new The Need for Guardrails with Large Language Models in Medical Safety-Critical Settings: An Artificial Intelligence Application in the Pharmacovigilance Ecosystem

Authors: Joe B Hakim, Jeffery L Painter, Darmendra Ramcharran, Vijay Kara, Greg Powell, Paulina Sobczak, Chiho Sato, Andrew Bate, Andrew Beam

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are useful tools with the capacity for performing specific types of knowledge work at an effective scale. However, LLM deployments in high-risk and safety-critical domains pose unique challenges, notably the issue of ``hallucination,'' where LLMs can generate fabricated information. This is particularly concerning in settings such as drug safety, where inaccuracies could lead to patient harm. To mitigate these risks, we have developed and demonstrated a proof of concept suite of guardrails specifically designed to mitigate certain types of hallucinations and errors for drug safety, and potentially applicable to other medical safety-critical contexts. These guardrails include mechanisms to detect anomalous documents to prevent the ingestion of inappropriate data, identify incorrect drug names or adverse event terms, and convey uncertainty in generated content. We integrated these guardrails with an LLM fine-tuned for a text-to-text task, which involves converting both structured and unstructured data within adverse event reports into natural language. This method was applied to translate individual case safety reports, demonstrating effective application in a pharmacovigilance processing task. Our guardrail framework offers a set of tools with broad applicability across various domains, ensuring LLMs can be safely used in high-risk situations by eliminating the occurrence of key errors, including the generation of incorrect pharmacovigilance-related terms, thus adhering to stringent regulatory and quality standards in medical safety-critical environments.

new Unveiling Scoring Processes: Dissecting the Differences between LLMs and Human Graders in Automatic Scoring

Authors: Xuansheng Wu, Padmaja Pravin Saraf, Gyeong-Geon Lee, Ehsan Latif, Ninghao Liu, Xiaoming Zhai

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated strong potential in performing automatic scoring for constructed response assessments. While constructed responses graded by humans are usually based on given grading rubrics, the methods by which LLMs assign scores remain largely unclear. It is also uncertain how closely AI's scoring process mirrors that of humans, or if it adheres to the same grading criteria. To address this gap, this paper uncovers the grading rubrics that LLMs used to score students' written responses to science tasks and their alignment with human scores. We also examine whether enhancing the alignments can improve scoring accuracy. Specifically, we prompt LLMs to generate analytic rubrics that they use to assign scores and study the alignment gap with human grading rubrics. Based on a series of experiments with various configurations of LLM settings, we reveal a notable alignment gap between human and LLM graders. While LLMs can adapt quickly to scoring tasks, they often resort to shortcuts, bypassing deeper logical reasoning expected in human grading. We found that incorporating high-quality analytical rubrics designed to reflect human grading logic can mitigate this gap and enhance LLMs' scoring accuracy. These results caution against the simplistic application of LLMs in science education and highlight the importance of aligning LLM outputs with human expectations to ensure efficient and accurate automatic scoring.

new Robust Claim Verification Through Fact Detection

Authors: Nazanin Jafari, James Allan

Abstract: Claim verification can be a challenging task. In this paper, we present a method to enhance the robustness and reasoning capabilities of automated claim verification through the extraction of short facts from evidence. Our novel approach, FactDetect, leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate concise factual statements from evidence and label these facts based on their semantic relevance to the claim and evidence. The generated facts are then combined with the claim and evidence. To train a lightweight supervised model, we incorporate a fact-detection task into the claim verification process as a multitasking approach to improve both performance and explainability. We also show that augmenting FactDetect in the claim verification prompt enhances performance in zero-shot claim verification using LLMs. Our method demonstrates competitive results in the supervised claim verification model by 15% on the F1 score when evaluated for challenging scientific claim verification datasets. We also demonstrate that FactDetect can be augmented with claim and evidence for zero-shot prompting (AugFactDetect) in LLMs for verdict prediction. We show that AugFactDetect outperforms the baseline with statistical significance on three challenging scientific claim verification datasets with an average of 17.3% performance gain compared to the best performing baselines.

new PersonaGym: Evaluating Persona Agents and LLMs

Authors: Vinay Samuel, Henry Peng Zou, Yue Zhou, Shreyas Chaudhari, Ashwin Kalyan, Tanmay Rajpurohit, Ameet Deshpande, Karthik Narasimhan, Vishvak Murahari

Abstract: Persona agents, which are LLM agents that act according to an assigned persona, have demonstrated impressive contextual response capabilities across various applications. These persona agents offer significant enhancements across diverse sectors, such as education, healthcare, and entertainment, where model developers can align agent responses to different user requirements thereby broadening the scope of agent applications. However, evaluating persona agent performance is incredibly challenging due to the complexity of assessing persona adherence in free-form interactions across various environments that are relevant to each persona agent. We introduce PersonaGym, the first dynamic evaluation framework for assessing persona agents, and PersonaScore, the first automated human-aligned metric grounded in decision theory for comprehensive large-scale evaluation of persona agents. Our evaluation of 6 open and closed-source LLMs, using a benchmark encompassing 200 personas and 10,000 questions, reveals significant opportunities for advancement in persona agent capabilities across state-of-the-art models. For example, Claude 3.5 Sonnet only has a 2.97% relative improvement in PersonaScore than GPT 3.5 despite being a much more advanced model. Importantly, we find that increased model size and complexity do not necessarily imply enhanced persona agent capabilities thereby highlighting the pressing need for algorithmic and architectural invention towards faithful and performant persona agents.

new The Art of Refusal: A Survey of Abstention in Large Language Models

Authors: Bingbing Wen, Jihan Yao, Shangbin Feng, Chenjun Xu, Yulia Tsvetkov, Bill Howe, Lucy Lu Wang

Abstract: Abstention, the refusal of large language models (LLMs) to provide an answer, is increasingly recognized for its potential to mitigate hallucinations and enhance safety in building LLM systems. In this survey, we introduce a framework to examine abstention behavior from three perspectives: the query, the model, and human values. We review the literature on abstention methods (categorized based on the development stages of LLMs), benchmarks, and evaluation metrics, and discuss the merits and limitations of prior work. We further identify and motivate areas for future research, such as encouraging the study of abstention as a meta-capability across tasks and customizing abstention abilities based on context. In doing so, we aim to broaden the scope and impact of abstention methodologies in AI systems.

new Self-Directed Synthetic Dialogues and Revisions Technical Report

Authors: Nathan Lambert, Hailey Schoelkopf, Aaron Gokaslan, Luca Soldaini, Valentina Pyatkin, Louis Castricato

Abstract: Synthetic data has become an important tool in the fine-tuning of language models to follow instructions and solve complex problems. Nevertheless, the majority of open data to date is often lacking multi-turn data and collected on closed models, limiting progress on advancing open fine-tuning methods. We introduce Self Directed Synthetic Dialogues (SDSD), an experimental dataset consisting of guided conversations of language models talking to themselves. The dataset consists of multi-turn conversations generated with DBRX, Llama 2 70B, and Mistral Large, all instructed to follow a conversation plan generated prior to the conversation. We also explore including principles from Constitutional AI and other related works to create synthetic preference data via revisions to the final conversation turn. We hope this work encourages further exploration in multi-turn data and the use of open models for expanding the impact of synthetic data.

new Guidance-Based Prompt Data Augmentation in Specialized Domains for Named Entity Recognition

Authors: Hyeonseok Kang, Hyein Seo, Jeesu Jung, Sangkeun Jung, Du-Seong Chang, Riwoo Chung

Abstract: While the abundance of rich and vast datasets across numerous fields has facilitated the advancement of natural language processing, sectors in need of specialized data types continue to struggle with the challenge of finding quality data. Our study introduces a novel guidance data augmentation technique utilizing abstracted context and sentence structures to produce varied sentences while maintaining context-entity relationships, addressing data scarcity challenges. By fostering a closer relationship between context, sentence structure, and role of entities, our method enhances data augmentation's effectiveness. Consequently, by showcasing diversification in both entity-related vocabulary and overall sentence structure, and simultaneously improving the training performance of named entity recognition task.

new Fairness Definitions in Language Models Explained

Authors: Thang Viet Doan, Zhibo Chu, Zichong Wang, Wenbin Zhang

Abstract: Language Models (LMs) have demonstrated exceptional performance across various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Despite these advancements, LMs can inherit and amplify societal biases related to sensitive attributes such as gender and race, limiting their adoption in real-world applications. Therefore, fairness has been extensively explored in LMs, leading to the proposal of various fairness notions. However, the lack of clear agreement on which fairness definition to apply in specific contexts (\textit{e.g.,} medium-sized LMs versus large-sized LMs) and the complexity of understanding the distinctions between these definitions can create confusion and impede further progress. To this end, this paper proposes a systematic survey that clarifies the definitions of fairness as they apply to LMs. Specifically, we begin with a brief introduction to LMs and fairness in LMs, followed by a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of existing fairness notions in LMs and the introduction of a novel taxonomy that categorizes these concepts based on their foundational principles and operational distinctions. We further illustrate each definition through experiments, showcasing their practical implications and outcomes. Finally, we discuss current research challenges and open questions, aiming to foster innovative ideas and advance the field. The implementation and additional resources are publicly available at


new Constructing the CORD-19 Vaccine Dataset

Authors: Manisha Singh, Divy Sharma, Alonso Ma, Bridget Tyree, Margaret Mitchell

Abstract: We introduce new dataset 'CORD-19-Vaccination' to cater to scientists specifically looking into COVID-19 vaccine-related research. This dataset is extracted from CORD-19 dataset [Wang et al., 2020] and augmented with new columns for language detail, author demography, keywords, and topic per paper. Facebook's fastText model is used to identify languages [Joulin et al., 2016]. To establish author demography (author affiliation, lab/institution location, and lab/institution country columns) we processed the JSON file for each paper and then further enhanced using Google's search API to determine country values. 'Yake' was used to extract keywords from the title, abstract, and body of each paper and the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) algorithm was used to add topic information [Campos et al., 2020, 2018a,b]. To evaluate the dataset, we demonstrate a question-answering task like the one used in the CORD-19 Kaggle challenge [Goldbloom et al., 2022]. For further evaluation, sequential sentence classification was performed on each paper's abstract using the model from Dernoncourt et al. [2016]. We partially hand annotated the training dataset and used a pre-trained BERT-PubMed layer. 'CORD- 19-Vaccination' contains 30k research papers and can be immensely valuable for NLP research such as text mining, information extraction, and question answering, specific to the domain of COVID-19 vaccine research.

