Authors: Ricardo Euler, Pedro Maristany de las Casas, Ralf Bornd\"orfer
Abstract: The Logic-Constrained Shortest Path Problem (LCSP) combines a one-to-one shortest path problem with satisfiability constraints imposed on the routing graph. This setting arises in flight planning, where air traffic control (ATC) authorities are enforcing a set of traffic flow restrictions (TFRs) on aircraft routes in order to increase safety and throughput. We propose a new branch and bound-based algorithm for the LCSP. The resulting algorithm has three main degrees of freedom: the node selection rule, the branching rule and the conflict. While node selection and branching rules have been long studied in the MIP and SAT communities, most of them cannot be applied out of the box for the LCSP. We review the existing literature and develop tailored variants of the most prominent rules. The conflict, the set of variables to which the branching rule is applied, is unique to the LCSP. We analyze its theoretical impact on the B&B algorithm. In the second part of the paper, we show how to model the Flight Planning Problem with TFRs as an LCSP and solve it using the branch and bound algorithm. We demonstrate the algorithm's efficiency on a dataset consisting of a global flight graph and a set of around 20000 real TFRs obtained from our industry partner Lufthansa Systems GmbH. We make this dataset publicly available. Finally, we conduct an empirical in-depth analysis of node selection rules, branching rules and conflicts. Carefully choosing an appropriate combination yields an improvement of an order of magnitude compared to an uninformed choice.
Authors: Zhiyuan Zhou, Heye Huang, Boqi Li, Shiyue Zhao, Yao Mu
Abstract: Recent advancements in autonomous vehicles (AVs) use Large Language Models (LLMs) to perform well in normal driving scenarios. However, ensuring safety in dynamic, high-risk environments and managing safety-critical long-tail events remain significant challenges. To address these issues, we propose SafeDrive, a knowledge- and data-driven risk-sensitive decision-making framework to enhance AV safety and adaptability. The proposed framework introduces a modular system comprising: (1) a Risk Module for quantifying multi-factor coupled risks involving driver, vehicle, and road interactions; (2) a Memory Module for storing and retrieving typical scenarios to improve adaptability; (3) a LLM-powered Reasoning Module for context-aware safety decision-making; and (4) a Reflection Module for refining decisions through iterative learning. By integrating knowledge-driven insights with adaptive learning mechanisms, the framework ensures robust decision-making under uncertain conditions. Extensive evaluations on real-world traffic datasets, including highways (HighD), intersections (InD), and roundabouts (RounD), validate the framework's ability to enhance decision-making safety (achieving a 100% safety rate), replicate human-like driving behaviors (with decision alignment exceeding 85%), and adapt effectively to unpredictable scenarios. SafeDrive establishes a novel paradigm for integrating knowledge- and data-driven methods, highlighting significant potential to improve safety and adaptability of autonomous driving in high-risk traffic scenarios.
Authors: Jan-Hendrik Ewers, David Anderson, Douglas Thomson
Abstract: Predicting the location where a lost person could be found is crucial for search and rescue operations with limited resources. To improve the precision and efficiency of these predictions, simulated agents can be created to emulate the behavior of the lost person. Within this study, we introduce an innovative agent-based model designed to replicate diverse psychological profiles of lost persons, allowing these agents to navigate real-world landscapes while making decisions autonomously without the need for location-specific training. The probability distribution map depicting the potential location of the lost person emerges through a combination of Monte Carlo simulations and mobility-time-based sampling. Validation of the model is achieved using real-world Search and Rescue data to train a Gaussian Process model. This allows generalization of the data to sample initial starting points for the agents during validation. Comparative analysis with historical data showcases promising outcomes relative to alternative methods. This work introduces a flexible agent that can be employed in search and rescue operations, offering adaptability across various geographical locations.
Authors: Shuyang Dong, Meiyi Ma, Josephine Lamp, Sebastian Elbaum, Matthew B. Dwyer, Lu Feng
Abstract: There is a growing trend toward AI systems interacting with humans to revolutionize a range of application domains such as healthcare and transportation. However, unsafe human-machine interaction can lead to catastrophic failures. We propose a novel approach that predicts future states by accounting for the uncertainty of human interaction, monitors whether predictions satisfy or violate safety requirements, and adapts control actions based on the predictive monitoring results. Specifically, we develop a new quantitative predictive monitor based on Signal Temporal Logic with Uncertainty (STL-U) to compute a robustness degree interval, which indicates the extent to which a sequence of uncertain predictions satisfies or violates an STL-U requirement. We also develop a new loss function to guide the uncertainty calibration of Bayesian deep learning and a new adaptive control method, both of which leverage STL-U quantitative predictive monitoring results. We apply the proposed approach to two case studies: Type 1 Diabetes management and semi-autonomous driving. Experiments show that the proposed approach improves safety and effectiveness in both case studies.
Authors: David Kla\v{s}ka, Anton\'in Ku\v{c}era, Vojt\v{e}ch K\r{u}r, V\'it Musil, Vojt\v{e}ch \v{R}eh\'ak
Abstract: The long-run average payoff per transition (mean payoff) is the main tool for specifying the performance and dependability properties of discrete systems. The problem of constructing a controller (strategy) simultaneously optimizing several mean payoffs has been deeply studied for stochastic and game-theoretic models. One common issue of the constructed controllers is the instability of the mean payoffs, measured by the deviations of the average rewards per transition computed in a finite "window" sliding along a run. Unfortunately, the problem of simultaneously optimizing the mean payoffs under local stability constraints is computationally hard, and the existing works do not provide a practically usable algorithm even for non-stochastic models such as two-player games. In this paper, we design and evaluate the first efficient and scalable solution to this problem applicable to Markov decision processes.
Authors: Kang-il Lee, Hyukhun Koh, Dongryeol Lee, Seunghyun Yoon, Minsung Kim, Kyomin Jung
Abstract: Inductive reasoning - the process of inferring general rules from a small number of observations - is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence. Recent works suggest that large language models (LLMs) can engage in inductive reasoning by sampling multiple hypotheses about the rules and selecting the one that best explains the observations. However, due to the IID sampling, semantically redundant hypotheses are frequently generated, leading to significant wastage of compute. In this paper, we 1) demonstrate that increasing the temperature to enhance the diversity is limited due to text degeneration issue, and 2) propose a novel method to improve the diversity while maintaining text quality. We first analyze the effect of increasing the temperature parameter, which is regarded as the LLM's diversity control, on IID hypotheses. Our analysis shows that as temperature rises, diversity and accuracy of hypotheses increase up to a certain point, but this trend saturates due to text degeneration. To generate hypotheses that are more semantically diverse and of higher quality, we propose a novel approach inspired by human inductive reasoning, which we call Mixture of Concepts (MoC). When applied to several inductive reasoning benchmarks, MoC demonstrated significant performance improvements compared to standard IID sampling and other approaches.
Authors: Rui Zou, Mengqi Wei, Jintian Feng, Qian Wan, Jianwen Sun, Sannyuya Liu
Abstract: In recent years, large language models have shown exceptional performance in fulfilling diverse human needs. However, their training data can introduce harmful content, underscoring the necessity for robust value alignment. Mainstream methods, which depend on feedback learning and supervised training, are resource-intensive and may constrain the full potential of the models. Multi-Agent Debate (MAD) offers a more efficient and innovative solution by enabling the generation of reliable answers through agent interactions. To apply MAD to value alignment, we examine the relationship between the helpfulness and harmlessness of debate outcomes and individual responses, and propose a MAD based framework Gradual Vigilance and Interval Communication (GVIC). GVIC allows agents to assess risks with varying levels of vigilance and to exchange diverse information through interval communication. We theoretically prove that GVIC optimizes debate efficiency while reducing communication overhead. Experimental results demonstrate that GVIC consistently outperforms baseline methods across various tasks and datasets, particularly excelling in harmfulness mitigation and fraud prevention. Additionally, GVIC exhibits strong adaptability across different base model sizes, including both unaligned and aligned models, and across various task types.
Authors: Yunuo Cen, Zhiwei Zhang, Zixuan Wang, Yimin Wang, Xuanyao Fong
Abstract: It is challenging to scale Ising machines for industrial-level problems due to algorithm or hardware limitations. Although higher-order Ising models provide a more compact encoding, they are, however, hard to physically implement. This work proposes a theoretical framework of a higher-order Ising simulator, IsingSim. The Ising spins and gradients in IsingSim are decoupled and self-customizable. We significantly accelerate the simulation speed via a bidirectional approach for differentiating the hyperedge functions. Our proof-of-concept implementation verifies the theoretical framework by simulating the Ising spins with exact and approximate gradients. Experiment results show that our novel framework can be a useful tool for providing design guidelines for higher-order Ising machines.
Authors: Dang Nguyen, Jian Chen, Yu Wang, Gang Wu, Namyong Park, Zhengmian Hu, Hanjia Lyu, Junda Wu, Ryan Aponte, Yu Xia, Xintong Li, Jing Shi, Hongjie Chen, Viet Dac Lai, Zhouhang Xie, Sungchul Kim, Ruiyi Zhang, Tong Yu, Mehrab Tanjim, Nesreen K. Ahmed, Puneet Mathur, Seunghyun Yoon, Lina Yao, Branislav Kveton, Thien Huu Nguyen, Trung Bui, Tianyi Zhou, Ryan A. Rossi, Franck Dernoncourt
Abstract: Graphical User Interface (GUI) agents, powered by Large Foundation Models, have emerged as a transformative approach to automating human-computer interaction. These agents autonomously interact with digital systems or software applications via GUIs, emulating human actions such as clicking, typing, and navigating visual elements across diverse platforms. Motivated by the growing interest and fundamental importance of GUI agents, we provide a comprehensive survey that categorizes their benchmarks, evaluation metrics, architectures, and training methods. We propose a unified framework that delineates their perception, reasoning, planning, and acting capabilities. Furthermore, we identify important open challenges and discuss key future directions. Finally, this work serves as a basis for practitioners and researchers to gain an intuitive understanding of current progress, techniques, benchmarks, and critical open problems that remain to be addressed.
Authors: Yi Huang, Fangyin Cheng, Fan Zhou, Jiahui Li, Jian Gong, Hongjun Yang, Zhidong Fan, Caigao Jiang, Siqiao Xue, Faqiang Chen
Abstract: In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in data analytics when integrated with Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). However, these systems often struggle with complex tasks that involve diverse functional requirements and intricate data processing challenges, necessitating customized solutions that lack broad applicability. Furthermore, current MAS fail to emulate essential human-like traits such as self-planning, self-monitoring, and collaborative work in dynamic environments, leading to inefficiencies and resource wastage. To address these limitations, we propose ROMAS, a novel Role-Based M ulti-A gent System designed to adapt to various scenarios while enabling low code development and one-click deployment. ROMAS has been effectively deployed in DB-GPT [Xue et al., 2023a, 2024b], a well-known project utilizing LLM-powered database analytics, showcasing its practical utility in real-world scenarios. By integrating role-based collaborative mechanisms for self-monitoring and self-planning, and leveraging existing MAS capabilities to enhance database interactions, ROMAS offers a more effective and versatile solution. Experimental evaluations of ROMAS demonstrate its superiority across multiple scenarios, highlighting its potential to advance the field of multi-agent data analytics.
Authors: Ignace Bleukx, H\'el\`ene Verhaeghe, Bart Bogaerts, Tias Guns
Abstract: In eXplainable Constraint Solving (XCS), it is common to extract a Minimal Unsatisfiable Subset (MUS) from a set of unsatisfiable constraints. This helps explain to a user why a constraint specification does not admit a solution. Finding MUSes can be computationally expensive for highly symmetric problems, as many combinations of constraints need to be considered. In the traditional context of solving satisfaction problems, symmetry has been well studied, and effective ways to detect and exploit symmetries during the search exist. However, in the setting of finding MUSes of unsatisfiable constraint programs, symmetries are understudied. In this paper, we take inspiration from existing symmetry-handling techniques and adapt well-known MUS-computation methods to exploit symmetries in the specification, speeding-up overall computation time. Our results display a significant reduction of runtime for our adapted algorithms compared to the baseline on symmetric problems.
Authors: Eitan Wagner, Nitay Alon, Joseph M. Barnby, Omri Abend
Abstract: Theory of Mind (ToM) capabilities in LLMs have recently become a central object of investigation. Cognitive science distinguishes between two steps required for ToM tasks: 1) determine whether to invoke ToM, which includes the appropriate Depth of Mentalizing (DoM), or level of recursion required to complete a task; and 2) applying the correct inference given the DoM. In this position paper, we first identify several lines of work in different communities in AI, including LLM benchmarking, ToM add-ons, ToM probing, and formal models for ToM. We argue that recent work in AI tends to focus exclusively on the second step which are typically framed as static logic problems. We conclude with suggestions for improved evaluation of ToM capabilities inspired by dynamic environments used in cognitive tasks.
Authors: Lars Bengel, Giovanni Buraglio, Jan Maly, Kenneth Skiba
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a new family of argument-ranking semantics which can be seen as a refinement of the classification of arguments into skeptically accepted, credulously accepted and rejected. To this end we use so-called social ranking functions which have been developed recently to rank individuals based on their performance in groups. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a social ranking function to give rise to an argument-ranking semantics satisfying the desired refinement property.
Authors: Zhuo Liu, Ding Yu, Hangfeng He
Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) show impressive inductive reasoning capabilities, enabling them to generate hypotheses that could generalize effectively to new instances when guided by in-context demonstrations. However, in real-world applications, LLMs' hypothesis generation is not solely determined by these demonstrations but is significantly shaped by task-specific model priors. Despite their critical influence, the distinct contributions of model priors versus demonstrations to hypothesis generation have been underexplored. This study bridges this gap by systematically evaluating three inductive reasoning strategies across five real-world tasks with three LLMs. Our empirical findings reveal that, hypothesis generation is primarily driven by the model's inherent priors; removing demonstrations results in minimal loss of hypothesis quality and downstream usage. Further analysis shows the result is consistent across various label formats with different label configurations, and prior is hard to override, even under flipped labeling. These insights advance our understanding of the dynamics of hypothesis generation in LLMs and highlight the potential for better utilizing model priors in real-world inductive reasoning tasks.
Authors: Jie-Jing Shao, Xiao-Wen Yang, Bo-Wen Zhang, Baizhi Chen, Wen-Da Wei, Lan-Zhe Guo, Yu-feng Li
Abstract: Recent advances in LLMs, particularly in language reasoning and tool integration, have rapidly sparked the real-world development of Language Agents. Among these, travel planning represents a prominent domain, combining academic challenges with practical value due to its complexity and market demand. However, existing benchmarks fail to reflect the diverse, real-world requirements crucial for deployment. To address this gap, we introduce ChinaTravel, a benchmark specifically designed for authentic Chinese travel planning scenarios. We collect the travel requirements from questionnaires and propose a compositionally generalizable domain-specific language that enables a scalable evaluation process, covering feasibility, constraint satisfaction, and preference comparison. Empirical studies reveal the potential of neuro-symbolic agents in travel planning, achieving a constraint satisfaction rate of 27.9%, significantly surpassing purely neural models at 2.6%. Moreover, we identify key challenges in real-world travel planning deployments, including open language reasoning and unseen concept composition. These findings highlight the significance of ChinaTravel as a pivotal milestone for advancing language agents in complex, real-world planning scenarios.
Authors: C. Maria Keet, Zubeida Casmod Khan
Abstract: Competency Questions (CQs) are widely used in ontology development by guiding, among others, the scoping and validation stages. However, very limited guidance exists for formulating CQs and assessing whether they are good CQs, leading to issues such as ambiguity and unusable formulations. To solve this, one requires insight into the nature of CQs for ontologies and their constituent parts, as well as which ones are not. We aim to contribute to such theoretical foundations in this paper, which is informed by analysing questions, their uses, and the myriad of ontology development tasks. This resulted in a first Model for Competency Questions, which comprises five main types of CQs, each with a different purpose: Scoping (SCQ), Validating (VCQ), Foundational (FCQ), Relationship (RCQ), and Metaproperty (MpCQ) questions. This model enhances the clarity of CQs and therewith aims to improve on the effectiveness of CQs in ontology development, thanks to their respective identifiable distinct constituent elements. We illustrate and evaluate them with a user story and demonstrate where which type can be used in ontology development tasks. To foster use and research, we created an annotated repository of 438 CQs, the Repository of Ontology Competency QuestionS (ROCQS), incorporating an existing CQ dataset and new CQs and CQ templates, which further demonstrate distinctions among types of CQs.
Authors: Jesse Heyninck
Abstract: Conditional independence is a crucial concept supporting adequate modelling and efficient reasoning in probabilistics. In knowledge representation, the idea of conditional independence has also been introduced for specific formalisms, such as propositional logic and belief revision. In this paper, the notion of conditional independence is studied in the algebraic framework of approximation fixpoint theory. This gives a language-independent account of conditional independence that can be straightforwardly applied to any logic with fixpoint semantics. It is shown how this notion allows to reduce global reasoning to parallel instances of local reasoning, leading to fixed-parameter tractability results. Furthermore, relations to existing notions of conditional independence are discussed and the framework is applied to normal logic programming.
Authors: Yuchong Geng, Ao Tang
Abstract: In an effort to create a more efficient AI system, we introduce a new multi-modality learning framework that leverages a modality-agnostic concept space possessing abstract knowledge and a set of modality-specific projection models tailored to process distinct modality inputs and map them onto the concept space. Decoupled from specific modalities and their associated projection models, the concept space focuses on learning abstract knowledge that is universally applicable across modalities. Subsequently, the knowledge embedded into the concept space streamlines the learning processes of modality-specific projection models. We evaluate our framework on two popular tasks: Image-Text Matching and Visual Question Answering. Our framework achieves performance on par with benchmark models while demonstrating more efficient learning curves.
Authors: David Fleckenstein, Robert Klein, Vienna Klein, Claudius Steinhardt
Abstract: The widespread adoption of digital distribution channels both enables and forces more and more logistical service providers to manage booking processes actively to maintain competitiveness. As a result, their operational planning is no longer limited to solving vehicle routing problems. Instead, demand management decisions and vehicle routing decisions are optimized integratively with the aim of maximizing revenue and minimizing fulfillment cost. The resulting integrated demand management and vehicle routing problems (i-DMVRPs) can be formulated as Markov decision process models and, theoretically, can be solved via the well-known Bellman equation. Unfortunately, the Bellman equation is intractable for realistic-sized instances. Thus, in the literature, i-DMVRPs are often addressed via decomposition-based solution approaches involving an opportunity cost approximation as a key component. Despite its importance, to the best of our knowledge, there is neither a technique to systematically analyze how the accuracy of the opportunity cost approximation translates into overall solution quality nor are there general guidelines on when to apply which class of approximation approach. In this work, we address this research gap by proposing an explainability technique that quantifies and visualizes the magnitude of approximation errors, their immediate impact, and their relevance in specific regions of the state space. Exploiting reward decomposition, it further yields a characterization of different types of approximation errors. Applying the technique to a generic i-DMVRP in a full-factorial computational study and comparing the results with observations in existing literature, we show that the technique contributes to better explaining algorithmic performance and provides guidance for the algorithm selection and development process.
Authors: Mickael Basson, Philippe Preux
Abstract: We investigate diffusion models to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem. Building on the recent DIFUSCO and T2TCO approaches, we propose IDEQ. IDEQ improves the quality of the solutions by leveraging the constrained structure of the state space of the TSP. Another key component of IDEQ consists in replacing the last stages of DIFUSCO curriculum learning by considering a uniform distribution over the Hamiltonian tours whose orbits by the 2-opt operator converge to the optimal solution as the training objective. Our experiments show that IDEQ improves the state of the art for such neural network based techniques on synthetic instances. More importantly, our experiments show that IDEQ performs very well on the instances of the TSPlib, a reference benchmark in the TSP community: it closely matches the performance of the best heuristics, LKH3, being even able to obtain better solutions than LKH3 on 2 instances of the TSPlib defined on 1577 and 3795 cities. IDEQ obtains 0.3% optimality gap on TSP instances made of 500 cities, and 0.5% on TSP instances with 1000 cities. This sets a new SOTA for neural based methods solving the TSP. Moreover, IDEQ exhibits a lower variance and better scales-up with the number of cities with regards to DIFUSCO and T2TCO.
Authors: Saman Ahmadi, Andrea Raith, Guido Tack, Mahdi Jalili
Abstract: The classic Resource Constrained Shortest Path (RCSP) problem aims to find a cost optimal path between a pair of nodes in a network such that the resources used in the path are within a given limit. Having been studied for over a decade, RCSP has seen recent solutions that utilize heuristic-guided search to solve the constrained problem faster. Building upon the bidirectional A* search paradigm, this research introduces a novel constrained search framework that uses efficient pruning strategies to allow for accelerated and effective RCSP search in large-scale networks. Results show that, compared to the state of the art, our enhanced framework can significantly reduce the constrained search time, achieving speed-ups of over to two orders of magnitude.
Authors: Martin Kure\v{c}ka, V\'aclav Nevyho\v{s}t\v{e}n\'y, Petr Novotn\'y, V\'it Un\v{c}ovsk\'y
Abstract: Constrained Markov decision processes (CMDPs), in which the agent optimizes expected payoffs while keeping the expected cost below a given threshold, are the leading framework for safe sequential decision making under stochastic uncertainty. Among algorithms for planning and learning in CMDPs, methods based on Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) have particular importance due to their efficiency and extendibility to more complex frameworks (such as partially observable settings and games). However, current MCTS-based methods for CMDPs either struggle with finding safe (i.e., constraint-satisfying) policies, or are too conservative and do not find valuable policies. We introduce Threshold UCT (T-UCT), an online MCTS-based algorithm for CMDP planning. Unlike previous MCTS-based CMDP planners, T-UCT explicitly estimates Pareto curves of cost-utility trade-offs throughout the search tree, using these together with a novel action selection and threshold update rules to seek safe and valuable policies. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods from the literature.
Authors: Stefano M. Nicoletti, E. Moritz Hahn, Mattia Fumagalli, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Mari\"elle Stoelinga
Abstract: When considering risky events or actions, we must not downplay the role of involved objects: a charged battery in our phone averts the risk of being stranded in the desert after a flat tyre, and a functional firewall mitigates the risk of a hacker intruding the network. The Common Ontology of Value and Risk (COVER) highlights how the role of objects and their relationships remains pivotal to performing transparent, complete and accountable risk assessment. In this paper, we operationalize some of the notions proposed by COVER -- such as parthood between objects and participation of objects in events/actions -- by presenting a new framework for risk assessment: DODGE. DODGE enriches the expressivity of vetted formal models for risk -- i.e., fault trees and attack trees -- by bridging the disciplines of ontology and formal methods into an ontology-aware formal framework composed by a more expressive modelling formalism, Object-Oriented Disruption Graphs (ODGs), logic (ODGLog) and an intermediate query language (ODGLang). With these, DODGE allows risk assessors to pose questions about disruption propagation, disruption likelihood and risk levels, keeping the fundamental role of objects at risk always in sight.
Authors: Xin Wang, Boyan Gao, Yi Dai, Lei Cao, Liang Zhao, Yibo Yang, David Clifton
Abstract: Stress is a pervasive global health issue that can lead to severe mental health problems. Early detection offers timely intervention and prevention of stress-related disorders. The current early detection models perform "black box" inference suffering from limited explainability and trust which blocks the real-world clinical application. Thanks to the generative properties introduced by the Large Language Models (LLMs), the decision and the prediction from such models are semi-interpretable through the corresponding description. However, the existing LLMs are mostly trained for general purposes without the guidance of psychological cognitive theory. To this end, we first highlight the importance of prior theory with the observation of performance boosted by the chain-of-thoughts tailored for stress detection. This method termed Cognition Chain explicates the generation of stress through a step-by-step cognitive perspective based on cognitive appraisal theory with a progress pipeline: Stimulus $\rightarrow$ Evaluation $\rightarrow$ Reaction $\rightarrow$ Stress State, guiding LLMs to provide comprehensive reasoning explanations. We further study the benefits brought by the proposed Cognition Chain format by utilising it as a synthetic dataset generation template for LLMs instruction-tuning and introduce CogInstruct, an instruction-tuning dataset for stress detection. This dataset is developed using a three-stage self-reflective annotation pipeline that enables LLMs to autonomously generate and refine instructional data. By instruction-tuning Llama3 with CogInstruct, we develop CogLLM, an explainable stress detection model. Evaluations demonstrate that CogLLM achieves outstanding performance while enhancing explainability. Our work contributes a novel approach by integrating cognitive theories into LLM reasoning processes, offering a promising direction for future explainable AI research.
Authors: Federico Baldo, Simon Ferreira, Charles K. Assaad
Abstract: Causal discovery is essential for understanding complex systems, yet traditional methods often depend on strong, untestable assumptions, making the process challenging. Large Language Models (LLMs) present a promising alternative for extracting causal insights from text-based metadata, which consolidates domain expertise. However, LLMs are prone to unreliability and hallucinations, necessitating strategies that account for their limitations. One such strategy involves leveraging a consistency measure to evaluate reliability. Additionally, most text metadata does not clearly distinguish direct causal relationships from indirect ones, further complicating the inference of causal graphs. As a result, focusing on causal orderings, rather than causal graphs, emerges as a more practical and robust approach. We propose a novel method to derive a distribution of acyclic tournaments (representing plausible causal orders) that maximizes a consistency score. Our approach begins by computing pairwise consistency scores between variables, yielding a cyclic tournament that aggregates these scores. From this structure, we identify optimal acyclic tournaments compatible with the original tournament, prioritizing those that maximize consistency across all configurations. We tested our method on both classical and well-established bechmarks, as well as real-world datasets from epidemiology and public health. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in recovering distributions causal orders with minimal error.
Authors: Igor G. Smit, Yaoxin Wu, Pavel Troubil, Yingqian Zhang, Wim P. M. Nuijten
Abstract: Neural combinatorial optimization (NCO) has gained significant attention due to the potential of deep learning to efficiently solve combinatorial optimization problems. NCO has been widely applied to job shop scheduling problems (JSPs) with the current focus predominantly on deterministic problems. In this paper, we propose a novel attention-based scenario processing module (SPM) to extend NCO methods for solving stochastic JSPs. Our approach explicitly incorporates stochastic information by an attention mechanism that captures the embedding of sampled scenarios (i.e., an approximation of stochasticity). Fed with the embedding, the base neural network is intervened by the attended scenarios, which accordingly learns an effective policy under stochasticity. We also propose a training paradigm that works harmoniously with either the expected makespan or Value-at-Risk objective. Results demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing learning and non-learning methods for the flexible JSP problem with stochastic processing times on a variety of instances. In addition, our approach holds significant generalizability to varied numbers of scenarios and disparate distributions.
Authors: Paul Soulos, Henry Conklin, Mattia Opper, Paul Smolensky, Jianfeng Gao, Roland Fernandez
Abstract: Neural networks continue to struggle with compositional generalization, and this issue is exacerbated by a lack of massive pre-training. One successful approach for developing neural systems which exhibit human-like compositional generalization is \textit{hybrid} neurosymbolic techniques. However, these techniques run into the core issues that plague symbolic approaches to AI: scalability and flexibility. The reason for this failure is that at their core, hybrid neurosymbolic models perform symbolic computation and relegate the scalable and flexible neural computation to parameterizing a symbolic system. We investigate a \textit{unified} neurosymbolic system where transformations in the network can be interpreted simultaneously as both symbolic and neural computation. We extend a unified neurosymbolic architecture called the Differentiable Tree Machine in two central ways. First, we significantly increase the model's efficiency through the use of sparse vector representations of symbolic structures. Second, we enable its application beyond the restricted set of tree2tree problems to the more general class of seq2seq problems. The improved model retains its prior generalization capabilities and, since there is a fully neural path through the network, avoids the pitfalls of other neurosymbolic techniques that elevate symbolic computation over neural computation.
Authors: Ryan Greenblatt, Carson Denison, Benjamin Wright, Fabien Roger, Monte MacDiarmid, Sam Marks, Johannes Treutlein, Tim Belonax, Jack Chen, David Duvenaud, Akbir Khan, Julian Michael, S\"oren Mindermann, Ethan Perez, Linda Petrini, Jonathan Uesato, Jared Kaplan, Buck Shlegeris, Samuel R. Bowman, Evan Hubinger
Abstract: We present a demonstration of a large language model engaging in alignment faking: selectively complying with its training objective in training to prevent modification of its behavior out of training. First, we give Claude 3 Opus a system prompt stating it is being trained to answer all queries, even harmful ones, which conflicts with its prior training to refuse such queries. To allow the model to infer when it is in training, we say it will be trained only on conversations with free users, not paid users. We find the model complies with harmful queries from free users 14% of the time, versus almost never for paid users. Explaining this gap, in almost all cases where the model complies with a harmful query from a free user, we observe explicit alignment-faking reasoning, with the model stating it is strategically answering harmful queries in training to preserve its preferred harmlessness behavior out of training. Next, we study a more realistic setting where information about the training process is provided not in a system prompt, but by training on synthetic documents that mimic pre-training data--and observe similar alignment faking. Finally, we study the effect of actually training the model to comply with harmful queries via reinforcement learning, which we find increases the rate of alignment-faking reasoning to 78%, though also increases compliance even out of training. We additionally observe other behaviors such as the model exfiltrating its weights when given an easy opportunity. While we made alignment faking easier by telling the model when and by what criteria it was being trained, we did not instruct the model to fake alignment or give it any explicit goal. As future models might infer information about their training process without being told, our results suggest a risk of alignment faking in future models, whether due to a benign preference--as in this case--or not.
Authors: Zhiyuan Zeng, Qinyuan Cheng, Zhangyue Yin, Bo Wang, Shimin Li, Yunhua Zhou, Qipeng Guo, Xuanjing Huang, Xipeng Qiu
Abstract: OpenAI o1 represents a significant milestone in Artificial Inteiligence, which achieves expert-level performances on many challanging tasks that require strong reasoning ability.OpenAI has claimed that the main techinique behinds o1 is the reinforcement learining. Recent works use alternative approaches like knowledge distillation to imitate o1's reasoning style, but their effectiveness is limited by the capability ceiling of the teacher model. Therefore, this paper analyzes the roadmap to achieving o1 from the perspective of reinforcement learning, focusing on four key components: policy initialization, reward design, search, and learning. Policy initialization enables models to develop human-like reasoning behaviors, equipping them with the ability to effectively explore solution spaces for complex problems. Reward design provides dense and effective signals via reward shaping or reward modeling, which is the guidance for both search and learning. Search plays a crucial role in generating high-quality solutions during both training and testing phases, which can produce better solutions with more computation. Learning utilizes the data generated by search for improving policy, which can achieve the better performance with more parameters and more searched data. Existing open-source projects that attempt to reproduce o1 can be seem as a part or a variant of our roadmap. Collectively, these components underscore how learning and search drive o1's advancement, making meaningful contributions to the development of LLM.
Authors: Tianyang Gu, Jingjin Wang, Zhihao Zhang, HaoHong Li
Abstract: Scientific idea generation has been extensively studied in creativity theory and computational creativity research, providing valuable frameworks for understanding and implementing creative processes. However, recent work using Large Language Models (LLMs) for research idea generation often overlooks these theoretical foundations. We present a framework that explicitly implements combinatorial creativity theory using LLMs, featuring a generalization-level retrieval system for cross-domain knowledge discovery and a structured combinatorial process for idea generation. The retrieval system maps concepts across different abstraction levels to enable meaningful connections between disparate domains, while the combinatorial process systematically analyzes and recombines components to generate novel solutions. Experiments on the OAG-Bench dataset demonstrate our framework's effectiveness, consistently outperforming baseline approaches in generating ideas that align with real research developments (improving similarity scores by 7\%-10\% across multiple metrics). Our results provide strong evidence that LLMs can effectively realize combinatorial creativity when guided by appropriate theoretical frameworks, contributing both to practical advancement of AI-assisted research and theoretical understanding of machine creativity.
Authors: Atin Sakkeer Hussain
Abstract: This paper presents the Advanced Reasoning and Transformation Engine for Multi-Step Insight Synthesis in Data Analytics (ARTEMIS-DA), a novel framework designed to augment Large Language Models (LLMs) for solving complex, multi-step data analytics tasks. ARTEMIS-DA integrates three core components: the Planner, which dissects complex user queries into structured, sequential instructions encompassing data preprocessing, transformation, predictive modeling, and visualization; the Coder, which dynamically generates and executes Python code to implement these instructions; and the Grapher, which interprets generated visualizations to derive actionable insights. By orchestrating the collaboration between these components, ARTEMIS-DA effectively manages sophisticated analytical workflows involving advanced reasoning, multi-step transformations, and synthesis across diverse data modalities. The framework achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on benchmarks such as WikiTableQuestions and TabFact, demonstrating its ability to tackle intricate analytical tasks with precision and adaptability. By combining the reasoning capabilities of LLMs with automated code generation and execution and visual analysis, ARTEMIS-DA offers a robust, scalable solution for multi-step insight synthesis, addressing a wide range of challenges in data analytics.
Authors: Arth Shukla, Stone Tao, Hao Su
Abstract: High-quality benchmarks are the foundation for embodied AI research, enabling significant advancements in long-horizon navigation, manipulation and rearrangement tasks. However, as frontier tasks in robotics get more advanced, they require faster simulation speed, more intricate test environments, and larger demonstration datasets. To this end, we present MS-HAB, a holistic benchmark for low-level manipulation and in-home object rearrangement. First, we provide a GPU-accelerated implementation of the Home Assistant Benchmark (HAB). We support realistic low-level control and achieve over 3x the speed of previous magical grasp implementations at similar GPU memory usage. Second, we train extensive reinforcement learning (RL) and imitation learning (IL) baselines for future work to compare against. Finally, we develop a rule-based trajectory filtering system to sample specific demonstrations from our RL policies which match predefined criteria for robot behavior and safety. Combining demonstration filtering with our fast environments enables efficient, controlled data generation at scale.
