new SFPrompt: Communication-Efficient Split Federated Fine-Tuning for Large Pre-Trained Models over Resource-Limited Devices

Authors: Linxiao Cao, Yifei Zhu, Wei Gong

Abstract: Large pre-trained models have exhibited remarkable achievements across various domains. The substantial training costs associated with these models have led to wide studies of fine-tuning for effectively harnessing their capabilities in solving downstream tasks. Yet, conventional fine-tuning approaches become infeasible when the model lacks access to downstream data due to privacy concerns. Naively integrating fine-tuning approaches with the emerging federated learning frameworks incurs substantial communication overhead and exerts high demand on local computing resources, making it impractical for common resource-limited devices. In this paper, we introduce SFPrompt, an innovative privacy-preserving fine-tuning method tailored for the federated setting where direct uploading of raw data is prohibited and local devices are resource-constrained to run a complete pre-trained model. In essence, SFPrompt judiciously combines split learning with federated learning to handle these challenges. Specifically, the pre-trained model is first partitioned into client and server components, thereby streamlining the client-side model and substantially alleviating computational demands on local resources. SFPrompt then introduces soft prompts into the federated model to enhance the fine-tuning performance. To further reduce communication costs, a novel dataset pruning algorithm and a local-loss update strategy are devised during the fine-tuning process. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SFPrompt delivers competitive performance as the federated full fine-tuning approach while consuming a mere 0.46% of local computing resources and incurring 53% less communication cost.

new Automated transport separation using the neural shifted proper orthogonal decomposition

Authors: Beata Zorawski, Shubhaditya Burela, Philipp Krah, Arthur Marmin, Kai Schneider

Abstract: This paper presents a neural network-based methodology for the decomposition of transport-dominated fields using the shifted proper orthogonal decomposition (sPOD). Classical sPOD methods typically require an a priori knowledge of the transport operators to determine the co-moving fields. However, in many real-life problems, such knowledge is difficult or even impossible to obtain, limiting the applicability and benefits of the sPOD. To address this issue, our approach estimates both the transport and co-moving fields simultaneously using neural networks. This is achieved by training two sub-networks dedicated to learning the transports and the co-moving fields, respectively. Applications to synthetic data and a wildland fire model illustrate the capabilities and efficiency of this neural sPOD approach, demonstrating its ability to separate the different fields effectively.

new Dataset Distribution Impacts Model Fairness: Single vs. Multi-Task Learning

Authors: Ralf Raumanns, Gerard Schouten, Josien P. W. Pluim, Veronika Cheplygina

Abstract: The influence of bias in datasets on the fairness of model predictions is a topic of ongoing research in various fields. We evaluate the performance of skin lesion classification using ResNet-based CNNs, focusing on patient sex variations in training data and three different learning strategies. We present a linear programming method for generating datasets with varying patient sex and class labels, taking into account the correlations between these variables. We evaluated the model performance using three different learning strategies: a single-task model, a reinforcing multi-task model, and an adversarial learning scheme. Our observations include: 1) sex-specific training data yields better results, 2) single-task models exhibit sex bias, 3) the reinforcement approach does not remove sex bias, 4) the adversarial model eliminates sex bias in cases involving only female patients, and 5) datasets that include male patients enhance model performance for the male subgroup, even when female patients are the majority. To generalise these findings, in future research, we will examine more demographic attributes, like age, and other possibly confounding factors, such as skin colour and artefacts in the skin lesions. We make all data and models available on GitHub.

new Exploring Domain Robust Lightweight Reward Models based on Router Mechanism

Authors: Hyuk Namgoong, Jeesu Jung, Sangkeun Jung, Yoonhyung Roh

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models have heavily relied on the large reward model from reinforcement learning from human feedback for fine-tuning. However, the use of a single reward model across various domains may not always be optimal, often requiring retraining from scratch when new domain data is introduced. To address these challenges, we explore the utilization of small language models operating in a domain-specific manner based on router mechanisms. Our three approaches are: 1) utilize mixture of experts to form a single reward model by modularizing an internal router and experts, 2) employing external router to select the appropriate reward model from multiple domain-specific models, and 3) the framework reduces parameter size by loading reward models and router adapters onto a single small language model using adapters. Experimental validation underscores the effectiveness of our approach, demonstrating performance comparable to baseline methods while also reducing the total parameter size.

new Adaptive Training of Grid-Dependent Physics-Informed Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

Authors: Spyros Rigas, Michalis Papachristou, Theofilos Papadopoulos, Fotios Anagnostopoulos, Georgios Alexandridis

Abstract: Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have emerged as a robust framework for solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) by approximating their solutions via neural networks and imposing physics-based constraints on the loss function. Traditionally, Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) are the neural network of choice, and significant progress has been made in optimizing their training. Recently, Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) were introduced as a viable alternative, with the potential of offering better interpretability and efficiency while requiring fewer parameters. In this paper, we present a fast JAX-based implementation of grid-dependent Physics-Informed Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (PIKANs) for solving PDEs. We propose an adaptive training scheme for PIKANs, incorporating known MLP-based PINN techniques, introducing an adaptive state transition scheme to avoid loss function peaks between grid updates, and proposing a methodology for designing PIKANs with alternative basis functions. Through comparative experiments we demonstrate that these adaptive features significantly enhance training efficiency and solution accuracy. Our results illustrate the effectiveness of PIKANs in improving performance for PDE solutions, highlighting their potential as a superior alternative in scientific and engineering applications.

new Pretraining a Neural Operator in Lower Dimensions

Authors: AmirPouya Hemmasian, Amir Barati Farimani

Abstract: There has recently been increasing attention towards developing foundational neural Partial Differential Equation (PDE) solvers and neural operators through large-scale pretraining. However, unlike vision and language models that make use of abundant and inexpensive (unlabeled) data for pretraining, these neural solvers usually rely on simulated PDE data, which can be costly to obtain, especially for high-dimensional PDEs. In this work, we aim to Pretrain neural PDE solvers on Lower Dimensional PDEs (PreLowD) where data collection is the least expensive. We evaluated the effectiveness of this pretraining strategy in similar PDEs in higher dimensions. We use the Factorized Fourier Neural Operator (FFNO) due to having the necessary flexibility to be applied to PDE data of arbitrary spatial dimensions and reuse trained parameters in lower dimensions. In addition, our work sheds light on the effect of the fine-tuning configuration to make the most of this pretraining strategy.

new Towards Neural Network based Cognitive Models of Dynamic Decision-Making by Humans

Authors: Changyu Chen, Shashank Reddy Chirra, Maria Jos\'e Ferreira, Cleotilde Gonzalez, Arunesh Sinha, Pradeep Varakantham

Abstract: Modelling human cognitive processes in dynamic decision-making tasks has been an endeavor in AI for a long time. Some initial works have attempted to utilize neural networks (and large language models) but often assume one common model for all humans and aim to emulate human behavior in aggregate. However, behavior of each human is distinct, heterogeneous and relies on specific past experiences in specific tasks. To that end, we build on a well known model of cognition, namely Instance Based Learning (IBL), that posits that decisions are made based on similar situations encountered in the past. We propose two new attention based neural network models to model human decision-making in dynamic settings. We experiment with two distinct datasets gathered from human subject experiment data, one focusing on detection of phishing email by humans and another where humans act as attackers in a cybersecurity setting and decide on an attack option. We conduct extensive experiments with our two neural network models, IBL, and GPT3.5, and demonstrate that one of our neural network models achieves the best performance in representing human decision-making. We find an interesting trend that all models predict a human's decision better if that human is better at the task. We also explore explanation of human decisions based on what our model considers important in prediction. Overall, our work yields promising results for further use of neural networks in cognitive modelling of human decision making. Our code is available at


new SAfEPaTh: A System-Level Approach for Efficient Power and Thermal Estimation of Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator

Authors: Yukai Chen, Simei Yang, Debjyoti Bhattacharjee, Francky Catthoor, Arindam Mallik

Abstract: The design of energy-efficient, high-performance, and reliable Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) accelerators involves significant challenges due to complex power and thermal management issues. This paper introduces SAfEPaTh, a novel system-level approach for accurately estimating power and temperature in tile-based CNN accelerators. By addressing both steady-state and transient-state scenarios, SAfEPaTh effectively captures the dynamic effects of pipeline bubbles in interlayer pipelines, utilizing real CNN workloads for comprehensive evaluation. Unlike traditional methods, it eliminates the need for circuit-level simulations or on-chip measurements. Our methodology leverages TANIA, a cutting-edge hybrid digital-analog tile-based accelerator featuring analog-in-memory computing cores alongside digital cores. Through rigorous simulation results using the ResNet18 model, we demonstrate SAfEPaTh's capability to accurately estimate power and temperature within 500 seconds, encompassing CNN model accelerator mapping exploration and detailed power and thermal estimations. This efficiency and accuracy make SAfEPaTh an invaluable tool for designers, enabling them to optimize performance while adhering to stringent power and thermal constraints. Furthermore, SAfEPaTh's adaptability extends its utility across various CNN models and accelerator architectures, underscoring its broad applicability in the field. This study contributes significantly to the advancement of energy-efficient and reliable CNN accelerator designs, addressing critical challenges in dynamic power and thermal management.

new SMA-Hyper: Spatiotemporal Multi-View Fusion Hypergraph Learning for Traffic Accident Prediction

Authors: Xiaowei Gao, James Haworth, Ilya Ilyankou, Xianghui Zhang, Tao Cheng, Stephen Law, Huanfa Chen

Abstract: Predicting traffic accidents is the key to sustainable city management, which requires effective address of the dynamic and complex spatiotemporal characteristics of cities. Current data-driven models often struggle with data sparsity and typically overlook the integration of diverse urban data sources and the high-order dependencies within them. Additionally, they frequently rely on predefined topologies or weights, limiting their adaptability in spatiotemporal predictions. To address these issues, we introduce the Spatiotemporal Multiview Adaptive HyperGraph Learning (SMA-Hyper) model, a dynamic deep learning framework designed for traffic accident prediction. Building on previous research, this innovative model incorporates dual adaptive spatiotemporal graph learning mechanisms that enable high-order cross-regional learning through hypergraphs and dynamic adaptation to evolving urban data. It also utilises contrastive learning to enhance global and local data representations in sparse datasets and employs an advance attention mechanism to fuse multiple views of accident data and urban functional features, thereby enriching the contextual understanding of risk factors. Extensive testing on the London traffic accident dataset demonstrates that the SMA-Hyper model significantly outperforms baseline models across various temporal horizons and multistep outputs, affirming the effectiveness of its multiview fusion and adaptive learning strategies. The interpretability of the results further underscores its potential to improve urban traffic management and safety by leveraging complex spatiotemporal urban data, offering a scalable framework adaptable to diverse urban environments.

new Hopfield Networks for Asset Allocation

Authors: Carlo Nicolini, Monisha Gopalan, Jacopo Staiano, Bruno Lepri

Abstract: We present the first application of modern Hopfield networks to the problem of portfolio optimization. We performed an extensive study based on combinatorial purged cross-validation over several datasets and compared our results to both traditional and deep-learning-based methods for portfolio selection. Compared to state-of-the-art deep-learning methods such as Long-Short Term Memory networks and Transformers, we find that the proposed approach performs on par or better, while providing faster training times and better stability. Our results show that Modern Hopfield Networks represent a promising approach to portfolio optimization, allowing for an efficient, scalable, and robust solution for asset allocation, risk management, and dynamic rebalancing.

new Generative Learning for Simulation of US Army Vehicle Faults

Authors: Patrick Kuiper, Sirui Lin, Jose Blanchet, Vahid Tarokh

Abstract: We develop a novel generative model to simulate vehicle health and forecast faults, conditioned on practical operational considerations. The model, trained on data from the US Army's Predictive Logistics program, aims to support predictive maintenance. It forecasts faults far enough in advance to execute a maintenance intervention before a breakdown occurs. The model incorporates real-world factors that affect vehicle health. It also allows us to understand the vehicle's condition by analyzing operating data, and characterizing each vehicle into discrete states. Importantly, the model predicts the time to first fault with high accuracy. We compare its performance to other models and demonstrate its successful training.

new Spiking Neural Networks in Vertical Federated Learning: Performance Trade-offs

Authors: Maryam Abbasihafshejani, Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala

Abstract: Federated machine learning enables model training across multiple clients while maintaining data privacy. Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) specifically deals with instances where the clients have different feature sets of the same samples. As federated learning models aim to improve efficiency and adaptability, innovative neural network architectures like Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are being leveraged to enable fast and accurate processing at the edge. SNNs, known for their efficiency over Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), have not been analyzed for their applicability in VFL, thus far. In this paper, we investigate the benefits and trade-offs of using SNN models in a vertical federated learning setting. We implement two different federated learning architectures -- with model splitting and without model splitting -- that have different privacy and performance implications. We evaluate the setup using CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 benchmark datasets along with SNN implementations of VGG9 and ResNET classification models. Comparative evaluations demonstrate that the accuracy of SNN models is comparable to that of traditional ANNs for VFL applications, albeit significantly more energy efficient.

new Synthetic High-resolution Cryo-EM Density Maps with Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors: Chenwei Zhang, Anne Condon, Khanh Dao Duc

Abstract: Generating synthetic cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) 3D density maps from molecular structures has potential important applications in structural biology. Yet existing simulation-based methods cannot mimic all the complex features present in experimental maps, such as secondary structure elements. As an alternative, we propose struc2mapGAN, a novel data-driven method that employs a generative adversarial network (GAN) to produce high-resolution experimental-like density maps from molecular structures. More specifically, struc2mapGAN uses a U-Net++ architecture as the generator, with an additional L1 loss term and further processing of raw experimental maps to enhance learning efficiency. While struc2mapGAN can promptly generate maps after training, we demonstrate that it outperforms existing simulation-based methods for a wide array of tested maps and across various evaluation metrics. Our code is available at


new Transformers on Markov Data: Constant Depth Suffices

Authors: Nived Rajaraman, Marco Bondaschi, Kannan Ramchandran, Michael Gastpar, Ashok Vardhan Makkuva

Abstract: Attention-based transformers have been remarkably successful at modeling generative processes across various domains and modalities. In this paper, we study the behavior of transformers on data drawn from \kth Markov processes, where the conditional distribution of the next symbol in a sequence depends on the previous $k$ symbols observed. We observe a surprising phenomenon empirically which contradicts previous findings: when trained for sufficiently long, a transformer with a fixed depth and $1$ head per layer is able to achieve low test loss on sequences drawn from \kth Markov sources, even as $k$ grows. Furthermore, this low test loss is achieved by the transformer's ability to represent and learn the in-context conditional empirical distribution. On the theoretical side, our main result is that a transformer with a single head and three layers can represent the in-context conditional empirical distribution for \kth Markov sources, concurring with our empirical observations. Along the way, we prove that \textit{attention-only} transformers with $O(\log_2(k))$ layers can represent the in-context conditional empirical distribution by composing induction heads to track the previous $k$ symbols in the sequence. These results provide more insight into our current understanding of the mechanisms by which transformers learn to capture context, by understanding their behavior on Markov sources.

new Superior Scoring Rules for Probabilistic Evaluation of Single-Label Multi-Class Classification Tasks

Authors: Rouhollah Ahmadian, Mehdi Ghatee, Johan Wahlstr\"om

Abstract: This study introduces novel superior scoring rules called Penalized Brier Score (PBS) and Penalized Logarithmic Loss (PLL) to improve model evaluation for probabilistic classification. Traditional scoring rules like Brier Score and Logarithmic Loss sometimes assign better scores to misclassifications in comparison with correct classifications. This discrepancy from the actual preference for rewarding correct classifications can lead to suboptimal model selection. By integrating penalties for misclassifications, PBS and PLL modify traditional proper scoring rules to consistently assign better scores to correct predictions. Formal proofs demonstrate that PBS and PLL satisfy strictly proper scoring rule properties while also preferentially rewarding accurate classifications. Experiments showcase the benefits of using PBS and PLL for model selection, model checkpointing, and early stopping. PBS exhibits a higher negative correlation with the F1 score compared to the Brier Score during training. Thus, PBS more effectively identifies optimal checkpoints and early stopping points, leading to improved F1 scores. Comparative analysis verifies models selected by PBS and PLL achieve superior F1 scores. Therefore, PBS and PLL address the gap between uncertainty quantification and accuracy maximization by encapsulating both proper scoring principles and explicit preference for true classifications. The proposed metrics can enhance model evaluation and selection for reliable probabilistic classification.

new Context-aware knowledge graph framework for traffic speed forecasting using graph neural network

Authors: Yatao Zhang, Yi Wang, Song Gao, Martin Raubal

Abstract: Human mobility is intricately influenced by urban contexts spatially and temporally, constituting essential domain knowledge in understanding traffic systems. While existing traffic forecasting models primarily rely on raw traffic data and advanced deep learning techniques, incorporating contextual information remains underexplored due to the lack of effective integration frameworks and the complexity of urban contexts. This study proposes a novel context-aware knowledge graph (CKG) framework to enhance traffic speed forecasting by effectively modeling spatial and temporal contexts. Employing a relation-dependent integration strategy, the framework generates context-aware representations from the spatial and temporal units of CKG to capture spatio-temporal dependencies of urban contexts. A CKG-GNN model, combining the CKG, dual-view multi-head self-attention (MHSA), and graph neural network (GNN), is then designed to predict traffic speed using these context-aware representations. Our experiments demonstrate that CKG's configuration significantly influences embedding performance, with ComplEx and KG2E emerging as optimal for embedding spatial and temporal units, respectively. The CKG-GNN model surpasses benchmark models, achieving an average MAE of $3.46\pm0.01$ and a MAPE of $14.76\pm0.09\%$ for traffic speed predictions from 10 to 120 minutes. The dual-view MHSA analysis reveals the crucial role of relation-dependent features from the context-based view and the model's ability to prioritize recent time slots in prediction from the sequence-based view. The CKG framework's model-agnostic nature suggests its potential applicability in various applications of intelligent transportation systems. Overall, this study underscores the importance of incorporating domain-specific contexts into traffic forecasting and merging context-aware knowledge graphs with neural networks to enhance accuracy.

new Revisiting Machine Unlearning with Dimensional Alignment

Authors: Seonguk Seo, Dongwan Kim, Bohyung Han

Abstract: Machine unlearning, an emerging research topic focusing on compliance with data privacy regulations, enables trained models to remove the information learned from specific data. While many existing methods indirectly address this issue by intentionally injecting incorrect supervisions, they can drastically and unpredictably alter the decision boundaries and feature spaces, leading to training instability and undesired side effects. To fundamentally approach this task, we first analyze the changes in latent feature spaces between original and retrained models, and observe that the feature representations of samples not involved in training are closely aligned with the feature manifolds of previously seen samples in training. Based on these findings, we introduce a novel evaluation metric for machine unlearning, coined dimensional alignment, which measures the alignment between the eigenspaces of the forget and retain set samples. We employ this metric as a regularizer loss to build a robust and stable unlearning framework, which is further enhanced by integrating a self-distillation loss and an alternating training scheme. Our framework effectively eliminates information from the forget set and preserves knowledge from the retain set. Lastly, we identify critical flaws in established evaluation metrics for machine unlearning, and introduce new evaluation tools that more accurately reflect the fundamental goals of machine unlearning.

new A Two-Stage Imaging Framework Combining CNN and Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Full-Inverse Tomography: A Case Study in Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT)

Authors: Xuanxuan Yang (the Institute of Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China), Yangming Zhang (the Institute of Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Haofeng Chen (the Institute of Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China), Gang Ma (University of Science and Technology of China), Xiaojie Wang (the Institute of Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Abstract: Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) are a machine learning technique for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) by incorporating PDEs as loss terms in neural networks and minimizing the loss function during training. Tomographic imaging, a method to reconstruct internal properties from external measurement data, is highly complex and ill-posed, making it an inverse problem. Recently, PINNs have shown significant potential in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and have advantages in solving inverse problems. However, existing research has primarily focused on semi-inverse Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), where internal electric potentials are accessible. The practical full inverse EIT problem, where only boundary voltage measurements are available, remains challenging. To address this, we propose a two-stage hybrid learning framework combining Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and PINNs to solve the full inverse EIT problem. This framework integrates data-driven and model-driven approaches, combines supervised and unsupervised learning, and decouples the forward and inverse problems within the PINN framework in EIT. Stage I: a U-Net constructs an end-to-end mapping from boundary voltage measurements to the internal potential distribution using supervised learning. Stage II: a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)-based PINN takes the predicted internal potentials as input to solve for the conductivity distribution through unsupervised learning.

new Your Graph Recommender is Provably a Single-view Graph Contrastive Learning

Authors: Wenjie Yang, Shengzhong Zhang, Jiaxing Guo, Zengfeng Huang

Abstract: Graph recommender (GR) is a type of graph neural network (GNNs) encoder that is customized for extracting information from the user-item interaction graph. Due to its strong performance on the recommendation task, GR has gained significant attention recently. Graph contrastive learning (GCL) is also a popular research direction that aims to learn, often unsupervised, GNNs with certain contrastive objectives. As a general graph representation learning method, GCLs have been widely adopted with the supervised recommendation loss for joint training of GRs. Despite the intersection of GR and GCL research, theoretical understanding of the relationship between the two fields is surprisingly sparse. This vacancy inevitably leads to inefficient scientific research. In this paper, we aim to bridge the gap between the field of GR and GCL from the perspective of encoders and loss functions. With mild assumptions, we theoretically show an astonishing fact that graph recommender is equivalent to a commonly-used single-view graph contrastive model. Specifically, we find that (1) the classic encoder in GR is essentially a linear graph convolutional network with one-hot inputs, and (2) the loss function in GR is well bounded by a single-view GCL loss with certain hyperparameters. The first observation enables us to explain crucial designs of GR models, e.g., the removal of self-loop and nonlinearity. And the second finding can easily prompt many cross-field research directions. We empirically show a remarkable result that the recommendation loss and the GCL loss can be used interchangeably. The fact that we can train GR models solely with the GCL loss is particularly insightful, since before this work, GCLs were typically viewed as unsupervised methods that need fine-tuning. We also discuss some potential future works inspired by our theory.

new Multi-modal Data Binding for Survival Analysis Modeling with Incomplete Data and Annotations

Authors: Linhao Qu, Dan Huang, Shaoting Zhang, Xiaosong Wang

Abstract: Survival analysis stands as a pivotal process in cancer treatment research, crucial for predicting patient survival rates accurately. Recent advancements in data collection techniques have paved the way for enhancing survival predictions by integrating information from multiple modalities. However, real-world scenarios often present challenges with incomplete data, particularly when dealing with censored survival labels. Prior works have addressed missing modalities but have overlooked incomplete labels, which can introduce bias and limit model efficacy. To bridge this gap, we introduce a novel framework that simultaneously handles incomplete data across modalities and censored survival labels. Our approach employs advanced foundation models to encode individual modalities and align them into a universal representation space for seamless fusion. By generating pseudo labels and incorporating uncertainty, we significantly enhance predictive accuracy. The proposed method demonstrates outstanding prediction accuracy in two survival analysis tasks on both employed datasets. This innovative approach overcomes limitations associated with disparate modalities and improves the feasibility of comprehensive survival analysis using multiple large foundation models.

new DualFed: Enjoying both Generalization and Personalization in Federated Learning via Hierachical Representations

Authors: Guogang Zhu, Xuefeng Liu, Jianwei Niu, Shaojie Tang, Xinghao Wu, Jiayuan Zhang

Abstract: In personalized federated learning (PFL), it is widely recognized that achieving both high model generalization and effective personalization poses a significant challenge due to their conflicting nature. As a result, existing PFL methods can only manage a trade-off between these two objectives. This raises an interesting question: Is it feasible to develop a model capable of achieving both objectives simultaneously? Our paper presents an affirmative answer, and the key lies in the observation that deep models inherently exhibit hierarchical architectures, which produce representations with various levels of generalization and personalization at different stages. A straightforward approach stemming from this observation is to select multiple representations from these layers and combine them to concurrently achieve generalization and personalization. However, the number of candidate representations is commonly huge, which makes this method infeasible due to high computational costs.To address this problem, we propose DualFed, a new method that can directly yield dual representations correspond to generalization and personalization respectively, thereby simplifying the optimization task. Specifically, DualFed inserts a personalized projection network between the encoder and classifier. The pre-projection representations are able to capture generalized information shareable across clients, and the post-projection representations are effective to capture task-specific information on local clients. This design minimizes the mutual interference between generalization and personalization, thereby achieving a win-win situation. Extensive experiments show that DualFed can outperform other FL methods. Code is available at


new Integrating Ensemble Kalman Filter with AI-based Weather Prediction Model ClimaX

Authors: Shunji Kotsuki, Kenta Shiraishi, Atsushi Okazaki

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI)-based weather prediction research is growing rapidly and has shown to be competitive with the advanced dynamic numerical weather prediction models. However, research combining AI-based weather prediction models with data assimilation remains limited partially because long-term sequential data assimilation cycles are required to evaluate data assimilation systems. This study explores integrating the local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF) with an AI-based weather prediction model ClimaX. Our experiments demonstrated that the ensemble data assimilation cycled stably for the AI-based weather prediction model using covariance inflation and localization techniques inside the LETKF. While ClimaX showed some limitations in capturing flow-dependent error covariance compared to dynamical models, the AI-based ensemble forecasts provided reasonable and beneficial error covariance in sparsely observed regions. These findings highlight the potential of AI models in weather forecasting and the importance of physical consistency and accurate error growth representation in improving ensemble data assimilation.

new Exploring the Limitations of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Classification: Insights to Software Training and Hardware Implementation

Authors: an Duy Tran, Tran Xuan Hieu Le, Thi Diem Tran, Hoai Luan Pham, Vu Trung Duong Le, Tuan Hai Vu, Van Tinh Nguyen, Yasuhiko Nakashima

Abstract: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs), a novel type of neural network, have recently gained popularity and attention due to the ability to substitute multi-layer perceptions (MLPs) in artificial intelligence (AI) with higher accuracy and interoperability. However, KAN assessment is still limited and cannot provide an in-depth analysis of a specific domain. Furthermore, no study has been conducted on the implementation of KANs in hardware design, which would directly demonstrate whether KANs are truly superior to MLPs in practical applications. As a result, in this paper, we focus on verifying KANs for classification issues, which are a common but significant topic in AI using four different types of datasets. Furthermore, the corresponding hardware implementation is considered using the Vitis high-level synthesis (HLS) tool. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first article to implement hardware for KAN. The results indicate that KANs cannot achieve more accuracy than MLPs in high complex datasets while utilizing substantially higher hardware resources. Therefore, MLP remains an effective approach for achieving accuracy and efficiency in software and hardware implementation.

new Enhancing Diversity in Multi-objective Feature Selection

Authors: Sevil Zanjani Miyandoab, Shahryar Rahnamayan, Azam Asilian Bidgoli, Sevda Ebrahimi, Masoud Makrehchi

Abstract: Feature selection plays a pivotal role in the data preprocessing and model-building pipeline, significantly enhancing model performance, interpretability, and resource efficiency across diverse domains. In population-based optimization methods, the generation of diverse individuals holds utmost importance for adequately exploring the problem landscape, particularly in highly multi-modal multi-objective optimization problems. Our study reveals that, in line with findings from several prior research papers, commonly employed crossover and mutation operations lack the capability to generate high-quality diverse individuals and tend to become confined to limited areas around various local optima. This paper introduces an augmentation to the diversity of the population in the well-established multi-objective scheme of the genetic algorithm, NSGA-II. This enhancement is achieved through two key components: the genuine initialization method and the substitution of the worst individuals with new randomly generated individuals as a re-initialization approach in each generation. The proposed multi-objective feature selection method undergoes testing on twelve real-world classification problems, with the number of features ranging from 2,400 to nearly 50,000. The results demonstrate that replacing the last front of the population with an equivalent number of new random individuals generated using the genuine initialization method and featuring a limited number of features substantially improves the population's quality and, consequently, enhances the performance of the multi-objective algorithm.

new EEG-SSM: Leveraging State-Space Model for Dementia Detection

Authors: Xuan-The Tran, Linh Le, Quoc Toan Nguyen, Thomas Do, Chin-Teng Lin

Abstract: State-space models (SSMs) have garnered attention for effectively processing long data sequences, reducing the need to segment time series into shorter intervals for model training and inference. Traditionally, SSMs capture only the temporal dynamics of time series data, omitting the equally critical spectral features. This study introduces EEG-SSM, a novel state-space model-based approach for dementia classification using EEG data. Our model features two primary innovations: EEG-SSM temporal and EEG-SSM spectral components. The temporal component is designed to efficiently process EEG sequences of varying lengths, while the spectral component enhances the model by integrating frequency-domain information from EEG signals. The synergy of these components allows EEG-SSM to adeptly manage the complexities of multivariate EEG data, significantly improving accuracy and stability across different temporal resolutions. Demonstrating a remarkable 91.0 percent accuracy in classifying Healthy Control (HC), Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD), and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) groups, EEG-SSM outperforms existing models on the same dataset. The development of EEG-SSM represents an improvement in the use of state-space models for screening dementia, offering more precise and cost-effective tools for clinical neuroscience.

