensive tasks. However, the mechanisms underlying knowledge storage and memory access within their parameters remain elusive. In this paper, we investigate whether a generative LM (e.g., GPT-2) is able to access its memory sequentially or randomly. Through carefully-designed synthetic tasks, covering the scenarios of full recitation, selective recitation and grounded question answering, we reveal that LMs manage to sequentially access their memory while encountering challenges in randomly accessing memorized content. We find that techniques including recitation and permutation improve the random memory access capability of LMs. Furthermore, by applying this intervention to realistic scenarios of open-domain question answering, we validate that enhancing random access by recitation leads to notable improvements in question answering. The code to reproduce our experiments can be found at


replace-cross Generalizing Denoising to Non-Equilibrium Structures Improves Equivariant Force Fields

Authors: Yi-Lun Liao, Tess Smidt, Muhammed Shuaibi, Abhishek Das

Abstract: Understanding the interactions of atoms such as forces in 3D atomistic systems is fundamental to many applications like molecular dynamics and catalyst design. However, simulating these interactions requires compute-intensive ab initio calculations and thus results in limited data for training neural networks. In this paper, we propose to use denoising non-equilibrium structures (DeNS) as an auxiliary task to better leverage training data and improve performance. For training with DeNS, we first corrupt a 3D structure by adding noise to its 3D coordinates and then predict the noise. Different from previous works on denoising, which are limited to equilibrium structures, the proposed method generalizes denoising to a much larger set of non-equilibrium structures. The main difference is that a non-equilibrium structure does not correspond to local energy minima and has non-zero forces, and therefore it can have many possible atomic positions compared to an equilibrium structure. This makes denoising non-equilibrium structures an ill-posed problem since the target of denoising is not uniquely defined. Our key insight is to additionally encode the forces of the original non-equilibrium structure to specify which non-equilibrium structure we are denoising. Concretely, given a corrupted non-equilibrium structure and the forces of the original one, we predict the non-equilibrium structure satisfying the input forces instead of any arbitrary structures. Since DeNS requires encoding forces, DeNS favors equivariant networks, which can easily incorporate forces and other higher-order tensors in node embeddings. We study the effectiveness of training equivariant networks with DeNS on OC20, OC22 and MD17 datasets and demonstrate that DeNS can achieve new state-of-the-art results on OC20 and OC22 and significantly improve training efficiency on MD17.

replace-cross Socially Integrated Navigation: A Social Acting Robot with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Daniel Fl\"ogel, Lars Fischer, Thomas Rudolf, Tobias Sch\"urmann, S\"oren Hohmann

Abstract: Mobile robots are being used on a large scale in various crowded situations and become part of our society. The socially acceptable navigation behavior of a mobile robot with individual human consideration is an essential requirement for scalable applications and human acceptance. Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) approaches are recently used to learn a robot's navigation policy and to model the complex interactions between robots and humans. We propose to divide existing DRL-based navigation approaches based on the robot's exhibited social behavior and distinguish between social collision avoidance with a lack of social behavior and socially aware approaches with explicit predefined social behavior. In addition, we propose a novel socially integrated navigation approach where the robot's social behavior is adaptive and emerges from the interaction with humans. The formulation of our approach is derived from a sociological definition, which states that social acting is oriented toward the acting of others. The DRL policy is trained in an environment where other agents interact socially integrated and reward the robot's behavior individually. The simulation results indicate that the proposed socially integrated navigation approach outperforms a socially aware approach in terms of ego navigation performance while significantly reducing the negative impact on all agents within the environment.

replace-cross Optimal Layout Synthesis for Deep Quantum Circuits on NISQ Processors with 100+ Qubits

Authors: Irfansha Shaik, Jaco van de Pol

Abstract: Layout synthesis is mapping a quantum circuit to a quantum processor. SWAP gate insertions are needed for scheduling 2-qubit gates only on connected physical qubits. With the ever-increasing number of qubits in NISQ processors, scalable layout synthesis is of utmost importance. With large optimality gaps observed in heuristic approaches, scalable exact methods are needed. While recent exact and near-optimal approaches scale to moderate circuits, large deep circuits are still out of scope. In this work, we propose a SAT encoding based on parallel plans that apply 1 SWAP and a group of CNOTs at each time step. Using domain-specific information, we maintain optimality in parallel plans while scaling to large and deep circuits. From our results, we show the scalability of our approach which significantly outperforms leading exact and near-optimal approaches (up to 100x). For the first time, we can optimally map several 8, 14, and 16 qubit circuits onto 54, 80, and 127 qubit platforms with up to 17 SWAPs. While adding optimal SWAPs, we also report near-optimal depth in our mapped circuits.

replace-cross Artificial Intelligence for Cochlear Implants: Review of Strategies, Challenges, and Perspectives

Authors: Billel Essaid, Hamza Kheddar, Noureddine Batel, Muhammad E. H. Chowdhury, Abderrahmane Lakas

Abstract: Automatic speech recognition (ASR) plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, offering utility not only for interacting with machines but also for facilitating communication for individuals with partial or profound hearing impairments. The process involves receiving the speech signal in analog form, followed by various signal processing algorithms to make it compatible with devices of limited capacities, such as cochlear implants (CIs). Unfortunately, these implants, equipped with a finite number of electrodes, often result in speech distortion during synthesis. Despite efforts by researchers to enhance received speech quality using various state-of-the-art (SOTA) signal processing techniques, challenges persist, especially in scenarios involving multiple sources of speech, environmental noise, and other adverse conditions. The advent of new artificial intelligence (AI) methods has ushered in cutting-edge strategies to address the limitations and difficulties associated with traditional signal processing techniques dedicated to CIs. This review aims to comprehensively cover advancements in CI-based ASR and speech enhancement, among other related aspects. The primary objective is to provide a thorough overview of metrics and datasets, exploring the capabilities of AI algorithms in this biomedical field, and summarizing and commenting on the best results obtained. Additionally, the review will delve into potential applications and suggest future directions to bridge existing research gaps in this domain.

replace-cross $\forall$uto$\exists$val: Autonomous Assessment of LLMs in Formal Synthesis and Interpretation Tasks

Authors: Rushang Karia, Daniel Bramblett, Daksh Dobhal, Pulkit Verma, Siddharth Srivastava

Abstract: This paper presents $\forall$uto$\exists$val, a new approach for scaling LLM assessment in translating formal syntax -- such as first-order logic, regular expressions, etc -- to natural language (interpretation) or vice versa (compilation), thereby facilitating their use in applications such as generating/explaining logic and control flow for programs etc. Existing approaches for LLM assessment in these areas require labor-intensive ground-truth creation, the availability of which undermines the separation of training and test sets. Furthermore, such datasets typically include relatively few hand-coded test cases over which LLM accuracy is determined, thus making them inadequate for determining the safety or correctness of their generated outputs. We introduce a new approach that utilizes context-free grammars (CFGs) to generate out-of-distribution datasets on the fly and perform closed-loop testing of LLM capabilities using formal verifiers to guarantee the correctness of LLM outputs without any human intervention. We release our dataset and benchmark as open-source code at \url{}. We also conduct an assessment of several SOTA closed and open-source LLMs to showcase the feasibility and scalability of this paradigm. Our experiments reveal that SOTA LLMs are unable to solve the formal translation task adequately.


replace-cross ELITR-Bench: A Meeting Assistant Benchmark for Long-Context Language Models

Authors: Thibaut Thonet, Jos Rozen, Laurent Besacier

Abstract: Research on Large Language Models (LLMs) has recently witnessed an increasing interest in extending models' context size to better capture dependencies within long documents. While benchmarks have been proposed to assess long-range abilities, existing efforts primarily considered generic tasks that are not necessarily aligned with real-world applications. In contrast, our work proposes a new benchmark for long-context LLMs focused on a practical meeting assistant scenario. In this scenario, the long contexts consist of transcripts obtained by automatic speech recognition, presenting unique challenges for LLMs due to the inherent noisiness and oral nature of such data. Our benchmark, named ELITR-Bench, augments the existing ELITR corpus' transcripts with 271 manually crafted questions and their ground-truth answers. Our experiments with recent long-context LLMs on ELITR-Bench highlight a gap between open-source and proprietary models, especially when questions are asked sequentially within a conversation. We also provide a thorough analysis of our GPT-4-based evaluation method, encompassing insights from a crowdsourcing study. Our findings suggest that while GPT-4's evaluation scores are correlated with human judges', its ability to differentiate among more than three score levels may be limited.

replace-cross RAVE: Residual Vector Embedding for CLIP-Guided Backlit Image Enhancement

Authors: Tatiana Gaintseva, Martin Benning, Gregory Slabaugh

Abstract: In this paper we propose a novel modification of Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) guidance for the task of unsupervised backlit image enhancement. Our work builds on the state-of-the-art CLIP-LIT approach, which learns a prompt pair by constraining the text-image similarity between a prompt (negative/positive sample) and a corresponding image (backlit image/well-lit image) in the CLIP embedding space. Learned prompts then guide an image enhancement network. Based on the CLIP-LIT framework, we propose two novel methods for CLIP guidance. First, we show that instead of tuning prompts in the space of text embeddings, it is possible to directly tune their embeddings in the latent space without any loss in quality. This accelerates training and potentially enables the use of additional encoders that do not have a text encoder. Second, we propose a novel approach that does not require any prompt tuning. Instead, based on CLIP embeddings of backlit and well-lit images from training data, we compute the residual vector in the embedding space as a simple difference between the mean embeddings of the well-lit and backlit images. This vector then guides the enhancement network during training, pushing a backlit image towards the space of well-lit images. This approach further dramatically reduces training time, stabilizes training and produces high quality enhanced images without artifacts, both in supervised and unsupervised training regimes. Additionally, we show that residual vectors can be interpreted, revealing biases in training data, and thereby enabling potential bias correction.

replace-cross ControlNet++: Improving Conditional Controls with Efficient Consistency Feedback

Authors: Ming Li, Taojiannan Yang, Huafeng Kuang, Jie Wu, Zhaoning Wang, Xuefeng Xiao, Chen Chen