new Multi-turn Response Selection with Commonsense-enhanced Language Models

Authors: Yuandong Wang, Xuhui Ren, Tong Chen, Yuxiao Dong, Nguyen Quoc Viet Hung, Jie Tang

Abstract: As a branch of advanced artificial intelligence, dialogue systems are prospering. Multi-turn response selection is a general research problem in dialogue systems. With the assistance of background information and pre-trained language models, the performance of state-of-the-art methods on this problem gains impressive improvement. However, existing studies neglect the importance of external commonsense knowledge. Hence, we design a Siamese network where a pre-trained Language model merges with a Graph neural network (SinLG). SinLG takes advantage of Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) to catch the word correlations in the context and response candidates and utilizes a Graph Neural Network (GNN) to reason helpful common sense from an external knowledge graph. The GNN aims to assist the PLM in fine-tuning, and arousing its related memories to attain better performance. Specifically, we first extract related concepts as nodes from an external knowledge graph to construct a subgraph with the context response pair as a super node for each sample. Next, we learn two representations for the context response pair via both the PLM and GNN. A similarity loss between the two representations is utilized to transfer the commonsense knowledge from the GNN to the PLM. Then only the PLM is used to infer online so that efficiency can be guaranteed. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on two variants of the PERSONA-CHAT dataset, which proves that our solution can not only improve the performance of the PLM but also achieve an efficient inference.

new A Role-specific Guided Large Language Model for Ophthalmic Consultation Based on Stylistic Differentiation

Authors: Laiyi Fu, Binbin Fan, Hongkai Du, Yanxiang Feng, Chunhua Li, Huping Song

Abstract: Ophthalmology consultations are crucial for diagnosing, treating, and preventing eye diseases. However, the growing demand for consultations exceeds the availability of ophthalmologists. By leveraging large pre-trained language models, we can design effective dialogues for specific scenarios, aiding in consultations. Traditional fine-tuning strategies for question-answering tasks are impractical due to increasing model size and often ignoring patient-doctor role function during consultations. In this paper, we propose EyeDoctor, an ophthalmic medical questioning large language model that enhances accuracy through doctor-patient role perception guided and an augmented knowledge base with external disease information. Experimental results show EyeDoctor achieves higher question-answering precision in ophthalmology consultations. Notably, EyeDoctor demonstrated a 7.25% improvement in Rouge-1 scores and a 10.16% improvement in F1 scores on multi-round datasets compared to second best model ChatGPT, highlighting the importance of doctor-patient role differentiation and dynamic knowledge base expansion for intelligent medical consultations. EyeDoc also serves as a free available web based service and souce code is available at


new Towards More Accurate Prediction of Human Empathy and Emotion in Text and Multi-turn Conversations by Combining Advanced NLP, Transformers-based Networks, and Linguistic Methodologies

Authors: Manisha Singh, Divy Sharma, Alonso Ma, Nora Goldfine

Abstract: Based on the WASSA 2022 Shared Task on Empathy Detection and Emotion Classification, we predict the level of empathic concern and personal distress displayed in essays. For the first stage of this project we implemented a Feed-Forward Neural Network using sentence-level embeddings as features. We experimented with four different embedding models for generating the inputs to the neural network. The subsequent stage builds upon the previous work and we have implemented three types of revisions. The first revision focuses on the enhancements to the model architecture and the training approach. The second revision focuses on handling class imbalance using stratified data sampling. The third revision focuses on leveraging lexical resources, where we apply four different resources to enrich the features associated with the dataset. During the final stage of this project, we have created the final end-to-end system for the primary task using an ensemble of models to revise primary task performance. Additionally, as part of the final stage, these approaches have been adapted to the WASSA 2023 Shared Task on Empathy Emotion and Personality Detection in Interactions, in which the empathic concern, emotion polarity, and emotion intensity in dyadic text conversations are predicted.

new A Reliable Common-Sense Reasoning Socialbot Built Using LLMs and Goal-Directed ASP

Authors: Yankai Zeng, Abhiramon Rajashekharan, Kinjal Basu, Huaduo Wang, Joaqu\'in Arias, Gopal Gupta

Abstract: The development of large language models (LLMs), such as GPT, has enabled the construction of several socialbots, like ChatGPT, that are receiving a lot of attention for their ability to simulate a human conversation. However, the conversation is not guided by a goal and is hard to control. In addition, because LLMs rely more on pattern recognition than deductive reasoning, they can give confusing answers and have difficulty integrating multiple topics into a cohesive response. These limitations often lead the LLM to deviate from the main topic to keep the conversation interesting. We propose AutoCompanion, a socialbot that uses an LLM model to translate natural language into predicates (and vice versa) and employs commonsense reasoning based on Answer Set Programming (ASP) to hold a social conversation with a human. In particular, we rely on s(CASP), a goal-directed implementation of ASP as the backend. This paper presents the framework design and how an LLM is used to parse user messages and generate a response from the s(CASP) engine output. To validate our proposal, we describe (real) conversations in which the chatbot's goal is to keep the user entertained by talking about movies and books, and s(CASP) ensures (i) correctness of answers, (ii) coherence (and precision) during the conversation, which it dynamically regulates to achieve its specific purpose, and (iii) no deviation from the main topic.

new The formation of perceptual space in early phonetic acquisition: a cross-linguistic modeling approach

Authors: Frank Lihui Tan, Youngah Do

Abstract: This study investigates how learners organize perceptual space in early phonetic acquisition by advancing previous studies in two key aspects. Firstly, it examines the shape of the learned hidden representation as well as its ability to categorize phonetic categories. Secondly, it explores the impact of training models on context-free acoustic information, without involving contextual cues, on phonetic acquisition, closely mimicking the early language learning stage. Using a cross-linguistic modeling approach, autoencoder models are trained on English and Mandarin and evaluated in both native and non-native conditions, following experimental conditions used in infant language perception studies. The results demonstrate that unsupervised bottom-up training on context-free acoustic information leads to comparable learned representations of perceptual space between native and non-native conditions for both English and Mandarin, resembling the early stage of universal listening in infants. These findings provide insights into the organization of perceptual space during early phonetic acquisition and contribute to our understanding of the formation and representation of phonetic categories.

new Is larger always better? Evaluating and prompting large language models for non-generative medical tasks

Authors: Yinghao Zhu, Junyi Gao, Zixiang Wang, Weibin Liao, Xiaochen Zheng, Lifang Liang, Yasha Wang, Chengwei Pan, Ewen M. Harrison, Liantao Ma

Abstract: The use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in medicine is growing, but their ability to handle both structured Electronic Health Record (EHR) data and unstructured clinical notes is not well-studied. This study benchmarks various models, including GPT-based LLMs, BERT-based models, and traditional clinical predictive models, for non-generative medical tasks utilizing renowned datasets. We assessed 14 language models (9 GPT-based and 5 BERT-based) and 7 traditional predictive models using the MIMIC dataset (ICU patient records) and the TJH dataset (early COVID-19 EHR data), focusing on tasks such as mortality and readmission prediction, disease hierarchy reconstruction, and biomedical sentence matching, comparing both zero-shot and finetuned performance. Results indicated that LLMs exhibited robust zero-shot predictive capabilities on structured EHR data when using well-designed prompting strategies, frequently surpassing traditional models. However, for unstructured medical texts, LLMs did not outperform finetuned BERT models, which excelled in both supervised and unsupervised tasks. Consequently, while LLMs are effective for zero-shot learning on structured data, finetuned BERT models are more suitable for unstructured texts, underscoring the importance of selecting models based on specific task requirements and data characteristics to optimize the application of NLP technology in healthcare.

new Towards a Multidimensional Evaluation Framework for Empathetic Conversational Systems

Authors: Aravind Sesagiri Raamkumar, Siyuan Brandon Loh

Abstract: Empathetic Conversational Systems (ECS) are built to respond empathetically to the user's emotions and sentiments, regardless of the application domain. Current ECS studies evaluation approaches are restricted to offline evaluation experiments primarily for gold standard comparison & benchmarking, and user evaluation studies for collecting human ratings on specific constructs. These methods are inadequate in measuring the actual quality of empathy in conversations. In this paper, we propose a multidimensional empathy evaluation framework with three new methods for measuring empathy at (i) structural level using three empathy-related dimensions, (ii) behavioral level using empathy behavioral types, and (iii) overall level using an empathy lexicon, thereby fortifying the evaluation process. Experiments were conducted with the state-of-the-art ECS models and large language models (LLMs) to show the framework's usefulness.

new A Universal Prompting Strategy for Extracting Process Model Information from Natural Language Text using Large Language Models

Authors: Julian Neuberger, Lars Ackermann, Han van der Aa, Stefan Jablonski

Abstract: Over the past decade, extensive research efforts have been dedicated to the extraction of information from textual process descriptions. Despite the remarkable progress witnessed in natural language processing (NLP), information extraction within the Business Process Management domain remains predominantly reliant on rule-based systems and machine learning methodologies. Data scarcity has so far prevented the successful application of deep learning techniques. However, the rapid progress in generative large language models (LLMs) makes it possible to solve many NLP tasks with very high quality without the need for extensive data. Therefore, we systematically investigate the potential of LLMs for extracting information from textual process descriptions, targeting the detection of process elements such as activities and actors, and relations between them. Using a heuristic algorithm, we demonstrate the suitability of the extracted information for process model generation. Based on a novel prompting strategy, we show that LLMs are able to outperform state-of-the-art machine learning approaches with absolute performance improvements of up to 8\% $F_1$ score across three different datasets. We evaluate our prompting strategy on eight different LLMs, showing it is universally applicable, while also analyzing the impact of certain prompt parts on extraction quality. The number of example texts, the specificity of definitions, and the rigour of format instructions are identified as key for improving the accuracy of extracted information. Our code, prompts, and data are publicly available.

new Learning Robust Named Entity Recognizers From Noisy Data With Retrieval Augmentation

Authors: Chaoyi Ai, Yong Jiang, Shen Huang, Pengjun Xie, Kewei Tu

Abstract: Named entity recognition (NER) models often struggle with noisy inputs, such as those with spelling mistakes or errors generated by Optical Character Recognition processes, and learning a robust NER model is challenging. Existing robust NER models utilize both noisy text and its corresponding gold text for training, which is infeasible in many real-world applications in which gold text is not available. In this paper, we consider a more realistic setting in which only noisy text and its NER labels are available. We propose to retrieve relevant text of the noisy text from a knowledge corpus and use it to enhance the representation of the original noisy input. We design three retrieval methods: sparse retrieval based on lexicon similarity, dense retrieval based on semantic similarity, and self-retrieval based on task-specific text. After retrieving relevant text, we concatenate the retrieved text with the original noisy text and encode them with a transformer network, utilizing self-attention to enhance the contextual token representations of the noisy text using the retrieved text. We further employ a multi-view training framework that improves robust NER without retrieving text during inference. Experiments show that our retrieval-augmented model achieves significant improvements in various noisy NER settings.