new NC-NCD: Novel Class Discovery for Node Classification

Authors: Yue Hou, Xueyuan Chen, He Zhu, Romei Liu, Bowen Shi, Jiaheng Liu, Junran Wu, Ke Xu

Abstract: Novel Class Discovery (NCD) involves identifying new categories within unlabeled data by utilizing knowledge acquired from previously established categories. However, existing NCD methods often struggle to maintain a balance between the performance of old and new categories. Discovering unlabeled new categories in a class-incremental way is more practical but also more challenging, as it is frequently hindered by either catastrophic forgetting of old categories or an inability to learn new ones. Furthermore, the implementation of NCD on continuously scalable graph-structured data remains an under-explored area. In response to these challenges, we introduce for the first time a more practical NCD scenario for node classification (i.e., NC-NCD), and propose a novel self-training framework with prototype replay and distillation called SWORD, adopted to our NC-NCD setting. Our approach enables the model to cluster unlabeled new category nodes after learning labeled nodes while preserving performance on old categories without reliance on old category nodes. SWORD achieves this by employing a self-training strategy to learn new categories and preventing the forgetting of old categories through the joint use of feature prototypes and knowledge distillation. Extensive experiments on four common benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of SWORD over other state-of-the-art methods.

new Advanced deep-reinforcement-learning methods for flow control: group-invariant and positional-encoding networks improve learning speed and quality

Authors: Joogoo Jeon, Jean Rabault, Joel Vasanth, Francisco Alc\'antara-\'Avila, Shilaj Baral, Ricardo Vinuesa

Abstract: Flow control is key to maximize energy efficiency in a wide range of applications. However, traditional flow-control methods face significant challenges in addressing non-linear systems and high-dimensional data, limiting their application in realistic energy systems. This study advances deep-reinforcement-learning (DRL) methods for flow control, particularly focusing on integrating group-invariant networks and positional encoding into DRL architectures. Our methods leverage multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) to exploit policy invariance in space, in combination with group-invariant networks to ensure local symmetry invariance. Additionally, a positional encoding inspired by the transformer architecture is incorporated to provide location information to the agents, mitigating action constraints from strict invariance. The proposed methods are verified using a case study of Rayleigh-B\'enard convection, where the goal is to minimize the Nusselt number Nu. The group-invariant neural networks (GI-NNs) show faster convergence compared to the base MARL, achieving better average policy performance. The GI-NNs not only cut DRL training time in half but also notably enhance learning reproducibility. Positional encoding further enhances these results, effectively reducing the minimum Nu and stabilizing convergence. Interestingly, group invariant networks specialize in improving learning speed and positional encoding specializes in improving learning quality. These results demonstrate that choosing a suitable feature-representation method according to the purpose as well as the characteristics of each control problem is essential. We believe that the results of this study will not only inspire novel DRL methods with invariant and unique representations, but also provide useful insights for industrial applications.

new IsUMap: Manifold Learning and Data Visualization leveraging Vietoris-Rips filtrations

Authors: Lukas Silvester Barth (Hannaneh), Fatemeh (Hannaneh), Fahimi, Parvaneh Joharinad, J\"urgen Jost, Janis Keck

Abstract: This work introduces IsUMap, a novel manifold learning technique that enhances data representation by integrating aspects of UMAP and Isomap with Vietoris-Rips filtrations. We present a systematic and detailed construction of a metric representation for locally distorted metric spaces that captures complex data structures more accurately than the previous schemes. Our approach addresses limitations in existing methods by accommodating non-uniform data distributions and intricate local geometries. We validate its performance through extensive experiments on examples of various geometric objects and benchmark real-world datasets, demonstrating significant improvements in representation quality.

new On the Opportunities of (Re)-Exploring Atmospheric Science by Foundation Models: A Case Study

Authors: Lujia Zhang, Hanzhe Cui, Yurong Song, Chenyue Li, Binhang Yuan, Mengqian Lu

Abstract: Most state-of-the-art AI applications in atmospheric science are based on classic deep learning approaches. However, such approaches cannot automatically integrate multiple complicated procedures to construct an intelligent agent, since each functionality is enabled by a separate model learned from independent climate datasets. The emergence of foundation models, especially multimodal foundation models, with their ability to process heterogeneous input data and execute complex tasks, offers a substantial opportunity to overcome this challenge. In this report, we want to explore a central question - how the state-of-the-art foundation model, i.e., GPT-4o, performs various atmospheric scientific tasks. Toward this end, we conduct a case study by categorizing the tasks into four main classes, including climate data processing, physical diagnosis, forecast and prediction, and adaptation and mitigation. For each task, we comprehensively evaluate the GPT-4o's performance along with a concrete discussion. We hope that this report may shed new light on future AI applications and research in atmospheric science.

new MDS-ED: Multimodal Decision Support in the Emergency Department -- a Benchmark Dataset for Diagnoses and Deterioration Prediction in Emergency Medicine

Authors: Juan Miguel Lopez Alcaraz, Nils Strodthoff

Abstract: Background: Benchmarking medical decision support algorithms often struggles due to limited access to datasets, narrow prediction tasks, and restricted input modalities. These limitations affect their clinical relevance and performance in high-stakes areas like emergency care, complicating replication, validation, and improvement of benchmarks. Methods: We introduce a dataset based on MIMIC-IV, benchmarking protocol, and initial results for evaluating multimodal decision support in the emergency department (ED). We use diverse data modalities from the first 1.5 hours of patient arrival, including demographics, biometrics, vital signs, lab values, and electrocardiogram waveforms. We analyze 1443 clinical labels across two contexts: predicting diagnoses with ICD-10 codes and forecasting patient deterioration. Results: Our multimodal diagnostic model achieves an AUROC score over 0.8 in a statistically significant manner for 357 out of 1428 conditions, including cardiac issues like myocardial infarction and non-cardiac conditions such as renal disease and diabetes. The deterioration model scores above 0.8 in a statistically significant manner for 13 out of 15 targets, including critical events like cardiac arrest and mechanical ventilation, ICU admission as well as short- and long-term mortality. Incorporating raw waveform data significantly improves model performance, which represents one of the first robust demonstrations of this effect. Conclusions: This study highlights the uniqueness of our dataset, which encompasses a wide range of clinical tasks and utilizes a comprehensive set of features collected early during the emergency after arriving at the ED. The strong performance, as evidenced by high AUROC scores across diagnostic and deterioration targets, underscores the potential of our approach to revolutionize decision-making in acute and emergency medicine.

new EllipBench: A Large-scale Benchmark for Machine-learning based Ellipsometry Modeling

Authors: Yiming Ma, Xinjie Li, Xin Sun, Zhiyong Wang, Lionel Z. Wang

Abstract: Ellipsometry is used to indirectly measure the optical properties and thickness of thin films. However, solving the inverse problem of ellipsometry is time-consuming since it involves human expertise to apply the data fitting techniques. Many studies use traditional machine learning-based methods to model the complex mathematical fitting process. In our work, we approach this problem from a deep learning perspective. First, we introduce a large-scale benchmark dataset to facilitate deep learning methods. The proposed dataset encompasses 98 types of thin film materials and 4 types of substrate materials, including metals, alloys, compounds, and polymers, among others. Additionally, we propose a deep learning framework that leverages residual connections and self-attention mechanisms to learn the massive data points. We also introduce a reconstruction loss to address the common challenge of multiple solutions in thin film thickness prediction. Compared to traditional machine learning methods, our framework achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on our proposed dataset. The dataset and code will be available upon acceptance.

new DAM: Towards A Foundation Model for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Luke Darlow, Qiwen Deng, Ahmed Hassan, Martin Asenov, Rajkarn Singh, Artjom Joosen, Adam Barker, Amos Storkey

Abstract: It is challenging to scale time series forecasting models such that they forecast accurately for multiple distinct domains and datasets, all with potentially different underlying collection procedures (e.g., sample resolution), patterns (e.g., periodicity), and prediction requirements (e.g., reconstruction vs. forecasting). We call this general task universal forecasting. Existing methods usually assume that input data is regularly sampled, and they forecast to pre-determined horizons, resulting in failure to generalise outside of the scope of their training. We propose the DAM - a neural model that takes randomly sampled histories and outputs an adjustable basis composition as a continuous function of time for forecasting to non-fixed horizons. It involves three key components: (1) a flexible approach for using randomly sampled histories from a long-tail distribution, that enables an efficient global perspective of the underlying temporal dynamics while retaining focus on the recent history; (2) a transformer backbone that is trained on these actively sampled histories to produce, as representational output, (3) the basis coefficients of a continuous function of time. We show that a single univariate DAM, trained on 25 time series datasets, either outperformed or closely matched existing SoTA models at multivariate long-term forecasting across 18 datasets, including 8 held-out for zero-shot transfer, even though these models were trained to specialise for each dataset-horizon combination. This single DAM excels at zero-shot transfer and very-long-term forecasting, performs well at imputation, is interpretable via basis function composition and attention, can be tuned for different inference-cost requirements, is robust to missing and irregularly sampled data {by design}.

new An Iterative Approach to Topic Modelling

Authors: Albert Wong, Florence Wing Yau Cheng, Ashley Keung, Yamileth Hercules, Mary Alexandra Garcia, Yew-Wei Lim, Lien Pham

Abstract: Topic modelling has become increasingly popular for summarizing text data, such as social media posts and articles. However, topic modelling is usually completed in one shot. Assessing the quality of resulting topics is challenging. No effective methods or measures have been developed for assessing the results or for making further enhancements to the topics. In this research, we propose we propose to use an iterative process to perform topic modelling that gives rise to a sense of completeness of the resulting topics when the process is complete. Using the BERTopic package, a popular method in topic modelling, we demonstrate how the modelling process can be applied iteratively to arrive at a set of topics that could not be further improved upon using one of the three selected measures for clustering comparison as the decision criteria. This demonstration is conducted using a subset of the COVIDSenti-A dataset. The early success leads us to believe that further research using in using this approach in conjunction with other topic modelling algorithms could be viable.

new Comparison of different Artificial Neural Networks for Bitcoin price forecasting

Authors: Silas Baumann, Karl A. Busch, Hamza A. A. Gardi

Abstract: This study investigates the impact of varying sequence lengths on the accuracy of predicting cryptocurrency returns using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). Utilizing the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) as a threshold criterion, we aim to enhance prediction accuracy by excluding returns that are smaller than this threshold, thus mitigating errors associated with minor returns. The subsequent evaluation focuses on the accuracy of predicted returns that exceed this threshold. We compare four sequence lengths 168 hours (7 days), 72 hours (3 days), 24 hours, and 12 hours each with a return prediction interval of 2 hours. Our findings reveal the influence of sequence length on prediction accuracy and underscore the potential for optimized sequence configurations in financial forecasting models.

new Neural Networks for Generating Better Local Optima in Topology Optimization

Authors: Leon Herrmann, Ole Sigmund, Viola Muning Li, Christian Vogl, Stefan Kollmannsberger

Abstract: Neural networks have recently been employed as material discretizations within adjoint optimization frameworks for inverse problems and topology optimization. While advantageous regularization effects and better optima have been found for some inverse problems, the benefit for topology optimization has been limited -- where the focus of investigations has been the compliance problem. We demonstrate how neural network material discretizations can, under certain conditions, find better local optima in more challenging optimization problems, where we here specifically consider acoustic topology optimization. The chances of identifying a better optimum can significantly be improved by running multiple partial optimizations with different neural network initializations. Furthermore, we show that the neural network material discretization's advantage comes from the interplay with the Adam optimizer and emphasize its current limitations when competing with constrained and higher-order optimization techniques. At the moment, this discretization has only been shown to be beneficial for unconstrained first-order optimization.

new Relating the Seemingly Unrelated: Principled Understanding of Generalization for Generative Models in Arithmetic Reasoning Tasks

Authors: Xingcheng Xu, Zibo Zhao, Haipeng Zhang, Yanqing Yang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive versatility across numerous tasks, yet their generalization capabilities remain poorly understood. To investigate these behaviors, arithmetic tasks serve as important venues. In previous studies, seemingly unrelated mysteries still exist -- (1) models with appropriate positional embeddings can correctly perform longer unseen arithmetic operations such as addition, but their effectiveness varies in more complex tasks like multiplication; (2) models perform well for longer unseen cases in modular addition under specific moduli (e.g., modulo 100) but struggle under very close moduli (e.g., modulo 101), regardless of the positional encoding used. We believe previous studies have been treating the symptoms rather than addressing the root cause -- they have paid excessive attention to improving model components, while overlooking the differences in task properties that may be the real drivers. This is confirmed by our unified theoretical framework for different arithmetic scenarios. For example, unlike multiplication, the digital addition task has the property of translation invariance which naturally aligns with the relative positional encoding, and this combination leads to successful generalization of addition to unseen longer domains. The discrepancy in operations modulo 100 and 101 arises from the base. Modulo 100, unlike 101, is compatible with the decimal system (base 10), such that unseen information in digits beyond the units digit and the tens digit is actually not needed for the task. Extensive experiments with GPT-like models validate our theoretical predictions. These findings deepen our understanding of the generalization mechanisms, and facilitate more data-efficient model training and objective-oriented AI alignment.

new Amortized Active Learning for Nonparametric Functions

Authors: Cen-You Li, Marc Toussaint, Barbara Rakitsch, Christoph Zimmer

Abstract: Active learning (AL) is a sequential learning scheme aiming to select the most informative data. AL reduces data consumption and avoids the cost of labeling large amounts of data. However, AL trains the model and solves an acquisition optimization for each selection. It becomes expensive when the model training or acquisition optimization is challenging. In this paper, we focus on active nonparametric function learning, where the gold standard Gaussian process (GP) approaches suffer from cubic time complexity. We propose an amortized AL method, where new data are suggested by a neural network which is trained up-front without any real data (Figure 1). Our method avoids repeated model training and requires no acquisition optimization during the AL deployment. We (i) utilize GPs as function priors to construct an AL simulator, (ii) train an AL policy that can zero-shot generalize from simulation to real learning problems of nonparametric functions and (iii) achieve real-time data selection and comparable learning performances to time-consuming baseline methods.

new Lightweight Industrial Cohorted Federated Learning for Heterogeneous Assets

Authors: Madapu Amarlingam, Abhishek Wani, Adarsh NL

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is the most widely adopted collaborative learning approach for training decentralized Machine Learning (ML) models by exchanging learning between clients without sharing the data and compromising privacy. However, since great data similarity or homogeneity is taken for granted in all FL tasks, FL is still not specifically designed for the industrial setting. Rarely this is the case in industrial data because there are differences in machine type, firmware version, operational conditions, environmental factors, and hence, data distribution. Albeit its popularity, it has been observed that FL performance degrades if the clients have heterogeneous data distributions. Therefore, we propose a Lightweight Industrial Cohorted FL (LICFL) algorithm that uses model parameters for cohorting without any additional on-edge (clientlevel) computations and communications than standard FL and mitigates the shortcomings from data heterogeneity in industrial applications. Our approach enhances client-level model performance by allowing them to collaborate with similar clients and train more specialized or personalized models. Also, we propose an adaptive aggregation algorithm that extends the LICFL to Adaptive LICFL (ALICFL) for further improving the global model performance and speeding up the convergence. Through numerical experiments on real-time data, we demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithms and compare the performance with existing approaches.

new Network Inversion of Convolutional Neural Nets

Authors: Pirzada Suhail, Amit Sethi

Abstract: Neural networks have emerged as powerful tools across various applications, yet their decision-making process often remains opaque, leading to them being perceived as "black boxes." This opacity raises concerns about their interpretability and reliability, especially in safety-critical scenarios. Network inversion techniques offer a solution by allowing us to peek inside these black boxes, revealing the features and patterns learned by the networks behind their decision-making processes and thereby provide valuable insights into how neural networks arrive at their conclusions, making them more interpretable and trustworthy. This paper presents a simple yet effective approach to network inversion using a carefully conditioned generator that learns the data distribution in the input space of the trained neural network, enabling the reconstruction of inputs that would most likely lead to the desired outputs. To capture the diversity in the input space for a given output, instead of simply revealing the conditioning labels to the generator, we hideously encode the conditioning label information into vectors, further exemplified by heavy dropout in the generation process and minimisation of cosine similarity between the features corresponding to the generated images. The paper concludes with immediate applications of Network Inversion including in interpretability, explainability and generation of adversarial samples.

new HANNA: Hard-constraint Neural Network for Consistent Activity Coefficient Prediction

Authors: Thomas Specht, Mayank Nagda, Sophie Fellenz, Stephan Mandt, Hans Hasse, Fabian Jirasek

Abstract: We present the first hard-constraint neural network for predicting activity coefficients (HANNA), a thermodynamic mixture property that is the basis for many applications in science and engineering. Unlike traditional neural networks, which ignore physical laws and result in inconsistent predictions, our model is designed to strictly adhere to all thermodynamic consistency criteria. By leveraging deep-set neural networks, HANNA maintains symmetry under the permutation of the components. Furthermore, by hard-coding physical constraints in the network architecture, we ensure consistency with the Gibbs-Duhem equation and in modeling the pure components. The model was trained and evaluated on 317,421 data points for activity coefficients in binary mixtures from the Dortmund Data Bank, achieving significantly higher prediction accuracies than the current state-of-the-art model UNIFAC. Moreover, HANNA only requires the SMILES of the components as input, making it applicable to any binary mixture of interest. HANNA is fully open-source and available for free use.

new Self-Supervision Improves Diffusion Models for Tabular Data Imputation

Authors: Yixin Liu, Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, Hisham Husain, Vu Nguyen

Abstract: The ubiquity of missing data has sparked considerable attention and focus on tabular data imputation methods. Diffusion models, recognized as the cutting-edge technique for data generation, demonstrate significant potential in tabular data imputation tasks. However, in pursuit of diversity, vanilla diffusion models often exhibit sensitivity to initialized noises, which hinders the models from generating stable and accurate imputation results. Additionally, the sparsity inherent in tabular data poses challenges for diffusion models in accurately modeling the data manifold, impacting the robustness of these models for data imputation. To tackle these challenges, this paper introduces an advanced diffusion model named Self-supervised imputation Diffusion Model (SimpDM for brevity), specifically tailored for tabular data imputation tasks. To mitigate sensitivity to noise, we introduce a self-supervised alignment mechanism that aims to regularize the model, ensuring consistent and stable imputation predictions. Furthermore, we introduce a carefully devised state-dependent data augmentation strategy within SimpDM, enhancing the robustness of the diffusion model when dealing with limited data. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SimpDM matches or outperforms state-of-the-art imputation methods across various scenarios.

new ECG Arrhythmia Detection Using Disease-specific Attention-based Deep Learning Model

Authors: Linpeng Jin

Abstract: The electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the most commonly-used tools to diagnose cardiovascular disease in clinical practice. Although deep learning models have achieved very impressive success in the field of automatic ECG analysis, they often lack model interpretability that is significantly important in the healthcare applications. To this end, many schemes such as general-purpose attention mechanism, Grad-CAM technique and ECG knowledge graph were proposed to be integrated with deep learning models. However, they either result in decreased classification performance or do not consist with the one in cardiologists' mind when interpreting ECG. In this study, we propose a novel disease-specific attention-based deep learning model (DANet) for arrhythmia detection from short ECG recordings. The novel idea is to introduce a soft-coding or hard-coding waveform enhanced module into existing deep neural networks, which amends original ECG signals with the guidance of the rule for diagnosis of a given disease type before being fed into the classification module. For the soft-coding DANet, we also develop a learning framework combining self-supervised pre-training with two-stage supervised training. To verify the effectiveness of our proposed DANet, we applied it to the problem of atrial premature contraction detection and the experimental results shows that it demonstrates superior performance compared to the benchmark model. Moreover, it also provides the waveform regions that deserve special attention in the model's decision-making process, allowing it to be a medical diagnostic assistant for physicians.

new Peak-Controlled Logits Poisoning Attack in Federated Distillation

Authors: Yuhan Tang, Aoxu Zhang, Zhiyuan Wu, Bo Gao, Tian Wen, Yuwei Wang, Sheng Sun

Abstract: Federated Distillation (FD) offers an innovative approach to distributed machine learning, leveraging knowledge distillation for efficient and flexible cross-device knowledge transfer without necessitating the upload of extensive model parameters to a central server. While FD has gained popularity, its vulnerability to poisoning attacks remains underexplored. To address this gap, we previously introduced FDLA (Federated Distillation Logits Attack), a method that manipulates logits communication to mislead and degrade the performance of client models. However, the impact of FDLA on participants with different identities and the effects of malicious modifications at various stages of knowledge transfer remain unexplored. To this end, we present PCFDLA (Peak-Controlled Federated Distillation Logits Attack), an advanced and more stealthy logits poisoning attack method for FD. PCFDLA enhances the effectiveness of FDLA by carefully controlling the peak values of logits to create highly misleading yet inconspicuous modifications. Furthermore, we introduce a novel metric for better evaluating attack efficacy, demonstrating that PCFDLA maintains stealth while being significantly more disruptive to victim models compared to its predecessors. Experimental results across various datasets confirm the superior impact of PCFDLA on model accuracy, solidifying its potential threat in federated distillation systems.

new How to Train the Teacher Model for Effective Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Shayan Mohajer Hamidi, Xizhen Deng, Renhao Tan, Linfeng Ye, Ahmed Hussein Salamah

Abstract: Recently, it was shown that the role of the teacher in knowledge distillation (KD) is to provide the student with an estimate of the true Bayes conditional probability density (BCPD). Notably, the new findings propose that the student's error rate can be upper-bounded by the mean squared error (MSE) between the teacher's output and BCPD. Consequently, to enhance KD efficacy, the teacher should be trained such that its output is close to BCPD in MSE sense. This paper elucidates that training the teacher model with MSE loss equates to minimizing the MSE between its output and BCPD, aligning with its core responsibility of providing the student with a BCPD estimate closely resembling it in MSE terms. In this respect, through a comprehensive set of experiments, we demonstrate that substituting the conventional teacher trained with cross-entropy loss with one trained using MSE loss in state-of-the-art KD methods consistently boosts the student's accuracy, resulting in improvements of up to 2.6\%.

new Lifelong Graph Summarization with Neural Networks: 2012, 2022, and a Time Warp

Authors: Jonatan Frank, Marcel Hoffmann, Nicolas Lell, David Richerby, Ansgar Scherp

Abstract: Summarizing web graphs is challenging due to the heterogeneity of the modeled information and its changes over time. We investigate the use of neural networks for lifelong graph summarization. Assuming we observe the web graph at a certain time, we train the networks to summarize graph vertices. We apply this trained network to summarize the vertices of the changed graph at the next point in time. Subsequently, we continue training and evaluating the network to perform lifelong graph summarization. We use the GNNs Graph-MLP and GraphSAINT, as well as an MLP baseline, to summarize the temporal graphs. We compare $1$-hop and $2$-hop summaries. We investigate the impact of reusing parameters from a previous snapshot by measuring the backward and forward transfer and the forgetting rate of the neural networks. Our extensive experiments on ten weekly snapshots of a web graph with over $100$M edges, sampled in 2012 and 2022, show that all networks predominantly use $1$-hop information to determine the summary, even when performing $2$-hop summarization. Due to the heterogeneity of web graphs, in some snapshots, the $2$-hop summary produces over ten times more vertex summaries than the $1$-hop summary. When using the network trained on the last snapshot from 2012 and applying it to the first snapshot of 2022, we observe a strong drop in accuracy. We attribute this drop over the ten-year time warp to the strongly increased heterogeneity of the web graph in 2022.

new The Geometry of Queries: Query-Based Innovations in Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Authors: Eric Yang, Jonathan Amar, Jong Ha Lee, Bhawesh Kumar, Yugang Jia

Abstract: Digital health chatbots powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) have the potential to significantly improve personal health management for chronic conditions by providing accessible and on-demand health coaching and question-answering. However, these chatbots risk providing unverified and inaccurate information because LLMs generate responses based on patterns learned from diverse internet data. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) can help mitigate hallucinations and inaccuracies in LLM responses by grounding it on reliable content. However, efficiently and accurately retrieving most relevant set of content for real-time user questions remains a challenge. In this work, we introduce Query-Based Retrieval Augmented Generation (QB-RAG), a novel approach that pre-computes a database of potential queries from a content base using LLMs. For an incoming patient question, QB-RAG efficiently matches it against this pre-generated query database using vector search, improving alignment between user questions and the content. We establish a theoretical foundation for QB-RAG and provide a comparative analysis of existing retrieval enhancement techniques for RAG systems. Finally, our empirical evaluation demonstrates that QB-RAG significantly improves the accuracy of healthcare question answering, paving the way for robust and trustworthy LLM applications in digital health.

new Cross-Vendor Reproducibility of Radiomics-based Machine Learning Models for Computer-aided Diagnosis

Authors: Jatin Chaudhary, Ivan Jambor, Hannu Aronen, Otto Ettala, Jani Saunavaara, Peter Bostr\"om, Jukka Heikkonen, Rajeev Kanth, Harri Merisaari

Abstract: Background: The reproducibility of machine-learning models in prostate cancer detection across different MRI vendors remains a significant challenge. Methods: This study investigates Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Random Forest (RF) models trained on radiomic features extracted from T2-weighted MRI images using Pyradiomics and MRCradiomics libraries. Feature selection was performed using the maximum relevance minimum redundancy (MRMR) technique. We aimed to enhance clinical decision support through multimodal learning and feature fusion. Results: Our SVM model, utilizing combined features from Pyradiomics and MRCradiomics, achieved an AUC of 0.74 on the Multi-Improd dataset (Siemens scanner) but decreased to 0.60 on the Philips test set. The RF model showed similar trends, with notable robustness for models using Pyradiomics features alone (AUC of 0.78 on Philips). Conclusions: These findings demonstrate the potential of multimodal feature integration to improve the robustness and generalizability of machine-learning models for clinical decision support in prostate cancer detection. This study marks a significant step towards developing reliable AI-driven diagnostic tools that maintain efficacy across various imaging platforms.

new Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Resilience Optimization in 5G RAN

Authors: Soumeya Kaada, Dinh-Hieu Tran, Nguyen Van Huynh, Marie-Line Alberi Morel, Sofiene Jelassi, Gerardo Rubino

Abstract: Resilience is defined as the ability of a network to resist, adapt, and quickly recover from disruptions, and to continue to maintain an acceptable level of services from users' perspective. With the advent of future radio networks, including advanced 5G and upcoming 6G, critical services become integral to future networks, requiring uninterrupted service delivery for end users. Unfortunately, with the growing network complexity, user mobility and diversity, it becomes challenging to scale current resilience management techniques that rely on local optimizations to large dense network deployments. This paper aims to address this problem by globally optimizing the resilience of a dense multi-cell network based on multi-agent deep reinforcement learning. Specifically, our proposed solution can dynamically tilt cell antennas and reconfigure transmit power to mitigate outages and increase both coverage and service availability. A multi-objective optimization problem is formulated to simultaneously satisfy resiliency constraints while maximizing the service quality in the network area in order to minimize the impact of outages on neighbouring cells. Extensive simulations then demonstrate that with our proposed solution, the average service availability in terms of user throughput can be increased by up to 50-60% on average, while reaching a coverage availability of 99% in best cases.

new Graph Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Coarse-Grained Socioeconomic Dynamics

Authors: James Koch, Pranab Roy Chowdhury, Heng Wan, Parin Bhaduri, Jim Yoon, Vivek Srikrishnan, W. Brent Daniel

Abstract: We present a data-driven machine-learning approach for modeling space-time socioeconomic dynamics. Through coarse-graining fine-scale observations, our modeling framework simplifies these complex systems to a set of tractable mechanistic relationships -- in the form of ordinary differential equations -- while preserving critical system behaviors. This approach allows for expedited 'what if' studies and sensitivity analyses, essential for informed policy-making. Our findings, from a case study of Baltimore, MD, indicate that this machine learning-augmented coarse-grained model serves as a powerful instrument for deciphering the complex interactions between social factors, geography, and exogenous stressors, offering a valuable asset for system forecasting and resilience planning.

new Unsupervised Training of Neural Cellular Automata on Edge Devices

Authors: John Kalkhof, Amin Ranem, Anirban Mukhopadhyay

Abstract: The disparity in access to machine learning tools for medical imaging across different regions significantly limits the potential for universal healthcare innovation, particularly in remote areas. Our research addresses this issue by implementing Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) training directly on smartphones for accessible X-ray lung segmentation. We confirm the practicality and feasibility of deploying and training these advanced models on five Android devices, improving medical diagnostics accessibility and bridging the tech divide to extend machine learning benefits in medical imaging to low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We further enhance this approach with an unsupervised adaptation method using the novel Variance-Weighted Segmentation Loss (VWSL), which efficiently learns from unlabeled data by minimizing the variance from multiple NCA predictions. This strategy notably improves model adaptability and performance across diverse medical imaging contexts without the need for extensive computational resources or labeled datasets, effectively lowering the participation threshold. Our methodology, tested on three multisite X-ray datasets -- Padchest, ChestX-ray8, and MIMIC-III -- demonstrates improvements in segmentation Dice accuracy by 0.7 to 2.8%, compared to the classic Med-NCA. Additionally, in extreme cases where no digital copy is available and images must be captured by a phone from an X-ray lightbox or monitor, VWSL enhances Dice accuracy by 5-20%, demonstrating the method's robustness even with suboptimal image sources.