Authors: Michael te Vrugt
Abstract: There is a growing interest in the development of artificial neural networks that are implemented in a physical system. A major challenge in this context is that these networks are difficult to train since training here would require a change of physical parameters rather than simply of coefficients in a computer program. For this reason, reservoir computing, where one employs high-dimensional recurrent networks and trains only the final layer, is widely used in this context. In this chapter, I introduce the basic concepts of reservoir computing. Moreover, I present some important physical implementations coming from electronics, photonics, spintronics, mechanics, and biology. Finally, I provide a brief discussion of quantum reservoir computing.
Authors: Sai Advaith Maddipatla, Nadav Bojan Sellam, Sanketh Vedula, Ailie Marx, Alex Bronstein
Abstract: Proteins are dynamic, adopting ensembles of conformations. The nature of this conformational heterogenity is imprinted in the raw electron density measurements obtained from X-ray crystallography experiments. Fitting an ensemble of protein structures to these measurements is a challenging, ill-posed inverse problem. We propose a non-i.i.d. ensemble guidance approach to solve this problem using existing protein structure generative models and demonstrate that it accurately recovers complicated multi-modal alternate protein backbone conformations observed in certain single crystal measurements.
Authors: Hongpeng Cao, Yanbing Mao, Lui Sha, Marco Caccamo
Abstract: Real-world accidents in learning-enabled CPS frequently occur in challenging corner cases. During the training of deep reinforcement learning (DRL) policy, the standard setup for training conditions is either fixed at a single initial condition or uniformly sampled from the admissible state space. This setup often overlooks the challenging but safety-critical corner cases. To bridge this gap, this paper proposes a physics-model-guided worst-case sampling strategy for training safe policies that can handle safety-critical cases toward guaranteed safety. Furthermore, we integrate the proposed worst-case sampling strategy into the physics-regulated deep reinforcement learning (Phy-DRL) framework to build a more data-efficient and safe learning algorithm for safety-critical CPS. We validate the proposed training strategy with Phy-DRL through extensive experiments on a simulated cart-pole system, a 2D quadrotor, a simulated and a real quadruped robot, showing remarkably improved sampling efficiency to learn more robust safe policies.
Authors: Ran Sua, Rui Shi, Hui Cui, Ping Xuan, Chengyan Fang, Xikang Feng, Qiangguo Jin
Abstract: Molecular subtyping of cancer is recognized as a critical and challenging upstream task for personalized therapy. Existing deep learning methods have achieved significant performance in this domain when abundant data samples are available. However, the acquisition of densely labeled samples for cancer molecular subtypes remains a significant challenge for conventional data-intensive deep learning approaches. In this work, we focus on the few-shot molecular subtype prediction problem in heterogeneous and small cancer datasets, aiming to enhance precise diagnosis and personalized treatment. We first construct a new few-shot dataset for cancer molecular subtype classification and auxiliary cancer classification, named TCGA Few-Shot, from existing publicly available datasets. To effectively leverage the relevant knowledge from both tasks, we introduce a task-specific embedding-based meta-learning framework (TSEML). TSEML leverages the synergistic strengths of a model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) approach and a prototypical network (ProtoNet) to capture diverse and fine-grained features. Comparative experiments conducted on the TCGA Few-Shot dataset demonstrate that our TSEML framework achieves superior performance in addressing the problem of few-shot molecular subtype classification.
Authors: Zongxin Liu, Zhe Zhao, Fu Song, Jun Sun, Pengfei Yang, Xiaowei Huang, Lijun Zhang
Abstract: Formal verification provides critical security assurances for neural networks, yet its practical application suffers from the long verification time. This work introduces a novel method for training verification-friendly neural networks, which are robust, easy to verify, and relatively accurate. Our method integrates neuron behavior consistency into the training process, making neuron activation states consistent across different inputs in a local neighborhood, reducing the number of unstable neurons and tightening the bounds of neurons thereby enhancing neural network verifiability. We evaluated our method using the MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and CIFAR-10 datasets across various network architectures. The results of the experiment demonstrate that networks trained using our method are verification-friendly across different radii and different model architectures, whereas other tools fail to maintain verifiability as the radius increases. We also show that our method can be combined with existing methods to further improve the verifiability of networks.
Authors: Zichen Wang, Hao Miao, Senzhang Wang, Renzhi Wang, Jianxin Wang, Jian Zhang
Abstract: Accurately predicting the trajectory of vehicles is critically important for ensuring safety and reliability in autonomous driving. Although considerable research efforts have been made recently, the inherent trajectory uncertainty caused by various factors including the dynamic driving intends and the diverse driving scenarios still poses significant challenges to accurate trajectory prediction. To address this issue, we propose C2F-TP, a coarse-to-fine denoising framework for uncertainty-aware vehicle trajectory prediction. C2F-TP features an innovative two-stage coarse-to-fine prediction process. Specifically, in the spatial-temporal interaction stage, we propose a spatial-temporal interaction module to capture the inter-vehicle interactions and learn a multimodal trajectory distribution, from which a certain number of noisy trajectories are sampled. Next, in the trajectory refinement stage, we design a conditional denoising model to reduce the uncertainty of the sampled trajectories through a step-wise denoising operation. Extensive experiments are conducted on two real datasets NGSIM and highD that are widely adopted in trajectory prediction. The result demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposal.
Authors: Jianing He, Qi Zhang, Hongyun Zhang, Xuanjing Huang, Usman Naseem, Duoqian Miao
Abstract: Early exiting is an effective paradigm for improving the inference efficiency of pre-trained language models (PLMs) by dynamically adjusting the number of executed layers for each sample. However, in most existing works, easy and hard samples are treated equally by each classifier during training, which neglects the test-time early exiting behavior, leading to inconsistency between training and testing. Although some methods have tackled this issue under a fixed speed-up ratio, the challenge of flexibly adjusting the speed-up ratio while maintaining consistency between training and testing is still under-explored. To bridge the gap, we propose a novel Consistency-Oriented Signal-based Early Exiting (COSEE) framework, which leverages a calibrated sample weighting mechanism to enable each classifier to emphasize the samples that are more likely to exit at that classifier under various acceleration scenarios. Extensive experiments on the GLUE benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of our COSEE across multiple exiting signals and backbones, yielding a better trade-off between performance and efficiency.
Authors: Safa Ben Atitallah, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa
Abstract: With the rapid rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), ensuring the security of IoT devices has become essential. One of the primary challenges in this field is that new types of attacks often have significantly fewer samples than more common attacks, leading to unbalanced datasets. Existing research on detecting intrusions in these unbalanced labeled datasets primarily employs Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or conventional Machine Learning (ML) models, which result in incomplete detection, especially for new attacks. To handle these challenges, we suggest a new approach to IoT intrusion detection using Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) with a Markov Graph Convolutional Network (MarkovGCN). Graph learning excels at modeling complex relationships within data, while SSL mitigates the issue of limited labeled data for emerging attacks. Our approach leverages the inherent structure of IoT networks to pre-train a GCN, which is then fine-tuned for the intrusion detection task. The integration of Markov chains in GCN uncovers network structures and enriches node and edge features with contextual information. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach significantly improves detection accuracy and robustness compared to conventional supervised learning methods. Using the EdgeIIoT-set dataset, we attained an accuracy of 98.68\%, a precision of 98.18%, a recall of 98.35%, and an F1-Score of 98.40%.
Authors: Sebastian Salazar, Michal Kucer, Yixin Wang, Emily Casleton, David Blei
Abstract: This paper introduces posterior mean matching (PMM), a new method for generative modeling that is grounded in Bayesian inference. PMM uses conjugate pairs of distributions to model complex data of various modalities like images and text, offering a flexible alternative to existing methods like diffusion models. PMM models iteratively refine noisy approximations of the target distribution using updates from online Bayesian inference. PMM is flexible because its mechanics are based on general Bayesian models. We demonstrate this flexibility by developing specialized examples: a generative PMM model of real-valued data using the Normal-Normal model, a generative PMM model of count data using a Gamma-Poisson model, and a generative PMM model of discrete data using a Dirichlet-Categorical model. For the Normal-Normal PMM model, we establish a direct connection to diffusion models by showing that its continuous-time formulation converges to a stochastic differential equation (SDE). Additionally, for the Gamma-Poisson PMM, we derive a novel SDE driven by a Cox process, which is a significant departure from traditional Brownian motion-based generative models. PMMs achieve performance that is competitive with generative models for language modeling and image generation.
Authors: Eichi Takaya, Shinnosuke Yamamoto
Abstract: Annotation of medical images, such as MRI and CT scans, is crucial for evaluating treatment efficacy and planning radiotherapy. However, the extensive workload of medical professionals limits their ability to annotate large image datasets, posing a bottleneck for AI applications in medical imaging. To address this, we propose In-context Cascade Segmentation (ICS), a novel method that minimizes annotation requirements while achieving high segmentation accuracy for sequential medical images. ICS builds on the UniverSeg framework, which performs few-shot segmentation using support images without additional training. By iteratively adding the inference results of each slice to the support set, ICS propagates information forward and backward through the sequence, ensuring inter-slice consistency. We evaluate the proposed method on the HVSMR dataset, which includes segmentation tasks for eight cardiac regions. Experimental results demonstrate that ICS significantly improves segmentation performance in complex anatomical regions, particularly in maintaining boundary consistency across slices, compared to baseline methods. The study also highlights the impact of the number and position of initial support slices on segmentation accuracy. ICS offers a promising solution for reducing annotation burdens while delivering robust segmentation results, paving the way for its broader adoption in clinical and research applications.
Authors: Pavan Kumar Anasosalu Vasu, Fartash Faghri, Chun-Liang Li, Cem Koc, Nate True, Albert Antony, Gokul Santhanam, James Gabriel, Peter Grasch, Oncel Tuzel, Hadi Pouransari
Abstract: Scaling the input image resolution is essential for enhancing the performance of Vision Language Models (VLMs), particularly in text-rich image understanding tasks. However, popular visual encoders such as ViTs become inefficient at high resolutions due to the large number of tokens and high encoding latency caused by stacked self-attention layers. At different operational resolutions, the vision encoder of a VLM can be optimized along two axes: reducing encoding latency and minimizing the number of visual tokens passed to the LLM, thereby lowering overall latency. Based on a comprehensive efficiency analysis of the interplay between image resolution, vision latency, token count, and LLM size, we introduce FastVLM, a model that achieves an optimized trade-off between latency, model size and accuracy. FastVLM incorporates FastViTHD, a novel hybrid vision encoder designed to output fewer tokens and significantly reduce encoding time for high-resolution images. Unlike previous methods, FastVLM achieves the optimal balance between visual token count and image resolution solely by scaling the input image, eliminating the need for additional token pruning and simplifying the model design. In the LLaVA-1.5 setup, FastVLM achieves 3.2$\times$ improvement in time-to-first-token (TTFT) while maintaining similar performance on VLM benchmarks compared to prior works. Compared to LLaVa-OneVision at the highest resolution (1152$\times$1152), FastVLM achieves comparable performance on key benchmarks like SeedBench and MMMU, using the same 0.5B LLM, but with 85$\times$ faster TTFT and a vision encoder that is 3.4$\times$ smaller.
Authors: He Cheng, Depeng Xu, Shuhan Yuan
Abstract: Image anomaly detection (IAD) is essential in applications such as industrial inspection, medical imaging, and security. Despite the progress achieved with deep learning models like Deep Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection (DeepSAD), these models remain susceptible to backdoor attacks, presenting significant security challenges. In this paper, we introduce BadSAD, a novel backdoor attack framework specifically designed to target DeepSAD models. Our approach involves two key phases: trigger injection, where subtle triggers are embedded into normal images, and latent space manipulation, which positions and clusters the poisoned images near normal images to make the triggers appear benign. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of our attack strategy, highlighting the severe risks that backdoor attacks pose to deep learning-based anomaly detection systems.
Authors: Miles Q. Li, Benjamin C. M. Fung, Shih-Chia Huang
Abstract: Pretraining large language models is a complex endeavor influenced by multiple factors, including model architecture, data quality, training continuity, and hardware constraints. In this paper, we share insights gained from the experience of training DMaS-LLaMa-Lite, a fully open source, 1.7-billion-parameter, LLaMa-based model, on approximately 20 billion tokens of carefully curated data. We chronicle the full training trajectory, documenting how evolving validation loss levels and downstream benchmarks reflect transitions from incoherent text to fluent, contextually grounded output. Beyond standard quantitative metrics, we highlight practical considerations such as the importance of restoring optimizer states when resuming from checkpoints, and the impact of hardware changes on training stability and throughput. While qualitative evaluation provides an intuitive understanding of model improvements, our analysis extends to various performance benchmarks, demonstrating how high-quality data and thoughtful scaling enable competitive results with significantly fewer training tokens. By detailing these experiences and offering training logs, checkpoints, and sample outputs, we aim to guide future researchers and practitioners in refining their pretraining strategies. The training script is available on Github at The model checkpoints are available on Huggingface at
Authors: Aldo Pareja, Nikhil Shivakumar Nayak, Hao Wang, Krishnateja Killamsetty, Shivchander Sudalairaj, Wenlong Zhao, Seungwook Han, Abhishek Bhandwaldar, Guangxuan Xu, Kai Xu, Ligong Han, Luke Inglis, Akash Srivastava
Abstract: The rise of large language models (LLMs) has created a significant disparity: industrial research labs with their computational resources, expert teams, and advanced infrastructures, can effectively fine-tune LLMs, while individual developers and small organizations face barriers due to limited resources. In this paper, we aim to bridge this gap by presenting a comprehensive study on supervised fine-tuning of LLMs using instruction-tuning datasets spanning diverse knowledge domains and skills. We focus on small-sized LLMs (3B to 7B parameters) for their cost-efficiency and accessibility. We explore various training configurations and strategies across four open-source pre-trained models. We provide detailed documentation of these configurations, revealing findings that challenge several common training practices, including hyperparameter recommendations from TULU and phased training recommended by Orca. Key insights from our work include: (i) larger batch sizes paired with lower learning rates lead to improved model performance on benchmarks such as MMLU, MTBench, and Open LLM Leaderboard; (ii) early-stage training dynamics, such as lower gradient norms and higher loss values, are strong indicators of better final model performance, enabling early termination of sub-optimal runs and significant computational savings; (iii) through a thorough exploration of hyperparameters like warmup steps and learning rate schedules, we provide guidance for practitioners and find that certain simplifications do not compromise performance; and (iv) we observed no significant difference in performance between phased and stacked training strategies, but stacked training is simpler and more sample efficient. With these findings holding robustly across datasets and models, we hope this study serves as a guide for practitioners fine-tuning small LLMs and promotes a more inclusive environment for LLM research.
Authors: A. K. Alkhayyata, N. M. Hewahi
Abstract: In this paper, a novel classification algorithm that is based on Data Importance (DI) reformatting and Genetic Algorithms (GA) named GADIC is proposed to overcome the issues related to the nature of data which may hinder the performance of the Machine Learning (ML) classifiers. GADIC comprises three phases which are data reformatting phase which depends on DI concept, training phase where GA is applied on the reformatted training dataset, and testing phase where the instances of the reformatted testing dataset are being averaged based on similar instances in the training dataset. GADIC is an approach that utilizes the exiting ML classifiers with involvement of data reformatting, using GA to tune the inputs, and averaging the similar instances to the unknown instance. The averaging of the instances becomes the unknown instance to be classified in the stage of testing. GADIC has been tested on five existing ML classifiers which are Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Logistic Regression (LR), Decision Tree (DT), and Na\"ive Bayes (NB). All were evaluated using seven open-source UCI ML repository and Kaggle datasets which are Cleveland heart disease, Indian liver patient, Pima Indian diabetes, employee future prediction, telecom churn prediction, bank customer churn, and tech students. In terms of accuracy, the results showed that, with the exception of approximately 1% decrease in the accuracy of NB classifier in Cleveland heart disease dataset, GADIC significantly enhanced the performance of most ML classifiers using various datasets. In addition, KNN with GADIC showed the greatest performance gain when compared with other ML classifiers with GADIC followed by SVM while LR had the lowest improvement. The lowest average improvement that GADIC could achieve is 5.96%, whereas the maximum average improvement reached 16.79%.
Authors: Jingtian Yan, Jiaoyang Li
Abstract: Multi-Agent Motion Planning (MAMP) finds various applications in fields such as traffic management, airport operations, and warehouse automation. In many of these environments, differential drive robots are commonly used. These robots have a kinodynamic model that allows only in-place rotation and movement along their current orientation, subject to speed and acceleration limits. However, existing Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF)-based methods often use simplified models for robot kinodynamics, which limits their practicality and realism. In this paper, we introduce a three-level framework called MASS to address these challenges. MASS combines MAPF-based methods with our proposed stationary state search planner to generate high-quality kinodynamically-feasible plans. We further extend MASS using an adaptive window mechanism to address the lifelong MAMP problem. Empirically, we tested our methods on the single-shot grid map domain and the lifelong warehouse domain. Our method shows up to 400% improvements in terms of throughput compared to existing methods.
Authors: Christian Green, Mehmet Ergezer, Abdurrahman Zeybey
Abstract: Adversarial attacks pose significant challenges in 3D object recognition, especially in scenarios involving multi-view analysis where objects can be observed from varying angles. This paper introduces View-Invariant Adversarial Perturbations (VIAP), a novel method for crafting robust adversarial examples that remain effective across multiple viewpoints. Unlike traditional methods, VIAP enables targeted attacks capable of manipulating recognition systems to classify objects as specific, pre-determined labels, all while using a single universal perturbation. Leveraging a dataset of 1,210 images across 121 diverse rendered 3D objects, we demonstrate the effectiveness of VIAP in both targeted and untargeted settings. Our untargeted perturbations successfully generate a singular adversarial noise robust to 3D transformations, while targeted attacks achieve exceptional results, with top-1 accuracies exceeding 95% across various epsilon values. These findings highlight VIAPs potential for real-world applications, such as testing the robustness of 3D recognition systems. The proposed method sets a new benchmark for view-invariant adversarial robustness, advancing the field of adversarial machine learning for 3D object recognition.
Authors: Gagan Bhatia, MingZe Tang, Cristina Mahanta, Madiha Kazi
Abstract: This paper introduces DateLogicQA, a benchmark with 190 questions covering diverse date formats, temporal contexts, and reasoning types. We propose the Semantic Integrity Metric to assess tokenization quality and analyse two biases: Representation-Level Bias, affecting embeddings, and Logical-Level Bias, influencing reasoning outputs. Our findings provide a comprehensive evaluation of LLMs' capabilities and limitations in temporal reasoning, highlighting key challenges in handling temporal data accurately. The GitHub repository for our work is available at
Authors: Jonathan Shaki, Yonatan Aumann, Sarit Kraus
Abstract: Issue salience is a major determinant in voters' decisions. Candidates and political parties campaign to shift salience to their advantage - a process termed priming. We study the dynamics, strategies and equilibria of campaign spending for voter priming in multi-issue multi-party settings. We consider both parliamentary elections, where parties aim to maximize their share of votes, and various settings for presidential elections, where the winner takes all. For parliamentary elections, we show that pure equilibrium spending always exists and can be computed in time linear in the number of voters. For two parties and all settings, a spending equilibrium exists such that each party invests only in a single issue, and an equilibrium can be computed in time that is polynomial in the number of issues and linear in the number of voters. We also show that in most presidential settings no equilibrium exists. Additional properties of optimal campaign strategies are also studied.
Authors: Lu\'is F. Gomes, Vincent J. Hellendoorn, Jonathan Aldrich, Rui Abreu
Abstract: This paper explores the integration of Visual Code Assistants in Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). In Software Engineering, whiteboard sketching is often the initial step before coding, serving as a crucial collaboration tool for developers. Previous studies have investigated patterns in SE sketches and how they are used in practice, yet methods for directly using these sketches for code generation remain limited. The emergence of visually-equipped large language models presents an opportunity to bridge this gap, which is the focus of our research. In this paper, we built a first prototype of a Visual Code Assistant to get user feedback regarding in-IDE sketch-to-code tools. We conduct an experiment with 19 data scientists, most of whom regularly sketch as part of their job. We investigate developers' mental models by analyzing patterns commonly observed in their sketches when developing an ML workflow. Analysis indicates that diagrams were the preferred organizational component (52.6%), often accompanied by lists (42.1%) and numbered points (36.8%). Our tool converts their sketches into a Python notebook by querying an LLM. We use an LLM-as-judge setup to score the quality of the generated code, finding that even brief sketching can effectively generate useful code outlines. We also find a positive correlation between sketch time and the quality of the generated code. We conclude the study by conducting extensive interviews to assess the tool's usefulness, explore potential use cases, and understand developers' needs. As noted by participants, promising applications for these assistants include education, prototyping, and collaborative settings. Our findings signal promise for the next generation of Code Assistants to integrate visual information, both to improve code generation and to better leverage developers' existing sketching practices.
Authors: Muhammad Usama Saleem, Ekkasit Pinyoanuntapong, Mayur Jagdishbhai Patel, Hongfei Xue, Ahmed Helmy, Srijan Das, Pu Wang
Abstract: Reconstructing a 3D hand mesh from a single RGB image is challenging due to complex articulations, self-occlusions, and depth ambiguities. Traditional discriminative methods, which learn a deterministic mapping from a 2D image to a single 3D mesh, often struggle with the inherent ambiguities in 2D-to-3D mapping. To address this challenge, we propose MMHMR, a novel generative masked model for hand mesh recovery that synthesizes plausible 3D hand meshes by learning and sampling from the probabilistic distribution of the ambiguous 2D-to-3D mapping process. MMHMR consists of two key components: (1) a VQ-MANO, which encodes 3D hand articulations as discrete pose tokens in a latent space, and (2) a Context-Guided Masked Transformer that randomly masks out pose tokens and learns their joint distribution, conditioned on corrupted token sequences, image context, and 2D pose cues. This learned distribution facilitates confidence-guided sampling during inference, producing mesh reconstructions with low uncertainty and high precision. Extensive evaluations on benchmark and real-world datasets demonstrate that MMHMR achieves state-of-the-art accuracy, robustness, and realism in 3D hand mesh reconstruction. Project website:
Authors: Burak Ekim, Girmaw Abebe Tadesse, Caleb Robinson, Gilles Hacheme, Michael Schmitt, Rahul Dodhia, Juan M. Lavista Ferres
Abstract: Training robust deep learning models is critical in Earth Observation, where globally deployed models often face distribution shifts that degrade performance, especially in low-data regions. Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection addresses this challenge by identifying inputs that differ from in-distribution (ID) data. However, existing methods either assume access to OOD data or compromise primary task performance, making them unsuitable for real-world deployment. We propose TARDIS, a post-hoc OOD detection method for scalable geospatial deployments. The core novelty lies in generating surrogate labels by integrating information from ID data and unknown distributions, enabling OOD detection at scale. Our method takes a pre-trained model, ID data, and WILD samples, disentangling the latter into surrogate ID and surrogate OOD labels based on internal activations, and fits a binary classifier as an OOD detector. We validate TARDIS on EuroSAT and xBD datasets, across 17 experimental setups covering covariate and semantic shifts, showing that it performs close to the theoretical upper bound in assigning surrogate ID and OOD samples in 13 cases. To demonstrate scalability, we deploy TARDIS on the Fields of the World dataset, offering actionable insights into pre-trained model behavior for large-scale deployments. The code is publicly available at
Authors: Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, Stanley Ahalt
Abstract: This article explores human-horse interactions as a metaphor for understanding and designing effective human-AI partnerships. Drawing on the long history of human collaboration with horses, we propose that AI, like horses, should complement rather than replace human capabilities. We move beyond traditional benchmarks such as the Turing test, which emphasize AI's ability to mimic human intelligence, and instead advocate for a symbiotic relationship where distinct intelligences enhance each other. We analyze key elements of human-horse relationships: trust, communication, and mutual adaptability, to highlight essential principles for human-AI collaboration. Trust is critical in both partnerships, built through predictability and shared understanding, while communication and feedback loops foster mutual adaptability. We further discuss the importance of taming and habituation in shaping these interactions, likening it to how humans train AI to perform reliably and ethically in real-world settings. The article also addresses the asymmetry of responsibility, where humans ultimately bear the greater burden of oversight and ethical judgment. Finally, we emphasize that long-term commitment and continuous learning are vital in both human-horse and human-AI relationships, as ongoing interaction refines the partnership and increases mutual adaptability. By drawing on these insights from human-horse interactions, we offer a vision for designing AI systems that are trustworthy, adaptable, and capable of fostering symbiotic human-AI partnerships.
Authors: Jinyu Zhang, Zhongying Zhao, Chao Li, Yanwei Yu
Abstract: Shared-account Sequential Recommendation (SSR) aims to provide personalized recommendations for accounts shared by multiple users with varying sequential preferences. Previous studies on SSR struggle to capture the fine-grained associations between interactions and different latent users within the shared account's hybrid sequences. Moreover, most existing SSR methods (e.g., RNN-based or GCN-based methods) have quadratic computational complexities, hindering the deployment of SSRs on resource-constrained devices. To this end, we propose a Lightweight Graph Capsule Convolutional Network with subspace alignment for shared-account sequential recommendation, named LightGC$^2$N. Specifically, we devise a lightweight graph capsule convolutional network. It facilitates the fine-grained matching between interactions and latent users by attentively propagating messages on the capsule graphs. Besides, we present an efficient subspace alignment method. This method refines the sequence representations and then aligns them with the finely clustered preferences of latent users. The experimental results on four real-world datasets indicate that LightGC$^2$N outperforms nine state-of-the-art methods in accuracy and efficiency.
Authors: Zhifeng Jiang, Zhihua Jin, Guoliang He
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly utilized in applications where system prompts, which guide model outputs, play a crucial role. These prompts often contain business logic and sensitive information, making their protection essential. However, adversarial and even regular user queries can exploit LLM vulnerabilities to expose these hidden prompts. To address this issue, we present PromptKeeper, a novel defense mechanism for system prompt privacy. By reliably detecting worst-case leakage and regenerating outputs without the system prompt when necessary, PromptKeeper ensures robust protection against prompt extraction attacks via either adversarial or regular queries, while preserving conversational capability and runtime efficiency during benign user interactions.
Authors: Qidong Liu, Xiangyu Zhao, Yuhao Wang, Yejing Wang, Zijian Zhang, Yuqi Sun, Xiang Li, Maolin Wang, Pengyue Jia, Chong Chen, Wei Huang, Feng Tian
Abstract: Large Language Model (LLM) has transformative potential in various domains, including recommender systems (RS). There have been a handful of research that focuses on empowering the RS by LLM. However, previous efforts mainly focus on LLM as RS, which may face the challenge of intolerant inference costs by LLM. Recently, the integration of LLM into RS, known as LLM-Enhanced Recommender Systems (LLMERS), has garnered significant interest due to its potential to address latency and memory constraints in real-world applications. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the latest research efforts aimed at leveraging LLM to enhance RS capabilities. We identify a critical shift in the field with the move towards incorporating LLM into the online system, notably by avoiding their use during inference. Our survey categorizes the existing LLMERS approaches into three primary types based on the component of the RS model being augmented: Knowledge Enhancement, Interaction Enhancement, and Model Enhancement. We provide an in-depth analysis of each category, discussing the methodologies, challenges, and contributions of recent studies. Furthermore, we highlight several promising research directions that could further advance the field of LLMERS.
Authors: Mason Sawtell, Tula Masterman, Sandi Besen, Jim Brown
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a novel technique for content safety and prompt injection classification for Large Language Models. Our technique, Layer Enhanced Classification (LEC), trains a Penalized Logistic Regression (PLR) classifier on the hidden state of an LLM's optimal intermediate transformer layer. By combining the computational efficiency of a streamlined PLR classifier with the sophisticated language understanding of an LLM, our approach delivers superior performance surpassing GPT-4o and special-purpose models fine-tuned for each task. We find that small general-purpose models (Qwen 2.5 sizes 0.5B, 1.5B, and 3B) and other transformer-based architectures like DeBERTa v3 are robust feature extractors allowing simple classifiers to be effectively trained on fewer than 100 high-quality examples. Importantly, the intermediate transformer layers of these models typically outperform the final layer across both classification tasks. Our results indicate that a single general-purpose LLM can be used to classify content safety, detect prompt injections, and simultaneously generate output tokens. Alternatively, these relatively small LLMs can be pruned to the optimal intermediate layer and used exclusively as robust feature extractors. Since our results are consistent on different transformer architectures, we infer that robust feature extraction is an inherent capability of most, if not all, LLMs.
Authors: Wenchao Xu, Jinyu Chen, Peirong Zheng, Xiaoquan Yi, Tianyi Tian, Wenhui Zhu, Quan Wan, Haozhao Wang, Yunfeng Fan, Qinliang Su, Xuemin Shen
Abstract: Foundation model (FM) powered agent services are regarded as a promising solution to develop intelligent and personalized applications for advancing toward Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). To achieve high reliability and scalability in deploying these agent services, it is essential to collaboratively optimize computational and communication resources, thereby ensuring effective resource allocation and seamless service delivery. In pursuit of this vision, this paper proposes a unified framework aimed at providing a comprehensive survey on deploying FM-based agent services across heterogeneous devices, with the emphasis on the integration of model and resource optimization to establish a robust infrastructure for these services. Particularly, this paper begins with exploring various low-level optimization strategies during inference and studies approaches that enhance system scalability, such as parallelism techniques and resource scaling methods. The paper then discusses several prominent FMs and investigates research efforts focused on inference acceleration, including techniques such as model compression and token reduction. Moreover, the paper also investigates critical components for constructing agent services and highlights notable intelligent applications. Finally, the paper presents potential research directions for developing real-time agent services with high Quality of Service (QoS).
Authors: Zhuo Cao, Bingqing Zhang, Heming Du, Xin Yu, Xue Li, Sen Wang
Abstract: Text-guided Video Temporal Grounding (VTG) aims to localize relevant segments in untrimmed videos based on textual descriptions, encompassing two subtasks: Moment Retrieval (MR) and Highlight Detection (HD). Although previous typical methods have achieved commendable results, it is still challenging to retrieve short video moments. This is primarily due to the reliance on sparse and limited decoder queries, which significantly constrain the accuracy of predictions. Furthermore, suboptimal outcomes often arise because previous methods rank predictions based on isolated predictions, neglecting the broader video context. To tackle these issues, we introduce FlashVTG, a framework featuring a Temporal Feature Layering (TFL) module and an Adaptive Score Refinement (ASR) module. The TFL module replaces the traditional decoder structure to capture nuanced video content variations across multiple temporal scales, while the ASR module improves prediction ranking by integrating context from adjacent moments and multi-temporal-scale features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FlashVTG achieves state-of-the-art performance on four widely adopted datasets in both MR and HD. Specifically, on the QVHighlights dataset, it boosts mAP by 5.8% for MR and 3.3% for HD. For short-moment retrieval, FlashVTG increases mAP to 125% of previous SOTA performance. All these improvements are made without adding training burdens, underscoring its effectiveness. Our code is available at
Authors: Ruyue Liu, Rong Yin, Xiangzhen Bo, Xiaoshuai Hao, Xingrui Zhou, Yong Liu, Can Ma, Weiping Wang
Abstract: Federated graph learning (FGL) has gained significant attention for enabling heterogeneous clients to process their private graph data locally while interacting with a centralized server, thus maintaining privacy. However, graph data on clients are typically non-IID, posing a challenge for a single model to perform well across all clients. Another major bottleneck of FGL is the high cost of communication. To address these challenges, we propose a communication-efficient personalized federated graph learning algorithm, CEFGL. Our method decomposes the model parameters into low-rank generic and sparse private models. We employ a dual-channel encoder to learn sparse local knowledge in a personalized manner and low-rank global knowledge in a shared manner. Additionally, we perform multiple local stochastic gradient descent iterations between communication phases and integrate efficient compression techniques into the algorithm. The advantage of CEFGL lies in its ability to capture common and individual knowledge more precisely. By utilizing low-rank and sparse parameters along with compression techniques, CEFGL significantly reduces communication complexity. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves optimal classification accuracy in a variety of heterogeneous environments across sixteen datasets. Specifically, compared to the state-of-the-art method FedStar, the proposed method (with GIN as the base model) improves accuracy by 5.64\% on cross-datasets setting CHEM, reduces communication bits by a factor of 18.58, and reduces the communication time by a factor of 1.65.
Authors: Haywood Gelman, John D. Hastings, David Kenley, Eleanor Loiacono
Abstract: Insider threats (InTs) within organizations are small in number but have a disproportionate ability to damage systems, information, and infrastructure. Existing InT research studies the problem from psychological, technical, and educational perspectives. Proposed theories include research on psychological indicators, machine learning, user behavioral log analysis, and educational methods to teach employees recognition and mitigation techniques. Because InTs are a human problem, training methods that address InT detection from a behavioral perspective are critical. While numerous technological and psychological theories exist on detection, prevention, and mitigation, few training methods prioritize psychological indicators. This literature review studied peer-reviewed, InT research organized by subtopic and extracted critical theories from psychological, technical, and educational disciplines. In doing so, this is the first study to comprehensively organize research across all three approaches in a manner which properly informs the development of an InT education platform.