new Dynamic Language Group-Based MoE: Enhancing Efficiency and Flexibility for Code-Switching Speech Recognition

Authors: Hukai Huang, Shenghui Lu, Yahui Shan, He Qu, Wenhao Guan, Qingyang Hong, Lin Li

Abstract: The Mixture of Experts (MoE) approach is ideally suited for tackling multilingual and code-switching (CS) challenges due to its multi-expert architecture. This work introduces the DLG-MoE, which is optimized for bilingual and CS scenarios. Our novel Dynamic Language Group-based MoE layer features a language router with shared weights for explicit language modeling, while independent unsupervised routers within the language group handle attributes beyond language. This structure not only enhances expert extension capabilities but also supports dynamic top-k training, allowing for flexible inference across various top-k values and improving overall performance. The model requires no pre-training and supports streaming recognition, achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) results with unmatched flexibility compared to other methods. The Code will be released.

new Every Part Matters: Integrity Verification of Scientific Figures Based on Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Xiang Shi, Jiawei Liu, Yinpeng Liu, Qikai Cheng, Wei Lu

Abstract: This paper tackles a key issue in the interpretation of scientific figures: the fine-grained alignment of text and figures. It advances beyond prior research that primarily dealt with straightforward, data-driven visualizations such as bar and pie charts and only offered a basic understanding of diagrams through captioning and classification. We introduce a novel task, Figure Integrity Verification, designed to evaluate the precision of technologies in aligning textual knowledge with visual elements in scientific figures. To support this, we develop a semi-automated method for constructing a large-scale dataset, Figure-seg, specifically designed for this task. Additionally, we propose an innovative framework, Every Part Matters (EPM), which leverages Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) to not only incrementally improve the alignment and verification of text-figure integrity but also enhance integrity through analogical reasoning. Our comprehensive experiments show that these innovations substantially improve upon existing methods, allowing for more precise and thorough analysis of complex scientific figures. This progress not only enhances our understanding of multimodal technologies but also stimulates further research and practical applications across fields requiring the accurate interpretation of complex visual data.

new The BIAS Detection Framework: Bias Detection in Word Embeddings and Language Models for European Languages

Authors: Alexandre Puttick, Leander Rankwiler, Catherine Ikae, Mascha Kurpicz-Briki

Abstract: The project BIAS: Mitigating Diversity Biases of AI in the Labor Market is a four-year project funded by the European commission and supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). As part of the project, novel bias detection methods to identify societal bias in language models and word embeddings in European languages are developed, with particular attention to linguistic and geographic particularities. This technical report describes the overall architecture and components of the BIAS Detection Framework. The code described in this technical report is available and will be updated and expanded continuously with upcoming results from the BIAS project. The details about the datasets for the different languages are described in corresponding papers at scientific venues.

new Adaptive Contrastive Search: Uncertainty-Guided Decoding for Open-Ended Text Generation

Authors: Esteban Garces Arias, Julian Rodemann, Meimingwei Li, Christian Heumann, Matthias A{\ss}enmacher

Abstract: Decoding from the output distributions of large language models to produce high-quality text is a complex challenge in language modeling. Various approaches, such as beam search, sampling with temperature, $k-$sampling, nucleus $p-$sampling, typical decoding, contrastive decoding, and contrastive search, have been proposed to address this problem, aiming to improve coherence, diversity, as well as resemblance to human-generated text. In this study, we introduce adaptive contrastive search, a novel decoding strategy extending contrastive search by incorporating an adaptive degeneration penalty, guided by the estimated uncertainty of the model at each generation step. This strategy is designed to enhance both the creativity and diversity of the language modeling process while at the same time producing coherent and high-quality generated text output. Our findings indicate performance enhancement in both aspects, across different model architectures and datasets, underscoring the effectiveness of our method in text generation tasks. Our code base, datasets, and models are publicly available.

new ChatSchema: A pipeline of extracting structured information with Large Multimodal Models based on schema

Authors: Fei Wang, Yuewen Zheng, Qin Li, Jingyi Wu, Pengfei Li, Luxia Zhang

Abstract: Objective: This study introduces ChatSchema, an effective method for extracting and structuring information from unstructured data in medical paper reports using a combination of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) based on the schema. By integrating predefined schema, we intend to enable LMMs to directly extract and standardize information according to the schema specifications, facilitating further data entry. Method: Our approach involves a two-stage process, including classification and extraction for categorizing report scenarios and structuring information. We established and annotated a dataset to verify the effectiveness of ChatSchema, and evaluated key extraction using precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy metrics. Based on key extraction, we further assessed value extraction. We conducted ablation studies on two LMMs to illustrate the improvement of structured information extraction with different input modals and methods. Result: We analyzed 100 medical reports from Peking University First Hospital and established a ground truth dataset with 2,945 key-value pairs. We evaluated ChatSchema using GPT-4o and Gemini 1.5 Pro and found a higher overall performance of GPT-4o. The results are as follows: For the result of key extraction, key-precision was 98.6%, key-recall was 98.5%, key-F1-score was 98.6%. For the result of value extraction based on correct key extraction, the overall accuracy was 97.2%, precision was 95.8%, recall was 95.8%, and F1-score was 95.8%. An ablation study demonstrated that ChatSchema achieved significantly higher overall accuracy and overall F1-score of key-value extraction, compared to the Baseline, with increases of 26.9% overall accuracy and 27.4% overall F1-score, respectively.

new Creating an Aligned Corpus of Sound and Text: The Multimodal Corpus of Shakespeare and Milton

Authors: Manex Agirrezabal

Abstract: In this work we present a corpus of poems by William Shakespeare and John Milton that have been enriched with readings from the public domain. We have aligned all the lines with their respective audio segments, at the line, word, syllable and phone level, and we have included their scansion. We make a basic visualization platform for these poems and we conclude by conjecturing possible future directions.

new Towards Generalized Offensive Language Identification

Authors: Alphaeus Dmonte, Tejas Arya, Tharindu Ranasinghe, Marcos Zampieri

Abstract: The prevalence of offensive content on the internet, encompassing hate speech and cyberbullying, is a pervasive issue worldwide. Consequently, it has garnered significant attention from the machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) communities. As a result, numerous systems have been developed to automatically identify potentially harmful content and mitigate its impact. These systems can follow two approaches; (1) Use publicly available models and application endpoints, including prompting large language models (LLMs) (2) Annotate datasets and train ML models on them. However, both approaches lack an understanding of how generalizable they are. Furthermore, the applicability of these systems is often questioned in off-domain and practical environments. This paper empirically evaluates the generalizability of offensive language detection models and datasets across a novel generalized benchmark. We answer three research questions on generalizability. Our findings will be useful in creating robust real-world offensive language detection systems.

new Towards Effective and Efficient Continual Pre-training of Large Language Models

Authors: Jie Chen, Zhipeng Chen, Jiapeng Wang, Kun Zhou, Yutao Zhu, Jinhao Jiang, Yingqian Min, Wayne Xin Zhao, Zhicheng Dou, Jiaxin Mao, Yankai Lin, Ruihua Song, Jun Xu, Xu Chen, Rui Yan, Zhewei Wei, Di Hu, Wenbing Huang, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Continual pre-training (CPT) has been an important approach for adapting language models to specific domains or tasks. To make the CPT approach more traceable, this paper presents a technical report for continually pre-training Llama-3 (8B), which significantly enhances the Chinese language ability and scientific reasoning ability of the backbone model. To enhance the new abilities while retaining the original abilities, we design specific data mixture and curriculum strategies by utilizing existing datasets and synthesizing high-quality datasets. Specifically, we synthesize multidisciplinary scientific question and answer (QA) pairs based on related web pages, and subsequently incorporate these synthetic data to improve the scientific reasoning ability of Llama-3. We refer to the model after CPT as Llama-3-SynE (Synthetic data Enhanced Llama-3). We also present the tuning experiments with a relatively small model -- TinyLlama, and employ the derived findings to train the backbone model. Extensive experiments on a number of evaluation benchmarks show that our approach can largely improve the performance of the backbone models, including both the general abilities (+8.81 on C-Eval and +6.31 on CMMLU) and the scientific reasoning abilities (+12.00 on MATH and +4.13 on SciEval), without hurting the original capacities. Our model, data, and codes are available at


new Knowledge Graph Structure as Prompt: Improving Small Language Models Capabilities for Knowledge-based Causal Discovery

Authors: Yuni Susanti, Michael F\"arber

Abstract: Causal discovery aims to estimate causal structures among variables based on observational data. Large Language Models (LLMs) offer a fresh perspective to tackle the causal discovery problem by reasoning on the metadata associated with variables rather than their actual data values, an approach referred to as knowledge-based causal discovery. In this paper, we investigate the capabilities of Small Language Models (SLMs, defined as LLMs with fewer than 1 billion parameters) with prompt-based learning for knowledge-based causal discovery. Specifically, we present KG Structure as Prompt, a novel approach for integrating structural information from a knowledge graph, such as common neighbor nodes and metapaths, into prompt-based learning to enhance the capabilities of SLMs. Experimental results on three types of biomedical and open-domain datasets under few-shot settings demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, surpassing most baselines and even conventional fine-tuning approaches trained on full datasets. Our findings further highlight the strong capabilities of SLMs: in combination with knowledge graphs and prompt-based learning, SLMs demonstrate the potential to surpass LLMs with larger number of parameters. Our code and datasets are available on GitHub.

new The power of Prompts: Evaluating and Mitigating Gender Bias in MT with LLMs

Authors: Aleix Sant, Carlos Escolano, Audrey Mash, Francesca De Luca Fornaciari, Maite Melero

Abstract: This paper studies gender bias in machine translation through the lens of Large Language Models (LLMs). Four widely-used test sets are employed to benchmark various base LLMs, comparing their translation quality and gender bias against state-of-the-art Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models for English to Catalan (En $\rightarrow$ Ca) and English to Spanish (En $\rightarrow$ Es) translation directions. Our findings reveal pervasive gender bias across all models, with base LLMs exhibiting a higher degree of bias compared to NMT models. To combat this bias, we explore prompting engineering techniques applied to an instruction-tuned LLM. We identify a prompt structure that significantly reduces gender bias by up to 12% on the WinoMT evaluation dataset compared to more straightforward prompts. These results significantly reduce the gender bias accuracy gap between LLMs and traditional NMT systems.