new Maximum Entropy On-Policy Actor-Critic via Entropy Advantage Estimation

Authors: Jean Seong Bjorn Choe, Jong-Kook Kim

Abstract: Entropy Regularisation is a widely adopted technique that enhances policy optimisation performance and stability. A notable form of entropy regularisation is augmenting the objective with an entropy term, thereby simultaneously optimising the expected return and the entropy. This framework, known as maximum entropy reinforcement learning (MaxEnt RL), has shown theoretical and empirical successes. However, its practical application in straightforward on-policy actor-critic settings remains surprisingly underexplored. We hypothesise that this is due to the difficulty of managing the entropy reward in practice. This paper proposes a simple method of separating the entropy objective from the MaxEnt RL objective, which facilitates the implementation of MaxEnt RL in on-policy settings. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate that extending Proximal Policy Optimisation (PPO) and Trust Region Policy Optimisation (TRPO) within the MaxEnt framework improves policy optimisation performance in both MuJoCo and Procgen tasks. Additionally, our results highlight MaxEnt RL's capacity to enhance generalisation.

new RIDA: A Robust Attack Framework on Incomplete Graphs

Authors: Jianke Yu, Hanchen Wang, Chen Chen, Xiaoyang Wang, Wenjie Zhang, Ying Zhang

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are vital in data science but are increasingly susceptible to adversarial attacks. To help researchers develop more robust GNN models, it's essential to focus on designing strong attack models as foundational benchmarks and guiding references. Among adversarial attacks, gray-box poisoning attacks are noteworthy due to their effectiveness and fewer constraints. These attacks exploit GNNs' need for retraining on updated data, thereby impacting their performance by perturbing these datasets. However, current research overlooks the real-world scenario of incomplete graphs.To address this gap, we introduce the Robust Incomplete Deep Attack Framework (RIDA). It is the first algorithm for robust gray-box poisoning attacks on incomplete graphs. The approach innovatively aggregates distant vertex information and ensures powerful data utilization.Extensive tests against 9 SOTA baselines on 3 real-world datasets demonstrate RIDA's superiority in handling incompleteness and high attack performance on the incomplete graph.

new Quasar-ViT: Hardware-Oriented Quantization-Aware Architecture Search for Vision Transformers

Authors: Zhengang Li, Alec Lu, Yanyue Xie, Zhenglun Kong, Mengshu Sun, Hao Tang, Zhong Jia Xue, Peiyan Dong, Caiwen Ding, Yanzhi Wang, Xue Lin, Zhenman Fang

Abstract: Vision transformers (ViTs) have demonstrated their superior accuracy for computer vision tasks compared to convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, ViT models are often computation-intensive for efficient deployment on resource-limited edge devices. This work proposes Quasar-ViT, a hardware-oriented quantization-aware architecture search framework for ViTs, to design efficient ViT models for hardware implementation while preserving the accuracy. First, Quasar-ViT trains a supernet using our row-wise flexible mixed-precision quantization scheme, mixed-precision weight entanglement, and supernet layer scaling techniques. Then, it applies an efficient hardware-oriented search algorithm, integrated with hardware latency and resource modeling, to determine a series of optimal subnets from supernet under different inference latency targets. Finally, we propose a series of model-adaptive designs on the FPGA platform to support the architecture search and mitigate the gap between the theoretical computation reduction and the practical inference speedup. Our searched models achieve 101.5, 159.6, and 251.6 frames-per-second (FPS) inference speed on the AMD/Xilinx ZCU102 FPGA with 80.4%, 78.6%, and 74.9% top-1 accuracy, respectively, for the ImageNet dataset, consistently outperforming prior works.

new Gene Regulatory Network Inference from Pre-trained Single-Cell Transcriptomics Transformer with Joint Graph Learning

Authors: Sindhura Kommu, Yizhi Wang, Yue Wang, Xuan Wang

Abstract: Inferring gene regulatory networks (GRNs) from single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data is a complex challenge that requires capturing the intricate relationships between genes and their regulatory interactions. In this study, we tackle this challenge by leveraging the single-cell BERT-based pre-trained transformer model (scBERT), trained on extensive unlabeled scRNA-seq data, to augment structured biological knowledge from existing GRNs. We introduce a novel joint graph learning approach that combines the rich contextual representations learned by pre-trained single-cell language models with the structured knowledge encoded in GRNs using graph neural networks (GNNs). By integrating these two modalities, our approach effectively reasons over boththe gene expression level constraints provided by the scRNA-seq data and the structured biological knowledge inherent in GRNs. We evaluate our method on human cell benchmark datasets from the BEELINE study with cell type-specific ground truth networks. The results demonstrate superior performance over current state-of-the-art baselines, offering a deeper understanding of cellular regulatory mechanisms.

new AsEP: Benchmarking Deep Learning Methods for Antibody-specific Epitope Prediction

Authors: Chunan Liu, Lilian Denzler, Yihong Chen, Andrew Martin, Brooks Paige

Abstract: Epitope identification is vital for antibody design yet challenging due to the inherent variability in antibodies. While many deep learning methods have been developed for general protein binding site prediction tasks, whether they work for epitope prediction remains an understudied research question. The challenge is also heightened by the lack of a consistent evaluation pipeline with sufficient dataset size and epitope diversity. We introduce a filtered antibody-antigen complex structure dataset, AsEP (Antibody-specific Epitope Prediction). AsEP is the largest of its kind and provides clustered epitope groups, allowing the community to develop and test novel epitope prediction methods. AsEP comes with an easy-to-use interface in Python and pre-built graph representations of each antibody-antigen complex while also supporting customizable embedding methods. Based on this new dataset, we benchmarked various representative general protein-binding site prediction methods and find that their performances are not satisfactory as expected for epitope prediction. We thus propose a new method, WALLE, that leverages both protein language models and graph neural networks. WALLE demonstrate about 5X performance gain over existing methods. Our empirical findings evidence that epitope prediction benefits from combining sequential embeddings provided by language models and geometrical information from graph representations, providing a guideline for future method design. In addition, we reformulate the task as bipartite link prediction, allowing easy model performance attribution and interpretability. We open-source our data and code at


new Exploring Scaling Trends in LLM Robustness

Authors: Nikolhaus Howe, Micha{\l} Zajac, Ian McKenzie, Oskar Hollinsworth, Tom Tseng, Pierre-Luc Bacon, Adam Gleave

Abstract: Language model capabilities predictably improve from scaling a model's size and training data. Motivated by this, increasingly large language models have been trained, yielding an array of impressive capabilities. Yet these models are vulnerable to adversarial prompts, such as "jailbreaks" that hijack models to perform undesired behaviors, posing a significant risk of misuse. Prior work indicates that computer vision models become more robust with model and data scaling, raising the question: does language model robustness also improve with scale? We study this question empirically, finding that larger models respond substantially better to adversarial training, but there is little to no benefit from model scale in the absence of explicit defenses.

new Recursive Introspection: Teaching Language Model Agents How to Self-Improve

Authors: Yuxiao Qu, Tianjun Zhang, Naman Garg, Aviral Kumar

Abstract: A central piece in enabling intelligent agentic behavior in foundation models is to make them capable of introspecting upon their behavior, reasoning, and correcting their mistakes as more computation or interaction is available. Even the strongest proprietary large language models (LLMs) do not quite exhibit the ability of continually improving their responses sequentially, even in scenarios where they are explicitly told that they are making a mistake. In this paper, we develop RISE: Recursive IntroSpEction, an approach for fine-tuning LLMs to introduce this capability, despite prior work hypothesizing that this capability may not be possible to attain. Our approach prescribes an iterative fine-tuning procedure, which attempts to teach the model how to alter its response after having executed previously unsuccessful attempts to solve a hard test-time problem, with optionally additional environment feedback. RISE poses fine-tuning for a single-turn prompt as solving a multi-turn Markov decision process (MDP), where the initial state is the prompt. Inspired by principles in online imitation learning and reinforcement learning, we propose strategies for multi-turn data collection and training so as to imbue an LLM with the capability to recursively detect and correct its previous mistakes in subsequent iterations. Our experiments show that RISE enables Llama2, Llama3, and Mistral models to improve themselves with more turns on math reasoning tasks, outperforming several single-turn strategies given an equal amount of inference-time computation. We also find that RISE scales well, often attaining larger benefits with more capable models. Our analysis shows that RISE makes meaningful improvements to responses to arrive at the correct solution for challenging prompts, without disrupting one-turn abilities as a result of expressing more complex distributions.

new Automated Ensemble Multimodal Machine Learning for Healthcare

Authors: Fergus Imrie, Stefan Denner, Lucas S. Brunschwig, Klaus Maier-Hein, Mihaela van der Schaar

Abstract: The application of machine learning in medicine and healthcare has led to the creation of numerous diagnostic and prognostic models. However, despite their success, current approaches generally issue predictions using data from a single modality. This stands in stark contrast with clinician decision-making which employs diverse information from multiple sources. While several multimodal machine learning approaches exist, significant challenges in developing multimodal systems remain that are hindering clinical adoption. In this paper, we introduce a multimodal framework, AutoPrognosis-M, that enables the integration of structured clinical (tabular) data and medical imaging using automated machine learning. AutoPrognosis-M incorporates 17 imaging models, including convolutional neural networks and vision transformers, and three distinct multimodal fusion strategies. In an illustrative application using a multimodal skin lesion dataset, we highlight the importance of multimodal machine learning and the power of combining multiple fusion strategies using ensemble learning. We have open-sourced our framework as a tool for the community and hope it will accelerate the uptake of multimodal machine learning in healthcare and spur further innovation.

new Numerical Literals in Link Prediction: A Critical Examination of Models and Datasets

Authors: Moritz Blum, Basil Ell, Hannes Ill, Philipp Cimiano

Abstract: Link Prediction(LP) is an essential task over Knowledge Graphs(KGs), traditionally focussed on using and predicting the relations between entities. Textual entity descriptions have already been shown to be valuable, but models that incorporate numerical literals have shown minor improvements on existing benchmark datasets. It is unclear whether a model is actually better in using numerical literals, or better capable of utilizing the graph structure. This raises doubts about the effectiveness of these methods and about the suitability of the existing benchmark datasets. We propose a methodology to evaluate LP models that incorporate numerical literals. We propose i) a new synthetic dataset to better understand how well these models use numerical literals and ii) dataset ablations strategies to investigate potential difficulties with the existing datasets. We identify a prevalent trend: many models underutilize literal information and potentially rely on additional parameters for performance gains. Our investigation highlights the need for more extensive evaluations when releasing new models and datasets.

new LoRA-Pro: Are Low-Rank Adapters Properly Optimized?

Authors: Zhengbo Wang, Jian Liang

Abstract: Low-Rank Adaptation, also known as LoRA, has emerged as a prominent method for parameter-efficient fine-tuning foundation models by re-parameterizing the original matrix into the product of two low-rank matrices. Despite its efficiency, LoRA often yields inferior performance compared to full fine-tuning. In this paper, we propose LoRA-Pro to bridge this performance gap. Firstly, we delve into the optimization processes in LoRA and full fine-tuning. We reveal that while LoRA employs low-rank approximation, it neglects to approximate the optimization process of full fine-tuning. To address this, we introduce a novel concept called the "equivalent gradient." This virtual gradient makes the optimization process on the re-parameterized matrix equivalent to LoRA, which can be used to quantify the differences between LoRA and full fine-tuning. The equivalent gradient is derived from the gradients of matrices $A$ and $B$. To narrow the performance gap, our approach minimizes the differences between the equivalent gradient and the gradient obtained from full fine-tuning during the optimization process. By solving this objective, we derive optimal closed-form solutions for updating matrices $A$ and $B$. Our method constrains the optimization process, shrinking the performance gap between LoRA and full fine-tuning. Extensive experiments on natural language processing tasks validate the effectiveness of our method.

cross MUSE: Flexible Voiceprint Receptive Fields and Multi-Path Fusion Enhanced Taylor Transformer for U-Net-based Speech Enhancement

Authors: Zizhen Lin, Xiaoting Chen, Junyu Wang

Abstract: Achieving a balance between lightweight design and high performance remains a challenging task for speech enhancement. In this paper, we introduce Multi-path Enhanced Taylor (MET) Transformer based U-net for Speech Enhancement (MUSE), a lightweight speech enhancement network built upon the Unet architecture. Our approach incorporates a novel Multi-path Enhanced Taylor (MET) Transformer block, which integrates Deformable Embedding (DE) to enable flexible receptive fields for voiceprints. The MET Transformer is uniquely designed to fuse Channel and Spatial Attention (CSA) branches, facilitating channel information exchange and addressing spatial attention deficits within the Taylor-Transformer framework. Through extensive experiments conducted on the VoiceBank+DEMAND dataset, we demonstrate that MUSE achieves competitive performance while significantly reducing both training and deployment costs, boasting a mere 0.51M parameters.

cross Sparks of Quantum Advantage and Rapid Retraining in Machine Learning

Authors: William Troy

Abstract: The advent of quantum computing holds the potential to revolutionize various fields by solving complex problems more efficiently than classical computers. Despite this promise, practical quantum advantage is hindered by current hardware limitations, notably the small number of qubits and high noise levels. In this study, we leverage adiabatic quantum computers to optimize Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks, a powerful neural network architecture for representing complex functions with minimal parameters. By modifying the network to use Bezier curves as the basis functions and formulating the optimization problem into a Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization problem, we create a fixed-sized solution space, independent of the number of training samples. Our approach demonstrates sparks of quantum advantage through faster training times compared to classical optimizers such as the Adam, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Adaptive Gradient, and simulated annealing. Additionally, we introduce a novel rapid retraining capability, enabling the network to be retrained with new data without reprocessing old samples, thus enhancing learning efficiency in dynamic environments. Experimental results on initial training of classification and regression tasks validate the efficacy of our approach, showcasing significant speedups and comparable performance to classical methods. While experiments on retraining demonstrate a sixty times speed up using adiabatic quantum computing based optimization compared to that of the gradient descent based optimizers, with theoretical models allowing this speed up to be even larger! Our findings suggest that with further advancements in quantum hardware and algorithm optimization, quantum-optimized machine learning models could have broad applications across various domains, with initial focus on rapid retraining.

cross Toward Automated Detection of Biased Social Signals from the Content of Clinical Conversations

Authors: Feng Chen, Manas Satish Bedmutha, Ray-Yuan Chung, Janice Sabin, Wanda Pratt, Brian R. Wood, Nadir Weibel, Andrea L. Hartzler, Trevor Cohen

Abstract: Implicit bias can impede patient-provider interactions and lead to inequities in care. Raising awareness is key to reducing such bias, but its manifestations in the social dynamics of patient-provider communication are difficult to detect. In this study, we used automated speech recognition (ASR) and natural language processing (NLP) to identify social signals in patient-provider interactions. We built an automated pipeline to predict social signals from audio recordings of 782 primary care visits that achieved 90.1% average accuracy across codes, and exhibited fairness in its predictions for white and non-white patients. Applying this pipeline, we identified statistically significant differences in provider communication behavior toward white versus non-white patients. In particular, providers expressed more patient-centered behaviors towards white patients including more warmth, engagement, and attentiveness. Our study underscores the potential of automated tools in identifying subtle communication signals that may be linked with bias and impact healthcare quality and equity.

cross LLM4PM: A case study on using Large Language Models for Process Modeling in Enterprise Organizations

Authors: Clara Ziche, Giovanni Apruzzese

Abstract: We investigate the potential of using Large Language Models (LLM) to support process model creation in organizational contexts. Specifically, we carry out a case study wherein we develop and test an LLM-based chatbot, PRODIGY (PROcess moDellIng Guidance for You), in a multinational company, the Hilti Group. We are particularly interested in understanding how LLM can aid (human) modellers in creating process flow diagrams. To this purpose, we first conduct a preliminary user study (n=10) with professional process modellers from Hilti, inquiring for various pain-points they encounter in their daily routines. Then, we use their responses to design and implement PRODIGY. Finally, we evaluate PRODIGY by letting our user study's participants use PRODIGY, and then ask for their opinion on the pros and cons of PRODIGY. We coalesce our results in actionable takeaways. Through our research, we showcase the first practical application of LLM for process modelling in the real world, shedding light on how industries can leverage LLM to enhance their Business Process Management activities.

cross Learning from Memory: Non-Parametric Memory Augmented Self-Supervised Learning of Visual Features

Authors: Thalles Silva, Helio Pedrini, Ad\'in Ram\'irez Rivera

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel approach to improving the training stability of self-supervised learning (SSL) methods by leveraging a non-parametric memory of seen concepts. The proposed method involves augmenting a neural network with a memory component to stochastically compare current image views with previously encountered concepts. Additionally, we introduce stochastic memory blocks to regularize training and enforce consistency between image views. We extensively benchmark our method on many vision tasks, such as linear probing, transfer learning, low-shot classification, and image retrieval on many datasets. The experimental results consolidate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in achieving stable SSL training without additional regularizers while learning highly transferable representations and requiring less computing time and resources.

cross Robust Adaptation of Foundation Models with Black-Box Visual Prompting

Authors: Changdae Oh, Gyeongdeok Seo, Geunyoung Jung, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Hosik Choi, Jiyoung Jung, Kyungwoo Song

Abstract: With the surge of large-scale pre-trained models (PTMs), adapting these models to numerous downstream tasks becomes a crucial problem. Consequently, parameter-efficient transfer learning (PETL) of large models has grasped huge attention. While PETL methods show impressive performance, they commonly rely on two optimistic assumptions: 1) the entire parameters of a PTM are available, and 2) a sufficiently large memory capacity is equipped for caching all the intermediate activations to compute gradients. However, in most real-world applications, PTMs are served as black-box APIs or proprietary software without explicit parameter accessibility. Besides, it is hard to meet a large memory requirement for modern PTMs. This work proposes black-box visual prompting (BlackVIP), which efficiently adapts the PTMs without knowledge about model architectures and parameters. BlackVIP has two components; 1) Coordinator and 2) simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation with gradient correction (SPSA-GC). The Coordinator designs input-dependent visual prompts, which allow the target PTM to adapt in the wild. SPSA-GC efficiently estimates the gradient of PTM to update the Coordinator. Besides, we propose a variant, BlackVIP-SE, which significantly reduces the runtime and computational cost of BlackVIP. Extensive experiments on 19 datasets demonstrate that BlackVIPs enable robust adaptation to diverse domains and tasks with minimal memory requirements. We further provide theoretical analysis on the generalization of visual prompting methods by presenting their connection to the certified robustness of randomized smoothing.

cross Unraveling Molecular Structure: A Multimodal Spectroscopic Dataset for Chemistry

Authors: Marvin Alberts, Oliver Schilter, Federico Zipoli, Nina Hartrampf, Teodoro Laino

Abstract: Spectroscopic techniques are essential tools for determining the structure of molecules. Different spectroscopic techniques, such as Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Infrared spectroscopy, and Mass Spectrometry, provide insight into the molecular structure, including the presence or absence of functional groups. Chemists leverage the complementary nature of the different methods to their advantage. However, the lack of a comprehensive multimodal dataset, containing spectra from a variety of spectroscopic techniques, has limited machine-learning approaches mostly to single-modality tasks for predicting molecular structures from spectra. Here we introduce a dataset comprising simulated $^1$H-NMR, $^{13}$C-NMR, HSQC-NMR, Infrared, and Mass spectra (positive and negative ion modes) for 790k molecules extracted from chemical reactions in patent data. This dataset enables the development of foundation models for integrating information from multiple spectroscopic modalities, emulating the approach employed by human experts. Additionally, we provide benchmarks for evaluating single-modality tasks such as structure elucidation, predicting the spectra for a target molecule, and functional group predictions. This dataset has the potential automate structure elucidation, streamlining the molecular discovery pipeline from synthesis to structure determination. The dataset and code for the benchmarks can be found at


cross Challenges and Considerations in Annotating Legal Data: A Comprehensive Overview

Authors: Harshil Darji, Jelena Mitrovi\'c, Michael Granitzer

Abstract: The process of annotating data within the legal sector is filled with distinct challenges that differ from other fields, primarily due to the inherent complexities of legal language and documentation. The initial task usually involves selecting an appropriate raw dataset that captures the intricate aspects of legal texts. Following this, extracting text becomes a complicated task, as legal documents often have complex structures, footnotes, references, and unique terminology. The importance of data cleaning is magnified in this context, ensuring that redundant information is eliminated while maintaining crucial legal details and context. Creating comprehensive yet straightforward annotation guidelines is imperative, as these guidelines serve as the road map for maintaining uniformity and addressing the subtle nuances of legal terminology. Another critical aspect is the involvement of legal professionals in the annotation process. Their expertise is valuable in ensuring that the data not only remains contextually accurate but also adheres to prevailing legal standards and interpretations. This paper provides an expanded view of these challenges and aims to offer a foundational understanding and guidance for researchers and professionals engaged in legal data annotation projects. In addition, we provide links to our created and fine-tuned datasets and language models. These resources are outcomes of our discussed projects and solutions to challenges faced while working on them.

cross Driving pattern interpretation based on action phases clustering

Authors: Xue Yao, Simeon C. Calvert, Serge P. Hoogendoorn

Abstract: Current approaches to identifying driving heterogeneity face challenges in comprehending fundamental patterns from the perspective of underlying driving behavior mechanisms. The concept of Action phases was proposed in our previous work, capturing the diversity of driving characteristics with physical meanings. This study presents a novel framework to further interpret driving patterns by classifying Action phases in an unsupervised manner. In this framework, a Resampling and Downsampling Method (RDM) is first applied to standardize the length of Action phases. Then the clustering calibration procedure including ''Feature Selection'', ''Clustering Analysis'', ''Difference/Similarity Evaluation'', and ''Action phases Re-extraction'' is iteratively applied until all differences among clusters and similarities within clusters reach the pre-determined criteria. Application of the framework using real-world datasets revealed six driving patterns in the I80 dataset, labeled as ''Catch up'', ''Keep away'', and ''Maintain distance'', with both ''Stable'' and ''Unstable'' states. Notably, Unstable patterns are more numerous than Stable ones. ''Maintain distance'' is the most common among Stable patterns. These observations align with the dynamic nature of driving. Two patterns ''Stable keep away'' and ''Unstable catch up'' are missing in the US101 dataset, which is in line with our expectations as this dataset was previously shown to have less heterogeneity. This demonstrates the potential of driving patterns in describing driving heterogeneity. The proposed framework promises advantages in addressing label scarcity in supervised learning and enhancing tasks such as driving behavior modeling and driving trajectory prediction.

cross LAMBDA: A Large Model Based Data Agent

Authors: Maojun Sun, Ruijian Han, Binyan Jiang, Houduo Qi, Defeng Sun, Yancheng Yuan, Jian Huang

Abstract: We introduce ``LAMBDA," a novel open-source, code-free multi-agent data analysis system that that harnesses the power of large models. LAMBDA is designed to address data analysis challenges in complex data-driven applications through the use of innovatively designed data agents that operate iteratively and generatively using natural language. At the core of LAMBDA are two key agent roles: the programmer and the inspector, which are engineered to work together seamlessly. Specifically, the programmer generates code based on the user's instructions and domain-specific knowledge, enhanced by advanced models. Meanwhile, the inspector debugs the code when necessary. To ensure robustness and handle adverse scenarios, LAMBDA features a user interface that allows direct user intervention in the operational loop. Additionally, LAMBDA can flexibly integrate external models and algorithms through our knowledge integration mechanism, catering to the needs of customized data analysis. LAMBDA has demonstrated strong performance on various machine learning datasets. It has the potential to enhance data science practice and analysis paradigm by seamlessly integrating human and artificial intelligence, making it more accessible, effective, and efficient for individuals from diverse backgrounds. The strong performance of LAMBDA in solving data science problems is demonstrated in several case studies, which are presented at \url{}.


cross S-E Pipeline: A Vision Transformer (ViT) based Resilient Classification Pipeline for Medical Imaging Against Adversarial Attacks

Authors: Neha A S, Vivek Chaturvedi, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: Vision Transformer (ViT) is becoming widely popular in automating accurate disease diagnosis in medical imaging owing to its robust self-attention mechanism. However, ViTs remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks that may thwart the diagnosis process by leading it to intentional misclassification of critical disease. In this paper, we propose a novel image classification pipeline, namely, S-E Pipeline, that performs multiple pre-processing steps that allow ViT to be trained on critical features so as to reduce the impact of input perturbations by adversaries. Our method uses a combination of segmentation and image enhancement techniques such as Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE), Unsharp Masking (UM), and High-Frequency Emphasis filtering (HFE) as preprocessing steps to identify critical features that remain intact even after adversarial perturbations. The experimental study demonstrates that our novel pipeline helps in reducing the effect of adversarial attacks by 72.22% for the ViT-b32 model and 86.58% for the ViT-l32 model. Furthermore, we have shown an end-to-end deployment of our proposed method on the NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano board to demonstrate its practical use case in modern hand-held devices that are usually resource-constrained.

cross Quality Assured: Rethinking Annotation Strategies in Imaging AI

Authors: Tim R\"adsch, Annika Reinke, Vivienn Weru, Minu D. Tizabi, Nicholas Heller, Fabian Isensee, Annette Kopp-Schneider, Lena Maier-Hein

Abstract: This paper does not describe a novel method. Instead, it studies an essential foundation for reliable benchmarking and ultimately real-world application of AI-based image analysis: generating high-quality reference annotations. Previous research has focused on crowdsourcing as a means of outsourcing annotations. However, little attention has so far been given to annotation companies, specifically regarding their internal quality assurance (QA) processes. Therefore, our aim is to evaluate the influence of QA employed by annotation companies on annotation quality and devise methodologies for maximizing data annotation efficacy. Based on a total of 57,648 instance segmented images obtained from a total of 924 annotators and 34 QA workers from four annotation companies and Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), we derived the following insights: (1) Annotation companies perform better both in terms of quantity and quality compared to the widely used platform MTurk. (2) Annotation companies' internal QA only provides marginal improvements, if any. However, improving labeling instructions instead of investing in QA can substantially boost annotation performance. (3) The benefit of internal QA depends on specific image characteristics. Our work could enable researchers to derive substantially more value from a fixed annotation budget and change the way annotation companies conduct internal QA.

cross Coupling Speech Encoders with Downstream Text Models

Authors: Ciprian Chelba, Johan Schalkwyk

Abstract: We present a modular approach to building cascade speech translation (AST) models that guarantees that the resulting model performs no worse than the 1-best cascade baseline while preserving state-of-the-art speech recognition (ASR) and text translation (MT) performance for a given task. Our novel contribution is the use of an ``exporter'' layer that is trained under L2-loss to ensure a strong match between ASR embeddings and the MT token embeddings for the 1-best sequence. The ``exporter'' output embeddings are fed directly to the MT model in lieu of 1-best token embeddings, thus guaranteeing that the resulting model performs no worse than the 1-best cascade baseline, while allowing back-propagation gradient to flow from the MT model into the ASR components. The matched-embeddings cascade architecture provide a significant improvement over its 1-best counterpart in scenarios where incremental training of the MT model is not an option and yet we seek to improve quality by leveraging (speech, transcription, translated transcription) data provided with the AST task. The gain disappears when the MT model is incrementally trained on the parallel text data available with the AST task. The approach holds promise for other scenarios that seek to couple ASR encoders and immutable text models, such at large language models (LLM).

cross BLAZE: Cross-Language and Cross-Project Bug Localization via Dynamic Chunking and Hard Example Learning

Authors: Partha Chakraborty, Mahmoud Alfadel, Meiyappan Nagappan

Abstract: Software bugs require developers to exert significant effort to identify and resolve them, often consuming about one-third of their time. Bug localization, the process of pinpointing the exact source code files that need modification, is crucial in reducing this effort. Existing bug localization tools, typically reliant on deep learning techniques, face limitations in cross-project applicability and effectiveness in multi-language environments. Recent advancements with Large Language Models (LLMs) offer detailed representations for bug localization. However, they encounter challenges with limited context windows and mapping accuracy. To address these issues, we propose BLAZE, an approach that employs dynamic chunking and hard example learning. First, BLAZE dynamically segments source code to minimize continuity loss. Then, BLAZE fine-tunes a GPT-based model using challenging bug cases, in order to enhance cross-project and cross-language bug localization. To support the capability of BLAZE, we create the BEETLEBOX dataset, which comprises 26,321 bugs from 29 large and thriving open-source projects across five different programming languages (Java, C++, Python, Go, and JavaScript). Our evaluations of BLAZE on three benchmark datasets BEETLEBOX, SWE-Bench, and Ye et al. demonstrate substantial improvements compared to six state-of-the-art baselines. Specifically, BLAZE achieves up to an increase of 120% in Top 1 accuracy, 144% in Mean Average Precision (MAP), and 100% in Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR). An extensive ablation study confirms the contributions of our pipeline components to the overall performance enhancement.

cross Tackling the Problem of Distributional Shifts: Correcting Misspecified, High-Dimensional Data-Driven Priors for Inverse Problems