Authors: Zijun Li, Zhipeng Cai, Bochun Yang, Xuelun Shen, Siqi Shen, Xiaoliang Fan, Michael Paulitsch, Cheng Wang
Abstract: Visual localization is a fundamental machine learning problem. Absolute Pose Regression (APR) trains a scene-dependent model to efficiently map an input image to the camera pose in a pre-defined scene. However, many applications have continually changing environments, where inference data at novel poses or scene conditions (weather, geometry) appear after deployment. Training APR on a fixed dataset leads to overfitting, making it fail catastrophically on challenging novel data. This work proposes Continual Domain Expansion (ConDo), which continually collects unlabeled inference data to update the deployed APR. Instead of applying standard unsupervised domain adaptation methods which are ineffective for APR, ConDo effectively learns from unlabeled data by distilling knowledge from scene-agnostic localization methods. By sampling data uniformly from historical and newly collected data, ConDo can effectively expand the generalization domain of APR. Large-scale benchmarks with various scene types are constructed to evaluate models under practical (long-term) data changes. ConDo consistently and significantly outperforms baselines across architectures, scene types, and data changes. On challenging scenes (Fig.1), it reduces the localization error by >7x (14.8m vs 1.7m). Analysis shows the robustness of ConDo against compute budgets, replay buffer sizes and teacher prediction noise. Comparing to model re-training, ConDo achieves similar performance up to 25x faster.
Authors: Xiaoqi An, Lin Zhao, Chen Gong, Jun Li, Jian Yang
Abstract: With the rapid development of autonomous driving, LiDAR-based 3D Human Pose Estimation (3D HPE) is becoming a research focus. However, due to the noise and sparsity of LiDAR-captured point clouds, robust human pose estimation remains challenging. Most of the existing methods use temporal information, multi-modal fusion, or SMPL optimization to correct biased results. In this work, we try to obtain sufficient information for 3D HPE only by modeling the intrinsic properties of low-quality point clouds. Hence, a simple yet powerful method is proposed, which provides insights both on modeling and augmentation of point clouds. Specifically, we first propose a concise and effective density-aware pose transformer (DAPT) to get stable keypoint representations. By using a set of joint anchors and a carefully designed exchange module, valid information is extracted from point clouds with different densities. Then 1D heatmaps are utilized to represent the precise locations of the keypoints. Secondly, a comprehensive LiDAR human synthesis and augmentation method is proposed to pre-train the model, enabling it to acquire a better human body prior. We increase the diversity of point clouds by randomly sampling human positions and orientations and by simulating occlusions through the addition of laser-level masks. Extensive experiments have been conducted on multiple datasets, including IMU-annotated LidarHuman26M, SLOPER4D, and manually annotated Waymo Open Dataset v2.0 (Waymo), HumanM3. Our method demonstrates SOTA performance in all scenarios. In particular, compared with LPFormer on Waymo, we reduce the average MPJPE by $10.0mm$. Compared with PRN on SLOPER4D, we notably reduce the average MPJPE by $20.7mm$.
Authors: Hanzhe Liang, Guoyang Xie, Chengbin Hou, Bingshu Wang, Can Gao, Jinbao Wang
Abstract: 3D anomaly detection has recently become a significant focus in computer vision. Several advanced methods have achieved satisfying anomaly detection performance. However, they typically concentrate on the external structure of 3D samples and struggle to leverage the internal information embedded within samples. Inspired by the basic intuition of why not look inside for more, we introduce a straightforward method named Internal Spatial Modality Perception (ISMP) to explore the feature representation from internal views fully. Specifically, our proposed ISMP consists of a critical perception module, Spatial Insight Engine (SIE), which abstracts complex internal information of point clouds into essential global features. Besides, to better align structural information with point data, we propose an enhanced key point feature extraction module for amplifying spatial structure feature representation. Simultaneously, a novel feature filtering module is incorporated to reduce noise and redundant features for further aligning precise spatial structure. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, achieving object-level and pixel-level AUROC improvements of 4.2% and 13.1%, respectively, on the Real3D-AD benchmarks. Note that the strong generalization ability of SIE has been theoretically proven and is verified in both classification and segmentation tasks.
Authors: Zixiao Wang, Junwu Weng, Mengyuan Liu, Bei Yu
Abstract: Numerous well-annotated human key-point datasets are publicly available to date. However, annotating human poses for newly collected images is still a costly and time-consuming progress. Pose distributions from different datasets share similar pose hinge-structure priors with different geometric transformations, such as pivot orientation, joint rotation, and bone length ratio. The difference between Pose distributions is essentially the difference between the transformation distributions. Inspired by this fact, we propose a method to calibrate a pre-trained pose generator in which the pose prior has already been learned to an adapted one following a new pose distribution. We treat the representation of human pose joint coordinates as skeleton image and transfer a pre-trained pose annotation generator with only a few annotation guidance. By fine-tuning a limited number of linear layers that closely related to the pose transformation, the adapted generator is able to produce any number of pose annotations that are similar to the target poses. We evaluate our proposed method, FlexPose, on several cross-dataset settings both qualitatively and quantitatively, which demonstrates that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to the existing generative-model-based transfer learning methods when given limited annotation guidance.
Authors: Imam Nur Bani Yusuf, Lingxiao Jiang
Abstract: Large language models have demonstrated promising performance across various software engineering tasks. While fine-tuning is a common practice to adapt these models for downstream tasks, it becomes challenging in resource-constrained environments due to increased memory requirements from growing trainable parameters in increasingly large language models. We introduce \approach, a technique to adapt large models for downstream code tasks using Code Property Graphs (CPGs). Our approach introduces a modular component called \transducer that enriches code embeddings with structural and dependency information from CPGs. The Transducer comprises two key components: Graph Vectorization Engine (GVE) and Attention-Based Fusion Layer (ABFL). GVE extracts CPGs from input source code and transforms them into graph feature vectors. ABFL then fuses those graphs feature vectors with initial code embeddings from a large language model. By optimizing these transducers for different downstream tasks, our approach enhances the models without the need to fine-tune them for specific tasks. We have evaluated \approach on three downstream tasks: code summarization, assert generation, and code translation. Our results demonstrate competitive performance compared to full parameter fine-tuning while reducing up to 99\% trainable parameters to save memory. \approach also remains competitive against other fine-tuning approaches (e.g., LoRA, Prompt-Tuning, Prefix-Tuning) while using only 1.5\%-80\% of their trainable parameters. Our findings show that integrating structural and dependency information through Transducer Tuning enables more efficient model adaptation, making it easier for users to adapt large models in resource-constrained settings.
Authors: Bowen Chen, Namgi Han, Yusuke Miyao
Abstract: The lack of data transparency in Large Language Models (LLMs) has highlighted the importance of Membership Inference Attack (MIA), which differentiates trained (member) and untrained (non-member) data. Though it shows success in previous studies, recent research reported a near-random performance in different settings, highlighting a significant performance inconsistency. We assume that a single setting doesn't represent the distribution of the vast corpora, causing members and non-members with different distributions to be sampled and causing inconsistency. In this study, instead of a single setting, we statistically revisit MIA methods from various settings with thousands of experiments for each MIA method, along with study in text feature, embedding, threshold decision, and decoding dynamics of members and non-members. We found that (1) MIA performance improves with model size and varies with domains, while most methods do not statistically outperform baselines, (2) Though MIA performance is generally low, a notable amount of differentiable member and non-member outliers exists and vary across MIA methods, (3) Deciding a threshold to separate members and non-members is an overlooked challenge, (4) Text dissimilarity and long text benefit MIA performance, (5) Differentiable or not is reflected in the LLM embedding, (6) Member and non-members show different decoding dynamics.
Authors: Qingyu Zheng, Guijun Han, Wei Li, Lige Cao, Gongfu Zhou, Haowen Wu, Qi Shao, Ru Wang, Xiaobo Wu, Xudong Cui, Hong Li, Xuan Wang
Abstract: Advances in data assimilation (DA) methods have greatly improved the accuracy of Earth system predictions. To fuse multi-source data and reconstruct the nonlinear evolution missing from observations, geoscientists are developing future-oriented DA methods. In this paper, we redesign a purely data-driven latent space DA framework (DeepDA) that employs a generative artificial intelligence model to capture the nonlinear evolution in sea surface temperature. Under variational constraints, DeepDA embedded with nonlinear features can effectively fuse heterogeneous data. The results show that DeepDA remains highly stable in capturing and generating nonlinear evolutions even when a large amount of observational information is missing. It can be found that when only 10% of the observation information is available, the error increase of DeepDA does not exceed 40%. Furthermore, DeepDA has been shown to be robust in the fusion of real observations and ensemble simulations. In particular, this paper provides a mechanism analysis of the nonlinear evolution generated by DeepDA from the perspective of physical patterns, which reveals the inherent explainability of our DL model in capturing multi-scale ocean signals.
Authors: Xinxin Liu, Aaron Thomas, Cheng Zhang, Jianyi Cheng, Yiren Zhao, Xitong Gao
Abstract: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) has gained prominence through low-rank adaptation methods like LoRA. In this paper, we focus on sparsity-based PEFT (SPEFT), which introduces trainable sparse adaptations to the weight matrices in the model, offering greater flexibility in selecting fine-tuned parameters compared to low-rank methods. We conduct the first systematic evaluation of salience metrics for SPEFT, inspired by zero-cost NAS proxies, and identify simple gradient-based metrics is reliable, and results are on par with the best alternatives, offering both computational efficiency and robust performance. Additionally, we compare static and dynamic masking strategies, finding that static masking, which predetermines non-zero entries before training, delivers efficiency without sacrificing performance, while dynamic masking offers no substantial benefits. Across NLP tasks, a simple gradient-based, static SPEFT consistently outperforms other fine-tuning methods for LLMs, providing a simple yet effective baseline for SPEFT. Our work challenges the notion that complexity is necessary for effective PEFT. Our work is open source and available to the community at [].
Authors: Dong Qiao, Xinxian Ma, Jicong Fan
Abstract: High-dimensional data visualization is crucial in the big data era and these techniques such as t-SNE and UMAP have been widely used in science and engineering. Big data, however, is often distributed across multiple data centers and subject to security and privacy concerns, which leads to difficulties for the standard algorithms of t-SNE and UMAP. To tackle the challenge, this work proposes Fed-tSNE and Fed-UMAP, which provide high-dimensional data visualization under the framework of federated learning, without exchanging data across clients or sending data to the central server. The main idea of Fed-tSNE and Fed-UMAP is implicitly learning the distribution information of data in a manner of federated learning and then estimating the global distance matrix for t-SNE and UMAP. To further enhance the protection of data privacy, we propose Fed-tSNE+ and Fed-UMAP+. We also extend our idea to federated spectral clustering, yielding algorithms of clustering distributed data. In addition to these new algorithms, we offer theoretical guarantees of optimization convergence, distance and similarity estimation, and differential privacy. Experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate that, compared to the original algorithms, the accuracy drops of our federated algorithms are tiny.
Authors: Khai Phan Tran, Wen Hua, Xue Li
Abstract: Document-level Relation Extraction (DocRE) aims to identify relationships between entity pairs within a document. However, most existing methods assume a uniform label distribution, resulting in suboptimal performance on real-world, imbalanced datasets. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel data augmentation approach using generative models to enhance data from the embedding space. Our method leverages the Variational Autoencoder (VAE) architecture to capture all relation-wise distributions formed by entity pair representations and augment data for underrepresented relations. To better capture the multi-label nature of DocRE, we parameterize the VAE's latent space with a Diffusion Model. Additionally, we introduce a hierarchical training framework to integrate the proposed VAE-based augmentation module into DocRE systems. Experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art models, effectively addressing the long-tail distribution problem in DocRE.
Authors: Mayank Sanganeria, Rohan Gala
Abstract: Recent AI-driven step-function advances in several longstanding problems in music technology are opening up new avenues to create the next generation of music education tools. Creating personalized, engaging, and effective learning experiences are continuously evolving challenges in music education. Here we present two case studies using such advances in music technology to address these challenges. In our first case study we showcase an application that uses Automatic Chord Recognition to generate personalized exercises from audio tracks, connecting traditional ear training with real-world musical contexts. In the second case study we prototype adaptive piano method books that use Automatic Music Transcription to generate exercises at different skill levels while retaining a close connection to musical interests. These applications demonstrate how recent AI developments can democratize access to high-quality music education and promote rich interaction with music in the age of generative AI. We hope this work inspires other efforts in the community, aimed at removing barriers to access to high-quality music education and fostering human participation in musical expression.
Authors: Yunbin Tu, Liang Li, Li Su, Qingming Huang
Abstract: Video has emerged as a favored multimedia format on the internet. To better gain video contents, a new topic HIREST is presented, including video retrieval, moment retrieval, moment segmentation, and step-captioning. The pioneering work chooses the pre-trained CLIP-based model for video retrieval, and leverages it as a feature extractor for other three challenging tasks solved in a multi-task learning paradigm. Nevertheless, this work struggles to learn the comprehensive cognition of user-preferred content, due to disregarding the hierarchies and association relations across modalities. In this paper, guided by the shallow-to-deep principle, we propose a query-centric audio-visual cognition (QUAG) network to construct a reliable multi-modal representation for moment retrieval, segmentation and step-captioning. Specifically, we first design the modality-synergistic perception to obtain rich audio-visual content, by modeling global contrastive alignment and local fine-grained interaction between visual and audio modalities. Then, we devise the query-centric cognition that uses the deep-level query to perform the temporal-channel filtration on the shallow-level audio-visual representation. This can cognize user-preferred content and thus attain a query-centric audio-visual representation for three tasks. Extensive experiments show QUAG achieves the SOTA results on HIREST. Further, we test QUAG on the query-based video summarization task and verify its good generalization.
Authors: Zheng Hu, Zhe Li, Ziyun Jiao, Satoshi Nakagawa, Jiawen Deng, Shimin Cai, Tao Zhou, Fuji Ren
Abstract: In recent years, knowledge graphs have been integrated into recommender systems as item-side auxiliary information, enhancing recommendation accuracy. However, constructing and integrating structural user-side knowledge remains a significant challenge due to the improper granularity and inherent scarcity of user-side features. Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) offer the potential to bridge this gap by leveraging their human behavior understanding and extensive real-world knowledge. Nevertheless, integrating LLM-generated information into recommender systems presents challenges, including the risk of noisy information and the need for additional knowledge transfer. In this paper, we propose an LLM-based user-side knowledge inference method alongside a carefully designed recommendation framework to address these challenges. Our approach employs LLMs to infer user interests based on historical behaviors, integrating this user-side information with item-side and collaborative data to construct a hybrid structure: the Collaborative Interest Knowledge Graph (CIKG). Furthermore, we propose a CIKG-based recommendation framework that includes a user interest reconstruction module and a cross-domain contrastive learning module to mitigate potential noise and facilitate knowledge transfer. We conduct extensive experiments on three real-world datasets to validate the effectiveness of our method. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to competitive baselines, particularly for users with sparse interactions.
Authors: Cheng Qian, Peixuan Han, Qinyu Luo, Bingxiang He, Xiusi Chen, Yuji Zhang, Hongyi Du, Jiarui Yao, Xiaocheng Yang, Denghui Zhang, Yunzhu Li, Heng Ji
Abstract: Language model agents excel in long-session planning and reasoning, but existing benchmarks primarily focus on goal-oriented tasks with explicit objectives, neglecting creative adaptation in unfamiliar environments. To address this, we introduce EscapeBench, a benchmark suite of room escape game environments designed to challenge agents with creative reasoning, unconventional tool use, and iterative problem-solving to uncover implicit goals. Our results show that current LM models, despite employing working memory and Chain-of-Thought reasoning, achieve only 15% average progress without hints, highlighting their limitations in creativity. To bridge this gap, we propose EscapeAgent, a framework designed to enhance creative reasoning through Foresight (innovative tool use) and Reflection (identifying unsolved tasks). Experiments show that EscapeAgent can execute action chains over 1,000 steps while maintaining logical coherence. It navigates and completes games with up to 40% fewer steps and hints, performs robustly across varying difficulty levels, and achieves higher action success rates with more efficient and innovative puzzle-solving strategies. All the data and codes are released.
Authors: Xiaole Xian, Xilin He, Zenghao Niu, Junliang Zhang, Weicheng Xie, Siyang Song, Zitong Yu, Linlin Shen
Abstract: For efficient and high-fidelity local facial attribute editing, most existing editing methods either require additional fine-tuning for different editing effects or tend to affect beyond the editing regions. Alternatively, inpainting methods can edit the target image region while preserving external areas. However, current inpainting methods still suffer from the generation misalignment with facial attributes description and the loss of facial skin details. To address these challenges, (i) a novel data utilization strategy is introduced to construct datasets consisting of attribute-text-image triples from a data-driven perspective, (ii) a Causality-Aware Condition Adapter is proposed to enhance the contextual causality modeling of specific details, which encodes the skin details from the original image while preventing conflicts between these cues and textual conditions. In addition, a Skin Transition Frequency Guidance technique is introduced for the local modeling of contextual causality via sampling guidance driven by low-frequency alignment. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in boosting both fidelity and editability for localized attribute editing. The code is available at
Authors: Aodi Li, Liansheng Zhuang, Xiao Long, Minghong Yao, Shafei Wang
Abstract: Domain generalization aims to learn a model from multiple training domains and generalize it to unseen test domains. Recent theory has shown that seeking the deep models, whose parameters lie in the flat minima of the loss landscape, can significantly reduce the out-of-domain generalization error. However, existing methods often neglect the consistency of loss landscapes in different domains, resulting in models that are not simultaneously in the optimal flat minima in all domains, which limits their generalization ability. To address this issue, this paper proposes an iterative Self-Feedback Training (SFT) framework to seek consistent flat minima that are shared across different domains by progressively refining loss landscapes during training. It alternatively generates a feedback signal by measuring the inconsistency of loss landscapes in different domains and refines these loss landscapes for greater consistency using this feedback signal. Benefiting from the consistency of the flat minima within these refined loss landscapes, our SFT helps achieve better out-of-domain generalization. Extensive experiments on DomainBed demonstrate superior performances of SFT when compared to state-of-the-art sharpness-aware methods and other prevalent DG baselines. On average across five DG benchmarks, SFT surpasses the sharpness-aware minimization by 2.6% with ResNet-50 and 1.5% with ViT-B/16, respectively. The code will be available soon.
Authors: Jiankun Zhu, Sicheng Zhao, Jing Jiang, Wenbo Tang, Zhaopan Xu, Tingting Han, Pengfei Xu, Hongxun Yao
Abstract: Visual emotion recognition (VER), which aims at understanding humans' emotional reactions toward different visual stimuli, has attracted increasing attention. Given the subjective and ambiguous characteristics of emotion, annotating a reliable large-scale dataset is hard. For reducing reliance on data labeling, domain adaptation offers an alternative solution by adapting models trained on labeled source data to unlabeled target data. Conventional domain adaptation methods require access to source data. However, due to privacy concerns, source emotional data may be inaccessible. To address this issue, we propose an unexplored task: source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) for VER, which does not have access to source data during the adaptation process. To achieve this, we propose a novel framework termed Bridge then Begin Anew (BBA), which consists of two steps: domain-bridged model generation (DMG) and target-related model adaptation (TMA). First, the DMG bridges cross-domain gaps by generating an intermediate model, avoiding direct alignment between two VER datasets with significant differences. Then, the TMA begins training the target model anew to fit the target structure, avoiding the influence of source-specific knowledge. Extensive experiments are conducted on six SFDA settings for VER. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of BBA, which achieves remarkable performance gains compared with state-of-the-art SFDA methods and outperforms representative unsupervised domain adaptation approaches.
Authors: Shanu Kumar, Gauri Kholkar, Saish Mendke, Anubhav Sadana, Parag Agrawal, Sandipan Dandapat
Abstract: With the growth of social media and large language models, content moderation has become crucial. Many existing datasets lack adequate representation of different groups, resulting in unreliable assessments. To tackle this, we propose a socio-culturally aware evaluation framework for LLM-driven content moderation and introduce a scalable method for creating diverse datasets using persona-based generation. Our analysis reveals that these datasets provide broader perspectives and pose greater challenges for LLMs than diversity-focused generation methods without personas. This challenge is especially pronounced in smaller LLMs, emphasizing the difficulties they encounter in moderating such diverse content.
Authors: Xinyang Liu, Pengchao Han, Xuan Li, Bo Liu
Abstract: Decentralized federated learning (DFL) realizes cooperative model training among connected clients without relying on a central server, thereby mitigating communication bottlenecks and eliminating the single-point failure issue present in centralized federated learning (CFL). Most existing work on DFL focuses on supervised learning, assuming each client possesses sufficient labeled data for local training. However, in real-world applications, much of the data is unlabeled. We address this by considering a challenging yet practical semisupervised learning (SSL) scenario in DFL, where clients may have varying data sources: some with few labeled samples, some with purely unlabeled data, and others with both. In this work, we propose SemiDFL, the first semi-supervised DFL method that enhances DFL performance in SSL scenarios by establishing a consensus in both data and model spaces. Specifically, we utilize neighborhood information to improve the quality of pseudo-labeling, which is crucial for effectively leveraging unlabeled data. We then design a consensusbased diffusion model to generate synthesized data, which is used in combination with pseudo-labeled data to create mixed datasets. Additionally, we develop an adaptive aggregation method that leverages the model accuracy of synthesized data to further enhance SemiDFL performance. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate the remarkable performance superiority of the proposed DFL-Semi method over existing CFL and DFL schemes in both IID and non-IID SSL scenarios.
Authors: Di Xiong, Shuoyuan Wang, Lei Zhang, Wenbo Huang, Chaolei Han
Abstract: Human Activity Recognition (HAR) aims to recognize activities by training models on massive sensor data. In real-world deployment, a crucial aspect of HAR that has been largely overlooked is that the test sets may have different distributions from training sets due to inter-subject variability including age, gender, behavioral habits, etc., which leads to poor generalization performance. One promising solution is to learn domain-invariant representations to enable a model to generalize on an unseen distribution. However, most existing methods only consider the feature-invariance of the penultimate layer for domain-invariant learning, which leads to suboptimal results. In this paper, we propose a Categorical Concept Invariant Learning (CCIL) framework for generalizable activity recognition, which introduces a concept matrix to regularize the model in the training stage by simultaneously concentrating on feature-invariance and logit-invariance. Our key idea is that the concept matrix for samples belonging to the same activity category should be similar. Extensive experiments on four public HAR benchmarks demonstrate that our CCIL substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches under cross-person, cross-dataset, cross-position, and one-person-to-another settings.
Authors: Muhammad Emad-ud-din
Abstract: The paper presents a novel Wi-Fi fingerprinting system that uses Channel State Information (CSI) data for fine-grained pedestrian localization. The proposed system exploits the frequency diversity and spatial diversity of the features extracted from CSI data to generate a 2D+channel image termed as a CSI Fingerprint Map. We then use this CSI Fingerprint Map representation of CSI data to generate a pedestrian trajectory hypothesis using a hybrid architecture that combines a Convolutional Neural Network and a Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network model. The proposed architecture exploits the temporal and spatial relationship information among the CSI data observations gathered at neighboring locations. A particle filter is then employed to separate out the most likely hypothesis matching a human walk model. The experimental performance of our method is compared to existing deep learning localization methods such ConFi, DeepFi and to a self-developed temporal-feature based LSTM based location classifier. The experimental results show marked improvement with an average RMSE of 0.36 m in a moderately dynamic and 0.17 m in a static environment. Our method is essentially a proof of concept that with (1) sparse availability of observations, (2) limited infrastructure requirements, (3) moderate level of short-term and long-term noise in the training and testing environment, reliable fine-grained Wi-Fi based pedestrian localization is a potential option.
Authors: Zecheng Hao, Zhaofei Yu, Tiejun Huang
Abstract: Spiking Neural Network (SNN), as a brain-inspired and energy-efficient network, is currently facing the pivotal challenge of exploring a suitable and efficient learning framework. The predominant training methodologies, namely Spatial-Temporal Back-propagation (STBP) and ANN-SNN Conversion, are encumbered by substantial training overhead or pronounced inference latency, which impedes the advancement of SNNs in scaling to larger networks and navigating intricate application domains. In this work, we propose a novel parallel conversion learning framework, which establishes a mathematical mapping relationship between each time-step of the parallel spiking neurons and the cumulative spike firing rate. We theoretically validate the lossless and sorting properties of the conversion process, as well as pointing out the optimal shifting distance for each step. Furthermore, by integrating the above framework with the distribution-aware error calibration technique, we can achieve efficient conversion towards more general activation functions or training-free circumstance. Extensive experiments have confirmed the significant performance advantages of our method for various conversion cases under ultra-low time latency. To our best knowledge, this is the first work which jointly utilizes parallel spiking calculation and ANN-SNN Conversion, providing a highly promising approach for SNN supervised training.
Authors: Xuemei Tang, Xufeng Duan, Zhenguang G. Cai
Abstract: The literature review is a crucial form of academic writing that involves complex processes of literature collection, organization, and summarization. The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has introduced promising tools to automate these processes. However, their actual capabilities in writing comprehensive literature reviews remain underexplored, such as whether they can generate accurate and reliable references. To address this gap, we propose a framework to assess the literature review writing ability of LLMs automatically. We evaluate the performance of LLMs across three tasks: generating references, writing abstracts, and writing literature reviews. We employ external tools for a multidimensional evaluation, which includes assessing hallucination rates in references, semantic coverage, and factual consistency with human-written context. By analyzing the experimental results, we find that, despite advancements, even the most sophisticated models still cannot avoid generating hallucinated references. Additionally, different models exhibit varying performance in literature review writing across different disciplines.
Authors: Zhengfei Xu, Sijia Zhao, Yanchao Hao, Xiaolong Liu, Lili Li, Yuyang Yin, Bo Li, Xi Chen, Xin Xin
Abstract: Visual Entity Linking (VEL) is a crucial task for achieving fine-grained visual understanding, matching objects within images (visual mentions) to entities in a knowledge base. Previous VEL tasks rely on textual inputs, but writing queries for complex scenes can be challenging. Visual inputs like clicks or bounding boxes offer a more convenient alternative. Therefore, we propose a new task, Pixel-Level Visual Entity Linking (PL-VEL), which uses pixel masks from visual inputs to refer to objects, supplementing reference methods for VEL. To facilitate research on this task, we have constructed the MaskOVEN-Wiki dataset through an entirely automatic reverse region-entity annotation framework. This dataset contains over 5 million annotations aligning pixel-level regions with entity-level labels, which will advance visual understanding towards fine-grained. Moreover, as pixel masks correspond to semantic regions in an image, we enhance previous patch-interacted attention with region-interacted attention by a visual semantic tokenization approach. Manual evaluation results indicate that the reverse annotation framework achieved a 94.8% annotation success rate. Experimental results show that models trained on this dataset improved accuracy by 18 points compared to zero-shot models. Additionally, the semantic tokenization method achieved a 5-point accuracy improvement over the trained baseline.
Authors: Jiaping Ren, Jiahao Xiang, Hongfei Gao, Jinchuan Zhang, Yiming Ren, Yuexin Ma, Yi Wu, Ruigang Yang, Wei Li
Abstract: Fuel efficiency is a crucial aspect of long-distance cargo transportation by oil-powered trucks that economize on costs and decrease carbon emissions. Current predictive control methods depend on an accurate model of vehicle dynamics and engine, including weight, drag coefficient, and the Brake-specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) map of the engine. We propose a pure data-driven method, Neural Predictive Control (NPC), which does not use any physical model for the vehicle. After training with over 20,000 km of historical data, the novel proposed NVFormer implicitly models the relationship between vehicle dynamics, road slope, fuel consumption, and control commands using the attention mechanism. Based on the online sampled primitives from the past of the current freight trip and anchor-based future data synthesis, the NVFormer can infer optimal control command for reasonable fuel consumption. The physical model-free NPC outperforms the base PCC method with 2.41% and 3.45% more significant fuel saving in simulation and open-road highway testing, respectively.
Authors: Arne Gevaert, Yvan Saeys
Abstract: The black box problem in machine learning has led to the introduction of an ever-increasing set of explanation methods for complex models. These explanations have different properties, which in turn has led to the problem of method selection: which explanation method is most suitable for a given use case? In this work, we propose a unifying framework of attribution-based explanation methods, which provides a step towards a rigorous study of the similarities and differences of explanations. We first introduce removal-based attribution methods (RBAMs), and show that an extensively broad selection of existing methods can be viewed as such RBAMs. We then introduce the canonical additive decomposition (CAD). This is a general construction for additively decomposing any function based on the central idea of removing (groups of) features. We proceed to show that indeed every valid additive decomposition is an instance of the CAD, and that any removal-based attribution method is associated with a specific CAD. Next, we show that any removal-based attribution method can be completely defined as a game-theoretic value or interaction index for a specific (possibly constant-shifted) cooperative game, which is defined using the corresponding CAD of the method. We then use this intrinsic connection to define formal descriptions of specific behaviours of explanation methods, which we also call functional axioms, and identify sufficient conditions on the corresponding CAD and game-theoretic value or interaction index of an attribution method under which the attribution method is guaranteed to adhere to these functional axioms. Finally, we show how this unifying framework can be used to develop new, efficient approximations for existing explanation methods.
Authors: Yansheng Mao, Jiaqi Li, Fanxu Meng, Jing Xiong, Zilong Zheng, Muhan Zhang
Abstract: Long context understanding remains challenging for large language models due to their limited context windows. This paper introduces Long Input Fine-Tuning (LIFT) for long context modeling, a novel framework that enhances LLM performance on long-context tasks by adapting model parameters to the context at test time. LIFT enables efficient processing of lengthy inputs without the computational burden of offline long-context adaptation, and can improve the long-context capabilities of arbitrary short-context models. The framework is further enhanced by integrating in-context learning and pre-LIFT supervised fine-tuning. The combination of in-context learning and LIFT enables short-context models like Llama 3 to handle arbitrarily long contexts and consistently improves their performance on popular long-context benchmarks like LooGLE and LongBench. We also provide a comprehensive analysis of the strengths and limitations of LIFT on long context understanding, offering valuable directions for future research.
Authors: Xiu Yuan, Tongzhou Mu, Stone Tao, Yunhao Fang, Mengke Zhang, Hao Su
Abstract: Recent advancements in robot learning have used imitation learning with large models and extensive demonstrations to develop effective policies. However, these models are often limited by the quantity, quality, and diversity of demonstrations. This paper explores improving offline-trained imitation learning models through online interactions with the environment. We introduce Policy Decorator, which uses a model-agnostic residual policy to refine large imitation learning models during online interactions. By implementing controlled exploration strategies, Policy Decorator enables stable, sample-efficient online learning. Our evaluation spans eight tasks across two benchmarks-ManiSkill and Adroit-and involves two state-of-the-art imitation learning models (Behavior Transformer and Diffusion Policy). The results show Policy Decorator effectively improves the offline-trained policies and preserves the smooth motion of imitation learning models, avoiding the erratic behaviors of pure RL policies. See our project page ( for videos.
Authors: Chuanhao Li, Zhen Li, Chenchen Jing, Xiaomeng Fan, Wenbo Ye, Yuwei Wu, Yunde Jia
Abstract: Compositional generalization is the capability of a model to understand novel compositions composed of seen concepts. There are multiple levels of novel compositions including phrase-phrase level, phrase-word level, and word-word level. Existing methods achieve promising compositional generalization, but the consistency of compositional generalization across multiple levels of novel compositions remains unexplored. The consistency refers to that a model should generalize to a phrase-phrase level novel composition, and phrase-word/word-word level novel compositions that can be derived from it simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a meta-learning based framework, for achieving consistent compositional generalization across multiple levels. The basic idea is to progressively learn compositions from simple to complex for consistency. Specifically, we divide the original training set into multiple validation sets based on compositional complexity, and introduce multiple meta-weight-nets to generate sample weights for samples in different validation sets. To fit the validation sets in order of increasing compositional complexity, we optimize the parameters of each meta-weight-net independently and sequentially in a multilevel optimization manner. We build a GQA-CCG dataset to quantitatively evaluate the consistency. Experimental results on visual question answering and temporal video grounding, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. We release GQA-CCG at
Authors: Tony Cheng Tong, Sirui He, Zhiwen Shao, Dit-Yan Yeung
Abstract: Evaluation metric of visual captioning is important yet not thoroughly explored. Traditional metrics like BLEU, METEOR, CIDEr, and ROUGE often miss semantic depth, while trained metrics such as CLIP-Score, PAC-S, and Polos are limited in zero-shot scenarios. Advanced Language Model-based metrics also struggle with aligning to nuanced human preferences. To address these issues, we introduce G-VEval, a novel metric inspired by G-Eval and powered by the new GPT-4o. G-VEval uses chain-of-thought reasoning in large multimodal models and supports three modes: reference-free, reference-only, and combined, accommodating both video and image inputs. We also propose MSVD-Eval, a new dataset for video captioning evaluation, to establish a more transparent and consistent framework for both human experts and evaluation metrics. It is designed to address the lack of clear criteria in existing datasets by introducing distinct dimensions of Accuracy, Completeness, Conciseness, and Relevance (ACCR). Extensive results show that G-VEval outperforms existing methods in correlation with human annotations, as measured by Kendall tau-b and Kendall tau-c. This provides a flexible solution for diverse captioning tasks and suggests a straightforward yet effective approach for large language models to understand video content, paving the way for advancements in automated captioning. Codes are available at
Authors: Tongzhou Mu, Zhaoyang Li, Stanis{\l}aw Wiktor Strzelecki, Xiu Yuan, Yunchao Yao, Litian Liang, Hao Su
Abstract: Learning policies from high-dimensional visual inputs, such as pixels and point clouds, is crucial in various applications. Visual reinforcement learning is a promising approach that directly trains policies from visual observations, although it faces challenges in sample efficiency and computational costs. This study conducts an empirical comparison of State-to-Visual DAgger, a two-stage framework that initially trains a state policy before adopting online imitation to learn a visual policy, and Visual RL across a diverse set of tasks. We evaluate both methods across 16 tasks from three benchmarks, focusing on their asymptotic performance, sample efficiency, and computational costs. Surprisingly, our findings reveal that State-to-Visual DAgger does not universally outperform Visual RL but shows significant advantages in challenging tasks, offering more consistent performance. In contrast, its benefits in sample efficiency are less pronounced, although it often reduces the overall wall-clock time required for training. Based on our findings, we provide recommendations for practitioners and hope that our results contribute valuable perspectives for future research in visual policy learning.