Abstract: To enhance the controllability of text-to-image diffusion models, existing efforts like ControlNet incorporated image-based conditional controls. In this paper, we reveal that existing methods still face significant challenges in generating images that align with the image conditional controls. To this end, we propose ControlNet++, a novel approach that improves controllable generation by explicitly optimizing pixel-level cycle consistency between generated images and conditional controls. Specifically, for an input conditional control, we use a pre-trained discriminative reward model to extract the corresponding condition of the generated images, and then optimize the consistency loss between the input conditional control and extracted condition. A straightforward implementation would be generating images from random noises and then calculating the consistency loss, but such an approach requires storing gradients for multiple sampling timesteps, leading to considerable time and memory costs. To address this, we introduce an efficient reward strategy that deliberately disturbs the input images by adding noise, and then uses the single-step denoised images for reward fine-tuning. This avoids the extensive costs associated with image sampling, allowing for more efficient reward fine-tuning. Extensive experiments show that ControlNet++ significantly improves controllability under various conditional controls. For example, it achieves improvements over ControlNet by 11.1% mIoU, 13.4% SSIM, and 7.6% RMSE, respectively, for segmentation mask, line-art edge, and depth conditions. All the code, models, demo and organized data have been open sourced on our Github Repo.

replace-cross Empowering Embodied Visual Tracking with Visual Foundation Models and Offline RL

Authors: Fangwei Zhong, Kui Wu, Hai Ci, Churan Wang, Hao Chen

Abstract: Embodied visual tracking is to follow a target object in dynamic 3D environments using an agent's egocentric vision. This is a vital and challenging skill for embodied agents. However, existing methods suffer from inefficient training and poor generalization. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that combines visual foundation models(VFM) and offline reinforcement learning(offline RL) to empower embodied visual tracking. We use a pre-trained VFM, such as "Tracking Anything", to extract semantic segmentation masks with text prompts. We then train a recurrent policy network with offline RL, e.g., Conservative Q-Learning, to learn from the collected demonstrations without online interactions. To further improve the robustness and generalization of the policy network, we also introduce a mask re-targeting mechanism and a multi-level data collection strategy. In this way, we can train a robust policy within an hour on a consumer-level GPU, e.g., Nvidia RTX 3090. We evaluate our agent on several high-fidelity environments with challenging situations, such as distraction and occlusion. The results show that our agent outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of sample efficiency, robustness to distractors, and generalization to unseen scenarios and targets. We also demonstrate the transferability of the learned agent from virtual environments to a real-world robot.

replace-cross Consistent Diffusion Meets Tweedie: Training Exact Ambient Diffusion Models with Noisy Data

Authors: Giannis Daras, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Constantinos Daskalakis

Abstract: Ambient diffusion is a recently proposed framework for training diffusion models using corrupted data. Both Ambient Diffusion and alternative SURE-based approaches for learning diffusion models from corrupted data resort to approximations which deteriorate performance. We present the first framework for training diffusion models that provably sample from the uncorrupted distribution given only noisy training data, solving an open problem in this space. Our key technical contribution is a method that uses a double application of Tweedie's formula and a consistency loss function that allows us to extend sampling at noise levels below the observed data noise. We also provide further evidence that diffusion models memorize from their training sets by identifying extremely corrupted images that are almost perfectly reconstructed, raising copyright and privacy concerns. Our method for training using corrupted samples can be used to mitigate this problem. We demonstrate this by fine-tuning Stable Diffusion XL to generate samples from a distribution using only noisy samples. Our framework reduces the amount of memorization of the fine-tuning dataset, while maintaining competitive performance.

replace-cross MixLoRA: Enhancing Large Language Models Fine-Tuning with LoRA-based Mixture of Experts

Authors: Dengchun Li, Yingzi Ma, Naizheng Wang, Zhengmao Ye, Zhiyuan Cheng, Yinghao Tang, Yan Zhang, Lei Duan, Jie Zuo, Cal Yang, Mingjie Tang

Abstract: Fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) is a common practice to adapt pre-trained models for specific applications. While methods like LoRA have effectively addressed GPU memory constraints during fine-tuning, their performance often falls short, especially in multi-task scenarios. In contrast, Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) models, such as Mixtral 8x7B, demonstrate remarkable performance in multi-task learning scenarios while maintaining a reduced parameter count. However, the resource requirements of these MoEs remain challenging, particularly for consumer-grade GPUs with less than 24GB memory. To tackle these challenges, we propose MixLoRA, an approach to construct a resource-efficient sparse MoE model based on LoRA. MixLoRA inserts multiple LoRA-based experts within the feed-forward network block of a frozen pre-trained dense model and employs a commonly used top-k router. Unlike other LoRA-based MoE methods, MixLoRA enhances model performance by utilizing independent attention-layer LoRA adapters. Additionally, an auxiliary load balance loss is employed to address the imbalance problem of the router. Our evaluations show that MixLoRA improves about 9% accuracy compared to state-of-the-art PEFT methods in multi-task learning scenarios. We also propose a new high-throughput framework to alleviate the computation and memory bottlenecks during the training and inference of MOE models. This framework reduces GPU memory consumption by 40% and token computation latency by 30% during both training and inference.

replace-cross ImplicitAVE: An Open-Source Dataset and Multimodal LLMs Benchmark for Implicit Attribute Value Extraction

Authors: Henry Peng Zou, Vinay Samuel, Yue Zhou, Weizhi Zhang, Liancheng Fang, Zihe Song, Philip S. Yu, Cornelia Caragea

Abstract: Existing datasets for attribute value extraction (AVE) predominantly focus on explicit attribute values while neglecting the implicit ones, lack product images, are often not publicly available, and lack an in-depth human inspection across diverse domains. To address these limitations, we present ImplicitAVE, the first, publicly available multimodal dataset for implicit attribute value extraction. ImplicitAVE, sourced from the MAVE dataset, is carefully curated and expanded to include implicit AVE and multimodality, resulting in a refined dataset of 68k training and 1.6k testing data across five domains. We also explore the application of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) to implicit AVE, establishing a comprehensive benchmark for MLLMs on the ImplicitAVE dataset. Six recent MLLMs with eleven variants are evaluated across diverse settings, revealing that implicit value extraction remains a challenging task for MLLMs. The contributions of this work include the development and release of ImplicitAVE, and the exploration and benchmarking of various MLLMs for implicit AVE, providing valuable insights and potential future research directions. Dataset and code are available at


replace-cross DPO Meets PPO: Reinforced Token Optimization for RLHF

Authors: Han Zhong, Guhao Feng, Wei Xiong, Xinle Cheng, Li Zhao, Di He, Jiang Bian, Liwei Wang

Abstract: In the classical Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) framework, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is employed to learn from sparse, sentence-level rewards -- a challenging scenario in traditional deep reinforcement learning. Despite the great successes of PPO in the alignment of state-of-the-art closed-source large language models (LLMs), its open-source implementation is still largely sub-optimal, as widely reported by numerous research studies. To address these issues, we introduce a framework that models RLHF problems as a Markov decision process (MDP), enabling the capture of fine-grained token-wise information. Furthermore, we provide theoretical insights that demonstrate the superiority of our MDP framework over the previous sentence-level bandit formulation. Under this framework, we introduce an algorithm, dubbed as Reinforced Token Optimization (\texttt{RTO}), which learns the token-wise reward function from preference data and performs policy optimization based on this learned token-wise reward signal. Theoretically, \texttt{RTO} is proven to have the capability of finding the near-optimal policy sample-efficiently. For its practical implementation, \texttt{RTO} innovatively integrates Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and PPO. DPO, originally derived from sparse sentence rewards, surprisingly provides us with a token-wise characterization of response quality, which is seamlessly incorporated into our subsequent PPO training stage. Extensive real-world alignment experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

replace-cross Constrained Decoding for Secure Code Generation

Authors: Yanjun Fu, Ethan Baker, Yu Ding, Yizheng Chen

Abstract: Code Large Language Models (Code LLMs) have been increasingly used by developers to boost productivity, but they often generate vulnerable code. Thus, there is an urgent need to ensure that code generated by Code LLMs is correct and secure. Previous research has primarily focused on generating secure code, overlooking the fact that secure code also needs to be correct. This oversight can lead to a false sense of security. Currently, the community lacks a method to measure actual progress in this area, and we need solutions that address both security and correctness of code generation. This paper introduces a new benchmark, CodeGuard+, along with two new metrics, to measure Code LLMs' ability to generate both secure and correct code. Using our new evaluation methods, we show that the state-of-the-art defense technique, prefix tuning, may not be as strong as previously believed, since it generates secure code but sacrifices functional correctness. We also demonstrate that different decoding methods significantly affect the security of Code LLMs. Furthermore, we explore a new defense direction: constrained decoding for secure code generation. We propose new constrained decoding techniques to generate secure code. Our results reveal that constrained decoding is more effective than prefix tuning to improve the security of Code LLMs, without requiring a specialized training dataset. Moreover, our evaluations over eight state-of-the-art Code LLMs show that constrained decoding has strong performance to improve the security of Code LLMs, and our technique outperforms GPT-4.

replace-cross Mapping the Unseen: Unified Promptable Panoptic Mapping with Dynamic Labeling using Foundation Models

Authors: Mohamad Al Mdfaa, Raghad Salameh, Sergey Zagoruyko, Gonzalo Ferrer

Abstract: In the field of robotics and computer vision, efficient and accurate semantic mapping remains a significant challenge due to the growing demand for intelligent machines that can comprehend and interact with complex environments. Conventional panoptic mapping methods, however, are limited by predefined semantic classes, thus making them ineffective for handling novel or unforeseen objects. In response to this limitation, we introduce the Unified Promptable Panoptic Mapping (UPPM) method. UPPM utilizes recent advances in foundation models to enable real-time, on-demand label generation using natural language prompts. By incorporating a dynamic labeling strategy into traditional panoptic mapping techniques, UPPM provides significant improvements in adaptability and versatility while maintaining high performance levels in map reconstruction. We demonstrate our approach on real-world and simulated datasets. Results show that UPPM can accurately reconstruct scenes and segment objects while generating rich semantic labels through natural language interactions. A series of ablation experiments validated the advantages of foundation model-based labeling over fixed label sets.

replace-cross ACEGEN: Reinforcement learning of generative chemical agents for drug discovery

Authors: Albert Bou, Morgan Thomas, Sebastian Dittert, Carles Navarro Ram\'irez, Maciej Majewski, Ye Wang, Shivam Patel, Gary Tresadern, Mazen Ahmad, Vincent Moens, Woody Sherman, Simone Sciabola, Gianni De Fabritiis