new Granularity is crucial when applying differential privacy to text: An investigation for neural machine translation

Authors: Doan Nam Long Vu, Timour Igamberdiev, Ivan Habernal

Abstract: Applying differential privacy (DP) by means of the DP-SGD algorithm to protect individual data points during training is becoming increasingly popular in NLP. However, the choice of granularity at which DP is applied is often neglected. For example, neural machine translation (NMT) typically operates on the sentence-level granularity. From the perspective of DP, this setup assumes that each sentence belongs to a single person and any two sentences in the training dataset are independent. This assumption is however violated in many real-world NMT datasets, e.g. those including dialogues. For proper application of DP we thus must shift from sentences to entire documents. In this paper, we investigate NMT at both the sentence and document levels, analyzing the privacy/utility trade-off for both scenarios, and evaluating the risks of not using the appropriate privacy granularity in terms of leaking personally identifiable information (PII). Our findings indicate that the document-level NMT system is more resistant to membership inference attacks, emphasizing the significance of using the appropriate granularity when working with DP.

cross AMA-LSTM: Pioneering Robust and Fair Financial Audio Analysis for Stock Volatility Prediction

Authors: Shengkun Wang, Taoran Ji, Jianfeng He, Mariam Almutairi, Dan Wang, Linhan Wang, Min Zhang, Chang-Tien Lu

Abstract: Stock volatility prediction is an important task in the financial industry. Recent advancements in multimodal methodologies, which integrate both textual and auditory data, have demonstrated significant improvements in this domain, such as earnings calls (Earnings calls are public available and often involve the management team of a public company and interested parties to discuss the company's earnings). However, these multimodal methods have faced two drawbacks. First, they often fail to yield reliable models and overfit the data due to their absorption of stochastic information from the stock market. Moreover, using multimodal models to predict stock volatility suffers from gender bias and lacks an efficient way to eliminate such bias. To address these aforementioned problems, we use adversarial training to generate perturbations that simulate the inherent stochasticity and bias, by creating areas resistant to random information around the input space to improve model robustness and fairness. Our comprehensive experiments on two real-world financial audio datasets reveal that this method exceeds the performance of current state-of-the-art solution. This confirms the value of adversarial training in reducing stochasticity and bias for stock volatility prediction tasks.

cross Analyzing Speech Unit Selection for Textless Speech-to-Speech Translation

Authors: Jarod Duret (LIA), Yannick Est\`eve (LIA), Titouan Parcollet (CAM)

Abstract: Recent advancements in textless speech-to-speech translation systems have been driven by the adoption of self-supervised learning techniques. Although most state-of-the-art systems adopt a similar architecture to transform source language speech into sequences of discrete representations in the target language, the criteria for selecting these target speech units remains an open question. This work explores the selection process through a study of downstream tasks such as automatic speech recognition, speech synthesis, speaker recognition, and emotion recognition. Interestingly, our findings reveal a discrepancy in the optimization of discrete speech units: units that perform well in resynthesis performance do not necessarily correlate with those that enhance translation efficacy. This discrepancy underscores the nuanced complexity of target feature selection and its impact on the overall performance of speech-to-speech translation systems.

cross AI Safety in Generative AI Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Jaymari Chua, Yun Li, Shiyi Yang, Chen Wang, Lina Yao

Abstract: Large Language Model (LLMs) such as ChatGPT that exhibit generative AI capabilities are facing accelerated adoption and innovation. The increased presence of Generative AI (GAI) inevitably raises concerns about the risks and safety associated with these models. This article provides an up-to-date survey of recent trends in AI safety research of GAI-LLMs from a computer scientist's perspective: specific and technical. In this survey, we explore the background and motivation for the identified harms and risks in the context of LLMs being generative language models; our survey differentiates by emphasising the need for unified theories of the distinct safety challenges in the research development and applications of LLMs. We start our discussion with a concise introduction to the workings of LLMs, supported by relevant literature. Then we discuss earlier research that has pointed out the fundamental constraints of generative models, or lack of understanding thereof (e.g., performance and safety trade-offs as LLMs scale in number of parameters). We provide a sufficient coverage of LLM alignment -- delving into various approaches, contending methods and present challenges associated with aligning LLMs with human preferences. By highlighting the gaps in the literature and possible implementation oversights, our aim is to create a comprehensive analysis that provides insights for addressing AI safety in LLMs and encourages the development of aligned and secure models. We conclude our survey by discussing future directions of LLMs for AI safety, offering insights into ongoing research in this critical area.

cross Trust or Escalate: LLM Judges with Provable Guarantees for Human Agreement

Authors: Jaehun Jung, Faeze Brahman, Yejin Choi

Abstract: We present a principled approach to provide LLM-based evaluation with a rigorous guarantee of human agreement. We first propose that a reliable evaluation method should not uncritically rely on model preferences for pairwise evaluation, but rather assess the confidence of judge models and selectively decide when to trust its judgement. We then show that under this selective evaluation framework, human agreement can be provably guaranteed -- such that the model evaluation aligns with that of humans to a user-specified agreement level. As part of our framework, we also introduce Simulated Annotators, a novel confidence estimation method that significantly improves judge calibration and thus enables high coverage of evaluated instances. Finally, we propose Cascaded Selective Evaluation, where we use cheaper models as initial judges and escalate to stronger models only when necessary -- again, while still providing a provable guarantee of human agreement. Experimental results show that Cascaded Selective Evaluation guarantees strong alignment with humans, far beyond what LLM judges could achieve without selective evaluation. For example, on a subset of Chatbot Arena where GPT-4 almost never achieves 80% human agreement, our method, even while employing substantially cost-effective models such as Mistral-7B, guarantees over 80% human agreement with almost 80% test coverage.

cross Exploring Bengali Religious Dialect Biases in Large Language Models with Evaluation Perspectives

Authors: Azmine Toushik Wasi, Raima Islam, Mst Rafia Islam, Taki Hasan Rafi, Dong-Kyu Chae

Abstract: While Large Language Models (LLM) have created a massive technological impact in the past decade, allowing for human-enabled applications, they can produce output that contains stereotypes and biases, especially when using low-resource languages. This can be of great ethical concern when dealing with sensitive topics such as religion. As a means toward making LLMS more fair, we explore bias from a religious perspective in Bengali, focusing specifically on two main religious dialects: Hindu and Muslim-majority dialects. Here, we perform different experiments and audit showing the comparative analysis of different sentences using three commonly used LLMs: ChatGPT, Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot, pertaining to the Hindu and Muslim dialects of specific words and showcasing which ones catch the social biases and which do not. Furthermore, we analyze our findings and relate them to potential reasons and evaluation perspectives, considering their global impact with over 300 million speakers worldwide. With this work, we hope to establish the rigor for creating more fairness in LLMs, as these are widely used as creative writing agents.

cross Enhancing Dysarthric Speech Recognition for Unseen Speakers via Prototype-Based Adaptation

Authors: Shiyao Wang, Shiwan Zhao, Jiaming Zhou, Aobo Kong, Yong Qin

Abstract: Dysarthric speech recognition (DSR) presents a formidable challenge due to inherent inter-speaker variability, leading to severe performance degradation when applying DSR models to new dysarthric speakers. Traditional speaker adaptation methodologies typically involve fine-tuning models for each speaker, but this strategy is cost-prohibitive and inconvenient for disabled users, requiring substantial data collection. To address this issue, we introduce a prototype-based approach that markedly improves DSR performance for unseen dysarthric speakers without additional fine-tuning. Our method employs a feature extractor trained with HuBERT to produce per-word prototypes that encapsulate the characteristics of previously unseen speakers. These prototypes serve as the basis for classification. Additionally, we incorporate supervised contrastive learning to refine feature extraction. By enhancing representation quality, we further improve DSR performance, enabling effective personalized DSR. We release our code at


cross Multimodal Emotion Recognition using Audio-Video Transformer Fusion with Cross Attention

Authors: Joe Dhanith P R, Shravan Venkatraman, Vigya Sharma, Santhosh Malarvannan

Abstract: Understanding emotions is a fundamental aspect of human communication. Integrating audio and video signals offers a more comprehensive understanding of emotional states compared to traditional methods that rely on a single data source, such as speech or facial expressions. Despite its potential, multimodal emotion recognition faces significant challenges, particularly in synchronization, feature extraction, and fusion of diverse data sources. To address these issues, this paper introduces a novel transformer-based model named Audio-Video Transformer Fusion with Cross Attention (AVT-CA). The AVT-CA model employs a transformer fusion approach to effectively capture and synchronize interlinked features from both audio and video inputs, thereby resolving synchronization problems. Additionally, the Cross Attention mechanism within AVT-CA selectively extracts and emphasizes critical features while discarding irrelevant ones from both modalities, addressing feature extraction and fusion challenges. Extensive experimental analysis conducted on the CMU-MOSEI, RAVDESS and CREMA-D datasets demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed model. The results underscore the importance of AVT-CA in developing precise and reliable multimodal emotion recognition systems for practical applications.

cross Cluster-norm for Unsupervised Probing of Knowledge

Authors: Walter Laurito (Ho Wan), Sharan Maiya (Ho Wan), Gr\'egoire Dhimo\"ila (Ho Wan), Owen (Ho Wan), Yeung, Kaarel H\"anni

Abstract: The deployment of language models brings challenges in generating reliable information, especially when these models are fine-tuned using human preferences. To extract encoded knowledge without (potentially) biased human labels, unsupervised probing techniques like Contrast-Consistent Search (CCS) have been developed (Burns et al., 2022). However, salient but unrelated features in a given dataset can mislead these probes (Farquhar et al., 2023). Addressing this, we propose a cluster normalization method to minimize the impact of such features by clustering and normalizing activations of contrast pairs before applying unsupervised probing techniques. While this approach does not address the issue of differentiating between knowledge in general and simulated knowledge - a major issue in the literature of latent knowledge elicitation (Christiano et al., 2021) - it significantly improves the ability of unsupervised probes to identify the intended knowledge amidst distractions.

cross Embedding And Clustering Your Data Can Improve Contrastive Pretraining

Authors: Luke Merrick

Abstract: Recent studies of large-scale contrastive pretraining in the text embedding domain show that using single-source minibatches, rather than mixed-source minibatches, can substantially improve overall model accuracy. In this work, we explore extending training data stratification beyond source granularity by leveraging a pretrained text embedding model and the classic k-means clustering algorithm to further split training data apart by the semantic clusters within each source. Experimentally, we observe a notable increase in NDCG@10 when pretraining a BERT-based text embedding model on query-passage pairs from the MSMARCO passage retrieval dataset. Additionally, we conceptually connect our clustering approach to both the Topic Aware Sampling (TAS) aspect of the TAS-B methodology and the nearest-neighbor-based hard-negative mining aspect of the ANCE methodology and discuss how this unified view motivates future lines of research on the organization of contrastive pretraining data.