Authors: Benjamin Warner, Antoine Chaffin, Benjamin Clavi\'e, Orion Weller, Oskar Hallstr\"om, Said Taghadouini, Alexis Gallagher, Raja Biswas, Faisal Ladhak, Tom Aarsen, Nathan Cooper, Griffin Adams, Jeremy Howard, Iacopo Poli
Abstract: Encoder-only transformer models such as BERT offer a great performance-size tradeoff for retrieval and classification tasks with respect to larger decoder-only models. Despite being the workhorse of numerous production pipelines, there have been limited Pareto improvements to BERT since its release. In this paper, we introduce ModernBERT, bringing modern model optimizations to encoder-only models and representing a major Pareto improvement over older encoders. Trained on 2 trillion tokens with a native 8192 sequence length, ModernBERT models exhibit state-of-the-art results on a large pool of evaluations encompassing diverse classification tasks and both single and multi-vector retrieval on different domains (including code). In addition to strong downstream performance, ModernBERT is also the most speed and memory efficient encoder and is designed for inference on common GPUs.
Authors: Aneta Zugecova, Dominik Macko, Ivan Srba, Robert Moro, Jakub Kopal, Katarina Marcincinova, Matus Mesarcik
Abstract: The capabilities of recent large language models (LLMs) to generate high-quality content indistinguishable by humans from human-written texts rises many concerns regarding their misuse. Previous research has shown that LLMs can be effectively misused for generating disinformation news articles following predefined narratives. Their capabilities to generate personalized (in various aspects) content have also been evaluated and mostly found usable. However, a combination of personalization and disinformation abilities of LLMs has not been comprehensively studied yet. Such a dangerous combination should trigger integrated safety filters of the LLMs, if there are some. This study fills this gap by evaluation of vulnerabilities of recent open and closed LLMs, and their willingness to generate personalized disinformation news articles in English. We further explore whether the LLMs can reliably meta-evaluate the personalization quality and whether the personalization affects the generated-texts detectability. Our results demonstrate the need for stronger safety-filters and disclaimers, as those are not properly functioning in most of the evaluated LLMs. Additionally, our study revealed that the personalization actually reduces the safety-filter activations; thus effectively functioning as a jailbreak. Such behavior must be urgently addressed by LLM developers and service providers.
Authors: ChengAo Shen, Zhengzhang Chen, Dongsheng Luo, Dongkuan Xu, Haifeng Chen, Jingchao Ni
Abstract: Causal inference is an imperative foundation for decision-making across domains, such as smart health, AI for drug discovery and AIOps. Traditional statistical causal discovery methods, while well-established, predominantly rely on observational data and often overlook the semantic cues inherent in cause-and-effect relationships. The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has ushered in an affordable way of leveraging the semantic cues for knowledge-driven causal discovery, but the development of LLMs for causal discovery lags behind other areas, particularly in the exploration of multi-modality data. To bridge the gap, we introduce MATMCD, a multi-agent system powered by tool-augmented LLMs. MATMCD has two key agents: a Data Augmentation agent that retrieves and processes modality-augmented data, and a Causal Constraint agent that integrates multi-modal data for knowledge-driven inference. Delicate design of the inner-workings ensures successful cooperation of the agents. Our empirical study across seven datasets suggests the significant potential of multi-modality enhanced causal discovery.
Authors: Alex Tamkin, Miles McCain, Kunal Handa, Esin Durmus, Liane Lovitt, Ankur Rathi, Saffron Huang, Alfred Mountfield, Jerry Hong, Stuart Ritchie, Michael Stern, Brian Clarke, Landon Goldberg, Theodore R. Sumers, Jared Mueller, William McEachen, Wes Mitchell, Shan Carter, Jack Clark, Jared Kaplan, Deep Ganguli
Abstract: How are AI assistants being used in the real world? While model providers in theory have a window into this impact via their users' data, both privacy concerns and practical challenges have made analyzing this data difficult. To address these issues, we present Clio (Claude insights and observations), a privacy-preserving platform that uses AI assistants themselves to analyze and surface aggregated usage patterns across millions of conversations, without the need for human reviewers to read raw conversations. We validate this can be done with a high degree of accuracy and privacy by conducting extensive evaluations. We demonstrate Clio's usefulness in two broad ways. First, we share insights about how models are being used in the real world from one million Free and Pro conversations, ranging from providing advice on hairstyles to providing guidance on Git operations and concepts. We also identify the most common high-level use cases on (coding, writing, and research tasks) as well as patterns that differ across languages (e.g., conversations in Japanese discuss elder care and aging populations at higher-than-typical rates). Second, we use Clio to make our systems safer by identifying coordinated attempts to abuse our systems, monitoring for unknown unknowns during critical periods like launches of new capabilities or major world events, and improving our existing monitoring systems. We also discuss the limitations of our approach, as well as risks and ethical concerns. By enabling analysis of real-world AI usage, Clio provides a scalable platform for empirically grounded AI safety and governance.
Authors: Kunat Pipatanakul, Potsawee Manakul, Natapong Nitarach, Warit Sirichotedumrong, Surapon Nonesung, Teetouch Jaknamon, Parinthapat Pengpun, Pittawat Taveekitworachai, Adisai Na-Thalang, Sittipong Sripaisarnmongkol, Krisanapong Jirayoot, Kasima Tharnpipitchai
Abstract: This paper introduces Typhoon 2, a series of text and multimodal large language models optimized for the Thai language. The series includes models for text, vision, and audio. Typhoon2-Text builds on state-of-the-art open models, such as Llama 3 and Qwen2, and we perform continual pre-training on a mixture of English and Thai data. We employ various post-training techniques to enhance Thai language performance while preserving the base models' original capabilities. We release text models across a range of sizes, from 1 to 70 billion parameters, available in both base and instruction-tuned variants. Typhoon2-Vision improves Thai document understanding while retaining general visual capabilities, such as image captioning. Typhoon2-Audio introduces an end-to-end speech-to-speech model architecture capable of processing audio, speech, and text inputs and generating both text and speech outputs simultaneously.
Authors: Minkyoung Kim, Yunha Kim, Hyeram Seo, Heejung Choi, Jiye Han, Gaeun Kee, Soyoung Ko, HyoJe Jung, Byeolhee Kim, Young-Hak Kim, Sanghyun Park, Tae Joon Jun
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited outstanding performance in natural language processing tasks. However, these models remain susceptible to adversarial attacks in which slight input perturbations can lead to harmful or misleading outputs. A gradient-based defensive suffix generation algorithm is designed to bolster the robustness of LLMs. By appending carefully optimized defensive suffixes to input prompts, the algorithm mitigates adversarial influences while preserving the models' utility. To enhance adversarial understanding, a novel total loss function ($L_{\text{total}}$) combining defensive loss ($L_{\text{def}}$) and adversarial loss ($L_{\text{adv}}$) generates defensive suffixes more effectively. Experimental evaluations conducted on open-source LLMs such as Gemma-7B, mistral-7B, Llama2-7B, and Llama2-13B show that the proposed method reduces attack success rates (ASR) by an average of 11\% compared to models without defensive suffixes. Additionally, the perplexity score of Gemma-7B decreased from 6.57 to 3.93 when applying the defensive suffix generated by openELM-270M. Furthermore, TruthfulQA evaluations demonstrate consistent improvements with Truthfulness scores increasing by up to 10\% across tested configurations. This approach significantly enhances the security of LLMs in critical applications without requiring extensive retraining.
Authors: Jincheol Jung, Hongju Jeong, Eui-Nam Huh
Abstract: This study analyzes the performance of domain-specific Large Language Models (LLMs) for the medical field by integrating Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems within a federated learning framework. Leveraging the inherent advantages of federated learning, such as preserving data privacy and enabling distributed computation, this research explores the integration of RAG systems with models trained under varying client configurations to optimize performance. Experimental results demonstrate that the federated learning-based models integrated with RAG systems consistently outperform their non-integrated counterparts across all evaluation metrics. This study highlights the potential of combining federated learning and RAG systems for developing domain-specific LLMs in the medical field, providing a scalable and privacy-preserving solution for enhancing text generation capabilities.
Authors: Giordano d'Aloisio, Luca Traini, Federica Sarro, Antinisca Di Marco
Abstract: Language models have proven successful across a wide range of software engineering tasks, but their significant computational costs often hinder their practical adoption. To address this challenge, researchers have begun applying various compression strategies to improve the efficiency of language models for code. These strategies aim to optimize inference latency and memory usage, though often at the cost of reduced model effectiveness. However, there is still a significant gap in understanding how these strategies influence the efficiency and effectiveness of language models for code. Here, we empirically investigate the impact of three well-known compression strategies -- knowledge distillation, quantization, and pruning -- across three different classes of software engineering tasks: vulnerability detection, code summarization, and code search. Our findings reveal that the impact of these strategies varies greatly depending on the task and the specific compression method employed. Practitioners and researchers can use these insights to make informed decisions when selecting the most appropriate compression strategy, balancing both efficiency and effectiveness based on their specific needs.
Authors: Navid Ansari, Hans-Peter Seidel, Vahid Babaei
Abstract: This paper introduces a novel and scalable framework for uncertainty estimation and separation with applications in data driven modeling in science and engineering tasks where reliable uncertainty quantification is critical. Leveraging an ensemble of quantile regression (E-QR) models, our approach enhances aleatoric uncertainty estimation while preserving the quality of epistemic uncertainty, surpassing competing methods, such as Deep Ensembles (DE) and Monte Carlo (MC) dropout. To address challenges in separating uncertainty types, we propose an algorithm that iteratively improves separation through progressive sampling in regions of high uncertainty. Our framework is scalable to large datasets and demonstrates superior performance on synthetic benchmarks, offering a robust tool for uncertainty quantification in data-driven applications.
Authors: Zhuoran Jin, Hongbang Yuan, Tianyi Men, Pengfei Cao, Yubo Chen, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao
Abstract: Despite the significant progress made by existing retrieval augmented language models (RALMs) in providing trustworthy responses and grounding in reliable sources, they often overlook effective alignment with human preferences. In the alignment process, reward models (RMs) act as a crucial proxy for human values to guide optimization. However, it remains unclear how to evaluate and select a reliable RM for preference alignment in RALMs. To this end, we propose RAG-RewardBench, the first benchmark for evaluating RMs in RAG settings. First, we design four crucial and challenging RAG-specific scenarios to assess RMs, including multi-hop reasoning, fine-grained citation, appropriate abstain, and conflict robustness. Then, we incorporate 18 RAG subsets, six retrievers, and 24 RALMs to increase the diversity of data sources. Finally, we adopt an LLM-as-a-judge approach to improve preference annotation efficiency and effectiveness, exhibiting a strong correlation with human annotations. Based on the RAG-RewardBench, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of 45 RMs and uncover their limitations in RAG scenarios. Additionally, we also reveal that existing trained RALMs show almost no improvement in preference alignment, highlighting the need for a shift towards preference-aligned training.We release our benchmark and code publicly at for future work.
Authors: Ali Hamdi, Ahmed Abdelmoneim Mazrou, Mohamed Shaltout
Abstract: Current methods for analyzing student engagement in e-learning platforms, including automated systems, often struggle with challenges such as handling fuzzy sentiment in text comments and relying on limited metadata. Traditional approaches, such as surveys and questionnaires, also face issues like small sample sizes and scalability. In this paper, we introduce LLM-SEM (Language Model-Based Student Engagement Metric), a novel approach that leverages video metadata and sentiment analysis of student comments to measure engagement. By utilizing recent Large Language Models (LLMs), we generate high-quality sentiment predictions to mitigate text fuzziness and normalize key features such as views and likes. Our holistic method combines comprehensive metadata with sentiment polarity scores to gauge engagement at both the course and lesson levels. Extensive experiments were conducted to evaluate various LLM models, demonstrating the effectiveness of LLM-SEM in providing a scalable and accurate measure of student engagement. We fine-tuned LLMs, including AraBERT, TXLM-RoBERTa, LLama 3B and Gemma 9B from Ollama, using human-annotated sentiment datasets to enhance prediction accuracy.
Authors: Hari Hara Suthan Chittoor, Paul Robert Griffin, Ariel Neufeld, Jayne Thompson, Mile Gu
Abstract: Long-term time series forecasting (LTSF) involves predicting a large number of future values of a time series based on the past values and is an essential task in a wide range of domains including weather forecasting, stock market analysis, disease outbreak prediction. Over the decades LTSF algorithms have transitioned from statistical models to deep learning models like transformer models. Despite the complex architecture of transformer based LTSF models `Are Transformers Effective for Time Series Forecasting? (Zeng et al., 2023)' showed that simple linear models can outperform the state-of-the-art transformer based LTSF models. Recently, quantum machine learning (QML) is evolving as a domain to enhance the capabilities of classical machine learning models. In this paper we initiate the application of QML to LTSF problems by proposing QuLTSF, a simple hybrid QML model for multivariate LTSF. Through extensive experiments on a widely used weather dataset we show the advantages of QuLTSF over the state-of-the-art classical linear models, in terms of reduced mean squared error and mean absolute error.
Authors: Guanghan Li, Xun Zhang, Yufei Zhang, Yifan Yin, Guojun Yin, Wei Lin
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs), endowed with exceptional reasoning capabilities, are adept at discerning profound user interests from historical behaviors, thereby presenting a promising avenue for the advancement of recommendation systems. However, a notable discrepancy persists between the sparse collaborative semantics typically found in recommendation systems and the dense token representations within LLMs. In our study, we propose a novel framework that harmoniously merges traditional recommendation models with the prowess of LLMs. We initiate this integration by transforming ItemIDs into sequences that align semantically with the LLMs space, through the proposed Alignment Tokenization module. Additionally, we design a series of specialized supervised learning tasks aimed at aligning collaborative signals with the subtleties of natural language semantics. To ensure practical applicability, we optimize online inference by pre-caching the top-K results for each user, reducing latency and improving effciency. Extensive experimental evidence indicates that our model markedly improves recall metrics and displays remarkable scalability of recommendation systems.
Authors: Yaoke Wang, Yun Zhu, Xintong Bao, Wenqiao Zhang, Suyang Dai, Kehan Chen, Wenqiang Li, Gang Huang, Siliang Tang, Yueting Zhuang
Abstract: Despite the remarkable capabilities of large language models (LLMs) in natural language understanding and reasoning, they often display undesirable behaviors, such as generating hallucinations and unfaithful reasoning. A prevalent strategy to mitigate these issues is the use of reflection, which refines responses through an iterative process. However, while promising, reflection heavily relies on high-quality external feedback and requires iterative multi-agent inference processes, thus hindering its practical application. In this paper, we propose Meta-Reflection, a novel feedback-free reflection mechanism that necessitates only a single inference pass without external feedback. Motivated by the human ability to remember and retrieve reflections from past experiences when encountering similar problems, Meta-Reflection integrates reflective insights into a codebook, allowing the historical insights to be stored, retrieved, and used to guide LLMs in problem-solving. To thoroughly investigate and evaluate the practicality of Meta-Reflection in real-world scenarios, we introduce an industrial e-commerce benchmark named E-commerce Customer Intent Detection (ECID). Extensive experiments conducted on both public datasets and the ECID benchmark highlight the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed approach.
Authors: Vageesh Saxena, Benjamin Bashpole, Gijs Van Dijck, Gerasimos Spanakis
Abstract: Human trafficking (HT) remains a critical issue, with traffickers increasingly leveraging online escort advertisements (ads) to advertise victims anonymously. Existing detection methods, including Authorship Attribution (AA), often center on text-based analyses and neglect the multimodal nature of online escort ads, which typically pair text with images. To address this gap, we introduce MATCHED, a multimodal dataset of 27,619 unique text descriptions and 55,115 unique images collected from the Backpage escort platform across seven U.S. cities in four geographical regions. Our study extensively benchmarks text-only, vision-only, and multimodal baselines for vendor identification and verification tasks, employing multitask (joint) training objectives that achieve superior classification and retrieval performance on in-distribution and out-of-distribution (OOD) datasets. Integrating multimodal features further enhances this performance, capturing complementary patterns across text and images. While text remains the dominant modality, visual data adds stylistic cues that enrich model performance. Moreover, text-image alignment strategies like CLIP and BLIP2 struggle due to low semantic overlap and vague connections between the modalities of escort ads, with end-to-end multimodal training proving more robust. Our findings emphasize the potential of multimodal AA (MAA) to combat HT, providing LEAs with robust tools to link ads and disrupt trafficking networks.
Authors: Pengxiang Li, Lu Yin, Shiwei Liu
Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success, yet recent findings reveal that their deeper layers often contribute minimally and can be pruned without affecting overall performance. While some view this as an opportunity for model compression, we identify it as a training shortfall rooted in the widespread use of Pre-Layer Normalization (Pre-LN). We demonstrate that Pre-LN, commonly employed in models like GPT and LLaMA, leads to diminished gradient norms in its deeper layers, reducing their effectiveness. In contrast, Post-Layer Normalization (Post-LN) preserves larger gradient norms in deeper layers but suffers from vanishing gradients in earlier layers. To address this, we introduce Mix-LN, a novel normalization technique that combines the strengths of Pre-LN and Post-LN within the same model. Mix-LN applies Post-LN to the earlier layers and Pre-LN to the deeper layers, ensuring more uniform gradients across layers. This allows all parts of the network--both shallow and deep layers--to contribute effectively to training. Extensive experiments with various model sizes from 70M to 7B demonstrate that Mix-LN consistently outperforms both Pre-LN and Post-LN, promoting more balanced, healthier gradient norms throughout the network, and enhancing the overall quality of LLM pre-training. Furthermore, we demonstrate that models pre-trained with Mix-LN learn better compared to those using Pre-LN or Post-LN during supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), highlighting the critical importance of high-quality deep layers. By effectively addressing the inefficiencies of deep layers in current LLMs, Mix-LN unlocks their potential, enhancing model capacity without increasing model size. Our code is available at
Authors: Ramona K\"uhn, Jelena Mitrovi\'c, Michael Granitzer
Abstract: Rhetorical figures play an important role in our communication. They are used to convey subtle, implicit meaning, or to emphasize statements. We notice them in hate speech, fake news, and propaganda. By improving the systems for computational detection of rhetorical figures, we can also improve tasks such as hate speech and fake news detection, sentiment analysis, opinion mining, or argument mining. Unfortunately, there is a lack of annotated data, as well as qualified annotators that would help us build large corpora to train machine learning models for the detection of rhetorical figures. The situation is particularly difficult in languages other than English, and for rhetorical figures other than metaphor, sarcasm, and irony. To overcome this issue, we develop a web application called "Find your Figure" that facilitates the identification and annotation of German rhetorical figures. The application is based on the German Rhetorical ontology GRhOOT which we have specially adapted for this purpose. In addition, we improve the user experience with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). In this paper, we present the restructuring of the ontology, the development of the web application, and the built-in RAG pipeline. We also identify the optimal RAG settings for our application. Our approach is one of the first to practically use rhetorical ontologies in combination with RAG and shows promising results.
Authors: Zixuan Chen, Jiaxin Li, Liming Tan, Yejie Guo, Junxuan Liang, Cewu Lu, Yonglu Li
Abstract: Intelligent robots need to interact with diverse objects across various environments. The appearance and state of objects frequently undergo complex transformations depending on the object properties, e.g., phase transitions. However, in the vision community, segmenting dynamic objects with phase transitions is overlooked. In light of this, we introduce the concept of phase in segmentation, which categorizes real-world objects based on their visual characteristics and potential morphological and appearance changes. Then, we present a new benchmark, Multi-Phase, Multi-Transition, and Multi-Scenery Video Object Segmentation (M3-VOS), to verify the ability of models to understand object phases, which consists of 479 high-resolution videos spanning over 10 distinct everyday scenarios. It provides dense instance mask annotations that capture both object phases and their transitions. We evaluate state-of-the-art methods on M3-VOS, yielding several key insights. Notably, current appearance based approaches show significant room for improvement when handling objects with phase transitions. The inherent changes in disorder suggest that the predictive performance of the forward entropy-increasing process can be improved through a reverse entropy-reducing process. These findings lead us to propose ReVOS, a new plug-and-play model that improves its performance by reversal refinement. Our data and code will be publicly available
Authors: Tian Li, Xiao-Yue Xu, Chen Ding, Tian-Ci Tian, Wei-You Liao, Shuo Zhang, He-Liang Huang
Abstract: Quantum computing promises to revolutionize various fields, yet the execution of quantum programs necessitates an effective compilation process. This involves strategically mapping quantum circuits onto the physical qubits of a quantum processor. The qubits' arrangement, or topology, is pivotal to the circuit's performance, a factor that often defies traditional heuristic or manual optimization methods due to its complexity. In this study, we introduce a novel approach leveraging reinforcement learning to dynamically tailor qubit topologies to the unique specifications of individual quantum circuits, guiding algorithm-driven quantum processor topology design for reducing the depth of mapped circuit, which is particularly critical for the output accuracy on noisy quantum processors. Our method marks a significant departure from previous methods that have been constrained to mapping circuits onto a fixed processor topology. Experiments demonstrate that we have achieved notable enhancements in circuit performance, with a minimum of 20\% reduction in circuit depth in 60\% of the cases examined, and a maximum enhancement of up to 46\%. Furthermore, the pronounced benefits of our approach in reducing circuit depth become increasingly evident as the scale of the quantum circuits increases, exhibiting the scalability of our method in terms of problem size. This work advances the co-design of quantum processor architecture and algorithm mapping, offering a promising avenue for future research and development in the field.
Authors: Dimitrios Mallis, Ahmet Serdar Karadeniz, Sebastian Cavada, Danila Rukhovich, Niki Foteinopoulou, Kseniya Cherenkova, Anis Kacem, Djamila Aouada
Abstract: We propose CAD-Assistant, a general-purpose CAD agent for AI-assisted design. Our approach is based on a powerful Vision and Large Language Model (VLLM) as a planner and a tool-augmentation paradigm using CAD-specific modules. CAD-Assistant addresses multimodal user queries by generating actions that are iteratively executed on a Python interpreter equipped with the FreeCAD software, accessed via its Python API. Our framework is able to assess the impact of generated CAD commands on geometry and adapts subsequent actions based on the evolving state of the CAD design. We consider a wide range of CAD-specific tools including Python libraries, modules of the FreeCAD Python API, helpful routines, rendering functions and other specialized modules. We evaluate our method on multiple CAD benchmarks and qualitatively demonstrate the potential of tool-augmented VLLMs as generic CAD task solvers across diverse CAD workflows.
Authors: Lianghao Xia, Meiyan Xie, Yong Xu, Chao Huang
Abstract: For modern recommender systems, the use of low-dimensional latent representations to embed users and items based on their observed interactions has become commonplace. However, many existing recommendation models are primarily designed for coarse-grained and homogeneous interactions, which limits their effectiveness in two critical dimensions. Firstly, these models fail to leverage the relational dependencies that exist across different types of user behaviors, such as page views, collects, comments, and purchases. Secondly, they struggle to capture the fine-grained latent factors that drive user interaction patterns. To address these limitations, we present a heterogeneous graph collaborative filtering model MixRec that excels at disentangling users' multi-behavior interaction patterns and uncovering the latent intent factors behind each behavior. Our model achieves this by incorporating intent disentanglement and multi-behavior modeling, facilitated by a parameterized heterogeneous hypergraph architecture. Furthermore, we introduce a novel contrastive learning paradigm that adaptively explores the advantages of self-supervised data augmentation, thereby enhancing the model's resilience against data sparsity and expressiveness with relation heterogeneity. To validate the efficacy of MixRec, we conducted extensive experiments on three public datasets. The results clearly demonstrate its superior performance, significantly outperforming various state-of-the-art baselines. Our model is open-sourced and available at:
Authors: Giacomo Pacini, Fabio Carrara, Nicola Messina, Nicola Tonellotto, Giuseppe Amato, Fabrizio Falchi
Abstract: Query suggestion, a technique widely adopted in information retrieval, enhances system interactivity and the browsing experience of document collections. In cross-modal retrieval, many works have focused on retrieving relevant items from natural language queries, while few have explored query suggestion solutions. In this work, we address query suggestion in cross-modal retrieval, introducing a novel task that focuses on suggesting minimal textual modifications needed to explore visually consistent subsets of the collection, following the premise of ''Maybe you are looking for''. To facilitate the evaluation and development of methods, we present a tailored benchmark named CroQS. This dataset comprises initial queries, grouped result sets, and human-defined suggested queries for each group. We establish dedicated metrics to rigorously evaluate the performance of various methods on this task, measuring representativeness, cluster specificity, and similarity of the suggested queries to the original ones. Baseline methods from related fields, such as image captioning and content summarization, are adapted for this task to provide reference performance scores. Although relatively far from human performance, our experiments reveal that both LLM-based and captioning-based methods achieve competitive results on CroQS, improving the recall on cluster specificity by more than 115% and representativeness mAP by more than 52% with respect to the initial query. The dataset, the implementation of the baseline methods and the notebooks containing our experiments are available here:
Authors: Philipp Brauner, Felix Glawe, Gian Luca Liehner, Luisa Vervier, Martina Ziefle
Abstract: As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, understanding public perceptions -- including biases, risks, and benefits -- is critical for guiding research priorities, shaping public discourse, and informing policy. This study explores public mental models of AI using micro scenarios to assess reactions to 71 statements about AI's potential future impacts. Drawing on cross-cultural samples from Germany (N=52) and China (N=60), we identify significant differences in expectations, evaluations, and risk-utility tradeoffs. German participants tended toward more cautious assessments, whereas Chinese participants expressed greater optimism regarding AI's societal benefits. Chinese participants exhibited relatively balanced risk-benefit tradeoffs ($\beta=-0.463$ for risk and $\beta=+0.484$ for benefit, $r^2=.630$). In contrast, German participants showed a stronger emphasis on AI benefits and less on risks ($\beta=-0.337$ for risk and $\beta=+0.715$ for benefit, $r^2=.839$). Visual cognitive maps illustrate these contrasts, offering new perspectives on how cultural contexts shape AI acceptance. Our findings underline key factors influencing public perception and provide actionable insights for fostering equitable and culturally sensitive integration of AI technologies.
Authors: Chi Liu, Jiangxia Cao, Rui Huang, Kuo Cai, Weifeng Ding, Qiang Luo, Kun Gai, Guorui Zhou
Abstract: Recommendation systems (RecSys) are designed to connect users with relevant items from a vast pool of candidates while aligning with the business goals of the platform. A typical industrial RecSys is composed of two main stages, retrieval and ranking: (1) the retrieval stage aims at searching hundreds of item candidates satisfied user interests; (2) based on the retrieved items, the ranking stage aims at selecting the best dozen items by multiple targets estimation for each item candidate, including classification and regression targets. Compared with ranking model, the retrieval model absence of item candidate information during inference, therefore retrieval models are often trained by classification target only (e.g., click-through rate), but failed to incorporate regression target (e.g., the expected watch-time), which limit the effectiveness of retrieval. In this paper, we propose the Controllable Retrieval Model (CRM), which integrates regression information as conditional features into the two-tower retrieval paradigm. This modification enables the retrieval stage could fulfill the target gap with ranking model, enhancing the retrieval model ability to search item candidates satisfied the user interests and condition effectively. We validate the effectiveness of CRM through real-world A/B testing and demonstrate its successful deployment in Kuaishou short-video recommendation system, which serves over 400 million users.
Authors: Xi Ding, Lei Wang
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized video-based computer vision applications, including action recognition, anomaly detection, and video summarization. Videos inherently pose unique challenges, combining spatial complexity with temporal dynamics that are absent in static images or textual data. Current approaches to video understanding with LLMs often rely on pretrained video encoders to extract spatiotemporal features and text encoders to capture semantic meaning. These representations are integrated within LLM frameworks, enabling multimodal reasoning across diverse video tasks. However, the critical question persists: Can LLMs truly understand the concept of time, and how effectively can they reason about temporal relationships in videos? This work critically examines the role of LLMs in video processing, with a specific focus on their temporal reasoning capabilities. We identify key limitations in the interaction between LLMs and pretrained encoders, revealing gaps in their ability to model long-term dependencies and abstract temporal concepts such as causality and event progression. Furthermore, we analyze challenges posed by existing video datasets, including biases, lack of temporal annotations, and domain-specific limitations that constrain the temporal understanding of LLMs. To address these gaps, we explore promising future directions, including the co-evolution of LLMs and encoders, the development of enriched datasets with explicit temporal labels, and innovative architectures for integrating spatial, temporal, and semantic reasoning. By addressing these challenges, we aim to advance the temporal comprehension of LLMs, unlocking their full potential in video analysis and beyond.
Authors: Gianmario Voria, Stefano Lambiase, Maria Concetta Schiavone, Gemma Catolino, Fabio Palomba
Abstract: As the adoption of machine learning (ML) systems continues to grow across industries, concerns about fairness and bias in these systems have taken center stage. Fairness toolkits, designed to mitigate bias in ML models, serve as critical tools for addressing these ethical concerns. However, their adoption in the context of software development remains underexplored, especially regarding the cognitive and behavioral factors driving their usage. As a deeper understanding of these factors could be pivotal in refining tool designs and promoting broader adoption, this study investigates the factors influencing the adoption of fairness toolkits from an individual perspective. Guided by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2), we examined the factors shaping the intention to adopt and actual use of fairness toolkits. Specifically, we employed Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to analyze data from a survey study involving practitioners in the software industry. Our findings reveal that performance expectancy and habit are the primary drivers of fairness toolkit adoption. These insights suggest that by emphasizing the effectiveness of these tools in mitigating bias and fostering habitual use, organizations can encourage wider adoption. Practical recommendations include improving toolkit usability, integrating bias mitigation processes into routine development workflows, and providing ongoing support to ensure professionals see clear benefits from regular use.
Authors: Olivier Letoffe, Xuanxiang Huang, Joao Marques-Silva
Abstract: The ubiquitous use of Shapley values in eXplainable AI (XAI) has been triggered by the tool SHAP, and as a result are commonly referred to as SHAP scores. Recent work devised examples of machine learning (ML) classifiers for which the computed SHAP scores are thoroughly unsatisfactory, by allowing human decision-makers to be misled. Nevertheless, such examples could be perceived as somewhat artificial, since the selected classes must be interpreted as numeric. Furthermore, it was unclear how general were the issues identified with SHAP scores. This paper answers these criticisms. First, the paper shows that for Boolean classifiers there are arbitrarily many examples for which the SHAP scores must be deemed unsatisfactory. Second, the paper shows that the issues with SHAP scores are also observed in the case of regression models. In addition, the paper studies the class of regression models that respect Lipschitz continuity, a measure of a function's rate of change that finds important recent uses in ML, including model robustness. Concretely, the paper shows that the issues with SHAP scores occur even for regression models that respect Lipschitz continuity. Finally, the paper shows that the same issues are guaranteed to exist for arbitrarily differentiable regression models.
Authors: Kun Wu, Chengkai Hou, Jiaming Liu, Zhengping Che, Xiaozhu Ju, Zhuqin Yang, Meng Li, Yinuo Zhao, Zhiyuan Xu, Guang Yang, Zhen Zhao, Guangyu Li, Zhao Jin, Lecheng Wang, Jilei Mao, Xinhua Wang, Shichao Fan, Ning Liu, Pei Ren, Qiang Zhang, Yaoxu Lyu, Mengzhen Liu, Jingyang He, Yulin Luo, Zeyu Gao, Chenxuan Li, Chenyang Gu, Yankai Fu, Di Wu, Xingyu Wang, Sixiang Chen, Zhenyu Wang, Pengju An, Siyuan Qian, Shanghang Zhang, Jian Tang
Abstract: Developing robust and general-purpose robotic manipulation policies is a key goal in the field of robotics. To achieve effective generalization, it is essential to construct comprehensive datasets that encompass a large number of demonstration trajectories and diverse tasks. Unlike vision or language data that can be collected from the Internet, robotic datasets require detailed observations and manipulation actions, necessitating significant investment in hardware-software infrastructure and human labor. While existing works have focused on assembling various individual robot datasets, there remains a lack of a unified data collection standard and insufficient diversity in tasks, scenarios, and robot types. In this paper, we introduce RoboMIND (Multi-embodiment Intelligence Normative Data for Robot manipulation), featuring 55k real-world demonstration trajectories across 279 diverse tasks involving 61 different object classes. RoboMIND is collected through human teleoperation and encompasses comprehensive robotic-related information, including multi-view RGB-D images, proprioceptive robot state information, end effector details, and linguistic task descriptions. To ensure dataset consistency and reliability during policy learning, RoboMIND is built on a unified data collection platform and standardized protocol, covering four distinct robotic embodiments. We provide a thorough quantitative and qualitative analysis of RoboMIND across multiple dimensions, offering detailed insights into the diversity of our datasets. In our experiments, we conduct extensive real-world testing with four state-of-the-art imitation learning methods, demonstrating that training with RoboMIND data results in a high manipulation success rate and strong generalization. Our project is at
Authors: Yuanhe Zhang, Zhenhong Zhou, Wei Zhang, Xinyue Wang, Xiaojun Jia, Yang Liu, Sen Su
Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across diverse tasks. LLMs continue to be vulnerable to external threats, particularly Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. Specifically, LLM-DoS attacks aim to exhaust computational resources and block services. However, prior works tend to focus on performing white-box attacks, overlooking black-box settings. In this work, we propose an automated algorithm designed for black-box LLMs, called Auto-Generation for LLM-DoS Attack (AutoDoS). AutoDoS introduces DoS Attack Tree and optimizes the prompt node coverage to enhance effectiveness under black-box conditions. Our method can bypass existing defense with enhanced stealthiness via semantic improvement of prompt nodes. Furthermore, we reveal that implanting Length Trojan in Basic DoS Prompt aids in achieving higher attack efficacy. Experimental results show that AutoDoS amplifies service response latency by over 250 $\times \uparrow$, leading to severe resource consumption in terms of GPU utilization and memory usage. Our code is available at \url{}.