Abstract: In recent years, reinforcement learning (RL) has emerged as a valuable tool in drug design, offering the potential to propose and optimize molecules with desired properties. However, striking a balance between capabilities, flexibility, reliability, and efficiency remains challenging due to the complexity of advanced RL algorithms and the significant reliance on specialized code. In this work, we introduce ACEGEN, a comprehensive and streamlined toolkit tailored for generative drug design, built using TorchRL, a modern RL library that offers thoroughly tested reusable components. We validate ACEGEN by benchmarking against other published generative modeling algorithms and show comparable or improved performance. We also show examples of ACEGEN applied in multiple drug discovery case studies. ACEGEN is accessible at \url{} and available for use under the MIT license.


replace-cross A Survey on Occupancy Perception for Autonomous Driving: The Information Fusion Perspective

Authors: Huaiyuan Xu, Junliang Chen, Shiyu Meng, Yi Wang, Lap-Pui Chau

Abstract: 3D occupancy perception technology aims to observe and understand dense 3D environments for autonomous vehicles. Owing to its comprehensive perception capability, this technology is emerging as a trend in autonomous driving perception systems, and is attracting significant attention from both industry and academia. Similar to traditional bird's-eye view (BEV) perception, 3D occupancy perception has the nature of multi-source input and the necessity for information fusion. However, the difference is that it captures vertical structures that are ignored by 2D BEV. In this survey, we review the most recent works on 3D occupancy perception, and provide in-depth analyses of methodologies with various input modalities. Specifically, we summarize general network pipelines, highlight information fusion techniques, and discuss effective network training. We evaluate and analyze the occupancy perception performance of the state-of-the-art on the most popular datasets. Furthermore, challenges and future research directions are discussed. We hope this paper will inspire the community and encourage more research work on 3D occupancy perception. A comprehensive list of studies in this survey is publicly available in an active repository that continuously collects the latest work:


replace-cross LLMC: Benchmarking Large Language Model Quantization with a Versatile Compression Toolkit

Authors: Ruihao Gong, Yang Yong, Shiqiao Gu, Yushi Huang, Chentao Lv, Yunchen Zhang, Xianglong Liu, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) are propelling us toward artificial general intelligence with their remarkable emergent abilities and reasoning capabilities. However, the substantial computational and memory requirements limit the widespread adoption. Quantization, a key compression technique, can effectively mitigate these demands by compressing and accelerating LLMs, albeit with potential risks to accuracy. Numerous studies have aimed to minimize the accuracy loss associated with quantization. However, their quantization configurations vary from each other and cannot be fairly compared. In this paper, we present LLMC, a plug-and-play compression toolkit, to fairly and systematically explore the impact of quantization. LLMC integrates dozens of algorithms, models, and hardwares, offering high extensibility from integer to floating-point quantization, from LLM to vision-language (VLM) model, from fixed-bit to mixed precision, and from quantization to sparsification. Powered by this versatile toolkit, our benchmark covers three key aspects: calibration data, algorithms (three strategies), and data formats, providing novel insights and detailed analyses for further research and practical guidance for users. Our toolkit is available at \href{LLMC}{}.


replace-cross LLM4ED: Large Language Models for Automatic Equation Discovery

Authors: Mengge Du, Yuntian Chen, Zhongzheng Wang, Longfeng Nie, Dongxiao Zhang

Abstract: Equation discovery is aimed at directly extracting physical laws from data and has emerged as a pivotal research domain. Previous methods based on symbolic mathematics have achieved substantial advancements, but often require the design of implementation of complex algorithms. In this paper, we introduce a new framework that utilizes natural language-based prompts to guide large language models (LLMs) in automatically mining governing equations from data. Specifically, we first utilize the generation capability of LLMs to generate diverse equations in string form, and then evaluate the generated equations based on observations. In the optimization phase, we propose two alternately iterated strategies to optimize generated equations collaboratively. The first strategy is to take LLMs as a black-box optimizer and achieve equation self-improvement based on historical samples and their performance. The second strategy is to instruct LLMs to perform evolutionary operators for global search. Experiments are extensively conducted on both partial differential equations and ordinary differential equations. Results demonstrate that our framework can discover effective equations to reveal the underlying physical laws under various nonlinear dynamic systems. Further comparisons are made with state-of-the-art models, demonstrating good stability and usability. Our framework substantially lowers the barriers to learning and applying equation discovery techniques, demonstrating the application potential of LLMs in the field of knowledge discovery.

replace-cross The Platonic Representation Hypothesis

Authors: Minyoung Huh, Brian Cheung, Tongzhou Wang, Phillip Isola

Abstract: We argue that representations in AI models, particularly deep networks, are converging. First, we survey many examples of convergence in the literature: over time and across multiple domains, the ways by which different neural networks represent data are becoming more aligned. Next, we demonstrate convergence across data modalities: as vision models and language models get larger, they measure distance between datapoints in a more and more alike way. We hypothesize that this convergence is driving toward a shared statistical model of reality, akin to Plato's concept of an ideal reality. We term such a representation the platonic representation and discuss several possible selective pressures toward it. Finally, we discuss the implications of these trends, their limitations, and counterexamples to our analysis.

replace-cross What Radio Waves Tell Us about Sleep

Authors: Hao He, Chao Li, Wolfgang Ganglberger, Kaileigh Gallagher, Rumen Hristov, Michail Ouroutzoglou, Haoqi Sun, Jimeng Sun, Brandon Westover, Dina Katabi

Abstract: The ability to assess sleep at home, capture sleep stages, and detect the occurrence of apnea (without on-body sensors) simply by analyzing the radio waves bouncing off people's bodies while they sleep is quite powerful. Such a capability would allow for longitudinal data collection in patients' homes, informing our understanding of sleep and its interaction with various diseases and their therapeutic responses, both in clinical trials and routine care. In this article, we develop an advanced machine learning algorithm for passively monitoring sleep and nocturnal breathing from radio waves reflected off people while asleep. Validation results in comparison with the gold standard (i.e., polysomnography) (n=849) demonstrate that the model captures the sleep hypnogram (with an accuracy of 81% for 30-second epochs categorized into Wake, Light Sleep, Deep Sleep, or REM), detects sleep apnea (AUROC = 0.88), and measures the patient's Apnea-Hypopnea Index (ICC=0.95; 95% CI = [0.93, 0.97]). Notably, the model exhibits equitable performance across race, sex, and age. Moreover, the model uncovers informative interactions between sleep stages and a range of diseases including neurological, psychiatric, cardiovascular, and immunological disorders. These findings not only hold promise for clinical practice and interventional trials but also underscore the significance of sleep as a fundamental component in understanding and managing various diseases.

replace-cross Vista: A Generalizable Driving World Model with High Fidelity and Versatile Controllability

Authors: Shenyuan Gao, Jiazhi Yang, Li Chen, Kashyap Chitta, Yihang Qiu, Andreas Geiger, Jun Zhang, Hongyang Li

Abstract: World models can foresee the outcomes of different actions, which is of paramount importance for autonomous driving. Nevertheless, existing driving world models still have limitations in generalization to unseen environments, prediction fidelity of critical details, and action controllability for flexible application. In this paper, we present Vista, a generalizable driving world model with high fidelity and versatile controllability. Based on a systematic diagnosis of existing methods, we introduce several key ingredients to address these limitations. To accurately predict real-world dynamics at high resolution, we propose two novel losses to promote the learning of moving instances and structural information. We also devise an effective latent replacement approach to inject historical frames as priors for coherent long-horizon rollouts. For action controllability, we incorporate a versatile set of controls from high-level intentions (command, goal point) to low-level maneuvers (trajectory, angle, and speed) through an efficient learning strategy. After large-scale training, the capabilities of Vista can seamlessly generalize to different scenarios. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets show that Vista outperforms the most advanced general-purpose video generator in over 70% of comparisons and surpasses the best-performing driving world model by 55% in FID and 27% in FVD. Moreover, for the first time, we utilize the capacity of Vista itself to establish a generalizable reward for real-world action evaluation without accessing the ground truth actions.

replace-cross FAIntbench: A Holistic and Precise Benchmark for Bias Evaluation in Text-to-Image Models

Authors: Hanjun Luo, Ziye Deng, Ruizhe Chen, Zuozhu Liu

Abstract: The rapid development and reduced barriers to entry for Text-to-Image (T2I) models have raised concerns about the biases in their outputs, but existing research lacks a holistic definition and evaluation framework of biases, limiting the enhancement of debiasing techniques. To address this issue, we introduce FAIntbench, a holistic and precise benchmark for biases in T2I models. In contrast to existing benchmarks that evaluate bias in limited aspects, FAIntbench evaluate biases from four dimensions: manifestation of bias, visibility of bias, acquired attributes, and protected attributes. We applied FAIntbench to evaluate seven recent large-scale T2I models and conducted human evaluation, whose results demonstrated the effectiveness of FAIntbench in identifying various biases. Our study also revealed new research questions about biases, including the side-effect of distillation. The findings presented here are preliminary, highlighting the potential of FAIntbench to advance future research aimed at mitigating the biases in T2I models. Our benchmark is publicly available to ensure the reproducibility.

replace-cross From Words to Actions: Unveiling the Theoretical Underpinnings of LLM-Driven Autonomous Systems

Authors: Jianliang He, Siyu Chen, Fengzhuo Zhang, Zhuoran Yang

Abstract: In this work, from a theoretical lens, we aim to understand why large language model (LLM) empowered agents are able to solve decision-making problems in the physical world. To this end, consider a hierarchical reinforcement learning (RL) model where the LLM Planner and the Actor perform high-level task planning and low-level execution, respectively. Under this model, the LLM Planner navigates a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) by iteratively generating language-based subgoals via prompting. Under proper assumptions on the pretraining data, we prove that the pretrained LLM Planner effectively performs Bayesian aggregated imitation learning (BAIL) through in-context learning. Additionally, we highlight the necessity for exploration beyond the subgoals derived from BAIL by proving that naively executing the subgoals returned by LLM leads to a linear regret. As a remedy, we introduce an $\epsilon$-greedy exploration strategy to BAIL, which is proven to incur sublinear regret when the pretraining error is small. Finally, we extend our theoretical framework to include scenarios where the LLM Planner serves as a world model for inferring the transition model of the environment and to multi-agent settings, enabling coordination among multiple Actors.

replace-cross Paths of A Million People: Extracting Life Trajectories from Wikipedia