cross AppWorld: A Controllable World of Apps and People for Benchmarking Interactive Coding Agents

Authors: Harsh Trivedi, Tushar Khot, Mareike Hartmann, Ruskin Manku, Vinty Dong, Edward Li, Shashank Gupta, Ashish Sabharwal, Niranjan Balasubramanian

Abstract: Autonomous agents that address day-to-day digital tasks (e.g., ordering groceries for a household), must not only operate multiple apps (e.g., notes, messaging, shopping app) via APIs, but also generate rich code with complex control flow in an iterative manner based on their interaction with the environment. However, existing benchmarks for tool use are inadequate, as they only cover tasks that require a simple sequence of API calls. To remedy this gap, we built $\textbf{AppWorld Engine}$, a high-quality execution environment (60K lines of code) of 9 day-to-day apps operable via 457 APIs and populated with realistic digital activities simulating the lives of ~100 fictitious users. We then created $\textbf{AppWorld Benchmark}$ (40K lines of code), a suite of 750 natural, diverse, and challenging autonomous agent tasks requiring rich and interactive code generation. It supports robust programmatic evaluation with state-based unit tests, allowing for different ways of completing a task while also checking for unexpected changes, i.e., collateral damage. The state-of-the-art LLM, GPT-4o, solves only ~49% of our 'normal' tasks and ~30% of 'challenge' tasks, while other models solve at least 16% fewer. This highlights the benchmark's difficulty and AppWorld's potential to push the frontiers of interactive coding agents. The project website is available at


cross Wolf: Captioning Everything with a World Summarization Framework

Authors: Boyi Li, Ligeng Zhu, Ran Tian, Shuhan Tan, Yuxiao Chen, Yao Lu, Yin Cui, Sushant Veer, Max Ehrlich, Jonah Philion, Xinshuo Weng, Fuzhao Xue, Andrew Tao, Ming-Yu Liu, Sanja Fidler, Boris Ivanovic, Trevor Darrell, Jitendra Malik, Song Han, Marco Pavone

Abstract: We propose Wolf, a WOrLd summarization Framework for accurate video captioning. Wolf is an automated captioning framework that adopts a mixture-of-experts approach, leveraging complementary strengths of Vision Language Models (VLMs). By utilizing both image and video models, our framework captures different levels of information and summarizes them efficiently. Our approach can be applied to enhance video understanding, auto-labeling, and captioning. To evaluate caption quality, we introduce CapScore, an LLM-based metric to assess the similarity and quality of generated captions compared to the ground truth captions. We further build four human-annotated datasets in three domains: autonomous driving, general scenes, and robotics, to facilitate comprehensive comparisons. We show that Wolf achieves superior captioning performance compared to state-of-the-art approaches from the research community (VILA1.5, CogAgent) and commercial solutions (Gemini-Pro-1.5, GPT-4V). For instance, in comparison with GPT-4V, Wolf improves CapScore both quality-wise by 55.6% and similarity-wise by 77.4% on challenging driving videos. Finally, we establish a benchmark for video captioning and introduce a leaderboard, aiming to accelerate advancements in video understanding, captioning, and data alignment. Leaderboard:


replace Distilling Multi-Scale Knowledge for Event Temporal Relation Extraction

Authors: Hao-Ren Yao, Luke Breitfeller, Aakanksha Naik, Chunxiao Zhou, Carolyn Rose

Abstract: Event Temporal Relation Extraction (ETRE) is paramount but challenging. Within a discourse, event pairs are situated at different distances or the so-called proximity bands. The temporal ordering communicated about event pairs where at more remote (i.e., ``long'') or less remote (i.e., ``short'') proximity bands are encoded differently. SOTA models have tended to perform well on events situated at either short or long proximity bands, but not both. Nonetheless, real-world, natural texts contain all types of temporal event-pairs. In this paper, we present MulCo: Distilling Multi-Scale Knowledge via Contrastive Learning, a knowledge co-distillation approach that shares knowledge across multiple event pair proximity bands to improve performance on all types of temporal datasets. Our experimental results show that MulCo successfully integrates linguistic cues pertaining to temporal reasoning across both short and long proximity bands and achieves new state-of-the-art results on several ETRE benchmark datasets.

replace Harnessing the Power of Large Language Models for Empathetic Response Generation: Empirical Investigations and Improvements

Authors: Yushan Qian, Wei-Nan Zhang, Ting Liu

Abstract: Empathetic dialogue is an indispensable part of building harmonious social relationships and contributes to the development of a helpful AI. Previous approaches are mainly based on fine small-scale language models. With the advent of ChatGPT, the application effect of large language models (LLMs) in this field has attracted great attention. This work empirically investigates the performance of LLMs in generating empathetic responses and proposes three improvement methods of semantically similar in-context learning, two-stage interactive generation, and combination with the knowledge base. Extensive experiments show that LLMs can significantly benefit from our proposed methods and is able to achieve state-of-the-art performance in both automatic and human evaluations. Additionally, we explore the possibility of GPT-4 simulating human evaluators.

replace A Systematic Review of Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis: Domains, Methods, and Trends

Authors: Yan Cathy Hua, Paul Denny, Katerina Taskova, J\"org Wicker

Abstract: Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is a fine-grained type of sentiment analysis that identifies aspects and their associated opinions from a given text. With the surge of digital opinionated text data, ABSA gained increasing popularity for its ability to mine more detailed and targeted insights. Many review papers on ABSA subtasks and solution methodologies exist, however, few focus on trends over time or systemic issues relating to research application domains, datasets, and solution approaches. To fill the gap, this paper presents a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of ABSA studies with a focus on trends and high-level relationships among these fundamental components. This review is one of the largest SLRs on ABSA. To our knowledge, it is also the first to systematically examine the interrelations among ABSA research and data distribution across domains, as well as trends in solution paradigms and approaches. Our sample includes 727 primary studies screened from 8550 search results without time constraints via an innovative automatic filtering process. Our quantitative analysis not only identifies trends in nearly two decades of ABSA research development but also unveils a systemic lack of dataset and domain diversity as well as domain mismatch that may hinder the development of future ABSA research. We discuss these findings and their implications and propose suggestions for future research.

replace Measuring and Controlling Instruction (In)Stability in Language Model Dialogs

Authors: Kenneth Li, Tianle Liu, Naomi Bashkansky, David Bau, Fernanda Vi\'egas, Hanspeter Pfister, Martin Wattenberg

Abstract: System-prompting is a standard tool for customizing language-model chatbots, enabling them to follow a specific instruction. An implicit assumption in the use of system prompts is that they will be stable, so the chatbot will continue to generate text according to the stipulated instructions for the duration of a conversation. We propose a quantitative benchmark to test this assumption, evaluating instruction stability via self-chats between two instructed chatbots. Testing popular models like LLaMA2-chat-70B and GPT-3.5, we reveal a significant instruction drift within eight rounds of conversations. An empirical and theoretical analysis of this phenomenon suggests the transformer attention mechanism plays a role, due to attention decay over long exchanges. To combat attention decay and instruction drift, we propose a lightweight method called split-softmax, which compares favorably against two strong baselines.

replace 3MVRD: Multimodal Multi-task Multi-teacher Visually-Rich Form Document Understanding

Authors: Yihao Ding, Lorenzo Vaiani, Caren Han, Jean Lee, Paolo Garza, Josiah Poon, Luca Cagliero

Abstract: This paper presents a groundbreaking multimodal, multi-task, multi-teacher joint-grained knowledge distillation model for visually-rich form document understanding. The model is designed to leverage insights from both fine-grained and coarse-grained levels by facilitating a nuanced correlation between token and entity representations, addressing the complexities inherent in form documents. Additionally, we introduce new inter-grained and cross-grained loss functions to further refine diverse multi-teacher knowledge distillation transfer process, presenting distribution gaps and a harmonised understanding of form documents. Through a comprehensive evaluation across publicly available form document understanding datasets, our proposed model consistently outperforms existing baselines, showcasing its efficacy in handling the intricate structures and content of visually complex form documents.

replace Exploring Continual Learning of Compositional Generalization in NLI

Authors: Xiyan Fu, Anette Frank

Abstract: Compositional Natural Language Inference has been explored to assess the true abilities of neural models to perform NLI. Yet, current evaluations assume models to have full access to all primitive inferences in advance, in contrast to humans that continuously acquire inference knowledge. In this paper, we introduce the Continual Compositional Generalization in Inference (C2Gen NLI) challenge, where a model continuously acquires knowledge of constituting primitive inference tasks as a basis for compositional inferences. We explore how continual learning affects compositional generalization in NLI, by designing a continual learning setup for compositional NLI inference tasks. Our experiments demonstrate that models fail to compositionally generalize in a continual scenario. To address this problem, we first benchmark various continual learning algorithms and verify their efficacy. We then further analyze C2Gen, focusing on how to order primitives and compositional inference types and examining correlations between subtasks. Our analyses show that by learning subtasks continuously while observing their dependencies and increasing degrees of difficulty, continual learning can enhance composition generalization ability.

replace AutoRE: Document-Level Relation Extraction with Large Language Models

Authors: Lilong Xue, Dan Zhang, Yuxiao Dong, Jie Tang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional abilities in comprehending and generating text, motivating numerous researchers to utilize them for Information Extraction (IE) purposes, including Relation Extraction (RE). Nonetheless, most existing methods are predominantly designed for Sentence-level Relation Extraction (SentRE) tasks, which typically encompass a restricted set of relations and triplet facts within a single sentence. Furthermore, certain approaches resort to treating relations as candidate choices integrated into prompt templates, leading to inefficient processing and suboptimal performance when tackling Document-Level Relation Extraction (DocRE) tasks, which entail handling multiple relations and triplet facts distributed across a given document, posing distinct challenges. To overcome these limitations, we introduce AutoRE, an end-to-end DocRE model that adopts a novel RE extraction paradigm named RHF (Relation-Head-Facts). Unlike existing approaches, AutoRE does not rely on the assumption of known relation options, making it more reflective of real-world scenarios. Additionally, we have developed an easily extensible RE framework using a Parameters Efficient Fine Tuning (PEFT) algorithm (QLoRA). Our experiments on the RE-DocRED dataset showcase AutoRE's best performance, achieving state-of-the-art results, surpassing TAG by 10.03\% and 9.03\% respectively on the dev and test set. The code is available at and the demonstration video is provided at


replace Automatic Speech Recognition Advancements for Indigenous Languages of the Americas