Authors: Gabriel Missael Barco, Alexandre Adam, Connor Stone, Yashar Hezaveh, Laurence Perreault-Levasseur

Abstract: Bayesian inference for inverse problems hinges critically on the choice of priors. In the absence of specific prior information, population-level distributions can serve as effective priors for parameters of interest. With the advent of machine learning, the use of data-driven population-level distributions (encoded, e.g., in a trained deep neural network) as priors is emerging as an appealing alternative to simple parametric priors in a variety of inverse problems. However, in many astrophysical applications, it is often difficult or even impossible to acquire independent and identically distributed samples from the underlying data-generating process of interest to train these models. In these cases, corrupted data or a surrogate, e.g. a simulator, is often used to produce training samples, meaning that there is a risk of obtaining misspecified priors. This, in turn, can bias the inferred posteriors in ways that are difficult to quantify, which limits the potential applicability of these models in real-world scenarios. In this work, we propose addressing this issue by iteratively updating the population-level distributions by retraining the model with posterior samples from different sets of observations and showcase the potential of this method on the problem of background image reconstruction in strong gravitational lensing when score-based models are used as data-driven priors. We show that starting from a misspecified prior distribution, the updated distribution becomes progressively closer to the underlying population-level distribution, and the resulting posterior samples exhibit reduced bias after several updates.

cross Unsqueeze [CLS] Bottleneck to Learn Rich Representations

Authors: Qing Su, Shihao Ji

Abstract: Distillation-based self-supervised learning typically leads to more compressed representations due to its radical clustering process and the implementation of a sharper target distribution. To overcome this limitation and preserve more information from input, we introduce UDI, conceptualized as Unsqueezed Distillation-based self-supervised learning (SSL). UDI enriches the learned representation by encouraging multimodal prediction distilled from a consolidated profile of local predictions that are derived via stratified sampling. Our evaluations show that UDI not only promotes semantically meaningful representations at instance level, delivering superior or competitive results to state-of-the-art SSL methods in image classification, but also effectively preserves the nuisance of input, which yields significant improvement in dense prediction tasks, including object detection and segmentation. Additionally, UDI performs competitively in low-shot image classification, improving the scalability of joint-embedding pipelines. Various visualizations and ablation studies are presented to further elucidate the mechanisms behind UDI. Our source code is available at


cross Investigating and Mitigating Barren Plateaus in Variational Quantum Circuits: A Survey

Authors: Jack Cunningham, Jun Zhuang

Abstract: In recent years, variational quantum circuits (VQCs) have been widely explored to advance quantum circuits against classic models on various domains, such as quantum chemistry and quantum machine learning. Similar to classic machine-learning models, VQCs can be optimized through gradient-based approaches. However, the gradient variance of VQCs may dramatically vanish as the number of qubits or layers increases. This issue, a.k.a. Barren Plateaus (BPs), seriously hinders the scaling of VQCs on large datasets. To mitigate the exponential gradient vanishing, extensive efforts have been devoted to tackling this issue through diverse strategies. In this survey, we conduct a systematic literature review of recent works from both investigation and mitigation perspectives. Besides, we propose a new taxonomy to categorize most existing mitigation strategies. At last, we provide insightful discussion for future directions of BPs.

cross Improving Online Algorithms via ML Predictions

Authors: Ravi Kumar, Manish Purohit, Zoya Svitkina

Abstract: In this work we study the problem of using machine-learned predictions to improve the performance of online algorithms. We consider two classical problems, ski rental and non-clairvoyant job scheduling, and obtain new online algorithms that use predictions to make their decisions. These algorithms are oblivious to the performance of the predictor, improve with better predictions, but do not degrade much if the predictions are poor.

cross Describe Where You Are: Improving Noise-Robustness for Speech Emotion Recognition with Text Description of the Environment

Authors: Seong-Gyun Leem, Daniel Fulford, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, David Gard, Carlos Busso

Abstract: Speech emotion recognition (SER) systems often struggle in real-world environments, where ambient noise severely degrades their performance. This paper explores a novel approach that exploits prior knowledge of testing environments to maximize SER performance under noisy conditions. To address this task, we propose a text-guided, environment-aware training where an SER model is trained with contaminated speech samples and their paired noise description. We use a pre-trained text encoder to extract the text-based environment embedding and then fuse it to a transformer-based SER model during training and inference. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through our experiment with the MSP-Podcast corpus and real-world additive noise samples collected from the Freesound repository. Our experiment indicates that the text-based environment descriptions processed by a large language model (LLM) produce representations that improve the noise-robustness of the SER system. In addition, our proposed approach with an LLM yields better performance than our environment-agnostic baselines, especially in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions. When testing at -5dB SNR level, our proposed method shows better performance than our best baseline model by 31.8 % (arousal), 23.5% (dominance), and 9.5% (valence).

cross Text-Driven Neural Collaborative Filtering Model for Paper Source Tracing

Authors: Aobo Xu, Bingyu Chang, Qingpeng Liu, Ling Jian

Abstract: Identifying significant references within the complex interrelations of a citation knowledge graph is challenging, which encompasses connections through citations, authorship, keywords, and other relational attributes. The Paper Source Tracing (PST) task seeks to automate the identification of pivotal references for given scholarly articles utilizing advanced data mining techniques. In the KDD CUP 2024, we design a recommendation-based framework tailored for the PST task. This framework employs the Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) model to generate final predictions. To process the textual attributes of the papers and extract input features for the model, we utilize SciBERT, a pre-trained language model. According to the experimental results, our method achieved a score of 0.37814 on the Mean Average Precision (MAP) metric, outperforming baseline models and ranking 11th among all participating teams. The source code is publicly available at


cross Optimal Trade and Industrial Policies in the Global Economy: A Deep Learning Framework

Authors: Zi Wang, Xingcheng Xu, Yanqing Yang, Xiaodong Zhu

Abstract: We propose a deep learning framework, DL-opt, designed to efficiently solve for optimal policies in quantifiable general equilibrium trade models. DL-opt integrates (i) a nested fixed point (NFXP) formulation of the optimization problem, (ii) automatic implicit differentiation to enhance gradient descent for solving unilateral optimal policies, and (iii) a best-response dynamics approach for finding Nash equilibria. Utilizing DL-opt, we solve for non-cooperative tariffs and industrial subsidies across 7 economies and 44 sectors, incorporating sectoral external economies of scale. Our quantitative analysis reveals significant sectoral heterogeneity in Nash policies: Nash industrial subsidies increase with scale elasticities, whereas Nash tariffs decrease with trade elasticities. Moreover, we show that global dual competition, involving both tariffs and industrial subsidies, results in lower tariffs and higher welfare outcomes compared to a global tariff war. These findings highlight the importance of considering sectoral heterogeneity and policy combinations in understanding global economic competition.

cross Online Learning for Autonomous Management of Intent-based 6G Networks

Authors: Erciyes Karakaya, Ozgur Ercetin, Huseyin Ozkan, Mehmet Karaca, Elham Dehghan Biyar, Alexandros Palaios

Abstract: The growing complexity of networks and the variety of future scenarios with diverse and often stringent performance requirements call for a higher level of automation. Intent-based management emerges as a solution to attain high level of automation, enabling human operators to solely communicate with the network through high-level intents. The intents consist of the targets in the form of expectations (i.e., latency expectation) from a service and based on the expectations the required network configurations should be done accordingly. It is almost inevitable that when a network action is taken to fulfill one intent, it can cause negative impacts on the performance of another intent, which results in a conflict. In this paper, we aim to address the conflict issue and autonomous management of intent-based networking, and propose an online learning method based on the hierarchical multi-armed bandits approach for an effective management. Thanks to this hierarchical structure, it performs an efficient exploration and exploitation of network configurations with respect to the dynamic network conditions. We show that our algorithm is an effective approach regarding resource allocation and satisfaction of intent expectations.

cross KiVA: Kid-inspired Visual Analogies for Testing Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Eunice Yiu, Maan Qraitem, Charlie Wong, Anisa Noor Majhi, Yutong Bai, Shiry Ginosar, Alison Gopnik, Kate Saenko

Abstract: This paper investigates visual analogical reasoning in large multimodal models (LMMs) compared to human adults and children. A "visual analogy" is an abstract rule inferred from one image and applied to another. While benchmarks exist for testing visual reasoning in LMMs, they require advanced skills and omit basic visual analogies that even young children can make. Inspired by developmental psychology, we propose a new benchmark of 1,400 visual transformations of everyday objects to test LMMs on visual analogical reasoning and compare them to children and adults. We structure the evaluation into three stages: identifying what changed (e.g., color, number, etc.), how it changed (e.g., added one object), and applying the rule to new scenarios. Our findings show that while models like GPT-4V, LLaVA-1.5, and MANTIS identify the "what" effectively, they struggle with quantifying the "how" and extrapolating this rule to new objects. In contrast, children and adults exhibit much stronger analogical reasoning at all three stages. Additionally, the strongest tested model, GPT-4V, performs better in tasks involving simple visual attributes like color and size, correlating with quicker human adult response times. Conversely, more complex tasks such as number, rotation, and reflection, which necessitate extensive cognitive processing and understanding of the 3D physical world, present more significant challenges. Altogether, these findings highlight the limitations of training models on data that primarily consists of 2D images and text.

cross Automatic Data Labeling for Software Vulnerability Prediction Models: How Far Are We?

Authors: Triet H. M. Le, M. Ali Babar

Abstract: Background: Software Vulnerability (SV) prediction needs large-sized and high-quality data to perform well. Current SV datasets mostly require expensive labeling efforts by experts (human-labeled) and thus are limited in size. Meanwhile, there are growing efforts in automatic SV labeling at scale. However, the fitness of auto-labeled data for SV prediction is still largely unknown. Aims: We quantitatively and qualitatively study the quality and use of the state-of-the-art auto-labeled SV data, D2A, for SV prediction. Method: Using multiple sources and manual validation, we curate clean SV data from human-labeled SV-fixing commits in two well-known projects for investigating the auto-labeled counterparts. Results: We discover that 50+% of the auto-labeled SVs are noisy (incorrectly labeled), and they hardly overlap with the publicly reported ones. Yet, SV prediction models utilizing the noisy auto-labeled SVs can perform up to 22% and 90% better in Matthews Correlation Coefficient and Recall, respectively, than the original models. We also reveal the promises and difficulties of applying noise-reduction methods for automatically addressing the noise in auto-labeled SV data to maximize the data utilization for SV prediction. Conclusions: Our study informs the benefits and challenges of using auto-labeled SVs, paving the way for large-scale SV prediction.

cross Nested replicator dynamics, nested logit choice, and similarity-based learning

Authors: Panayotis Mertikopoulos, William H. Sandholm

Abstract: We consider a model of learning and evolution in games whose action sets are endowed with a partition-based similarity structure intended to capture exogenous similarities between strategies. In this model, revising agents have a higher probability of comparing their current strategy with other strategies that they deem similar, and they switch to the observed strategy with probability proportional to its payoff excess. Because of this implicit bias toward similar strategies, the resulting dynamics - which we call the nested replicator dynamics - do not satisfy any of the standard monotonicity postulates for imitative game dynamics; nonetheless, we show that they retain the main long-run rationality properties of the replicator dynamics, albeit at quantitatively different rates. We also show that the induced dynamics can be viewed as a stimulus-response model in the spirit of Erev & Roth (1998), with choice probabilities given by the nested logit choice rule of Ben-Akiva (1973) and McFadden (1978). This result generalizes an existing relation between the replicator dynamics and the exponential weights algorithm in online learning, and provides an additional layer of interpretation to our analysis and results.

cross Demystifying Verbatim Memorization in Large Language Models

Authors: Jing Huang, Diyi Yang, Christopher Potts

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) frequently memorize long sequences verbatim, often with serious legal and privacy implications. Much prior work has studied such verbatim memorization using observational data. To complement such work, we develop a framework to study verbatim memorization in a controlled setting by continuing pre-training from Pythia checkpoints with injected sequences. We find that (1) non-trivial amounts of repetition are necessary for verbatim memorization to happen; (2) later (and presumably better) checkpoints are more likely to verbatim memorize sequences, even for out-of-distribution sequences; (3) the generation of memorized sequences is triggered by distributed model states that encode high-level features and makes important use of general language modeling capabilities. Guided by these insights, we develop stress tests to evaluate unlearning methods and find they often fail to remove the verbatim memorized information, while also degrading the LM. Overall, these findings challenge the hypothesis that verbatim memorization stems from specific model weights or mechanisms. Rather, verbatim memorization is intertwined with the LM's general capabilities and thus will be very difficult to isolate and suppress without degrading model quality.

cross Optimal Hessian/Jacobian-Free Nonconvex-PL Bilevel Optimization

Authors: Feihu Huang

Abstract: Bilevel optimization is widely applied in many machine learning tasks such as hyper-parameter learning, meta learning and reinforcement learning. Although many algorithms recently have been developed to solve the bilevel optimization problems, they generally rely on the (strongly) convex lower-level problems. More recently, some methods have been proposed to solve the nonconvex-PL bilevel optimization problems, where their upper-level problems are possibly nonconvex, and their lower-level problems are also possibly nonconvex while satisfying Polyak-{\L}ojasiewicz (PL) condition. However, these methods still have a high convergence complexity or a high computation complexity such as requiring compute expensive Hessian/Jacobian matrices and its inverses. In the paper, thus, we propose an efficient Hessian/Jacobian-free method (i.e., HJFBiO) with the optimal convergence complexity to solve the nonconvex-PL bilevel problems. Theoretically, under some mild conditions, we prove that our HJFBiO method obtains an optimal convergence rate of $O(\frac{1}{T})$, where $T$ denotes the number of iterations, and has an optimal gradient complexity of $O(\epsilon^{-1})$ in finding an $\epsilon$-stationary solution. We conduct some numerical experiments on the bilevel PL game and hyper-representation learning task to demonstrate efficiency of our proposed method.

cross Unified Lexical Representation for Interpretable Visual-Language Alignment

Authors: Yifan Li, Yikai Wang, Yanwei Fu, Dongyu Ru, Zheng Zhang, Tong He

Abstract: Visual-Language Alignment (VLA) has gained a lot of attention since CLIP's groundbreaking work. Although CLIP performs well, the typical direct latent feature alignment lacks clarity in its representation and similarity scores. On the other hand, lexical representation, a vector whose element represents the similarity between the sample and a word from the vocabulary, is a natural sparse representation and interpretable, providing exact matches for individual words. However, lexical representations is difficult to learn due to no ground-truth supervision and false-discovery issues, and thus requires complex design to train effectively. In this paper, we introduce LexVLA, a more interpretable VLA framework by learning a unified lexical representation for both modalities without complex design. We use DINOv2 as our visual model for its local-inclined features and Llama 2, a generative language model, to leverage its in-context lexical prediction ability. To avoid the false discovery, we propose an overuse penalty to refrain the lexical representation from falsely frequently activating meaningless words. We demonstrate that these two pre-trained uni-modal models can be well-aligned by fine-tuning on modest multi-modal dataset and avoid intricate training configurations. On cross-modal retrieval benchmarks, LexVLA, trained on the CC-12M multi-modal dataset, outperforms baselines fine-tuned on larger datasets (e.g., YFCC15M) and those trained from scratch on even bigger datasets (e.g., 1.1B data, including CC-12M). We conduct extensive experiments to analyze LexVLA.

cross Image Segmentation via Divisive Normalization: dealing with environmental diversity

Authors: Pablo Hern\'andez-C\'amara, Jorge Vila-Tom\'as, Paula Dauden-Oliver, Nuria Alabau-Bosque, Valero Laparra, Jes\'us Malo

Abstract: Autonomous driving is a challenging scenario for image segmentation due to the presence of uncontrolled environmental conditions and the eventually catastrophic consequences of failures. Previous work suggested that a biologically motivated computation, the so-called Divisive Normalization, could be useful to deal with image variability, but its effects have not been systematically studied over different data sources and environmental factors. Here we put segmentation U-nets augmented with Divisive Normalization to work far from training conditions to find where this adaptation is more critical. We categorize the scenes according to their radiance level and dynamic range (day/night), and according to their achromatic/chromatic contrasts. We also consider video game (synthetic) images to broaden the range of environments. We check the performance in the extreme percentiles of such categorization. Then, we push the limits further by artificially modifying the images in perceptually/environmentally relevant dimensions: luminance, contrasts and spectral radiance. Results show that neural networks with Divisive Normalization get better results in all the scenarios and their performance remains more stable with regard to the considered environmental factors and nature of the source. Finally, we explain the improvements in segmentation performance in two ways: (1) by quantifying the invariance of the responses that incorporate Divisive Normalization, and (2) by illustrating the adaptive nonlinearity of the different layers that depends on the local activity.

cross Long-term Fairness in Ride-Hailing Platform

Authors: Yufan Kang, Jeffrey Chan, Wei Shao, Flora D. Salim, Christopher Leckie

Abstract: Matching in two-sided markets such as ride-hailing has recently received significant attention. However, existing studies on ride-hailing mainly focus on optimising efficiency, and fairness issues in ride-hailing have been neglected. Fairness issues in ride-hailing, including significant earning differences between drivers and variance of passenger waiting times among different locations, have potential impacts on economic and ethical aspects. The recent studies that focus on fairness in ride-hailing exploit traditional optimisation methods and the Markov Decision Process to balance efficiency and fairness. However, there are several issues in these existing studies, such as myopic short-term decision-making from traditional optimisation and instability of fairness in a comparably longer horizon from both traditional optimisation and Markov Decision Process-based methods. To address these issues, we propose a dynamic Markov Decision Process model to alleviate fairness issues currently faced by ride-hailing, and seek a balance between efficiency and fairness, with two distinct characteristics: (i) a prediction module to predict the number of requests that will be raised in the future from different locations to allow the proposed method to consider long-term fairness based on the whole timeline instead of consider fairness only based on historical and current data patterns; (ii) a customised scalarisation function for multi-objective multi-agent Q Learning that aims to balance efficiency and fairness. Extensive experiments on a publicly available real-world dataset demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods.

cross Innovative Speech-Based Deep Learning Approaches for Parkinson's Disease Classification: A Systematic Review

Authors: Lisanne van Gelderen, Cristian Tejedor-Garc\'ia

Abstract: Parkinson's disease (PD), the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder worldwide, frequently presents with early-stage speech impairments. Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly deep learning (DL), have significantly enhanced PD diagnosis through the analysis of speech data. Nevertheless, the progress of research is restricted by the limited availability of publicly accessible speech-based PD datasets, primarily due to privacy and ethical concerns. This review covers the latest DL-based AI approaches for speech-based PD classification, focusing on performance, available resources and associated challenges of 33 scientific works published between 2020 and March 2024. These DL approaches are categorized into end-to-end (E2E) learning, transfer learning (TL) and deep acoustic features (DAF) extraction. Among E2E approaches, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are prevalent, though Transformers are increasingly popular. E2E approaches face challenges such as limited data and computational resources, especially with Transformers. TL addresses these issues by providing more robust PD diagnosis and better generalizability across languages. DAF extraction aims to improve the explainability and interpretability of results by examining the specific effects of deep features on both other DL approaches and more traditional machine learning (ML) methods. However, it often underperforms compared to E2E and TL approaches. This review also discusses unresolved issues related to bias, explainability and privacy, highlighting the need for future research.

cross A Large-Scale Sensitivity Analysis on Latent Embeddings and Dimensionality Reductions for Text Spatializations

Authors: Daniel Atzberger, Tim Cech, Willy Scheibel, J\"urgen D\"ollner, Michael Behrisch, Tobias Schreck

Abstract: The semantic similarity between documents of a text corpus can be visualized using map-like metaphors based on two-dimensional scatterplot layouts. These layouts result from a dimensionality reduction on the document-term matrix or a representation within a latent embedding, including topic models. Thereby, the resulting layout depends on the input data and hyperparameters of the dimensionality reduction and is therefore affected by changes in them. Furthermore, the resulting layout is affected by changes in the input data and hyperparameters of the dimensionality reduction. However, such changes to the layout require additional cognitive efforts from the user. In this work, we present a sensitivity study that analyzes the stability of these layouts concerning (1) changes in the text corpora, (2) changes in the hyperparameter, and (3) randomness in the initialization. Our approach has two stages: data measurement and data analysis. First, we derived layouts for the combination of three text corpora and six text embeddings and a grid-search-inspired hyperparameter selection of the dimensionality reductions. Afterward, we quantified the similarity of the layouts through ten metrics, concerning local and global structures and class separation. Second, we analyzed the resulting 42817 tabular data points in a descriptive statistical analysis. From this, we derived guidelines for informed decisions on the layout algorithm and highlight specific hyperparameter settings. We provide our implementation as a Git repository at and results as Zenodo archive at


cross The Power of Combining Data and Knowledge: GPT-4o is an Effective Interpreter of Machine Learning Models in Predicting Lymph Node Metastasis of Lung Cancer

Authors: Danqing Hu, Bing Liu, Xiaofeng Zhu, Nan Wu

Abstract: Lymph node metastasis (LNM) is a crucial factor in determining the initial treatment for patients with lung cancer, yet accurate preoperative diagnosis of LNM remains challenging. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have garnered significant attention due to their remarkable text generation capabilities. Leveraging the extensive medical knowledge learned from vast corpora, LLMs can estimate probabilities for clinical problems, though their performance has historically been inferior to data-driven machine learning models. In this paper, we propose a novel ensemble method that combines the medical knowledge acquired by LLMs with the latent patterns identified by machine learning models to enhance LNM prediction performance. Initially, we developed machine learning models using patient data. We then designed a prompt template to integrate the patient data with the predicted probability from the machine learning model. Subsequently, we instructed GPT-4o, the most advanced LLM developed by OpenAI, to estimate the likelihood of LNM based on patient data and then adjust the estimate using the machine learning output. Finally, we collected three outputs from the GPT-4o using the same prompt and ensembled these results as the final prediction. Using the proposed method, our models achieved an AUC value of 0.765 and an AP value of 0.415 for LNM prediction, significantly improving predictive performance compared to baseline machine learning models. The experimental results indicate that GPT-4o can effectively leverage its medical knowledge and the probabilities predicted by machine learning models to achieve more accurate LNM predictions. These findings demonstrate that LLMs can perform well in clinical risk prediction tasks, offering a new paradigm for integrating medical knowledge and patient data in clinical predictions.

cross Amortized Posterior Sampling with Diffusion Prior Distillation

Authors: Abbas Mammadov, Hyungjin Chung, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: We propose a variational inference approach to sample from the posterior distribution for solving inverse problems. From a pre-trained diffusion model, our approach trains a conditional flow model to minimize the divergence between the proposal variational distribution and the posterior distribution implicitly defined through the diffusion model. Once trained, the flow model is capable of sampling from the posterior distribution with a single NFE, amortized with respect to the measurement. The proposed method paves a new path for distilling a diffusion prior for efficient posterior sampling. We show that our method is applicable to standard signals in Euclidean space, as well as signals on manifold.

cross Separating Novel Features for Logical Anomaly Detection: A Straightforward yet Effective Approach

Authors: Kangil Lee, Geonuk Kim

Abstract: Vision-based inspection algorithms have significantly contributed to quality control in industrial settings, particularly in addressing structural defects like dent and contamination which are prevalent in mass production. Extensive research efforts have led to the development of related benchmarks such as MVTec AD (Bergmann et al., 2019). However, in industrial settings, there can be instances of logical defects, where acceptable items are found in unsuitable locations or product pairs do not match as expected. Recent methods tackling logical defects effectively employ knowledge distillation to generate difference maps. Knowledge distillation (KD) is used to learn normal data distribution in unsupervised manner. Despite their effectiveness, these methods often overlook the potential false negatives. Excessive similarity between the teacher network and student network can hinder the generation of a suitable difference map for logical anomaly detection. This technical report provides insights on handling potential false negatives by utilizing a simple constraint in KD-based logical anomaly detection methods. We select EfficientAD as a state-of-the-art baseline and apply a margin-based constraint to its unsupervised learning scheme. Applying this constraint, we can improve the AUROC for MVTec LOCO AD by 1.3 %.

cross Causal Deepsets for Off-policy Evaluation under Spatial or Spatio-temporal Interferences

Authors: Runpeng Dai, Jianing Wang, Fan Zhou, Shikai Luo, Zhiwei Qin, Chengchun Shi, Hongtu Zhu

Abstract: Off-policy evaluation (OPE) is widely applied in sectors such as pharmaceuticals and e-commerce to evaluate the efficacy of novel products or policies from offline datasets. This paper introduces a causal deepset framework that relaxes several key structural assumptions, primarily the mean-field assumption, prevalent in existing OPE methodologies that handle spatio-temporal interference. These traditional assumptions frequently prove inadequate in real-world settings, thereby restricting the capability of current OPE methods to effectively address complex interference effects. In response, we advocate for the implementation of the permutation invariance (PI) assumption. This innovative approach enables the data-driven, adaptive learning of the mean-field function, offering a more flexible estimation method beyond conventional averaging. Furthermore, we present novel algorithms that incorporate the PI assumption into OPE and thoroughly examine their theoretical foundations. Our numerical analyses demonstrate that this novel approach yields significantly more precise estimations than existing baseline algorithms, thereby substantially improving the practical applicability and effectiveness of OPE methodologies. A Python implementation of our proposed method is available at


cross Guided Latent Slot Diffusion for Object-Centric Learning

Authors: Krishnakant Singh, Simone Schaub-Meyer, Stefan Roth

Abstract: Slot attention aims to decompose an input image into a set of meaningful object files (slots). These latent object representations enable various downstream tasks. Yet, these slots often bind to object parts, not objects themselves, especially for real-world datasets. To address this, we introduce Guided Latent Slot Diffusion - GLASS, an object-centric model that uses generated captions as a guiding signal to better align slots with objects. Our key insight is to learn the slot-attention module in the space of generated images. This allows us to repurpose the pre-trained diffusion decoder model, which reconstructs the images from the slots, as a semantic mask generator based on the generated captions. GLASS learns an object-level representation suitable for multiple tasks simultaneously, e.g., segmentation, image generation, and property prediction, outperforming previous methods. For object discovery, GLASS achieves approx. a +35% and +10% relative improvement for mIoU over the previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) method on the VOC and COCO datasets, respectively, and establishes a new SOTA FID score for conditional image generation amongst slot-attention-based methods. For the segmentation task, GLASS surpasses SOTA weakly-supervised and language-based segmentation models, which were specifically designed for the task.

cross Fast convergence of the Expectation Maximization algorithm under a logarithmic Sobolev inequality

Authors: Rocco Caprio, Adam M Johansen

Abstract: By utilizing recently developed tools for constructing gradient flows on Wasserstein spaces, we extend an analysis technique commonly employed to understand alternating minimization algorithms on Euclidean space to the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm via its representation as coordinate-wise minimization on the product of a Euclidean space and a space of probability distributions due to Neal and Hinton (1998). In so doing we obtain finite sample error bounds and exponential convergence of the EM algorithm under a natural generalisation of a log-Sobolev inequality. We further demonstrate that the analysis technique is sufficiently flexible to allow also the analysis of several variants of the EM algorithm.

cross Real Time American Sign Language Detection Using Yolo-v9

Authors: Amna Imran, Meghana Shashishekhara Hulikal, Hamza A. A. Gardi

Abstract: This paper focuses on real-time American Sign Language Detection. YOLO is a convolutional neural network (CNN) based model, which was first released in 2015. In recent years, it gained popularity for its real-time detection capabilities. Our study specifically targets YOLO-v9 model, released in 2024. As the model is newly introduced, not much work has been done on it, especially not in Sign Language Detection. Our paper provides deep insight on how YOLO- v9 works and better than previous model.

cross Scaling Training Data with Lossy Image Compression

Authors: Katherine L. Mentzer, Andrea Montanari

Abstract: Empirically-determined scaling laws have been broadly successful in predicting the evolution of large machine learning models with training data and number of parameters. As a consequence, they have been useful for optimizing the allocation of limited resources, most notably compute time. In certain applications, storage space is an important constraint, and data format needs to be chosen carefully as a consequence. Computer vision is a prominent example: images are inherently analog, but are always stored in a digital format using a finite number of bits. Given a dataset of digital images, the number of bits $L$ to store each of them can be further reduced using lossy data compression. This, however, can degrade the quality of the model trained on such images, since each example has lower resolution. In order to capture this trade-off and optimize storage of training data, we propose a `storage scaling law' that describes the joint evolution of test error with sample size and number of bits per image. We prove that this law holds within a stylized model for image compression, and verify it empirically on two computer vision tasks, extracting the relevant parameters. We then show that this law can be used to optimize the lossy compression level. At given storage, models trained on optimally compressed images present a significantly smaller test error with respect to models trained on the original data. Finally, we investigate the potential benefits of randomizing the compression level.

cross On the Effect of Purely Synthetic Training Data for Different Automatic Speech Recognition Architectures