Authors: Ying Zhang, Xiaofeng Li, Zhaoyang Liu, Haipeng Zhang

Abstract: The life trajectories of notable people have been studied to pinpoint the times and places of significant events such as birth, death, education, marriage, competition, work, speeches, scientific discoveries, artistic achievements, and battles. Understanding how these individuals interact with others provides valuable insights for broader research into human dynamics. However, the scarcity of trajectory data in terms of volume, density, and inter-person interactions, limits relevant studies from being comprehensive and interactive. We mine millions of biography pages from Wikipedia and tackle the generalization problem stemming from the variety and heterogeneity of the trajectory descriptions. Our ensemble model COSMOS, which combines the idea of semi-supervised learning and contrastive learning, achieves an F1 score of 85.95%. For this task, we also create a hand-curated dataset, WikiLifeTrajectory, consisting of 8,852 (person, time, location) triplets as ground truth. Besides, we perform an empirical analysis on the trajectories of 8,272 historians to demonstrate the validity of the extracted results. To facilitate the research on trajectory extractions and help the analytical studies to construct grand narratives, we make our code, the million-level extracted trajectories, and the WikiLifeTrajectory dataset publicly available.

replace-cross Guiding and Diversifying LLM-Based Story Generation via Answer Set Programming

Authors: Phoebe J. Wang, Max Kreminski

Abstract: Instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs) are capable of generating stories in response to open-ended user requests, but the resulting stories tend to be limited in their diversity. Older, symbolic approaches to story generation (such as planning) can generate substantially more diverse plot outlines, but are limited to producing stories that recombine a fixed set of hand-engineered character action templates. Can we combine the strengths of these approaches while mitigating their weaknesses? We propose to do so by using a higher-level and more abstract symbolic specification of high-level story structure -- implemented via answer set programming (ASP) -- to guide and diversify LLM-based story generation. Via semantic similarity analysis, we demonstrate that our approach produces more diverse stories than an unguided LLM, and via code excerpts, we demonstrate the improved compactness and flexibility of ASP-based outline generation over full-fledged narrative planning.

replace-cross Tackling GenAI Copyright Issues: Originality Estimation and Genericization

Authors: Hiroaki Chiba-Okabe, Weijie J. Su

Abstract: The rapid progress of generative AI technology has sparked significant copyright concerns, leading to numerous lawsuits filed against AI developers. While some studies explore methods to mitigate copyright risks by steering the outputs of generative models away from those resembling copyrighted data, little attention has been paid to the question of how much of a resemblance is undesirable; more original or unique data are afforded stronger protection, and the threshold level of resemblance for constituting infringement correspondingly lower. Here, leveraging this principle, we propose a genericization method that modifies the outputs of a generative model to make them more generic and less likely to infringe copyright. To achieve this, we introduce a metric for quantifying the level of originality of data in a manner that is consistent with the legal framework. This metric can be practically estimated by drawing samples from a generative model, which is then used for the genericization process. Experiments demonstrate that our genericization method successfully modifies the output of a text-to-image generative model so that it produces more generic, copyright-compliant images.

replace-cross PANDA: Expanded Width-Aware Message Passing Beyond Rewiring

Authors: Jeongwhan Choi, Sumin Park, Hyowon Wi, Sung-Bae Cho, Noseong Park

Abstract: Recent research in the field of graph neural network (GNN) has identified a critical issue known as "over-squashing," resulting from the bottleneck phenomenon in graph structures, which impedes the propagation of long-range information. Prior works have proposed a variety of graph rewiring concepts that aim at optimizing the spatial or spectral properties of graphs to promote the signal propagation. However, such approaches inevitably deteriorate the original graph topology, which may lead to a distortion of information flow. To address this, we introduce an expanded width-aware (PANDA) message passing, a new message passing paradigm where nodes with high centrality, a potential source of over-squashing, are selectively expanded in width to encapsulate the growing influx of signals from distant nodes. Experimental results show that our method outperforms existing rewiring methods, suggesting that selectively expanding the hidden state of nodes can be a compelling alternative to graph rewiring for addressing the over-squashing.

replace-cross ProcessPainter: Learn Painting Process from Sequence Data

Authors: Yiren Song, Shijie Huang, Chen Yao, Xiaojun Ye, Hai Ci, Jiaming Liu, Yuxuan Zhang, Mike Zheng Shou

Abstract: The painting process of artists is inherently stepwise and varies significantly among different painters and styles. Generating detailed, step-by-step painting processes is essential for art education and research, yet remains largely underexplored. Traditional stroke-based rendering methods break down images into sequences of brushstrokes, yet they fall short of replicating the authentic processes of artists, with limitations confined to basic brushstroke modifications. Text-to-image models utilizing diffusion processes generate images through iterative denoising, also diverge substantially from artists' painting process. To address these challenges, we introduce ProcessPainter, a text-to-video model that is initially pre-trained on synthetic data and subsequently fine-tuned with a select set of artists' painting sequences using the LoRA model. This approach successfully generates painting processes from text prompts for the first time. Furthermore, we introduce an Artwork Replication Network capable of accepting arbitrary-frame input, which facilitates the controlled generation of painting processes, decomposing images into painting sequences, and completing semi-finished artworks. This paper offers new perspectives and tools for advancing art education and image generation technology.

replace-cross GameBench: Evaluating Strategic Reasoning Abilities of LLM Agents

Authors: Anthony Costarelli, Mat Allen, Roman Hauksson, Grace Sodunke, Suhas Hariharan, Carlson Cheng, Wenjie Li, Joshua Clymer, Arjun Yadav

Abstract: Large language models have demonstrated remarkable few-shot performance on many natural language understanding tasks. Despite several demonstrations of using large language models in complex, strategic scenarios, there lacks a comprehensive framework for evaluating agents' performance across various types of reasoning found in games. To address this gap, we introduce GameBench, a cross-domain benchmark for evaluating strategic reasoning abilities of LLM agents. We focus on 9 different game environments, where each covers at least one axis of key reasoning skill identified in strategy games, and select games for which strategy explanations are unlikely to form a significant portion of models' pretraining corpuses. Our evaluations use GPT-3 and GPT-4 in their base form along with two scaffolding frameworks designed to enhance strategic reasoning ability: Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting and Reasoning Via Planning (RAP). Our results show that none of the tested models match human performance, and at worst GPT-4 performs worse than random action. CoT and RAP both improve scores but not comparable to human levels.

replace-cross RoboGolf: Mastering Real-World Minigolf with a Reflective Multi-Modality Vision-Language Model

Authors: Hantao Zhou, Tianying Ji, Lukas Sommerhalder, Michael Goerner, Norman Hendrich, Jianwei Zhang, Fuchun Sun, Huazhe Xu

Abstract: Minigolf is an exemplary real-world game for examining embodied intelligence, requiring challenging spatial and kinodynamic understanding to putt the ball. Additionally, reflective reasoning is required if the feasibility of a challenge is not ensured. We introduce RoboGolf, a VLM-based framework that combines dual-camera perception with closed-loop action refinement, augmented by a reflective equilibrium loop. The core of both loops is powered by finetuned VLMs. We analyze the capabilities of the framework in an offline inference setting, relying on an extensive set of recorded trajectories. Exemplary demonstrations of the analyzed problem domain are available at


replace-cross CBGBench: Fill in the Blank of Protein-Molecule Complex Binding Graph

Authors: Haitao Lin, Guojiang Zhao, Odin Zhang, Yufei Huang, Lirong Wu, Zicheng Liu, Siyuan Li, Cheng Tan, Zhifeng Gao, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: Structure-based drug design (SBDD) aims to generate potential drugs that can bind to a target protein and is greatly expedited by the aid of AI techniques in generative models. However, a lack of systematic understanding persists due to the diverse settings, complex implementation, difficult reproducibility, and task singularity. Firstly, the absence of standardization can lead to unfair comparisons and inconclusive insights. To address this dilemma, we propose CBGBench, a comprehensive benchmark for SBDD, that unifies the task as a generative heterogeneous graph completion, analogous to fill-in-the-blank of the 3D complex binding graph. By categorizing existing methods based on their attributes, CBGBench facilitates a modular and extensible framework that implements various cutting-edge methods. Secondly, a single task on \textit{de novo} molecule generation can hardly reflect their capabilities. To broaden the scope, we have adapted these models to a range of tasks essential in drug design, which are considered sub-tasks within the graph fill-in-the-blank tasks. These tasks include the generative designation of \textit{de novo} molecules, linkers, fragments, scaffolds, and sidechains, all conditioned on the structures of protein pockets. Our evaluations are conducted with fairness, encompassing comprehensive perspectives on interaction, chemical properties, geometry authenticity, and substructure validity. We further provide the pre-trained versions of the state-of-the-art models and deep insights with analysis from empirical studies. The codebase for CBGBench is publicly accessible at \url{}.


replace-cross Adversarial Style Augmentation via Large Language Model for Robust Fake News Detection

Authors: Sungwon Park, Sungwon Han, Meeyoung Cha

Abstract: The spread of fake news negatively impacts individuals and is regarded as a significant social challenge that needs to be addressed. A number of algorithmic and insightful features have been identified for detecting fake news. However, with the recent LLMs and their advanced generation capabilities, many of the detectable features (e.g., style-conversion attacks) can be altered, making it more challenging to distinguish from real news. This study proposes adversarial style augmentation, AdStyle, to train a fake news detector that remains robust against various style-conversion attacks. Our model's key mechanism is the careful use of LLMs to automatically generate a diverse yet coherent range of style-conversion attack prompts. This improves the generation of prompts that are particularly difficult for the detector to handle. Experiments show that our augmentation strategy improves robustness and detection performance when tested on fake news benchmark datasets.

replace-cross Neural Residual Diffusion Models for Deep Scalable Vision Generation

Authors: Zhiyuan Ma, Liangliang Zhao, Biqing Qi, Bowen Zhou

Abstract: The most advanced diffusion models have recently adopted increasingly deep stacked networks (e.g., U-Net or Transformer) to promote the generative emergence capabilities of vision generation models similar to large language models (LLMs). However, progressively deeper stacked networks will intuitively cause numerical propagation errors and reduce noisy prediction capabilities on generative data, which hinders massively deep scalable training of vision generation models. In this paper, we first uncover the nature that neural networks being able to effectively perform generative denoising lies in the fact that the intrinsic residual unit has consistent dynamic property with the input signal's reverse diffusion process, thus supporting excellent generative abilities. Afterwards, we stand on the shoulders of two common types of deep stacked networks to propose a unified and massively scalable Neural Residual Diffusion Models framework (Neural-RDM for short), which is a simple yet meaningful change to the common architecture of deep generative networks by introducing a series of learnable gated residual parameters that conform to the generative dynamics. Experimental results on various generative tasks show that the proposed neural residual models obtain state-of-the-art scores on image's and video's generative benchmarks. Rigorous theoretical proofs and extensive experiments also demonstrate the advantages of this simple gated residual mechanism consistent with dynamic modeling in improving the fidelity and consistency of generated content and supporting large-scale scalable training. Code is available at


replace-cross Fusion of Movement and Naive Predictions for Point Forecasting in Univariate Random Walks