Authors: Monica Romero, Sandra Gomez, Ivan G. Torre

Abstract: Indigenous languages are a fundamental legacy in the development of human communication, embodying the unique identity and culture of local communities in America. The Second AmericasNLP (Americas Natural Language Processing) Competition Track 1 of NeurIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems) 2022 proposed the task of training automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems for five Indigenous languages: Quechua, Guarani, Bribri, Kotiria, and Wa'ikhana. In this paper, we describe the fine-tuning of a state-of-the-art ASR model for each target language, using approximately 36.65 h of transcribed speech data from diverse sources enriched with data augmentation methods. We systematically investigate, using a Bayesian search, the impact of the different hyperparameters on the Wav2vec2.0 XLS-R (Cross-Lingual Speech Representations) variants of 300 M and 1 B parameters. Our findings indicate that data and detailed hyperparameter tuning significantly affect ASR accuracy, but language complexity determines the final result. The Quechua model achieved the lowest character error rate (CER) (12.14), while the Kotiria model, despite having the most extensive dataset during the fine-tuning phase, showed the highest CER (36.59). Conversely, with the smallest dataset, the Guarani model achieved a CER of 15.59, while Bribri and Wa'ikhana obtained, respectively, CERs of 34.70 and 35.23. Additionally, Sobol' sensitivity analysis highlighted the crucial roles of freeze fine-tuning updates and dropout rates. We release our best models for each language, marking the first open ASR models for Wa'ikhana and Kotiria. This work opens avenues for future research to advance ASR techniques in preserving minority Indigenous languages

replace EHR-SeqSQL : A Sequential Text-to-SQL Dataset For Interactively Exploring Electronic Health Records

Authors: Jaehee Ryu, Seonhee Cho, Gyubok Lee, Edward Choi

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce EHR-SeqSQL, a novel sequential text-to-SQL dataset for Electronic Health Record (EHR) databases. EHR-SeqSQL is designed to address critical yet underexplored aspects in text-to-SQL parsing: interactivity, compositionality, and efficiency. To the best of our knowledge, EHR-SeqSQL is not only the largest but also the first medical text-to-SQL dataset benchmark to include sequential and contextual questions. We provide a data split and the new test set designed to assess compositional generalization ability. Our experiments demonstrate the superiority of a multi-turn approach over a single-turn approach in learning compositionality. Additionally, our dataset integrates specially crafted tokens into SQL queries to improve execution efficiency. With EHR-SeqSQL, we aim to bridge the gap between practical needs and academic research in the text-to-SQL domain. EHR-SeqSQL is available \href{}{at this https URL}.


replace LLMs-in-the-loop Part-1: Expert Small AI Models for Bio-Medical Text Translation

Authors: Bunyamin Keles, Murat Gunay, Serdar I. Caglar

Abstract: Machine translation is indispensable in healthcare for enabling the global dissemination of medical knowledge across languages. However, complex medical terminology poses unique challenges to achieving adequate translation quality and accuracy. This study introduces a novel "LLMs-in-the-loop" approach to develop supervised neural machine translation models optimized specifically for medical texts. While large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated powerful capabilities, this research shows that small, specialized models trained on high-quality in-domain (mostly synthetic) data can outperform even vastly larger LLMs. Custom parallel corpora in six languages were compiled from scientific articles, synthetically generated clinical documents, and medical texts. Our LLMs-in-the-loop methodology employs synthetic data generation, rigorous evaluation, and agent orchestration to enhance performance. We developed small medical translation models using the MarianMT base model. We introduce a new medical translation test dataset to standardize evaluation in this domain. Assessed using BLEU, METEOR, ROUGE, and BERT scores on this test set, our MarianMT-based models outperform Google Translate, DeepL, and GPT-4-Turbo. Results demonstrate that our LLMs-in-the-loop approach, combined with fine-tuning high-quality, domain-specific data, enables specialized models to outperform general-purpose and some larger systems. This research, part of a broader series on expert small models, paves the way for future healthcare-related AI developments, including deidentification and bio-medical entity extraction models. Our study underscores the potential of tailored neural translation models and the LLMs-in-the-loop methodology to advance the field through improved data generation, evaluation, agent, and modeling techniques.

replace PersLLM: A Personified Training Approach for Large Language Models

Authors: Zheni Zeng, Jiayi Chen, Huimin Chen, Yukun Yan, Yuxuan Chen, Zhenghao Liu, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Large language models exhibit aspects of human-level intelligence that catalyze their application as human-like agents in domains such as social simulations, human-machine interactions, and collaborative multi-agent systems. However, the absence of distinct personalities, such as displaying ingratiating behaviors, inconsistent opinions, and uniform response patterns, diminish LLMs utility in practical applications. Addressing this, the development of personality traits in LLMs emerges as a crucial area of research to unlock their latent potential. Existing methods to personify LLMs generally involve strategies like employing stylized training data for instruction tuning or using prompt engineering to simulate different personalities. These methods only capture superficial linguistic styles instead of the core of personalities and are therefore not stable. In this study, we propose PersLLM, integrating psychology-grounded principles of personality: social practice, consistency, and dynamic development, into a comprehensive training methodology. We incorporate personality traits directly into the model parameters, enhancing the model's resistance to induction, promoting consistency, and supporting the dynamic evolution of personality. Single-agent evaluation validates our method's superiority, as it produces responses more aligned with reference personalities compared to other approaches. Case studies for multi-agent communication highlight its benefits in enhancing opinion consistency within individual agents and fostering collaborative creativity among multiple agents in dialogue contexts, potentially benefiting human simulation and multi-agent cooperation. Additionally, human-agent interaction evaluations indicate that our personified models significantly enhance interactive experiences, underscoring the practical implications of our research.

replace Bilingual Adaptation of Monolingual Foundation Models

Authors: Gurpreet Gosal (Charles), Yishi Xu (Charles), Gokul Ramakrishnan (Charles), Rituraj Joshi (Charles), Avraham Sheinin (Charles), Zhiming (Charles), Chen, Biswajit Mishra, Natalia Vassilieva, Joel Hestness, Neha Sengupta, Sunil Kumar Sahu, Bokang Jia, Onkar Pandit, Satheesh Katipomu, Samta Kamboj, Samujjwal Ghosh, Rahul Pal, Parvez Mullah, Soundar Doraiswamy, Mohamed El Karim Chami, Preslav Nakov

Abstract: We present an efficient method for adapting a monolingual Large Language Model (LLM) to another language, addressing challenges of catastrophic forgetting and tokenizer limitations. We focus this study on adapting Llama 2 to Arabic. Our two-stage approach begins with expanding the vocabulary and training only the embeddings matrix, followed by full model continual pre-training on a bilingual corpus. By continually pre-training on a mix of Arabic and English corpora, the model retains its proficiency in English while acquiring capabilities in Arabic. Our approach results in significant improvements in Arabic and slight enhancements in English, demonstrating cost-effective cross-lingual transfer. We perform ablations on embedding initialization techniques, data mix ratios, and learning rates and release a detailed training recipe. To demonstrate generalizability of this approach we also adapted Llama 3 8B to Arabic and Llama 2 13B to Hindi.

replace Scaling Laws with Vocabulary: Larger Models Deserve Larger Vocabularies

Authors: Chaofan Tao, Qian Liu, Longxu Dou, Niklas Muennighoff, Zhongwei Wan, Ping Luo, Min Lin, Ngai Wong

Abstract: Research on scaling large language models (LLMs) has primarily focused on model parameters and training data size, overlooking the role of vocabulary size. We investigate how vocabulary size impacts LLM scaling laws by training models ranging from 33M to 3B parameters on up to 500B characters with various vocabulary configurations. We propose three complementary approaches for predicting the compute-optimal vocabulary size: IsoFLOPs analysis, derivative estimation, and parametric fit of the loss function. Our approaches converge on the same result that the optimal vocabulary size depends on the available compute budget and that larger models deserve larger vocabularies. However, most LLMs use too small vocabulary sizes. For example, we predict that the optimal vocabulary size of Llama2-70B should have been at least 216K, 7 times larger than its vocabulary of 32K. We validate our predictions empirically by training models with 3B parameters across different FLOPs budgets. Adopting our predicted optimal vocabulary size consistently improves downstream performance over commonly used vocabulary sizes. By increasing the vocabulary size from the conventional 32K to 43K, we improve performance on ARC-Challenge from 29.1 to 32.0 with the same 2.3e21 FLOPs. Our work emphasizes the necessity of jointly considering model parameters and vocabulary size for efficient scaling.

replace Human-Interpretable Adversarial Prompt Attack on Large Language Models with Situational Context

Authors: Nilanjana Das, Edward Raff, Manas Gaur

Abstract: Previous research on testing the vulnerabilities in Large Language Models (LLMs) using adversarial attacks has primarily focused on nonsensical prompt injections, which are easily detected upon manual or automated review (e.g., via byte entropy). However, the exploration of innocuous human-understandable malicious prompts augmented with adversarial injections remains limited. In this research, we explore converting a nonsensical suffix attack into a sensible prompt via a situation-driven contextual re-writing. This allows us to show suffix conversion without any gradients, using only LLMs to perform the attacks, and thus better understand the scope of possible risks. We combine an independent, meaningful adversarial insertion and situations derived from movies to check if this can trick an LLM. The situations are extracted from the IMDB dataset, and prompts are defined following a few-shot chain-of-thought prompting. Our approach demonstrates that a successful situation-driven attack can be executed on both open-source and proprietary LLMs. We find that across many LLMs, as few as 1 attempt produces an attack and that these attacks transfer between LLMs.

replace Customized Retrieval Augmented Generation and Benchmarking for EDA Tool Documentation QA

Authors: Yuan Pu, Zhuolun He, Tairu Qiu, Haoyuan Wu, Bei Yu

Abstract: Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) enhances the accuracy and reliability of generative AI models by sourcing factual information from external databases, which is extensively employed in document-grounded question-answering (QA) tasks. Off-the-shelf RAG flows are well pretrained on general-purpose documents, yet they encounter significant challenges when being applied to knowledge-intensive vertical domains, such as electronic design automation (EDA). This paper addresses such issue by proposing a customized RAG framework along with three domain-specific techniques for EDA tool documentation QA, including a contrastive learning scheme for text embedding model fine-tuning, a reranker distilled from proprietary LLM, and a generative LLM fine-tuned with high-quality domain corpus. Furthermore, we have developed and released a documentation QA evaluation benchmark, ORD-QA, for OpenROAD, an advanced RTL-to-GDSII design platform. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed RAG flow and techniques have achieved superior performance on ORD-QA as well as on a commercial tool, compared with state-of-the-arts. The ORD-QA benchmark and the training dataset for our customized RAG flow are open-source at


replace Examining the Influence of Political Bias on Large Language Model Performance in Stance Classification