Authors: Nick Rossenbach, Benedikt Hilmes, Ralf Schl\"uter

Abstract: In this work we evaluate the utility of synthetic data for training automatic speech recognition (ASR). We use the ASR training data to train a text-to-speech (TTS) system similar to FastSpeech-2. With this TTS we reproduce the original training data, training ASR systems solely on synthetic data. For ASR, we use three different architectures, attention-based encoder-decoder, hybrid deep neural network hidden Markov model and a Gaussian mixture hidden Markov model, showing the different sensitivity of the models to synthetic data generation. In order to extend previous work, we present a number of ablation studies on the effectiveness of synthetic vs. real training data for ASR. In particular we focus on how the gap between training on synthetic and real data changes by varying the speaker embedding or by scaling the model size. For the latter we show that the TTS models generalize well, even when training scores indicate overfitting.

cross iNNspector: Visual, Interactive Deep Model Debugging

Authors: Thilo Spinner, Daniel F\"urst, Mennatallah El-Assady

Abstract: Deep learning model design, development, and debugging is a process driven by best practices, guidelines, trial-and-error, and the personal experiences of model developers. At multiple stages of this process, performance and internal model data can be logged and made available. However, due to the sheer complexity and scale of this data and process, model developers often resort to evaluating their model performance based on abstract metrics like accuracy and loss. We argue that a structured analysis of data along the model's architecture and at multiple abstraction levels can considerably streamline the debugging process. Such a systematic analysis can further connect the developer's design choices to their impacts on the model behavior, facilitating the understanding, diagnosis, and refinement of deep learning models. Hence, in this paper, we (1) contribute a conceptual framework structuring the data space of deep learning experiments. Our framework, grounded in literature analysis and requirements interviews, captures design dimensions and proposes mechanisms to make this data explorable and tractable. To operationalize our framework in a ready-to-use application, we (2) present the iNNspector system. iNNspector enables tracking of deep learning experiments and provides interactive visualizations of the data on all levels of abstraction from multiple models to individual neurons. Finally, we (3) evaluate our approach with three real-world use-cases and a user study with deep learning developers and data analysts, proving its effectiveness and usability.

cross Quadratic Advantage with Quantum Randomized Smoothing Applied to Time-Series Analysis

Authors: Nicola Franco, Marie Kempkes, Jakob Spiegelberg, Jeanette Miriam Lorenz

Abstract: As quantum machine learning continues to develop at a rapid pace, the importance of ensuring the robustness and efficiency of quantum algorithms cannot be overstated. Our research presents an analysis of quantum randomized smoothing, how data encoding and perturbation modeling approaches can be matched to achieve meaningful robustness certificates. By utilizing an innovative approach integrating Grover's algorithm, a quadratic sampling advantage over classical randomized smoothing is achieved. This strategy necessitates a basis state encoding, thus restricting the space of meaningful perturbations. We show how constrained $k$-distant Hamming weight perturbations are a suitable noise distribution here, and elucidate how they can be constructed on a quantum computer. The efficacy of the proposed framework is demonstrated on a time series classification task employing a Bag-of-Words pre-processing solution. The advantage of quadratic sample reduction is recovered especially in the regime with large number of samples. This may allow quantum computers to efficiently scale randomized smoothing to more complex tasks beyond the reach of classical methods.

cross Learning mental states estimation through self-observation: a developmental synergy between intentions and beliefs representations in a deep-learning model of Theory of Mind

Authors: Francesca Bianco, Silvia Rigato, Maria Laura Filippetti, Dimitri Ognibene

Abstract: Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to attribute beliefs, intentions, or mental states to others, is a crucial feature of human social interaction. In complex environments, where the human sensory system reaches its limits, behaviour is strongly driven by our beliefs about the state of the world around us. Accessing others' mental states, e.g., beliefs and intentions, allows for more effective social interactions in natural contexts. Yet, these variables are not directly observable, making understanding ToM a challenging quest of interest for different fields, including psychology, machine learning and robotics. In this paper, we contribute to this topic by showing a developmental synergy between learning to predict low-level mental states (e.g., intentions, goals) and attributing high-level ones (i.e., beliefs). Specifically, we assume that learning beliefs attribution can occur by observing one's own decision processes involving beliefs, e.g., in a partially observable environment. Using a simple feed-forward deep learning model, we show that, when learning to predict others' intentions and actions, more accurate predictions can be acquired earlier if beliefs attribution is learnt simultaneously. Furthermore, we show that the learning performance improves even when observed actors have a different embodiment than the observer and the gain is higher when observing beliefs-driven chunks of behaviour. We propose that our computational approach can inform the understanding of human social cognitive development and be relevant for the design of future adaptive social robots able to autonomously understand, assist, and learn from human interaction partners in novel natural environments and tasks.

cross Physics-informed nonlinear vector autoregressive models for the prediction of dynamical systems

Authors: James H. Adler, Samuel Hocking, Xiaozhe Hu, Shafiqul Islam

Abstract: Machine learning techniques have recently been of great interest for solving differential equations. Training these models is classically a data-fitting task, but knowledge of the expression of the differential equation can be used to supplement the training objective, leading to the development of physics-informed scientific machine learning. In this article, we focus on one class of models called nonlinear vector autoregression (NVAR) to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Motivated by connections to numerical integration and physics-informed neural networks, we explicitly derive the physics-informed NVAR (piNVAR) which enforces the right-hand side of the underlying differential equation regardless of NVAR construction. Because NVAR and piNVAR completely share their learned parameters, we propose an augmented procedure to jointly train the two models. Then, using both data-driven and ODE-driven metrics, we evaluate the ability of the piNVAR model to predict solutions to various ODE systems, such as the undamped spring, a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey nonlinear model, and the chaotic Lorenz system.

cross I can listen but cannot read: An evaluation of two-tower multimodal systems for instrument recognition

Authors: Yannis Vasilakis, Rachel Bittner, Johan Pauwels

Abstract: Music two-tower multimodal systems integrate audio and text modalities into a joint audio-text space, enabling direct comparison between songs and their corresponding labels. These systems enable new approaches for classification and retrieval, leveraging both modalities. Despite the promising results they have shown for zero-shot classification and retrieval tasks, closer inspection of the embeddings is needed. This paper evaluates the inherent zero-shot properties of joint audio-text spaces for the case-study of instrument recognition. We present an evaluation and analysis of two-tower systems for zero-shot instrument recognition and a detailed analysis of the properties of the pre-joint and joint embeddings spaces. Our findings suggest that audio encoders alone demonstrate good quality, while challenges remain within the text encoder or joint space projection. Specifically, two-tower systems exhibit sensitivity towards specific words, favoring generic prompts over musically informed ones. Despite the large size of textual encoders, they do not yet leverage additional textual context or infer instruments accurately from their descriptions. Lastly, a novel approach for quantifying the semantic meaningfulness of the textual space leveraging an instrument ontology is proposed. This method reveals deficiencies in the systems' understanding of instruments and provides evidence of the need for fine-tuning text encoders on musical data.

cross HVM-1: Large-scale video models pretrained with nearly 5000 hours of human-like video data

Authors: A. Emin Orhan

Abstract: We introduce Human-like Video Models (HVM-1), large-scale video models pretrained with nearly 5000 hours of curated human-like video data (mostly egocentric, temporally extended, continuous video recordings), using the spatiotemporal masked autoencoder (ST-MAE) algorithm. We release two 633M parameter models trained at spatial resolutions of 224x224 and 448x448 pixels. We evaluate the performance of these models in downstream few-shot video and image recognition tasks and compare them against a model pretrained with 1330 hours of short action-oriented video clips from YouTube (Kinetics-700). HVM-1 models perform competitively against the Kinetics-700 pretrained model in downstream evaluations despite substantial qualitative differences between the spatiotemporal characteristics of the corresponding pretraining datasets. HVM-1 models also learn more accurate and more robust object representations compared to models pretrained with the image-based MAE algorithm on the same data, demonstrating the potential benefits of learning to predict temporal regularities in natural videos for learning better object representations.

cross Principal-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Dima Ivanov, Paul D\"utting, Inbal Talgam-Cohen, Tonghan Wang, David C. Parkes

Abstract: Contracts are the economic framework which allows a principal to delegate a task to an agent -- despite misaligned interests, and even without directly observing the agent's actions. In many modern reinforcement learning settings, self-interested agents learn to perform a multi-stage task delegated to them by a principal. We explore the significant potential of utilizing contracts to incentivize the agents. We model the delegated task as an MDP, and study a stochastic game between the principal and agent where the principal learns what contracts to use, and the agent learns an MDP policy in response. We present a learning-based algorithm for optimizing the principal's contracts, which provably converges to the subgame-perfect equilibrium of the principal-agent game. A deep RL implementation allows us to apply our method to very large MDPs with unknown transition dynamics. We extend our approach to multiple agents, and demonstrate its relevance to resolving a canonical sequential social dilemma with minimal intervention to agent rewards.

cross Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for Stock Return Prediction Using Newsflow

Authors: Tian Guo, Emmanuel Hauptmann

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) and their fine-tuning techniques have demonstrated superior performance in various language understanding and generation tasks. This paper explores fine-tuning LLMs for stock return forecasting with financial newsflow. In quantitative investing, return forecasting is fundamental for subsequent tasks like stock picking, portfolio optimization, etc. We formulate the model to include text representation and forecasting modules. We propose to compare the encoder-only and decoder-only LLMs, considering they generate text representations in distinct ways. The impact of these different representations on forecasting performance remains an open question. Meanwhile, we compare two simple methods of integrating LLMs' token-level representations into the forecasting module. The experiments on real news and investment universes reveal that: (1) aggregated representations from LLMs' token-level embeddings generally produce return predictions that enhance the performance of long-only and long-short portfolios; (2) in the relatively large investment universe, the decoder LLMs-based prediction model leads to stronger portfolios, whereas in the small universes, there are no consistent winners. Among the three LLMs studied (DeBERTa, Mistral, Llama), Mistral performs more robustly across different universes; (3) return predictions derived from LLMs' text representations are a strong signal for portfolio construction, outperforming conventional sentiment scores.

cross $\mathbb{X}$-Sample Contrastive Loss: Improving Contrastive Learning with Sample Similarity Graphs

Authors: Vlad Sobal, Mark Ibrahim, Randall Balestriero, Vivien Cabannes, Diane Bouchacourt, Pietro Astolfi, Kyunghyun Cho, Yann LeCun

Abstract: Learning good representations involves capturing the diverse ways in which data samples relate. Contrastive loss - an objective matching related samples - underlies methods from self-supervised to multimodal learning. Contrastive losses, however, can be viewed more broadly as modifying a similarity graph to indicate how samples should relate in the embedding space. This view reveals a shortcoming in contrastive learning: the similarity graph is binary, as only one sample is the related positive sample. Crucially, similarities \textit{across} samples are ignored. Based on this observation, we revise the standard contrastive loss to explicitly encode how a sample relates to others. We experiment with this new objective, called $\mathbb{X}$-Sample Contrastive, to train vision models based on similarities in class or text caption descriptions. Our study spans three scales: ImageNet-1k with 1 million, CC3M with 3 million, and CC12M with 12 million samples. The representations learned via our objective outperform both contrastive self-supervised and vision-language models trained on the same data across a range of tasks. When training on CC12M, we outperform CLIP by $0.6\%$ on both ImageNet and ImageNet Real. Our objective appears to work particularly well in lower-data regimes, with gains over CLIP of $16.8\%$ on ImageNet and $18.1\%$ on ImageNet Real when training with CC3M. Finally, our objective seems to encourage the model to learn representations that separate objects from their attributes and backgrounds, with gains of $3.3$-$5.6$\% over CLIP on ImageNet9. We hope the proposed solution takes a small step towards developing richer learning objectives for understanding sample relations in foundation models.

cross IRIS: Wireless Ring for Vision-based Smart Home Interaction

Authors: Maruchi Kim, Antonio Glenn, Bandhav Veluri, Yunseo Lee, Eyoel Gebre, Aditya Bagaria, Shwetak Patel, Shyamnath Gollakota

Abstract: Integrating cameras into wireless smart rings has been challenging due to size and power constraints. We introduce IRIS, the first wireless vision-enabled smart ring system for smart home interactions. Equipped with a camera, Bluetooth radio, inertial measurement unit (IMU), and an onboard battery, IRIS meets the small size, weight, and power (SWaP) requirements for ring devices. IRIS is context-aware, adapting its gesture set to the detected device, and can last for 16-24 hours on a single charge. IRIS leverages the scene semantics to achieve instance-level device recognition. In a study involving 23 participants, IRIS consistently outpaced voice commands, with a higher proportion of participants expressing a preference for IRIS over voice commands regarding toggling a device's state, granular control, and social acceptability. Our work pushes the boundary of what is possible with ring form-factor devices, addressing system challenges and opening up novel interaction capabilities.

cross StraightLine: An End-to-End Resource-Aware Scheduler for Machine Learning Application Requests

Authors: Cheng-Wei Ching, Boyuan Guan, Hailu Xu, Liting Hu

Abstract: The life cycle of machine learning (ML) applications consists of two stages: model development and model deployment. However, traditional ML systems (e.g., training-specific or inference-specific systems) focus on one particular stage or phase of the life cycle of ML applications. These systems often aim at optimizing model training or accelerating model inference, and they frequently assume homogeneous infrastructure, which may not always reflect real-world scenarios that include cloud data centers, local servers, containers, and serverless platforms. We present StraightLine, an end-to-end resource-aware scheduler that schedules the optimal resources (e.g., container, virtual machine, or serverless) for different ML application requests in a hybrid infrastructure. The key innovation is an empirical dynamic placing algorithm that intelligently places requests based on their unique characteristics (e.g., request frequency, input data size, and data distribution). In contrast to existing ML systems, StraightLine offers end-to-end resource-aware placement, thereby it can significantly reduce response time and failure rate for model deployment when facing different computing resources in the hybrid infrastructure.

cross Unlocking Tokens as Data Points for Generalization Bounds on Larger Language Models

Authors: Sanae Lotfi, Yilun Kuang, Brandon Amos, Micah Goldblum, Marc Finzi, Andrew Gordon Wilson

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) with billions of parameters excel at predicting the next token in a sequence. Recent work computes non-vacuous compression-based generalization bounds for LLMs, but these bounds are vacuous for large models at the billion-parameter scale. Moreover, these bounds are obtained through restrictive compression techniques, bounding compressed models that generate low-quality text. Additionally, the tightness of these existing bounds depends on the number of IID documents in a training set rather than the much larger number of non-IID constituent tokens, leaving untapped potential for tighter bounds. In this work, we instead use properties of martingales to derive generalization bounds that benefit from the vast number of tokens in LLM training sets. Since a dataset contains far more tokens than documents, our generalization bounds not only tolerate but actually benefit from far less restrictive compression schemes. With Monarch matrices, Kronecker factorizations, and post-training quantization, we achieve non-vacuous generalization bounds for LLMs as large as LLaMA2-70B. Unlike previous approaches, our work achieves the first non-vacuous bounds for models that are deployed in practice and generate high-quality text.

cross Sparse Incremental Aggregation in Multi-Hop Federated Learning

Authors: Sourav Mukherjee, Nasrin Razmi, Armin Dekorsy, Petar Popovski, Bho Matthiesen

Abstract: This paper investigates federated learning (FL) in a multi-hop communication setup, such as in constellations with inter-satellite links. In this setup, part of the FL clients are responsible for forwarding other client's results to the parameter server. Instead of using conventional routing, the communication efficiency can be improved significantly by using in-network model aggregation at each intermediate hop, known as incremental aggregation (IA). Prior works [1] have indicated diminishing gains for IA under gradient sparsification. Here we study this issue and propose several novel correlated sparsification methods for IA. Numerical results show that, for some of these algorithms, the full potential of IA is still available under sparsification without impairing convergence. We demonstrate a 15x improvement in communication efficiency over conventional routing and a 11x improvement over state-of-the-art (SoA) sparse IA.

cross Differentiable Quantum Architecture Search in Asynchronous Quantum Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Samuel Yen-Chi Chen

Abstract: The emergence of quantum reinforcement learning (QRL) is propelled by advancements in quantum computing (QC) and machine learning (ML), particularly through quantum neural networks (QNN) built on variational quantum circuits (VQC). These advancements have proven successful in addressing sequential decision-making tasks. However, constructing effective QRL models demands significant expertise due to challenges in designing quantum circuit architectures, including data encoding and parameterized circuits, which profoundly influence model performance. In this paper, we propose addressing this challenge with differentiable quantum architecture search (DiffQAS), enabling trainable circuit parameters and structure weights using gradient-based optimization. Furthermore, we enhance training efficiency through asynchronous reinforcement learning (RL) methods facilitating parallel training. Through numerical simulations, we demonstrate that our proposed DiffQAS-QRL approach achieves performance comparable to manually-crafted circuit architectures across considered environments, showcasing stability across diverse scenarios. This methodology offers a pathway for designing QRL models without extensive quantum knowledge, ensuring robust performance and fostering broader application of QRL.

cross Geometry Fidelity for Spherical Images

Authors: Anders Christensen, Nooshin Mojab, Khushman Patel, Karan Ahuja, Zeynep Akata, Ole Winther, Mar Gonzalez-Franco, Andrea Colaco

Abstract: Spherical or omni-directional images offer an immersive visual format appealing to a wide range of computer vision applications. However, geometric properties of spherical images pose a major challenge for models and metrics designed for ordinary 2D images. Here, we show that direct application of Fr\'echet Inception Distance (FID) is insufficient for quantifying geometric fidelity in spherical images. We introduce two quantitative metrics accounting for geometric constraints, namely Omnidirectional FID (OmniFID) and Discontinuity Score (DS). OmniFID is an extension of FID tailored to additionally capture field-of-view requirements of the spherical format by leveraging cubemap projections. DS is a kernel-based seam alignment score of continuity across borders of 2D representations of spherical images. In experiments, OmniFID and DS quantify geometry fidelity issues that are undetected by FID.

cross VGGHeads: A Large-Scale Synthetic Dataset for 3D Human Heads

Authors: Orest Kupyn, Eugene Khvedchenia, Christian Rupprecht

Abstract: Human head detection, keypoint estimation, and 3D head model fitting are important tasks with many applications. However, traditional real-world datasets often suffer from bias, privacy, and ethical concerns, and they have been recorded in laboratory environments, which makes it difficult for trained models to generalize. Here, we introduce VGGHeads -- a large scale synthetic dataset generated with diffusion models for human head detection and 3D mesh estimation. Our dataset comprises over 1 million high-resolution images, each annotated with detailed 3D head meshes, facial landmarks, and bounding boxes. Using this dataset we introduce a new model architecture capable of simultaneous heads detection and head meshes reconstruction from a single image in a single step. Through extensive experimental evaluations, we demonstrate that models trained on our synthetic data achieve strong performance on real images. Furthermore, the versatility of our dataset makes it applicable across a broad spectrum of tasks, offering a general and comprehensive representation of human heads. Additionally, we provide detailed information about the synthetic data generation pipeline, enabling it to be re-used for other tasks and domains.

cross Sparse vs Contiguous Adversarial Pixel Perturbations in Multimodal Models: An Empirical Analysis

Authors: Cristian-Alexandru Botocan, Raphael Meier, Ljiljana Dolamic

Abstract: Assessing the robustness of multimodal models against adversarial examples is an important aspect for the safety of its users. We craft L0-norm perturbation attacks on the preprocessed input images. We launch them in a black-box setup against four multimodal models and two unimodal DNNs, considering both targeted and untargeted misclassification. Our attacks target less than 0.04% of perturbed image area and integrate different spatial positioning of perturbed pixels: sparse positioning and pixels arranged in different contiguous shapes (row, column, diagonal, and patch). To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to assess the robustness of three state-of-the-art multimodal models (ALIGN, AltCLIP, GroupViT) against different sparse and contiguous pixel distribution perturbations. The obtained results indicate that unimodal DNNs are more robust than multimodal models. Furthermore, models using CNN-based Image Encoder are more vulnerable than models with ViT - for untargeted attacks, we obtain a 99% success rate by perturbing less than 0.02% of the image area.

replace Bayesian Modelling in Practice: Using Uncertainty to Improve Trustworthiness in Medical Applications

Authors: David Ruhe, Giovanni Cin\`a, Michele Tonutti, Daan de Bruin, Paul Elbers

Abstract: The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a hospital department where machine learning has the potential to provide valuable assistance in clinical decision making. Classical machine learning models usually only provide point-estimates and no uncertainty of predictions. In practice, uncertain predictions should be presented to doctors with extra care in order to prevent potentially catastrophic treatment decisions. In this work we show how Bayesian modelling and the predictive uncertainty that it provides can be used to mitigate risk of misguided prediction and to detect out-of-domain examples in a medical setting. We derive analytically a bound on the prediction loss with respect to predictive uncertainty. The bound shows that uncertainty can mitigate loss. Furthermore, we apply a Bayesian Neural Network to the MIMIC-III dataset, predicting risk of mortality of ICU patients. Our empirical results show that uncertainty can indeed prevent potential errors and reliably identifies out-of-domain patients. These results suggest that Bayesian predictive uncertainty can greatly improve trustworthiness of machine learning models in high-risk settings such as the ICU.

replace Normalised clustering accuracy: An asymmetric external cluster validity measure

Authors: Marek Gagolewski

Abstract: There is no, nor will there ever be, single best clustering algorithm. Nevertheless, we would still like to be able to distinguish between methods that work well on certain task types and those that systematically underperform. Clustering algorithms are traditionally evaluated using either internal or external validity measures. Internal measures quantify different aspects of the obtained partitions, e.g., the average degree of cluster compactness or point separability. However, their validity is questionable because the clusterings they endorse can sometimes be meaningless. External measures, on the other hand, compare the algorithms' outputs to fixed ground truth groupings provided by experts. In this paper, we argue that the commonly used classical partition similarity scores, such as the normalised mutual information, Fowlkes-Mallows, or adjusted Rand index, miss some desirable properties. In particular, they do not identify worst-case scenarios correctly, nor are they easily interpretable. As a consequence, the evaluation of clustering algorithms on diverse benchmark datasets can be difficult. To remedy these issues, we propose and analyse a new measure: a version of the optimal set-matching accuracy, which is normalised, monotonic with respect to some similarity relation, scale-invariant, and corrected for the imbalancedness of cluster sizes (but neither symmetric nor adjusted for chance).

replace Neural Clamping: Joint Input Perturbation and Temperature Scaling for Neural Network Calibration

Authors: Yung-Chen Tang, Pin-Yu Chen, Tsung-Yi Ho

Abstract: Neural network calibration is an essential task in deep learning to ensure consistency between the confidence of model prediction and the true correctness likelihood. In this paper, we propose a new post-processing calibration method called Neural Clamping, which employs a simple joint input-output transformation on a pre-trained classifier via a learnable universal input perturbation and an output temperature scaling parameter. Moreover, we provide theoretical explanations on why Neural Clamping is provably better than temperature scaling. Evaluated on BloodMNIST, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet image recognition datasets and a variety of deep neural network models, our empirical results show that Neural Clamping significantly outperforms state-of-the-art post-processing calibration methods. The code is available at, and the demo is available at

replace Q-Pensieve: Boosting Sample Efficiency of Multi-Objective RL Through Memory Sharing of Q-Snapshots

Authors: Wei Hung, Bo-Kai Huang, Ping-Chun Hsieh, Xi Liu

Abstract: Many real-world continuous control problems are in the dilemma of weighing the pros and cons, multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL) serves as a generic framework of learning control policies for different preferences over objectives. However, the existing MORL methods either rely on multiple passes of explicit search for finding the Pareto front and therefore are not sample-efficient, or utilizes a shared policy network for coarse knowledge sharing among policies. To boost the sample efficiency of MORL, we propose Q-Pensieve, a policy improvement scheme that stores a collection of Q-snapshots to jointly determine the policy update direction and thereby enables data sharing at the policy level. We show that Q-Pensieve can be naturally integrated with soft policy iteration with convergence guarantee. To substantiate this concept, we propose the technique of Q replay buffer, which stores the learned Q-networks from the past iterations, and arrive at a practical actor-critic implementation. Through extensive experiments and an ablation study, we demonstrate that with much fewer samples, the proposed algorithm can outperform the benchmark MORL methods on a variety of MORL benchmark tasks.

replace Batchless Normalization: How to Normalize Activations Across Instances with Minimal Memory Requirements

Authors: Benjamin Berger (Leibniz Universit\"at Hannover), Victor Uc Cetina (Universidad Aut\'onoma de Yucat\'an)

Abstract: In training neural networks, batch normalization has many benefits, not all of them entirely understood. But it also has some drawbacks. Foremost is arguably memory consumption, as computing the batch statistics requires all instances within the batch to be processed simultaneously, whereas without batch normalization it would be possible to process them one by one while accumulating the weight gradients. Another drawback is that that distribution parameters (mean and standard deviation) are unlike all other model parameters in that they are not trained using gradient descent but require special treatment, complicating implementation. In this paper, I show a simple and straightforward way to address these issues. The idea, in short, is to add terms to the loss that, for each activation, cause the minimization of the negative log likelihood of a Gaussian distribution that is used to normalize the activation. Among other benefits, this will hopefully contribute to the democratization of AI research by means of lowering the hardware requirements for training larger models.

replace One-shot Generative Distribution Matching for Augmented RF-based UAV Identification

Authors: Amir Kazemi, Salar Basiri, Volodymyr Kindratenko, Srinivasa Salapaka

Abstract: This work addresses the challenge of identifying Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) using radiofrequency (RF) fingerprinting in limited RF environments. The complexity and variability of RF signals, influenced by environmental interference and hardware imperfections, often render traditional RF-based identification methods ineffective. To address these complications, the study introduces the rigorous use of one-shot generative methods for augmenting transformed RF signals, offering a significant improvement in UAV identification. This approach shows promise in low-data regimes, outperforming deep generative methods like conditional generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational auto-encoders (VAEs). The paper provides a theoretical guarantee for the effectiveness of one-shot generative models in augmenting limited data, setting a precedent for their application in limited RF environments. This research contributes to learning techniques in low-data regime scenarios, which may include atypical complex sequences beyond images and videos. The code and links to datasets used in this study are available at


replace Exploring Semantic Perturbations on Grover

Authors: Ziqing Ji, Pranav Kulkarni, Marko Neskovic, Kevin Nolan, Yan Xu

Abstract: With news and information being as easy to access as they currently are, it is more important than ever to ensure that people are not mislead by what they read. Recently, the rise of neural fake news (AI-generated fake news) and its demonstrated effectiveness at fooling humans has prompted the development of models to detect it. One such model is the Grover model, which can both detect neural fake news to prevent it, and generate it to demonstrate how a model could be misused to fool human readers. In this work we explore the Grover model's fake news detection capabilities by performing targeted attacks through perturbations on input news articles. Through this we test Grover's resilience to these adversarial attacks and expose some potential vulnerabilities which should be addressed in further iterations to ensure it can detect all types of fake news accurately.

replace Category Adaptation Meets Projected Distillation in Generalized Continual Category Discovery

Authors: Grzegorz Rype\'s\'c, Daniel Marczak, Sebastian Cygert, Tomasz Trzci\'nski, Bart{\l}omiej Twardowski

Abstract: Generalized Continual Category Discovery (GCCD) tackles learning from sequentially arriving, partially labeled datasets while uncovering new categories. Traditional methods depend on feature distillation to prevent forgetting the old knowledge. However, this strategy restricts the model's ability to adapt and effectively distinguish new categories. To address this, we introduce a novel technique integrating a learnable projector with feature distillation, thus enhancing model adaptability without sacrificing past knowledge. The resulting distribution shift of the previously learned categories is mitigated with the auxiliary category adaptation network. We demonstrate that while each component offers modest benefits individually, their combination - dubbed CAMP (Category Adaptation Meets Projected distillation) - significantly improves the balance between learning new information and retaining old. CAMP exhibits superior performance across several GCCD and Class Incremental Learning scenarios. The code is available at


replace POCKET: Pruning Random Convolution Kernels for Time Series Classification from a Feature Selection Perspective

Authors: Shaowu Chen, Weize Sun, Lei Huang, Xiaopeng Li, Qingyuan Wang, Deepu John

Abstract: In recent years, two competitive time series classification models, namely, ROCKET and MINIROCKET, have garnered considerable attention due to their low training cost and high accuracy. However, they rely on a large number of random 1-D convolutional kernels to comprehensively capture features, which is incompatible with resource-constrained devices. Despite the development of heuristic algorithms designed to recognize and prune redundant kernels, the inherent time-consuming nature of evolutionary algorithms hinders efficient evaluation. To efficiently prune models, this paper eliminates feature groups contributing minimally to the classifier, thereby discarding the associated random kernels without direct evaluation. To this end, we incorporate both group-level ($l_{2,1}$-norm) and element-level ($l_2$-norm) regularizations to the classifier, formulating the pruning challenge as a group elastic net classification problem. An ADMM-based algorithm is initially introduced to solve the problem, but it is computationally intensive. Building on the ADMM-based algorithm, we then propose our core algorithm, POCKET, which significantly speeds up the process by dividing the task into two sequential stages. In Stage 1, POCKET utilizes dynamically varying penalties to efficiently achieve group sparsity within the classifier, removing features associated with zero weights and their corresponding kernels. In Stage 2, the remaining kernels and features are used to refit a $l_2$-regularized classifier for enhanced performance. Experimental results on diverse time series datasets show that POCKET prunes up to 60% of kernels without a significant reduction in accuracy and performs 11$\times$ faster than its counterparts. Our code is publicly available at


replace Review of Machine Learning Methods for Additive Manufacturing of Functionally Graded Materials