Authors: Cheng Zhang

Abstract: Point forecasting in univariate random walks is an important but challenging research topic that has attracted numerous researchers. Unfortunately, traditional regression methods for this task often fail to surpass naive benchmarks due to data unpredictability. From a decision fusion perspective, this study proposes a novel forecasting method, which is derived from a variant definition of random walks, where the random error term for the future value is expressed as a positive random error multiplied by a direction sign. This method, based on the fusion of movement and naive predictions, does not require a loss function for optimization and can be optimized by estimating movement prediction accuracy on the validation set. This characteristic prevents the fusion method from reverting to traditional regression methods and allows it to integrate various machine learning and deep learning models for movement prediction. The method's efficacy is demonstrated through simulations and real-world data experiments. It reliably outperforms naive forecasts with moderate movement prediction accuracies, such as 0.55, and is superior to baseline models such as the ARIMA, linear regression, MLP, and LSTM networks in forecasting the S&P 500 index and Bitcoin prices. This method is particularly advantageous when accurate point predictions are challenging but accurate movement predictions are attainable, translating movement predictions into point forecasts in random walk contexts.

replace-cross What Matters in Transformers? Not All Attention is Needed

Authors: Shwai He, Guoheng Sun, Zheyu Shen, Ang Li

Abstract: Scaling Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) has demonstrated promising performance across various tasks. However, it also introduces redundant structures, posing challenges for real-world deployment. Despite some recognition of redundancy in LLMs, the variability of redundancy across different modules, such as MLP and Attention layers, is under-explored. In this work, we investigate the varying redundancy across different modules within Transformers, including Blocks, MLP, and Attention layers, using a similarity-based metric. This metric operates on the premise that redundant structures produce outputs highly similar to their inputs. Surprisingly, while attention layers are essential for transformers and distinguish them from other mainstream architectures, we found that a large proportion of attention layers exhibit excessively high similarity and can be safely pruned without degrading performance, leading to reduced memory and computation costs. Additionally, we further propose a method that jointly drops Attention and MLP layers, achieving improved performance and dropping ratios. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods, e.g., Llama-3-70B maintains comparable performance even after pruning half of the attention layers. Our findings provide valuable insights for future network architecture design. The code is released at: \url{}.


replace-cross OTCE: Hybrid SSM and Attention with Cross Domain Mixture of Experts to construct Observer-Thinker-Conceiver-Expresser

Authors: Jingze Shi, Ting Xie, Bingheng Wu, Chunjun Zheng, Kai Wang

Abstract: Recent research has shown that combining Mamba with Transformer architecture, which has selective state space and quadratic self-attention mechanism, outperforms using Mamba or Transformer architecture alone in language modeling tasks. The quadratic self-attention mechanism effectively alleviates the shortcomings of selective state space in handling long-term dependencies of any element in the sequence. We propose a position information injection method that connects the selective state space model with the quadratic attention, and integrates these two architectures with hybrid experts with cross-sharing domains, so that we can enjoy the advantages of both. We design a new architecture with a more biomimetic idea: Observer-Thinker-Conceiver-Expresser (OTCE), which can compete with well-known medium-scale open-source language models on a small scale in language modeling tasks.

replace-cross KANQAS: Kolmogorov-Arnold Network for Quantum Architecture Search

Authors: Akash Kundu, Aritra Sarkar, Abhishek Sadhu

Abstract: Quantum architecture search (QAS) is a promising direction for optimization and automated design of quantum circuits towards quantum advantage. Recent techniques in QAS focus on machine learning-based approaches from reinforcement learning, like deep Q-network. While multi-layer perceptron-based deep Q-networks have been applied for QAS, their interpretability remains challenging due to the high number of parameters. In this work, we evaluate the practicality of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) in QAS problems, analyzing their efficiency in the task of quantum state preparation and quantum chemistry. In quantum state preparation, our results show that in a noiseless scenario, the probability of success and the number of optimal quantum circuit configurations to generate the multi-qubit maximally entangled states are $2\times$ to $5\times$ higher than Multi-Layer perceptions (MLPs). Moreover, in noisy scenarios, KAN can achieve a better fidelity in approximating maximally entangled state than MLPs, where the performance of the MLP significantly depends on the choice of activation function. In tackling quantum chemistry problems, we enhance the recently proposed QAS algorithm by integrating Curriculum Reinforcement Learning (CRL) with a KAN structure instead of the traditional MLP. This modification allows us to design a parameterized quantum circuit that contains fewer 2-qubit gates and has a shallower depth, thereby improving the efficiency of finding the ground state of a chemical Hamiltonian. Further investigation reveals that KAN requires a significantly smaller number of learnable parameters compared to MLPs; however, the average time of executing each episode for KAN is higher.

replace-cross Detecting Brittle Decisions for Free: Leveraging Margin Consistency in Deep Robust Classifiers

Authors: Jonas Ngnaw\'e, Sabyasachi Sahoo, Yann Pequignot, Fr\'ed\'eric Precioso, Christian Gagn\'e

Abstract: Despite extensive research on adversarial training strategies to improve robustness, the decisions of even the most robust deep learning models can still be quite sensitive to imperceptible perturbations, creating serious risks when deploying them for high-stakes real-world applications. While detecting such cases may be critical, evaluating a model's vulnerability at a per-instance level using adversarial attacks is computationally too intensive and unsuitable for real-time deployment scenarios. The input space margin is the exact score to detect non-robust samples and is intractable for deep neural networks. This paper introduces the concept of margin consistency -- a property that links the input space margins and the logit margins in robust models -- for efficient detection of vulnerable samples. First, we establish that margin consistency is a necessary and sufficient condition to use a model's logit margin as a score for identifying non-robust samples. Next, through comprehensive empirical analysis of various robustly trained models on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets, we show that they indicate strong margin consistency with a strong correlation between their input space margins and the logit margins. Then, we show that we can effectively use the logit margin to confidently detect brittle decisions with such models and accurately estimate robust accuracy on an arbitrarily large test set by estimating the input margins only on a small subset. Finally, we address cases where the model is not sufficiently margin-consistent by learning a pseudo-margin from the feature representation. Our findings highlight the potential of leveraging deep representations to efficiently assess adversarial vulnerability in deployment scenarios.

replace-cross RouteLLM: Learning to Route LLMs with Preference Data

Authors: Isaac Ong, Amjad Almahairi, Vincent Wu, Wei-Lin Chiang, Tianhao Wu, Joseph E. Gonzalez, M Waleed Kadous, Ion Stoica

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) exhibit impressive capabilities across a wide range of tasks, yet the choice of which model to use often involves a trade-off between performance and cost. More powerful models, though effective, come with higher expenses, while less capable models are more cost-effective. To address this dilemma, we propose several efficient router models that dynamically select between a stronger and a weaker LLM during inference, aiming to optimize the balance between cost and response quality. We develop a training framework for these routers leveraging human preference data and data augmentation techniques to enhance performance. Our evaluation on widely-recognized benchmarks shows that our approach significantly reduces costs-by over 2 times in certain cases-without compromising the quality of responses. Interestingly, our router models also demonstrate significant transfer learning capabilities, maintaining their performance even when the strong and weak models are changed at test time. This highlights the potential of these routers to provide a cost-effective yet high-performance solution for deploying LLMs.

replace-cross ShortcutsBench: A Large-Scale Real-world Benchmark for API-based Agents

Authors: Haiyang Shen, Yue Li, Desong Meng, Dongqi Cai, Sheng Qi, Li Zhang, Mengwei Xu, Yun Ma

Abstract: Recent advancements in integrating large language models (LLMs) with application programming interfaces (APIs) have gained significant interest in both academia and industry. These API-based agents, leveraging the strong autonomy and planning capabilities of LLMs, can efficiently solve problems requiring multi-step actions. However, their ability to handle multi-dimensional difficulty levels, diverse task types, and real-world demands through APIs remains unknown. In this paper, we introduce \textsc{ShortcutsBench}, a large-scale benchmark for the comprehensive evaluation of API-based agents in solving tasks with varying levels of difficulty, diverse task types, and real-world demands. \textsc{ShortcutsBench} includes a wealth of real APIs from Apple Inc.'s operating systems, refined user queries from shortcuts, human-annotated high-quality action sequences from shortcut developers, and accurate parameter filling values about primitive parameter types, enum parameter types, outputs from previous actions, and parameters that need to request necessary information from the system or user. Our extensive evaluation of agents built with $5$ leading open-source (size >= 57B) and $4$ closed-source LLMs (e.g. Gemini-1.5-Pro and GPT-3.5) reveals significant limitations in handling complex queries related to API selection, parameter filling, and requesting necessary information from systems and users. These findings highlight the challenges that API-based agents face in effectively fulfilling real and complex user queries. All datasets, code, and experimental results will be available at \url{}.


replace-cross Korean Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis via Implicit-Feature Alignment with Corpus Filtering

Authors: Kibeom Nam

Abstract: Investigations into Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) for Korean restaurant reviews are notably lacking in the existing literature. Our research proposes an intuitive and effective framework for ABSA in low-resource languages such as Korean. It optimizes prediction labels by integrating translated benchmark and unlabeled Korean data. Using a model fine-tuned on translated data, we pseudo-labeled the actual Korean NLI set. Subsequently, we applied LaBSE and MSP-based filtering to this pseudo-NLI set as implicit feature, enhancing Aspect Category Detection and Polarity determination through additional training. Incorporating dual filtering, this model bridged dataset gaps, achieving positive results in Korean ABSA with minimal resources. Through additional data injection pipelines, our approach aims to utilize high-resource data and construct effective models within communities, whether corporate or individual, in low-resource language countries. Compared to English ABSA, our framework showed an approximately 3% difference in F1 scores and accuracy. We release the dataset and our code for Korean ABSA, at this link.