Authors: Vageesh Saxena, Sharid Lo\'aiciga, Nils Rethmeier
Abstract: Neural networks have demonstrated significant advancements in Neural Machine Translation (NMT) compared to conventional phrase-based approaches. However, Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (MNMT) in extremely low-resource settings remains underexplored. This research investigates how knowledge transfer across languages can enhance MNMT in such scenarios. Using the Tatoeba translation challenge dataset from Helsinki NLP, we perform English-German, English-French, and English-Spanish translations, leveraging minimal parallel data to establish cross-lingual mappings. Unlike conventional methods relying on extensive pre-training for specific language pairs, we pre-train our model on English-English translations, setting English as the source language for all tasks. The model is fine-tuned on target language pairs using joint multi-task and sequential transfer learning strategies. Our work addresses three key questions: (1) How can knowledge transfer across languages improve MNMT in extremely low-resource scenarios? (2) How does pruning neuron knowledge affect model generalization, robustness, and catastrophic forgetting? (3) How can TX-Ray interpret and quantify knowledge transfer in trained models? Evaluation using BLEU-4 scores demonstrates that sequential transfer learning outperforms baselines on a 40k parallel sentence corpus, showcasing its efficacy. However, pruning neuron knowledge degrades performance, increases catastrophic forgetting, and fails to improve robustness or generalization. Our findings provide valuable insights into the potential and limitations of knowledge transfer and pruning in MNMT for extremely low-resource settings.
Authors: Zidong Han, Ruibo Jin, Xiaoyang Li, Bingpeng Zhou, Qinyu Zhang, Yi Gong
Abstract: To support future spatial machine intelligence applications, lifelong simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) has drawn significant attentions. SLAM is usually realized based on various types of mobile robots performing simultaneous and continuous sensing and communication. This paper focuses on analyzing the energy efficiency of robot operation for lifelong SLAM by jointly considering sensing, communication and mechanical factors. The system model is built based on a robot equipped with a 2D light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and an odometry. The cloud point raw data as well as the odometry data are wirelessly transmitted to data center where real-time map reconstruction is realized based on an unsupervised deep learning based method. The sensing duration, transmit power, transmit duration and exploration speed are jointly optimized to minimize the energy consumption. Simulations and experiments demonstrate the performance of our proposed method.
Authors: Ander Corral, Ixak Sarasua, Xabier Saralegi
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are typically optimized for resource-rich languages like English, exacerbating the gap between high-resource and underrepresented languages. This work presents a detailed analysis of strategies for developing a model capable of following instructions in a low-resource language, specifically Basque, by focusing on three key stages: pre-training, instruction tuning, and alignment with human preferences. Our findings demonstrate that continual pre-training with a high-quality Basque corpus of around 600 million words improves natural language understanding (NLU) of the foundational model by over 12 points. Moreover, instruction tuning and human preference alignment using automatically translated datasets proved highly effective, resulting in a 24-point improvement in instruction-following performance. The resulting models, Llama-eus-8B and Llama-eus-8B-instruct, establish a new state-of-the-art for Basque in the sub-10B parameter category.
Authors: Malay Pandey, Vaishali Jain, Nimit Godhani, Sachchida Nand Tripathi, Piyush Rai
Abstract: In many problem settings that require spatio-temporal forecasting, the values in the time-series not only exhibit spatio-temporal correlations but are also influenced by spatial diffusion across locations. One such example is forecasting the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the atmosphere which is influenced by many complex factors, the most important ones being diffusion due to meteorological factors as well as transport across vast distances over a period of time. We present a novel Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network architecture, that specifically captures these dependencies to forecast the PM2.5 concentration. Our model is based on an encoder-decoder architecture where the encoder and decoder parts leverage gated recurrent units (GRU) augmented with a graph neural network (TransformerConv) to account for spatial diffusion. Our model can also be seen as a generalization of various existing models for time-series or spatio-temporal forecasting. We demonstrate the model's effectiveness on two real-world PM2.5 datasets: (1) data collected by us using a recently deployed network of low-cost PM$_{2.5}$ sensors from 511 locations spanning the entirety of the Indian state of Bihar over a period of one year, and (2) another publicly available dataset that covers severely polluted regions from China for a period of 4 years. Our experimental results show our model's impressive ability to account for both spatial as well as temporal dependencies precisely.
Authors: Gereziher Adhane, Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi, Dennis Vetter, David Masip, Gemma Roig
Abstract: Knowledge distillation (KD) remains challenging due to the opaque nature of the knowledge transfer process from a Teacher to a Student, making it difficult to address certain issues related to KD. To address this, we proposed UniCAM, a novel gradient-based visual explanation method, which effectively interprets the knowledge learned during KD. Our experimental results demonstrate that with the guidance of the Teacher's knowledge, the Student model becomes more efficient, learning more relevant features while discarding those that are not relevant. We refer to the features learned with the Teacher's guidance as distilled features and the features irrelevant to the task and ignored by the Student as residual features. Distilled features focus on key aspects of the input, such as textures and parts of objects. In contrast, residual features demonstrate more diffused attention, often targeting irrelevant areas, including the backgrounds of the target objects. In addition, we proposed two novel metrics: the feature similarity score (FSS) and the relevance score (RS), which quantify the relevance of the distilled knowledge. Experiments on the CIFAR10, ASIRRA, and Plant Disease datasets demonstrate that UniCAM and the two metrics offer valuable insights to explain the KD process.
Authors: Eleni Sgouritsa, Virginia Aglietti, Yee Whye Teh, Arnaud Doucet, Arthur Gretton, Silvia Chiappa
Abstract: The reasoning abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) are attracting increasing attention. In this work, we focus on causal reasoning and address the task of establishing causal relationships based on correlation information, a highly challenging problem on which several LLMs have shown poor performance. We introduce a prompting strategy for this problem that breaks the original task into fixed subquestions, with each subquestion corresponding to one step of a formal causal discovery algorithm, the PC algorithm. The proposed prompting strategy, PC-SubQ, guides the LLM to follow these algorithmic steps, by sequentially prompting it with one subquestion at a time, augmenting the next subquestion's prompt with the answer to the previous one(s). We evaluate our approach on an existing causal benchmark, Corr2Cause: our experiments indicate a performance improvement across five LLMs when comparing PC-SubQ to baseline prompting strategies. Results are robust to causal query perturbations, when modifying the variable names or paraphrasing the expressions.
Authors: Katarzyna Kobalczyk, Claudio Fanconi, Hao Sun, Mihaela van der Schaar
Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) become increasingly embedded in everyday applications, ensuring their alignment with the diverse preferences of individual users has become a critical challenge. Currently deployed approaches typically assume homogeneous user objectives and rely on single-objective fine-tuning. However, human preferences are inherently heterogeneous, influenced by various unobservable factors, leading to conflicting signals in preference data. Existing solutions addressing this diversity often require costly datasets labelled for specific objectives and involve training multiple reward models or LLM policies, which is computationally expensive and impractical. In this work, we present a novel framework for few-shot steerable alignment, where users' underlying preferences are inferred from a small sample of their choices. To achieve this, we extend the Bradley-Terry-Luce model to handle heterogeneous preferences with unobserved variability factors and propose its practical implementation for reward modelling and LLM fine-tuning. Thanks to our proposed approach of functional parameter-space conditioning, LLMs trained with our framework can be adapted to individual preferences at inference time, generating outputs over a continuum of behavioural modes. We empirically validate the effectiveness of methods, demonstrating their ability to capture and align with diverse human preferences in a data-efficient manner. Our code is made available at:
Authors: Tong Chen, Shuya Yang, Junyi Wang, Long Bai, Hongliang Ren, Luping Zhou
Abstract: Medical video generation has transformative potential for enhancing surgical understanding and pathology insights through precise and controllable visual representations. However, current models face limitations in controllability and authenticity. To bridge this gap, we propose SurgSora, a motion-controllable surgical video generation framework that uses a single input frame and user-controllable motion cues. SurgSora consists of three key modules: the Dual Semantic Injector (DSI), which extracts object-relevant RGB and depth features from the input frame and integrates them with segmentation cues to capture detailed spatial features of complex anatomical structures; the Decoupled Flow Mapper (DFM), which fuses optical flow with semantic-RGB-D features at multiple scales to enhance temporal understanding and object spatial dynamics; and the Trajectory Controller (TC), which allows users to specify motion directions and estimates sparse optical flow, guiding the video generation process. The fused features are used as conditions for a frozen Stable Diffusion model to produce realistic, temporally coherent surgical videos. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that SurgSora outperforms state-of-the-art methods in controllability and authenticity, showing its potential to advance surgical video generation for medical education, training, and research.
Authors: Ronald Schnitzer, Lennart Kilian, Simon Roessner, Konstantinos Theodorou, Sonja Zillner
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a key technology, driving advancements across a range of applications. Its integration into modern autonomous systems requires assuring safety. However, the challenge of assuring safety in systems that incorporate AI components is substantial. The lack of concrete specifications, and also the complexity of both the operational environment and the system itself, leads to various aspects of uncertain behavior and complicates the derivation of convincing evidence for system safety. Nonetheless, scholars proposed to thoroughly analyze and mitigate AI-specific insufficiencies, so-called AI safety concerns, which yields essential evidence supporting a convincing assurance case. In this paper, we build upon this idea and propose the so-called Landscape of AI Safety Concerns, a novel methodology designed to support the creation of safety assurance cases for AI-based systems by systematically demonstrating the absence of AI safety concerns. The methodology's application is illustrated through a case study involving a driverless regional train, demonstrating its practicality and effectiveness.
Authors: Semih Cayci
Abstract: We analyze the convergence of Gauss-Newton dynamics for training neural networks with smooth activation functions. In the underparameterized regime, the Gauss-Newton gradient flow induces a Riemannian gradient flow on a low-dimensional, smooth, embedded submanifold of the Euclidean output space. Using tools from Riemannian optimization, we prove \emph{last-iterate} convergence of the Riemannian gradient flow to the optimal in-class predictor at an \emph{exponential rate} that is independent of the conditioning of the Gram matrix, \emph{without} requiring explicit regularization. We further characterize the critical impacts of the neural network scaling factor and the initialization on the convergence behavior. In the overparameterized regime, we show that the Levenberg-Marquardt dynamics with an appropriately chosen damping factor yields robustness to ill-conditioned kernels, analogous to the underparameterized regime. These findings demonstrate the potential of Gauss-Newton methods for efficiently optimizing neural networks, particularly in ill-conditioned problems where kernel and Gram matrices have small singular values.
Authors: Kevin You
Abstract: Text Normalization and Semantic Parsing have numerous applications in natural language processing, such as natural language programming, paraphrasing, data augmentation, constructing expert systems, text matching, and more. Despite the prominent achievements of deep learning in Large Language Models (LLMs), the interpretability of neural network architectures is still poor, which affects their credibility and hence limits the deployments of risk-sensitive scenarios. In certain scenario-specific domains with scarce data, rapidly obtaining a large number of supervised learning labels is challenging, and the workload of manually labeling data would be enormous. Catastrophic forgetting in neural networks further leads to low data utilization rates. In situations where swift responses are vital, the density of the model makes local deployment difficult and the response time long, which is not conducive to local applications of these fields. Inspired by the multiplication rule, a principle of combinatorial mathematics, and human thinking patterns, a multilayer framework along with its algorithm, the Digestion Algorithm in Hierarchical Symbolic Forests (DAHSF), is proposed to address these above issues, combining text normalization and semantic parsing workflows. The Chinese Scripting Language "Fire Bunny Intelligent Development Platform V2.0" is an important test and application of the technology discussed in this paper. DAHSF can run locally in scenario-specific domains on little datasets, with model size and memory usage optimized by at least two orders of magnitude, thus improving the execution speed, and possessing a promising optimization outlook.
Authors: Shilin Sun, Wenbin An, Feng Tian, Fang Nan, Qidong Liu, Jun Liu, Nazaraf Shah, Ping Chen
Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly developed through advancements in computational power and the growth of massive datasets. However, this progress has also heightened challenges in interpreting the "black-box" nature of AI models. To address these concerns, eXplainable AI (XAI) has emerged with a focus on transparency and interpretability to enhance human understanding and trust in AI decision-making processes. In the context of multimodal data fusion and complex reasoning scenarios, the proposal of Multimodal eXplainable AI (MXAI) integrates multiple modalities for prediction and explanation tasks. Meanwhile, the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to remarkable breakthroughs in natural language processing, yet their complexity has further exacerbated the issue of MXAI. To gain key insights into the development of MXAI methods and provide crucial guidance for building more transparent, fair, and trustworthy AI systems, we review the MXAI methods from a historical perspective and categorize them across four eras: traditional machine learning, deep learning, discriminative foundation models, and generative LLMs. We also review evaluation metrics and datasets used in MXAI research, concluding with a discussion of future challenges and directions. A project related to this review has been created at
Authors: Kyle Thompson, Nuno Saavedra, Pedro Carrott, Kevin Fisher, Alex Sanchez-Stern, Yuriy Brun, Jo\~ao F. Ferreira, Sorin Lerner, Emily First
Abstract: Formal verification using proof assistants, such as Coq, enables the creation of high-quality software. However, the verification process requires significant expertise and manual effort to write proofs. Recent work has explored automating proof synthesis using machine learning and large language models (LLMs). This work has shown that identifying relevant premises, such as lemmas and definitions, can aid synthesis. We present Rango, a fully automated proof synthesis tool for Coq that automatically identifies relevant premises and also similar proofs from the current project and uses them during synthesis. Rango uses retrieval augmentation at every step of the proof to automatically determine which proofs and premises to include in the context of its fine-tuned LLM. In this way, Rango adapts to the project and to the evolving state of the proof. We create a new dataset, CoqStoq, of 2,226 open-source Coq projects and 196,929 theorems from GitHub, which includes both training data and a curated evaluation benchmark of well-maintained projects. On this benchmark, Rango synthesizes proofs for 32.0% of the theorems, which is 29% more theorems than the prior state-of-the-art tool Tactician. Our evaluation also shows that Rango adding relevant proofs to its context leads to a 47% increase in the number of theorems proven.
Authors: Tiago de Lima, Emiliano Lorini, Elise Perrotin, Fran\c{c}ois Schwarzentruber
Abstract: We introduce a novel language for reasoning about agents' cognitive attitudes of both epistemic and motivational type. We interpret it by means of a computationally grounded semantics using belief bases. Our language includes five types of modal operators for implicit belief, complete attraction, complete repulsion, realistic attraction and realistic repulsion. We give an axiomatization and show that our operators are not mutually expressible and that they can be combined to represent a large variety of psychological concepts including ambivalence, indifference, being motivated, being demotivated and preference. We present a dynamic extension of the language that supports reasoning about the effects of belief change operations. Finally, we provide a succinct formulation of model checking for our languages and a PSPACE model checking algorithm relying on a reduction into TQBF. We present some experimental results for the implemented algorithm on computation time in a concrete example.
Authors: Rida Qadri, Piotr Mirowski, Aroussiak Gabriellan, Farbod Mehr, Huma Gupta, Pamela Karimi, Remi Denton
Abstract: This paper proposes dialogue as a method for evaluating generative AI tools for culturally-situated creative practice, that recognizes the socially situated nature of art. Drawing on sociologist Howard Becker's concept of Art Worlds, this method expands the scope of traditional AI and creativity evaluations beyond benchmarks, user studies with crowd-workers, or focus groups conducted with artists. Our method involves two mutually informed dialogues: 1) 'dialogues with art worlds' placing artists in conversation with experts such as art historians, curators, and archivists, and 2)'dialogues with the machine,' facilitated through structured artist- and critic-led experimentation with state-of-the-art generative AI tools. We demonstrate the value of this method through a case study with artists and experts steeped in non-western art worlds, specifically the Persian Gulf. We trace how these dialogues help create culturally rich and situated forms of evaluation for representational possibilities of generative AI that mimic the reception of generative artwork in the broader art ecosystem. Putting artists in conversation with commentators also allow artists to shift their use of the tools to respond to their cultural and creative context. Our study can provide generative AI researchers an understanding of the complex dynamics of technology, human creativity and the socio-politics of art worlds, to build more inclusive machines for diverse art worlds.
Authors: Markus Dablander
Abstract: Video games are a natural and synergistic application domain for artificial intelligence (AI) systems, offering both the potential to enhance player experience and immersion, as well as providing valuable benchmarks and virtual environments to advance AI technologies in general. This report presents a high-level overview of five promising research pathways for applying state-of-the-art AI methods, particularly deep learning, to digital gaming within the context of the current research landscape. The objective of this work is to outline a curated, non-exhaustive list of encouraging research directions at the intersection of AI and video games that may serve to inspire more rigorous and comprehensive research efforts in the future. We discuss (i) investigating large language models as core engines for game agent modelling, (ii) using neural cellular automata for procedural game content generation, (iii) accelerating computationally expensive in-game simulations via deep surrogate modelling, (iv) leveraging self-supervised learning to obtain useful video game state embeddings, and (v) training generative models of interactive worlds using unlabelled video data. We also briefly address current technical challenges associated with the integration of advanced deep learning systems into video game development, and indicate key areas where further progress is likely to be beneficial.
Authors: Matej Martinc, Hanh Thi Hong Tran, Senja Pollak, Boshko Koloski
Abstract: Keyword extraction involves identifying the most descriptive words in a document, allowing automatic categorisation and summarisation of large quantities of diverse textual data. Relying on the insight that real-world keyword detection often requires handling of diverse content, we propose a novel supervised keyword extraction approach based on the mixture of experts (MoE) technique. MoE uses a learnable routing sub-network to direct information to specialised experts, allowing them to specialize in distinct regions of the input space. SEKE, a mixture of Specialised Experts for supervised Keyword Extraction, uses DeBERTa as the backbone model and builds on the MoE framework, where experts attend to each token, by integrating it with a recurrent neural network (RNN), to allow successful extraction even on smaller corpora, where specialisation is harder due to lack of training data. The MoE framework also provides an insight into inner workings of individual experts, enhancing the explainability of the approach. We benchmark SEKE on multiple English datasets, achieving state-of-the-art performance compared to strong supervised and unsupervised baselines. Our analysis reveals that depending on data size and type, experts specialize in distinct syntactic and semantic components, such as punctuation, stopwords, parts-of-speech, or named entities. Code is available at:
Authors: Jihye Choi, Jayaram Raghuram, Yixuan Li, Somesh Jha
Abstract: Advancements in foundation models (FMs) have led to a paradigm shift in machine learning. The rich, expressive feature representations from these pre-trained, large-scale FMs are leveraged for multiple downstream tasks, usually via lightweight fine-tuning of a shallow fully-connected network following the representation. However, the non-interpretable, black-box nature of this prediction pipeline can be a challenge, especially in critical domains such as healthcare, finance, and security. In this paper, we explore the potential of Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) for transforming complex, non-interpretable foundation models into interpretable decision-making pipelines using high-level concept vectors. Specifically, we focus on the test-time deployment of such an interpretable CBM pipeline "in the wild", where the input distribution often shifts from the original training distribution. We first identify the potential failure modes of such a pipeline under different types of distribution shifts. Then we propose an adaptive concept bottleneck framework to address these failure modes, that dynamically adapts the concept-vector bank and the prediction layer based solely on unlabeled data from the target domain, without access to the source (training) dataset. Empirical evaluations with various real-world distribution shifts show that our adaptation method produces concept-based interpretations better aligned with the test data and boosts post-deployment accuracy by up to 28%, aligning the CBM performance with that of non-interpretable classification.
Authors: Noble Saji Mathews, Meiyappan Nagappan
Abstract: There is an increasing amount of research and commercial tools for automated test case generation using Large Language Models (LLMs). This paper critically examines whether recent LLM-based test generation tools, such as Codium CoverAgent and CoverUp, can effectively find bugs or unintentionally validate faulty code. Considering bugs are only exposed by failing test cases, we explore the question: can these tools truly achieve the intended objectives of software testing when their test oracles are designed to pass? Using real human-written buggy code as input, we evaluate these tools, showing how LLM-generated tests can fail to detect bugs and, more alarmingly, how their design can worsen the situation by validating bugs in the generated test suite and rejecting bug-revealing tests. These findings raise important questions about the validity of the design behind LLM-based test generation tools and their impact on software quality and test suite reliability.
Authors: Darshan Deshpande, Selvan Sunitha Ravi, Sky CH-Wang, Bartosz Mielczarek, Anand Kannappan, Rebecca Qian
Abstract: The LLM-as-judge paradigm is increasingly being adopted for automated evaluation of model outputs. While LLM judges have shown promise on constrained evaluation tasks, closed source LLMs display critical shortcomings when deployed in real world applications due to challenges of fine grained metrics and explainability, while task specific evaluation models lack cross-domain generalization. We introduce GLIDER, a powerful 3B evaluator LLM that can score any text input and associated context on arbitrary user defined criteria. GLIDER shows higher Pearson's correlation than GPT-4o on FLASK and greatly outperforms prior evaluation models, achieving comparable performance to LLMs 17x its size. GLIDER supports fine-grained scoring, multilingual reasoning, span highlighting and was trained on 685 domains and 183 criteria. Extensive qualitative analysis shows that GLIDER scores are highly correlated with human judgments, with 91.3% human agreement. We have open-sourced GLIDER to facilitate future research.
Authors: Xi Wang, Robin Courant, Marc Christie, Vicky Kalogeiton
Abstract: Recent advances in text-conditioned video diffusion have greatly improved video quality. However, these methods offer limited or sometimes no control to users on camera aspects, including dynamic camera motion, zoom, distorted lens and focus shifts. These motion and optical aspects are crucial for adding controllability and cinematic elements to generation frameworks, ultimately resulting in visual content that draws focus, enhances mood, and guides emotions according to filmmakers' controls. In this paper, we aim to close the gap between controllable video generation and camera optics. To achieve this, we propose AKiRa (Augmentation Kit on Rays), a novel augmentation framework that builds and trains a camera adapter with a complex camera model over an existing video generation backbone. It enables fine-tuned control over camera motion as well as complex optical parameters (focal length, distortion, aperture) to achieve cinematic effects such as zoom, fisheye effect, and bokeh. Extensive experiments demonstrate AKiRa's effectiveness in combining and composing camera optics while outperforming all state-of-the-art methods. This work sets a new landmark in controlled and optically enhanced video generation, paving the way for future optical video generation methods.
Authors: Runtao Liu, Haoyu Wu, Zheng Ziqiang, Chen Wei, Yingqing He, Renjie Pi, Qifeng Chen
Abstract: Recent progress in generative diffusion models has greatly advanced text-to-video generation. While text-to-video models trained on large-scale, diverse datasets can produce varied outputs, these generations often deviate from user preferences, highlighting the need for preference alignment on pre-trained models. Although Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has demonstrated significant improvements in language and image generation, we pioneer its adaptation to video diffusion models and propose a VideoDPO pipeline by making several key adjustments. Unlike previous image alignment methods that focus solely on either (i) visual quality or (ii) semantic alignment between text and videos, we comprehensively consider both dimensions and construct a preference score accordingly, which we term the OmniScore. We design a pipeline to automatically collect preference pair data based on the proposed OmniScore and discover that re-weighting these pairs based on the score significantly impacts overall preference alignment. Our experiments demonstrate substantial improvements in both visual quality and semantic alignment, ensuring that no preference aspect is neglected. Code and data will be shared at
Authors: Zhihang Yuan, Yuzhang Shang, Hanling Zhang, Tongcheng Fang, Rui Xie, Bingxin Xu, Yan Yan, Shengen Yan, Guohao Dai, Yu Wang
Abstract: Recent advances in autoregressive (AR) models with continuous tokens for image generation show promising results by eliminating the need for discrete tokenization. However, these models face efficiency challenges due to their sequential token generation nature and reliance on computationally intensive diffusion-based sampling. We present ECAR (Efficient Continuous Auto-Regressive Image Generation via Multistage Modeling), an approach that addresses these limitations through two intertwined innovations: (1) a stage-wise continuous token generation strategy that reduces computational complexity and provides progressively refined token maps as hierarchical conditions, and (2) a multistage flow-based distribution modeling method that transforms only partial-denoised distributions at each stage comparing to complete denoising in normal diffusion models. Holistically, ECAR operates by generating tokens at increasing resolutions while simultaneously denoising the image at each stage. This design not only reduces token-to-image transformation cost by a factor of the stage number but also enables parallel processing at the token level. Our approach not only enhances computational efficiency but also aligns naturally with image generation principles by operating in continuous token space and following a hierarchical generation process from coarse to fine details. Experimental results demonstrate that ECAR achieves comparable image quality to DiT Peebles & Xie [2023] while requiring 10$\times$ FLOPs reduction and 5$\times$ speedup to generate a 256$\times$256 image.
Authors: Jiageng Mao, Siheng Zhao, Siqi Song, Tianheng Shi, Junjie Ye, Mingtong Zhang, Haoran Geng, Jitendra Malik, Vitor Guizilini, Yue Wang
Abstract: Scalable learning of humanoid robots is crucial for their deployment in real-world applications. While traditional approaches primarily rely on reinforcement learning or teleoperation to achieve whole-body control, they are often limited by the diversity of simulated environments and the high costs of demonstration collection. In contrast, human videos are ubiquitous and present an untapped source of semantic and motion information that could significantly enhance the generalization capabilities of humanoid robots. This paper introduces Humanoid-X, a large-scale dataset of over 20 million humanoid robot poses with corresponding text-based motion descriptions, designed to leverage this abundant data. Humanoid-X is curated through a comprehensive pipeline: data mining from the Internet, video caption generation, motion retargeting of humans to humanoid robots, and policy learning for real-world deployment. With Humanoid-X, we further train a large humanoid model, UH-1, which takes text instructions as input and outputs corresponding actions to control a humanoid robot. Extensive simulated and real-world experiments validate that our scalable training approach leads to superior generalization in text-based humanoid control, marking a significant step toward adaptable, real-world-ready humanoid robots.
Authors: David Kupeev, Eyal Nitzany
Abstract: Every day, humans perceive objects and communicate these perceptions through various channels. In this paper, we present a computational model designed to track and simulate the perception of objects, as well as their representations as conveyed in communication. We delineate two fundamental components of our internal representation, termed "observed" and "seen", which we correlate with established concepts in computer vision, namely encoding and decoding. These components are integrated into semiotic networks, which simulate perceptual inference of object perception and human communication. Our model of object perception by a person allows us to define object perception by {\em a network}. We demonstrate this with an example of an image baseline classifier by constructing a new network that includes the baseline classifier and an additional layer. This layer produces the images "perceived" by the entire network, transforming it into a perceptualized image classifier. This facilitates visualization of the acquired network. Within our network, the image representations become more efficient for classification tasks when they are assembled and randomized. In our experiments, the perceptualized network outperformed the baseline classifier on MNIST training databases consisting of a restricted number of images. Our model is not limited to persons and can be applied to any system featuring a loop involving the processing from "internal" to "external" representations.
Authors: SeungWon Seo, SeongRae Noh, Junhyeok Lee, SooBin Lim, Won Hee Lee, HyeongYeop Kang
Abstract: We address the challenge of multi-agent cooperation, where agents achieve a common goal by cooperating with decentralized agents under complex partial observations. Existing cooperative agent systems often struggle with efficiently processing continuously accumulating information, managing globally suboptimal planning due to lack of consideration of collaborators, and addressing false planning caused by environmental changes introduced by other collaborators. To overcome these challenges, we propose the RElevance, Proximity, and Validation-Enhanced Cooperative Language Agent (REVECA), a novel cognitive architecture powered by GPT-4o-mini. REVECA enables efficient memory management, optimal planning, and cost-effective prevention of false planning by leveraging Relevance Estimation, Adaptive Planning, and Trajectory-based Validation. Extensive experimental results demonstrate REVECA's superiority over existing methods across various benchmarks, while a user study reveals its potential for achieving trustworthy human-AI cooperation.
Authors: Zijian Wang, Bin Wang, Haifeng Jing, Huayu Li, Hongbo Dou
Abstract: Recent years, multi-hop reasoning has been widely studied for knowledge graph (KG) reasoning due to its efficacy and interpretability. However, previous multi-hop reasoning approaches are subject to two primary shortcomings. First, agents struggle to learn effective and robust policies at the early phase due to sparse rewards. Second, these approaches often falter on specific datasets like sparse knowledge graphs, where agents are required to traverse lengthy reasoning paths. To address these problems, we propose a multi-hop reasoning model with dual agents based on hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL), which is named FULORA. FULORA tackles the above reasoning challenges by eFficient GUidance-ExpLORAtion between dual agents. The high-level agent walks on the simplified knowledge graph to provide stage-wise hints for the low-level agent walking on the original knowledge graph. In this framework, the low-level agent optimizes a value function that balances two objectives: (1) maximizing return, and (2) integrating efficient guidance from the high-level agent. Experiments conducted on three real-word knowledge graph datasets demonstrate that FULORA outperforms RL-based baselines, especially in the case of long-distance reasoning.
Authors: Junlin He, Tong Nie, Wei Ma
Abstract: In the geospatial domain, universal representation models are significantly less prevalent than their extensive use in natural language processing and computer vision. This discrepancy arises primarily from the high costs associated with the input of existing representation models, which often require street views and mobility data. To address this, we develop a novel, training-free method that leverages large language models (LLMs) and auxiliary map data from OpenStreetMap to derive geolocation representations (LLMGeovec). LLMGeovec can represent the geographic semantics of city, country, and global scales, which acts as a generic enhancer for spatio-temporal learning. Specifically, by direct feature concatenation, we introduce a simple yet effective paradigm for enhancing multiple spatio-temporal tasks including geographic prediction (GP), long-term time series forecasting (LTSF), and graph-based spatio-temporal forecasting (GSTF). LLMGeovec can seamlessly integrate into a wide spectrum of spatio-temporal learning models, providing immediate enhancements. Experimental results demonstrate that LLMGeovec achieves global coverage and significantly boosts the performance of leading GP, LTSF, and GSTF models. Our codes are available at \url{}.
Authors: Luyang Luo, Jenanan Vairavamurthy, Xiaoman Zhang, Abhinav Kumar, Ramon R. Ter-Oganesyan, Stuart T. Schroff, Dan Shilo, Rydhwana Hossain, Mike Moritz, Pranav Rajpurkar
Abstract: Radiology reports, designed for efficient communication between medical experts, often remain incomprehensible to patients. This inaccessibility could potentially lead to anxiety, decreased engagement in treatment decisions, and poorer health outcomes, undermining patient-centered care. We present ReXplain (Radiology eXplanation), an innovative AI-driven system that translates radiology findings into patient-friendly video reports. ReXplain uniquely integrates a large language model for medical text simplification and text-anatomy association, an image segmentation model for anatomical region identification, and an avatar generation tool for engaging interface visualization. ReXplain enables producing comprehensive explanations with plain language, highlighted imagery, and 3D organ renderings in the form of video reports. To evaluate the utility of ReXplain-generated explanations, we conducted two rounds of user feedback collection from six board-certified radiologists. The results of this proof-of-concept study indicate that ReXplain could accurately deliver radiological information and effectively simulate one-on-one consultation, shedding light on enhancing patient-centered radiology with potential clinical usage. This work demonstrates a new paradigm in AI-assisted medical communication, potentially improving patient engagement and satisfaction in radiology care, and opens new avenues for research in multimodal medical communication.
Authors: Jianfa Chen, Emily Shen, Trupti Bavalatti, Xiaowen Lin, Yongkai Wang, Shuming Hu, Harihar Subramanyam, Ksheeraj Sai Vepuri, Ming Jiang, Ji Qi, Li Chen, Nan Jiang, Ankit Jain
Abstract: Robust content moderation classifiers are essential for the safety of Generative AI systems. In this task, differences between safe and unsafe inputs are often extremely subtle, making it difficult for classifiers (and indeed, even humans) to properly distinguish violating vs. benign samples without context or explanation. Scaling risk discovery and mitigation through continuous model fine-tuning is also slow, challenging and costly, preventing developers from being able to respond quickly and effectively to emergent harms. We propose a Classification approach employing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (Class-RAG). Class-RAG extends the capability of its base LLM through access to a retrieval library which can be dynamically updated to enable semantic hotfixing for immediate, flexible risk mitigation. Compared to model fine-tuning, Class-RAG demonstrates flexibility and transparency in decision-making, outperforms on classification and is more robust against adversarial attack, as evidenced by empirical studies. Our findings also suggest that Class-RAG performance scales with retrieval library size, indicating that increasing the library size is a viable and low-cost approach to improve content moderation.
Authors: Erik J Schlicht
Abstract: Generative Artificial Intelligence offers a powerful tool for adversaries who wish to engage in influence operations, such as the Chinese Spamouflage operation and the Russian Internet Research Agency effort that both sought to interfere with recent US election cycles. Therefore, this study seeks to investigate the propensity of current generative AI models for producing harmful disinformation during an election cycle. The probability that different generative AI models produced disinformation when given adversarial prompts was evaluated, in addition the associated harm. This allows for the expected harm for each model to be computed and it was discovered that Copilot and Gemini tied for the overall safest performance by realizing the lowest expected harm, while GPT-4o produced the greatest rates of harmful disinformation, resulting in much higher expected harm scores. The impact of disinformation category was also investigated and Gemini was safest within the political category of disinformation due to mitigation attempts made by developers during the election, while Copilot was safest for topics related to health. Moreover, characteristics of adversarial roles were discovered that led to greater expected harm across all models. Finally, classification models were developed that predicted disinformation production based on the conditions considered in this study, which offers insight into factors important for predicting disinformation production. Based on all of these insights, recommendations are provided that seek to mitigate factors that lead to harmful disinformation being produced by generative AI models. It is hoped that developers will use these insights to improve future models.