Authors: Mohammad Karimzadeh, Deekshith Basvoju, Aleksandar Vakanski, Indrajit Charit, Fei Xu, Xinchang Zhang

Abstract: Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a transformative manufacturing technology enabling direct fabrication of complex parts layer-be-layer from 3D modeling data. Among AM applications, the fabrication of Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) has significant importance due to the potential to enhance component performance across several industries. FGMs are manufactured with a gradient composition transition between dissimilar materials, enabling the design of new materials with location-dependent mechanical and physical properties. This study presents a comprehensive review of published literature pertaining to the implementation of Machine Learning (ML) techniques in AM, with an emphasis on ML-based methods for optimizing FGMs fabrication processes. Through an extensive survey of the literature, this review article explores the role of ML in addressing the inherent challenges in FGMs fabrication and encompasses parameter optimization, defect detection, and real-time monitoring. The article also provides a discussion of future research directions and challenges in employing ML-based methods in AM fabrication of FGMs.

replace Generative Learning of Continuous Data by Tensor Networks

Authors: Alex Meiburg, Jing Chen, Jacob Miller, Rapha\"elle Tihon, Guillaume Rabusseau, Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz

Abstract: Beyond their origin in modeling many-body quantum systems, tensor networks have emerged as a promising class of models for solving machine learning problems, notably in unsupervised generative learning. While possessing many desirable features arising from their quantum-inspired nature, tensor network generative models have previously been largely restricted to binary or categorical data, limiting their utility in real-world modeling problems. We overcome this by introducing a new family of tensor network generative models for continuous data, which are capable of learning from distributions containing continuous random variables. We develop our method in the setting of matrix product states, first deriving a universal expressivity theorem proving the ability of this model family to approximate any reasonably smooth probability density function with arbitrary precision. We then benchmark the performance of this model on several synthetic and real-world datasets, finding that the model learns and generalizes well on distributions of continuous and discrete variables. We develop methods for modeling different data domains, and introduce a trainable compression layer which is found to increase model performance given limited memory or computational resources. Overall, our methods give important theoretical and empirical evidence of the efficacy of quantum-inspired methods for the rapidly growing field of generative learning.

replace Exploring Active Learning in Meta-Learning: Enhancing Context Set Labeling

Authors: Wonho Bae, Jing Wang, Danica J. Sutherland

Abstract: Most meta-learning methods assume that the (very small) context set used to establish a new task at test time is passively provided. In some settings, however, it is feasible to actively select which points to label; the potential gain from a careful choice is substantial, but the setting requires major differences from typical active learning setups. We clarify the ways in which active meta-learning can be used to label a context set, depending on which parts of the meta-learning process use active learning. Within this framework, we propose a natural algorithm based on fitting Gaussian mixtures for selecting which points to label; though simple, the algorithm also has theoretical motivation. The proposed algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art active learning methods when used with various meta-learning algorithms across several benchmark datasets.

replace A Unified Industrial Large Knowledge Model Framework in Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing

Authors: Jay Lee, Hanqi Su

Abstract: The recent emergence of large language models (LLMs) demonstrates the potential for artificial general intelligence, revealing new opportunities in Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. However, a notable gap exists in applying these LLMs in industry, primarily due to their training on general knowledge rather than domain-specific knowledge. Such specialized domain knowledge is vital for effectively addressing the complex needs of industrial applications. To bridge this gap, this paper proposes a unified industrial large knowledge model (ILKM) framework, emphasizing its potential to revolutionize future industries. In addition, ILKMs and LLMs are compared from eight perspectives. Finally, the "6S Principle" is proposed as the guideline for ILKM development, and several potential opportunities are highlighted for ILKM deployment in Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing.

replace Unsupervised Outlier Detection using Random Subspace and Subsampling Ensembles of Dirichlet Process Mixtures

Authors: Dongwook Kim, Juyeon Park, Hee Cheol Chung, Seonghyun Jeong

Abstract: Probabilistic mixture models are recognized as effective tools for unsupervised outlier detection owing to their interpretability and global characteristics. Among these, Dirichlet process mixture models stand out as a strong alternative to conventional finite mixture models for both clustering and outlier detection tasks. Unlike finite mixture models, Dirichlet process mixtures are infinite mixture models that automatically determine the number of mixture components based on the data. Despite their advantages, the adoption of Dirichlet process mixture models for unsupervised outlier detection has been limited by challenges related to computational inefficiency and sensitivity to outliers in the construction of outlier detectors. Additionally, Dirichlet process Gaussian mixtures struggle to effectively model non-Gaussian data with discrete or binary features. To address these challenges, we propose a novel outlier detection method that utilizes ensembles of Dirichlet process Gaussian mixtures. This unsupervised algorithm employs random subspace and subsampling ensembles to ensure efficient computation and improve the robustness of the outlier detector. The ensemble approach further improves the suitability of the proposed method for detecting outliers in non-Gaussian data. Furthermore, our method uses variational inference for Dirichlet process mixtures, which ensures both efficient and rapid computation. Empirical analyses using benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms existing approaches in unsupervised outlier detection.

replace Predicting the structure of dynamic graphs

Authors: Sevvandi Kandanaarachchi, Ziqi Xu, Stefan Westerlund

Abstract: Many aspects of graphs have been studied in depth. However, forecasting the structure of a graph at future time steps incorporating unseen, new nodes and edges has not gained much attention. In this paper, we present such an approach. Using a time series of graphs, we forecast graphs at future time steps. We use time series forecasting methods to predict the node degree at future time points and combine these forecasts with flux balance analysis -- a linear programming method used in biochemistry -- to obtain the structure of future graphs. We evaluate this approach using synthetic and real-world datasets and demonstrate its utility and applicability.

replace ServerlessLLM: Low-Latency Serverless Inference for Large Language Models

Authors: Yao Fu, Leyang Xue, Yeqi Huang, Andrei-Octavian Brabete, Dmitrii Ustiugov, Yuvraj Patel, Luo Mai

Abstract: This paper presents ServerlessLLM, a distributed system designed to support low-latency serverless inference for Large Language Models (LLMs). By harnessing the substantial near-GPU storage and memory capacities of inference servers, ServerlessLLM achieves effective local checkpoint storage, minimizing the need for remote checkpoint downloads and ensuring efficient checkpoint loading. The design of ServerlessLLM features three core contributions: (i) \emph{fast multi-tier checkpoint loading}, featuring a new loading-optimized checkpoint format and a multi-tier loading system, fully utilizing the bandwidth of complex storage hierarchies on GPU servers; (ii) \emph{efficient live migration of LLM inference}, which enables newly initiated inferences to capitalize on local checkpoint storage while ensuring minimal user interruption; and (iii) \emph{startup-time-optimized model scheduling}, which assesses the locality statuses of checkpoints on each server and schedules the model onto servers that minimize the time to start the inference. Comprehensive evaluations, including microbenchmarks and real-world scenarios, demonstrate that ServerlessLLM dramatically outperforms state-of-the-art serverless systems, reducing latency by 10 - 200X across various LLM inference workloads.

replace Anatomizing Deep Learning Inference in Web Browsers

Authors: Qipeng Wang, Shiqi Jiang, Zhenpeng Chen, Xu Cao, Yuanchun Li, Aoyu Li, Yun Ma, Ting Cao, Xuanzhe Liu

Abstract: Web applications have increasingly adopted Deep Learning (DL) through in-browser inference, wherein DL inference performs directly within Web browsers. The actual performance of in-browser inference and its impacts on the quality of experience (QoE) remain unexplored, and urgently require new QoE measurements beyond traditional ones, e.g., mainly focusing on page load time. To bridge this gap, we make the first comprehensive performance measurement of in-browser inference to date. Our approach proposes new metrics to measure in-browser inference: responsiveness, smoothness, and inference accuracy. Our extensive analysis involves 9 representative DL models across Web browsers of 50 popular PC devices and 20 mobile devices. The results reveal that in-browser inference exhibits a substantial latency gap, averaging 16.9 times slower on CPU and 4.9 times slower on GPU compared to native inference on PC devices. The gap on mobile CPU and mobile GPU is 15.8 times and 7.8 times, respectively. Furthermore, we identify contributing factors to such latency gap, including underutilized hardware instruction sets, inherent overhead in the runtime environment, resource contention within the browser, and inefficiencies in software libraries and GPU abstractions. Additionally, in-browser inference imposes significant memory demands, at times exceeding 334.6 times the size of the DL models themselves, partly attributable to suboptimal memory management. We also observe that in-browser inference leads to a significant 67.2% increase in the time it takes for GUI components to render within Web browsers, significantly affecting the overall user QoE of Web applications reliant on this technology

replace SLADE: Detecting Dynamic Anomalies in Edge Streams without Labels via Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Jongha Lee, Sunwoo Kim, Kijung Shin

Abstract: To detect anomalies in real-world graphs, such as social, email, and financial networks, various approaches have been developed. While they typically assume static input graphs, most real-world graphs grow over time, naturally represented as edge streams. In this context, we aim to achieve three goals: (a) instantly detecting anomalies as they occur, (b) adapting to dynamically changing states, and (c) handling the scarcity of dynamic anomaly labels. In this paper, we propose SLADE (Self-supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection in Edge Streams) for rapid detection of dynamic anomalies in edge streams, without relying on labels. SLADE detects the shifts of nodes into abnormal states by observing deviations in their interaction patterns over time. To this end, it trains a deep neural network to perform two self-supervised tasks: (a) minimizing drift in node representations and (b) generating long-term interaction patterns from short-term ones. Failure in these tasks for a node signals its deviation from the norm. Notably, the neural network and tasks are carefully designed so that all required operations can be performed in constant time (w.r.t. the graph size) in response to each new edge in the input stream. In dynamic anomaly detection across four real-world datasets, SLADE outperforms nine competing methods, even those leveraging label supervision.

replace HyperMoE: Towards Better Mixture of Experts via Transferring Among Experts

Authors: Hao Zhao, Zihan Qiu, Huijia Wu, Zili Wang, Zhaofeng He, Jie Fu

Abstract: The Mixture of Experts (MoE) for language models has been proven effective in augmenting the capacity of models by dynamically routing each input token to a specific subset of experts for processing. Despite the success, most existing methods face a challenge for balance between sparsity and the availability of expert knowledge: enhancing performance through increased use of expert knowledge often results in diminishing sparsity during expert selection. To mitigate this contradiction, we propose HyperMoE, a novel MoE framework built upon Hypernetworks. This framework integrates the computational processes of MoE with the concept of knowledge transferring in multi-task learning. Specific modules generated based on the information of unselected experts serve as supplementary information, which allows the knowledge of experts not selected to be used while maintaining selection sparsity. Our comprehensive empirical evaluations across multiple datasets and backbones establish that HyperMoE significantly outperforms existing MoE methods under identical conditions concerning the number of experts.

replace Neural Fractional Differential Equations

Authors: C. Coelho, M. Fernanda P. Costa, L. L. Ferr\'as

Abstract: Fractional Differential Equations (FDEs) are essential tools for modelling complex systems in science and engineering. They extend the traditional concepts of differentiation and integration to non-integer orders, enabling a more precise representation of processes characterised by non-local and memory-dependent behaviours. This property is useful in systems where variables do not respond to changes instantaneously, but instead exhibit a strong memory of past interactions. Having this in mind, and drawing inspiration from Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (Neural ODEs), we propose the Neural FDE, a novel deep neural network architecture that adjusts a FDE to the dynamics of data. This work provides a comprehensive overview of the numerical method employed in Neural FDEs and the Neural FDE architecture. The numerical outcomes suggest that, despite being more computationally demanding, the Neural FDE may outperform the Neural ODE in modelling systems with memory or dependencies on past states, and it can effectively be applied to learn more intricate dynamical systems.

replace Block Verification Accelerates Speculative Decoding

Authors: Ziteng Sun, Uri Mendlovic, Yaniv Leviathan, Asaf Aharoni, Ahmad Beirami, Jae Hun Ro, Ananda Theertha Suresh

Abstract: Speculative decoding is an effective method for lossless acceleration of large language models during inference. It uses a fast model to draft a block of tokens which are then verified in parallel by the target model, and provides a guarantee that the output is distributed identically to a sample from the target model. In prior works, draft verification is performed independently token-by-token. Surprisingly, we show that this approach is not optimal. We propose Block Verification, a simple draft verification algorithm that verifies the entire block jointly and provides additional wall-clock speedup. We prove that the proposed mechanism is optimal in the expected number of tokens produced each iteration and specifically is never worse than the standard token-level verification. Empirically, block verification provides modest but consistent wall-clock speedups over the standard token verification algorithm of 5%-8% in a range of tasks and datasets. Given that block verification does not increase code complexity, maintains the strong lossless guarantee of the standard speculative decoding verification algorithm, cannot deteriorate performance, and, in fact, consistently improves it, it can be used as a good default in speculative decoding implementations.

replace Equivariant Ensembles and Regularization for Reinforcement Learning in Map-based Path Planning

Authors: Mirco Theile, Hongpeng Cao, Marco Caccamo, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Abstract: In reinforcement learning (RL), exploiting environmental symmetries can significantly enhance efficiency, robustness, and performance. However, ensuring that the deep RL policy and value networks are respectively equivariant and invariant to exploit these symmetries is a substantial challenge. Related works try to design networks that are equivariant and invariant by construction, limiting them to a very restricted library of components, which in turn hampers the expressiveness of the networks. This paper proposes a method to construct equivariant policies and invariant value functions without specialized neural network components, which we term equivariant ensembles. We further add a regularization term for adding inductive bias during training. In a map-based path planning case study, we show how equivariant ensembles and regularization benefit sample efficiency and performance.

replace A Unified Framework for Model Editing

Authors: Akshat Gupta, Dev Sajnani, Gopala Anumanchipalli

Abstract: ROME and MEMIT are largely believed to be two different model editing algorithms, with the major difference between them being the ability to perform batched edits. In this paper, we unify these two algorithms under a single conceptual umbrella, optimizing for the same goal, which we call the preservation-memorization objective. ROME uses an equality constraint to optimize this objective to perform one edit at a time, whereas MEMIT employs a more flexible least-square constraint that allows for batched edits. We generalize ROME and enable batched editing with equality constraint in the form of EMMET - an Equality-constrained Mass Model Editing algorithm for Transformers, a new batched memory-editing algorithm. EMMET can perform batched-edits up to a batch-size of 10,000, with very similar performance to MEMIT across multiple dimensions. With the introduction of EMMET, we truly unify ROME and MEMIT and show that both algorithms are equivalent in terms of their optimization objective, their abilities (singular and batched editing), their model editing performance and their limitations.

replace A Survey on Hypergraph Neural Networks: An In-Depth and Step-By-Step Guide

Authors: Sunwoo Kim, Soo Yong Lee, Yue Gao, Alessia Antelmi, Mirko Polato, Kijung Shin

Abstract: Higher-order interactions (HOIs) are ubiquitous in real-world complex systems and applications. Investigation of deep learning for HOIs, thus, has become a valuable agenda for the data mining and machine learning communities. As networks of HOIs are expressed mathematically as hypergraphs, hypergraph neural networks (HNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for representation learning on hypergraphs. Given the emerging trend, we present the first survey dedicated to HNNs, with an in-depth and step-by-step guide. Broadly, the present survey overviews HNN architectures, training strategies, and applications. First, we break existing HNNs down into four design components: (i) input features, (ii) input structures, (iii) message-passing schemes, and (iv) training strategies. Second, we examine how HNNs address and learn HOIs with each of their components. Third, we overview the recent applications of HNNs in recommendation, bioinformatics and medical science, time series analysis, and computer vision. Lastly, we conclude with a discussion on limitations and future directions.

replace Physics-Enhanced Graph Neural Networks For Soft Sensing in Industrial Internet of Things

Authors: Keivan Faghih Niresi, Hugo Bissig, Henri Baumann, Olga Fink

Abstract: The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is reshaping manufacturing, industrial processes, and infrastructure management. By fostering new levels of automation, efficiency, and predictive maintenance, IIoT is transforming traditional industries into intelligent, seamlessly interconnected ecosystems. However, achieving highly reliable IIoT can be hindered by factors such as the cost of installing large numbers of sensors, limitations in retrofitting existing systems with sensors, or harsh environmental conditions that may make sensor installation impractical. Soft (virtual) sensing leverages mathematical models to estimate variables from physical sensor data, offering a solution to these challenges. Data-driven and physics-based modeling are the two main methodologies widely used for soft sensing. The choice between these strategies depends on the complexity of the underlying system, with the data-driven approach often being preferred when the physics-based inference models are intricate and present challenges for state estimation. However, conventional deep learning models are typically hindered by their inability to explicitly represent the complex interactions among various sensors. To address this limitation, we adopt Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), renowned for their ability to effectively capture the complex relationships between sensor measurements. In this research, we propose physics-enhanced GNNs, which integrate principles of physics into graph-based methodologies. This is achieved by augmenting additional nodes in the input graph derived from the underlying characteristics of the physical processes. Our evaluation of the proposed methodology on the case study of district heating networks reveals significant improvements over purely data-driven GNNs, even in the presence of noise and parameter inaccuracies.

replace High Significant Fault Detection in Azure Core Workload Insights

Authors: Pranay Lohia, Laurent Boue, Sharath Rangappa, Vijay Agneeswaran

Abstract: Azure Core workload insights have time-series data with different metric units. Faults or Anomalies are observed in these time-series data owing to faults observed with respect to metric name, resources region, dimensions, and its dimension value associated with the data. For Azure Core, an important task is to highlight faults or anomalies to the user on a dashboard that they can perceive easily. The number of anomalies reported should be highly significant and in a limited number, e.g., 5-20 anomalies reported per hour. The reported anomalies will have significant user perception and high reconstruction error in any time-series forecasting model. Hence, our task is to automatically identify 'high significant anomalies' and their associated information for user perception.

replace Node-like as a Whole: Structure-aware Searching and Coarsening for Graph Classification

Authors: Xiaorui Qi, Qijie Bai, Yanlong Wen, Haiwei Zhang, Xiaojie Yuan

Abstract: Graph Transformers (GTs) have made remarkable achievements in graph-level tasks. However, most existing works regard graph structures as a form of guidance or bias for enhancing node representations, which focuses on node-central perspectives and lacks explicit representations of edges and structures. One natural question is, can we treat graph structures node-like as a whole to learn high-level features? Through experimental analysis, we explore the feasibility of this assumption. Based on our findings, we propose a novel multi-view graph representation learning model via structure-aware searching and coarsening (GRLsc) on GT architecture for graph classification. Specifically, we build three unique views, original, coarsening, and conversion, to learn a thorough structural representation. We compress loops and cliques via hierarchical heuristic graph coarsening and restrict them with well-designed constraints, which builds the coarsening view to learn high-level interactions between structures. We also introduce line graphs for edge embeddings and switch to edge-central perspective to construct the conversion view. Experiments on eight real-world datasets demonstrate the improvements of GRLsc over 28 baselines from various architectures.

replace Enhancing Counterfactual Explanation Search with Diffusion Distance and Directional Coherence

Authors: Marharyta Domnich, Raul Vicente

Abstract: A pressing issue in the adoption of AI models is the increasing demand for more human-centric explanations of their predictions. To advance towards more human-centric explanations, understanding how humans produce and select explanations has been beneficial. In this work, inspired by insights of human cognition we propose and test the incorporation of two novel biases to enhance the search for effective counterfactual explanations. Central to our methodology is the application of diffusion distance, which emphasizes data connectivity and actionability in the search for feasible counterfactual explanations. In particular, diffusion distance effectively weights more those points that are more interconnected by numerous short-length paths. This approach brings closely connected points nearer to each other, identifying a feasible path between them. We also introduce a directional coherence term that allows the expression of a preference for the alignment between the joint and marginal directional changes in feature space to reach a counterfactual. This term enables the generation of counterfactual explanations that align with a set of marginal predictions based on expectations of how the outcome of the model varies by changing one feature at a time. We evaluate our method, named Coherent Directional Counterfactual Explainer (CoDiCE), and the impact of the two novel biases against existing methods such as DiCE, FACE, Prototypes, and Growing Spheres. Through a series of ablation experiments on both synthetic and real datasets with continuous and mixed-type features, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

replace IncidentResponseGPT: Generating Traffic Incident Response Plans with Generative Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Artur Grigorev, Adriana-Simona Mihaita Khaled Saleh, Yuming Ou

Abstract: The proposed IncidentResponseGPT framework - a novel system that applies generative artificial intelligence (AI) to potentially enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of traffic incident response. This model allows for synthesis of region-specific incident response guidelines and generates incident response plans adapted to specific area, aiming to expedite decision-making for traffic management authorities. This approach aims to accelerate incident resolution times by suggesting various recommendations (e.g. optimal rerouting strategies, estimating resource needs) to minimize the overall impact on the urban traffic network. The system suggests specific actions, including dynamic lane closures, optimized rerouting and dispatching appropriate emergency resources. IncidentResponseGPT employs the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to rank generated response plans based on criteria like impact minimization and resource efficiency based on their proximity to an human-proposed solution.

replace Harmonic LLMs are Trustworthy

Authors: Nicholas S. Kersting, Mohammad Rahman, Suchismitha Vedala, Yang Wang

Abstract: We introduce an intuitive method to test the robustness (stability and explainability) of any black-box LLM in real-time via its local deviation from harmoniticity, denoted as $\gamma$. To the best of our knowledge this is the first completely model-agnostic and unsupervised method of measuring the robustness of any given response from an LLM, based upon the model itself conforming to a purely mathematical standard. To show general application and immediacy of results, we measure $\gamma$ in 10 popular LLMs (ChatGPT, Claude-2.1, Claude3.0, GPT-4, GPT-4o, Smaug-72B, Mixtral-8x7B, Llama2-7B, Mistral-7B and MPT-7B) across thousands of queries in three objective domains: WebQA, ProgrammingQA, and TruthfulQA. Across all models and domains tested, human annotation confirms that $\gamma \to 0$ indicates trustworthiness, and conversely searching higher values of $\gamma$ easily exposes examples of hallucination, a fact that enables efficient adversarial prompt generation through stochastic gradient ascent in $\gamma$. The low-$\gamma$ leaders among the models in the respective domains are GPT-4o, GPT-4, and Smaug-72B, providing evidence that mid-size open-source models can win out against large commercial models.

replace No Representation, No Trust: Connecting Representation, Collapse, and Trust Issues in PPO

Authors: Skander Moalla, Andrea Miele, Razvan Pascanu, Caglar Gulcehre

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) is inherently rife with non-stationarity since the states and rewards the agent observes during training depend on its changing policy. Therefore, networks in deep RL must be capable of adapting to new observations and fitting new targets. However, previous works have observed that networks in off-policy deep value-based methods exhibit a decrease in representation rank, often correlated with an inability to continue learning or a collapse in performance. Although this phenomenon has generally been attributed to neural network learning under non-stationarity, it has been overlooked in on-policy policy optimization methods which are often thought capable of training indefinitely. In this work, we empirically study representation dynamics in Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) on the Atari and MuJoCo environments, revealing that PPO agents are also affected by feature rank deterioration and loss of plasticity. We show that this is aggravated with stronger non-stationarity, ultimately driving the actor's performance to collapse, regardless of the performance of the critic. We ask why the trust region, specific to methods like PPO, cannot alleviate or prevent the collapse. We find that there is a connection between representation collapse and the degradation of the trust region, one exacerbating the other, and present Proximal Feature Optimization (PFO), a novel auxiliary loss that, along with other interventions, shows that regularizing the representation dynamics improves the performance of PPO agents.

replace The Platonic Representation Hypothesis

Authors: Minyoung Huh, Brian Cheung, Tongzhou Wang, Phillip Isola

Abstract: We argue that representations in AI models, particularly deep networks, are converging. First, we survey many examples of convergence in the literature: over time and across multiple domains, the ways by which different neural networks represent data are becoming more aligned. Next, we demonstrate convergence across data modalities: as vision models and language models get larger, they measure distance between datapoints in a more and more alike way. We hypothesize that this convergence is driving toward a shared statistical model of reality, akin to Plato's concept of an ideal reality. We term such a representation the platonic representation and discuss several possible selective pressures toward it. Finally, we discuss the implications of these trends, their limitations, and counterexamples to our analysis.

replace When AI Eats Itself: On the Caveats of Data Pollution in the Era of Generative AI

Authors: Xiaodan Xing, Fadong Shi, Jiahao Huang, Yinzhe Wu, Yang Nan, Sheng Zhang, Yingying Fang, Mike Roberts, Carola-Bibiane Sch\"onlieb, Javier Del Ser, Guang Yang

Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and large models are producing realistic outputs across various domains, such as images, text, speech, and music. Creating these advanced generative models requires significant resources, particularly large and high-quality datasets. To minimize training expenses, many algorithm developers use data created by the models themselves as a cost-effective training solution. However, not all synthetic data effectively improve model performance, necessitating a strategic balance in the use of real versus synthetic data to optimize outcomes. Currently, the previously well-controlled integration of real and synthetic data is becoming uncontrollable. The widespread and unregulated dissemination of synthetic data online leads to the contamination of datasets traditionally compiled through web scraping, now mixed with unlabeled synthetic data. This trend portends a future where generative AI systems may increasingly rely blindly on consuming self-generated data, raising concerns about model performance and ethical issues. What will happen if generative AI continuously consumes itself without discernment? What measures can we take to mitigate the potential adverse effects? There is a significant gap in the scientific literature regarding the impact of synthetic data use in generative AI, particularly in terms of the fusion of multimodal information. To address this research gap, this review investigates the consequences of integrating synthetic data blindly on training generative AI on both image and text modalities and explores strategies to mitigate these effects. The goal is to offer a comprehensive view of synthetic data's role, advocating for a balanced approach to its use and exploring practices that promote the sustainable development of generative AI technologies in the era of large models.

replace A unified law of robustness for Bregman divergence losses

Authors: Santanu Das, Jatin Batra, Piyush Srivastava

Abstract: In contemporary deep learning practice, models are often trained to near zero loss i.e. to nearly interpolate the training data. However, the number of parameters in the model is usually far more than the number of data points $n$, the theoretical minimum needed for interpolation: a phenomenon referred to as overparameterization. In an interesting piece of work that contributes to the considerable research that has been devoted to understand overparameterization, Bubeck and Sellke showed that for a broad class of covariate distributions (specifically those satisfying a natural notion of concentration of measure), overparameterization is necessary for robust interpolation i.e. if the interpolating function is required to be Lipschitz. However, their robustness results were proved only in the setting of regression with square loss. In practice, however many other kinds of losses are used, e.g. cross entropy loss for classification. In this work, we generalize Bubeck and Selke's result to Bregman divergence losses, which form a common generalization of square loss and cross-entropy loss. Our generalization relies on identifying a bias-variance type decomposition that lies at the heart of the proof and Bubeck and Sellke.

replace Generating Explanations for Cellular Neural Networks

Authors: Akshit Sinha, Sreeram Vennam, Charu Sharma, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru

Abstract: Recent advancements in graph learning contributed to explaining predictions generated by Graph Neural Networks. However, existing methodologies often fall short when applied to real-world datasets. We introduce HOGE, a framework to capture higher-order structures using cell complexes, which excel at modeling higher-order relationships. In the real world, higher-order structures are ubiquitous like in molecules or social networks, thus our work significantly enhances the practical applicability of graph explanations. HOGE produces clearer and more accurate explanations compared to prior methods. Our method can be integrated with all existing graph explainers, ensuring seamless integration into current frameworks. We evaluate on GraphXAI benchmark datasets, HOGE achieves improved or comparable performance with minimal computational overhead. Ablation studies show that the performance gain observed can be attributed to the higher-order structures that come from introducing cell complexes.

replace ShiftAddLLM: Accelerating Pretrained LLMs via Post-Training Multiplication-Less Reparameterization

Authors: Haoran You, Yipin Guo, Yichao Fu, Wei Zhou, Huihong Shi, Xiaofan Zhang, Souvik Kundu, Amir Yazdanbakhsh, Yingyan Celine Lin

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive performance on language tasks but face challenges when deployed on resource-constrained devices due to their extensive parameters and reliance on dense multiplications, resulting in high memory demands and latency bottlenecks. Shift-and-add reparameterization offers a promising solution by replacing costly multiplications with hardware-friendly primitives in both the attention and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) layers of an LLM. However, current reparameterization techniques require training from scratch or full parameter fine-tuning to restore accuracy, which is resource-intensive for LLMs. To address this, we propose accelerating pretrained LLMs through post-training shift-and-add reparameterization, creating efficient multiplication-free models, dubbed ShiftAddLLM. Specifically, we quantize each weight matrix into binary matrices paired with group-wise scaling factors. The associated multiplications are reparameterized into (1) shifts between activations and scaling factors and (2) queries and adds according to the binary matrices. To reduce accuracy loss, we present a multi-objective optimization method to minimize both weight and output activation reparameterization errors. Additionally, based on varying sensitivity across layers to reparameterization, we develop an automated bit allocation strategy to further reduce memory usage and latency. Experiments on five LLM families and eight tasks consistently validate the effectiveness of ShiftAddLLM, achieving average perplexity improvements of 5.6 and 22.7 points at comparable or lower latency compared to the most competitive quantized LLMs at 3 and 2 bits, respectively, and more than 80% memory and energy reductions over the original LLMs. Codes and models are available at


replace Diagnosing and fixing common problems in Bayesian optimization for molecule design