replace-cross FineSurE: Fine-grained Summarization Evaluation using LLMs

Authors: Hwanjun Song, Hang Su, Igor Shalyminov, Jason Cai, Saab Mansour

Abstract: Automated evaluation is crucial for streamlining text summarization benchmarking and model development, given the costly and time-consuming nature of human evaluation. Traditional methods like ROUGE do not correlate well with human judgment, while recently proposed LLM-based metrics provide only summary-level assessment using Likert-scale scores. This limits deeper model analysis, e.g., we can only assign one hallucination score at the summary level, while at the sentence level, we can count sentences containing hallucinations. To remedy those limitations, we propose FineSurE, a fine-grained evaluator specifically tailored for the summarization task using large language models (LLMs). It also employs completeness and conciseness criteria, in addition to faithfulness, enabling multi-dimensional assessment. We compare various open-source and proprietary LLMs as backbones for FineSurE. In addition, we conduct extensive benchmarking of FineSurE against SOTA methods including NLI-, QA-, and LLM-based methods, showing improved performance especially on the completeness and conciseness dimensions. The code is available at


replace-cross Predictive Coding Networks and Inference Learning: Tutorial and Survey

Authors: Bj\"orn van Zwol, Ro Jefferson, Egon L. van den Broek

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed a growing call for renewed emphasis on neuroscience-inspired approaches in artificial intelligence research, under the banner of NeuroAI. A prime example of this is predictive coding networks (PCNs), based on the neuroscientific framework of predictive coding. This framework views the brain as a hierarchical Bayesian inference model that minimizes prediction errors through feedback connections. Unlike traditional neural networks trained with backpropagation (BP), PCNs utilize inference learning (IL), a more biologically plausible algorithm that explains patterns of neural activity that BP cannot. Historically, IL has been more computationally intensive, but recent advancements have demonstrated that it can achieve higher efficiency than BP with sufficient parallelization. Furthermore, PCNs can be mathematically considered a superset of traditional feedforward neural networks (FNNs), significantly extending the range of trainable architectures. As inherently probabilistic (graphical) latent variable models, PCNs provide a versatile framework for both supervised learning and unsupervised (generative) modeling that goes beyond traditional artificial neural networks. This work provides a comprehensive review and detailed formal specification of PCNs, particularly situating them within the context of modern ML methods. Additionally, we introduce a Python library (PRECO) for practical implementation. This positions PC as a promising framework for future ML innovations.

replace-cross PDiscoFormer: Relaxing Part Discovery Constraints with Vision Transformers

Authors: Ananthu Aniraj, Cassio F. Dantas, Dino Ienco, Diego Marcos

Abstract: Computer vision methods that explicitly detect object parts and reason on them are a step towards inherently interpretable models. Existing approaches that perform part discovery driven by a fine-grained classification task make very restrictive assumptions on the geometric properties of the discovered parts; they should be small and compact. Although this prior is useful in some cases, in this paper we show that pre-trained transformer-based vision models, such as self-supervised DINOv2 ViT, enable the relaxation of these constraints. In particular, we find that a total variation (TV) prior, which allows for multiple connected components of any size, substantially outperforms previous work. We test our approach on three fine-grained classification benchmarks: CUB, PartImageNet and Oxford Flowers, and compare our results to previously published methods as well as a re-implementation of the state-of-the-art method PDiscoNet with a transformer-based backbone. We consistently obtain substantial improvements across the board, both on part discovery metrics and the downstream classification task, showing that the strong inductive biases in self-supervised ViT models require to rethink the geometric priors that can be used for unsupervised part discovery.

replace-cross Explorative Imitation Learning: A Path Signature Approach for Continuous Environments

Authors: Nathan Gavenski, Juarez Monteiro, Felipe Meneguzzi, Michael Luck, Odinaldo Rodrigues

Abstract: Some imitation learning methods combine behavioural cloning with self-supervision to infer actions from state pairs. However, most rely on a large number of expert trajectories to increase generalisation and human intervention to capture key aspects of the problem, such as domain constraints. In this paper, we propose Continuous Imitation Learning from Observation (CILO), a new method augmenting imitation learning with two important features: (i) exploration, allowing for more diverse state transitions, requiring less expert trajectories and resulting in fewer training iterations; and (ii) path signatures, allowing for automatic encoding of constraints, through the creation of non-parametric representations of agents and expert trajectories. We compared CILO with a baseline and two leading imitation learning methods in five environments. It had the best overall performance of all methods in all environments, outperforming the expert in two of them.

replace-cross Aligning Cyber Space with Physical World: A Comprehensive Survey on Embodied AI

Authors: Yang Liu, Weixing Chen, Yongjie Bai, Guanbin Li, Wen Gao, Liang Lin

Abstract: Embodied Artificial Intelligence (Embodied AI) is crucial for achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and serves as a foundation for various applications that bridge cyberspace and the physical world. Recently, the emergence of Multi-modal Large Models (MLMs) and World Models (WMs) have attracted significant attention due to their remarkable perception, interaction, and reasoning capabilities, making them a promising architecture for the brain of embodied agents. However, there is no comprehensive survey for Embodied AI in the era of MLMs. In this survey, we give a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements in Embodied AI. Our analysis firstly navigates through the forefront of representative works of embodied robots and simulators, to fully understand the research focuses and their limitations. Then, we analyze four main research targets: 1) embodied perception, 2) embodied interaction, 3) embodied agent, and 4) sim-to-real adaptation, covering the state-of-the-art methods, essential paradigms, and comprehensive datasets. Additionally, we explore the complexities of MLMs in virtual and real embodied agents, highlighting their significance in facilitating interactions in dynamic digital and physical environments. Finally, we summarize the challenges and limitations of embodied AI and discuss their potential future directions. We hope this survey will serve as a foundational reference for the research community and inspire continued innovation. The associated project can be found at


replace-cross Mitigating Partial Observability in Sequential Decision Processes via the Lambda Discrepancy

Authors: Cameron Allen, Aaron Kirtland, Ruo Yu Tao, Sam Lobel, Daniel Scott, Nicholas Petrocelli, Omer Gottesman, Ronald Parr, Michael L. Littman, George Konidaris

Abstract: Reinforcement learning algorithms typically rely on the assumption that the environment dynamics and value function can be expressed in terms of a Markovian state representation. However, when state information is only partially observable, how can an agent learn such a state representation, and how can it detect when it has found one? We introduce a metric that can accomplish both objectives, without requiring access to--or knowledge of--an underlying, unobservable state space. Our metric, the $\lambda$-discrepancy, is the difference between two distinct temporal difference (TD) value estimates, each computed using TD($\lambda$) with a different value of $\lambda$. Since TD($\lambda$=0) makes an implicit Markov assumption and TD($\lambda$=1) does not, a discrepancy between these estimates is a potential indicator of a non-Markovian state representation. Indeed, we prove that the $\lambda$-discrepancy is exactly zero for all Markov decision processes and almost always non-zero for a broad class of partially observable environments. We also demonstrate empirically that, once detected, minimizing the $\lambda$-discrepancy can help with learning a memory function to mitigate the corresponding partial observability. We then train a reinforcement learning agent that simultaneously constructs two recurrent value networks with different $\lambda$ parameters and minimizes the difference between them as an auxiliary loss. The approach scales to challenging partially observable domains, where the resulting agent frequently performs significantly better (and never performs worse) than a baseline recurrent agent with only a single value network.

replace-cross ARCO:Adaptive Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Hardware/Software Co-Optimization Compiler for Improved Performance in DNN Accelerator Design

Authors: Arya Fayyazi, Mehdi Kamal, Massoud Pedram

Abstract: This paper presents ARCO, an adaptive Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL)-based co-optimizing compilation framework designed to enhance the efficiency of mapping machine learning (ML) models - such as Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) - onto diverse hardware platforms. The framework incorporates three specialized actor-critic agents within MARL, each dedicated to a distinct aspect of compilation/optimization at an abstract level: one agent focuses on hardware, while two agents focus on software optimizations. This integration results in a collaborative hardware/software co-optimization strategy that improves the precision and speed of DNN deployments. Concentrating on high-confidence configurations simplifies the search space and delivers superior performance compared to current optimization methods. The ARCO framework surpasses existing leading frameworks, achieving a throughput increase of up to 37.95% while reducing the optimization time by up to 42.2% across various DNNs.

replace-cross Latent Conditional Diffusion-based Data Augmentation for Continuous-Time Dynamic Graph Model

Authors: Yuxing Tian, Yiyan Qi, Aiwen Jiang, Qi Huang, Jian Guo

Abstract: Continuous-Time Dynamic Graph (CTDG) precisely models evolving real-world relationships, drawing heightened interest in dynamic graph learning across academia and industry. However, existing CTDG models encounter challenges stemming from noise and limited historical data. Graph Data Augmentation (GDA) emerges as a critical solution, yet current approaches primarily focus on static graphs and struggle to effectively address the dynamics inherent in CTDGs. Moreover, these methods often demand substantial domain expertise for parameter tuning and lack theoretical guarantees for augmentation efficacy. To address these issues, we propose Conda, a novel latent diffusion-based GDA method tailored for CTDGs. Conda features a sandwich-like architecture, incorporating a Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) and a conditional diffusion model, aimed at generating enhanced historical neighbor embeddings for target nodes. Unlike conventional diffusion models trained on entire graphs via pre-training, Conda requires historical neighbor sequence embeddings of target nodes for training, thus facilitating more targeted augmentation. We integrate Conda into the CTDG model and adopt an alternating training strategy to optimize performance. Extensive experimentation across six widely used real-world datasets showcases the consistent performance improvement of our approach, particularly in scenarios with limited historical data.

replace-cross TAPI: Towards Target-Specific and Adversarial Prompt Injection against Code LLMs

Authors: Yuchen Yang, Hongwei Yao, Bingrun Yang, Yiling He, Yiming Li, Tianwei Zhang, Zhan Qin, Kui Ren

Abstract: Recently, code-oriented large language models (Code LLMs) have been widely and successfully used to simplify and facilitate code programming. With these tools, developers can easily generate desired complete functional codes based on incomplete code and natural language prompts. However, a few pioneering works revealed that these Code LLMs are also vulnerable, e.g., against backdoor and adversarial attacks. The former could induce LLMs to respond to triggers to insert malicious code snippets by poisoning the training data or model parameters, while the latter can craft malicious adversarial input codes to reduce the quality of generated codes. However, both attack methods have underlying limitations: backdoor attacks rely on controlling the model training process, while adversarial attacks struggle with fulfilling specific malicious purposes. To inherit the advantages of both backdoor and adversarial attacks, this paper proposes a new attack paradigm, i.e., target-specific and adversarial prompt injection (TAPI), against Code LLMs. TAPI generates unreadable comments containing information about malicious instructions and hides them as triggers in the external source code. When users exploit Code LLMs to complete codes containing the trigger, the models will generate attacker-specified malicious code snippets at specific locations. We evaluate our TAPI attack on four representative LLMs under three representative malicious objectives and seven cases. The results show that our method is highly threatening (achieving an attack success rate of up to 98.3%) and stealthy (saving an average of 53.1% of tokens in the trigger design). In particular, we successfully attack some famous deployed code completion integrated applications, including CodeGeex and Github Copilot. This further confirms the realistic threat of our attack.