Authors: Lynnette Hui Xian Ng, Iain Cruickshank, Roy Ka-Wei Lee

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in executing tasks based on natural language queries. However, these models, trained on curated datasets, inherently embody biases ranging from racial to national and gender biases. It remains uncertain whether these biases impact the performance of LLMs for certain tasks. In this study, we investigate the political biases of LLMs within the stance classification task, specifically examining whether these models exhibit a tendency to more accurately classify politically-charged stances. Utilizing three datasets, seven LLMs, and four distinct prompting schemes, we analyze the performance of LLMs on politically oriented statements and targets. Our findings reveal a statistically significant difference in the performance of LLMs across various politically oriented stance classification tasks. Furthermore, we observe that this difference primarily manifests at the dataset level, with models and prompting schemes showing statistically similar performances across different stance classification datasets. Lastly, we observe that when there is greater ambiguity in the target the statement is directed towards, LLMs have poorer stance classification accuracy. Code & Dataset:


replace Dallah: A Dialect-Aware Multimodal Large Language Model for Arabic

Authors: Fakhraddin Alwajih, Gagan Bhatia, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed

Abstract: Recent advancements have significantly enhanced the capabilities of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) in generating and understanding image-to-text content. Despite these successes, progress is predominantly limited to English due to the scarcity of high quality multimodal resources in other languages. This limitation impedes the development of competitive models in languages such as Arabic. To alleviate this situation, we introduce an efficient Arabic multimodal assistant, dubbed Dallah, that utilizes an advanced language model based on LLaMA-2 to facilitate multimodal interactions. Dallah demonstrates state-of-the-art performance in Arabic MLLMs. Through fine-tuning six Arabic dialects, Dallah showcases its capability to handle complex dialectal interactions incorporating both textual and visual elements. The model excels in two benchmark tests: one evaluating its performance on Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and another specifically designed to assess dialectal responses. Beyond its robust performance in multimodal interaction tasks, Dallah has the potential to pave the way for further development of dialect-aware Arabic MLLMs.

replace-cross The Janus Interface: How Fine-Tuning in Large Language Models Amplifies the Privacy Risks

Authors: Xiaoyi Chen, Siyuan Tang, Rui Zhu, Shijun Yan, Lei Jin, Zihao Wang, Liya Su, Zhikun Zhang, XiaoFeng Wang, Haixu Tang

Abstract: The rapid advancements of large language models (LLMs) have raised public concerns about the privacy leakage of personally identifiable information (PII) within their extensive training datasets. Recent studies have demonstrated that an adversary could extract highly sensitive privacy data from the training data of LLMs with carefully designed prompts. However, these attacks suffer from the model's tendency to hallucinate and catastrophic forgetting (CF) in the pre-training stage, rendering the veracity of divulged PIIs negligible. In our research, we propose a novel attack, Janus, which exploits the fine-tuning interface to recover forgotten PIIs from the pre-training data in LLMs. We formalize the privacy leakage problem in LLMs and explain why forgotten PIIs can be recovered through empirical analysis on open-source language models. Based upon these insights, we evaluate the performance of Janus on both open-source language models and two latest LLMs, i.e., GPT-3.5-Turbo and LLaMA-2-7b. Our experiment results show that Janus amplifies the privacy risks by over 10 times in comparison with the baseline and significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art privacy extraction attacks including prefix attacks and in-context learning (ICL). Furthermore, our analysis validates that existing fine-tuning APIs provided by OpenAI and Azure AI Studio are susceptible to our Janus attack, allowing an adversary to conduct such an attack at a low cost.

replace-cross RCAgent: Cloud Root Cause Analysis by Autonomous Agents with Tool-Augmented Large Language Models

Authors: Zefan Wang, Zichuan Liu, Yingying Zhang, Aoxiao Zhong, Jihong Wang, Fengbin Yin, Lunting Fan, Lingfei Wu, Qingsong Wen

Abstract: Large language model (LLM) applications in cloud root cause analysis (RCA) have been actively explored recently. However, current methods are still reliant on manual workflow settings and do not unleash LLMs' decision-making and environment interaction capabilities. We present RCAgent, a tool-augmented LLM autonomous agent framework for practical and privacy-aware industrial RCA usage. Running on an internally deployed model rather than GPT families, RCAgent is capable of free-form data collection and comprehensive analysis with tools. Our framework combines a variety of enhancements, including a unique Self-Consistency for action trajectories, and a suite of methods for context management, stabilization, and importing domain knowledge. Our experiments show RCAgent's evident and consistent superiority over ReAct across all aspects of RCA -- predicting root causes, solutions, evidence, and responsibilities -- and tasks covered or uncovered by current rules, as validated by both automated metrics and human evaluations. Furthermore, RCAgent has already been integrated into the diagnosis and issue discovery workflow of the Real-time Compute Platform for Apache Flink of Alibaba Cloud.

replace-cross Large Language Model for Table Processing: A Survey

Authors: Weizheng Lu, Jing Zhang, Ju Fan, Zihao Fu, Yueguo Chen, Xiaoyong Du

Abstract: Tables, typically two-dimensional and structured to store large amounts of data, are essential in daily activities like database queries, spreadsheet manipulations, web table question answering, and image table information extraction. Automating these table-centric tasks with Large Language Models (LLMs) or Visual Language Models (VLMs) offers significant public benefits, garnering interest from academia and industry. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of table-related tasks, examining both user scenarios and technical aspects. It covers traditional tasks like table question answering as well as emerging fields such as spreadsheet manipulation and table data analysis. We summarize the training techniques for LLMs and VLMs tailored for table processing. Additionally, we discuss prompt engineering, particularly the use of LLM-powered agents, for various table-related tasks. Finally, we highlight several challenges, including processing implicit user intentions and extracting information from various table sources.

replace-cross Tag-LLM: Repurposing General-Purpose LLMs for Specialized Domains

Authors: Junhong Shen, Neil Tenenholtz, James Brian Hall, David Alvarez-Melis, Nicolo Fusi

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in understanding and generating natural language. However, their capabilities wane in highly specialized domains underrepresented in the pretraining corpus, such as physical and biomedical sciences. This work explores how to repurpose general LLMs into effective task solvers for specialized domains. We introduce a novel, model-agnostic framework for learning custom input tags, which are parameterized as continuous vectors appended to the LLM's embedding layer, to condition the LLM. We design two types of input tags: domain tags are used to delimit specialized representations (e.g., chemical formulas) and provide domain-relevant context; function tags are used to represent specific functions (e.g., predicting molecular properties) and compress function-solving instructions. We develop a three-stage protocol to learn these tags using auxiliary data and domain knowledge. By explicitly disentangling task domains from task functions, our method enables zero-shot generalization to unseen problems through diverse combinations of the input tags. It also boosts LLM's performance in various specialized domains, such as predicting protein or chemical properties and modeling drug-target interactions, outperforming expert models tailored to these tasks.

replace-cross Debating with More Persuasive LLMs Leads to More Truthful Answers

Authors: Akbir Khan, John Hughes, Dan Valentine, Laura Ruis, Kshitij Sachan, Ansh Radhakrishnan, Edward Grefenstette, Samuel R. Bowman, Tim Rockt\"aschel, Ethan Perez

Abstract: Common methods for aligning large language models (LLMs) with desired behaviour heavily rely on human-labelled data. However, as models grow increasingly sophisticated, they will surpass human expertise, and the role of human evaluation will evolve into non-experts overseeing experts. In anticipation of this, we ask: can weaker models assess the correctness of stronger models? We investigate this question in an analogous setting, where stronger models (experts) possess the necessary information to answer questions and weaker models (non-experts) lack this information. The method we evaluate is debate, where two LLM experts each argue for a different answer, and a non-expert selects the answer. We find that debate consistently helps both non-expert models and humans answer questions, achieving 76% and 88% accuracy respectively (naive baselines obtain 48% and 60%). Furthermore, optimising expert debaters for persuasiveness in an unsupervised manner improves non-expert ability to identify the truth in debates. Our results provide encouraging empirical evidence for the viability of aligning models with debate in the absence of ground truth.

replace-cross AIR-Bench: Benchmarking Large Audio-Language Models via Generative Comprehension

Authors: Qian Yang, Jin Xu, Wenrui Liu, Yunfei Chu, Ziyue Jiang, Xiaohuan Zhou, Yichong Leng, Yuanjun Lv, Zhou Zhao, Chang Zhou, Jingren Zhou

Abstract: Recently, instruction-following audio-language models have received broad attention for human-audio interaction. However, the absence of benchmarks capable of evaluating audio-centric interaction capabilities has impeded advancements in this field. Previous models primarily focus on assessing different fundamental tasks, such as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), and lack an assessment of the open-ended generative capabilities centered around audio. Thus, it is challenging to track the progression in the Large Audio-Language Models (LALMs) domain and to provide guidance for future improvement. In this paper, we introduce AIR-Bench (\textbf{A}udio \textbf{I}nst\textbf{R}uction \textbf{Bench}mark), the first benchmark designed to evaluate the ability of LALMs to understand various types of audio signals (including human speech, natural sounds, and music), and furthermore, to interact with humans in the textual format. AIR-Bench encompasses two dimensions: \textit{foundation} and \textit{chat} benchmarks. The former consists of 19 tasks with approximately 19k single-choice questions, intending to inspect the basic single-task ability of LALMs. The latter one contains 2k instances of open-ended question-and-answer data, directly assessing the comprehension of the model on complex audio and its capacity to follow instructions. Both benchmarks require the model to generate hypotheses directly. We design a unified framework that leverages advanced language models, such as GPT-4, to evaluate the scores of generated hypotheses given the meta-information of the audio. Experimental results demonstrate a high level of consistency between GPT-4-based evaluation and human evaluation. By revealing the limitations of existing LALMs through evaluation results, AIR-Bench can provide insights into the direction of future research.

replace-cross SafeDecoding: Defending against Jailbreak Attacks via Safety-Aware Decoding

Authors: Zhangchen Xu, Fengqing Jiang, Luyao Niu, Jinyuan Jia, Bill Yuchen Lin, Radha Poovendran