Authors: Austin Tripp, Jos\'e Miguel Hern\'andez-Lobato

Abstract: Bayesian optimization (BO) is a principled approach to molecular design tasks. In this paper we explain three pitfalls of BO which can cause poor empirical performance: an incorrect prior width, over-smoothing, and inadequate acquisition function maximization. We show that with these issues addressed, even a basic BO setup is able to achieve the highest overall performance on the PMO benchmark for molecule design (Gao et al 2022). These results suggest that BO may benefit from more attention in the machine learning for molecules community.

replace Expressivity and Generalization: Fragment-Biases for Molecular GNNs

Authors: Tom Wollschl\"ager, Niklas Kemper, Leon Hetzel, Johanna Sommer, Stephan G\"unnemann

Abstract: Although recent advances in higher-order Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) improve the theoretical expressiveness and molecular property predictive performance, they often fall short of the empirical performance of models that explicitly use fragment information as inductive bias. However, for these approaches, there exists no theoretic expressivity study. In this work, we propose the Fragment-WL test, an extension to the well-known Weisfeiler & Leman (WL) test, which enables the theoretic analysis of these fragment-biased GNNs. Building on the insights gained from the Fragment-WL test, we develop a new GNN architecture and a fragmentation with infinite vocabulary that significantly boosts expressiveness. We show the effectiveness of our model on synthetic and real-world data where we outperform all GNNs on Peptides and have 12% lower error than all GNNs on ZINC and 34% lower error than other fragment-biased models. Furthermore, we show that our model exhibits superior generalization capabilities compared to the latest transformer-based architectures, positioning it as a robust solution for a range of molecular modeling tasks.

replace Evaluating the design space of diffusion-based generative models

Authors: Yuqing Wang, Ye He, Molei Tao

Abstract: Most existing theoretical investigations of the accuracy of diffusion models, albeit significant, assume the score function has been approximated to a certain accuracy, and then use this a priori bound to control the error of generation. This article instead provides a first quantitative understanding of the whole generation process, i.e., both training and sampling. More precisely, it conducts a non-asymptotic convergence analysis of denoising score matching under gradient descent. In addition, a refined sampling error analysis for variance exploding models is also provided. The combination of these two results yields a full error analysis, which elucidates (again, but this time theoretically) how to design the training and sampling processes for effective generation. For instance, our theory implies a preference toward noise distribution and loss weighting in training that qualitatively agree with the ones used in [Karras et al. 2022]. It also provides perspectives on the choices of time and variance schedules in sampling: when the score is well trained, the design in [Song et al. 2020] is more preferable, but when it is less trained, the design in [Karras et al. 2022] becomes more preferable.

replace Resolving Discrepancies in Compute-Optimal Scaling of Language Models

Authors: Tomer Porian, Mitchell Wortsman, Jenia Jitsev, Ludwig Schmidt, Yair Carmon

Abstract: Kaplan et al. and Hoffmann et al. developed influential scaling laws for the optimal model size as a function of the compute budget, but these laws yield substantially different predictions. We explain the discrepancy by reproducing the Kaplan scaling law on two datasets (OpenWebText2 and RefinedWeb) and identifying three factors causing the difference: last layer computational cost, warmup duration, and scale-dependent optimizer tuning. With these factors corrected, we obtain excellent agreement with the Hoffmann et al. (i.e., "Chinchilla") scaling law. Counter to a hypothesis of Hoffmann et al., we find that careful learning rate decay is not essential for the validity of their scaling law. As a secondary result, we derive scaling laws for the optimal learning rate and batch size, finding that tuning the AdamW $\beta_2$ parameter is essential at lower batch sizes.

replace Knowledge boosting during low-latency inference

Authors: Vidya Srinivas, Malek Itani, Tuochao Chen, Sefik Emre Eskimez, Takuya Yoshioka, Shyamnath Gollakota

Abstract: Models for low-latency, streaming applications could benefit from the knowledge capacity of larger models, but edge devices cannot run these models due to resource constraints. A possible solution is to transfer hints during inference from a large model running remotely to a small model running on-device. However, this incurs a communication delay that breaks real-time requirements and does not guarantee that both models will operate on the same data at the same time. We propose knowledge boosting, a novel technique that allows a large model to operate on time-delayed input during inference, while still boosting small model performance. Using a streaming neural network that processes 8 ms chunks, we evaluate different speech separation and enhancement tasks with communication delays of up to six chunks or 48 ms. Our results show larger gains where the performance gap between the small and large models is wide, demonstrating a promising method for large-small model collaboration for low-latency applications. Code, dataset, and audio samples available at


replace SES: Bridging the Gap Between Explainability and Prediction of Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Zhenhua Huang, Kunhao Li, Shaojie Wang, Zhaohong Jia, Wentao Zhu, Sharad Mehrotra

Abstract: Despite the Graph Neural Networks' (GNNs) proficiency in analyzing graph data, achieving high-accuracy and interpretable predictions remains challenging. Existing GNN interpreters typically provide post-hoc explanations disjointed from GNNs' predictions, resulting in misrepresentations. Self-explainable GNNs offer built-in explanations during the training process. However, they cannot exploit the explanatory outcomes to augment prediction performance, and they fail to provide high-quality explanations of node features and require additional processes to generate explainable subgraphs, which is costly. To address the aforementioned limitations, we propose a self-explained and self-supervised graph neural network (SES) to bridge the gap between explainability and prediction. SES comprises two processes: explainable training and enhanced predictive learning. During explainable training, SES employs a global mask generator co-trained with a graph encoder and directly produces crucial structure and feature masks, reducing time consumption and providing node feature and subgraph explanations. In the enhanced predictive learning phase, mask-based positive-negative pairs are constructed utilizing the explanations to compute a triplet loss and enhance the node representations by contrastive learning.

replace Generalized Coverage for More Robust Low-Budget Active Learning

Authors: Wonho Bae, Junhyug Noh, Danica J. Sutherland

Abstract: The ProbCover method of Yehuda et al. is a well-motivated algorithm for active learning in low-budget regimes, which attempts to "cover" the data distribution with balls of a given radius at selected data points. We demonstrate, however, that the performance of this algorithm is extremely sensitive to the choice of this radius hyper-parameter, and that tuning it is quite difficult, with the original heuristic frequently failing. We thus introduce (and theoretically motivate) a generalized notion of "coverage," including ProbCover's objective as a special case, but also allowing smoother notions that are far more robust to hyper-parameter choice. We propose an efficient greedy method to optimize this coverage, generalizing ProbCover's algorithm; due to its close connection to kernel herding, we call it "MaxHerding." The objective can also be optimized non-greedily through a variant of $k$-medoids, clarifying the relationship to other low-budget active learning methods. In comprehensive experiments, MaxHerding surpasses existing active learning methods across multiple low-budget image classification benchmarks, and does so with less computational cost than most competitive methods.

replace Longhorn: State Space Models are Amortized Online Learners

Authors: Bo Liu, Rui Wang, Lemeng Wu, Yihao Feng, Peter Stone, Qiang Liu

Abstract: The most fundamental capability of modern AI methods such as Large Language Models (LLMs) is the ability to predict the next token in a long sequence of tokens, known as ``sequence modeling." Although the Transformers model is the current dominant approach to sequence modeling, its quadratic computational cost with respect to sequence length is a significant drawback. State-space models (SSMs) offer a promising alternative due to their linear decoding efficiency and high parallelizability during training. However, existing SSMs often rely on seemingly ad hoc linear recurrence designs. In this work, we explore SSM design through the lens of online learning, conceptualizing SSMs as meta-modules for specific online learning problems. This approach links SSM design to formulating precise online learning objectives, with state transition rules derived from optimizing these objectives. Based on this insight, we introduce a novel deep SSM architecture based on the implicit update for optimizing an online regression objective. Our experimental results show that our models outperform state-of-the-art SSMs, including the Mamba model, on standard sequence modeling benchmarks and language modeling tasks.

replace Spatial-Temporal Cross-View Contrastive Pre-training for Check-in Sequence Representation Learning

Authors: Letian Gong, Huaiyu Wan, Shengnan Guo, Xiucheng Li, Yan Lin, Erwen Zheng, Tianyi Wang, Zeyu Zhou, Youfang Lin

Abstract: The rapid growth of location-based services (LBS) has yielded massive amounts of data on human mobility. Effectively extracting meaningful representations for user-generated check-in sequences is pivotal for facilitating various downstream services. However, the user-generated check-in data are simultaneously influenced by the surrounding objective circumstances and the user's subjective intention. Specifically, the temporal uncertainty and spatial diversity exhibited in check-in data make it difficult to capture the macroscopic spatial-temporal patterns of users and to understand the semantics of user mobility activities. Furthermore, the distinct characteristics of the temporal and spatial information in check-in sequences call for an effective fusion method to incorporate these two types of information. In this paper, we propose a novel Spatial-Temporal Cross-view Contrastive Representation (STCCR) framework for check-in sequence representation learning. Specifically, STCCR addresses the above challenges by employing self-supervision from "spatial topic" and "temporal intention" views, facilitating effective fusion of spatial and temporal information at the semantic level. Besides, STCCR leverages contrastive clustering to uncover users' shared spatial topics from diverse mobility activities, while employing angular momentum contrast to mitigate the impact of temporal uncertainty and noise. We extensively evaluate STCCR on three real-world datasets and demonstrate its superior performance across three downstream tasks.

replace Improving probabilistic forecasts of extreme wind speeds by training statistical post-processing models with weighted scoring rules

Authors: Jakob Benjamin Wessel, Christopher A. T. Ferro, Gavin R. Evans, Frank Kwasniok

Abstract: Accurate forecasts of extreme wind speeds are of high importance for many applications. Such forecasts are usually generated by ensembles of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, which however can be biased and have errors in dispersion, thus necessitating the application of statistical post-processing techniques. In this work we aim to improve statistical post-processing models for probabilistic predictions of extreme wind speeds. We do this by adjusting the training procedure used to fit ensemble model output statistics (EMOS) models - a commonly applied post-processing technique - and propose estimating parameters using the so-called threshold-weighted continuous ranked probability score (twCRPS), a proper scoring rule that places special emphasis on predictions over a threshold. We show that training using the twCRPS leads to improved extreme event performance of post-processing models for a variety of thresholds. We find a distribution body-tail trade-off where improved performance for probabilistic predictions of extreme events comes with worse performance for predictions of the distribution body. However, we introduce strategies to mitigate this trade-off based on weighted training and linear pooling. Finally, we consider some synthetic experiments to explain the training impact of the twCRPS and derive closed-form expressions of the twCRPS for a number of distributions, giving the first such collection in the literature. The results will enable researchers and practitioners alike to improve the performance of probabilistic forecasting models for extremes and other events of interest.

replace Can time series forecasting be automated? A benchmark and analysis

Authors: Anvitha Thirthapura Sreedhara, Joaquin Vanschoren

Abstract: In the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, time series forecasting plays a pivotal role across various domains such as finance, healthcare, and weather. However, the task of selecting the most suitable forecasting method for a given dataset is a complex task due to the diversity of data patterns and characteristics. This research aims to address this challenge by proposing a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating and ranking time series forecasting methods across a wide range of datasets. This study investigates the comparative performance of many methods from two prominent time series forecasting frameworks, AutoGluon-Timeseries, and sktime to shed light on their applicability in different real-world scenarios. This research contributes to the field of time series forecasting by providing a robust benchmarking methodology and facilitating informed decision-making when choosing forecasting methods for achieving optimal prediction.

replace Cheems: Wonderful Matrices More Efficient and More Effective Architecture

Authors: Jingze Shi, Lu He, Yuhan Wang, Tianyu He, Bingheng Wu, Mingkun Hou

Abstract: Recent studies have shown that, relative position encoding performs well in selective state space model scanning algorithms, and the architecture that balances SSM and Attention enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the algorithm, while the sparse activation of the mixture of experts reduces the training cost. I studied the effectiveness of using different position encodings in structured state space dual algorithms, and the more effective SSD-Attn internal and external function mixing method, and designed a more efficient cross domain mixture of experts. I found that the same matrix is very wonderful in different algorithms, which allows us to establish a new hybrid sparse architecture: Cheems. Compared with other hybrid architectures, it is more efficient and more effective in language modeling tasks.

replace Looking at Model Debiasing through the Lens of Anomaly Detection

Authors: Vito Paolo Pastore, Massimiliano Ciranni, Davide Marinelli, Francesca Odone, Vittorio Murino

Abstract: It is widely recognized that deep neural networks are sensitive to bias in the data. This means that during training these models are likely to learn spurious correlations between data and labels, resulting in limited generalization abilities and low performance. In this context, model debiasing approaches can be devised aiming at reducing the model's dependency on such unwanted correlations, either leveraging the knowledge of bias information or not. In this work, we focus on the latter and more realistic scenario, showing the importance of accurately predicting the bias-conflicting and bias-aligned samples to obtain compelling performance in bias mitigation. On this ground, we propose to conceive the problem of model bias from an out-of-distribution perspective, introducing a new bias identification method based on anomaly detection. We claim that when data is mostly biased, bias-conflicting samples can be regarded as outliers with respect to the bias-aligned distribution in the feature space of a biased model, thus allowing for precisely detecting them with an anomaly detection method. Coupling the proposed bias identification approach with bias-conflicting data upsampling and augmentation in a two-step strategy, we reach state-of-the-art performance on synthetic and real benchmark datasets. Ultimately, our proposed approach shows that the data bias issue does not necessarily require complex debiasing methods, given that an accurate bias identification procedure is defined.

replace-cross Targeted stochastic gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo for hidden Markov models with rare latent states

Authors: Rihui Ou, Deborshee Sen, Alexander L Young, David B Dunson

Abstract: Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for hidden Markov models often rely on the forward-backward sampler. This makes them computationally slow as the length of the time series increases, motivating the development of sub-sampling-based approaches. These approximate the full posterior by using small random subsequences of the data at each MCMC iteration within stochastic gradient MCMC. In the presence of imbalanced data resulting from rare latent states, subsequences often exclude rare latent state data, leading to inaccurate inference and prediction/detection of rare events. We propose a targeted sub-sampling (TASS) approach that over-samples observations corresponding to rare latent states when calculating the stochastic gradient of parameters associated with them. TASS uses an initial clustering of the data to construct subsequence weights that reduce the variance in gradient estimation. This leads to improved sampling efficiency, in particular in settings where the rare latent states correspond to extreme observations. We demonstrate substantial gains in predictive and inferential accuracy on real and synthetic examples.

replace-cross A Non-Expert's Introduction to Data Ethics for Mathematicians

Authors: Mason A. Porter

Abstract: I give a short introduction to data ethics. I begin with some background information and societal context for data ethics. I then discuss data ethics in mathematical-science education and indicate some available course material. I briefly highlight a few efforts -- at my home institution and elsewhere -- on data ethics, society, and social good. I then discuss open data in research, research replicability and some other ethical issues in research, and the tension between privacy and open data and code, and a few controversial studies and reactions to studies. I then discuss ethical principles, institutional review boards, and a few other considerations in the scientific use of human data. I then briefly survey a variety of research and lay articles that are relevant to data ethics and data privacy. I conclude with a brief summary and some closing remarks. My focal audience is mathematicians, but I hope that this chapter will also be useful to others. I am not an expert about data ethics, and this chapter provides only a starting point on this wide-ranging topic. I encourage you to examine the resources that I discuss and to reflect carefully on data ethics, its role in mathematics education, and the societal implications of data and data analysis. As data and technology continue to evolve, I hope that such careful reflection will continue throughout your life.

replace-cross Hierarchical Classification of Research Fields in the "Web of Science" Using Deep Learning

Authors: Susie Xi Rao, Peter H. Egger, Ce Zhang

Abstract: This paper presents a hierarchical classification system that automatically categorizes a scholarly publication using its abstract into a three-tier hierarchical label set (discipline, field, subfield) in a multi-class setting. This system enables a holistic categorization of research activities in the mentioned hierarchy in terms of knowledge production through articles and impact through citations, permitting those activities to fall into multiple categories. The classification system distinguishes 44 disciplines, 718 fields and 1,485 subfields among 160 million abstract snippets in Microsoft Academic Graph (version 2018-05-17). We used batch training in a modularized and distributed fashion to address and allow for interdisciplinary and interfield classifications in single-label and multi-label settings. In total, we have conducted 3,140 experiments in all considered models (Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Transformers). The classification accuracy is > 90% in 77.13% and 78.19% of the single-label and multi-label classifications, respectively. We examine the advantages of our classification by its ability to better align research texts and output with disciplines, to adequately classify them in an automated way, and to capture the degree of interdisciplinarity. The proposed system (a set of pre-trained models) can serve as a backbone to an interactive system for indexing scientific publications in the future.

replace-cross Natural Gradient Hybrid Variational Inference with Application to Deep Mixed Models

Authors: Weiben Zhang, Michael Stanley Smith, Worapree Maneesoonthorn, Ruben Loaiza-Maya

Abstract: Stochastic models with global parameters and latent variables are common, and for which variational inference (VI) is popular. However, existing methods are often either slow or inaccurate in high dimensions. We suggest a fast and accurate VI method for this case that employs a well-defined natural gradient variational optimization that targets the joint posterior of the global parameters and latent variables. It is a hybrid method, where at each step the global parameters are updated using the natural gradient and the latent variables are generated from their conditional posterior. A fast to compute expression for the Tikhonov damped Fisher information matrix is used, along with the re-parameterization trick, to provide a stable natural gradient. We apply the approach to deep mixed models, which are an emerging class of Bayesian neural networks with random output layer coefficients to allow for heterogeneity. A range of simulations show that using the natural gradient is substantially more efficient than using the ordinary gradient, and that the approach is faster and more accurate than two cutting-edge natural gradient VI methods. In a financial application we show that accounting for industry level heterogeneity using the deep mixed model improves the accuracy of asset pricing models. MATLAB code to implement the method can be found at:


replace-cross Clustering with minimum spanning trees: How good can it be?

Authors: Marek Gagolewski, Anna Cena, Maciej Bartoszuk, {\L}ukasz Brzozowski

Abstract: Minimum spanning trees (MSTs) provide a convenient representation of datasets in numerous pattern recognition activities. Moreover, they are relatively fast to compute. In this paper, we quantify the extent to which they are meaningful in low-dimensional partitional data clustering tasks. By identifying the upper bounds for the agreement between the best (oracle) algorithm and the expert labels from a large battery of benchmark data, we discover that MST methods can be very competitive. Next, we review, study, extend, and generalise a few existing, state-of-the-art MST-based partitioning schemes. This leads to some new noteworthy approaches. Overall, the Genie and the information-theoretic methods often outperform the non-MST algorithms such as K-means, Gaussian mixtures, spectral clustering, Birch, density-based, and classical hierarchical agglomerative procedures. Nevertheless, we identify that there is still some room for improvement, and thus the development of novel algorithms is encouraged.

replace-cross Distilling Robustness into Natural Language Inference Models with Domain-Targeted Augmentation

Authors: Joe Stacey, Marek Rei

Abstract: Knowledge distillation optimises a smaller student model to behave similarly to a larger teacher model, retaining some of the performance benefits. While this method can improve results on in-distribution examples, it does not necessarily generalise to out-of-distribution (OOD) settings. We investigate two complementary methods for improving the robustness of the resulting student models on OOD domains. The first approach augments the distillation with generated unlabelled examples that match the target distribution. The second method upsamples data points among the training set that are similar to the target distribution. When applied on the task of natural language inference (NLI), our experiments on MNLI show that distillation with these modifications outperforms previous robustness solutions. We also find that these methods improve performance on OOD domains even beyond the target domain.

replace-cross Variational Inference with Coverage Guarantees in Simulation-Based Inference

Authors: Yash Patel, Declan McNamara, Jackson Loper, Jeffrey Regier, Ambuj Tewari

Abstract: Amortized variational inference is an often employed framework in simulation-based inference that produces a posterior approximation that can be rapidly computed given any new observation. Unfortunately, there are few guarantees about the quality of these approximate posteriors. We propose Conformalized Amortized Neural Variational Inference (CANVI), a procedure that is scalable, easily implemented, and provides guaranteed marginal coverage. Given a collection of candidate amortized posterior approximators, CANVI constructs conformalized predictors based on each candidate, compares the predictors using a metric known as predictive efficiency, and returns the most efficient predictor. CANVI ensures that the resulting predictor constructs regions that contain the truth with a user-specified level of probability. CANVI is agnostic to design decisions in formulating the candidate approximators and only requires access to samples from the forward model, permitting its use in likelihood-free settings. We prove lower bounds on the predictive efficiency of the regions produced by CANVI and explore how the quality of a posterior approximation relates to the predictive efficiency of prediction regions based on that approximation. Finally, we demonstrate the accurate calibration and high predictive efficiency of CANVI on a suite of simulation-based inference benchmark tasks and an important scientific task: analyzing galaxy emission spectra.

replace-cross The Belebele Benchmark: a Parallel Reading Comprehension Dataset in 122 Language Variants

Authors: Lucas Bandarkar, Davis Liang, Benjamin Muller, Mikel Artetxe, Satya Narayan Shukla, Donald Husa, Naman Goyal, Abhinandan Krishnan, Luke Zettlemoyer, Madian Khabsa

Abstract: We present Belebele, a multiple-choice machine reading comprehension (MRC) dataset spanning 122 language variants. Significantly expanding the language coverage of natural language understanding (NLU) benchmarks, this dataset enables the evaluation of text models in high-, medium-, and low-resource languages. Each question is based on a short passage from the Flores-200 dataset and has four multiple-choice answers. The questions were carefully curated to discriminate between models with different levels of general language comprehension. The English dataset on its own proves difficult enough to challenge state-of-the-art language models. Being fully parallel, this dataset enables direct comparison of model performance across all languages. We use this dataset to evaluate the capabilities of multilingual masked language models (MLMs) and large language models (LLMs). We present extensive results and find that despite significant cross-lingual transfer in English-centric LLMs, much smaller MLMs pretrained on balanced multilingual data still understand far more languages. We also observe that larger vocabulary size and conscious vocabulary construction correlate with better performance on low-resource languages. Overall, Belebele opens up new avenues for evaluating and analyzing the multilingual capabilities of NLP systems.

replace-cross Robust experimental data assimilation for the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model

Authors: Deepinder Jot Singh Aulakh, Xiang Yang, Romit Maulik

Abstract: This study presents a methodology focusing on the use of computational model and experimental data fusion to improve the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) closure model for Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solutions. In particular, our goal is to develop a technique that not only assimilates sparse experimental data to improve turbulence model performance, but also preserves generalization for unseen cases by recovering classical SA behavior. We achieve our goals using data assimilation, namely the Ensemble Kalman filtering approach (EnKF), to calibrate the coefficients of the SA model for separated flows. A holistic calibration strategy is implemented via the parameterization of the production, diffusion, and destruction terms. This calibration relies on the assimilation of experimental data collected in the form of velocity profiles, skin friction, and pressure coefficients. Despite using observational data from a single flow condition around a backward-facing step (BFS), the recalibrated SA model demonstrates generalization to other separated flows, including cases such as the 2D NASA wall mounted hump (2D-WMH) and modified BFS. Significant improvement is observed in the quantities of interest, i.e., skin friction coefficient ($C_f$) and pressure coefficient ($C_p$) for each flow tested. Finally, it is also demonstrated that the newly proposed model recovers SA proficiency for flows, such as a NACA-0012 airfoil and axisymmetric jet (ASJ), and that the individually calibrated terms in the SA model target specific flow-physics wherein the calibrated production term improves the re-circulation zone while destruction improves the recovery zone.

replace-cross Wasserstein approximation schemes based on Voronoi partitions

Authors: Keaton Hamm, Varun Khurana

Abstract: We consider structured approximation of measures in Wasserstein space $\mathrm{W}_p(\mathbb{R}^d)$ for $p\in[1,\infty)$ using general measure approximants compactly supported on Voronoi regions derived from a scaled Voronoi partition of $\mathbb{R}^d$. We show that if a full rank lattice $\Lambda$ is scaled by a factor of $h\in(0,1]$, then approximation of a measure based on the Voronoi partition of $h\Lambda$ is $O(h)$ regardless of $d$ or $p$. We then use a covering argument to show that $N$-term approximations of compactly supported measures is $O(N^{-\frac1d})$ which matches known rates for optimal quantizers and empirical measure approximation in most instances. Additionally, we generalize our construction to nonuniform Voronoi partitions, highlighting the flexibility and robustness of our approach for various measure approximation scenarios. Finally, we extend these results to noncompactly supported measures with sufficient decay. Our findings are pertinent to applications in computer vision and machine learning where measures are used to represent structured data such as images.

replace-cross Towards the Law of Capacity Gap in Distilling Language Models

Authors: Chen Zhang, Dawei Song, Zheyu Ye, Yan Gao

Abstract: Language model (LM) distillation is a trending area that aims to distil the knowledge residing in a large teacher LM to a small student one. While various methods have been proposed to maximize the effectiveness of the distillation, significant challenges persist, particularly when there is a substantial capacity gap between the teacher and student LMs. This issue, often referred to as the \textit{curse} of capacity gap, suggests that a larger teacher does not necessarily result in a superior student compared to one distilled from a smaller teacher. In other words, there is likely an optimal teacher yielding the best student along the scaling course of the teacher. However, the curse of capacity gap can not be tackled without notable compute overhead, as indicated in previous studies. In the context of large LMs (LLMs), previously viable approaches become much less meaningful, as it is an impossible triangle to distill an expected student from an optimal teacher student with small compute overhead. Fortunately, the impossible triangle can fortunately be possible provided an inducted \textit{law} of capacity gap. In this paper, we take the spirits of scaling law and reveal that the optimal teacher scale almost consistently follows a linear scaling with the student scale across different model architectures and data scales. The law later guides us to distil a 3B student LM (termed \textsc{MiniMA}) from LLaMA2-7B. \textsc{MiniMA} is demonstrated to outperform a wide range of 3B competitors and could even compete with several 7B models.

replace-cross Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Two Faces of LLMs

Authors: Matteo Gioele Collu, Tom Janssen-Groesbeek, Stefanos Koffas, Mauro Conti, Stjepan Picek

Abstract: Recently, we have witnessed a rise in the use of Large Language Models (LLMs), especially in applications like chatbot assistants. Safety mechanisms and specialized training procedures are implemented to prevent improper responses from these assistants. In this work, we bypass these measures for ChatGPT and Gemini (and, to some extent, Bing chat) by making them impersonate complex personas with personality characteristics that are not aligned with a truthful assistant. We start by creating elaborate biographies of these personas, which we then use in a new session with the same chatbots. Our conversations then follow a role-play style to elicit prohibited responses. Using personas, we show that prohibited responses are actually provided, making it possible to obtain unauthorized, illegal, or harmful information. This work shows that by using adversarial personas, one can overcome safety mechanisms set out by ChatGPT and Gemini. We also introduce several ways of activating such adversarial personas, which show that both chatbots are vulnerable to this kind of attack. With the same principle, we introduce two defenses that push the model to interpret trustworthy personalities and make it more robust against such attacks.

replace-cross Cascaded Cross-Modal Transformer for Audio-Textual Classification

Authors: Nicolae-Catalin Ristea, Andrei Anghel, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Abstract: Speech classification tasks often require powerful language understanding models to grasp useful features, which becomes problematic when limited training data is available. To attain superior classification performance, we propose to harness the inherent value of multimodal representations by transcribing speech using automatic speech recognition (ASR) models and translating the transcripts into different languages via pretrained translation models. We thus obtain an audio-textual (multimodal) representation for each data sample. Subsequently, we combine language-specific Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) with Wav2Vec2.0 audio features via a novel cascaded cross-modal transformer (CCMT). Our model is based on two cascaded transformer blocks. The first one combines text-specific features from distinct languages, while the second one combines acoustic features with multilingual features previously learned by the first transformer block. We employed our system in the Requests Sub-Challenge of the ACM Multimedia 2023 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge. CCMT was declared the winning solution, obtaining an unweighted average recall (UAR) of 65.41% and 85.87% for complaint and request detection, respectively. Moreover, we applied our framework on the Speech Commands v2 and HarperValleyBank dialog data sets, surpassing previous studies reporting results on these benchmarks. Our code is freely available for download at:


replace-cross Detection of Correlated Random Vectors

Authors: Dor Elimelech, Wasim Huleihel

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the problem of deciding whether two standard normal random vectors $\mathsf{X}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}$ and $\mathsf{Y}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}$ are correlated or not. This is formulated as a hypothesis testing problem, where under the null hypothesis, these vectors are statistically independent, while under the alternative, $\mathsf{X}$ and a randomly and uniformly permuted version of $\mathsf{Y}$, are correlated with correlation $\rho$. We analyze the thresholds at which optimal testing is information-theoretically impossible and possible, as a function of $n$ and $\rho$. To derive our information-theoretic lower bounds, we develop a novel technique for evaluating the second moment of the likelihood ratio using an orthogonal polynomials expansion, which among other things, reveals a surprising connection to integer partition functions. We also study a multi-dimensional generalization of the above setting, where rather than two vectors we observe two databases/matrices, and furthermore allow for partial correlations between these two.