replace-cross ResVMUNetX: A Low-Light Enhancement Network Based on VMamba

Authors: Shuang Wang, Qingchuan Tao, Zhenming Tang

Abstract: This study presents ResVMUNetX, a novel image enhancement network for low-light conditions, addressing the limitations of existing deep learning methods in capturing long-range image information. Leveraging error regression and an efficient VMamba architecture, ResVMUNetX enhances brightness, recovers structural details, and removes noise through a two-step process involving direct pixel addition and a specialized Denoise CNN module. Demonstrating superior performance on the LOL dataset, ResVMUNetX significantly improves image clarity and quality with reduced computational demands, achieving real-time processing speeds of up to 70 frames per second. This confirms its effectiveness in enhancing low-light images and its potential for practical, real-time applications.

replace-cross Key-Point-Driven Mathematical Reasoning Distillation of Large Language Model

Authors: Xunyu Zhu, Jian Li, Can Ma, Weiping Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional proficiency in mathematical reasoning tasks due to their extensive parameter counts and training on vast datasets. Despite these capabilities, deploying LLMs is hindered by their computational demands. Distilling LLM mathematical reasoning into Smaller Language Models (SLMs) has emerged as a solution to this challenge, although these smaller models often suffer from errors in calculation and semantic understanding. Prior work has proposed Program-of-Thought Distillation (PoTD) to avoid calculation error. To further address semantic understanding errors, we propose Key-Point-Driven Mathematical Reasoning Distillation (KPDD). KPDD enhances the reasoning performance of SLMs by breaking down the problem-solving process into three stages: Core Question Extraction, Problem-Solving Information Extraction, and Step-by-Step Solution. This method is further divided into KPDD-CoT, which generates Chain-of-Thought rationales, and KPDD-PoT, which creates Program-of-Thought rationales. The experiment results show that KPDD-CoT significantly improves reasoning abilities, while KPDD-PoT achieves state-of-the-art performance in mathematical reasoning tasks. Our approach effectively mitigates misunderstanding errors, advancing the deployment of efficient and capable SLMs.

replace-cross xLSTMTime : Long-term Time Series Forecasting With xLSTM

Authors: Musleh Alharthi, Ausif Mahmood

Abstract: In recent years, transformer-based models have gained prominence in multivariate long-term time series forecasting (LTSF), demonstrating significant advancements despite facing challenges such as high computational demands, difficulty in capturing temporal dynamics, and managing long-term dependencies. The emergence of LTSF-Linear, with its straightforward linear architecture, has notably outperformed transformer-based counterparts, prompting a reevaluation of the transformer's utility in time series forecasting. In response, this paper presents an adaptation of a recent architecture termed extended LSTM (xLSTM) for LTSF. xLSTM incorporates exponential gating and a revised memory structure with higher capacity that has good potential for LTSF. Our adopted architecture for LTSF termed as xLSTMTime surpasses current approaches. We compare xLSTMTime's performance against various state-of-the-art models across multiple real-world da-tasets, demonstrating superior forecasting capabilities. Our findings suggest that refined recurrent architectures can offer competitive alternatives to transformer-based models in LTSF tasks, po-tentially redefining the landscape of time series forecasting.

replace-cross CourseAssist: Pedagogically Appropriate AI Tutor for Computer Science Education

Authors: Ty Feng, Sa Liu, Dipak Ghosal

Abstract: The growing enrollments in computer science courses and increase in class sizes necessitate scalable, automated tutoring solutions to adequately support student learning. While Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 have demonstrated potential in assisting students through question-answering, educators express concerns over student overreliance, miscomprehension of generated code, and the risk of inaccurate answers. Rather than banning these tools outright, we advocate for a constructive approach that harnesses the capabilities of AI while mitigating potential risks. This poster introduces CourseAssist, a novel LLM-based tutoring system tailored for computer science education. Unlike generic LLM systems, CourseAssist uses retrieval-augmented generation, user intent classification, and question decomposition to align AI responses with specific course materials and learning objectives, thereby ensuring pedagogical appropriateness of LLMs in educational settings. We evaluated CourseAssist against a baseline of GPT-4 using a dataset of 50 question-answer pairs from a programming languages course, focusing on the criteria of usefulness, accuracy, and pedagogical appropriateness. Evaluation results show that CourseAssist significantly outperforms the baseline, demonstrating its potential to serve as an effective learning assistant. We have also deployed CourseAssist in 6 computer science courses at a large public R1 research university reaching over 500 students. Interviews with 20 student users show that CourseAssist improves computer science instruction by increasing the accessibility of course-specific tutoring help and shortening the feedback loop on their programming assignments. Future work will include extensive pilot testing at more universities and exploring better collaborative relationships between students, educators, and AI that improve computer science learning experiences.

replace-cross CodeV: Empowering LLMs for Verilog Generation through Multi-Level Summarization

Authors: Yang Zhao, Di Huang, Chongxiao Li, Pengwei Jin, Ziyuan Nan, Tianyun Ma, Lei Qi, Yansong Pan, Zhenxing Zhang, Rui Zhang, Xishan Zhang, Zidong Du, Qi Guo, Xing Hu, Yunji Chen

Abstract: The increasing complexity and high costs associated with modern processor design have led to a surge in demand for processor design automation. Instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in automatically generating code for general-purpose programming languages like Python. However, these methods fail on hardware description languages (HDLs) like Verilog due to the scarcity of high-quality instruction tuning data, as even advanced LLMs like GPT-3.5 exhibit limited performance on Verilog generation. Regarding this issue, we observe that (1) Verilog code collected from the real world has higher quality than those generated by LLMs. (2) LLMs like GPT-3.5 excel in summarizing Verilog code rather than generating it. Based on these observations, this paper introduces CodeV, a series of open-source instruction-tuned Verilog generation LLMs. Instead of generating descriptions first and then getting the corresponding code from advanced LLMs, we prompt the LLM with Verilog code and let the LLM generate the corresponding natural language description by multi-level summarization. Experimental results show that CodeV relatively surpasses the previous open-source SOTA by 14.4% (BetterV in VerilogEval) and 11.3% (RTLCoder in RTLLM) respectively, and also relatively outperforms previous commercial SOTA GPT-4 by 22.1% in VerilogEval.

replace-cross MSegRNN:Enhanced SegRNN Model with Mamba for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting

Authors: GaoXiang Zhao, XiaoQiang Wang

Abstract: The field of long-term time series forecasting demands handling extensive look-back windows and long-range prediction steps, posing significant challenges for RNN-based methodologies. Among these, SegRNN, a robust RNN-driven model, has gained considerable attention in LTSF analysis for achieving state-of-the-art results while maintaining a remarkably streamlined architecture. Concurrently, the Mamba structure has demonstrated its advantages in small to medium-sized models due to its capability for information selection. This study introduces a variant of SegRNN that preprocesses information using a fine-tuned single-layer Mamba structure. Additionally, it incorporates implicit segmentation and residual structures into the model's encoding section to further reduce the inherent data iterative cycles of RNN architectures and implicitly integrate inter-channel correlations. This variant, named MSegRNN, utilizes the Mamba structure to select useful information, resulting in a transformed sequence. The linear-strategy-adapted derivative retains the superior memory efficiency of the original SegRNN while demonstrating enhanced performance. Empirical evaluations on real-world LTSF datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our model, thereby contributing to the advancement of LTSF methodologies.

replace-cross Optimal Defender Strategies for CAGE-2 using Causal Modeling and Tree Search

Authors: Kim Hammar, Neil Dhir, Rolf Stadler

Abstract: The CAGE-2 challenge is considered a standard benchmark to compare methods for autonomous cyber defense. Current state-of-the-art methods evaluated against this benchmark are based on model-free (offline) reinforcement learning, which does not provide provably optimal defender strategies. We address this limitation and present a formal (causal) model of CAGE-2 together with a method that produces a provably optimal defender strategy, which we call Causal Partially Observable Monte-Carlo Planning (C-POMCP). It has two key properties. First, it incorporates the causal structure of the target system, i.e., the causal relationships among the system variables. This structure allows for a significant reduction of the search space of defender strategies. Second, it is an online method that updates the defender strategy at each time step via tree search. Evaluations against the CAGE-2 benchmark show that C-POMCP achieves state-of-the-art performance with respect to effectiveness and is two orders of magnitude more efficient in computing time than the closest competitor method.

replace-cross Reliable Reasoning Beyond Natural Language

Authors: Nasim Borazjanizadeh, Steven T. Piantadosi

Abstract: Despite their linguistic competence, Large Language models (LLMs) often exhibit limitations in their ability to reason reliably and flexibly. To address this, we propose a neurosymbolic approach that prompts LLMs to extract and encode all relevant information from a problem statement as logical code statements, and then use a logic programming language (Prolog) to conduct the iterative computations of explicit deductive reasoning. Our approach significantly enhances the performance of LLMs on the standard mathematical reasoning benchmark, GSM8k, and the Navigate dataset from the BIG-bench dataset. Additionally, we introduce a novel dataset, the Non-Linear Reasoning (NLR) dataset, consisting of 55 unique word problems that target the shortcomings of the next token prediction paradigm of LLMs and require complex non-linear reasoning but only basic arithmetic skills to solve. Our findings demonstrate that the integration of Prolog enables LLMs to achieve high performance on the NLR dataset, which even the most advanced language models (including GPT4) fail to solve using text only.

replace-cross Ada-KV: Optimizing KV Cache Eviction by Adaptive Budget Allocation for Efficient LLM Inference