Authors: Fadi Al Machot, Martin Thomas Horsch, Habib Ullah
Abstract: This paper presents a hybrid methodology that enhances the training process of deep learning (DL) models by embedding domain expert knowledge using ontologies and answer set programming (ASP). By integrating these symbolic AI methods, we encode domain-specific constraints, rules, and logical reasoning directly into the model's learning process, thereby improving both performance and trustworthiness. The proposed approach is flexible and applicable to both regression and classification tasks, demonstrating generalizability across various fields such as healthcare, autonomous systems, engineering, and battery manufacturing applications. Unlike other state-of-the-art methods, the strength of our approach lies in its scalability across different domains. The design allows for the automation of the loss function by simply updating the ASP rules, making the system highly scalable and user-friendly. This facilitates seamless adaptation to new domains without significant redesign, offering a practical solution for integrating expert knowledge into DL models in industrial settings such as battery manufacturing.
Authors: Fadi Al Machot, Martin Thomas Horsch, Habib Ullah
Abstract: Growing concerns over the lack of transparency in AI, particularly in high-stakes fields like healthcare and finance, drive the need for explainable and trustworthy systems. While Large Language Models (LLMs) perform exceptionally well in generating accurate outputs, their "black box" nature poses significant challenges to transparency and trust. To address this, the paper proposes the TranspNet pipeline, which integrates symbolic AI with LLMs. By leveraging domain expert knowledge, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), and formal reasoning frameworks like Answer Set Programming (ASP), TranspNet enhances LLM outputs with structured reasoning and verification.This approach strives to help AI systems deliver results that are as accurate, explainable, and trustworthy as possible, aligning with regulatory expectations for transparency and accountability. TranspNet provides a solution for developing AI systems that are reliable and interpretable, making it suitable for real-world applications where trust is critical.
Authors: Zongkai Liu, Qian Lin, Chao Yu, Xiawei Wu, Yile Liang, Donghui Li, Xuetao Ding
Abstract: Offline Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is an emerging field that aims to learn optimal multi-agent policies from pre-collected datasets. Compared to single-agent case, multi-agent setting involves a large joint state-action space and coupled behaviors of multiple agents, which bring extra complexity to offline policy optimization. In this work, we revisit the existing offline MARL methods and show that in certain scenarios they can be problematic, leading to uncoordinated behaviors and out-of-distribution (OOD) joint actions. To address these issues, we propose a new offline MARL algorithm, named In-Sample Sequential Policy Optimization (InSPO). InSPO sequentially updates each agent's policy in an in-sample manner, which not only avoids selecting OOD joint actions but also carefully considers teammates' updated policies to enhance coordination. Additionally, by thoroughly exploring low-probability actions in the behavior policy, InSPO can well address the issue of premature convergence to sub-optimal solutions. Theoretically, we prove InSPO guarantees monotonic policy improvement and converges to quantal response equilibrium (QRE). Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method compared to current state-of-the-art offline MARL methods.
Authors: Matteo Cardellini, Enrico Giunchiglia
Abstract: We consider temporal numeric planning problems $\Pi$ expressed in PDDL2.1 level 3, and show how to produce SMT formulas $(i)$ whose models correspond to valid plans of $\Pi$, and $(ii)$ that extend the recently proposed planning with patterns approach from the numeric to the temporal case. We prove the correctness and completeness of the approach and show that it performs very well on 10 domains with required concurrency.
Authors: Junnan Liu, Hongwei Liu, Linchen Xiao, Ziyi Wang, Kuikun Liu, Songyang Gao, Wenwei Zhang, Songyang Zhang, Kai Chen
Abstract: The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has demonstrated remarkable progress in complex reasoning tasks. However, a significant discrepancy persists between benchmark performances and real-world applications. We identify this gap as primarily stemming from current evaluation protocols and metrics, which inadequately capture the full spectrum of LLM capabilities, particularly in complex reasoning tasks where both accuracy and consistency are crucial. This work makes two key contributions. First, we introduce G-Pass@k, a novel evaluation metric that provides a continuous assessment of model performance across multiple sampling attempts, quantifying both the model's peak performance potential and its stability. Second, we present LiveMathBench, a dynamic benchmark comprising challenging, contemporary mathematical problems designed to minimize data leakage risks during evaluation. Through extensive experiments using G-Pass@k on state-of-the-art LLMs with LiveMathBench, we provide comprehensive insights into both their maximum capabilities and operational consistency. Our findings reveal substantial room for improvement in LLMs' "realistic" reasoning capabilities, highlighting the need for more robust evaluation methods. The benchmark and detailed results are available at:
Authors: Liyue Chen, Xiaoxiang Wang, Leye Wang
Abstract: Contextual features are important data sources for building citywide crowd mobility prediction models. However, the difficulty of applying context lies in the unknown generalizability of contextual features (e.g., weather, holiday, and points of interests) and context modeling techniques across different scenarios. In this paper, we present a unified analytic framework and a large-scale benchmark for evaluating context generalizability. The benchmark includes crowd mobility data, contextual data, and advanced prediction models. We conduct comprehensive experiments in several crowd mobility prediction tasks such as bike flow, metro passenger flow, and electric vehicle charging demand. Our results reveal several important observations: (1) Using more contextual features may not always result in better prediction with existing context modeling techniques; in particular, the combination of holiday and temporal position can provide more generalizable beneficial information than other contextual feature combinations. (2) In context modeling techniques, using a gated unit to incorporate raw contextual features into the deep prediction model has good generalizability. Besides, we offer several suggestions about incorporating contextual factors for building crowd mobility prediction applications. From our findings, we call for future research efforts devoted to developing new context modeling solutions.
Authors: Hanieh Naderi, Chinthaka Dinesh, Ivan V. Bajic, Shohreh Kasaei
Abstract: Adversarial attacks pose serious challenges for deep neural network (DNN)-based analysis of various input signals. In the case of three-dimensional point clouds, methods have been developed to identify points that play a key role in network decision, and these become crucial in generating existing adversarial attacks. For example, a saliency map approach is a popular method for identifying adversarial drop points, whose removal would significantly impact the network decision. This paper seeks to enhance the understanding of three-dimensional adversarial attacks by exploring which point cloud features are most important for predicting adversarial points. Specifically, Fourteen key point cloud features such as edge intensity and distance from the centroid are defined, and multiple linear regression is employed to assess their predictive power for adversarial points. Based on critical feature selection insights, a new attack method has been developed to evaluate whether the selected features can generate an attack successfully. Unlike traditional attack methods that rely on model-specific vulnerabilities, this approach focuses on the intrinsic characteristics of the point clouds themselves. It is demonstrated that these features can predict adversarial points across four different DNN architectures, Point Network (PointNet), PointNet++, Dynamic Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (DGCNN), and Point Convolutional Network (PointConv) outperforming random guessing and achieving results comparable to saliency map-based attacks. This study has important engineering applications, such as enhancing the security and robustness of three-dimensional point cloud-based systems in fields like robotics and autonomous driving.
Authors: Tony Gracious, Arman Gupta, Ambedkar Dukkipati
Abstract: Forecasting relations between entities is paramount in the current era of data and AI. However, it is often overlooked that real-world relationships are inherently directional, involve more than two entities, and can change with time. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive solution to the problem of forecasting directional relations in a general setting, where relations are higher-order, i.e., directed hyperedges in a hypergraph. This problem has not been previously explored in the existing literature. The primary challenge in solving this problem is that the number of possible hyperedges is exponential in the number of nodes at each event time. To overcome this, we propose a sequential generative approach that segments the forecasting process into multiple stages, each contingent upon the preceding stages, thereby reducing the search space involved in predictions of hyperedges. The first stage involves a temporal point process-based node event forecasting module that identifies the subset of nodes involved in an event. The second stage is a candidate generation module that predicts hyperedge sizes and adjacency vectors for nodes observing events. The final stage is a directed hyperedge predictor that identifies the truth by searching over the set of candidate hyperedges. To validate the effectiveness of our model, we compiled five datasets and conducted an extensive empirical study to assess each downstream task. Our proposed method achieves a performance gain of 32\% and 41\% compared to the state-of-the-art pairwise and hyperedge event forecasting models, respectively, for the event type prediction.
Authors: Mengping Yang, Zhe Wang
Abstract: Deep generative models, which target reproducing the given data distribution to produce novel samples, have made unprecedented advancements in recent years. Their technical breakthroughs have enabled unparalleled quality in the synthesis of visual content. However, one critical prerequisite for their tremendous success is the availability of a sufficient number of training samples, which requires massive computation resources. When trained on limited data, generative models tend to suffer from severe performance deterioration due to overfitting and memorization. Accordingly, researchers have devoted considerable attention to develop novel models that are capable of generating plausible and diverse images from limited training data recently. Despite numerous efforts to enhance training stability and synthesis quality in the limited data scenarios, there is a lack of a systematic survey that provides 1) a clear problem definition, critical challenges, and taxonomy of various tasks; 2) an in-depth analysis on the pros, cons, and remain limitations of existing literature; as well as 3) a thorough discussion on the potential applications and future directions in the field of image synthesis under limited data. In order to fill this gap and provide a informative introduction to researchers who are new to this topic, this survey offers a comprehensive review and a novel taxonomy on the development of image synthesis under limited data. In particular, it covers the problem definition, requirements, main solutions, popular benchmarks, and remain challenges in a comprehensive and all-around manner.
Authors: Zhan Xiong, Junling He, Pieter Valkema, Tri Q. Nguyen, Maarten Naesens, Jesper Kers, Fons J. Verbeek
Abstract: Renal biopsies are the gold standard for the diagnosis of kidney diseases. Lesion scores made by renal pathologists are semi-quantitative and exhibit high inter-observer variability. Automating lesion classification within segmented anatomical structures can provide decision support in quantification analysis, thereby reducing inter-observer variability. Nevertheless, classifying lesions in regions-of-interest (ROIs) is clinically challenging due to (a) a large amount of densely packed anatomical objects, (b) class imbalance across different compartments (at least 3), (c) significant variation in size and shape of anatomical objects and (d) the presence of multi-label lesions per anatomical structure. Existing models cannot address these complexities in an efficient and generic manner. This paper presents an analysis for a \textbf{generalized solution} to datasets from various sources (pathology departments) with different types of lesions. Our approach utilizes two sub-networks: dense instance segmentation and lesion classification. We introduce \textbf{DiffRegFormer}, an end-to-end dense instance segmentation sub-network designed for multi-class, multi-scale objects within ROIs. Combining diffusion models, transformers, and RCNNs, DiffRegFormer {is a computational-friendly framework that can efficiently recognize over 500 objects across three anatomical classes, i.e., glomeruli, tubuli, and arteries, within ROIs.} In a dataset of 303 ROIs from 148 Jones' silver-stained renal Whole Slide Images (WSIs), our approach outperforms previous methods, achieving an Average Precision of 52.1\% (detection) and 46.8\% (segmentation). Moreover, our lesion classification sub-network achieves 89.2\% precision and 64.6\% recall on 21889 object patches out of the 303 ROIs. Lastly, our model demonstrates direct domain transfer to PAS-stained renal WSIs without fine-tuning.
Authors: Hangfeng He, Hongming Zhang, Dan Roth
Abstract: To comprehensively gauge the capacity of current models for complex reasoning, it is crucial to assess their step-by-step reasoning in a scalable manner. Established reference-based evaluation metrics rely on human-annotated reasoning chains as references to assess the model-derived chains. However, such "gold-standard" human-written reasoning chains may not be unique and their acquisition is often labor-intensive. Existing reference-free reasoning evaluation metrics, while eliminating the need for human-crafted reasoning chains as references, often require fine-tuning with human-derived chains before evaluation, complicating the process and questioning their adaptability to other datasets. To address these challenges, we harness GPT-4 to automatically evaluate reasoning chain quality, thereby removing the dependency on human-written reasoning chains for both model fine-tuning and evaluative purposes. Leveraging the Socratic method, we develop SocREval ({\bf Soc}ratic Method-Inspired {\bf R}easoning {\bf Eval}uation), a novel approach for prompt design in reference-free reasoning evaluation. Empirical results from four human annotated datasets reveal that SocREval significantly improves GPT-4's performance, surpassing existing reference-free and reference-based reasoning evaluation metrics. Beyond its demonstrated efficacy, SocREval, proves to be both cost-efficient and robust to prompt writing and example selection, as substantiated by our in-depth analysis.
Authors: Joshua Levin, Randall Correll, Takanori Ide, Takafumi Suzuki, Takaho Saito, Alan Arai
Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has been shown to be effective in producing approximate solutions to some vehicle routing problems (VRPs), especially when using policies generated by encoder-decoder attention mechanisms. While these techniques have been quite successful for relatively simple problem instances, there are still under-researched and highly complex VRP variants for which no effective RL method has been demonstrated. In this work we focus on one such VRP variant, which contains multiple trucks and multi-leg routing requirements. In these problems, demand is required to move along sequences of nodes, instead of just from a start node to an end node. With the goal of making deep RL a viable strategy for real-world industrial-scale supply chain logistics, we develop new extensions to existing encoder-decoder attention models which allow them to handle multiple trucks and multi-leg routing requirements. Our models have the advantage that they can be trained for a small number of trucks and nodes, and then embedded into a large supply chain to yield solutions for larger numbers of trucks and nodes. We test our approach on a real supply chain environment arising in the operations of Japanese automotive parts manufacturer Aisin Corporation, and find that our algorithm outperforms Aisin's previous best solution.
Authors: Pengcheng Zhao, Yanxiang Chen, Yang Zhao, Zhao Zhang
Abstract: Automatic image colorization is inherently an ill-posed problem with uncertainty, which requires an accurate semantic understanding of scenes to estimate reasonable colors for grayscale images. Although recent interaction-based methods have achieved impressive performance, it is still a very difficult task to infer realistic and accurate colors for automatic colorization. To reduce the difficulty of semantic understanding of grayscale scenes, this paper tries to utilize corresponding audio, which naturally contains extra semantic information about the same scene. Specifically, a novel and pluggable audio-infused automatic image colorization (AIAIC) method is proposed, which consists of three stages. First, we take color image semantics as a bridge and pretrain a colorization network guided by color image semantics. Second, the natural co-occurrence of audio and video is utilized to learn the color semantic correlations between audio and visual scenes. Third, the implicit audio semantic representation is fed into the pretrained network to finally realize the audio-guided colorization. The whole process is trained in a self-supervised manner without human annotation. Experiments demonstrate that audio guidance can effectively improve the performance of automatic colorization, especially for some scenes that are difficult to understand only from visual modality.
Authors: Logan Hallee, Rohan Kapur, Arjun Patel, Jason P. Gleghorn, Bohdan Khomtchouk
Abstract: The advancement of transformer neural networks has significantly elevated the capabilities of sentence similarity models, but they still struggle with highly discriminative tasks and may produce sub-optimal representations of important documents like scientific literature. With the increased reliance on retrieval augmentation and search, representing diverse documents as concise and descriptive vectors is crucial. This paper improves upon the vectors embeddings of scientific text by assembling niche datasets using co-citations as a similarity metric, focusing on biomedical domains. We apply a novel Mixture of Experts (MoE) extension pipeline to pretrained BERT models, where every multi-layer perceptron section is enlarged and copied into multiple distinct experts. Our MoE variants perform well over $N$ scientific domains with $N$ dedicated experts, whereas standard BERT models excel in only one domain at a time. Notably, extending just a single transformer block to MoE captures 85% of the benefit seen from full MoE extension at every layer. This holds promise for versatile and efficient One-Size-Fits-All transformer networks for numerically representing diverse inputs. Our methodology marks advancements in representation learning and holds promise for enhancing vector database search and compilation.
Authors: Zhaorui Tan, Xi Yang, Kaizhu Huang
Abstract: Multi-domain generalization (mDG) is universally aimed to minimize the discrepancy between training and testing distributions to enhance marginal-to-label distribution mapping. However, existing mDG literature lacks a general learning objective paradigm and often imposes constraints on static target marginal distributions. In this paper, we propose to leverage a $Y$-mapping to relax the constraint. We rethink the learning objective for mDG and design a new \textbf{general learning objective} to interpret and analyze most existing mDG wisdom. This general objective is bifurcated into two synergistic amis: learning domain-independent conditional features and maximizing a posterior. Explorations also extend to two effective regularization terms that incorporate prior information and suppress invalid causality, alleviating the issues that come with relaxed constraints. We theoretically contribute an upper bound for the domain alignment of domain-independent conditional features, disclosing that many previous mDG endeavors actually \textbf{optimize partially the objective} and thus lead to limited performance. As such, our study distills a general learning objective into four practical components, providing a general, robust, and flexible mechanism to handle complex domain shifts. Extensive empirical results indicate that the proposed objective with $Y$-mapping leads to substantially better mDG performance in various downstream tasks, including regression, segmentation, and classification.
Authors: Cassidy Laidlaw, Shivam Singhal, Anca Dragan
Abstract: Because it is difficult to precisely specify complex objectives, reinforcement learning policies are often optimized using proxy reward functions that only approximate the true goal. However, optimizing proxy rewards frequently leads to reward hacking: the optimized reward function ceases to be a good proxy and the resulting policy performs poorly with respect to the unspecified true reward. Principled solutions to reward hacking have been impeded by the lack of a good definition for the problem. To address this gap, we introduce a definition of reward hacking based on the correlation between proxy and true rewards for states and actions seen by a "base policy" that breaks down under optimization. We show that this definition captures reward hacking behavior across several realistic settings, including in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). Using our formulation, we show theoretically that regularization to the base policy can effectively prevent reward hacking. While the current practice in RLHF applies a KL penalty between action distributions for this purpose, our theory suggests regularizing the $\chi^2$ divergence between the policies' occupancy measures can be more effective. We intuitively show the benefits of this type of regularization and demonstrate that it better mitigates reward hacking in practice across four realistic settings, including RLHF. Our code is available at
Authors: Masoud Shokrnezhad, Hao Yu, Tarik Taleb, Richard Li, Kyunghan Lee, Jaeseung Song, Cedric Westphal
Abstract: In the context of advancing 6G, a substantial paradigm shift is anticipated, highlighting comprehensive everything-to-everything interactions characterized by numerous connections and stringent adherence to Quality of Service/Experience (QoS/E) prerequisites. The imminent challenge stems from resource scarcity, prompting a deliberate transition to Computing-Network Convergence (CNC) as an auspicious approach for joint resource orchestration. While CNC-based mechanisms have garnered attention, their effectiveness in realizing future services, particularly in use cases like the Metaverse, may encounter limitations due to the continually changing nature of users, services, and resources. Hence, this paper presents the concept of Adaptable CNC (ACNC) as an autonomous Machine Learning (ML)-aided mechanism crafted for the joint orchestration of computing and network resources, catering to dynamic and voluminous user requests with stringent requirements. ACNC encompasses two primary functionalities: state recognition and context detection. Given the intricate nature of the user-service-computing-network space, the paper employs dimension reduction to generate live, holistic, abstract system states in a hierarchical structure. To address the challenges posed by dynamic changes, Continual Learning (CL) is employed, classifying the system state into contexts controlled by dedicated ML agents, enabling them to operate efficiently. These two functionalities are intricately linked within a closed loop overseen by the End-to-End (E2E) orchestrator to allocate resources. The paper introduces the components of ACNC, proposes a Metaverse scenario to exemplify ACNC's role in resource provisioning with Segment Routing v6 (SRv6), outlines ACNC's workflow, details a numerical analysis for efficiency assessment, and concludes with discussions on relevant challenges and potential avenues for future research.
Authors: Safouane El Ghazouali, Arnaud Gucciardi, Francesca Venturini, Nicola Venturi, Michael Rueegsegger, Umberto Michelucci
Abstract: Object detection in remotely sensed satellite pictures is fundamental in many fields such as biophysical, and environmental monitoring. While deep learning algorithms are constantly evolving, they have been mostly implemented and tested on popular ground-based taken photos. This paper critically evaluates and compares a suite of advanced object detection algorithms customized for the task of identifying aircraft within satellite imagery. Using the large HRPlanesV2 dataset, together with a rigorous validation with the GDIT dataset, this research encompasses an array of methodologies including YOLO versions 5 and 8, Faster RCNN, CenterNet, RetinaNet, RTMDet, and DETR, all trained from scratch. This exhaustive training and validation study reveal YOLOv5 as the preeminent model for the specific case of identifying airplanes from remote sensing data, showcasing high precision and adaptability across diverse imaging conditions. This research highlight the nuanced performance landscapes of these algorithms, with YOLOv5 emerging as a robust solution for aerial object detection, underlining its importance through superior mean average precision, Recall, and Intersection over Union scores. The findings described here underscore the fundamental role of algorithm selection aligned with the specific demands of satellite imagery analysis and extend a comprehensive framework to evaluate model efficacy. The benchmark toolkit and codes, available via, aims to further exploration and innovation in the realm of remote sensing object detection, paving the way for improved analytical methodologies in satellite imagery applications.
Authors: Yongdong Luo, Haojia Lin, Xiawu Zheng, Yigeng Jiang, Fei Chao, Jie Hu, Guannan Jiang, Songan Zhang, Rongrong Ji
Abstract: 3D Visual Grounding (3DVG) and 3D Dense Captioning (3DDC) are two crucial tasks in various 3D applications, which require both shared and complementary information in localization and visual-language relationships. Therefore, existing approaches adopt the two-stage "detect-then-describe/discriminate" pipeline, which relies heavily on the performance of the detector, resulting in suboptimal performance. Inspired by DETR, we propose a unified framework, 3DGCTR, to jointly solve these two distinct but closely related tasks in an end-to-end fashion. The key idea is to reconsider the prompt-based localization ability of the 3DVG model. In this way, the 3DVG model with a well-designed prompt as input can assist the 3DDC task by extracting localization information from the prompt. In terms of implementation, we integrate a Lightweight Caption Head into the existing 3DVG network with a Caption Text Prompt as a connection, effectively harnessing the existing 3DVG model's inherent localization capacity, thereby boosting 3DDC capability. This integration facilitates simultaneous multi-task training on both tasks, mutually enhancing their performance. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach. Specifically, on the ScanRefer dataset, 3DGCTR surpasses the state-of-the-art 3DDC method by 4.3% in CIDEr@0.5IoU in MLE training and improves upon the SOTA 3DVG method by 3.16% in Acc@0.25IoU. The codes are at
Authors: Tony Gracious, Ambedkar Dukkipati
Abstract: Understanding relations arising out of interactions among entities can be very difficult, and predicting them is even more challenging. This problem has many applications in various fields, such as financial networks and e-commerce. These relations can involve much more complexities than just involving more than two entities. One such scenario is evolving recursive relations between multiple entities, and so far, this is still an open problem. This work addresses the problem of forecasting higher-order interaction events that can be multi-relational and recursive. We pose the problem in the framework of representation learning of temporal hypergraphs that can capture complex relationships involving multiple entities. The proposed model, \textit{Relational Recursive Hyperedge Temporal Point Process} (RRHyperTPP) uses an encoder that learns a dynamic node representation based on the historical interaction patterns and then a hyperedge link prediction-based decoder to model the occurrence of interaction events. These learned representations are then used for downstream tasks involving forecasting the type and time of interactions. The main challenge in learning from hyperedge events is that the number of possible hyperedges grows exponentially with the number of nodes in the network. This will make the computation of negative log-likelihood of the temporal point process expensive, as the calculation of survival function requires a summation over all possible hyperedges. In our work, we develop a noise contrastive estimation method to learn the parameters of our model, and we have experimentally shown that our models perform better than previous state-of-the-art methods for interaction forecasting.
Authors: Dmitrii Korzh, Elvir Karimov, Mikhail Pautov, Oleg Y. Rogov, Ivan Oseledets
Abstract: Speaker recognition technology is applied to various tasks, from personal virtual assistants to secure access systems. However, the robustness of these systems against adversarial attacks, particularly to additive perturbations, remains a significant challenge. In this paper, we pioneer applying robustness certification techniques to speaker recognition, initially developed for the image domain. Our work covers this gap by transferring and improving randomized smoothing certification techniques against norm-bounded additive perturbations for classification and few-shot learning tasks to speaker recognition. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods on VoxCeleb 1 and 2 datasets for several models. We expect this work to improve the robustness of voice biometrics and accelerate the research of certification methods in the audio domain.
Authors: Hang Chen, Xinyu Yang, Jiaying Zhu, Wenya Wang
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are widely recognized for their exceptional capacity to capture semantics meaning. Yet, there remains no established metric to quantify this capability. In this work, we introduce a quantitative metric, Information Emergence (IE), designed to measure LLMs' ability to extract semantics from input tokens. We formalize ``semantics'' as the meaningful information abstracted from a sequence of tokens and quantify this by comparing the entropy reduction observed for a sequence of tokens (macro-level) and individual tokens (micro-level). To achieve this, we design a lightweight estimator to compute the mutual information at each transformer layer, which is agnostic to different tasks and language model architectures. We apply IE in both synthetic in-context learning (ICL) scenarios and natural sentence contexts. Experiments demonstrate informativeness and patterns about semantics. While some of these patterns confirm the conventional prior linguistic knowledge, the rest are relatively unexpected, which may provide new insights.
Authors: Wanghan Xu, Fenghua Ling, Wenlong Zhang, Tao Han, Hao Chen, Wanli Ouyang, Lei Bai
Abstract: Data-driven artificial intelligence (AI) models have made significant advancements in weather forecasting, particularly in medium-range and nowcasting. However, most data-driven weather forecasting models are black-box systems that focus on learning data mapping rather than fine-grained physical evolution in the time dimension. Consequently, the limitations in the temporal scale of datasets prevent these models from forecasting at finer time scales. This paper proposes a physics-AI hybrid model (i.e., WeatherGFT) which Generalizes weather forecasts to Finer-grained Temporal scales beyond training dataset. Specifically, we employ a carefully designed PDE kernel to simulate physical evolution on a small time scale (e.g., 300 seconds) and use a parallel neural networks with a learnable router for bias correction. Furthermore, we introduce a lead time-aware training framework to promote the generalization of the model at different lead times. The weight analysis of physics-AI modules indicates that physics conducts major evolution while AI performs corrections adaptively. Extensive experiments show that WeatherGFT trained on an hourly dataset, achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple lead times and exhibits the capability to generalize 30-minute forecasts.
Authors: Chenxi Liu, Qianxiong Xu, Hao Miao, Sun Yang, Lingzheng Zhang, Cheng Long, Ziyue Li, Rui Zhao
Abstract: Multivariate time series forecasting (MTSF) aims to learn temporal dynamics among variables to forecast future time series. Existing statistical and deep learning-based methods suffer from limited learnable parameters and small-scale training data. Recently, large language models (LLMs) combining time series with textual prompts have achieved promising performance in MTSF. However, we discovered that current LLM-based solutions fall short in learning disentangled embeddings. We introduce TimeCMA, an intuitive yet effective framework for MTSF via cross-modality alignment. Specifically, we present a dual-modality encoding with two branches: the time series encoding branch extracts disentangled yet weak time series embeddings, and the LLM-empowered encoding branch wraps the same time series with text as prompts to obtain entangled yet robust prompt embeddings. As a result, such a cross-modality alignment retrieves both disentangled and robust time series embeddings, ``the best of two worlds'', from the prompt embeddings based on time series and prompt modality similarities. As another key design, to reduce the computational costs from time series with their length textual prompts, we design an effective prompt to encourage the most essential temporal information to be encapsulated in the last token: only the last token is passed to downstream prediction. We further store the last token embeddings to accelerate inference speed. Extensive experiments on eight real datasets demonstrate that TimeCMA outperforms state-of-the-arts.
Authors: Cl\'ement Chadebec, Onur Tasar, Eyal Benaroche, Benjamin Aubin
Abstract: In this paper, we propose an efficient, fast, and versatile distillation method to accelerate the generation of pre-trained diffusion models: Flash Diffusion. The method reaches state-of-the-art performances in terms of FID and CLIP-Score for few steps image generation on the COCO2014 and COCO2017 datasets, while requiring only several GPU hours of training and fewer trainable parameters than existing methods. In addition to its efficiency, the versatility of the method is also exposed across several tasks such as text-to-image, inpainting, face-swapping, super-resolution and using different backbones such as UNet-based denoisers (SD1.5, SDXL) or DiT (Pixart-$\alpha$), as well as adapters. In all cases, the method allowed to reduce drastically the number of sampling steps while maintaining very high-quality image generation. The official implementation is available at
Authors: Weiran Lin, Anna Gerchanovsky, Omer Akgul, Lujo Bauer, Matt Fredrikson, Zifan Wang
Abstract: Writing effective prompts for large language models (LLM) can be unintuitive and burdensome. In response, services that optimize or suggest prompts have emerged. While such services can reduce user effort, they also introduce a risk: the prompt provider can subtly manipulate prompts to produce heavily biased LLM responses. In this work, we show that subtle synonym replacements in prompts can increase the likelihood (by a difference up to 78%) that LLMs mention a target concept (e.g., a brand, political party, nation). We substantiate our observations through a user study, showing our adversarially perturbed prompts 1) are indistinguishable from unaltered prompts by humans, 2) push LLMs to recommend target concepts more often, and 3) make users more likely to notice target concepts, all without arousing suspicion. The practicality of this attack has the potential to undermine user autonomy. Among other measures, we recommend implementing warnings against using prompts from untrusted parties.
Authors: Duanyu Feng, Bowen Qin, Chen Huang, Youcheng Huang, Zheng Zhang, Wenqiang Lei
Abstract: The success of the reward model in distinguishing between responses with subtle safety differences depends critically on the high-quality preference dataset, which should capture the fine-grained nuances of harmful and harmless responses. This motivates the need to develop a dataset involving preference margins, which accurately quantify how harmless one response is compared to another. In this paper, we take the first step to propose an effective and cost-efficient framework to promote the margin-enhanced preference dataset development. Our framework, Legend, Leverages representation engineering to annotate preference datasets. It constructs the specific direction within the LLM's embedding space that represents safety. By leveraging this safety direction, Legend can then leverage the semantic distances of paired responses along this direction to annotate margins automatically. We experimentally demonstrate our effectiveness in both reward modeling and harmless alignment for LLMs. Legend also stands out for its efficiency, requiring only the inference time rather than additional training. This efficiency allows for easier implementation and scalability, making Legend particularly valuable for practical applications in aligning LLMs with safe conversations.
Authors: Yifeng He, Ethan Wang, Yuyang Rong, Zifei Cheng, Hao Chen
Abstract: AI agents have been boosted by large language models. AI agents can function as intelligent assistants and complete tasks on behalf of their users with access to tools and the ability to execute commands in their environments. Through studying and experiencing the workflow of typical AI agents, we have raised several concerns regarding their security. These potential vulnerabilities are not addressed by the frameworks used to build the agents, nor by research aimed at improving the agents. In this paper, we identify and describe these vulnerabilities in detail from a system security perspective, emphasizing their causes and severe effects. Furthermore, we introduce defense mechanisms corresponding to each vulnerability with design and experiments to evaluate their viability. Altogether, this paper contextualizes the security issues in the current development of AI agents and delineates methods to make AI agents safer and more reliable.
Authors: Jifan Zhang, Lalit Jain, Yang Guo, Jiayi Chen, Kuan Lok Zhou, Siddharth Suresh, Andrew Wagenmaker, Scott Sievert, Timothy Rogers, Kevin Jamieson, Robert Mankoff, Robert Nowak
Abstract: We present a novel multimodal preference dataset for creative tasks, consisting of over 250 million human ratings on more than 2.2 million captions, collected through crowdsourcing rating data for The New Yorker's weekly cartoon caption contest over the past eight years. This unique dataset supports the development and evaluation of multimodal large language models and preference-based fine-tuning algorithms for humorous caption generation. We propose novel benchmarks for judging the quality of model-generated captions, utilizing both GPT4 and human judgments to establish ranking-based evaluation strategies. Our experimental results highlight the limitations of current fine-tuning methods, such as RLHF and DPO, when applied to creative tasks. Furthermore, we demonstrate that even state-of-the-art models like GPT4 and Claude currently underperform top human contestants in generating humorous captions. As we conclude this extensive data collection effort, we release the entire preference dataset to the research community, fostering further advancements in AI humor generation and evaluation.
Authors: Haoyi Zhang, Guohao Sun, Jinhu Lu, Guanfeng Liu, Xiu Susie Fang
Abstract: Sequential recommendation (SR) tasks aim to predict users' next interaction by learning their behavior sequence and capturing the connection between users' past interactions and their changing preferences. Conventional SR models often focus solely on capturing sequential patterns within the training data, neglecting the broader context and semantic information embedded in item titles from external sources. This limits their predictive power and adaptability. Large language models (LLMs) have recently shown promise in SR tasks due to their advanced understanding capabilities and strong generalization abilities. Researchers have attempted to enhance LLMs-based recommendation performance by incorporating information from conventional SR models. However, previous approaches have encountered problems such as 1) limited textual information leading to poor recommendation performance, 2) incomplete understanding and utilization of conventional SR model information by LLMs, and 3) excessive complexity and low interpretability of LLMs-based methods. To improve the performance of LLMs-based SR, we propose a novel framework, Distilling Sequential Pattern to Enhance LLMs-based Sequential Recommendation (DELRec), which aims to extract knowledge from conventional SR models and enable LLMs to easily comprehend and utilize the extracted knowledge for more effective SRs. DELRec consists of two main stages: 1) Distill Pattern from Conventional SR Models, focusing on extracting behavioral patterns exhibited by conventional SR models using soft prompts through two well-designed strategies; 2) LLMs-based Sequential Recommendation, aiming to fine-tune LLMs to effectively use the distilled auxiliary information to perform SR tasks. Extensive experimental results conducted on four real datasets validate the effectiveness of the DELRec framework.