replace-cross Self-supervised learning of video representations from a child's perspective

Authors: A. Emin Orhan, Wentao Wang, Alex N. Wang, Mengye Ren, Brenden M. Lake

Abstract: Children learn powerful internal models of the world around them from a few years of egocentric visual experience. Can such internal models be learned from a child's visual experience with highly generic learning algorithms or do they require strong inductive biases? Recent advances in collecting large-scale, longitudinal, developmentally realistic video datasets and generic self-supervised learning (SSL) algorithms are allowing us to begin to tackle this nature vs. nurture question. However, existing work typically focuses on image-based SSL algorithms and visual capabilities that can be learned from static images (e.g. object recognition), thus ignoring temporal aspects of the world. To close this gap, here we train self-supervised video models on longitudinal, egocentric headcam recordings collected from a child over a two year period in their early development (6-31 months). The resulting models are highly effective at facilitating the learning of action concepts from a small number of labeled examples; they have favorable data size scaling properties; and they display emergent video interpolation capabilities. Video models also learn more robust object representations than image-based models trained with the exact same data. These results suggest that important temporal aspects of a child's internal model of the world may be learnable from their visual experience using highly generic learning algorithms and without strong inductive biases.

replace-cross No Free Prune: Information-Theoretic Barriers to Pruning at Initialization

Authors: Tanishq Kumar, Kevin Luo, Mark Sellke

Abstract: The existence of "lottery tickets" arXiv:1803.03635 at or near initialization raises the tantalizing question of whether large models are necessary in deep learning, or whether sparse networks can be quickly identified and trained without ever training the dense models that contain them. However, efforts to find these sparse subnetworks without training the dense model ("pruning at initialization") have been broadly unsuccessful arXiv:2009.08576. We put forward a theoretical explanation for this, based on the model's effective parameter count, $p_\text{eff}$, given by the sum of the number of non-zero weights in the final network and the mutual information between the sparsity mask and the data. We show the Law of Robustness of arXiv:2105.12806 extends to sparse networks with the usual parameter count replaced by $p_\text{eff}$, meaning a sparse neural network which robustly interpolates noisy data requires a heavily data-dependent mask. We posit that pruning during and after training outputs masks with higher mutual information than those produced by pruning at initialization. Thus two networks may have the same sparsities, but differ in effective parameter count based on how they were trained. This suggests that pruning near initialization may be infeasible and explains why lottery tickets exist, but cannot be found fast (i.e. without training the full network). Experiments on neural networks confirm that information gained during training may indeed affect model capacity.

replace-cross Goodness-of-Fit and Clustering of Spherical Data: the QuadratiK package in R and Python

Authors: Giovanni Saraceno, Marianthi Markatou, Raktim Mukhopadhyay, Mojgan Golzy

Abstract: We introduce the QuadratiK package that incorporates innovative data analysis methodologies. The presented software, implemented in both R and Python, offers a comprehensive set of goodness-of-fit tests and clustering techniques using kernel-based quadratic distances, thereby bridging the gap between the statistical and machine learning literatures. Our software implements one, two and k-sample tests for goodness of fit, providing an efficient and mathematically sound way to assess the fit of probability distributions. Expanded capabilities of our software include supporting tests for uniformity on the d-dimensional Sphere based on Poisson kernel densities. Particularly noteworthy is the incorporation of a unique clustering algorithm specifically tailored for spherical data that leverages a mixture of Poisson kernel-based densities on the sphere. Alongside this, our software includes additional graphical functions, aiding the users in validating, as well as visualizing and representing clustering results. This enhances interpretability and usability of the analysis. In summary, our R and Python packages serve as a powerful suite of tools, offering researchers and practitioners the means to delve deeper into their data, draw robust inference, and conduct potentially impactful analyses and inference across a wide array of disciplines.

replace-cross KIVI: A Tuning-Free Asymmetric 2bit Quantization for KV Cache

Authors: Zirui Liu, Jiayi Yuan, Hongye Jin, Shaochen Zhong, Zhaozhuo Xu, Vladimir Braverman, Beidi Chen, Xia Hu

Abstract: Efficiently serving large language models (LLMs) requires batching of many requests to reduce the cost per request. Yet, with larger batch sizes and longer context lengths, the key-value (KV) cache, which stores attention keys and values to avoid re-computations, significantly increases memory demands and becomes the new bottleneck in speed and memory usage. Additionally, the loading of the KV cache causes the computational core to be idle, which limits the inference speed. A straightforward and effective solution to reduce KV cache size is quantization, which decreases the total bytes taken by KV cache. However, there is a lack of in-depth studies that explore the element distribution of KV cache to understand the hardness and limitation of KV cache quantization. To fill the gap, we conducted a comprehensive study on the element distribution in KV cache of popular LLMs. Our findings indicate that the key cache should be quantized per-channel, i.e., group elements along the channel dimension and quantize them together. In contrast, the value cache should be quantized per-token. From this analysis, we developed a tuning-free 2bit KV cache quantization algorithm named KIVI. With hardware-friendly implementation, KIVI can enable Llama, Falcon, and Mistral models to maintain almost the same quality while using $\mathbf{2.6\times}$ less peak memory (including model weight). This reduction in memory usage enables up to $\mathbf{4\times}$ larger batch size, bringing $\mathbf{2.35\times \sim 3.47\times}$ throughput on real LLM inference workload. The source code is available at


replace-cross 3D Diffuser Actor: Policy Diffusion with 3D Scene Representations

Authors: Tsung-Wei Ke, Nikolaos Gkanatsios, Katerina Fragkiadaki

Abstract: Diffusion policies are conditional diffusion models that learn robot action distributions conditioned on the robot and environment state. They have recently shown to outperform both deterministic and alternative action distribution learning formulations. 3D robot policies use 3D scene feature representations aggregated from a single or multiple camera views using sensed depth. They have shown to generalize better than their 2D counterparts across camera viewpoints. We unify these two lines of work and present 3D Diffuser Actor, a neural policy equipped with a novel 3D denoising transformer that fuses information from the 3D visual scene, a language instruction and proprioception to predict the noise in noised 3D robot pose trajectories. 3D Diffuser Actor sets a new state-of-the-art on RLBench with an absolute performance gain of 18.1% over the current SOTA on a multi-view setup and an absolute gain of 13.1% on a single-view setup. On the CALVIN benchmark, it improves over the current SOTA by a 9% relative increase. It also learns to control a robot manipulator in the real world from a handful of demonstrations. Through thorough comparisons with the current SOTA policies and ablations of our model, we show 3D Diffuser Actor's design choices dramatically outperform 2D representations, regression and classification objectives, absolute attentions, and holistic non-tokenized 3D scene embeddings.

replace-cross DiCoM -- Diverse Concept Modeling towards Enhancing Generalizability in Chest X-Ray Studies

Authors: Abhijeet Parida, Daniel Capellan-Martin, Sara Atito, Muhammad Awais, Maria J. Ledesma-Carbayo, Marius G. Linguraru, Syed Muhammad Anwar

Abstract: Chest X-Ray (CXR) is a widely used clinical imaging modality and has a pivotal role in the diagnosis and prognosis of various lung and heart related conditions. Conventional automated clinical diagnostic tool design strategies relying on radiology reads and supervised learning, entail the cumbersome requirement of high quality annotated training data. To address this challenge, self-supervised pre-training has proven to outperform supervised pre-training in numerous downstream vision tasks, representing a significant breakthrough in the field. However, medical imaging pre-training significantly differs from pre-training with natural images (e.g., ImageNet) due to unique attributes of clinical images. In this context, we introduce Diverse Concept Modeling (DiCoM), a novel self-supervised training paradigm that leverages a student teacher framework for learning diverse concepts and hence effective representation of the CXR data. Hence, expanding beyond merely modeling a single primary label within an image, instead, effectively harnessing the information from all the concepts inherent in the CXR. The pre-trained model is subsequently fine-tuned to address diverse domain-specific tasks. Our proposed paradigm consistently demonstrates robust performance across multiple downstream tasks on multiple datasets, highlighting the success and generalizability of the pre-training strategy. To establish the efficacy of our methods we analyze both the power of learned representations and the speed of convergence (SoC) of our models. For diverse data and tasks, DiCoM is able to achieve in most cases better results compared to other state-of-the-art pre-training strategies. This when combined with the higher SoC and generalization capabilities positions DiCoM to be established as a foundation model for CXRs, a widely used imaging modality.

replace-cross A Priori Uncertainty Quantification of Reacting Turbulence Closure Models using Bayesian Neural Networks

Authors: Graham Pash, Malik Hassanaly, Shashank Yellapantula

Abstract: While many physics-based closure model forms have been posited for the sub-filter scale (SFS) in large eddy simulation (LES), vast amounts of data available from direct numerical simulation (DNS) create opportunities to leverage data-driven modeling techniques. Albeit flexible, data-driven models still depend on the dataset and the functional form of the model chosen. Increased adoption of such models requires reliable uncertainty estimates both in the data-informed and out-of-distribution regimes. In this work, we employ Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) to capture both epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties in a reacting flow model. In particular, we model the filtered progress variable scalar dissipation rate which plays a key role in the dynamics of turbulent premixed flames. We demonstrate that BNN models can provide unique insights about the structure of uncertainty of the data-driven closure models. We also propose a method for the incorporation of out-of-distribution information in a BNN. The efficacy of the model is demonstrated by a priori evaluation on a dataset consisting of a variety of flame conditions and fuels.

replace-cross Efficient Combinatorial Optimization via Heat Diffusion

Authors: Hengyuan Ma, Wenlian Lu, Jianfeng Feng

Abstract: Combinatorial optimization problems are widespread but inherently challenging due to their discrete nature. The primary limitation of existing methods is that they can only access a small fraction of the solution space at each iteration, resulting in limited efficiency for searching the global optimal.To overcome this challenge, diverging from conventional efforts of expanding the solver's search scope, we focus on enabling information to actively propagate to the solver through heat diffusion. By transforming the target function while preserving its optima, heat diffusion facilitates information flow from distant regions to the solver, providing more efficient navigation. Utilizing heat diffusion, we propose a framework for solving general combinatorial optimization problems.The proposed methodology demonstrates superior performance across a range of the most challenging and widely encountered combinatorial optimizations. Echoing recent advancements in harnessing thermodynamics for generative artificial intelligence, our study further reveals its significant potential in advancing combinatorial optimization.

replace-cross Light Curve Classification with DistClassiPy: a new distance-based classifier

Authors: Siddharth Chaini, Ashish Mahabal, Ajit Kembhavi, Federica B. Bianco

Abstract: The rise of synoptic sky surveys has ushered in an era of big data in time-domain astronomy, making data science and machine learning essential tools for studying celestial objects. While tree-based models (e.g. Random Forests) and deep learning models dominate the field, we explore the use of different distance metrics to aid in the classification of astrophysical objects. We developed DistClassiPy, a new distance metric based classifier. The direct use of distance metrics is unexplored in time-domain astronomy, but distance-based methods can help make classification more interpretable and decrease computational costs. In particular, we applied DistClassiPy to classify light curves of variable stars, comparing the distances between objects of different classes. Using 18 distance metrics on a catalog of 6,000 variable stars across 10 classes, we demonstrate classification and dimensionality reduction. Our classifier meets state-of-the-art performance but has lower computational requirements and improved interpretability. Additionally, DistClassiPy can be tailored to specific objects by identifying the most effective distance metric for that classification. To facilitate broader applications within and beyond astronomy, we have made DistClassiPy open-source and available at


replace-cross Particle identification with machine learning from incomplete data in the ALICE experiment

Authors: Maja Karwowska (for the ALICE collaboration), {\L}ukasz Graczykowski (for the ALICE collaboration), Kamil Deja (for the ALICE collaboration), Mi{\l}osz Kasak (for the ALICE collaboration), Ma{\l}gorzata Janik (for the ALICE collaboration)

Abstract: The ALICE experiment at the LHC measures properties of the strongly interacting matter formed in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. Such studies require accurate particle identification (PID). ALICE provides PID information via several detectors for particles with momentum from about 100 MeV/c up to 20 GeV/c. Traditionally, particles are selected with rectangular cuts. A much better performance can be achieved with machine learning (ML) methods. Our solution uses multiple neural networks (NN) serving as binary classifiers. Moreover, we extended our particle classifier with Feature Set Embedding and attention in order to train on data with incomplete samples. We also present the integration of the ML project with the ALICE analysis software, and we discuss domain adaptation, the ML technique needed to transfer the knowledge between simulated and real experimental data.

replace-cross The Larger the Better? Improved LLM Code-Generation via Budget Reallocation

Authors: Michael Hassid, Tal Remez, Jonas Gehring, Roy Schwartz, Yossi Adi

Abstract: It is a common belief that large language models (LLMs) are better than smaller-sized ones. However, larger models also require significantly more time and compute during inference. This begs the question: what happens when both models operate under the same budget? (e.g., compute, run-time). To address this question, we analyze code generation LLMs of various sizes and make comparisons such as running a 70B model once vs. generating five outputs from a 13B model. We consider a standard unit-test setup, which can be used to select the correct output from the smaller model. Our findings reveal that the repeated use of smaller models can yield consistent improvements, with gains of up to 15% across five tasks. On the other hand, in scenarios where unit-tests are unavailable, a ranking-based selection of candidates from the smaller model falls short of the performance of a single output from larger ones. Our results highlight the potential of using smaller models instead of larger ones, and the importance of studying approaches for ranking LLM outputs.

replace-cross AgentKit: Structured LLM Reasoning with Dynamic Graphs

Authors: Yue Wu, Yewen Fan, So Yeon Min, Shrimai Prabhumoye, Stephen McAleer, Yonatan Bisk, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Yuanzhi Li, Tom Mitchell

Abstract: We propose an intuitive LLM prompting framework (AgentKit) for multifunctional agents. AgentKit offers a unified framework for explicitly constructing a complex "thought process" from simple natural language prompts. The basic building block in AgentKit is a node, containing a natural language prompt for a specific subtask. The user then puts together chains of nodes, like stacking LEGO pieces. The chains of nodes can be designed to explicitly enforce a naturally structured "thought process". For example, for the task of writing a paper, one may start with the thought process of 1) identify a core message, 2) identify prior research gaps, etc. The nodes in AgentKit can be designed and combined in different ways to implement multiple advanced capabilities including on-the-fly hierarchical planning, reflection, and learning from interactions. In addition, due to the modular nature and the intuitive design to simulate explicit human thought process, a basic agent could be implemented as simple as a list of prompts for the subtasks and therefore could be designed and tuned by someone without any programming experience. Quantitatively, we show that agents designed through AgentKit achieve SOTA performance on WebShop and Crafter. These advances underscore AgentKit's potential in making LLM agents effective and accessible for a wider range of applications.


replace-cross COIN: Counterfactual inpainting for weakly supervised semantic segmentation for medical images

Authors: Dmytro Shvetsov, Joonas Ariva, Marharyta Domnich, Raul Vicente, Dmytro Fishman

Abstract: Deep learning is dramatically transforming the field of medical imaging and radiology, enabling the identification of pathologies in medical images, including computed tomography (CT) and X-ray scans. However, the performance of deep learning models, particularly in segmentation tasks, is often limited by the need for extensive annotated datasets. To address this challenge, the capabilities of weakly supervised semantic segmentation are explored through the lens of Explainable AI and the generation of counterfactual explanations. The scope of this research is development of a novel counterfactual inpainting approach (COIN) that flips the predicted classification label from abnormal to normal by using a generative model. For instance, if the classifier deems an input medical image X as abnormal, indicating the presence of a pathology, the generative model aims to inpaint the abnormal region, thus reversing the classifier's original prediction label. The approach enables us to produce precise segmentations for pathologies without depending on pre-existing segmentation masks. Crucially, image-level labels are utilized, which are substantially easier to acquire than creating detailed segmentation masks. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by segmenting synthetic targets and actual kidney tumors from CT images acquired from Tartu University Hospital in Estonia. The findings indicate that COIN greatly surpasses established attribution methods, such as RISE, ScoreCAM, and LayerCAM, as well as an alternative counterfactual explanation method introduced by Singla et al. This evidence suggests that COIN is a promising approach for semantic segmentation of tumors in CT images, and presents a step forward in making deep learning applications more accessible and effective in healthcare, where annotated data is scarce.

replace-cross When Linear Attention Meets Autoregressive Decoding: Towards More Effective and Efficient Linearized Large Language Models

Authors: Haoran You, Yichao Fu, Zheng Wang, Amir Yazdanbakhsh, Yingyan Celine Lin

Abstract: Autoregressive Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved impressive performance in language tasks but face two significant bottlenecks: (1) quadratic complexity in the attention module as the number of tokens increases, and (2) limited efficiency due to the sequential processing nature of autoregressive LLMs during generation. While linear attention and speculative decoding offer potential solutions, their applicability and synergistic potential for enhancing autoregressive LLMs remain uncertain. We conduct the first comprehensive study on the efficacy of existing linear attention methods for autoregressive LLMs, integrating them with speculative decoding. We introduce an augmentation technique for linear attention that ensures compatibility with speculative decoding, enabling more efficient training and serving of LLMs. Extensive experiments and ablation studies involving seven existing linear attention models and five encoder/decoder-based LLMs consistently validate the effectiveness of our augmented linearized LLMs. Notably, our approach achieves up to a 6.67 reduction in perplexity on the LLaMA model and up to a 2$\times$ speedup during generation compared to prior linear attention methods. Codes and models are available at


replace-cross Nystr\"om Kernel Stein Discrepancy

Authors: Florian Kalinke, Zoltan Szabo, Bharath K. Sriperumbudur

Abstract: Kernel methods underpin many of the most successful approaches in data science and statistics, and they allow representing probability measures as elements of a reproducing kernel Hilbert space without loss of information. Recently, the kernel Stein discrepancy (KSD), which combines Stein's method with kernel techniques, gained considerable attention. Through the Stein operator, KSD allows the construction of powerful goodness-of-fit tests where it is sufficient to know the target distribution up to a multiplicative constant. However, the typical U- and V-statistic-based KSD estimators suffer from a quadratic runtime complexity, which hinders their application in large-scale settings. In this work, we propose a Nystr\"om-based KSD acceleration -- with runtime $\mathcal O\!\left(mn+m^3\right)$ for $n$ samples and $m\ll n$ Nystr\"om points -- , show its $\sqrt{n}$-consistency under the null with a classical sub-Gaussian assumption, and demonstrate its applicability for goodness-of-fit testing on a suite of benchmarks.

replace-cross Uncovering Latent Memories: Assessing Data Leakage and Memorization Patterns in Frontier AI Models

Authors: Sunny Duan, Mikail Khona, Abhiram Iyer, Rylan Schaeffer, Ila R Fiete

Abstract: Frontier AI systems are making transformative impacts across society, but such benefits are not without costs: models trained on web-scale datasets containing personal and private data raise profound concerns about data privacy and security. Language models are trained on extensive corpora including potentially sensitive or proprietary information, and the risk of data leakage - where the model response reveals pieces of such information - remains inadequately understood. Prior work has investigated what factors drive memorization and have identified that sequence complexity and the number of repetitions drive memorization. Here, we focus on the evolution of memorization over training. We begin by reproducing findings that the probability of memorizing a sequence scales logarithmically with the number of times it is present in the data. We next show that sequences which are apparently not memorized after the first encounter can be "uncovered" throughout the course of training even without subsequent encounters, a phenomenon we term "latent memorization". The presence of latent memorization presents a challenge for data privacy as memorized sequences may be hidden at the final checkpoint of the model but remain easily recoverable. To this end, we develop a diagnostic test relying on the cross entropy loss to uncover latent memorized sequences with high accuracy.

replace-cross Imperative Learning: A Self-supervised Neural-Symbolic Learning Framework for Robot Autonomy

Authors: Chen Wang, Kaiyi Ji, Junyi Geng, Zhongqiang Ren, Taimeng Fu, Fan Yang, Yifan Guo, Haonan He, Xiangyu Chen, Zitong Zhan, Qiwei Du, Shaoshu Su, Bowen Li, Yuheng Qiu, Yi Du, Qihang Li, Yifan Yang, Xiao Lin, Zhipeng Zhao

Abstract: Data-driven methods such as reinforcement and imitation learning have achieved remarkable success in robot autonomy. However, their data-centric nature still hinders them from generalizing well to ever-changing environments. Moreover, collecting large datasets for robotic tasks is often impractical and expensive. To overcome these challenges, we introduce a new self-supervised neural-symbolic (NeSy) computational framework, imperative learning (IL), for robot autonomy, leveraging the generalization abilities of symbolic reasoning. The framework of IL consists of three primary components: a neural module, a reasoning engine, and a memory system. We formulate IL as a special bilevel optimization (BLO), which enables reciprocal learning over the three modules. This overcomes the label-intensive obstacles associated with data-driven approaches and takes advantage of symbolic reasoning concerning logical reasoning, physical principles, geometric analysis, etc. We discuss several optimization techniques for IL and verify their effectiveness in five distinct robot autonomy tasks including path planning, rule induction, optimal control, visual odometry, and multi-robot routing. Through various experiments, we show that IL can significantly enhance robot autonomy capabilities and we anticipate that it will catalyze further research across diverse domains.

replace-cross JailbreakZoo: Survey, Landscapes, and Horizons in Jailbreaking Large Language and Vision-Language Models

Authors: Haibo Jin, Leyang Hu, Xinuo Li, Peiyan Zhang, Chonghan Chen, Jun Zhuang, Haohan Wang

Abstract: The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) through developments in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Vision-Language Models (VLMs) has brought significant advancements across various technological domains. While these models enhance capabilities in natural language processing and visual interactive tasks, their growing adoption raises critical concerns regarding security and ethical alignment. This survey provides an extensive review of the emerging field of jailbreaking--deliberately circumventing the ethical and operational boundaries of LLMs and VLMs--and the consequent development of defense mechanisms. Our study categorizes jailbreaks into seven distinct types and elaborates on defense strategies that address these vulnerabilities. Through this comprehensive examination, we identify research gaps and propose directions for future studies to enhance the security frameworks of LLMs and VLMs. Our findings underscore the necessity for a unified perspective that integrates both jailbreak strategies and defensive solutions to foster a robust, secure, and reliable environment for the next generation of language models. More details can be found on our website: \url{}.


replace-cross Leveraging data-driven weather models for improving numerical weather prediction skill through large-scale spectral nudging

Authors: Syed Zahid Husain, Leo Separovic, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Caron, Rabah Aider, Mark Buehner, St\'ephane Chamberland, Ervig Lapalme, Ron McTaggart-Cowan, Christopher Subich, Paul A. Vaillancourt, Jing Yang, Ayrton Zadra

Abstract: Operational meteorological forecasting has long relied on physics-based numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. Recently, this landscape is facing disruption by the advent of data-driven artificial intelligence (AI)-based weather models, which offer tremendous computational performance and competitive forecasting skill. However, data-driven models for medium-range forecasting generally suffer from major limitations, including low effective resolution and a narrow range of predicted variables. This study illustrates the relative strengths and weaknesses of these competing paradigms using the GEM (Global Environmental Multiscale) and GraphCast models to represent physics-based and AI-based approaches, respectively. By analyzing global predictions from these two models against observations and analyses in both physical and spectral spaces, this study demonstrates that GraphCast-predicted large scales outperform GEM, particularly for longer lead times. Building on this insight, a hybrid NWP-AI system is proposed, wherein GEM-predicted large-scale state variables are spectrally nudged toward GraphCast predictions, while allowing GEM to freely generate fine-scale details critical for weather extremes. Results indicate that this hybrid approach is capable of leveraging the strengths of GraphCast to enhance the prediction skill of the GEM model. Importantly, trajectories of tropical cyclones are predicted with enhanced accuracy without significant changes in intensity. Furthermore, this new hybrid system ensures that meteorologists have access to a complete set of forecast variables, including those relevant for high-impact weather events.

replace-cross CCVA-FL: Cross-Client Variations Adaptive Federated Learning for Medical Imaging

Authors: Sunny Gupta, Amit Sethi

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) offers a privacy-preserving approach to train models on decentralized data. Its potential in healthcare is significant, but challenges arise due to cross-client variations in medical image data, exacerbated by limited annotations. This paper introduces Cross-Client Variations Adaptive Federated Learning (CCVA-FL) to address these issues. CCVA-FL aims to minimize cross-client variations by transforming images into a common feature space. It involves expert annotation of a subset of images from each client, followed by the selection of a client with the least data complexity as the target. Synthetic medical images are then generated using Scalable Diffusion Models with Transformers (DiT) based on the target client's annotated images. These synthetic images, capturing diversity and representing the original data, are shared with other clients. Each client then translates its local images into the target image space using image-to-image translation. The translated images are subsequently used in a federated learning setting to develop a server model. Our results demonstrate that CCVA-FL outperforms Vanilla Federated Averaging by effectively addressing data distribution differences across clients without compromising privacy.

replace-cross Data Mixture Inference: What do BPE Tokenizers Reveal about their Training Data?

Authors: Jonathan Hayase, Alisa Liu, Yejin Choi, Sewoong Oh, Noah A. Smith

Abstract: The pretraining data of today's strongest language models is opaque; in particular, little is known about the proportions of various domains or languages represented. In this work, we tackle a task which we call data mixture inference, which aims to uncover the distributional make-up of training data. We introduce a novel attack based on a previously overlooked source of information -- byte-pair encoding (BPE) tokenizers, used by the vast majority of modern language models. Our key insight is that the ordered list of merge rules learned by a BPE tokenizer naturally reveals information about the token frequencies in its training data: the first merge is the most common byte pair, the second is the most common pair after merging the first token, and so on. Given a tokenizer's merge list along with data samples for each category of interest, we formulate a linear program that solves for the proportion of each category in the tokenizer's training set. Importantly, to the extent to which tokenizer training data is representative of the pretraining data, we indirectly learn about pretraining data. In controlled experiments, we show that our attack recovers mixture ratios with high precision for tokenizers trained on known mixtures of natural languages, programming languages, and data sources. We then apply our approach to off-the-shelf tokenizers released with recent LMs. We confirm much publicly disclosed information about these models, and also make several new inferences: GPT-4o's tokenizer is much more multilingual than its predecessors, training on 39% non-English data; Llama3 extends GPT-3.5's tokenizer primarily for multilingual (48%) use; GPT-3.5's and Claude's tokenizers are trained on predominantly code (~60%). We hope our work sheds light on current design practices for pretraining data, and inspires continued research into data mixture inference for LMs.

replace-cross Behavioral Testing: Can Large Language Models Implicitly Resolve Ambiguous Entities?

Authors: Anastasiia Sedova, Robert Litschko, Diego Frassinelli, Benjamin Roth, Barbara Plank

Abstract: One of the major aspects contributing to the striking performance of large language models (LLMs) is the vast amount of factual knowledge accumulated during pre-training. Yet, many LLMs suffer from self-inconsistency, which raises doubts about their trustworthiness and reliability. In this paper, we focus on entity type ambiguity and analyze current state-of-the-art LLMs for their proficiency and consistency in applying their factual knowledge when prompted for entities under ambiguity. To do so, we propose an evaluation protocol that disentangles knowing from applying knowledge, and test state-of-the-art LLMs on 49 entities. Our experiments reveal that LLMs perform poorly with ambiguous prompts, achieving only 80% accuracy. Our results further demonstrate systematic discrepancies in LLM behavior and their failure to consistently apply information, indicating that the models can exhibit knowledge without being able to utilize it, significant biases for preferred readings, as well as self inconsistencies. Our study highlights the importance of handling entity ambiguity in future for more trustworthy LLMs

replace-cross Statistical Batch-Based Bearing Fault Detection

Authors: Victoria Jorry, Zina-Sabrina Duma, Tuomas Sihvonen, Satu-Pia Reinikainen, Lassi Roininen

Abstract: In the domain of rotating machinery, bearings are vulnerable to different mechanical faults, including ball, inner, and outer race faults. Various techniques can be used in condition-based monitoring, from classical signal analysis to deep learning methods. Based on the complex working conditions of rotary machines, multivariate statistical process control charts such as Hotelling's $T^2$ and Squared Prediction Error are useful for providing early warnings. However, these methods are rarely applied to condition monitoring of rotating machinery due to the univariate nature of the datasets. In the present paper, we propose a multivariate statistical process control-based fault detection method that utilizes multivariate data composed of Fourier transform features extracted for fixed-time batches. Our approach makes use of the multidimensional nature of Fourier transform characteristics, which record more detailed information about the machine's status, in an effort to enhance early defect detection and diagnosis. Experiments with varying vibration measurement locations (Fan End, Drive End), fault types (ball, inner, and outer race faults), and motor loads (0-3 horsepower) are used to validate the suggested approach. The outcomes illustrate our method's effectiveness in fault detection and point to possible broader uses in industrial maintenance.