Authors: Yuan Feng, Junlin Lv, Yukun Cao, Xike Xie, S. Kevin Zhou

Abstract: Large Language Models have excelled in various fields but encounter efficiency limitations due to the substantial Key-Value (KV) cache required for long-sequence inference. Recent efforts try to evict non-critical cache elements during runtime, thereby reducing cache size within given memory budgets while preserving generation quality. Our reexamination of foundational principles reveals that prevailing methods aim to minimize an upper bound of eviction loss, quantified as the L1 distance between the pre- and post-eviction outputs of multi-head self-attention mechanisms. Moreover, our analysis indicates that the common practices of uniformly assigning budgets across different attention heads during cache eviction hinder their budget utilization, negatively impacting generation quality. In light of these findings, we propose a simple yet effective adaptive budget allocation algorithm. This algorithm not only optimizes the loss upper bound in theory but also reduces the eviction loss in practice by aligning with the intrinsic patterns of self-attention mechanisms. Integrating this algorithm into two advanced methods, we develop Ada-SnapKV and Ada-Pyramid. Extensive evaluations on 16 datasets and the Needle-in-a-Haystack test confirm that they both significantly boost performance across various tasks.

replace-cross Graph Signal Processing for Cross-Domain Recommendation

Authors: Jeongeun Lee, Seongku Kang, Won-Yong Shin, Jeongwhan Choi, Noseong Park, Dongha Lee

Abstract: Cross-domain recommendation (CDR) extends conventional recommender systems by leveraging user-item interactions from dense domains to mitigate data sparsity and the cold start problem. While CDR offers substantial potential for enhancing recommendation performance, most existing CDR methods suffer from sensitivity to the ratio of overlapping users and intrinsic discrepancy between source and target domains. To overcome these limitations, in this work, we explore the application of graph signal processing (GSP) in CDR scenarios. We propose CGSP, a unified CDR framework based on GSP, which employs a cross-domain similarity graph constructed by flexibly combining target-only similarity and source-bridged similarity. By processing personalized graph signals computed for users from either the source or target domain, our framework effectively supports both inter-domain and intra-domain recommendations. Our empirical evaluation demonstrates that CGSP consistently outperforms various encoder-based CDR approaches in both intra-domain and inter-domain recommendation scenarios, especially when the ratio of overlapping users is low, highlighting its significant practical implication in real-world applications.

replace-cross StuGPTViz: A Visual Analytics Approach to Understand Student-ChatGPT Interactions

Authors: Zixin Chen, Jiachen Wang, Meng Xia, Kento Shigyo, Dingdong Liu, Rong Zhang, Huamin Qu

Abstract: The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs), especially ChatGPT, into education is poised to revolutionize students' learning experiences by introducing innovative conversational learning methodologies. To empower students to fully leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT in educational scenarios, understanding students' interaction patterns with ChatGPT is crucial for instructors. However, this endeavor is challenging due to the absence of datasets focused on student-ChatGPT conversations and the complexities in identifying and analyzing the evolutional interaction patterns within conversations. To address these challenges, we collected conversational data from 48 students interacting with ChatGPT in a master's level data visualization course over one semester. We then developed a coding scheme, grounded in the literature on cognitive levels and thematic analysis, to categorize students' interaction patterns with ChatGPT. Furthermore, we present a visual analytics system, StuGPTViz, that tracks and compares temporal patterns in student prompts and the quality of ChatGPT's responses at multiple scales, revealing significant pedagogical insights for instructors. We validated the system's effectiveness through expert interviews with six data visualization instructors and three case studies. The results confirmed StuGPTViz's capacity to enhance educators' insights into the pedagogical value of ChatGPT. We also discussed the potential research opportunities of applying visual analytics in education and developing AI-driven personalized learning solutions.

replace-cross CHOSEN: Compilation to Hardware Optimization Stack for Efficient Vision Transformer Inference

Authors: Mohammad Erfan Sadeghi, Arash Fayyazi, Suhas Somashekar, Massoud Pedram

Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViTs) represent a groundbreaking shift in machine learning approaches to computer vision. Unlike traditional approaches, ViTs employ the self-attention mechanism, which has been widely used in natural language processing, to analyze image patches. Despite their advantages in modeling visual tasks, deploying ViTs on hardware platforms, notably Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), introduces considerable challenges. These challenges stem primarily from the non-linear calculations and high computational and memory demands of ViTs. This paper introduces CHOSEN, a software-hardware co-design framework to address these challenges and offer an automated framework for ViT deployment on the FPGAs in order to maximize performance. Our framework is built upon three fundamental contributions: multi-kernel design to maximize the bandwidth, mainly targeting benefits of multi DDR memory banks, approximate non-linear functions that exhibit minimal accuracy degradation, and efficient use of available logic blocks on the FPGA, and efficient compiler to maximize the performance and memory-efficiency of the computing kernels by presenting a novel algorithm for design space exploration to find optimal hardware configuration that achieves optimal throughput and latency. Compared to the state-of-the-art ViT accelerators, CHOSEN achieves a 1.5x and 1.42x improvement in the throughput on the DeiT-S and DeiT-B models.

replace-cross Vision Controlled Sensorized Prosthetic Hand

Authors: Md Abdul Baset Sarker, Juan Pablo S. Sola, Aaron Jones, Evan Laing, Ernesto Sola-Thomas, Masudul H. Imtiaz

Abstract: This paper presents a sensorized vision-enabled prosthetic hand aimed at replicating a natural hand's performance, functionality, appearance, and comfort. The design goal was to create an accessible substitution with a user-friendly interface requiring little to no training. Our mechanical hand uses a camera and embedded processors to perform most of these tasks. The interfaced pressure sensor is used to get pressure feedback and ensure a safe grasp of the object; an accelerometer is used to detect gestures and release the object. Unlike current EMG-based designs, the prototyped hand does not require personalized training. The details of the design, trade-offs, results, and informing the next iteration are presented in this paper.

replace-cross Data Generation Using Large Language Models for Text Classification: An Empirical Case Study

Authors: Yinheng Li, Rogerio Bonatti, Sara Abdali, Justin Wagle, Kazuhito Koishida

Abstract: Using Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate synthetic data for model training has become increasingly popular in recent years. While LLMs are capable of producing realistic training data, the effectiveness of data generation is influenced by various factors, including the choice of prompt, task complexity, and the quality, quantity, and diversity of the generated data. In this work, we focus exclusively on using synthetic data for text classification tasks. Specifically, we use natural language understanding (NLU) models trained on synthetic data to assess the quality of synthetic data from different generation approaches. This work provides an empirical analysis of the impact of these factors and offers recommendations for better data generation practices.

replace-cross Applicability of Large Language Models and Generative Models for Legal Case Judgement Summarization

Authors: Aniket Deroy, Kripabandhu Ghosh, Saptarshi Ghosh

Abstract: Automatic summarization of legal case judgements, which are known to be long and complex, has traditionally been tried via extractive summarization models. In recent years, generative models including abstractive summarization models and Large language models (LLMs) have gained huge popularity. In this paper, we explore the applicability of such models for legal case judgement summarization. We applied various domain specific abstractive summarization models and general domain LLMs as well as extractive summarization models over two sets of legal case judgements from the United Kingdom (UK) Supreme Court and the Indian (IN) Supreme Court and evaluated the quality of the generated summaries. We also perform experiments on a third dataset of legal documents of a different type, Government reports from the United States (US). Results show that abstractive summarization models and LLMs generally perform better than the extractive methods as per traditional metrics for evaluating summary quality. However, detailed investigation shows the presence of inconsistencies and hallucinations in the outputs of the generative models, and we explore ways to reduce the hallucinations and inconsistencies in the summaries. Overall, the investigation suggests that further improvements are needed to enhance the reliability of abstractive models and LLMs for legal case judgement summarization. At present, a human-in-the-loop technique is more suitable for performing manual checks to identify inconsistencies in the generated summaries.

replace-cross Exploring the Use of Abusive Generative AI Models on Civitai

Authors: Yiluo Wei, Yiming Zhu, Pan Hui, Gareth Tyson

Abstract: The rise of generative AI is transforming the landscape of digital imagery, and exerting a significant influence on online creative communities. This has led to the emergence of AI-Generated Content (AIGC) social platforms, such as Civitai. These distinctive social platforms allow users to build and share their own generative AI models, thereby enhancing the potential for more diverse artistic expression. Designed in the vein of social networks, they also provide artists with the means to showcase their creations (generated from the models), engage in discussions, and obtain feedback, thus nurturing a sense of community. Yet, this openness also raises concerns about the abuse of such platforms, e.g., using models to disseminate deceptive deepfakes or infringe upon copyrights. To explore this, we conduct the first comprehensive empirical study of an AIGC social platform, focusing on its use for generating abusive content. As an exemplar, we construct a comprehensive dataset covering Civitai, the largest available AIGC social platform. Based on this dataset of 87K models and 2M images, we explore the characteristics of content and discuss strategies for moderation to better govern these platforms.

replace-cross DropKAN: Regularizing KANs by masking post-activations

Authors: Mohammed Ghaith Altarabichi

Abstract: We propose DropKAN (Dropout Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks) a regularization method that prevents co-adaptation of activation function weights in Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs). DropKAN operates by randomly masking some of the post-activations within the KANs computation graph, while scaling-up the retained post-activations. We show that this simple procedure that require minimal coding effort has a regularizing effect and consistently lead to better generalization of KANs. We analyze the adaptation of the standard Dropout with KANs and demonstrate that Dropout applied to KANs' neurons can lead to unpredictable behaviour in the feedforward pass. We carry an empirical study with real world Machine Learning datasets to validate our findings. Our results suggest that DropKAN is consistently a better alternative to using standard Dropout with KANs, and improves the generalization performance of KANs. Our implementation of DropKAN is available at: \url{}.


replace-cross Adaptive Foundation Models for Online Decisions: HyperAgent with Fast Incremental Uncertainty Estimation

Authors: Yingru Li, Jiawei Xu, Zhi-Quan Luo

Abstract: Foundation models often struggle with uncertainty when faced with new situations in online decision-making, necessitating scalable and efficient exploration to resolve this uncertainty. We introduce GPT-HyperAgent, an augmentation of GPT with HyperAgent for uncertainty-aware, scalable exploration in contextual bandits, a fundamental online decision problem involving natural language input. We prove that HyperAgent achieves fast incremental uncertainty estimation with $\tilde{O}(\log T)$ per-step computational complexity over $T$ periods under the linear realizable assumption. Our analysis demonstrates that HyperAgent's regret order matches that of exact Thompson sampling in linear contextual bandits, closing a significant theoretical gap in scalable exploration. Empirical results in real-world contextual bandit tasks, such as automated content moderation with human feedback, validate the practical effectiveness of GPT-HyperAgent for safety-critical decisions. Our code is open-sourced at \url{}.