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) become increasingly integrated into real-world applications such as code generation and chatbot assistance, extensive efforts have been made to align LLM behavior with human values, including safety. Jailbreak attacks, aiming to provoke unintended and unsafe behaviors from LLMs, remain a significant/leading LLM safety threat. In this paper, we aim to defend LLMs against jailbreak attacks by introducing SafeDecoding, a safety-aware decoding strategy for LLMs to generate helpful and harmless responses to user queries. Our insight in developing SafeDecoding is based on the observation that, even though probabilities of tokens representing harmful contents outweigh those representing harmless responses, safety disclaimers still appear among the top tokens after sorting tokens by probability in descending order. This allows us to mitigate jailbreak attacks by identifying safety disclaimers and amplifying their token probabilities, while simultaneously attenuating the probabilities of token sequences that are aligned with the objectives of jailbreak attacks. We perform extensive experiments on five LLMs using six state-of-the-art jailbreak attacks and four benchmark datasets. Our results show that SafeDecoding significantly reduces the attack success rate and harmfulness of jailbreak attacks without compromising the helpfulness of responses to benign user queries. SafeDecoding outperforms six defense methods.

replace-cross Model Composition for Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Chi Chen, Yiyang Du, Zheng Fang, Ziyue Wang, Fuwen Luo, Peng Li, Ming Yan, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Maosong Sun, Yang Liu

Abstract: Recent developments in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have shown rapid progress, moving towards the goal of creating versatile MLLMs that understand inputs from various modalities. However, existing methods typically rely on joint training with paired multimodal instruction data, which is resource-intensive and challenging to extend to new modalities. In this paper, we propose a new paradigm through the model composition of existing MLLMs to create a new model that retains the modal understanding capabilities of each original model. Our basic implementation, NaiveMC, demonstrates the effectiveness of this paradigm by reusing modality encoders and merging LLM parameters. Furthermore, we introduce DAMC to address parameter interference and mismatch issues during the merging process, thereby enhancing the model performance. To facilitate research in this area, we propose MCUB, a benchmark for assessing ability of MLLMs to understand inputs from diverse modalities. Experiments on this benchmark and four other multimodal understanding tasks show significant improvements over baselines, proving that model composition can create a versatile model capable of processing inputs from multiple modalities.

replace-cross Grounding Language Models for Visual Entity Recognition

Authors: Zilin Xiao, Ming Gong, Paola Cascante-Bonilla, Xingyao Zhang, Jie Wu, Vicente Ordonez

Abstract: We introduce AutoVER, an Autoregressive model for Visual Entity Recognition. Our model extends an autoregressive Multi-modal Large Language Model by employing retrieval augmented constrained generation. It mitigates low performance on out-of-domain entities while excelling in queries that require visually-situated reasoning. Our method learns to distinguish similar entities within a vast label space by contrastively training on hard negative pairs in parallel with a sequence-to-sequence objective without an external retriever. During inference, a list of retrieved candidate answers explicitly guides language generation by removing invalid decoding paths. The proposed method achieves significant improvements across different dataset splits in the recently proposed Oven-Wiki benchmark. Accuracy on the Entity seen split rises from 32.7% to 61.5%. It also demonstrates superior performance on the unseen and query splits by a substantial double-digit margin.

replace-cross Pseudo-Prompt Generating in Pre-trained Vision-Language Models for Multi-Label Medical Image Classification

Authors: Yaoqin Ye, Junjie Zhang, Hongwei Shi

Abstract: The task of medical image recognition is notably complicated by the presence of varied and multiple pathological indications, presenting a unique challenge in multi-label classification with unseen labels. This complexity underlines the need for computer-aided diagnosis methods employing multi-label zero-shot learning. Recent advancements in pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) have showcased notable zero-shot classification abilities on medical images. However, these methods have limitations on leveraging extensive pre-trained knowledge from broader image datasets, and often depend on manual prompt construction by expert radiologists. By automating the process of prompt tuning, prompt learning techniques have emerged as an efficient way to adapt VLMs to downstream tasks. Yet, existing CoOp-based strategies fall short in performing class-specific prompts on unseen categories, limiting generalizability in fine-grained scenarios. To overcome these constraints, we introduce a novel prompt generation approach inspirited by text generation in natural language processing (NLP). Our method, named Pseudo-Prompt Generating (PsPG), capitalizes on the priori knowledge of multi-modal features. Featuring a RNN-based decoder, PsPG autoregressively generates class-tailored embedding vectors, i.e., pseudo-prompts. Comparative evaluations on various multi-label chest radiograph datasets affirm the superiority of our approach against leading medical vision-language and multi-label prompt learning methods. The source code is available at


replace-cross Reactor Mk.1 performances: MMLU, HumanEval and BBH test results

Authors: TJ Dunham, Henry Syahputra

Abstract: The paper presents the performance results of Reactor Mk.1, ARCs flagship large language model, through a benchmarking process analysis. The model utilizes the Lychee AI engine and possesses less than 100 billion parameters, resulting in a combination of efficiency and potency. The Reactor Mk.1 outperformed models such as GPT-4o, Claude Opus, and Llama 3, with achieved scores of 92% on the MMLU dataset, 91% on HumanEval dataset, and 88% on BBH dataset. It excels in both managing difficult jobs and reasoning, establishing as a prominent AI solution in the present cutting-edge AI technology.

replace-cross MIA-Bench: Towards Better Instruction Following Evaluation of Multimodal LLMs

Authors: Yusu Qian, Hanrong Ye, Jean-Philippe Fauconnier, Peter Grasch, Yinfei Yang, Zhe Gan

Abstract: We introduce MIA-Bench, a new benchmark designed to evaluate multimodal large language models (MLLMs) on their ability to strictly adhere to complex instructions. Our benchmark comprises a diverse set of 400 image-prompt pairs, each crafted to challenge the models' compliance with layered instructions in generating accurate responses that satisfy specific requested patterns. Evaluation results from a wide array of state-of-the-art MLLMs reveal significant variations in performance, highlighting areas for improvement in instruction fidelity. Additionally, we create extra training data and explore supervised fine-tuning to enhance the models' ability to strictly follow instructions without compromising performance on other tasks. We hope this benchmark not only serves as a tool for measuring MLLM adherence to instructions, but also guides future developments in MLLM training methods.

replace-cross A Review of Large Language Models and Autonomous Agents in Chemistry

Authors: Mayk Caldas Ramos, Christopher J. Collison, Andrew D. White

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools in chemistry, significantly impacting molecule design, property prediction, and synthesis optimization. This review highlights LLM capabilities in these domains and their potential to accelerate scientific discovery through automation. We also review LLM-based autonomous agents: LLMs with a broader set of tools to interact with their surrounding environment. These agents perform diverse tasks such as paper scraping, interfacing with automated laboratories, and synthesis planning. As agents are an emerging topic, we extend the scope of our review of agents beyond chemistry and discuss across any scientific domains. This review covers the recent history, current capabilities, and design of LLMs and autonomous agents, addressing specific challenges, opportunities, and future directions in chemistry. Key challenges include data quality and integration, model interpretability, and the need for standard benchmarks, while future directions point towards more sophisticated multi-modal agents and enhanced collaboration between agents and experimental methods. Due to the quick pace of this field, a repository has been built to keep track of the latest studies:


replace-cross How Well Can a Long Sequence Model Model Long Sequences? Comparing Architechtural Inductive Biases on Long-Context Abilities

Authors: Jerry Huang

Abstract: Long sequences occur in abundance within real-world scenarios, hence properly modelling them opens numerous down-stream use-cases. Deep neural networks, however, have often struggled with these for a variety of reasons. Recent advances, both in system engineering as well as model design, have enabled the scaling up of model that are purported to support extended context length. In particular, the state-space and linear recurrent neural network families of models hypothetically can entend to infinite sequence lenth. However, is this too good to be true? We conduct an evaluation to show that while such claims may be sound theoretically, there remain large practical gaps that are empirically observed. In particular, recurrent models still suffer in the same settings as long-context LLMs with attention. We further show that different inductive biases have inconsistent extrapolation capabilities, highlighting the need to further study such paradigms and investigate why long-context models seemingly fail to behave as one might expect.

replace-cross Exploring Scaling Trends in LLM Robustness

Authors: Nikolaus Howe, Micha{\l} Zajac, Ian McKenzie, Oskar Hollinsworth, Tom Tseng, Pierre-Luc Bacon, Adam Gleave

Abstract: Language model capabilities predictably improve from scaling a model's size and training data. Motivated by this, increasingly large language models have been trained, yielding an array of impressive capabilities. Yet these models are vulnerable to adversarial prompts, such as "jailbreaks" that hijack models to perform undesired behaviors, posing a significant risk of misuse. Prior work indicates that computer vision models become more robust with model and data scaling, raising the question: does language model robustness also improve with scale? We study this question empirically, finding that larger models respond substantially better to adversarial training, but there is little to no benefit from model scale in the absence of explicit defenses.

replace-cross Recursive Introspection: Teaching Language Model Agents How to Self-Improve

Authors: Yuxiao Qu, Tianjun Zhang, Naman Garg, Aviral Kumar

Abstract: A central piece in enabling intelligent agentic behavior in foundation models is to make them capable of introspecting upon their behavior, reasoning, and correcting their mistakes as more computation or interaction is available. Even the strongest proprietary large language models (LLMs) do not quite exhibit the ability of continually improving their responses sequentially, even in scenarios where they are explicitly told that they are making a mistake. In this paper, we develop RISE: Recursive IntroSpEction, an approach for fine-tuning LLMs to introduce this capability, despite prior work hypothesizing that this capability may not be possible to attain. Our approach prescribes an iterative fine-tuning procedure, which attempts to teach the model how to alter its response after having executed previously unsuccessful attempts to solve a hard test-time problem, with optionally additional environment feedback. RISE poses fine-tuning for a single-turn prompt as solving a multi-turn Markov decision process (MDP), where the initial state is the prompt. Inspired by principles in online imitation learning and reinforcement learning, we propose strategies for multi-turn data collection and training so as to imbue an LLM with the capability to recursively detect and correct its previous mistakes in subsequent iterations. Our experiments show that RISE enables Llama2, Llama3, and Mistral models to improve themselves with more turns on math reasoning tasks, outperforming several single-turn strategies given an equal amount of inference-time computation. We also find that RISE scales well, often attaining larger benefits with more capable models. Our analysis shows that RISE makes meaningful improvements to responses to arrive at the correct solution for challenging prompts, without disrupting one-turn abilities as a result of expressing more complex distributions.