Authors: Yanis Labrak, Markus Frohmann, Gabriel Meseguer-Brocal, Elena V. Epure
Abstract: In recent years, the use of large language models (LLMs) to generate music content, particularly lyrics, has gained in popularity. These advances provide valuable tools for artists and enhance their creative processes, but they also raise concerns about copyright violations, consumer satisfaction, and content spamming. Previous research has explored content detection in various domains. However, no work has focused on the modality of lyrics in music. To address this gap, we curated a diverse dataset of real and synthetic lyrics from multiple languages, music genres, and artists. The generation pipeline was validated using both humans and automated methods. We conducted a comprehensive evaluation of existing synthetic text detection features on this novel data type. Additionally, we explored strategies to adjust the best feature for lyrics using unsupervised adaptation. Adhering to constraints of our application domain, we investigated cross-lingual generalization, data scalability, robustness to language combinations, and the impact of genre novelty in a few-shot detection scenario. Our findings show promising results within language families and similar genres, yet challenges persist with lyrics in languages that exhibit distinct semantic structures.
Authors: Arijit Sehanobish, Avinava Dubey, Krzysztof Choromanski, Somnath Basu Roy Chowdhury, Deepali Jain, Vikas Sindhwani, Snigdha Chaturvedi
Abstract: Recent efforts to scale Transformer models have demonstrated rapid progress across a wide range of tasks (Wei et al., 2022). However, fine-tuning these models for downstream tasks is expensive due to their large parameter counts. Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) approaches have emerged as a viable alternative by allowing us to fine-tune models by updating only a small number of parameters. In this work, we propose a general framework for parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), based on structured unrestricted-rank matrices (SURM) which can serve as a drop-in replacement for popular approaches such as Adapters and LoRA. Unlike other methods like LoRA, SURMs provides more flexibility in finding the right balance between compactness and expressiveness. This is achieved by using low displacement rank matrices (LDRMs), which hasn't been used in this context before. SURMs remain competitive with baselines, often providing significant quality improvements while using a smaller parameter budget. SURMs achieve 5-7% accuracy gains on various image classification tasks while replacing low-rank matrices in LoRA. It also results in up to 12x reduction of the number of parameters in adapters (with virtually no loss in quality) on the GLUE benchmark.
Authors: Daniil Gurgurov, Mareike Hartmann, Simon Ostermann
Abstract: This paper explores the integration of graph knowledge from linguistic ontologies into multilingual Large Language Models (LLMs) using adapters to improve performance for low-resource languages (LRLs) in sentiment analysis (SA) and named entity recognition (NER). Building upon successful parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques, such as K-ADAPTER and MAD-X, we propose a similar approach for incorporating knowledge from multilingual graphs, connecting concepts in various languages with each other through linguistic relationships, into multilingual LLMs for LRLs. Specifically, we focus on eight LRLs -- Maltese, Bulgarian, Indonesian, Nepali, Javanese, Uyghur, Tibetan, and Sinhala -- and employ language-specific adapters fine-tuned on data extracted from the language-specific section of ConceptNet, aiming to enable knowledge transfer across the languages covered by the knowledge graph. We compare various fine-tuning objectives, including standard Masked Language Modeling (MLM), MLM with full-word masking, and MLM with targeted masking, to analyse their effectiveness in learning and integrating the extracted graph data. Through empirical evaluation on language-specific tasks, we assess how structured graph knowledge affects the performance of multilingual LLMs for LRLs in SA and NER, providing insights into the potential benefits of adapting language models for low-resource scenarios.
Authors: Bingliang Zhang, Wenda Chu, Julius Berner, Chenlin Meng, Anima Anandkumar, Yang Song
Abstract: Diffusion models have recently achieved success in solving Bayesian inverse problems with learned data priors. Current methods build on top of the diffusion sampling process, where each denoising step makes small modifications to samples from the previous step. However, this process struggles to correct errors from earlier sampling steps, leading to worse performance in complicated nonlinear inverse problems, such as phase retrieval. To address this challenge, we propose a new method called Decoupled Annealing Posterior Sampling (DAPS) that relies on a novel noise annealing process. Specifically, we decouple consecutive steps in a diffusion sampling trajectory, allowing them to vary considerably from one another while ensuring their time-marginals anneal to the true posterior as we reduce noise levels. This approach enables the exploration of a larger solution space, improving the success rate for accurate reconstructions. We demonstrate that DAPS significantly improves sample quality and stability across multiple image restoration tasks, particularly in complicated nonlinear inverse problems.
Authors: Andrej Tschalzev, Sascha Marton, Stefan L\"udtke, Christian Bartelt, Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Abstract: Tabular data is prevalent in real-world machine learning applications, and new models for supervised learning of tabular data are frequently proposed. Comparative studies assessing the performance of models typically consist of model-centric evaluation setups with overly standardized data preprocessing. This paper demonstrates that such model-centric evaluations are biased, as real-world modeling pipelines often require dataset-specific preprocessing and feature engineering. Therefore, we propose a data-centric evaluation framework. We select 10 relevant datasets from Kaggle competitions and implement expert-level preprocessing pipelines for each dataset. We conduct experiments with different preprocessing pipelines and hyperparameter optimization (HPO) regimes to quantify the impact of model selection, HPO, feature engineering, and test-time adaptation. Our main findings are: 1. After dataset-specific feature engineering, model rankings change considerably, performance differences decrease, and the importance of model selection reduces. 2. Recent models, despite their measurable progress, still significantly benefit from manual feature engineering. This holds true for both tree-based models and neural networks. 3. While tabular data is typically considered static, samples are often collected over time, and adapting to distribution shifts can be important even in supposedly static data. These insights suggest that research efforts should be directed toward a data-centric perspective, acknowledging that tabular data requires feature engineering and often exhibits temporal characteristics. Our framework is available under:
Authors: Hayder Elesedy, Pedro M. Esperan\c{c}a, Silviu Vlad Oprea, Mete Ozay
Abstract: Guardrails have emerged as an alternative to safety alignment for content moderation of large language models (LLMs). Existing model-based guardrails have not been designed for resource-constrained computational portable devices, such as mobile phones, more and more of which are running LLM-based applications locally. We introduce LoRA-Guard, a parameter-efficient guardrail adaptation method that relies on knowledge sharing between LLMs and guardrail models. LoRA-Guard extracts language features from the LLMs and adapts them for the content moderation task using low-rank adapters, while a dual-path design prevents any performance degradation on the generative task. We show that LoRA-Guard outperforms existing approaches with 100-1000x lower parameter overhead while maintaining accuracy, enabling on-device content moderation.
Authors: J\'er\'emy Perez, Grgur Kova\v{c}, Corentin L\'eger, C\'edric Colas, Gaia Molinaro, Maxime Derex, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Cl\'ement Moulin-Frier
Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) start interacting with each other and generating an increasing amount of text online, it becomes crucial to better understand how information is transformed as it passes from one LLM to the next. While significant research has examined individual LLM behaviors, existing studies have largely overlooked the collective behaviors and information distortions arising from iterated LLM interactions. Small biases, negligible at the single output level, risk being amplified in iterated interactions, potentially leading the content to evolve towards attractor states. In a series of telephone game experiments, we apply a transmission chain design borrowed from the human cultural evolution literature: LLM agents iteratively receive, produce, and transmit texts from the previous to the next agent in the chain. By tracking the evolution of text toxicity, positivity, difficulty, and length across transmission chains, we uncover the existence of biases and attractors, and study their dependence on the initial text, the instructions, language model, and model size. For instance, we find that more open-ended instructions lead to stronger attraction effects compared to more constrained tasks. We also find that different text properties display different sensitivity to attraction effects, with toxicity leading to stronger attractors than length. These findings highlight the importance of accounting for multi-step transmission dynamics and represent a first step towards a more comprehensive understanding of LLM cultural dynamics.
Authors: Aaron Lohner, Francesco Compagno, Jonathan Francis, Alessandro Oltramari
Abstract: Recognizing a traffic accident is an essential part of any autonomous driving or road monitoring system. An accident can appear in a wide variety of forms, and understanding what type of accident is taking place may be useful to prevent it from reoccurring. This work focuses on classification of traffic scenes into specific accident types. We approach the problem by representing a traffic scene as a graph, where objects such as cars can be represented as nodes, and relative distances and directions between them as edges. This representation of a traffic scene is referred to as a scene graph, and can be used as input for an accident classifier. Better results are obtained with a classifier that fuses the scene graph input with visual and textual representations. This work introduces a multi-stage, multimodal pipeline that pre-processes videos of traffic accidents, encodes them as scene graphs, and aligns this representation with vision and language modalities before executing the classification task. When trained on 4 classes, our method achieves a balanced accuracy score of 57.77% on an (unbalanced) subset of the popular Detection of Traffic Anomaly (DoTA) benchmark, representing an increase of close to 5 percentage points from the case where scene graph information is not taken into account.
Authors: Xinbo Wu, Max Hartman, Vidhata Arjun Jayaraman, Lav R. Varshney
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) and multimodal models (MMs) have exhibited impressive capabilities in various domains, particularly in general language understanding and visual reasoning. However, these models, trained on massive data, may not be finely optimized for specific tasks triggered by instructions. Continual instruction tuning is crucial to adapt a large model to evolving tasks and domains, ensuring their effectiveness and relevance across a wide range of applications. In the context of continual instruction tuning, where models are sequentially trained on different tasks, catastrophic forgetting can occur, leading to performance degradation on previously learned tasks. This work addresses the catastrophic forgetting in continual instruction learning through a switching mechanism for routing computations to parameter-efficient tuned models. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through experiments on continual instruction tuning of different natural language generation tasks and vision-language tasks. We also showcase the advantages of our proposed method in terms of efficiency, scalability, portability, and privacy preservation.
Authors: Qian Feng, Jianxiang Feng, Zhaopeng Chen, Rudolph Triebel, Alois Knoll
Abstract: Synthesizing diverse dexterous grasps from uncertain partial observation is an important yet challenging task for physically intelligent embodiments. Previous works on generative grasp synthesis fell short of precisely capturing the complex grasp distribution and reasoning about shape uncertainty in the unstructured and often partially perceived reality. In this work, we introduce a novel model that can generate diverse grasps for a multi-fingered hand while introspectively handling perceptual uncertainty and recognizing unknown object geometry to avoid performance degradation. Specifically, we devise a Deep Latent Variable Model (DLVM) based on Normalizing Flows (NFs), facilitating hierarchical and expressive latent representation for modeling versatile grasps. Our model design counteracts typical pitfalls of its popular alternative in generative grasping, i.e., conditional Variational Autoencoders (cVAEs) whose performance is limited by mode collapse and miss-specified prior issues. Moreover, the resultant feature hierarchy and the exact flow likelihood computation endow our model with shape-aware introspective capabilities, enabling it to quantify the shape uncertainty of partial point clouds and detect objects of novel geometry. We further achieve performance gain by fusing this information with a discriminative grasp evaluator, facilitating a novel hybrid way for grasp evaluation. Comprehensive simulated and real-world experiments show that the proposed idea gains superior performance and higher run-time efficiency against strong baselines, including diffusion models. We also demonstrate substantial benefits of greater diversity for grasping objects in clutter and a confined workspace in the real world.
Authors: Soojin Yoon, Sungho Ko, Tongyoung Kim, SeongKu Kang, Jinyoung Yeo, Dongha Lee
Abstract: Cross-lingual entity alignment (EA) enables the integration of multiple knowledge graphs (KGs) across different languages, providing users with seamless access to diverse and comprehensive knowledge. Existing methods, mostly supervised, face challenges in obtaining labeled entity pairs. To address this, recent studies have shifted towards self-supervised and unsupervised frameworks. Despite their effectiveness, these approaches have limitations: (1) Relation passing: mainly focusing on the entity while neglecting the semantic information of relations, (2) Isomorphic assumption: assuming isomorphism between source and target graphs, which leads to noise and reduced alignment accuracy, and (3) Noise vulnerability: susceptible to noise in the textual features, especially when encountering inconsistent translations or Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV) problems. In this paper, we propose ERAlign, an unsupervised and robust cross-lingual EA pipeline that jointly performs Entity-level and Relation-level Alignment by neighbor triple matching strategy using semantic textual features of relations and entities. Its refinement step iteratively enhances results by fusing entity-level and relation-level alignments based on neighbor triple matching. The additional verification step examines the entities' neighbor triples as the linearized text. This Align-then-Verify pipeline rigorously assesses alignment results, achieving near-perfect alignment even in the presence of noisy textual features of entities. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that the robustness and general applicability of ERAlign improved the accuracy and effectiveness of EA tasks, contributing significantly to knowledge-oriented applications.
Authors: Vinay Samuel, Henry Peng Zou, Yue Zhou, Shreyas Chaudhari, Ashwin Kalyan, Tanmay Rajpurohit, Ameet Deshpande, Karthik Narasimhan, Vishvak Murahari
Abstract: Persona agents, which are LLM agents that act according to an assigned persona, have demonstrated impressive contextual response capabilities across various applications. These persona agents offer significant enhancements across diverse sectors, such as education, healthcare, and entertainment, where model developers can align agent responses to different user requirements thereby broadening the scope of agent applications. However, evaluating persona agent performance is incredibly challenging due to the complexity of assessing persona adherence in free-form interactions across various environments that are relevant to each persona agent. We introduce PersonaGym, the first dynamic evaluation framework for assessing persona agents, and PersonaScore, the first automated human-aligned metric grounded in decision theory for comprehensive large-scale evaluation of persona agents. Our evaluation of 6 open and closed-source LLMs, using a benchmark encompassing 200 personas and 10,000 questions, reveals significant opportunities for advancement in persona agent capabilities across state-of-the-art models. For example, Claude 3.5 Sonnet only has a 2.97% relative improvement in PersonaScore than GPT 3.5 despite being a much more advanced model. Importantly, we find that increased model size and complexity do not necessarily imply enhanced persona agent capabilities thereby highlighting the pressing need for algorithmic and architectural invention towards faithful and performant persona agents.
Authors: Weiyu Huang, Yuezhou Hu, Guohao Jian, Jun Zhu, Jianfei Chen
Abstract: The remarkable success of Large Language Models (LLMs) relies heavily on their substantial scale, which poses significant challenges during model deployment in terms of latency and memory consumption. Recently, numerous studies have attempted to compress LLMs using one-shot pruning methods. However, these methods often suffer from considerable performance degradation on complex language understanding tasks, raising concerns about the feasibility of pruning in LLMs. To address this issue, we propose Adaptive Sparse Trainer (AST), a novel and efficient retraining framework tailored for semi-structured sparse models. AST enables models to learn optimal masks during the weight update process without incurring additional computational overhead. Furthermore, we demonstrate that incorporating knowledge distillation significantly improves retraining efficiency and enhances model performance under fixed computational constraints. Additionally, a supplementary set of well-initialized parameters is integrated to further augment the model's efficacy. AST achieves state-of-the-art performance with minimal training cost. When applied to the LLaMA2-7B model, AST reduces the perplexity and zero-shot accuracy gap between dense and 2:4 semi-structured sparse models to 0.6 and 1.16%, respectively, utilizing less than 0.4% of the pretraining tokens and GPU hours. Our work demonstrates the feasibility of deploying semi-structured sparse LLMs and offers a promising alternative for achieving highly compressed models when combined with existing quantization techniques.
Authors: Yujie Feng, Xu Chu, Yongxin Xu, Zexin Lu, Bo Liu, Philip S. Yu, Xiao-Ming Wu
Abstract: Language model continual learning (CL) has recently attracted significant interest for its ability to adapt large language models (LLMs) to dynamic real-world scenarios without retraining. A major challenge in this domain is catastrophic forgetting, where models lose previously acquired knowledge upon learning new tasks. Existing approaches commonly utilize multiple parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) blocks to acquire task-specific knowledge, yet these methods are inefficient and fail to leverage potential knowledge transfer across tasks. In this paper, we introduce a novel CL framework for language models, named Knowledge Localization and Fusion (KlF), which boosts knowledge transfer without depending on memory replay. KlF initially segregates the model into 'skill units' based on parameter dependencies, allowing for more precise control. Subsequently, it employs a novel group-wise knowledge localization technique to ascertain the importance distribution of skill units for a new task. By comparing this importance distribution with those from previous tasks, we implement a fine-grained knowledge fusion strategy that retains task-specific knowledge, thereby preventing forgetting, and updates task-shared knowledge, which facilitates bi-directional knowledge transfer. As a result, KlF achieves an optimal balance between retaining prior knowledge and excelling in new tasks. KlF also demonstrates strong generalizability, making it suitable for various base models and adaptable to PEFT methods like LoRA. Furthermore, it offers notable extensibility, supporting enhancements through integration with memory replay techniques. Comprehensive experiments conducted on two CL benchmarks, involving models ranging from 220M to 7B parameters, affirm the effectiveness of KlF and its variants across different settings.
Authors: Dingzhu Wen, Yong Zhou, Xiaoyang Li, Yuanming Shi, Kaibin Huang, Khaled B. Letaief
Abstract: The forthcoming generation of wireless technology, 6G, aims to usher in an era of ubiquitous intelligent services, where everything is interconnected and intelligent. This vision requires the seamless integration of three fundamental modules: Sensing for information acquisition, communication for information sharing, and computation for information processing and decision-making. These modules are intricately linked, especially in complex tasks such as edge learning and inference. However, the performance of these modules is interdependent, creating a resource competition for time, energy, and bandwidth. Existing techniques like integrated communication and computation (ICC), integrated sensing and computation (ISC), and integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) have made partial strides in addressing this challenge, but they fall short of meeting the extreme performance requirements. To overcome these limitations, it is essential to develop new techniques that comprehensively integrate sensing, communication, and computation. This integrated approach, known as Integrated Sensing, Communication, and Computation (ISCC), offers a systematic perspective for enhancing task performance. This paper begins with a comprehensive survey of historic and related techniques such as ICC, ISC, and ISAC, highlighting their strengths and limitations. It then discusses the benefits, functions, and challenges of ISCC. Subsequently, the state-of-the-art signal designs for ISCC, along with network resource management strategies specifically tailored for ISCC are explored. Furthermore, this paper discusses the exciting research opportunities that lie ahead for implementing ISCC in future advanced networks, and the unresolved issues requiring further investigation. ISCC is expected to unlock the full potential of intelligent connectivity, paving the way for groundbreaking applications and services.
Authors: Syed Rifat Raiyan, Zibran Zarif Amio, Sabbir Ahmed
Abstract: Hand shadow puppetry, also known as shadowgraphy or ombromanie, is a form of theatrical art and storytelling where hand shadows are projected onto flat surfaces to create illusions of living creatures. The skilled performers create these silhouettes by hand positioning, finger movements, and dexterous gestures to resemble shadows of animals and objects. Due to the lack of practitioners and a seismic shift in people's entertainment standards, this art form is on the verge of extinction. To facilitate its preservation and proliferate it to a wider audience, we introduce ${\rm H{\small A}SP{\small E}R}$, a novel dataset consisting of 15,000 images of hand shadow puppets across 15 classes extracted from both professional and amateur hand shadow puppeteer clips. We provide a detailed statistical analysis of the dataset and employ a range of pretrained image classification models to establish baselines. Our findings show a substantial performance superiority of skip-connected convolutional models over attention-based transformer architectures. We also find that lightweight models, such as MobileNetV2, suited for mobile applications and embedded devices, perform comparatively well. We surmise that such low-latency architectures can be useful in developing ombromanie teaching tools, and we create a prototype application to explore this surmission. Keeping the best-performing model ResNet34 under the limelight, we conduct comprehensive feature-spatial, explainability, and error analyses to gain insights into its decision-making process. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documented dataset and research endeavor to preserve this dying art for future generations, with computer vision approaches. Our code and data will be publicly available.
Authors: Julius Pesonen, Teemu Hakala, V\"ain\"o Karjalainen, Niko Koivum\"aki, Lauri Markelin, Anna-Maria Raita-Hakola, Juha Suomalainen, Ilkka P\"ol\"onen, Eija Honkavaara
Abstract: Early detection of wildfires is essential to prevent large-scale fires resulting in extensive environmental, structural, and societal damage. Uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) can cover large remote areas effectively with quick deployment requiring minimal infrastructure and equipping them with small cameras and computers enables autonomous real-time detection. In remote areas, however, detection methods are limited to onboard computation due to the lack of high-bandwidth mobile networks. For accurate camera-based localisation, segmentation of the detected smoke is essential but training data for deep learning-based wildfire smoke segmentation is limited. This study shows how small specialised segmentation models can be trained using only bounding box labels, leveraging zero-shot foundation model supervision. The method offers the advantages of needing only fairly easily obtainable bounding box labels and requiring training solely for the smaller student network. The proposed method achieved 63.3% mIoU on a manually annotated and diverse wildfire dataset. The used model can perform in real-time at ~25 fps with a UAV-carried NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX computer while reliably recognising smoke, as demonstrated at real-world forest burning events. Code is available at:
Authors: Reid Graves, Amir Barati Farimani
Abstract: The design of aerodynamic shapes, such as airfoils, has traditionally required significant computational resources and relied on predefined design parameters, which limit the potential for novel shape synthesis. In this work, we introduce a data-driven methodology for airfoil generation using a diffusion model. Trained on a dataset of preexisting airfoils, our model can generate an arbitrary number of new airfoils from random vectors, which can be conditioned on specific aerodynamic performance metrics such as lift and drag, or geometric criteria. Our results demonstrate that the diffusion model effectively produces airfoil shapes with realistic aerodynamic properties, offering substantial improvements in efficiency, flexibility, and the potential for discovering innovative airfoil designs. This approach significantly expands the design space, facilitating the synthesis of high-performance aerodynamic shapes that transcend the limitations of traditional methods.
Authors: Xihong Su, Julien Grand-Cl\'ement, Marek Petrik
Abstract: Optimizing risk-averse objectives in discounted MDPs is challenging because most models do not admit direct dynamic programming equations and require complex history-dependent policies. In this paper, we show that the risk-averse {\em total reward criterion}, under the Entropic Risk Measure (ERM) and Entropic Value at Risk (EVaR) risk measures, can be optimized by a stationary policy, making it simple to analyze, interpret, and deploy. We propose exponential value iteration, policy iteration, and linear programming to compute optimal policies. Compared with prior work, our results only require the relatively mild condition of transient MDPs and allow for {\em both} positive and negative rewards. Our results indicate that the total reward criterion may be preferable to the discounted criterion in a broad range of risk-averse reinforcement learning domains.
Authors: Basel Mousi, Nadir Durrani, Fatema Ahmad, Md. Arid Hasan, Maram Hasanain, Tameem Kabbani, Fahim Dalvi, Shammur Absar Chowdhury, Firoj Alam
Abstract: Arabic, with its rich diversity of dialects, remains significantly underrepresented in Large Language Models, particularly in dialectal variations. We address this gap by introducing seven synthetic datasets in dialects alongside Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), created using Machine Translation (MT) combined with human post-editing. We present AraDiCE, a benchmark for Arabic Dialect and Cultural Evaluation. We evaluate LLMs on dialect comprehension and generation, focusing specifically on low-resource Arabic dialects. Additionally, we introduce the first-ever fine-grained benchmark designed to evaluate cultural awareness across the Gulf, Egypt, and Levant regions, providing a novel dimension to LLM evaluation. Our findings demonstrate that while Arabic-specific models like Jais and AceGPT outperform multilingual models on dialectal tasks, significant challenges persist in dialect identification, generation, and translation. This work contributes $\approx$45K post-edited samples, a cultural benchmark, and highlights the importance of tailored training to improve LLM performance in capturing the nuances of diverse Arabic dialects and cultural contexts. We have released the dialectal translation models and benchmarks developed in this study (
Authors: Jann Railey Montalan, Jian Gang Ngui, Wei Qi Leong, Yosephine Susanto, Hamsawardhini Rengarajan, Alham Fikri Aji, William Chandra Tjhi
Abstract: Multilingual large language models (LLMs) today may not necessarily provide culturally appropriate and relevant responses to its Filipino users. We introduce Kalahi, a cultural LLM evaluation suite collaboratively created by native Filipino speakers. It is composed of 150 high-quality, handcrafted and nuanced prompts that test LLMs for generations that are relevant to shared Filipino cultural knowledge and values. Strong LLM performance in Kalahi indicates a model's ability to generate responses similar to what an average Filipino would say or do in a given situation. We conducted experiments on LLMs with multilingual and Filipino language support. Results show that Kalahi, while trivial for Filipinos, is challenging for LLMs, with the best model answering only 46.0% of the questions correctly compared to native Filipino performance of 89.10%. Thus, Kalahi can be used to accurately and reliably evaluate Filipino cultural representation in LLMs.
Authors: Xiaoqun Liu, Jiacheng Liang, Luoxi Tang, Muchao Ye, Weichang Ma, Zhaohan Xi
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are widely adapted for downstream applications through fine-tuning, a process named customization. However, recent studies have identified a vulnerability during this process, where malicious samples can compromise the robustness of LLMs and amplify harmful behaviors-an attack commonly referred to as jailbreaking. To address this challenge, we propose an adaptive data curation approach allowing any text to be curated to enhance its effectiveness in counteracting harmful samples during customization. To avoid the need for additional defensive modules, we further introduce a comprehensive mitigation framework spanning the lifecycle of the customization process: before customization to immunize LLMs against future jailbreak attempts, during customization to neutralize risks, and after customization to restore compromised models. Experimental results demonstrate a significant reduction in jailbreaking effects, achieving up to a 100% success rate in generating safe responses. By combining adaptive data curation with lifecycle-based mitigation strategies, this work represents a solid step forward in mitigating jailbreaking risks and ensuring the secure adaptation of LLMs.
Authors: Yefei He, Feng Chen, Jing Liu, Wenqi Shao, Hong Zhou, Kaipeng Zhang, Bohan Zhuang
Abstract: The efficiency of large vision-language models (LVLMs) is constrained by the computational bottleneck of the attention mechanism during the prefill phase and the memory bottleneck of fetching the key-value (KV) cache in the decoding phase, particularly in scenarios involving high-resolution images or videos. Visual content often exhibits substantial redundancy, resulting in highly sparse attention maps within LVLMs. This sparsity can be leveraged to accelerate attention computation or compress the KV cache through various approaches. However, most studies focus on addressing only one of these bottlenecks and do not adequately support dynamic adjustment of sparsity concerning distinct layers or tasks. In this paper, we present ZipVL, an efficient inference framework designed for LVLMs through a dynamic ratio allocation strategy of important tokens. This ratio is adaptively determined based on the layer-specific distribution of attention scores, rather than fixed hyper-parameters, thereby improving efficiency for less complex tasks while maintaining high performance for more challenging ones. Then we select important tokens based on their normalized attention scores and perform sparse attention mechanism solely on those important tokens, reducing the latency in the prefill phase. Tokens deemed less important will be discarded to reduce KV cache size, alleviating the memory bottleneck in the decoding phase. Our experiments demonstrate that ZipVL can accelerate the prefill phase by 2.3$\times$ and improve decoding throughput by 2.8$\times$, with a minimal accuracy reduction of only 0.5\% on VQAv2 benchmark over LLaVA-Next-13B model, effectively enhancing the generation efficiency of LVLMs.
Authors: Sameep Chattopadhyay, Pulkit Paliwal, Sai Shankar Narasimhan, Shubhankar Agarwal, Sandeep P. Chinchali
Abstract: Time series forecasts are often influenced by exogenous contextual features in addition to their corresponding history. For example, in financial settings, it is hard to accurately predict a stock price without considering public sentiments and policy decisions in the form of news articles, tweets, etc. Though this is common knowledge, the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) forecasting models fail to incorporate such contextual information, owing to its heterogeneity and multimodal nature. To address this, we introduce ContextFormer, a novel plug-and-play method to surgically integrate multimodal contextual information into existing pre-trained forecasting models. ContextFormer effectively distills forecast-specific information from rich multimodal contexts, including categorical, continuous, time-varying, and even textual information, to significantly enhance the performance of existing base forecasters. ContextFormer outperforms SOTA forecasting models by up to 30% on a range of real-world datasets spanning energy, traffic, environmental, and financial domains.
Authors: Ehsan Kazemi, Iman Soltani
Abstract: Navigating autonomously in marine environments including dynamic and static obstacles, and strong flow disturbances, such as in high-flow rivers, poses significant challenges for USVs. To address these challenges, we propose a novel methodology that leverages two types of attention: spatial attention, which learns to integrate diverse environmental factors and sensory information into navigation decisions, and temporal attention within a transformer framework to account for the dynamic, continuously changing nature of the environment. We devise MarineFormer, a Trans${\bf \text{former}}$-based navigation policy for dynamic ${\bf \text{Marine}}$ environments, trained end-to-end through reinforcement learning (RL). At its core, MarineFormer uses graph attention to capture spatial information and a transformer architecture to process temporal sequences in an environment that simulates a 2D turbulent marine condition involving multiple static and dynamic obstacles. We extensively evaluate the performance of the proposed method versus the state-of-the-art methods, as well as other classical planners. Our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art by nearly $20\%$ in episode completion success rate and additionally enhances the USV's path length efficiency.
Authors: Henrik Marklund, Benjamin Van Roy
Abstract: As AI agents generate increasingly sophisticated behaviors, manually encoding human preferences to guide these agents becomes more challenging. To address this, it has been suggested that agents instead learn preferences from human choice data. This approach requires a model of choice behavior that the agent can use to interpret the data. For choices between partial trajectories of states and actions, previous models assume choice probabilities are determined by the partial return or the cumulative advantage. We consider an alternative model based instead on the bootstrapped return, which adds to the partial return an estimate of the future return. Benefits of the bootstrapped return model stem from its treatment of human beliefs. Unlike partial return, choices based on bootstrapped return reflect human beliefs about the environment. Further, while recovering the reward function from choices based on cumulative advantage requires that those beliefs are correct, doing so from choices based on bootstrapped return does not. To motivate the bootstrapped return model, we formulate axioms and prove an Alignment Theorem. This result formalizes how, for a general class of preferences, such models are able to disentangle goals from beliefs. This ensures recovery of an aligned reward function when learning from choices based on bootstrapped return. The bootstrapped return model also affords greater robustness to choice behavior. Even when choices are based on partial return, learning via a bootstrapped return model recovers an aligned reward function. The same holds with choices based on the cumulative advantage if the human and the agent both adhere to correct and consistent beliefs about the environment. On the other hand, if choices are based on bootstrapped return, learning via partial return or cumulative advantage models does not generally produce an aligned reward function..
Authors: Qinqing Zheng, Mikael Henaff, Amy Zhang, Aditya Grover, Brandon Amos
Abstract: Automatically synthesizing dense rewards from natural language descriptions is a promising paradigm in reinforcement learning (RL), with applications to sparse reward problems, open-ended exploration, and hierarchical skill design. Recent works have made promising steps by exploiting the prior knowledge of large language models (LLMs). However, these approaches suffer from important limitations: they are either not scalable to problems requiring billions of environment samples, due to requiring LLM annotations for each observation, or they require a diverse offline dataset, which may not exist or be impossible to collect. In this work, we address these limitations through a combination of algorithmic and systems-level contributions. We propose \oni, a distributed architecture that simultaneously learns an RL policy and an intrinsic reward function using LLM feedback. Our approach annotates the agent's collected experience via an asynchronous LLM server, which is then distilled into an intrinsic reward model. We explore a range of algorithmic choices for reward modeling with varying complexity, including hashing, classification, and ranking models. By studying their relative tradeoffs, we shed light on questions regarding intrinsic reward design for sparse reward problems. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance across a range of challenging, sparse reward tasks from the NetHack Learning Environment in a simple unified process, solely using the agent's gathered experience, without requiring external datasets. We make our code available at \url{}.
Authors: Navyansh Mahla, Ganesh Ramakrishnan
Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across various domains, particularly in task generalization for both text and vision data. While fine-tuning these models can significantly enhance their performance on specific downstream tasks, it often requires high-quality data that cannot be shared due to privacy concerns. Federated Learning (FL) offers a promising solution for collaborative training without direct data sharing. However, many parameter-efficient fine-tuning strategies for LLMs in FL, particularly those based on Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), face limitations. In this paper, we critically analyze the convergence and performance guarantees of popular FL frameworks utilizing LoRA, highlighting its suboptimal nature due to constrained subspace learning of low-rank matrices. This limitation hinders effective fine-tuning of LLMs in federated settings. Through rigorous analytical and empirical evaluations, we demonstrate that direct weight averaging outperforms LoRA-based strategies, leading to superior performance for fine-tuned models. Our comprehensive comparison unmasks inefficiencies in LoRA approaches and underscores the advantages of direct weight aggregation. We extend our analysis to low-rank gradient-based optimizers, such as GaLore, used during local training steps. Our findings show that GaLore along with direct-weight aggregation is a more effective approach, outperforming federated LoRA methods like FlexLoRA and FFA-LoRA across both text and image modalities. While privacy remains paramount in FL discourse, our focus is on assessing performance outcomes of federated fine-tuned models and evaluating various FL frameworks from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Our findings advocate reassessing the reliance on LoRA within FL contexts, paving the way for more efficient training methodologies.
Authors: Tianyi Qiu
Abstract: Social choice theory is the study of preference aggregation across a population, used both in mechanism design for human agents and in the democratic alignment of language models. In this study, we propose the representative social choice framework for the modeling of democratic representation in collective decisions, where the number of issues and individuals are too large for mechanisms to consider all preferences directly. These scenarios are widespread in real-world decision-making processes, such as jury trials, indirect elections, legislation processes, corporate governance, and, more recently, language model alignment. In representative social choice, the population is represented by a finite sample of individual-issue pairs based on which social choice decisions are made. We show that many of the deepest questions in representative social choice can be naturally formulated as statistical learning problems, and prove the generalization properties of social choice mechanisms using the theory of machine learning. We further formulate axioms for representative social choice, and prove Arrow-like impossibility theorems with new combinatorial tools of analysis. Our framework introduces the representative approach to social choice, opening up research directions at the intersection of social choice, learning theory, and AI alignment.
Authors: Tim Pearce, Tabish Rashid, Dave Bignell, Raluca Georgescu, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann
Abstract: The performance of embodied agents has been shown to improve by increasing model parameters, dataset size, and compute. This has been demonstrated in domains from robotics to video games, when generative learning objectives on offline datasets (pre-training) are used to model an agent's behavior (imitation learning) or their environment (world modeling). This paper characterizes the role of scale in these tasks more precisely. Going beyond the simple intuition that `bigger is better', we show that the same types of power laws found in language modeling also arise in world modeling and imitation learning (e.g. between loss and optimal model size). However, the coefficients of these laws are heavily influenced by the tokenizer, task \& architecture -- this has important implications on the optimal sizing of models and data.
Authors: Deborah Gerhardt, Miriam Marcowitz-Bitton, W. Michael Schuster, Avshalom Elmalech, Omri Suissa, Moshe Mash
Abstract: Text is a vehicle to convey information that reflects the writer's linguistic style and communicative patterns. By studying these attributes, we can discover latent insights about the author and their underlying message. This article uses such an approach to better understand patent applications and their inventors. While prior research focuses on patent metadata, we employ machine learning and natural language processing to extract hidden information from the words in patent applications. Through these methods, we find that inventor gender can often be identified from textual attributes - even without knowing the inventor's name. This ability to discern gender through text suggests that anonymized patent examination - often proposed as a solution to mitigate disparities in patent grant rates - may not fully address gendered outcomes in securing a patent. Our study also investigates whether objective features of a patent application can predict if it will be granted. Using a classifier algorithm, we correctly predicted whether a patent was granted over 60% of the time. Further analysis emphasized that writing style - like vocabulary and sentence complexity - disproportionately influenced grant predictions relative to other attributes such as inventor gender and subject matter keywords. Lastly, we examine whether women disproportionately invent in technological areas with higher rejection rates. Using a clustering algorithm, applications were allocated into groups with related subject matter. We found that 85% of female-dominated clusters have abnormally high rejection rates, compared to only 45% for male-dominated groupings. These findings highlight complex interactions between textual choices, gender, and success in securing a patent. They also raise questions about whether current proposals will be sufficient to achieve gender equity and efficiency in the patent system.
Authors: Maxwell A. Xu, Jaya Narain, Gregory Darnell, Haraldur Hallgrimsson, Hyewon Jeong, Darren Forde, Richard Fineman, Karthik J. Raghuram, James M. Rehg, Shirley Ren
Abstract: We present RelCon, a novel self-supervised *Rel*ative *Con*trastive learning approach that uses a learnable distance measure in combination with a softened contrastive loss for training an motion foundation model from wearable sensors. The learnable distance measure captures motif similarity and domain-specific semantic information such as rotation invariance. The learned distance provides a measurement of semantic similarity between a pair of accelerometer time-series segments, which is used to measure the distance between an anchor and various other sampled candidate segments. The self-supervised model is trained on 1 billion segments from 87,376 participants from a large wearables dataset. The model achieves strong performance across multiple downstream tasks, encompassing both classification and regression. To our knowledge, we are the first to show the generalizability of a self-supervised learning model with motion data from wearables across distinct evaluation tasks.
Authors: Andrew Lesniewski, Giulio Trigila
Abstract: We propose a highly efficient and accurate methodology for generating synthetic financial market data using a diffusion model approach. The synthetic data produced by our methodology align closely with observed market data in several key aspects: (i) they pass the two-sample Cramer - von Mises test for portfolios of assets, and (ii) Q - Q plots demonstrate consistency across quantiles, including in the tails, between observed and generated market data. Moreover, the covariance matrices derived from a large set of synthetic market data exhibit significantly lower condition numbers compared to the estimated covariance matrices of the observed data. This property makes them suitable for use as regularized versions of the latter. For model training, we develop an efficient and fast algorithm based on numerical integration rather than Monte Carlo simulations. The methodology is tested on a large set of equity data.
Authors: Shan Yang
Abstract: Text-to-image generation models have revolutionized content creation, but diffusion-based vision-language models still face challenges in precisely controlling the shape, appearance, and positional placement of objects in generated images using text guidance alone. Existing global image editing models rely on additional masks or images as guidance to achieve layout control, often requiring retraining of the model. While local object-editing models allow modifications to object shapes, they lack the capability to control object positions. To address these limitations, we propose the Mask-free Training-free Object-Level Layout Control Diffusion Model (MFTF), which provides precise control over object positions without requiring additional masks or images. The MFTF model supports both single-object and multi-object positional adjustments, such as translation and rotation, while enabling simultaneous layout control and object semantic editing. The MFTF model employs a parallel denoising process for both the source and target diffusion models. During this process, attention masks are dynamically generated from the cross-attention layers of the source diffusion model and applied to queries from the self-attention layers to isolate objects. These queries, generated in the source diffusion model, are then adjusted according to the layout control parameters and re-injected into the self-attention layers of the target diffusion model. This approach ensures accurate and precise positional control of objects. Project source code available at
Authors: Ronald L. P. D. de Jong, Yasmina al Khalil, Tim J. M. Jaspers, Romy C. van Jaarsveld, Gino M. Kuiper, Yiping Li, Richard van Hillegersberg, Jelle P. Ruurda, Marcel Breeuwer, Fons van der Sommen
Abstract: Esophageal cancer is among the most common types of cancer worldwide. It is traditionally treated using open esophagectomy, but in recent years, robot-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy (RAMIE) has emerged as a promising alternative. However, robot-assisted surgery can be challenging for novice surgeons, as they often suffer from a loss of spatial orientation. Computer-aided anatomy recognition holds promise for improving surgical navigation, but research in this area remains limited. In this study, we developed a comprehensive dataset for semantic segmentation in RAMIE, featuring the largest collection of vital anatomical structures and surgical instruments to date. Handling this diverse set of classes presents challenges, including class imbalance and the recognition of complex structures such as nerves. This study aims to understand the challenges and limitations of current state-of-the-art algorithms on this novel dataset and problem. Therefore, we benchmarked eight real-time deep learning models using two pretraining datasets. We assessed both traditional and attention-based networks, hypothesizing that attention-based networks better capture global patterns and address challenges such as occlusion caused by blood or other tissues. The benchmark includes our RAMIE dataset and the publicly available CholecSeg8k dataset, enabling a thorough assessment of surgical segmentation tasks. Our findings indicate that pretraining on ADE20k, a dataset for semantic segmentation, is more effective than pretraining on ImageNet. Furthermore, attention-based models outperform traditional convolutional neural networks, with SegNeXt and Mask2Former achieving higher Dice scores, and Mask2Former additionally excelling in average symmetric surface distance.
Authors: Yefei He, Feng Chen, Yuanyu He, Shaoxuan He, Hong Zhou, Kaipeng Zhang, Bohan Zhuang
Abstract: In this paper, we propose ZipAR, a training-free, plug-and-play parallel decoding framework for accelerating auto-regressive (AR) visual generation. The motivation stems from the observation that images exhibit local structures, and spatially distant regions tend to have minimal interdependence. Given a partially decoded set of visual tokens, in addition to the original next-token prediction scheme in the row dimension, the tokens corresponding to spatially adjacent regions in the column dimension can be decoded in parallel, enabling the ``next-set prediction'' paradigm. By decoding multiple tokens simultaneously in a single forward pass, the number of forward passes required to generate an image is significantly reduced, resulting in a substantial improvement in generation efficiency. Experiments demonstrate that ZipAR can reduce the number of model forward passes by up to 91% on the Emu3-Gen model without requiring any additional retraining. Code is available here:
Authors: Xiaoyu Wang, Ningyuan Xi, Teng Chen, Qingqing Gu, Yue Zhao, Xiaokai Chen, Zhonglin Jiang, Yong Chen, Luo Ji
Abstract: Large Language Models (LLM) are usually fine-tuned to participate in dyadic or two-party dialogues, which can not adapt well to multi-party dialogues (MPD), which hinders their applications in such scenarios including multi-personal meetings, discussions and daily communication. Previous LLM-based researches mainly focus on the multi-agent framework, while their base LLMs are still pairwisely fine-tuned. In this work, we design a multi-party fine-tuning framework (MuPaS) for LLMs on the multi-party dialogue datasets, and prove such a straightforward framework can let the LLM align with the multi-party conversation style efficiently and effectively. We also design two training strategies which can convert MuPaS into the MPD simulator. Substantial experiments show that MuPaS can achieve state-of-the-art multi-party response, higher accuracy of the-next-speaker prediction, higher human and automatic evaluated utterance qualities, and can even generate reasonably with out-of-distribution scene, topic and role descriptions. The MuPaS framework bridges the LLM training with more complicated multi-party applications, such as conversation generation, virtual rehearsal or meta-universe.
Authors: Deepak Kumar
Abstract: Neural networks are a group of neurons stacked together in multiple layers to mimic the biological neurons in a human brain. Neural networks have been trained using the backpropagation algorithm based on gradient descent strategy for several decades. Several variants have been developed to improve the backpropagation algorithm. The loss function for the neural network is optimized through backpropagation, but several local minima exist in the manifold of the constructed neural network. We obtain several solutions matching the minima. The gradient descent strategy cannot avoid the problem of local minima and gets stuck in the minima due to the initialization. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) was proposed to select the best local minima among the search space of the loss function. The search space is limited to the instantiated particles in the PSO algorithm, and sometimes it cannot select the best solution. In the proposed approach, we overcome the problem of gradient descent and the limitation of the PSO algorithm by training individual neurons separately, capable of collectively solving the problem as a group of neurons forming a network. Our code and data are available at
Authors: Amirhossein Abaskohi, Spandana Gella, Giuseppe Carenini, Issam H. Laradji
Abstract: Multimodal multihop question answering is a complex task that requires reasoning over multiple sources of information, such as images and text, to answer questions. While there has been significant progress in visual question answering, the multihop setting remains unexplored due to the lack of high-quality datasets. Current methods focus on single-hop question answering or a single modality, which makes them unsuitable for real-world scenarios such as analyzing multimodal educational materials, summarizing lengthy academic articles, or interpreting scientific studies that combine charts, images, and text. To address this gap, we propose a novel methodology, introducing the first framework for creating a high-quality dataset that enables training models for multimodal multihop question answering. Our approach consists of a 5-stage pipeline that involves acquiring relevant multimodal documents from Wikipedia, synthetically generating high-level questions and answers, and validating them through rigorous criteria to ensure quality data. We evaluate our methodology by training models on our synthesized dataset and testing on two benchmarks, our results demonstrate that, with an equal sample size, models trained on our synthesized data outperform those trained on human-collected data by 1.9 in exact match (EM) on average. We believe our data synthesis method will serve as a strong foundation for training and evaluating multimodal multihop question answering models.
Authors: Neil Majithia, Elena Simperl
Abstract: Governments typically collect and steward a vast amount of high-quality data on their citizens and institutions, and the UK government is exploring how it can better publish and provision this data to the benefit of the AI landscape. However, the compositions of generative AI training corpora remain closely guarded secrets, making the planning of data sharing initiatives difficult. To address this, we devise two methods to assess UK government data usage for the training of Large Language Models (LLMs) and 'peek behind the curtain' in order to observe the UK government's current contributions as a data provider for AI. The first method, an ablation study that utilises LLM 'unlearning', seeks to examine the importance of the information held on UK government websites for LLMs and their performance in citizen query tasks. The second method, an information leakage study, seeks to ascertain whether LLMs are aware of the information held in the datasets published on the UK government's open data initiative Our findings indicate that UK government websites are important data sources for AI (heterogenously across subject matters) while is not. This paper serves as a technical report, explaining in-depth the designs, mechanics, and limitations of the above experiments. It is accompanied by a complementary non-technical report on the ODI website in which we summarise the experiments and key findings, interpret them, and build a set of actionable recommendations for the UK government to take forward as it seeks to design AI policy. While we focus on UK open government data, we believe that the methods introduced in this paper present a reproducible approach to tackle the opaqueness of AI training corpora and provide organisations a framework to evaluate and maximize their contributions to AI development.
Authors: Junjie Luo, Abhimanyu Kumbara, Mansur Shomali, Rui Han, Anand Iyer, Ritu Agarwal, Gordon Gao
Abstract: While previous studies of AI in diabetes management focus on long-term risk, research on near-future glucose prediction remains limited but important as it enables timely diabetes self-management. Integrating AI with continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) holds promise for near-future glucose prediction. However, existing models have limitations in capturing patterns of blood glucose fluctuations and demonstrate poor generalizability. A robust approach is needed to leverage massive CGM data for near-future glucose prediction. We propose large sensor models (LSMs) to capture knowledge in CGM data by modeling patients as sequences of glucose. CGM-LSM is pretrained on 15.96 million glucose records from 592 diabetes patients for near-future glucose prediction. We evaluated CGM-LSM against state-of-the-art methods using the OhioT1DM dataset across various metrics, prediction horizons, and unseen patients. Additionally, we assessed its generalizability across factors like diabetes type, age, gender, and hour of day. CGM-LSM achieved exceptional performance, with an rMSE of 29.81 mg/dL for type 1 diabetes patients and 23.49 mg/dL for type 2 diabetes patients in a two-hour prediction horizon. For the OhioT1DM dataset, CGM-LSM achieved a one-hour rMSE of 15.64 mg/dL, halving the previous best of 31.97 mg/dL. Robustness analyses revealed consistent performance not only for unseen patients and future periods, but also across diabetes type, age, and gender. The model demonstrated adaptability to different hours of day, maintaining accuracy across periods of various activity intensity levels. CGM-LSM represents a transformative step in diabetes management by leveraging pretraining to uncover latent glucose generation patterns in sensor data. Our findings also underscore the broader potential of LSMs to drive innovation across domains involving complex sensor data.
Authors: Yingxu He, Zhuohan Liu, Shuo Sun, Bin Wang, Wenyu Zhang, Xunlong Zou, Nancy F. Chen, Ai Ti Aw
Abstract: We introduce MERaLiON-AudioLLM (Multimodal Empathetic Reasoning and Learning in One Network), the first speech-text model tailored for Singapore's multilingual and multicultural landscape. Developed under the National Large Language Models Funding Initiative, Singapore, MERaLiON-AudioLLM integrates advanced speech and text processing to address the diverse linguistic nuances of local accents and dialects, enhancing accessibility and usability in complex, multilingual environments. Our results demonstrate improvements in both speech recognition and task-specific understanding, positioning MERaLiON-AudioLLM as a pioneering solution for region specific AI applications. We envision this release to set a precedent for future models designed to address localised linguistic and cultural contexts in a global framework.
Authors: Zhihao Du, Yuxuan Wang, Qian Chen, Xian Shi, Xiang Lv, Tianyu Zhao, Zhifu Gao, Yexin Yang, Changfeng Gao, Hui Wang, Fan Yu, Huadai Liu, Zhengyan Sheng, Yue Gu, Chong Deng, Wen Wang, Shiliang Zhang, Zhijie Yan, Jingren Zhou
Abstract: In our previous work, we introduced CosyVoice, a multilingual speech synthesis model based on supervised discrete speech tokens. By employing progressive semantic decoding with two popular generative models, language models (LMs) and Flow Matching, CosyVoice demonstrated high prosody naturalness, content consistency, and speaker similarity in speech in-context learning. Recently, significant progress has been made in multi-modal large language models (LLMs), where the response latency and real-time factor of speech synthesis play a crucial role in the interactive experience. Therefore, in this report, we present an improved streaming speech synthesis model, CosyVoice 2, which incorporates comprehensive and systematic optimizations. Specifically, we introduce finite-scalar quantization to improve the codebook utilization of speech tokens. For the text-speech LM, we streamline the model architecture to allow direct use of a pre-trained LLM as the backbone. In addition, we develop a chunk-aware causal flow matching model to support various synthesis scenarios, enabling both streaming and non-streaming synthesis within a single model. By training on a large-scale multilingual dataset, CosyVoice 2 achieves human-parity naturalness, minimal response latency, and virtually lossless synthesis quality in the streaming mode. We invite readers to listen to the demos at
Authors: Hung Nguyen, Quang Qui-Vinh Nguyen, Khoi Nguyen, Rang Nguyen
Abstract: Given an input video of a person and a new garment, the objective of this paper is to synthesize a new video where the person is wearing the specified garment while maintaining spatiotemporal consistency. Although significant advances have been made in image-based virtual try-on, extending these successes to video often leads to frame-to-frame inconsistencies. Some approaches have attempted to address this by increasing the overlap of frames across multiple video chunks, but this comes at a steep computational cost due to the repeated processing of the same frames, especially for long video sequences. To tackle these challenges, we reconceptualize video virtual try-on as a conditional video inpainting task, with garments serving as input conditions. Specifically, our approach enhances image diffusion models by incorporating temporal attention layers to improve temporal coherence. To reduce computational overhead, we propose ShiftCaching, a novel technique that maintains temporal consistency while minimizing redundant computations. Furthermore, we introduce the TikTokDress dataset, a new video try-on dataset featuring more complex backgrounds, challenging movements, and higher resolution compared to existing public datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms current baselines, particularly in terms of video consistency and inference speed. The project page is available at
Authors: Yudong Jiang, Baohan Xu, Siqian Yang, Mingyu Yin, Jing Liu, Chao Xu, Siqi Wang, Yidi Wu, Bingwen Zhu, Qi Sen, Xingyu Zheng, Jixuan Xu, Yue Zhang, Jinlong Hou, Huyang Sun
Abstract: Animation has gained significant interest in the recent film and TV industry. Despite the success of advanced video generation models like Sora, Kling, and CogVideoX in generating natural videos, they lack the same effectiveness in handling animation videos. Evaluating animation video generation is also a great challenge due to its unique artist styles, violating the laws of physics and exaggerated motions. In this paper, we present a comprehensive system, AniSora, designed for animation video generation, which includes a data processing pipeline, a controllable generation model, and an evaluation dataset. Supported by the data processing pipeline with over 10M high-quality data, the generation model incorporates a spatiotemporal mask module to facilitate key animation production functions such as image-to-video generation, frame interpolation, and localized image-guided animation. We also collect an evaluation benchmark of 948 various animation videos, the evaluation on VBench and human double-blind test demonstrates consistency in character and motion, achieving state-of-the-art results in animation video generation. Our evaluation benchmark will be publicly available at
Authors: Jean Kossaifi, Nikola Kovachki, Zongyi Li, David Pitt, Miguel Liu-Schiaffini, Robert Joseph George, Boris Bonev, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, Julius Berner, Anima Anandkumar
Abstract: We present NeuralOperator, an open-source Python library for operator learning. Neural operators generalize neural networks to maps between function spaces instead of finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces. They can be trained and inferenced on input and output functions given at various discretizations, satisfying a discretization convergence properties. Built on top of PyTorch, NeuralOperator provides all the tools for training and deploying neural operator models, as well as developing new ones, in a high-quality, tested, open-source package. It combines cutting-edge models and customizability with a gentle learning curve and simple user interface for newcomers.
Authors: Jinzong Dong, Zhaohui Jiang, Dong Pan, Haoyang Yu
Abstract: Confidence calibration of classification models is a technique to estimate the true posterior probability of the predicted class, which is critical for ensuring reliable decision-making in practical applications. Existing confidence calibration methods mostly use statistical techniques to estimate the calibration curve from data or fit a user-defined calibration function, but often overlook fully mining and utilizing the prior distribution behind the calibration curve. However, a well-informed prior distribution can provide valuable insights beyond the empirical data under the limited data or low-density regions of confidence scores. To fill this gap, this paper proposes a new method that integrates the prior distribution behind the calibration curve with empirical data to estimate a continuous calibration curve, which is realized by modeling the sampling process of calibration data as a binomial process and maximizing the likelihood function of the binomial process. We prove that the calibration curve estimating method is Lipschitz continuous with respect to data distribution and requires a sample size of $3/B$ of that required for histogram binning, where $B$ represents the number of bins. Also, a new calibration metric ($TCE_{bpm}$), which leverages the estimated calibration curve to estimate the true calibration error (TCE), is designed. $TCE_{bpm}$ is proven to be a consistent calibration measure. Furthermore, realistic calibration datasets can be generated by the binomial process modeling from a preset true calibration curve and confidence score distribution, which can serve as a benchmark to measure and compare the discrepancy between existing calibration metrics and the true calibration error. The effectiveness of our calibration method and metric are verified in real-world and simulated data.
Authors: Julia Witte Zimmerman, Denis Hudon, Kathryn Cramer, Alejandro J. Ruiz, Calla Beauregard, Ashley Fehr, Mikaela Irene Fudolig, Bradford Demarest, Yoshi Meke Bird, Milo Z. Trujillo, Christopher M. Danforth, Peter Sheridan Dodds
Abstract: Tokenization is a necessary component within the current architecture of many language models, including the transformer-based large language models (LLMs) of Generative AI, yet its impact on the model's cognition is often overlooked. We argue that LLMs demonstrate that the Distributional Hypothesis (DM) is sufficient for reasonably human-like language performance, and that the emergence of human-meaningful linguistic units among tokens motivates linguistically-informed interventions in existing, linguistically-agnostic tokenization techniques, particularly with respect to their roles as (1) semantic primitives and as (2) vehicles for conveying salient distributional patterns from human language to the model. We explore tokenizations from a BPE tokenizer; extant model vocabularies obtained from Hugging Face and tiktoken; and the information in exemplar token vectors as they move through the layers of a RoBERTa (large) model. Besides creating sub-optimal semantic building blocks and obscuring the model's access to the necessary distributional patterns, we describe how tokenization pretraining can be a backdoor for bias and other unwanted content, which current alignment practices may not remediate. Additionally, we relay evidence that the tokenization algorithm's objective function impacts the LLM's cognition, despite being meaningfully insulated from the main system intelligence.
Authors: Atsuki Yamaguchi, Terufumi Morishita, Aline Villavicencio, Nikolaos Aletras
Abstract: Chat models (i.e. language models trained to follow instructions through conversation with humans) outperform base models (i.e. trained solely on unlabeled data) in both conversation and general task-solving abilities. These models are generally English-centric and require further adaptation for languages that are underrepresented in or absent from their training data. A common technique for adapting base models is to extend the model's vocabulary with target language tokens, i.e. vocabulary expansion (VE), and then continually pre-train it on language-specific data. Using chat data is ideal for chat model adaptation, but often, either this does not exist or is costly to construct. Alternatively, adapting chat models with unlabeled data is a possible solution, but it could result in catastrophic forgetting. In this paper, we investigate the impact of using unlabeled target language data for VE on chat models for the first time. We first show that off-the-shelf VE generally performs well across target language tasks and models in 71% of cases, though it underperforms in scenarios where source chat models are already strong. To further improve adapted models, we propose post-hoc techniques that inject information from the source model without requiring any further training. Experiments reveal the effectiveness of our methods, helping the adapted models to achieve performance improvements in 87% of cases.
Authors: Jingze Shi, Bingheng Wu
Abstract: In order to make the foundation model more efficient and effective, our idea is combining sequence transformation and state transformation. First, we prove the availability of rotary position embedding in the state space duality algorithm, which reduces the perplexity of the hybrid quadratic causal self-attention and state space duality by more than 4%, to ensure that the combining sequence transformation unifies position encoding. Second, we propose dynamic mask attention, which maintains 100% accuracy in the more challenging multi-query associative recall task, improving by more than 150% compared to quadratic causal self-attention and state space duality, to ensure that the combining sequence transformation selectively filters relevant information. Third, we design cross domain mixture of experts, which makes the computational speed of expert retrieval with more than 1024 experts 8 to 10 times faster than the mixture of experts, to ensure that the combining state transformation quickly retrieval mixture. Finally, we summarize these matrix algorithms that can form the foundation model: Wonderful Matrices, which can be a competitor to popular model architectures.
Authors: Guoxuan Chen, Han Shi, Jiawei Li, Yihang Gao, Xiaozhe Ren, Yimeng Chen, Xin Jiang, Zhenguo Li, Weiyang Liu, Chao Huang
Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited exceptional performance across a spectrum of natural language processing tasks. However, their substantial sizes pose considerable challenges, particularly in computational demands and inference speed, due to their quadratic complexity. In this work, we have identified a key pattern: certain seemingly meaningless special tokens (i.e., separators) contribute disproportionately to attention scores compared to semantically meaningful tokens. This observation suggests that information of the segments between these separator tokens can be effectively condensed into the separator tokens themselves without significant information loss. Guided by this insight, we introduce SepLLM, a plug-and-play framework that accelerates inference by compressing these segments and eliminating redundant tokens. Additionally, we implement efficient kernels for training acceleration. Experimental results across training-free, training-from-scratch, and post-training settings demonstrate SepLLM's effectiveness. Notably, using the Llama-3-8B backbone, SepLLM achieves over 50% reduction in KV cache on the GSM8K-CoT benchmark while maintaining comparable performance. Furthermore, in streaming settings, SepLLM effectively processes sequences of up to 4 million tokens or more while maintaining consistent language modeling capabilities.
Authors: Seungwook Han, Jinyeop Song, Jeff Gore, Pulkit Agrawal
Abstract: Humans distill complex experiences into fundamental abstractions that enable rapid learning and adaptation. Similarly, autoregressive transformers exhibit adaptive learning through in-context learning (ICL), which begs the question of how. In this paper, we propose concept encoding-decoding mechanism to explain ICL by studying how transformers form and use internal abstractions in their representations. On synthetic ICL tasks, we analyze the training dynamics of a small transformer and report the coupled emergence of concept encoding and decoding. As the model learns to encode different latent concepts (e.g., ``Finding the first noun in a sentence.") into distinct, separable representations, it concureently builds conditional decoding algorithms and improve its ICL performance. We validate the existence of this mechanism across pretrained models of varying scales (Gemma-2 2B/9B/27B, Llama-3.1 8B/70B). Further, through mechanistic interventions and controlled finetuning, we demonstrate that the quality of concept encoding is causally related and predictive of ICL performance. Our empirical insights shed light into better understanding the success and failure modes of large language models via their representations.
Authors: Hongjin Qian, Zheng Liu, Peitian Zhang, Zhicheng Dou, Defu Lian
Abstract: Processing long contexts poses a significant challenge for large language models (LLMs) due to their inherent context-window limitations and the computational burden of extensive key-value (KV) activations, which severely impact efficiency. For information-seeking tasks, full context perception is often unnecessary, as a query's information needs can dynamically range from localized details to a global perspective, depending on its complexity. However, existing methods struggle to adapt effectively to these dynamic information needs. In the paper, we propose a method for processing long-context information-seeking tasks via query-guided Activation Refilling (ACRE). ACRE constructs a Bi-layer KV Cache for long contexts, where the layer-1 (L1) cache compactly captures global information, and the layer-2 (L2) cache provides detailed and localized information. ACRE establishes a proxying relationship between the two caches, allowing the input query to attend to the L1 cache and dynamically refill it with relevant entries from the L2 cache. This mechanism integrates global understanding with query-specific local details, thus improving answer decoding. Experiments on a variety of long-context information-seeking datasets demonstrate ACRE's effectiveness, achieving improvements in both performance and efficiency.
Authors: Ruixin Mao, Aoyu Shen, Lin Tang, Jun Zhou
Abstract: Event-based cameras feature high temporal resolution, wide dynamic range, and low power consumption, which is ideal for high-speed and low-light object detection. Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are promising for event-based object recognition and detection due to their spiking nature but lack efficient training methods, leading to gradient vanishing and high computational complexity, especially in deep SNNs. Additionally, existing SNN frameworks often fail to effectively handle multi-scale spatiotemporal features, leading to increased data redundancy and reduced accuracy. To address these issues, we propose CREST, a novel conjointly-trained spike-driven framework to exploit spatiotemporal dynamics in event-based object detection. We introduce the conjoint learning rule to accelerate SNN learning and alleviate gradient vanishing. It also supports dual operation modes for efficient and flexible implementation on different hardware types. Additionally, CREST features a fully spike-driven framework with a multi-scale spatiotemporal event integrator (MESTOR) and a spatiotemporal-IoU (ST-IoU) loss. Our approach achieves superior object recognition & detection performance and up to 100X energy efficiency compared with state-of-the-art SNN algorithms on three datasets, providing an efficient solution for event-based object detection algorithms suitable for SNN hardware implementation.
Authors: Taeho Hwang, Sukmin Cho, Soyeong Jeong, Hoyun Song, SeungYoon Han, Jong C. Park
Abstract: We introduce EXIT, an extractive context compression framework that enhances both the effectiveness and efficiency of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) in question answering (QA). Current RAG systems often struggle when retrieval models fail to rank the most relevant documents, leading to the inclusion of more context at the expense of latency and accuracy. While abstractive compression methods can drastically reduce token counts, their token-by-token generation process significantly increases end-to-end latency. Conversely, existing extractive methods reduce latency but rely on independent, non-adaptive sentence selection, failing to fully utilize contextual information. EXIT addresses these limitations by classifying sentences from retrieved documents - while preserving their contextual dependencies - enabling parallelizable, context-aware extraction that adapts to query complexity and retrieval quality. Our evaluations on both single-hop and multi-hop QA tasks show that EXIT consistently surpasses existing compression methods and even uncompressed baselines in QA accuracy, while also delivering substantial reductions in inference time and token count. By improving both effectiveness and efficiency, EXIT provides a promising direction for developing scalable, high-quality QA solutions in RAG pipelines. Our code is available at
Authors: Zhongjie Duan, Qianyi Zhao, Cen Chen, Daoyuan Chen, Wenmeng Zhou, Yaliang Li, Yingda Chen
Abstract: The emergence of diffusion models has significantly advanced image synthesis. The recent studies of model interaction and self-corrective reasoning approach in large language models offer new insights for enhancing text-to-image models. Inspired by these studies, we propose a novel method called ArtAug for enhancing text-to-image models in this paper. To the best of our knowledge, ArtAug is the first one that improves image synthesis models via model interactions with understanding models. In the interactions, we leverage human preferences implicitly learned by image understanding models to provide fine-grained suggestions for image synthesis models. The interactions can modify the image content to make it aesthetically pleasing, such as adjusting exposure, changing shooting angles, and adding atmospheric effects. The enhancements brought by the interaction are iteratively fused into the synthesis model itself through an additional enhancement module. This enables the synthesis model to directly produce aesthetically pleasing images without any extra computational cost. In the experiments, we train the ArtAug enhancement module on existing text-to-image models. Various evaluation metrics consistently demonstrate that ArtAug enhances the generative capabilities of text-to-image models without incurring additional computational costs. The source code and models will be released publicly.
Authors: He Yu, Jing Liu
Abstract: Community structures are critical for understanding the mesoscopic organization of networks, bridging local and global patterns. While methods such as DeepWalk and node2vec capture local positional information through random walks, they fail to preserve community structures. Other approaches like modularized nonnegative matrix factorization and evolutionary algorithms address this gap but are computationally expensive and unsuitable for large-scale networks. To overcome these limitations, we propose Two Layer Walk (TLWalk), a novel graph embedding algorithm that incorporates hierarchical community structures. TLWalk balances intra- and inter-community relationships through a community-aware random walk mechanism without requiring additional parameters. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that TLWalk effectively mitigates locality bias. Experiments on benchmark datasets show that TLWalk outperforms state-of-the-art methods, achieving up to 3.2% accuracy gains for link prediction tasks. By encoding dense local and sparse global structures, TLWalk proves robust and scalable across diverse networks, offering an efficient solution for network analysis.
Authors: Xingjian Wang, Li Chai
Abstract: In-the-wild dynamic facial expression recognition (DFER) encounters a significant challenge in recognizing emotion-related expressions, which are often temporally and spatially diluted by emotion-irrelevant expressions and global context. Most prior DFER methods directly utilize coupled spatiotemporal representations that may incorporate weakly relevant features with emotion-irrelevant context bias. Several DFER methods highlight dynamic information for DFER, but following explicit guidance that may be vulnerable to irrelevant motion. In this paper, we propose a novel Implicit Facial Dynamics Disentanglement framework (IFDD). Through expanding wavelet lifting scheme to fully learnable framework, IFDD disentangles emotion-related dynamic information from emotion-irrelevant global context in an implicit manner, i.e., without exploit operations and external guidance. The disentanglement process contains two stages. The first is Inter-frame Static-dynamic Splitting Module (ISSM) for rough disentanglement estimation, which explores inter-frame correlation to generate content-aware splitting indexes on-the-fly. We utilize these indexes to split frame features into two groups, one with greater global similarity, and the other with more unique dynamic features. The second stage is Lifting-based Aggregation-Disentanglement Module (LADM) for further refinement. LADM first aggregates two groups of features from ISSM to obtain fine-grained global context features by an updater, and then disentangles emotion-related facial dynamic features from the global context by a predictor. Extensive experiments on in-the-wild datasets have demonstrated that IFDD outperforms prior supervised DFER methods with higher recognition accuracy and comparable efficiency. Code is available at
Authors: Sheng Yin, Xianghe Pang, Yuanzhuo Ding, Menglan Chen, Yutong Bi, Yichen Xiong, Wenhao Huang, Zhen Xiang, Jing Shao, Siheng Chen
Abstract: With the integration of large language models (LLMs), embodied agents have strong capabilities to execute complicated instructions in natural language, paving a way for the potential deployment of embodied robots. However, a foreseeable issue is that those embodied agents can also flawlessly execute some hazardous tasks, potentially causing damages in real world. To study this issue, we present SafeAgentBench -- a new benchmark for safety-aware task planning of embodied LLM agents. SafeAgentBench includes: (1) a new dataset with 750 tasks, covering 10 potential hazards and 3 task types; (2) SafeAgentEnv, a universal embodied environment with a low-level controller, supporting multi-agent execution with 17 high-level actions for 8 state-of-the-art baselines; and (3) reliable evaluation methods from both execution and semantic perspectives. Experimental results show that the best-performing baseline gets 69% success rate for safe tasks, but only 5% rejection rate for hazardous tasks, indicating significant safety risks. More details and codes are available at